/ Eastern Fantasy / The Glorious Summoner

The Glorious Summoner

The Glorious Summoner

Eastern Fantasy Lengkap 1,223 Bab 1.0M Dilihat
Penulis: Drunk TigerPenerjemah: Vicky_Editor: Vicky_
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4.04 (50 peringkat)

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This was a world ruled by summoners. In this world, summoners were the most remarkable existences that took center stage. When the mysterious, higher world was within reach, when the recollection of the glorious Huaxia civilization overlapped with reality, the story of the summoners in Great Flame Republic unfolds...


  1. Bobby_Childs_8522
    Bobby_Childs_8522 Berpartisipasi 19550
  2. Ravenor
    Ravenor Berpartisipasi 19548
  3. Ari_Warner
    Ari_Warner Berpartisipasi 19218


Hadiah -- Hadiah diterima

    Status Power Mingguan

    Rank -- Peringkat Power
    Stone -- Power stone

    Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai



    • Kualitas Terjemahan
    • Stabilitas Pembaruan
    • Pengembangan Cerita
    • Desain Karakter
    • Latar Belakang Dunia

    Bagikan pikiran Anda dengan orang lain

    Tulis ulasan

    petition to bring back the world of deities.........................................................................................................................

    Lihat 5 balasan

    When a group of tourists visited a crocodile farm, the owner of the place launched a bold proposal; - Whoever dares to jump, swim to the coast and survive, I'll give you $ 1 million. No one dared to move, suddenly, a man jumped into the water and desperately swam to the shore while being chased by all the crocodiles. With enormous luck came, taking everyone's admiration at the scene, then the owner announced; - We have a brave winner. After collecting his reward, the couple returned to the hotel, upon arrival, the manager told him; he was very brave to jump, then the man said; - I didn't jump, someone pushed me! His wife smiled ... Moral: " Behind every successful man, there's a woman who pushes him.

    Lihat 2 balasan

    The author of this novel is same one as Castle of Black Iron and Siover Overlord. So, as we can expect good world building and good plot. Drunk Tiger has outdone both of this other works by a good margin. The World building and background is good. The cultivation system is interesting too. MC is very calm and rational guy with lot of hidden secrets and is not afraid to break law and get his hands dirty. As we expect from Drunk Tiger , there is simmering undertone of nationalism but seems to be more subdued than others novels and deosnt look like playing a important role. Overall , clearly the best novel of this lot of trial reads with no stupid system , foolish MCs or arrogant young masters. Strongly recommend to vote for this. The quality of novel is quite clear in the Frist 20 chapters though translation could be better.

    Lihat 4 balasan

    real synopsis 1st it's a like bait there ain't a thing about Summoned beats the profession is nothing near typical summoner it's more of a different ability type profession like mind readers ,telepathy , future sight(works like Google Earth) etc then each ability has to merge with some bead which if successful he lives if not then head explodes and there's 2 more beads to merge with, 2nd quite a lot Chinese culture glorification and Nationalism like how some eunich ma discovered American continent and Japan etc countries and how Chinese invented fire which is a bless to rest of the world from them 3rd the whole novel is based of Chinese mythologies so again will be a lot of glorification in future last utterly disappointed in this novel I came for summoner/summoned beasts contract pets sigh but this novel has nothing to do with the word summoner

    Lihat 6 balasan

    This one came as a surprise to me...i was shocked that i actually liked this novel..i was expecting another overdone cliche but this is so much better...i was drawn in by the world building ...this universe has history that dates back more than a hundred years...the system that they have in place to respond to monster emergencies is realistic and the magic system seems to be well thought out ....in my opinion this one is the best in the batch

    Lihat 5 balasan

    The quality of the translation after chapter 40 is mtl. Paying just to read mtl, like why. cba to struggle to read this. I was enjoying the story so far but 40 isn't enough to recommend.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Raw Name: 黄金召唤师 Story is okay. Chapter : 210 Pretty boring..................................................................................

    Lihat 0 balasan
    LV 13 Badge

    the author of COBI (Castle of the Black Iron) and Silver Overlord has a strong patriotism when it comes to his country (based on the 2 previous novel that i read of his) so expect the Hua (china) is a great country / the most powerful nation / powerful soldier and advance technology thingy. His novel is catered more on Chinese rather than international readers but if you liked COBI and Silver Overlord this will be probably also appeal to you

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Welp I only read 5 chapters and it was kinda boring and confusing. The world take place in a modern world where dimensional rifts will appear, basically a portal where monsters will invade the world from. There are multiple grades from G and lower to F and higher (From what I read) Of course mankind can defend against them due people awakening powers. And it seems the mc has awakened clairoyance (Don't if I spelled it right) a long time ago and he is also likes money a lot (The execution is very bad tho) His parents died leaving him with only a sister who is 19 years old. Translation Quality: 3* (3* will be the standard now - sad) SoU: 3* (Each passing year it will only get worse) Story Development: 3* (Although only read 5 chapters, I see no direction) Character Design: 3* (Idk) World Background: 3* (Idk)

    Lihat 5 balasan

    I really liked the story, especially since I read the authors previous stories. Up to chapter 40 translation is good, but after chapter 40 translation becomes similar to mtl. I don't have patience to read such translation no matter how much I like the story. If someone knows where I can read this story with good translation please post in comments.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Is that gandalf on the picture?///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    Lihat 1 balasan

    I liked the historical power system and how the MC plays his advantage of a transmigrated historian/archeologist from the origial Earth. The characters are likable and honestly the whole mystery looming on the cult and doomsday arc is exciting. However due to the poor translation, it became really annoying to read this one. At first i overlooked it hoping that it just a temporary thing, but later on it got worst and it became taxing to keep up with the story. Just the gender of the pronouns were left as female for all character and the unmarked dialog makes youe veins pop.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    DISCLAIMER: this novel is not your average summoner novel. Do not read it expecting one- expect instead, a generally well written Lord of Mysteries inspired novel instead. Though not obvious at first glance, this novel bears great resemblance to one of my (and many others) dearest novels; Lord of Mysteries (formerly Lord of the Mysteries). This, to me, is not a con, since the author of TGS didn't copy the plot of LoM, but instead used it as inspiration. Drunken Tiger manages to inherit many of LoM's strong points- consistent story development, rich background and predictably an interesting plot. However, one thing this novel did not learn from was LoM's immersive character monologuing. The protagonist of this novel is detached from the reader, and character design is something this novel struggles with. The protagonist of TGS is a reincarnator from, presumably, our time. He used to be a historian (just like Klein!) but unlike Klein, he seems well versed in Chinese creation myth rather than Victorian/Tudor stuff. Xian Ping'an is the classic Chinese MC- composed, handsome and emotionless. It doesn't help that we don't get a monologue, nor do we get any hint as to what he thinks, thus contributing to the detachment factor. As for the supporting characters, I have little to say, other than this. They are very 2D. Drunken Tiger tries to have a diversified cast, but ends up with the same-old. Female characters who are all beauties, beefy males and the joker/clown character, whom in other novels is usually the fatty sidekick. Story development is decent. The novel is well paced, but the lack of monologuing and insights is a hit to the development. World background is great. You could, crassly put, call TGS "Lord of Mysteries, but Chinese instead of Victorian". What I mean by this is that while LoM focuses on a world based upon Victorian times, TGS focuses on a world where Chinese culture is widespread instead. Do NOT confuse this with nationalism. There is no nationalism within the first 40 chapters, Huaxia being a major power is a reasonable development and the author does not go out of his way to praise China. Anyway, the author integrates the creation myth of characters like Suiren and Youcha into the power system- something I find irresistibly charming, since other novels rarely dive deep into traditional Chinese culture, save for a rare few. The way summoning is incorporated into the third myth (no spoilers) is unique also, and I must say, those of you expecting anything like your cookie-cutter summoner/pet novel are in for a nasty surprise, since this novel is nothing like those- in a good way. In conclusion, readers of LoM will be constantly be hit with dejavu whilst reading. TGS is a refreshing take of the summoner genre, and is 100% worth the read.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    Its criminal that this book doesn’t have a full 5-star rating. This is an amazing book which brings you into its world and leaves you wanting more. If (like myself) all you’ve been consuming recently is power-fantyasy system novels this is the thing to restore your faith in webnovels and their ability to make you more than a system novel junkie. Also my favourite part is that the main character has secrets that even we, the readers dont know yet. Serious intrigue.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    A very boring story 😰

    Lihat 1 balasan

    For people that writed a review after 5 chaps.. well this one has a slow start, also what you can expect is a parallel world which other worlds try to invade constantly, people that awaken powers + from the monsters killed they can become summoners and something that is not unexpected, Huaxia is powerful, also it seems that the power of summoners are somehow related to Chinsese Mythology, but well no racsism as of yet, still you have to bear with China being the center of the world eh something normal if you read here.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    This book is fire, hehe. Very nice and entertaining. I am waiting for it to be picked. 三尺神剑 三尺神剑好看的书,三尺神剑的书,三尺神剑最新连载,三尺 神剑全部作品,我家鱼塘底下通着异界水潭,躲在冷宫苟成大佬,小说阅读,精彩小说尽在起点中文网. 起点中文网 ...

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Storyline is Ok have some nationalism kinda boring translation Quality is average Give a try to pass time it didn't hook me up..............

    Lihat 0 balasan

    starting chapter 40 above. . quality drop. kind of better version of mtl. dropping this for now

    Lihat 0 balasan
    LV 12 Badge

    Its just a boring book you have to fight yourself to read. its just so boring. Unless your really bored dont read and plz dont be picked.

    Lihat 0 balasan
    Terbaru dirilis:
    Chapter 1223: Chapter 1223: Not Leaving 1 years ago

    Jilid 1

    1. 1
      A Dimensional Invasion 3 years ago
    2. 2
      An Ability 3 years ago
    3. 3
      The State of Emergency Lifted 3 years ago
    4. 4
      A Knock on His Door 3 years ago
    5. 5
      Hunting with Clairvoyance 3 years ago
    6. 6
      Killing Demonic Rats 3 years ago
    7. 7
      Siblings 3 years ago
    8. 8
      A Secret 3 years ago
    9. 9
      Achala, the Immovable Wisdom Lord 3 years ago
    10. 10
      Admission 3 years ago
    11. 11
      Colleagues 3 years ago
    12. 12
      New Recruit 3 years ago
    13. 13
      Fire Rescue 3 years ago
    14. 14
      The Devil’s Eye 3 years ago
    15. 15
      The Devil’s Eye Explained 3 years ago
    16. 16
      Lighters 3 years ago
    17. 17
      A Demonic Spirit 3 years ago
    18. 18
      The Inspector 3 years ago
    19. 19
      Merging With a Boundary Bead 3 years ago
    20. 20
      Suiren, the Forebearer of Fire 3 years ago
    21. 21
      A Perfect Merge 3 years ago
    22. 22
      Baptism 3 years ago
    23. 23
      Becoming Strong 3 years ago
    24. 24
      Adapting 3 years ago
    25. 25
      Divine Altar Boundary Bead 3 years ago
    26. 26
      Youchao 3 years ago
    27. 27
      The Forebearer of Human Civilization 3 years ago
    28. 28
      The Requiem Banner 3 years ago
    29. 29
      A Mission Arrives 3 years ago
    30. 30
      Deathmatch 3 years ago
    31. 31
      The Executioner 3 years ago
    32. 32
      Death By a Whip 3 years ago
    33. 33
      The Divine Being Boundary Bead 3 years ago
    34. 34
      Shennong 3 years ago
    35. 35
      The World’s First Marketplace 3 years ago
    36. 36
      Becoming a Summoner 3 years ago
    37. 37
      Returning to Xianghe City 3 years ago
    38. 38
      Identities and the Ancient Lantern 3 years ago
    39. 39
      Investigation 3 years ago
    40. 40
      The Brain-eater Bug 3 years ago
    41. 41
      The new landlord 1 years ago
    42. 42
      The beating of society 1 years ago
    43. 43
      A coincidental encounter at the hotel 1 years ago
    44. 44
      Chapter 44-Meeting Evil and getting worse 1 years ago
    45. 45
      Chapter 45-worn out iron shoes 1 years ago
    46. 46
      Chapter 46-following the vine to find the melon 1 years ago
    47. 47
      Locking on the target 1 years ago
    48. 48
      Chapter 48-surprise attack 1 years ago
    49. 49
      Chapter 49 kill 1 years ago
    50. 50
      Chapter 50 review 1 years ago
    51. 51
      Chapter 51 end 1 years ago
    52. 52
      Going home 1 years ago
    53. 53
      Chapter 53 moving house 1 years ago
    54. 54
      Slave soldier realm bead 1 years ago
    55. 55
      Chapter 55 Harvest Day 1 years ago
    56. 56
      The martial King is here 1 years ago
    57. 57
      The Battle of Muye 1 years ago
    58. 58
      Chapter 58 chasing King Zhou 1 years ago
    59. 59
      Character attributes 1 years ago
    60. 60
      Chapter 60-Hello, lightsaber! 1 years ago
    61. 61
      Chapter 61 scumbag 1 years ago
    62. 62
      Chapter 62 arrest the murderer 1 years ago
    63. 63
      The club 1 years ago
    64. 64
      Black box realm Pearl 1 years ago
    65. 65
      Black Dragon, the loyal dog 1 years ago
    66. 66
      Chapter 66-locking onto the murderer 1 years ago
    67. 67
      Chapter 67 surprise attack 1 years ago
    68. 68
      Omen of the arrival of the sage 1 years ago
    69. 69
      The meeting 1 years ago
    70. 70
      The challenge 1 years ago
    71. 71
      A storm rises 1 years ago
    72. 72
      The white wooden table 1 years ago
    73. 73
      How can the heavens be blind? 1 years ago
    74. 74
      Chapter 74-straightforward 1 years ago
    75. 75
      Chapter 75 godly act 1 years ago
    76. 76
      Chasing in panic 1 years ago

    Jilid 2

    1. 77
      Chapter 77-arrival of the Saint 1 years ago
    2. 78
      Chapter 78 ambush 1 years ago
    3. 79
      Chapter 79 invasion 1 years ago
    4. 80
      Spatial Rift 1 years ago
    5. 81
      The demonic fire Spider 1 years ago
    6. 82
      Fighting in the water 1 years ago
    7. 83
      Chapter 83 the Cangjie realm bead 1 years ago
    8. 84
      Chapter 84 fusion 1 years ago
    9. 85
      The origin realm 1 years ago
    10. 86
      The situation 1 years ago
    11. 87
      Chapter 87 pacifying the soul 1 years ago
    12. 88
      Chapter 88-Army priest 1 years ago
    13. 89
      The GAO family manor 1 years ago
    14. 90
      Chapter 90 live (congratulations to xinzk for becoming the league leader of this book) 1 years ago
    15. 91
      Chicken feathers all over the ground 1 years ago
    16. 92
      Plans 1 years ago
    17. 93
      Carving a boat to seek a sword 1 years ago
    18. 94
      Fusion 1 years ago
    19. 95
      The table can talk 1 years ago
    20. 96
      Revealing the truth 1 years ago
    21. 97
      A new realm Pearl 1 years ago
    22. 98
      Chapter 98-worsening situation 1 years ago
    23. 99
      Chapter 99 farewell 1 years ago
    24. 100
      Great changes 1 years ago
    25. 101
      A bloody battle to the end 1 years ago
    26. 102
      Summoning Cangjie 1 years ago
    27. 103
      The secret master of the mandala 1 years ago
    28. 104
      Chapter 104 saving people 1 years ago
    29. 105
      Summoning the Black Tortoise 1 years ago
    30. 106
      Chapter 106 cloud of doubt 1 years ago
    31. 107
      Runic bullet 1 years ago
    32. 108
      Chapter 1078-victory in the first battle 1 years ago
    33. 109
      Chapter 109 spider's nest 1 years ago
    34. 110
      The airport 1 years ago
    35. 111
      A loyal warrior 1 years ago
    36. 112
      Chapter 112 ammunition warehouse 1 years ago
    37. 113
      The underground revelry 1 years ago
    38. 114
      Li guizhen learns painting 1 years ago
    39. 115
      Chapter 115 more than just painting 1 years ago
    40. 116
      Chapter 106-good things come in pairs 1 years ago
    41. 117
      Preparation 1 years ago
    42. 118
      The explosion 1 years ago
    43. 119
      Chapter 119-reveal 1 years ago
    44. 120
      Reinforcements 1 years ago
    45. 121
      Gathering 1 years ago
    46. 122
      Chapter 121 evacuation 1 years ago
    47. 123
      Mount yunwan base 1 years ago
    48. 124
      Change 1 years ago
    49. 125
      2-Yuan realm 1 years ago
    50. 126
      Conflict 1 years ago
    51. 127
      Chapter 127 life bet 1 years ago
    52. 128
      Chapter 128 establishing might 1 years ago
    53. 129
      The battle of annihilation 1 years ago
    54. 130
      Triumphant return in the blizzard 1 years ago
    55. 131
      Arrangements 1 years ago
    56. 132
      Ambush 1 years ago
    57. 133
      The curse of the demonic Wolf 1 years ago
    58. 134
      Chapter 134 God of War Wu Qi 1 years ago
    59. 135
      Breaking the peace 1 years ago
    60. 136
      Back to xinchuan 1 years ago
    61. 137
      Chapter 137 Yan duo is back 1 years ago
    62. 138
      Chapter 138 intense battle 1 years ago
    63. 139
      Chapter 139 joining hands 1 years ago
    64. 140
      The family's Secret 1 years ago
    65. 141
      Chapter 141-waiting for the rabbit 1 years ago
    66. 142
      Ambush 1 years ago
    67. 143
      Notice 1 years ago
    68. 144
      Return to Xianghe 1 years ago
    69. 145
      Chapter 145-recovering 1 years ago
    70. 146
      The arrival of the old master 1 years ago
    71. 147
      The problem 1 years ago
    72. 148
      Chapter 148 the heaven mending plan 1 years ago
    73. 149
      Parting 1 years ago
    74. 150
      Chapter 149 the fifth batch 1 years ago
    75. 151
      Worth it 1 years ago
    76. 152
      Chapter 152 bet 1 years ago
    77. 153
      A storm 1 years ago
    78. 154
      Chapter 154-haunting 1 years ago
    79. 155
      The base 1 years ago
    80. 156
      Chapter 156 the path to godhood 1 years ago
    81. 157
      The last night 1 years ago
    82. 158
      Chapter 158 teleportation 1 years ago
    83. 159
      An accident 1 years ago
    84. 160
      The secret treasure 1 years ago
    85. 161
      Dawan city 1 years ago
    86. 162
      Chapter 162 temporarily trapped 1 years ago
    87. 163
      The Golden Cicada leaves its shell 1 years ago
    88. 164
      Shangjing 1 years ago
    89. 165
      Dispute 1 years ago
    90. 166
      The selection 1 years ago
    91. 167
      Contest of strength 1 years ago
    92. 168
      Wisdom and force 1 years ago
    93. 169
      Chapter 169-overcoming difficulties 1 years ago
    94. 170
      The result 1 years ago
    95. 171
      The fearless house 1 years ago
    96. 172
      Mission test 1 years ago
    97. 173
      Chapter 173 Xu GUI 1 years ago
    98. 174
      The fatal trap 1 years ago
    99. 175
      Chapter 175 eliminating evil 1 years ago
    100. 176
      Saving the beauty 1 years ago
    101. 177
      Completing the mission 1 years ago
    102. 178
      Chapter 178 reward 1 years ago
    103. 179
      The blood demon church 1 years ago
    104. 180
      Chapter 180 meeting again 1 years ago
    105. 181
      The second fusion 1 years ago
    106. 182
      The one sun realm 1 years ago
    107. 183
      Chapter 183 giant cannon 1 years ago
    108. 184
      The night market 1 years ago
    109. 185
      Trouble 1 years ago
    110. 186
      Picking up an immortal 1 years ago
    111. 187
      An immortal taking in a disciple (1) 1 years ago
    112. 188
      An immortal taking in a disciple (2) 1 years ago
    113. 189
      Entering Qin 1 years ago
    114. 190
      Chapter 190 1 years ago
    115. 191
      Chapter 191 breaking the situation 1 years ago
    116. 192
      Chapter 192 breaking out 1 years ago
    117. 193
      Chapter 193 take action 1 years ago
    118. 194
      Destruction 1 years ago
    119. 195
      A new identity 1 years ago
    120. 196
      First arrival at the Dao state 1 years ago
    121. 197
      Impartial and incorruptible 1 years ago
    122. 198
      Chapter 198 1 years ago
    123. 199
      The truth behind it 1 years ago
    124. 200
      The child of the God of Fortune 1 years ago
    125. 201
      Wanted 1 years ago
    126. 202
      Chapter 202 Dream Master 1 years ago
    127. 203
      The New World 1 years ago
    128. 204
      Fox tail 1 years ago
    129. 205
      Chapter 205 conspiracy 1 years ago
    130. 206
      Heart palpitations 1 years ago
    131. 207
      Tian Guang's courage 1 years ago
    132. 208
      Back to the pawnshop 1 years ago
    133. 209
      Chapter 209 setting the bait 1 years ago
    134. 210
      Chapter 210-playing hard to get 1 years ago
    135. 211
      Chapter 211 fight 1 years ago
    136. 212
      Chapter 212-acquired 1 years ago
    137. 213
      The Dream Master 1 years ago
    138. 214
      Chapter 214 confirmation 1 years ago
    139. 215
      Business 1 years ago
    140. 216
      Key information 1 years ago
    141. 217
      Chapter 217-apotheosis first 1 years ago
    142. 218
      Assassination 1 years ago
    143. 219
      Contest of strength 1 years ago
    144. 220
      Control 1 years ago
    145. 221
      Chapter 221 young master yang 1 years ago
    146. 222
      Chapter 222-talent 1 years ago
    147. 223
      Chapter 223 the beginning of chaos 1 years ago
    148. 224
      Chapter 224-young girl 1 years ago
    149. 225
      The men of Yanzhao (1) 1 years ago
    150. 226
      The men of Yanzhao (2) 1 years ago
    151. 227
      Chapter 227 acting as her own character 1 years ago
    152. 228
      Joining the army and entering Yanmen 1 years ago
    153. 229
      Chapter 229 pushing the giant wheel 1 years ago
    154. 230
      Chapter 230 double sun realm 1 years ago
    155. 231
      The storm cavalry 1 years ago
    156. 232
      Chapter 232 real estate 1 years ago
    157. 233
      Chapter 223 tower of Zhou 1 years ago
    158. 234
      Chapter 224-the arrival of an important guest 1 years ago
    159. 235
      Chapter 235 dream occupying 1 years ago
    160. 236
      Chapter 236 change 1 years ago
    161. 237
      The three sun realm 1 years ago
    162. 238
      The inspector 1 years ago
    163. 239
      A new official 1 years ago
    164. 240
      Chapter 240 inspection department 1 years ago
    165. 241
      Chapter 241-earning some hard money 1 years ago
    166. 242
      The situation 1 years ago
    167. 243
      Chapter 243 all kinds of people 1 years ago
    168. 244
      Chapter 244 peace breeds wealth 1 years ago
    169. 245
      The Pearl forest 1 years ago
    170. 246
      Chapter 246-digging the ground to see his mother 1 years ago
    171. 247
      Chapter 247 getting rid of scum 1 years ago
    172. 248
      Chapter 248 tracking 1 years ago
    173. 249
      Chapter 249 Huang Manor 1 years ago
    174. 250
      The sky-burning Vermilion Bird 1 years ago
    175. 251
      The young master of Huang family 1 years ago
    176. 252
      Chapter 252-capturing the murderer with Iron Hands 1 years ago
    177. 253
      Chapter 253-multiple obstacles 1 years ago
    178. 254
      Chapter 254-iron cavalry trampling the long Street 1 years ago
    179. 255
      Chapter 255 the strong take action 1 years ago
    180. 256
      Chapter 256 furious slash 1 years ago
    181. 257
      Law and regulation Department 1 years ago
    182. 258
      Thoughts 1 years ago
    183. 259
      The aftermath of the Huang family 1 years ago
    184. 260
      Black Dragon, the divine Dog 1 years ago
    185. 261
      Scepter of judgment 1 years ago
    186. 262
      Chapter 262 settling accounts 1 years ago
    187. 263
      Chapter 263 the case of wind and thunder 1 years ago
    188. 264
      Can't be provoked 1 years ago
    189. 265
      Preparations 1 years ago
    190. 266
      Chapter 266 hou Yuan 1 years ago
    191. 267
      Chapter 267-the art of thieving the heavens 1 years ago
    192. 268
      Four-sun realm 1 years ago
    193. 269
      Chapter 269 subduing 1 years ago
    194. 270
      Chapter 270 coincidental encounter 1 years ago
    195. 271
      Chapter 271 shocking change 1 years ago
    196. 272
      Means 1 years ago
    197. 273
      Iron steed binghe 1 years ago
    198. 274
      Chapter 274-fortunate 1 years ago
    199. 275
      The ringing gold realm Pearl 1 years ago
    200. 276
      Chapter 276 encounter 1 years ago
    201. 277
      Chapter 277 plan 1 years ago
    202. 278
      Water demon 1 years ago
    203. 279
      Chapter 279 sacrifice 1 years ago
    204. 280
      Memorial 1 years ago
    205. 281
      Chapter 281-liuzi that can fly 1 years ago
    206. 282
      Chapter 282-following the vine to find the melon 1 years ago
    207. 283
      Chapter 283 1 years ago
    208. 284
      Chapter 284 ghost slave 1 years ago
    209. 285
      A man is worse than a dog 1 years ago
    210. 286
      Another auction 1 years ago
    211. 287
      News from the demon sect 1 years ago
    212. 288
      The potential of the realm Pearl 1 years ago
    213. 289
      The moment of life and death 1 years ago
    214. 290
      Chapter 290 exploration 1 years ago
    215. 291
      Chapter 291 encounter again 1 years ago
    216. 292
      Enemy 1 years ago
    217. 293
      Chapter 293 capture 1 years ago
    218. 294
      Intimidating 1 years ago
    219. 295
      Chapter 295-promise 1 years ago
    220. 296
      The night of restlessness (1) 1 years ago
    221. 297
      The night of restlessness (2) 1 years ago
    222. 298
      Chapter 298-Gan Luo ziye 1 years ago
    223. 299
      Chapter 299 capture 1 years ago
    224. 300
      Pet pig 1 years ago
    225. 301
      Chapter 301 (returning to the capital 1 years ago
    226. 302
      The royal family 1 years ago
    227. 303
      Gathering 1 years ago
    228. 304
      Chapter 304 chaos 1 years ago
    229. 305
      The battle 1 years ago
    230. 306
      Powerful 1 years ago
    231. 307
      Generous gift 1 years ago
    232. 308
      Chapter 308 subduing 1 years ago
    233. 309
      Poison of the black evil spirit 1 years ago
    234. 310
      Returning to the camp 1 years ago
    235. 311
      The dream of the Yellow Emperor 1 years ago
    236. 312
      Spirit realm temple 1 years ago
    237. 313
      Five-sun realm 1 years ago
    238. 314
      Entering the spirit world for the first time 1 years ago
    239. 315
      Try 1 years ago
    240. 316
      Search 1 years ago
    241. 317
      Chapter 317-assassination again 1 years ago
    242. 318
      Gift-giving 1 years ago
    243. 319
      Monster of the spirit world 1 years ago
    244. 320
      The first battle of the golems 1 years ago
    245. 321
      Secret skill 1 years ago
    246. 322
      Three hundred and twenty two soul power 1 years ago
    247. 323
      Demon hunting 1 years ago
    248. 324
      Behind the shock 1 years ago
    249. 325
      Chapter 325 caught 1 years ago
    250. 326
      The interrogation 1 years ago
    251. 327
      Chapter 327 1 years ago
    252. 328
      Devil's Den 1 years ago
    253. 329
      Chapter 329-tragic beyond compare 1 years ago
    254. 330
      Chapter 330 borrowing a knife 1 years ago
    255. 331
      Arrangements 1 years ago
    256. 332
      The destroyer 1 years ago
    257. 333
      Chapter 323-anger between man and God 1 years ago
    258. 334
      Chapter 324-Thunder 1 years ago
    259. 335
      Chapter 325-life is like a play 1 years ago
    260. 336
      The Golden Cicada leaves its shell 1 years ago
    261. 337
      Chapter 327-shock in all directions 1 years ago
    262. 338
      Demigod's wrath 1 years ago
    263. 339
      Pursuit 1 years ago
    264. 340
      The border 1 years ago
    265. 341
      Chapter 341 desert bandits 1 years ago
    266. 342
      Passing the test 1 years ago
    267. 343
      Secluded Mountain City 1 years ago
    268. 344
      Coincidental encounter 1 years ago
    269. 345
      Uninvited guest 1 years ago
    270. 346
      Assassination 1 years ago
    271. 347
      Chapter 347 harvest 1 years ago
    272. 348
      Chapter 348-continuous fusion 1 years ago
    273. 349
      Summoning the divine Thunder 1 years ago
    274. 350
      Tower of heroes 1 years ago
    275. 351
      Surprise attack 1 years ago
    276. 352
      Chapter 352-danger arrives 1 years ago
    277. 353
      Chapter 353 1 years ago
    278. 354
      Revenge 1 years ago
    279. 355
      Chapter 355-siege 1 years ago
    280. 356
      Chapter 356 1 years ago
    281. 357
      The blade Dancer 1 years ago
    282. 358
      The arrival of the heavenly Lord 1 years ago
    283. 359
      Chapter 359 fight 1 years ago
    284. 360
      Chapter 360 old acquaintance 1 years ago
    285. 361
      Offering the city as a sacrifice 1 years ago
    286. 362
      The blood demon descends 1 years ago
    287. 363
      Chapter 363 plan 1 years ago
    288. 364
      The insect world of the God of Slaughter 1 years ago
    289. 365
      Subduing the giant 1 years ago
    290. 366
      The vine of life 1 years ago
    291. 367
      A secret within a secret 1 years ago
    292. 368
      Chapter 368 1 years ago
    293. 369
      The strange black worm 1 years ago
    294. 370
      Chapter 370 killing the strange insect 1 years ago
    295. 371
      The giant turtle is here 1 years ago
    296. 372
      Chapter 372 1 years ago
    297. 373
      The sagemaster world bead 1 years ago
    298. 374
      Wan Shen sect 1 years ago
    299. 375
      Chapter 375 choice 1 years ago
    300. 376
      Magic tools and soul tools 1 years ago
    301. 377
      Chapter 377 involvement 1 years ago
    302. 378
      The demigods 1 years ago
    303. 379
      Chapter 379-a Tiger in the way 1 years ago
    304. 380
      Undying city 1 years ago
    305. 381
      A surprise 1 years ago
    306. 382
      New world 1 years ago
    307. 383
      Light at the end of the tunnel 1 years ago
    308. 384
      Spiritual realm monarch 1 years ago
    309. 385
      Dream and reality 1 years ago
    310. 386
      The strange person in the cave 1 years ago
    311. 387
      Secret soul refining technique 1 years ago
    312. 388
      Chapter 388-victory in the beginning 1 years ago
    313. 389
      A new realm Pearl 1 years ago
    314. 390
      Chapter 390 a blind eye 1 years ago
    315. 391
      Uninvited guest 1 years ago
    316. 392
      Chapter 392-bad guys 1 years ago
    317. 393
      Chapter 393 a trap within a trap 1 years ago
    318. 394
      Chapter 394-making bogus accusations 1 years ago
    319. 395
      Eliminating scum 1 years ago
    320. 396
      The Dragon-snake sting 1 years ago
    321. 397
      The plan 1 years ago
    322. 398
      Chapter 398-one man against an entire country 1 years ago
    323. 399
      Chapter 399-Tiger support 1 years ago
    324. 400
      The strange man in the sea 1 years ago
    325. 401
      The nine sons of Cloud Island 1 years ago
    326. 402
      Soul-stabilizing Pearl 1 years ago
    327. 403
      The Sea King's Association 1 years ago
    328. 404
      Strange person 1 years ago
    329. 405
      Chapter 405 1 years ago
    330. 406
      True Lord netherworld River 1 years ago
    331. 407
      Chapter 407 headshot 1 years ago
    332. 408
      Underwater Dragon 1 years ago
    333. 409
      Killing the mermen 1 years ago
    334. 410
      Continue to break through 1 years ago
    335. 411
      The powerful assassin 1 years ago
    336. 412
      Chapter 412 gift 1 years ago
    337. 413
      Young master Qing Ji 1 years ago
    338. 414
      Chapter 414 1 years ago
    339. 415
      Chapter 415-accidents 1 years ago
    340. 416
      Chapter 416 1 years ago
    341. 417
      Chapter 417-the realm of reflection 1 years ago
    342. 418
      The flying Yaksha 1 years ago
    343. 419
      The Eight Immortals crossing the sea 1 years ago
    344. 420
      Fellow disciples 1 years ago
    345. 421
      Miaoyan true illusion divine Palace 1 years ago
    346. 422
      Chapter 422 the man in the mirror 1 years ago
    347. 423
      Chapter 423 1 years ago
    348. 424
      The West Lake 1 years ago
    349. 425
      The old man ancient sword 1 years ago
    350. 426
      Like orchid like snow 1 years ago
    351. 427
      Marquis Wu 1 years ago
    352. 428
      Chapter 428-fortuitous encounter 1 years ago
    353. 429
      Assassination along the corridor 1 years ago
    354. 430
      Chapter 430-unjust 1 years ago
    355. 431
      Unexpected 1 years ago
    356. 432
      Chapter 432 1 years ago
    357. 433
      Divine artifact fragment 1 years ago
    358. 434
      Chapter 434-good character 1 years ago
    359. 435
      Array 1 years ago
    360. 436
      Returning to the undying city again 1 years ago
    361. 437
      Master long (5000-word chapter) 1 years ago
    362. 438
      Special treatment 1 years ago
    363. 439
      Meeting 1 years ago
    364. 440
      Chapter 440 1 years ago
    365. 441
      Clearing the name of the Saints 1 years ago
    366. 442
      Great change 1 years ago
    367. 443
      Exiting seclusion 1 years ago
    368. 444
      Soul tool Hall 1 years ago
    369. 445
      Chapter 445 Hall Master 1 years ago
    370. 446
      Chapter 446 benefits 1 years ago
    371. 447
      Surrounded 1 years ago
    372. 448
      A bloody battle to the end (4000 word chapter) 1 years ago
    373. 449
      Flame King Kong 1 years ago
    374. 450
      Finally advanced 1 years ago
    375. 451
      Clone technique 1 years ago
    376. 452
      The visitor 1 years ago
    377. 453
      Chapter 453 1 years ago
    378. 454
      Chapter 454 despicable villain 1 years ago
    379. 455
      Chapter 455-the Dao is ten feet higher 1 years ago
    380. 456
      Chapter 456-it's impolite not to reciprocate 1 years ago
    381. 457
      Deacon of the annihilation order 1 years ago
    382. 458
      Rejoining 1 years ago
    383. 459
      Revenge 1 years ago
    384. 460
      Incident 1 years ago
    385. 461
      Chapter 461 accumulation 1 years ago
    386. 462
      The legend of zhao jun 1 years ago
    387. 463
      Preparing a clone 1 years ago
    388. 464
      Back to Earth 1 years ago
    389. 465
      The chaotic city 1 years ago
    390. 466
      Chapter 466-double-crossing 1 years ago
    391. 467
      Chapter 467 exchange of fire 1 years ago
    392. 468
      Chapter 468 1 years ago
    393. 469
      Chapter 469 patience 1 years ago
    394. 470
      Chapter 470 1 years ago
    395. 471
      Bounty 1 years ago
    396. 472
      An unexpected arrival 1 years ago
    397. 473
      The bug King 1 years ago
    398. 474
      Chapter 474 1 years ago
    399. 475
      Chapter 475 escape 1 years ago
    400. 476
      Chapter 476 chaotic situation 1 years ago
    401. 477
      Cunning 1 years ago
    402. 478
      Chapter 478-escaped 1 years ago
    403. 479
      Cloud Island 1 years ago
    404. 480
      Exposed 1 years ago
    405. 481
      Chapter 481-each with their own means 1 years ago
    406. 482
      Chapter 482-the show begins 1 years ago
    407. 483
      Chapter 483-hooked 1 years ago
    408. 484
      Chapter 484 1 years ago
    409. 485
      Chapter 485-both sides suffer 1 years ago
    410. 486
      Chapter 486 1 years ago
    411. 487
      Monkey transformation 1 years ago
    412. 488
      Chapter 488-training hall inside the shell 1 years ago
    413. 489
      Chapter 489-Wei's Army 1 years ago
    414. 490
      Returning to the spirit world 1 years ago
    415. 491
      A misunderstanding 1 years ago
    416. 492
      Chapter 492 apprentice Emily 1 years ago
    417. 493
      Surprise attack 1 years ago
    418. 494
      Chapter 494 1 years ago
    419. 495
      Chapter 495-a Motley crowd 1 years ago
    420. 496
      Explosive increase in strength 1 years ago
    421. 497
      Chapter 497-monkey 1 years ago
    422. 498
      Chapter 498-double-crossing 1 years ago
    423. 499
      Destruction 1 years ago
    424. 500
      Chapter 500-fight 1 years ago
    425. 501
      Arrival 1 years ago
    426. 502
      The Golden footprints 1 years ago
    427. 503
      Chapter 503 1 years ago
    428. 504
      The world is too small 1 years ago
    429. 505
      Forming a clone 1 years ago
    430. 506
      Chapter 506 return 1 years ago
    431. 507
      Change 1 years ago
    432. 508
      Chapter 508 1 years ago
    433. 509
      The sea snake Island 1 years ago
    434. 510
      Shu Dao is in trouble 1 years ago
    435. 511
      Chapter 512-I was harmed by cow dung 1 years ago
    436. 512
      Real alchemy 1 years ago
    437. 513
      Chapter 513 Yang Hu 1 years ago
    438. 514
      Chapter 514 1 years ago
    439. 515
      The setting sun is infinitely good 1 years ago
    440. 516
      Operation 1 years ago
    441. 517
      Chapter 517 return 1 years ago
    442. 518
      Contact 1 years ago
    443. 519
      Chapter 519 cooperation 1 years ago
    444. 520
      Chapter 520-old friend 1 years ago
    445. 521
      Mobilizing the people in Paris 1 years ago
    446. 522
      Chapter 522 meeting in a dream 1 years ago
    447. 523
      Chapter 523-fierce Cui Hao 1 years ago
    448. 524
      The fate of the cui family 1 years ago
    449. 525
      Chapter 525 divine armament 1 years ago
    450. 526
      Chapter 526 Dragon division 1 years ago
    451. 527
      Family love 1 years ago
    452. 528
      Chapter 528 tunnel 1 years ago
    453. 529
      Chapter 529-siege 1 years ago
    454. 530
      Chapter 530-taking a stroll 1 years ago
    455. 531
      An unexpected discovery 1 years ago
    456. 532
      Chapter 532 1 years ago
    457. 533
      Chapter 533 return 1 years ago
    458. 534
      Business 1 years ago
    459. 535
      An unforeseen event 1 years ago
    460. 536
      Chapter 536-friends 1 years ago
    461. 537
      Becoming Su Dongpo 1 years ago
    462. 538
      Chapter 538 1 years ago
    463. 539
      Dream 1 years ago
    464. 540
      Chapter 540-enlightenment by the sagemaster 1 years ago
    465. 541
      Chapter 541-business 1 years ago
    466. 542
      The mysterious Mr. Zhang 1 years ago
    467. 543
      The emperor's sword 1 years ago
    468. 544
      Good luck 1 years ago
    469. 545
      Mythical realm Pearl 1 years ago
    470. 546
      The middleman 1 years ago
    471. 547
      Chapter 547-news 1 years ago
    472. 548
      An important clue 1 years ago
    473. 549
      A discovery 1 years ago
    474. 550
      The underground tomb 1 years ago
    475. 551
      Chapter 551 1 years ago
    476. 552
      Battle corpse 1 years ago
    477. 553
      Chapter 553-the truth is out 1 years ago
    478. 554
      Decision making 1 years ago
    479. 555
      Chapter 555-open source 1 years ago
    480. 556
      Earth escape secret technique 1 years ago
    481. 557
      Chapter 557-start 1 years ago
    482. 558
      A discovery 1 years ago
    483. 559
      Chapter 559 1 years ago
    484. 560
      The guest 1 years ago
    485. 561
      Great harvest 1 years ago
    486. 562
      Chapter 562 negotiation 1 years ago
    487. 563
      Preparation 1 years ago
    488. 564
      A huge commotion 1 years ago
    489. 565
      The Guardian 1 years ago
    490. 566
      Back to the capital 1 years ago
    491. 567
      New boundary Pearl 1 years ago
    492. 568
      The underground safe house 1 years ago
    493. 569
      Chapter 569-ji Chang learns archery 1 years ago
    494. 570
      Shooting without shooting 1 years ago
    495. 571
      The old lair 1 years ago
    496. 572
      High-level spirit herder 1 years ago
    497. 573
      Chapter 573 Facebook 1 years ago
    498. 574
      The goddess Island 1 years ago
    499. 575
      Chapter 575-it's easier to do things with money 1 years ago
    500. 576
      Chapter 576 1 years ago
    501. 577
      Finally, Seven Suns 1 years ago
    502. 578
      Devouring space 1 years ago
    503. 579
      Target: the noble spirit Mountain 1 years ago
    504. 580
      Killing evil with a single sword 1 years ago
    505. 581
      Chapter 581 1 years ago
    506. 582
      Chapter 582-trapped in a siege 1 years ago
    507. 583
      The battle 1 years ago
    508. 584
      The noble spirit Mountain 1 years ago
    509. 585
      The opportunity to enter the divine spring 1 years ago
    510. 586
      The test 1 years ago
    511. 587
      Chapter 587 poison 1 years ago
    512. 588
      Chaos 1 years ago
    513. 589
      Appearance 1 years ago
    514. 590
      The vestigial tribe appears 1 years ago
    515. 591
      A contest 1 years ago
    516. 592
      Divine spring in hand 1 years ago
    517. 593
      The ethereal opening realm 1 years ago
    518. 594
      Life-saving means 1 years ago
    519. 595
      A major event 1 years ago
    520. 596
      Sect mission 1 years ago
    521. 597
      The south-pointing chariot 1 years ago
    522. 598
      The heavenly movement sect 1 years ago
    523. 599
      Time for the performance 1 years ago
    524. 600
      Saint lady's old friend 1 years ago
    525. 601
      Chapter 601-reason 1 years ago
    526. 602
      Chapter 602-humans can achieve great Dao 1 years ago
    527. 603
      Chapter 603 1 years ago
    528. 604
      Chapter 604-one word for Yao 1 years ago
    529. 605
      Conditions 1 years ago
    530. 606
      Chapter 606 reward 1 years ago
    531. 607
      Why do you raise pigs in the forbidden garden? 1 years ago
    532. 608
      Tian Xing's enemy 1 years ago
    533. 609
      Chapter 609 surrounded 1 years ago
    534. 610
      Chapter 610 reversal 1 years ago
    535. 611
      A strange place 1 years ago
    536. 612
      Robbery 1 years ago
    537. 613
      The Graveyard of the Gods 1 years ago
    538. 614
      The undead bug is here 1 years ago
    539. 615
      Chapter 615-coming back to life 1 years ago
    540. 616
      Escape 1 years ago
    541. 617
      The desert prison 1 years ago
    542. 618
      The Scorpion tide 1 years ago
    543. 619
      The divine tomb 1 years ago
    544. 620
      The obsession of the skeleton 1 years ago
    545. 621
      The body of a God 1 years ago
    546. 622
      Chapter 622 1 years ago
    547. 623
      Chapter 623-forget it 1 years ago
    548. 624
      God's secret treasure 1 years ago
    549. 625
      Guardian 1 years ago
    550. 626
      Xia Lai Fu 1 years ago
    551. 627
      Refining 1 years ago
    552. 628
      Chapter 628-searching 1 years ago
    553. 629
      To save or kill 1 years ago
    554. 630
      Killing the strong 1 years ago
    555. 631
      Waking up 1 years ago
    556. 632
      Chapter 632-traveling together 1 years ago
    557. 633
      Chapter 633 encounter 1 years ago
    558. 634
      Crazy God 1 years ago
    559. 635
      Chapter 635-poor man 1 years ago
    560. 636
      Dragon Horn city 1 years ago
    561. 637
      Chapter 637 1 years ago
    562. 638
      Chapter 638-huge mistake 1 years ago
    563. 639
      The Three Treasures 1 years ago
    564. 640
      The eye of heavenly Dao 1 years ago
    565. 641
      The God's hand 1 years ago
    566. 642
      Chapter 642-Mad God's Dao 1 years ago
    567. 643
      Chapter 643-breaking into the core 1 years ago
    568. 644
      Combining Dharma and martial arts 1 years ago
    569. 645
      Son of God 1 years ago
    570. 646
      Chapter 646 aunt Gongsun 1 years ago
    571. 647
      Chapter 647-auspicious item 1 years ago
    572. 648
      Chapter 648 1 years ago
    573. 649
      Benevolence 1 years ago
    574. 650
      A cultivation map 1 years ago
    575. 651
      Huge change 1 years ago
    576. 652
      The profound meaning of fist 1 years ago
    577. 653
      Misunderstanding 1 years ago
    578. 654
      Chapter 654-must bear the weight 1 years ago
    579. 655
      Challenge to battle 1 years ago
    580. 656
      The secret Street 1 years ago
    581. 657
      A new realm Pearl 1 years ago
    582. 658
      Chapter 658 1 years ago
    583. 659
      The ten great Son of God 1 years ago
    584. 660
      Chapter 660-accumulated steps 1 years ago
    585. 661
      Indestructible body of Vajra 1 years ago
    586. 662
      Chapter 662-big day 1 years ago
    587. 663
      Chapter 663 1 years ago
    588. 664
      Intense battle 1 years ago
    589. 665
      Chapter 665-equal 1 years ago
    590. 666
      Chapter 666-turning the tables 1 years ago
    591. 667
      Marriage alliance 1 years ago
    592. 668
      Chapter 668 1 years ago
    593. 669
      Chapter 669-concentration 1 years ago
    594. 670
      News 1 years ago
    595. 671
      Chapter 671 silly girl 1 years ago
    596. 672
      Timely 1 years ago
    597. 673
      Chapter 672 saving the beauty 1 years ago
    598. 674
      Chapter 674 escape 1 years ago
    599. 675
      Shock 1 years ago
    600. 676
      Chapter 676-love rival 1 years ago
    601. 677
      Chapter 677 1 years ago
    602. 678
      Chapter 678 1 years ago
    603. 679
      New boundary Pearl 1 years ago
    604. 680
      A battle of wits and courage 1 years ago
    605. 681
      Revenge 1 years ago
    606. 682
      Breaking the city with a single punch 1 years ago
    607. 683
      Trampling 1 years ago
    608. 684
      Chapter 684 1 years ago
    609. 685
      Blood oath of mandala 1 years ago
    610. 686
      I've laid my cards on the table 1 years ago
    611. 687
      Chapter 687 exchange 1 years ago
    612. 688
      Chapter 688 Wu Ju 1 years ago
    613. 689
      Two peaches killing three warriors 1 years ago
    614. 690
      Chapter 690-red River 1 years ago
    615. 691
      Loyalty and righteousness are in the hearts of the people 1 years ago
    616. 692
      The name of the sagemaster 1 years ago
    617. 693
      Danger 1 years ago
    618. 694
      Chapter 694 1 years ago
    619. 695
      Chapter 695-delivered to the door 1 years ago
    620. 696
      Chapter 696-a super act 1 years ago
    621. 697
      Acting skills 1 years ago
    622. 698
      Perfect 1 years ago
    623. 699
      Explosive increase in strength 1 years ago
    624. 700
      Unexpected exposure 1 years ago
    625. 701
      Chapter 701-all-seeing 1 years ago
    626. 702
      Forbidden land of God 1 years ago
    627. 703
      Light at the end of the tunnel 1 years ago
    628. 704
      Strange change 1 years ago
    629. 705
      Try 1 years ago
    630. 706
      Fusion 1 years ago
    631. 707
      The eight Suns realm 1 years ago
    632. 708
      Chapter 708 1 years ago
    633. 709
      One bone, one heavenly ladder 1 years ago
    634. 710
      Shattered 1 years ago
    635. 711
      An uproar 1 years ago
    636. 712
      Chapter 711 encounter 1 years ago
    637. 713
      The challenge 1 years ago
    638. 714
      Chapter 713-contest 1 years ago
    639. 715
      Reputation 1 years ago
    640. 716
      The Heavenly King token 1 years ago
    641. 717
      News from the wood Wyrm continent 1 years ago
    642. 718
      Chapter 717-Saint path 1 years ago
    643. 719
      Ambush 1 years ago
    644. 720
      Chapter 719 reversal 1 years ago
    645. 721
      Revenge 1 years ago
    646. 722
      Chapter 721-success of thieving heaven technique 1 years ago
    647. 723
      The mirror and the bug 1 years ago
    648. 724
      Chapter 723 1 years ago
    649. 725
      New secret technique 1 years ago
    650. 726
      Chapter 725 1 years ago
    651. 727
      Chapter 726-situation 1 years ago
    652. 728
      Chapter 727 1 years ago
    653. 729
      Returning to Great Yan again 1 years ago
    654. 730
      Her boyfriend 1 years ago
    655. 731
      New contest 1 years ago
    656. 732
      Give me the name list 1 years ago
    657. 733
      Meeting 1 years ago
    658. 734
      The highest order 1 years ago
    659. 735
      Arrangement 1 years ago
    660. 736
      A Kingdom Knight 1 years ago
    661. 737
      The Luo clan 1 years ago
    662. 738
      Chapter 737-trampled 1 years ago
    663. 739
      The beginning of fission 1 years ago
    664. 740
      Chapter 739-clay chickens and clay dogs 1 years ago
    665. 741
      The gate to the spirit realm 1 years ago
    666. 742
      Trap 1 years ago
    667. 743
      The dream demon appears 1 years ago
    668. 744
      Natal spiritual item 1 years ago
    669. 745
      Unexpected gain 1 years ago
    670. 746
      Cleansing 1 years ago
    671. 747
      Chapter 746-plan 1 years ago
    672. 748
      The test 1 years ago
    673. 749
      Chapter 748-risking his life 1 years ago
    674. 750
      The secret vault of the realm Pearl 1 years ago
    675. 751
      Realm Pearl 1 years ago
    676. 752
      An unexpected situation 1 years ago
    677. 753
      Sovereign Fuxi 1 years ago
    678. 754
      The nine suns 1 years ago
    679. 755
      Chapter 754-General's benevolence 1 years ago
    680. 756
      Corpse worm technique 1 years ago
    681. 757
      Chapter 756-meeting in a dream 1 years ago
    682. 758
      The spirit realm emissary 1 years ago
    683. 759
      The dowry 1 years ago
    684. 760
      Chapter 758-activation 1 years ago
    685. 761
      Purple flame Emperor 1 years ago
    686. 762
      The Heavenly King sect 1 years ago
    687. 763
      The undying 1 years ago
    688. 764
      Chapter 763-the guest has turned the host 1 years ago
    689. 765
      Blood oath 1 years ago
    690. 766
      The secret realm's test 1 years ago
    691. 767
      Chapter 766-realm of extreme silence 1 years ago
    692. 768
      Chapter 767-a small test of the superior blade 1 years ago
    693. 769
      New journey 1 years ago
    694. 770
      The boundless mountain 1 years ago
    695. 771
      The myriad realm battlefield 1 years ago
    696. 772
      Entering 1 years ago
    697. 773
      The battlefield 1 years ago
    698. 774
      Chapter 773-killing 1 years ago
    699. 775
      Chapter 774 reversal 1 years ago
    700. 776
      Chapter 775-obtaining it without any effort 1 years ago
    701. 777
      Opening 1 years ago
    702. 778
      God's spiritual eye 1 years ago
    703. 779
      The cultivation Pagoda 1 years ago
    704. 780
      The heart of a Saint King 1 years ago
    705. 781
      Fusion 1 years ago
    706. 782
      Chapter 781-exiting the tower 1 years ago
    707. 783
      Chapter 782-exchange 1 years ago
    708. 784
      Chapter 783 1 years ago
    709. 785
      Chapter 784-a trap within a trap 1 years ago
    710. 786
      Business 1 years ago
    711. 787
      Chapter 786 1 years ago
    712. 788
      He Yunshan 1 years ago
    713. 789
      I'm the mine owner 1 years ago
    714. 790
      Approaching 1 years ago
    715. 791
      Chapter 790 1 years ago
    716. 792
      War God's fire 1 years ago
    717. 793
      Chapter 792-harvest 1 years ago
    718. 794
      Haggling 1 years ago
    719. 795
      Chapter 794-mutual use 1 years ago
    720. 796
      Chapter 795-gate of all wonders 1 years ago
    721. 797
      The great Dao 1 years ago
    722. 798
      Grand Elder 1 years ago
    723. 799
      Clear sky 1 years ago
    724. 800
      Bait 1 years ago
    725. 801
      Surrounded 1 years ago
    726. 802
      Great battle 1 years ago
    727. 803
      Chapter 802-contest 1 years ago
    728. 804
      The correct usage of the heaven usurping technique 1 years ago
    729. 805
      Killing a demigod 1 years ago
    730. 806
      Great victory 1 years ago
    731. 807
      Chapter 806-delivered to the door 1 years ago
    732. 808
      Back to the base 1 years ago
    733. 809
      The ancestral Dragon has no regrets 1 years ago
    734. 810
      One step to become a demigod 1 years ago
    735. 811
      An old friend 1 years ago
    736. 812
      The opening of the divine path 1 years ago
    737. 813
      Chapter 812-spreading wings 1 years ago
    738. 814
      The mysteries of the heavens 1 years ago
    739. 815
      The great battlefield 1 years ago
    740. 816
      A sword challenging an Army of a thousand 1 years ago
    741. 817
      Taking the bait 1 years ago
    742. 818
      A fresh move 1 years ago
    743. 819
      Eating all over the world 1 years ago
    744. 820
      A miracle 1 years ago
    745. 821
      Comprehension 1 years ago
    746. 822
      Chapter 822-another understanding 1 years ago
    747. 823
      One hundred and eight people 1 years ago
    748. 824
      The arrival of the great battle 1 years ago
    749. 825
      God-level summoning 1 years ago
    750. 826
      The name of a venerable sovereign 1 years ago
    751. 827
      Chapter 827-returning to Heavenly King sect 1 years ago
    752. 828
      The situation 1 years ago
    753. 829
      The divine realm 1 years ago
    754. 830
      The nine sons meet 1 years ago
    755. 831
      Chapter 831-drunk together 1 years ago
    756. 832
      Companion 1 years ago
    757. 833
      Chapter 833-happy reunion 1 years ago
    758. 834
      Narration 1 years ago
    759. 835
      The person in my heart 1 years ago
    760. 836
      Chapter 836-love 1 years ago
    761. 837
      Difficult to part 1 years ago
    762. 838
      Appearance 1 years ago
    763. 839
      The sea 1 years ago
    764. 840
      Chapter 840-massacre 1 years ago
    765. 841
      Chapter 841: fatal blow 1 years ago
    766. 842
      Chapter 842-big fish 1 years ago
    767. 843
      Chapter 843-sublimation 1 years ago
    768. 844
      Shocking the world with a single battle 1 years ago
    769. 845
      An invincible posture 1 years ago
    770. 846
      Chapter 846-return 1 years ago
    771. 847
      Contribution 1 years ago
    772. 848
      An agreement 1 years ago
    773. 849
      Surprise attack 1 years ago
    774. 850
      Undying 1 years ago
    775. 851
      The investigation Bureau 1 years ago
    776. 852
      Chapter 852 life 1 years ago
    777. 853
      Friends 1 years ago
    778. 854
      The journey 1 years ago
    779. 855
      Chapter 855-fighting in the carriage 1 years ago
    780. 856
      Divine prison 1 years ago
    781. 857
      An explanation 1 years ago
    782. 858
      Chapter 858-report 1 years ago
    783. 859
      The first mission 1 years ago
    784. 860
      The test 1 years ago
    785. 861
      The executioner 1 years ago
    786. 862
      Chapter 862: difficulties 1 years ago
    787. 863
      Mr. Coin 1 years ago
    788. 864
      Chapter 864 equipment 1 years ago
    789. 865
      The green-clothed emissary 1 years ago
    790. 866
      Chapter 866-second trial 1 years ago
    791. 867
      Chapter 867-investigation 1 years ago
    792. 868
      Chapter 868 1 years ago
    793. 869
      Supernatural detective Corporation 1 years ago
    794. 870
      Meeting 1 years ago
    795. 871
      Condition 1 years ago
    796. 872
      The graveyard 1 years ago
    797. 873
      The terrifying waxwork museum 1 years ago
    798. 874
      Abnormal 1 years ago
    799. 875
      Chapter 875: prison trial 1 years ago
    800. 876
      The reward 1 years ago
    801. 877
      Chapter 877: traces 1 years ago
    802. 878
      Chapter 878-involvement 1 years ago
    803. 879
      The guest 1 years ago
    804. 880
      Poisoned 1 years ago
    805. 881
      Chapter 881-poisoning 1 years ago
    806. 882
      Arrangements 1 years ago
    807. 883
      A shocking change 1 years ago
    808. 884
      Intense battle 1 years ago
    809. 885
      Fate 1 years ago
    810. 886
      The noble lady 1 years ago
    811. 887
      Chapter 887: removing poison 1 years ago
    812. 888
      An apology 1 years ago
    813. 889
      Chapter 889-big profit 1 years ago
    814. 890
      Chapter 890-a righteous man 1 years ago
    815. 891
      Thieves of the Condor country 1 years ago
    816. 892
      The second level 1 years ago
    817. 893
      The mission 1 years ago
    818. 894
      The battle 1 years ago
    819. 895
      Tracking 1 years ago
    820. 896
      Earned! 1 years ago
    821. 897
      Technique 1 years ago
    822. 898
      Chapter 898-cooperation 1 years ago
    823. 899
      Completed 1 years ago
    824. 900
      Black market reception 1 years ago
    825. 901
      The proof 1 years ago
    826. 902
      Chapter 902 Yu Yunwen 1 years ago
    827. 903
      Smooth sailing 1 years ago
    828. 904
      Gift 1 years ago
    829. 905
      Chapter 905 1 years ago
    830. 906
      An invitation 1 years ago
    831. 907
      Chapter 907 1 years ago
    832. 908
      Male companion 1 years ago
    833. 909
      A marriage alliance 1 years ago
    834. 910
      Ambush and chance encounter 1 years ago
    835. 911
      Clues 1 years ago
    836. 912
      Old friend 1 years ago
    837. 913
      Step by step, rainbow 1 years ago
    838. 914
      The guest 1 years ago
    839. 915
      The journey 1 years ago
    840. 916
      A gathering 1 years ago
    841. 917
      Locking on 1 years ago
    842. 918
      Invisible 1 years ago
    843. 919
      The program 1 years ago
    844. 920
      Seizing 1 years ago
    845. 921
      Unparalleled limelight 1 years ago
    846. 922
      A contest 1 years ago
    847. 923
      A surprise 1 years ago
    848. 924
      Poison kill 1 years ago
    849. 925
      The answer to the riddle 1 years ago
    850. 926
      Consecutive fusions 1 years ago
    851. 927
      The sixth level 1 years ago
    852. 928
      Evil person 1 years ago
    853. 929
      Chapter 929-making a fortune in silence 1 years ago
    854. 930
      An accident 1 years ago
    855. 931
      The response 1 years ago
    856. 932
      An opportunity in danger 1 years ago
    857. 933
      The hunt 1 years ago
    858. 934
      Taiyi 1 years ago
    859. 935
      The situation 1 years ago
    860. 936
      Preparations 1 years ago
    861. 937
      Immortal encounter 1 years ago
    862. 938
      Negotiation 1 years ago
    863. 939
      The ruler 1 years ago
    864. 940
      Strange phenomenon 1 years ago
    865. 941
      Pushing back picture 1 years ago
    866. 942
      Farewell 1 years ago
    867. 943
      All prologue 1 years ago
    868. 944
      The land of the divine seal 1 years ago
    869. 945
      Devouring 1 years ago
    870. 946
      Preparations 1 years ago
    871. 947
      The profound mystery of the giant tower 1 years ago
    872. 948
      The first battle 1 years ago
    873. 949
      Night attack 1 years ago
    874. 950
      Chapter 950-complete annihilation 1 years ago
    875. 951
      The birth of the weapon immortal 1 years ago
    876. 952
      The response 1 years ago
    877. 953
      Magical effect 1 years ago
    878. 954
      The situation 1 years ago
    879. 955
      Grim 1 years ago
    880. 956
      The strategy 1 years ago
    881. 957
      Subduing the flying Scorpion 1 years ago
    882. 958
      Island exploration 1 years ago
    883. 959
      Ten trillion 1 years ago
    884. 960
      Departure 1 years ago
    885. 961
      Destruction 1 years ago
    886. 962
      The pressure of Mount Tai 1 years ago
    887. 963
      A complete victory 1 years ago
    888. 964
      Underground adventure 1 years ago
    889. 965
      Bestowing the seal 1 years ago
    890. 966
      The giant 1 years ago
    891. 967
      Leaving the island 1 years ago
    892. 968
      Teleportation 1 years ago
    893. 969
      The Battle of Gods 1 years ago
    894. 970
      Great battle 1 years ago
    895. 971
      The military camp 1 years ago
    896. 972
      A choice 1 years ago
    897. 973
      The divine Palace 1 years ago
    898. 974
      Annihilate the enemy 1 years ago
    899. 975
      The ancient God 1 years ago
    900. 976
      The fisherman 1 years ago
    901. 977
      Taking action 1 years ago
    902. 978
      Overbearing fist 1 years ago
    903. 979
      A pair of foxes 1 years ago
    904. 980
      The secret of the ancient God 1 years ago
    905. 981
      The ancient castle 1 years ago
    906. 982
      Passing the test 1 years ago
    907. 983
      Great array 1 years ago
    908. 984
      The battle of the blood sea 1 years ago
    909. 985
      Devouring 1 years ago
    910. 986
      The heart of the ancient God 1 years ago
    911. 987
      Leaving 1 years ago
    912. 988
      Scripture library 1 years ago
    913. 989
      A strange place 1 years ago
    914. 990
      Military merits realm bead 1 years ago
    915. 991
      Leaving his name in history 1 years ago
    916. 992
      The inheritance (1) 1 years ago
    917. 993
      The inheritance (2) 1 years ago
    918. 994
      Divine Tree and divine bird 1 years ago
    919. 995
      The secrets of the deity heart 1 years ago
    920. 996
      Secret manual 1 years ago
    921. 997
      Chapter 997 1 years ago
    922. 998
      Black Flame 1 years ago
    923. 999
      The coming of a storm 1 years ago
    924. 1000
      The response 1 years ago
    925. 1001
      War god arena 1 years ago
    926. 1002
      Fighting and killing 1 years ago
    927. 1003
      The return 1 years ago
    928. 1004
      Joining 1 years ago
    929. 1005
      Crossing paths 1 years ago
    930. 1006
      The battle 1 years ago
    931. 1007
      Dao-performing tower 1 years ago
    932. 1008
      Taking action 1 years ago
    933. 1009
      Emperor's divine fist 1 years ago
    934. 1010
      Great victory 1 years ago
    935. 1011
      After the battle 1 years ago
    936. 1012
      An accident 1 years ago
    937. 1013
      Warning 1 years ago
    938. 1014
      Use 1 years ago
    939. 1015
      A fatal trap 1 years ago
    940. 1016
      Chapter 1016-complete annihilation 1 years ago
    941. 1017
      The harvest 1 years ago
    942. 1018
      The core 1 years ago
    943. 1019
      Strange birth 1 years ago
    944. 1020
      Righteousness Qi fills Cang Ming 1 years ago
    945. 1021
      Not satisfied 1 years ago
    946. 1022
      Winning the weak with the strong 1 years ago
    947. 1023
      Being targeted 1 years ago
    948. 1024
      Repairing 1 years ago
    949. 1025
      The fun of a demigod 1 years ago
    950. 1026
      Young master PEI 1 years ago
    951. 1027
      The more you play, the bigger it gets 1 years ago
    952. 1028
      The world's first class figure 1 years ago
    953. 1029
      Divine soul flag 1 years ago
    954. 1030
      A discussion 1 years ago
    955. 1031
      Real and fake 1 years ago
    956. 1032
      Good fortune 1 years ago
    957. 1033
      An inquiry 1 years ago
    958. 1034
      The reason 1 years ago
    959. 1035
      Chapter 1035: gathering and dispersing 1 years ago
    960. 1036
      Zu Di's Northern Expedition 1 years ago
    961. 1037
      A coincidental encounter 1 years ago
    962. 1038
      Another win 1 years ago
    963. 1039
      The secret cultivation tower 1 years ago
    964. 1040
      Exiting seclusion 1 years ago
    965. 1041
      A mysterious mission 1 years ago
    966. 1042
      A net 1 years ago
    967. 1043
      The Dao is ten feet higher 1 years ago
    968. 1044
      The spiritual wilderness 1 years ago
    969. 1045
      Intense battle 1 years ago
    970. 1046
      A sneak attack works 1 years ago
    971. 1047
      Killing 1 years ago
    972. 1048
      Divine Master 1 years ago
    973. 1049
      The battle group 1 years ago
    974. 1050
      A coincidental encounter 1 years ago
    975. 1051
      Senior heaven mending 1 years ago
    976. 1052
      Past events 1 years ago
    977. 1053
      Exchange 1 years ago
    978. 1054
      Vicious plan 1 years ago
    979. 1055
      The place where God breaks the whip (1) 1 years ago
    980. 1056
      God's place of snapping the whip (2) 1 years ago
    981. 1057
      Living up to the common people 1 years ago
    982. 1058
      Means 1 years ago
    983. 1059
      The effect 1 years ago
    984. 1060
      Chapter 1060-daily progress 1 years ago
    985. 1061
      Chapter 1061: eliminating evil 1 years ago
    986. 1062
      The reason 1 years ago
    987. 1063
      A breakthrough 1 years ago
    988. 1064
      Igniting the divine flame 1 years ago
    989. 1065
      Sealed 1 years ago
    990. 1066
      Entering 1 years ago
    991. 1067
      The underground palace battle formation 1 years ago
    992. 1068
      The undying Army 1 years ago
    993. 1069
      Strength exposed 1 years ago
    994. 1070
      Variable 1 years ago
    995. 1071
      Opening the Treasure Vault 1 years ago
    996. 1072
      Comparisons 1 years ago
    997. 1073
      The Conflict 1 years ago
    998. 1074
      Burning 1 years ago
    999. 1075
      Passing the Test 1 years ago
    1000. 1076
      The Gate of Death 1 years ago
    1001. 1077
      Riding the Dust 1 years ago
    1002. 1078
      Obtained 1 years ago
    1003. 1079
      A Great Formation 1 years ago
    1004. 1080
      Revealing His Strength 1 years ago
    1005. 1081
      Massacre 1 years ago
    1006. 1082
      The Movement 1 years ago
    1007. 1083
      Method 1 years ago
    1008. 1084
      Dragon Rearing Clan 1 years ago
    1009. 1085
      A Ten Feet Higher 1 years ago
    1010. 1086
      Someone Arrives 1 years ago
    1011. 1087
      Blocking the Way 1 years ago
    1012. 1088
      The Pressure of Mount Tai 1 years ago
    1013. 1089
      Eliminating Evil 1 years ago
    1014. 1090
      Destroying the Enemy 1 years ago
    1015. 1091
      Treacherous Waves and Clouds 1 years ago
    1016. 1092
      Small Thing 1 years ago
    1017. 1093
      Standing Out 1 years ago
    1018. 1094
      A Welcome 1 years ago
    1019. 1095
      Cooperation 1 years ago
    1020. 1096
      Heavenly Teacher 1 years ago
    1021. 1097
      Celestial Master Hall 1 years ago
    1022. 1098
      Meeting 1 years ago
    1023. 1099
      The Contest Begins 1 years ago
    1024. 1100
      The Little One 1 years ago
    1025. 1101
      The Appearance of a Celestial Adept 1 years ago
    1026. 1102
      Congratulations to the Black-robed Gorath for Becoming the Silver Alliance Master 1 years ago
    1027. 1103
      Great Victory 1 years ago
    1028. 1104
      Ten Feet Higher 1 years ago
    1029. 1105
      A Trap Within A Trap 1 years ago
    1030. 1106
      Taking Action 1 years ago
    1031. 1107
      Return 1 years ago
    1032. 1108
      University 1 years ago
    1033. 1109
      Congrats to Kongling for Becoming the Alliance Master of the Book 1 years ago
    1034. 1110
      The Beast Comes Out of the Cage 1 years ago
    1035. 1111
      Change 1 years ago
    1036. 1112
      The Decision 1 years ago
    1037. 1113
      Striding towards the Future 1 years ago
    1038. 1114
      Sinkhole Domain 1 years ago
    1039. 1115
      Lucky 1 years ago
    1040. 1116
      The Deal 1 years ago
    1041. 1117
      Chapter 1117-A Piece of Dust 1 years ago
    1042. 1118
      Ruin Capital 1 years ago
    1043. 1119
      Chapter 1119: The Flood Dragon Emperor 1 years ago
    1044. 1120
      Du Mo 1 years ago
    1045. 1121
      Crazy Person 1 years ago
    1046. 1122
      Chapter 1122-Fight Hard 1 years ago
    1047. 1123
      Mi Luo's Scheming 1 years ago
    1048. 1124
      Negotiations 1 years ago
    1049. 1125
      The Condition 1 years ago
    1050. 1126
      Fermenting 1 years ago
    1051. 1127
      Entering the Secret Cultivation Tower Again 1 years ago
    1052. 1128
      Advancement 1 years ago
    1053. 1129
      The Eyes of Everyone 1 years ago
    1054. 1130
      The Great Battle 1 years ago
    1055. 1131
      The Battle of the Great Dao 1 years ago
    1056. 1132
      A Stalwart Battle 1 years ago
    1057. 1133
      Great Victory 1 years ago
    1058. 1134
      Chapter 1134: The Impact 1 years ago
    1059. 1135
      Puppet 1 years ago
    1060. 1136
      Meeting 1 years ago
    1061. 1137
      On the Road 1 years ago
    1062. 1138
      The Avatar of a God 1 years ago
    1063. 1139
      The Mysterious Place 1 years ago
    1064. 1140
      Xuanji Map 1 years ago
    1065. 1141
      Congratulations to God for Becoming the Leader of the Book 1 years ago
    1066. 1142
      Chaos Dragon 1 years ago
    1067. 1143
      Conquering (Congratulations to Light Star Separation Flow for becoming the Alliance Leader of this book) 1 years ago
    1068. 1144
      Netherworld City 1 years ago
    1069. 1145
      Gathering of Experts 1 years ago
    1070. 1146
      Treasure Gathering Golden Toad 1 years ago
    1071. 1147
      Extreme Emperor 1 years ago
    1072. 1148
      The Might of the Giant Tower 1 years ago
    1073. 1149
      Invincible After Breaking Out of the Cocoon 1 years ago
    1074. 1150
      Chapter 1150-Hard to Escape 1 years ago
    1075. 1151
      Turning the Tide 1 years ago
    1076. 1152
      The Arriving Storm 1 years ago
    1077. 1153
      Congratulations to Star Luan for becoming the Alliance Master of this book 1 years ago
    1078. 1154
      The Godly Venerable Tomb 1 years ago
    1079. 1155
      The Imperial Palace 1 years ago
    1080. 1156
      An Iron Rod Grind a Needle 1 years ago
    1081. 1157
      The Mirage 1 years ago
    1082. 1158
      Passing the Five Gates 1 years ago
    1083. 1159
      The Supreme Treasure 1 years ago
    1084. 1160
      Someone Came 1 years ago
    1085. 1161
      Gathering (Congratulations to the Unexpected Little Purity for Becoming the Alliance Leader of the Book) 1 years ago
    1086. 1162
      A Gamble 1 years ago
    1087. 1163
      Establishing Might with a Single Punch 1 years ago
    1088. 1164
      The Fisherman's Answer 1 years ago
    1089. 1165
      Great Grandmaster 1 years ago
    1090. 1166
      Great Grandmaster (2) 1 years ago
    1091. 1167
      The Realm of Deities 1 years ago
    1092. 1168
      A Great Formation 1 years ago
    1093. 1169
      Getting Out 1 years ago
    1094. 1170
      Congratulations to Little Bear Yoke for Becoming the Leader of the Book 1 years ago
    1095. 1171
      A Strong Attack 1 years ago
    1096. 1172
      One Against a Hundred 1 years ago
    1097. 1173
      Congratulations to Qing Ningzi for Becoming the Alliance Leader of the Book 1 years ago
    1098. 1174
      Everything Grows When the Gods Fall 1 years ago
    1099. 1175
      Chapter 1175-Getting Rich 1 years ago
    1100. 1176
      A New Realm 1 years ago
    1101. 1177
      An Old Friend 1 years ago
    1102. 1178
      A God-Level Friend 1 years ago
    1103. 1179
      Meeting Again 1 years ago
    1104. 1180
      The Dark Tower 1 years ago
    1105. 1181
      A New Life 1 years ago
    1106. 1182
      Fearless and Fearless 1 years ago
    1107. 1183
      Crazy Pursuit 1 years ago
    1108. 1184
      I'm Back 1 years ago
    1109. 1185
      Evil Demonic City 1 years ago
    1110. 1186
      The Big Market 1 years ago
    1111. 1187
      A Wonderful Ability 1 years ago
    1112. 1188
      Phoenix Stone 1 years ago
    1113. 1189
      Yu Steps 1 years ago
    1114. 1190
      Hermit 1 years ago
    1115. 1191
      Treasure Tournament 1 years ago
    1116. 1192
      A Special Person 1 years ago
    1117. 1193
      Start of the Conference 1 years ago
    1118. 1194
      Attention 1 years ago
    1119. 1195
      A Sensation 1 years ago
    1120. 1196
      The King of the Conclaals 1 years ago
    1121. 1197
      Heroes 1 years ago
    1122. 1198
      Proof of the Realm Pearl 1 years ago
    1123. 1199
      I Am Xia Ping 'an 1 years ago
    1124. 1200
      Above Gods 1 years ago
    1125. 1201
      Supreme Treasure Shurangama 1 years ago
    1126. 1202
      Emperor Xia 1 years ago
    1127. 1203
      Confrontation 1 years ago
    1128. 1204
      It's My Turn 1 years ago
    1129. 1205
      Universe Expedition 1 years ago
    1130. 1206
      Five Years 1 years ago
    1131. 1207
      News Arrived 1 years ago
    1132. 1208
      Infinite Star Sea 1 years ago
    1133. 1209
      Difficulties and Difficulties 1 years ago
    1134. 1210
      The Battle with the Gods 1 years ago
    1135. 1211
      A Sudden Change in the Trump Card 1 years ago
    1136. 1212
      Overwhelming in the of the Middy 1 years ago
    1137. 1213
      Chapter 1213-A Flock 1 years ago
    1138. 1214
      Breakthrough Formation 1 years ago
    1139. 1215
      Endless Pursuit 1 years ago
    1140. 1216
      Encounter in the Sea 1 years ago
    1141. 1217
      King of the Seven Seas 1 years ago
    1142. 1218
      The Labyrinth 1 years ago
    1143. 1219
      Blood Battle Labyrinth 1 years ago
    1144. 1220
      Chapter 1220: Devouring 1 years ago
    1145. 1221
      Subduing 1 years ago
    1146. 1222
      Chapter 1222: The Cycle of Life 1 years ago
    1147. 1223
      Chapter 1223: Not Leaving 1 years ago

    Penulis Drunk Tiger

    Penerjemah Vicky_

    Editor Vicky_