Soon both I and the middle-aged man with horns reached the circular ring. This ring was around a hundred meters in radius and surrounded by few small disks. Within this ring, anyone can fight without fearing breaking the rules.
Within the stage, there were no rules. But that should be within the ring, even a half step out would be critical for a player. So they would do anything they can just to avoid such an accident. After we entered the ring, few scanners scanned our body.
We stood in front of each other, finally, I couldn't bear it and ended up repeating "Give up, you can't win against me!" I tried to make him understand but made him angry instead.
"Humph! Boy, don't get too arrogant. I know you are strong but do you think I am alone?" Just after he said, ten peoples surrounded me. I had already seen them coming even before he spoke. But I didn't move out of the ring.
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