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3.62% Pirate Chronicles / Chapter 5: THE 3RD ACCOUNT: LOWEN'S SMILE 2


"Carole," he uttered.

That was the name I heard him say nights ago when he was having a bad dream. I stared at Lowen to study him. His fists were clenched. I am not sure if he was upset or just controlling himself from doing something. It was very obvious that this woman is very special to him.

For a moment, Lowen and the woman he called Carole stopped and gazed at each other. No words but it seemed like they were having a quiet conversation. But then, a voice called her, "MAMA!!!" A boy came running towards her who held her right hand, followed by a man who put his arm around her shoulder. Carole shut her eyes hard. Disgust showed on her face.

"So you are finally back," the man said pertaining to Lowen. Carole shrugged the man's hold from her shoulders. The man frowned at her and turned towards me, "Where are my manners? I am Sgt. Richard Monroe, Carole's husband and Lowen's best friend," he said then held his hand out.

I heard Lowen scoffed quietly. I accepted the sergeant's hand and introduced myself, "They call me Darling," I said and quickly let go.

Carole looked at me with a subtle hint of indignation. Richard responded, "Ah! Very interesting name. Am I allowed to call you that as well?" he joked.

Lowen replied for me, "I believe our captain would not appreciate that. You can call her 'miss'." Lowen took my elbow and guided me away after saying, "If you'll excuse us." I saw Carole watch us as we left before her son began dragging him away to the other direction.

Lowen was quiet for quite a while. He was not smiling. I can clearly see that he was very upset. I tried breaking the ice, "Are you alright?"

I think he remembered that I was with him because he quickly beamed, "Yes, Miss Darling. I was just lost in thoughts," he said.

I sighed loudly and stopped walking, "You know, you do not have to pretend you are alright if you are not." There! I finally said it. I had wanted to tell him that for a very long time now.

Lowen stopped and turned to me, "What do you mean?"

Lowen could hate me after this but I will meddle. It is for his own good. "I heard you say Carole's name when you were having a nightmare a long time ago. Who is she?"

He looked at me and we were quiet for a while. I was beginning to be unsure as to whether it was the correct decision when he finally spoke. "Carole… she was my former betrothed… er.. fiancee."

"I knew it!" I can't help but say. "The sergeant, he's not really your best friend, is he?" I asked, my curiosity at its peak.

Lowen chuckled after he saw how eager I was. "You know Miss Darling, I am really not comfortable to talk about this but to answer your question, he was before," he said.

"But… I want to know what happened," I insisted.

He sighed. "It's simple really. She chose him," he said sadly.

I know there was more to it but Lowen already made it clear that he does not want to talk about it. "I see… so the sergeant's family is in charge with Patomoso, correct?"

Lowen nodded.

"Are they corrupt?"

"Well… in a way. Their family can get away with doing something morally wrong. They had to increase the tax so they also get money aside from the quota that they need to give Beckforth. They monopolize most of the businesses in the area. But, there were also decent people in that family."


Lowen groaned, "Oh no!!! Richard gets what he wants ALL THE TIME. I'm talking about his father. Richard grew up under his grandfather's tutelage so he grew up rotten. He followed in that old man's footsteps. His father on the other hand, cared for people but since he was born out of wedlock, even if he was the only son, he was not important. No one in his family listens to him," he said.

"How were you best friends with Richard then?"

Lowen thought for a while, "I don't remember. It had always been like that ever since we were young."

"What ended it?" I continued to pry.

Lowen sighed again, "Miss Darling, this is the last question that I will answer. He coveted Carole," he said.

After that, he was determined not to let me ask anymore questions about his private life. He busied himself with accumulating his part of Neville's food supply list. We ended up completing our mission in half the time. Then, we went back to Labyrinth.

During dinner, the crew decided to stay one more day or two in Patomoso so Thaddaeus could finish making some repairs to Labyrinth. I looked at Lowen and although he was quite a bit displeased, he still showed us his smile. He excused himself from dinner first.

I felt sorry for Lowen. I could never imagine his pain. His best friend coveted his fiancee and got what he wanted. After I finished eating, I looked for him. As usual he was by the gunport cleaning the muskets quietly. I slowly approached and sat down on a wooden chest.

He looked at me and sighed already knowing what I am up to. "Miss Darling, you have to let it go," he told me right away.

"Did you? Let go I mean?" I asked.

Lowen looked away. "I thought I did. I smile all the time," he said.

"Honestly, I think you are running away and just hiding what you really feel. Because even though you smile, the sadness in your eyes is very obvious," I replied.

Lowen gave up. He knew that I would not stop until I heard his story. "You really wanted to know what happened five years ago?"

I gave him a faint smile and nodded eagerly, "I promise, it will help you too."

Lowen took a deep breath and told me his memory five years ago....

"Lowen, let's elope," Carole told him with tears streaming down her face. She came to his house and said it was urgent. They were in the backyard when his fiancee started crying.

"I do not understand what is going on? Why are you so upset?" Lowen responded trying to calm his fiancee down.

"Richard's grandfather bribed my uncle so he broke off our engagement," she replied and sniffed.

"Why would he do that?" Lowen was confused. Richard was his best friend.

"I told you. Richard… he lusts for me," Carole said.

"He's my best friend."

Carole shook her head. "You are oblivious on how he looks at me or on his advances when you are not looking."

Lowen clenched his fists. "I will go talk to him," he said.

Carole shook her head again, "There's no time. We have to leave and we have to leave now!"

Lowen smiled at her and held her face in his palms. "Everything will be alright. I will have to tell Father and Mother first. We will leave tonight. Pack your bags and meet me by the pier at seven," he assured her.

Carole nodded. Lowen wiped her tears away with his thumbs and pulled her face closer. He kissed her and she responded. It was a quick one. After, he let her go and Carole left to prepare for her escape.

Lowen quickly went inside the house to tell his parents the news. His father and mother understood. His father withdrew his inheritance money from the bank and gave it to him so he could support Carole. His mother helped him pack his belongings while giving him motherly advice. Then, when he was all prepared, he bid his parents farewell. His mother kissed his cheeks with tears in her eyes and his father told him how he was proud of him. Never did he realize that that was the last moment he will have with them. He waved goodbye.

Lowen was waiting for Carole by the pier, he already bought their ticket to sail away from Patomoso. It was thirty minutes past seven and Carole was still not there. He could not help but worry. He could not put his finger on it but his gut told him something was very wrong so he decided to search for her. He went to her house but her uncle told him that she left already.

His fear grew when an acquaintance saw him and ran to his direction in such urgency. "Lowen! Your house is on fire!"

"What?" he said and ran back to his house. He saw how the fires quickly spread and swallowed the entire structure. He quickly looked around to search for his parents but he couldn't find them. "Where's my Ma and Pa?" he asked one of his neighbors.

No one dared to give him a response. As a matter of fact, the spectators began to disperse. Lowen shook in anger and ran to the burning house but it was too late. The roof collapsed! "MA… PA!!!!" he screamed. Then, his mind went blank as his knees weakened. He knelt on the ground. He felt as if his blood were being drained from his body as he watched the fire turn to smoke and the smoke turned to debris and ashes.

Then, he heard footsteps walking behind him. He looked up. It was Carole. She stood there watching the ruins and then she said with every coldness in her voice, "I will marry Richard. I choose him." Lowen clenched his jaw and looked away while Carole whimpered and walked away.

"As I told you Miss Darling, she chose him," Lowen finished the story in a very quiet voice.

I noticed I was already crying when a tear dropped on the back of my hand. "Oh Lowen," I said and wiped my tears away.

Lowen looked at me, his eyes filled with tears as well. He quickly wiped them away and continued, "After I buried what was left of my Ma and Pa, I heard about Captain Jacob in the docks. He was quite famous as the pirate giving money to the citizens and defying Beckforth. I showed him my skills as a gunner and sailed with him.

"Is Richard's grandfather the one who ordered your house to be burned?"

Lowen nodded, "And the worst part about it, I cannot do anything. Not even take revenge."

"I'm so sorry for asking you, I shouldn't have asked," I said as tears came flowing down my cheeks again.

Lowen seemed to pity me because he smiled, "It's alright Miss Darling. I feel a bit better. It has been five years and I haven't told anyone about what happened. So, thank you for listening to me."

I was about to tell him something when someone called for his name.

"LOWEN!!!! PLEASE!!! HELP ME!!!" It was a woman's voice. I looked at Lowen, we both knew who it was. She continued to wail for help, repeating those words over and over and over again. But, Lowen and I did not move.

Jacob and the rest of the pirates came out from the kitchen because of the commotion. He ordered Urdel and Sandlot to help Carole board the ship. Once she was on the main deck, she scanned the ship and after seeing Lowen, she ran to him.

"Lowen," she uttered as she ran.

After hearing Lowen's story, I can't help but be protective of him so before Carole could reach him I stepped in between them. "What do you want?" I asked her. I might have been glaring because she was taken aback.

Carole sniffed. Her tears began to flow down, "Please… he's the only one I have left to help me."

My eyebrows met, "And what of your husband? Of your uncle?" I asked.

"My uncle was long dead. My husband did this to me," she said and pointed at the purple bruise on her face.

"Serves you right!" I know it might have been harsh but I couldn't help myself… not after knowing Lowen's pain.

Jacob walked towards us and intervened. "Darling, maybe we should hear her out first," he told me.

I closed my eyes trying to contain my anger and looked at Jacob. "But she--" I began but Jacob gently pulled me to his side so I could see Lowen's reaction.

Lowen made a fist as he looked at Carole. Carole pleaded, "Richard took my son... He was furious that you were back and took it out on me…" she said in between sobs.

Lowen's face softened. "He hurt you?" he asked.

Carole whimpered and nodded, "Please help me. There's no one here to help me. Please Lowen…" she begged. From where I stood, Carole did look very helpless.

Lowen covered his eyes with his hand. He tried to hide himself wiping his tears that were threatening to fall. He looked back at Carole, "What would you have me do?" he asked.

"Help me get my son back."

Lowen sighed. "No," he said and walked away.

Carole cried as she slumped down. Jacob caught her in time and led her to sit on one of the wooden chests. "I do not know what is going on but let me talk to Lowen," he assured her then looked at me. "Talk to her, Darling," he asked me.

I shook my head, "After what she did to Lowen? No…" I said as my tears began to fall again.

Jacob smiled at me and stopped my tears before they completely fell down. "There are always two sides to the story. Hear her out… please," he pleaded.

I still do not want to do it but I nodded. Jacob went to follow Lowen but not after telling the crew to look after the ladies. The pirates kept their distance to give me and Carole the privacy to talk. I do not want to talk to her so I just kept staring.

Carole was the first one to break the silence. "Are you Lowen's beloved?" she asked.

"NO!!! Why would you think that?" I answered quickly. That question shocked me. Lowen is just like a brother or a cousin to me.

"Your reaction towards me and his being protective of you," she replied then sniffed. Her eyes were still red from crying.

"Oh that? Well, because here at Labyrinth, we are just like family," I answered and crossed my arms. I am still not convinced that she is a good person.

Carole nodded. "I see…" she said and looked down on her fingers, a bit embarrassed. I saw another tear fell from her eyes.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I sat down beside her, "Alright. What is your side of the story? Why did you choose that despicable man over Lowen?" I decided to give her a benefit of a doubt.

She looked at me. Hope filled her eyes. "I had to. When Lowen and I decided to elope, I went back home to pack my bags. My uncle secretly told Richard about our plans so on my way to meet Lowen, he took me… forcibly," she said and tears began to well up her tears once more.

I held my breath. I think I already know what she was about to say but Carole tried to continue while she shivered, "Richard… he took me to his room... in his grandfather's house and…" she swallowed and clenched her fists, "and…"

I saw how she was struggling so I held her hand. "I understand. You don't have to say it anymore," I told her. She looked at me and tried to smile. "Why didn't you tell Lowen?"

She closed her eyes before she answered, "I wanted to but I couldn't. Richard's grandfather killed Lowen's parents and burned them because of me… because I refused Richard. Richard said that if I continue to deny him, he will kill Lowen too. I was so afraid. Besides how could I face Lowen after Richard defiled me. What do I have to offer him?"

"Oh Carole…" I said. I had totally misjudged her. "I apologize for my rude behavior a while ago."

She nodded, "Now, Richard took the only one that is keeping me from going insane. If I lose my son, how do I live? Please, Miss, help me convince Lowen to help me. After I get my son, we will leave this place." I nodded.

"Is everything you said true?" It was Lowen. We just noticed that he was listening for a while now. Jacob beside him. Lowen was livid. Carole's eyes widened in surprise. "Is it true?" Lowen asked again, his voice raised. Carole nodded. "AHHHHHH!!!!" Lowen screamed. "I am going to kill him," he said and quickly walked away to do what he just said.

"Lowen wait," Carole ran after him.

I was about to run after them but Jacob grabbed my elbow and turned me to him. "Let them talk," he began. "It's five years overdue." Then, he smirked, "Plus, we have another business to attend to."

I looked at him confused, my eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"We're getting her son back," he said. "We're going to the old man's manor."

"Just the two of us?" He nodded. "How about the guards? Why me?" I asked. My voice was in panic.

Jacob smiled, "You know how the boy looks like. It will be faster if it is just the two of us, we can go in and come out easily. They wouldn't suspect you. The guards? You can shoot them. It's good practice," he answered without any worries.

I scoffed in disbelief. He wanted me to shoot at someone! I really cannot believe him. But even though I was in complete disagreement with Jacob, I found myself changing into breeches and taking my pistol. Before we left, he made sure that my pistol was fully loaded and off we went.


"Do you want to drive or shoot?" Jacob asked me as he struck the horses of the buggy to run in full speed. He just told me to shoot the guards that were chasing us after we successfully rescued the boy. There were two groups, three guards in another buggy and a separate rider. Carole's son was currently holding onto Jacob tightly, his head hidden against Jacob's body as he was instructed.

"Are you kidding me?! I do not know how to drive a buggy!" I said out loudly because we were in the middle of a chase.

Jacob looked at me and smiled. "Just as I thought. Now, shoot them!" he answered.

I want to argue but he has a point so I aimed and shot. I missed it. "It's a moving target!" I complained.

"It's good practice! Just keep on! You'll get it!" he encouraged me and then laughed.

I groaned and repositioned myself. I kept on aiming and shooting until my efforts were rewarded. I was able to hit the wheel! The chasers' buggy tumbled over. One more left, the rider. He aimed at me but Jacob was able to maneuver the buggy so he missed. Then it was my turn. I pulled the trigger but I only scraped his shoulder. I groaned. I tried another shot and aimed at the poor horse's thigh this time and thank God I hit the target right away. The horse stumbled on its legs and so did the rider.

I turned around panting. Jacob looked at me and smiled, "Good job!"

I looked back at him, "I'm never doing this again! It was harder than it looked!"

He chuckled in response and continued to drive but not back to the ship.

"Where are we going?!" I asked.

"Give the boy back to his mother!" he answered.

"You know where they are?!"

"I have a hunch!"

Jacob's hunch was on point but what we saw was not the picture I wanted to see. Lowen and Carole were in a clearing. They were currently surrounded but he was still protecting Carole. Richard, obviously, planned the whole ambush. Jacob told me to stay with the boy and to make sure that he will not witness the violence that was about to happen. I hugged Carole's son, his face buried in my shoulders.

I saw Jacob pulled two of his pistols and aimed. Two of the men dropped. Richard's goons looked at Jacob and began to aim but Lowen took a shot after pushing Carole down. The shot surprised Richard's men. I must admit Jacob and Lowen were freaks of nature when it comes to shooting. They were sharpshooters and very quick. In no time after a series of shots, it was just Richard standing.

Richard looked at Lowen. His eyes seething, "You never stop winning, don't you? First, at shooting, then with Carole… and then now. Why don't you let me win just once? I am your best friend after all," he said and aimed at Lowen.

"This is not a game Richard. It never was. These are people's lives! We do not play with people's lives. We do not order for them to be burned alive or take them against their wills. You call me your best friend? But you never acted like one! " Lowen responded and aimed at Richard as well.

Both men were about to pull the trigger but Carole, seeing what was going on stood up and shielded Lowen. "If you want to kill Lowen, just kill me first!" she wailed and began crying. "You already have ruined me anyway! Just end it!"

Richard was stunned. The consequences of his actions finally slapped him to see the truth.That he was a vile man. He was quiet for a while and then said, "You still love him? After all these years?" he asked, his eyes filled with misery.

"Yes and I will never stop!" Carole answered right away. Lowen looked at her, his aim still unwavering.

At Carole''s confession, Richard put his gun down. He chuckled like a crazy person,"I did love you, you know. In my own way… I loved you," he said then pointed the gun at his temple. BANG! It was too fast. Just like that, he was gone.


At the news of Richard's death, his grandfather had a heart attack and became paralyzed. Being the next nearest male kin, Richard's father inherited all the responsibilities of the Monroe's. Lowen said he was a decent man but time will tell if he really was. Carole was finally free!

Before we left to continue our journey, I overheard Carole and Lowen talking. Carole's countenance had improved. Her son, Ferdie was watching them as they talked.

"Thank you for everything," Carole said.

Lowen smiled, "You know I … I also have not stopped loving you. If you had told me sooner what had happened, I would have not left you. I would have taken you away with me."

Carole replied, "Why don't you stay now?" Her eyes were hopeful.

Lowen looked at us then back to Carole, "I have to help Captain Jacob with his mission but after that I will come back for you and we will get married. That, I promise you."

Carole nodded. Lowen bridged the gap between them and gave her a kiss. They lingered like that for a while. The little boy had to close his eyes. After their kiss, Lowen climbed aboard with his face truly beaming.. it was a real smile this time. Then, we set sail.

We were some miles away when Jacob approached Lowen, "That boy…" he said pertaining to Ferdie. "... he looks exactly just like you." He looked at Lowen knowingly. Lowen widened his eyes and turned to look back. I chuckled. Now, he had another reason to come back.

I walked to the end of the ship and watched as Patomoso disappeared from sight. It was yet another fulfilling day. Jacob followed me and leaned on the railings as he faced me.

"You haven't answered the question I asked you the other night. You just ran away and avoided me after," he said.

I sighed deeply, "I do not want to be owned by anyone. I am not a thing,"

"That was not what I meant," he said and looked at me seriously.

I looked at him as well and gave him a faint smile. "I think I understand what you mean. But, the answer is still no," I said. I barely got to do what I want. It was not even a year yet. I do not want to be tied to anyone.

Jacob sighed sadly but smiled after, "Alright then… Understood," he said then walked back to the wheel. I couldn't help but watch him go. I knew I answered correctly but why do I feel miserable? I closed my eyes and sighed deeply.

"Ah!!!! Young love. It must be nice. Reminds me of when I was young," I turned towards the direction of the voice. It was Neville. He handed me a glass filled with a drink of his own concoction.

I looked at him and asked, "So what is your story?"

He chuckled, "In time Miss Darling…. I will tell you in time…"

Izavelle_Brielle Izavelle_Brielle

Darling REJECTED Jacob!!!!!

Next up!!!!


Find out the love story behind Neville's dish: "Tilapia in coconut milk." (Shout out to my Bicolano readers, this one's my homage to you. "Sinanglay")

...Enter Zivi, the exotic beauty of Iwahi who fancies Jacob....

How will Darling react?

Thank you for reading... (Please add to your collection, send a vote, or leave a review... I appreciate you much)

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