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61.53% High School of Dead: New Evil / Chapter 8: Relic 4: Voyage of Despair

Bab 8: Relic 4: Voyage of Despair

Singer: "A cold sea is breezing by...can we move along..to make it right!~" The woman flashes her white teeth, wearing antique apple red and Snow-white dress that reach to her feet.

Couples and other people dance along by the grand staircase, steadily dancing with trumpets and piano.

"Wheeen can we...gaze into each other eyes!~" The Music ceases while almost everyone clapped, lightly while the Singer and her band bows. The singer and trumpet players leave while the Pianonist plays: setting a gentle tone in the room.

Eyes opened revealing Shizuka in a white and black dress with Charcoal-black fur around her shoulders. Her red lipstick gapes while she noticing her environment.

Shizuka: "Is...this a dream?" She whispers under her breath while a waiter holding a silver plate carrying glasses of champagne approached her. He offered her any, she took the offer.

???: "Hello, madam.~" She looks back to a man in a heavy brown coat. "How are you enjoying your stay in this fine night?" He gives a warm smirk.

" Uh, good actually." She sips her glass. "Who are you by the way?"

"I'm am Diego." He bows kissing her hand while Shizuka looks on in confusion. "May I get the name from the goddess standing before me?" He smirks once more.

"...Shizuka. Ah, hey!" Someone pulled her away from him. "Who are-"

(Captain)Saya: "Quiet!" Saya doesn't gaze back, wearing a captain uniform while Shizuka gasps. Diego watches, smirking until leaving the room. Saya and Shizuka stop on the floor from the bottom of the grand stairs. "Hopefully, you're not the figment of my imagination."

(Guest) Shizuka: "What?"

"It seems so." She sighs while Shizuka gives a dumbfounded gaze. "Are you gonna say something or are you gonna continue to look stupid?"

"I-Are our dreams jointed together?"

Saya raised a brow.


???: "Hey!" They look up the steps to see (Chief) Rei and (Waiter) Marcus. "When do you two get here?" They climb down to the two.

Saya: "Don't know." She looks to the others. "Just woke up, staring at sea."

Marcus: "Same." Everyone looks to Marcus. "I don't what's going on, but let's stick together until we're awake." They nod while a golden energy dome surrounds them. Huh?!

Rei: "What's happening?!" As she said this a black and red orb breezes past the grand staircase and past them.

Man: "MHAAAAAGH!!!" They snapped their heads at the party below. Their skins rot, bits of their hair fall out, they hurl never-ending blood from their throats: staining the spotless floors while their eyes glowed.

Rotting Woman: "He-HELP ME!!!" She crawls towards them, turning on her back coughing uncountably until blood pours from her eyes and mouth.

Shizuka goes to race from the dome, yet Marcus grabs her arm. She looks to Marcus watching gloomily.

"Agh! AGH! AHAAAAAAAA!!!" Her screams heightened as her eyes glow while people from the party were the undead screaming and wandering about.

Rei: "Is this how the dead begun?" Rei gazes at Saya.

Saya: "I don't know...it doesn't add up." Suddenly the dome disappears while the undead snaps their head at them.

Marcus: "RUN!!!" He shouts, waving his arm back.

HAAAAAGH!!!!! The group sprints up the steps while the horde follows stumbling onto each other. Marcus and the others run around climbing another set of steps.

Shizuka: "Ah!" Marcus and the others look back to see Shizuka fell on the mid-section of steps with broken high hills. Zombies followed, one managed to grab her ankle, yet Marcus stomps his head against the steps and quickly pulled Shizuka to her feet. "Thank you!"

Marcus: "Don't thank me yet!" She kicked the hills from her feet.

They ran through the halls of rooms with the dead behind. One tackles Saya against the wall only for Rei to stabs the dead with a Kitchen knife.

Rei: "Get moving!" They reach the end and closes the door shut while Rei, Marcus, and Saya held the door. Ms.Shizuka!

Shizuka: "Y-yeah right!" She looks around. "Hah!" She races over while an arm burst from the door grabbing Rei's chest.

"HAH!" Marcus breaks its arm with his elbow causing it to swing. Shizuka slowly pushes a wooden crate to them and they helped her sealing it up.

The Zombies growls and moans were muffled behind the door and crate while they gaze about. They were on the Poopdeck, the storm hollows the skies.

Shizuka: "This doesn't feel like a dream." Suddenly the ship shakes while they stumble and noticed an iceberg grinding past the ship giving an unsettling high-pitch.

It finally passed while everyone uncovered their ears with their Strife(Pistol).

Rei: "When did we get this?" She goes to questioned the pistol until a voice wallows.

(Announcer) Burakkuu: "You all will race for the Sentinel Key for you're Survival. Challenges will hold until their peak for the final."

Her voice grew silent while the others gazed at one another, frightened.

Wave 1

Marcus 500

Saya 500

Rei 500

Shizuka 500

(Chief)Rei: "We must be dreaming, right?!" She gazed at everyone while Shizuka's gun shakes in her hand. Marcus and the others noticed, he steady her gun and look her in the eyes.

(Waiter)Marcus: "Stay close to me." Shizuka nods, while zombies in tex climbed on the side of the ship and onto the deck slowly stumbling to them. "This must be confusing, but let's get this done and get the Sentinel Key."

They aim their pistols, but Shizuka. They shoot at the small horde climbing the steps. Marcus stops, to gaze at the two while Saya kills two zombies, but Rei isn't landing a mark. The last two slowly climbed the steps towards the four, while Saya goes to finished them off.

"Hold you're fire."

(Captain)Saya: "What?! They're coming this way!" She shouts with a glare while Marcus stands behind Rei and pulls her aim on one.

(Cheif) Rei: "Marcus?" She lightly blushed.

(Waiter)Marcus: "Lock your arms, and spread your feet." He adjusts her posture. "Steady your heart: Focus." Marcus's breath flew past her ear while Rei eyes the iron sight and slowly begins to focus and pulls the trigger getting a headshot.

The zombie in tex rolls downstairs causing the other to trip and fall down with it.

Rei gasp while Marcus smirks. He looks back to Shizuka.

(Guest)Shizuka: "N-no, I'm good." She shakes.

(Captain)Saya: "I hate to say it, but there's no other way." She pushes her glasses to the bridge of her nose while Marcus approached her glancing at the zombie getting up.

(Waiter)Marcus: "Come on, Ms.Shizuka. I'll only teach you this, you don't have to shoot, but you have to stay close to us." She hesitates while Marcus adjusts her posture. Sames goes for you, focus.

Shizuka aimed her shaking gun while the Zombie was five steps away. She shoots but missed. Shizuka jolts and looks away.

"Keep your eyes on it." He coached softly while she gazes back and slowly pulled the trigger.

YeeeAAAAGH!!! The zombies leap at them only for its brain to splatter on the deck. They gazed at the shooter it turns out to be Saya.

(Captian) Saya: "She's not ready." She gazes at Ms.Shizuka gazing down.

(Waiter) Marcus: "That's fine, stay close and followed what I say."

(Guest) Shizuka: "..Yeah." She replied with dread slipping from her throat.

Wave 5

Marcus 2928

Saya 3670

Rei 2456

Shizuka 500

In the engine room filled with water. The four gaze at it.

Marcus: "The ship is sinking." He gazes at the clear water reflecting his face.

Saya: "Duh, we're in the Titanic!" He gazed back to Saya holding an Essex Model 07 (Lever rifle) with an annoyed gazed.

Rei: "You not thinking of swimming in there are you?" She raised a brow.

Marcus: "Do we have a choice?" They gazed back at one another. "Then it's settled." He dips his dress shoe in only for him to jolt back. "Christ! It's cold!"

Saya: "Moved it, you big baby." She pushes Marcus aside climbing the steps down into freezing waters. "Ah! HMMM!!! Ugh!" She goes deeper: going under until coming out with whipping her wet hair and shoving her glasses into her pocket. "Come on!" She dives back in while Everyone looks to one another.

Rei: "Let's not keep her waiting." She goes to take off her clothes.

Marcus: "Wait!" She stops. "You remember what that voice said 'You all' There must be another group." Rei sighs. She goes to dip her shoe-in, but shivers. "Wait, something in the water." Rei and Shizuka scan the water's in panic.

Shizuka: "I don't see it!"

Rei: "Where?!" Marcus pushes her in and dives right after her. They resurfaced while Rei splashes water in his face. "Asshole!!"

Marcus: "We have to hurry this along." He shivers, wiping the water from his eyes to see Rei spouting anger in her's. "I'm sorry?" She dives in while Marcus looks back. "Don't think, jump. Will wait for you at the other end." He dives in while Shizuka collects herself.

Shizuka: "You got this Marikawa." She stares at the water until jumping in and resurfacing. Cold! She dives in.

She gazes at the environment it was the engine room underwater. She swims over the platform and noticed an open door at the end of the room. Shizuka goes to swim through, but a hand grabs her.

"Ah!" Bubbles escape her gapping mouth while an engine worker zombie: jaw was torn off keeping her in place. Its arm was reached between the railing and left-over charcoal holding Shizuka's ankle.

She squirms and trying to kick it off, but it only increases its grip. She screams, but the waters muffled her voice. She begins to see red.


Student: "Ms. Shizuka!! Forgive me! Forgive me!" The student cries, destroying a zombie student's brains with an IV pole.

Through Shizuka's, eyes she gazes past him and talks to herself.

Shizuka: "Hmm, what should I do?" She race to the cabinets. "You know, German?" She looks to Marcus gazing back.

Kakashi: "Step on it!!!" A sprinter stood her ground.

Shizuka: "It will flip--"

Marcus: "DO IT!!!" He roared!

-Flashback ends-

Marcus, Saya, and Rei shake the water off, drying their hair. On a platform in front of a heavy opened door.

Marcus: "I'm staying from this place." He shivers once more while Rei rubs her arms.

Saya: "Shizuka hasn't come up by now." She gazes to the door while the others the same.

Marcus 2928

Saya 3670

Rei 2456

Shizuka 850 +250

Rei: "I'm going after her!" She goes to move, but water splashes from across the door while Shizuka hurls water onto the steel cold floor. "Ms.Shizuka!!" They go to approach yet she aims her pistol at the three. "Shizuka?!"

Saya: "Slow down!"

Marcus: "Hey! Hey!" They stumbled back while Shizuka keeps her aim until dropping the Strife, her tears were ongoing, her sobs echo the room. "...Ms.Shizuka." He goes to pat her back, but Shizuka hugs him causing him to flinch. Rei and Saya look away. "I'm sorry, we're forcing this on you, but we have to do this. We can't get out without your cooperation." She sobbed harder while Marcus's lip shakes.

Wave 20

(Blood Wolf Bite, Dying Wish, Quick Revive, Ethereal Razor)

Marcus 4046

(Blaze Phase, Stamin-up, Death Perception, Deadshot Dealer)

Saya 3457

(Electric-Burst, Stamin-up, Timeslip, Quick Revive)

Rei 3578

(Victorious Tortoise, Mule Kick, Stone Cold Stronghold, Zombshell)

Shizuka 4506


Blood Wolf Bite= Call in a wolf friend

Dying Wish= Turns the tides. Rip n tear.

Stone Cold Stronghold= Holding you're ground make allies strong and your enemies weak

Zombshell= In the radius, zombies slow down and increase your damage

Victorious Tortoise= A barrier when everything goes south

Ethereal Razor= Hand slash that regains small health when killing zombies.

Blaze Phase= Crouch and burst towards your enemy

Death Perception= Be spiderman with a gun and do more damage against weak points.

Deadshot Dealer= Snap aims to head and reduce weapon recoil


Marcus: "AH!" Marcus falls across a table, breaking glass and plates in the Dinning room.

The Towering zombie, eyes and veins-like rubies covered with coal raced to Marcus getting up, yet a wolf with black fur and eyes like the sea. Leaps on a table and onto its back biting at its neck.

Rei: "Hold him still, Luna!" She, Saya, and Shizuka waited for the timing.

Zombies were heard down the hall by the three.

Marcus: "Go, we got this!" They hesitant, but nod racing down the hall with zombies, and a slim tall figure with its gut exchange from dripping magma slowly, walks by. "Ugh!!" He fired his Spitfire(Sub) while the zombie coated with coal(Stoker) Blocks his barraged with a shove in hand and hurls the wolf across the room, hitting the wall. "Luna! You son-a-bitch!" He pulls a Mozu (Double-action Revolver) and blasts his head only for it to stumble back, but push through while coal hits the floor.

Marcus continued until the Stoker hurls the shovel that Marcus dodge yet the Stoker grabs his throat and chokeslams him into a table breaking more glass.

Stoker: Haaa. Haaa. Its deep voice, pants while increasing its grip on Marcus's throat. Marcus scrambles not breaking out of it. His veins pulses while his eyes slowly shift a scarlet-red.

Luna leaps knocking the Stoker from its knees, biting into the struggling Stoker head. It dies while Luna drops its head, panting. Marcus coughs regaining his air while he loses its color.

Marcus: "T-thanks, Luna." She barks while Marcus pets her. "Now, let's find the others." Marcus rubs his throat: holding Moza close to him aiming down the dining path. He turns the corner only for a Brute man to slam him against the wall.

BANG!!! They wrestle for Marcus's gun, he headbutts the brute, but only for him to headbutt him back and flip him on his back. Luna, bites onto his arm.

Brute man: UGH!!! He punches Luna to the floor with a brass knuckle. CLICK! The brute man slowly turns around to Marcus aiming his Moza at him.

Marcus: "Luna get up." He glances at Luna. "Luna!" She sinks into the polished floor while Marcus's gun shakes. "You'll pay for that!!!"

???: "Weapon down." Diego, a woman with scarlet hair, and an old man with a blind eye aim their weapons.

Marcus's eyes gaze at the scarlet-hair woman. A flash of smirking Saeko takes her place, owing Marcus a punch in the face from the brute. He hits the ground while Brute aims his KAP 45(Sub-pistol).

Saya: "Drop it!" She aims her trench shotgun from the opposite side of the hall while Rei and Shizuka M16 and Escargot(Sub).

Diego: "Sera.Shizuka?" Shizuka aims at him, a little petrified.

Scarlet woman: "How did you survive the break?" She gazed, seriously.

Saya: "You read my mind." She gave one back.

Blind eye-old man: "We would like an answer." Diego pulls the Scarlet woman and old man's weapons down.

Diego: "Amigos, relax. It was an accident." He replied in a soothing tone and smirks.

Marcus: "Accident!" He spits blood to the floor. "He attacked me and my WOLF!!!"

Brute: "You surprised me!" He points his thumb to himself shaking his bloody arm only for it to regenerate. The old man sighs.

Blind eye-old man: "Bruno, why did go on you're own?"

Bruno: "I lost you and so I wandered the ship."

Scarlet-woman: "Am I wrong or Did the voice in the skies tell us you're our enemy?" Marcus gets up while Shizuka handshakes. Diego steps in front of the Scarlet woman.

Diego: "Enemy? No, we should work together." He offered while Marcus glares.

Saya: "You think we're stupid?!" Deigo places his Mp40 to the ground and raised his hands.

Blind eye-old man: "What are you doing?!" He whispered.

Diego: "Just do it." He looks back in the corner of his eye. Everyone does the same while Marcus group kept their guns trained. "The final boss is coming, we figured you did some challenges as well since we went to check on it. Did you get that gut feeling during all this?" Everyone kept their guns trained, thinking. "Just us four is not enough to take that thing down, but the eight of us. We can get it done."

Marcus: "You know what happens after that." He glares.

"Not gonna lied it's gonna be a fight. But, we need you more than you need us." Marcus paused, thinking this over.

"Fine." Diego smirks. " Once this over, we won't hold back."

"Same as we." They walk down the hall together while Marcus and his group followed. Marcus was gazing at the Scarlet hair woman only for Rei to pinch him. "Ah! Hey!"

Rei kept silent while the group in front of them glance back and to the hall. The scarlet hair woman stops, walking by Marcus's side.

Scarlet woman: "Can we talk?" She gazed forward.

Marcus: "Fine." They go to stop, but Saya grabs his arm.

Saya: "Stand guard." Marcus nods while He and the Scarlet woman falls behind. They followed Marcus's group.

Scarlet: "The name Scarlet." She gazes forward while Marcus does the same.

Marcus: "Marcus."

"I know you're motivated not to have your name curve onto a gravestone."

"Yes, I got people I need protecting."

"I could understand that." They stay silent while their heels hit the carpet. "I'm am a bit of a journey of myself. I'm looking for my father." He gazed at her. "He was kidnapped by the Order."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I can see you have one too." Marcus clenches his fist looking away. "I'm sorry."

"I've been alone my entire life. Born without knowing my father and mother. I've been moved to foster home to home living with good people that don't last long and bad that I thought it last centuries. Don't use that on me." He glared while she looks away.

"Fair enough...but I see you're hiding more to yourself." Marcus looks back. "The way you looked at me. In you're eyes, you're juggling so many secrets that I can see it slipping bit by bit. Do you wanna know about secrets?" Marcus's eyes stay on her's. "They can always be discovered." She walks ahead while Marcus watches.

Wave 21

The Mystic(Stripped)-(Soundcloud)

Shizuka is grabbing her pack- a- punch Argus(Shotgun) from a portal statue of the poop deck. Bruno appeared while a symbol on the deck disappeared in a flash.

The blind eye-old man approaches him.

Blind eye-old man: "Did you get the artifact?" Bruno shakes his head while everyone approaches the two.

Bruno: "It threw me out before I could grab it, Mr.Shaw." Shaw rubs his brows.

Marcus: "You're telling us, we're stuck here?!" Rei's eyes widen.

Shizuka: "I hate this place..." She slouched while Diego slides to her side.

Diego: "Don't lose hope, sweat heart." He pats her back.

Scarlet: "What can we do?" She looks to Mr.Shaw.

Shaw: "Let me think..." The ship shakes causing everyone to stumbled. A tip of the Iceberg rose from the icy water until its body hovers in front of the ship.

Rei: "Tell me if that supposed to happen?!" Everyone gazed at the Iceberg shaking in a blur.

Saya and Shaw: "That's a dumb question!" The Iceberg was engulfed into a hole revealing a giant blue eyeball in front of the ship. It's pupil slit.

Marcus: "It's not friendly!" An ice beam escapes its eye crashing against the deck and towards them. Everyone dodges, entering cover. Marcus noticed Shizuka shook up. "Shizuka!" She gazes at him. "Give it you're all, I'm behind you!" She slowly nods while a few portals in front of them opened. A few zombies and specials like Stokers, and Catalyst zombies infused with different elements charged. "We got this!"

Everyone aimed their pack-punch weapons and shoots a barraged color-scheme bullet into the horde.

A few zombies approach Marcus running. He shoots aiming his pack-Moza close to his chest: Killing two. One swings, yet he bashes its forehead with the Moza causing it to stumble back. Marcus grabs its wrist and rolls it behind its back: popping its brains. He corkscrews flip kicking another back, kills it with another headshot.

(Fire)Catalyst zombie goes to leaps behind Marcus, but it quickly explodes. He looks back at Bruno with a Kraken(Canon) and turns to the others while Marcus got busy.

A Shoke smacks Saya with the shovel. She hits the wall with a scream, the Shoke aims his shove to her throat, but Shizuka shoots Shoke away and stood by Saya's side. Shizuka's hair glows while a golden light surrounds her like a circle.

Shizuka: Mr.Knight! Ms.Miyamoto! They noticed and gathered around her killing the undead at a fast pace.

Diego: "Take this you son-of-a--" He shoots a pack-punch Hellion Salvo(Missle launcher): hitting the eye. It vibrates while the white flash, blinds everyone.

Standing in an unflooded Engine room stood Marcus, Scarlet, Mr.Shaw, and Saya.

They noticed the zombies sprinting into the room.

Announcer: "Max Ammo!" The phantom voice announced.

Saya: "Thank you?!" She reloads her pack-a-punch Rampage(Automatic Shotgun), glaring at everyone.

Scarlet: "Hold you're ground and focus!" They shoot down the platforms while zombies pour in. They got close yet he pulls his Viper Bite(Lvl 3 Sword). He spins, taking a head off while a Sand Clock power-up appears. He smirks while everyone quickly gazes at it in confusion.

Marcus grabs it.

Announcer: "Time Stop!" A clock ticks until fully slowing to a stop. The ongoing horde stops in place while the environment turns grey.

Marcus: "Release Hell!!!" He hurls the sword landing his mark into the zombie's chest. It's exploded into bits and flames like the others surrounding it. They took their time dispatching them until a flash brings them back to the poopdeck with the others.

Rei: "We're almost there!!" She shouts while Diego shoots a missile hitting the giant eye once more while portals once again release the zombies with two big creatures with arms like blades and yellow sac on its back and elbows(Blightfather's) "Not them!" They vomit while the teams take cover. They glance at the eye charging its beam, but it seems it wants the whole ship.

Marcus: "Scarlet! You and you're group focus on the eye! We got the Blightfather and Zed!" They followed his orders. Marcus hurls the sword hitting the approaching zombie, causing it to exploded killing the others near it. The two blight Fathers kept their distances vomiting glowing yellow goo ball's toward Shizuka. She runs behind cover only for it to hit her.

Shizuka crashes on the ground screaming covered in yellow goo while a barrier surrounds her.

Rei: "We gotta take it out!!!" One burst into yellow a puddle of goo. Saya flicks the lever on her Pack-a-Punch Essex Model 07.

Marcus: "Protect Saya!" The Blight father crawls around the deck while Saya stays in one spot while Marcus and Rei chase it. Shaw slams a Specter of Ra(Staff) while the same bubble from before surrounded his group. They hurl everything in the eye while Marcus was cut by the BlightFather and hits the railing. Zombies approach hitting and biting: dogpiling until Marcus screams his heart out while his veins pulse and eyes shift red.

Luna approached killing a few from him.

(Furious)Marcus:RAAAAAAAAAGH!!! He sprints kicking the legs of a zombie: taking its feet from the ground while punches its skull into a bloody mess. He screams, barreling towards the BlightFather: knocking away zombies and Catalyst causing them to fly or exploded.

Saya shoots its left arm off causing The Blightfather to stumble back with a screech. Rei appeared behind it lasering it, only for the BlightFather to slash at her with its only arm, but Marcus tackles it.

They crash against the railing, by the other four. He punches the face of the blight causing yellow goo to fly and spill on his clothes and he continued, speeding up until grabbing its jaw and upper jaw.

(Furious) Marcus: RAAAAAAAAAA!!! The blight screech until Marcus rips its skull from its jaw: falling from the railing and into cold waters. He pants while his veins and eyes return.

Another missile hits the eye. It vibrates until a light flashes: blinding everyone.

Gold particles rained from the night cold skies while the Sentinel Key hovers on the second floor of the poop deck. Everyone noticed their weapons and wolf missing until sprinting at the key.

Marcus's feet scoops Diego, causing him to hit his face on the polished wooden floor.

Marcus: "Sorry!" He climbs down the steps only for Shaw to jump on his back. "AH!" They roll down to the floor while Bruno goes to grab the Key, but Rei smacks his hand with a wooden broomstick and came up to his twigs and berries.

Bruno: "Ooooh..." He winces falling to his knees: holding them while Rei goes to grab the key, but Scarlet hurls a shock grenade: shocking Rei.

Scarlet: "I'll be needing-- " Saya tackles her to the floor by the key and punches Scarlet. She blocks another and pinches her chest causing Saya to jolt back holding them in pain.

Saya: "YOU DID NOT--" She begins strangling Scarlet while Shizuka gets up, watching the fight.

Marcus: "Get it!" He grunts while Shaw had him in a headlock.

Shaw: "Diego!" Diego and Shizuka look to each other, before racing for the key. They race downstairs to grab the key only for a hand to grab it.

Burakkuu: "Ok, that's enough." She giggles while everyone gazes at her in confusion. "What do you think Samantha?" She approached her and sighs.

Samantha: "I tried to stop her, Marcus."

Marcus: "Huh?" Burakkuu giggles once more.

Burakkuu: "You humans are quite violent. You see-" She held in her laugh. "I'm just yanking your chain."

Everyone, but Samantha: "Yanking your chain?"

"Father let me choose my own rules so I decided to spicy it up, and I may say you all are quite entertaining." She smirks while everyone glares. "Now, I think you four should get going. The Ship is gonna sink in five minutes." Everyone gazed at her in horror. "Chop. Chop." She hurls the Sentinel Key into the hands of Shaw.

He waved to his group and leaves. Rei, Saya, and Shizuka goes to leave.

Burakkuu: "You three are fine." They gazed at her and Marcus. "Thank you for playing." A purple light engulfs the three and shoots to the skies. "And for you're reward." She grasps Marcus's hands.

It shakes, Marcus pulls back while a Wolf eating a bone is now burn into his back right hand(Tattoo). Marcus looks back up at her seeing the same symbol by Slappy taffy.

"You like Luna don't you? A gift from me." Marcus nods, but glared.

"You know." He clenches his fist. " You guys can go fuck your selves." Samantha jolts while Burakkuu raised a brow. "YOU KEEP RELEASING! THESE ABOMINATION'S IN MY WORLD!! He points, approaching Burakkuu. TELL HIS ASS TO STOP!!!" Marcus roars into her unfazed face.

Burakkuu: "I can't do that." Her hand glowed purple, pushing Marcus back causing him to slide across the floor.

Samantha: "Marcus!" She raced to his side while Burakkuu's hand stops glowing.

"You don't understand. My father is the one who started this game, and he's the one that can stop it." Marcus looks up at her holding his chest. "I reframe you from using aggressive attempts against me. Father is very protective." Samantha talks to him while Her eyes gaze at the ocean. "And here they come." She hurls an artifact into Marcus's hands while a Purple light engulfs them and shoots them into the sky.

A Portal opens from afar while two figures crashed into the ocean. A massive tsunami came barreling towards the ship while people exit and notice.

Captian: Back in! BACK IN! He pushes them inside, Burakku smirks at it.

"You two should get a room." The Tsunami engulfs her and the ship.

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Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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