The service was over.
Everyone had said their part and given their condolences to the family.
So now Phil stood alone at his sons grave.
Everyone had parted ways.
Techno, Tubbo and Wilbur had all left for Techno's house.
That left Phil alone to stare at his sons gravestone.
Walking closer he started to sing to the winds.
Leaves from the vine
His voice shook.
Falling so slow
He knelt down next to the headstone.
Like fragile tiny shells
Drifting in the foam
He took off his hat and put it on the floor in front of him.
Little soldier boy
Come marching home
He closed his eyes and put his arms round the cold, stone grave, grasping it tightly.
Brave soldier boy
Comes marching home.
Sobs wracked the mans body as he held tightly to the headstone.
Tears flowed down his face as he held even tighter.
Please Tommy.
Please come home"
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