"Who could it be?"
Although Veronica voiced it out, everyone was thinking the same.
"…That would be me, I suppose."
Ironin and Sebastian didn't react much but Veronica and Catherine were startled by the voice.
The girls were so busy talking about the people with torches that they didn't notice that someone was approaching them secretly.
The man was tall and had a thin figure. A blue cape covered his body. His fair face was visible under the hood.
He gave them a bashful smile.
"No way! Is that you, Merlin?!" Veronica gasped.
"One and only. It's been a while. Good to see you all in an unexpected situation."
"A while? It's been years! It's good to see you again, Merlin!" Catherine politely greeted him.
'Why is she so polite to him and always fighting with me?' Sebastian thought. He was offended by her discrimination.
"Good to see you too, Lady Catherine," Merlin greeted her back.
Guys, I know I'm supposed to give you 5 chapters. Forgive me for not being able to keep the promise. I wanted a busy life and I got one. I don't have enough time to sleep. I'll compensate you on Christmas Eve as I'll stay home all day.
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