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I am now waiting for my delivery food in my penthouse as I just finished my daily routine of training that tear my ligament and make my arm goes limp as my healing factor kicks in to treat them to normal.

By upping the level of my training, I can see how my body which looks frail now is back with muscles. My body now is lean like an athlete and a perfect body that make me able to become a famous model.

And that is why I decide to wear a bracelet on my legs, wrists and belt on my stomach that acts as a weight on my body.

I created all those weight items with the help of my alien after purchasing many items to build them.

My life is not horrible as my credit card has a lot of money that makes the original Peter Parker obvious of me.

It's been 2 days after I cripple Vulture and kick the shit out of Kaine and Cindy.

And the video that Amy posted goes viral as many people watch how I realised the heroes and villains.

There are many positive comments such as,

"good action there."

"heroes are overrated."

"oh yeah, no more Vulture flying around."

"someone finally put him down for good."

And there are negative comments,

"no moral."

"too much gore there."

"I pity the spiderlings."

I mostly like and read the positive comments as all the news are the same, keep reporting and shaking about my action these last days.

Some start to give me a nickname as they start to call me, "Shifter", which is a very lame name as in my head already came up a name that suitable for me.

Zero, the name that benefits me as I am a man who lost everything until I find myself in a new body.

And that will be my codename during any mission as I told Mike of what my hero name going to be.

Amy meanwhile is still undergoing training as she is honing her fighting skills and marksmanship.

We both exchange contact and regularly chat with each other about how our daily lives gone.

I am now watching Titanic on my Smart TV but it just makes me feels bored as I switch it toward Star Wars which now did not make me feel bored.

The delivery guy arrived 5 minutes later as I paid him for the food and extra tip for the guy.

In front of me right now is 1 extra-large pepperoni pizza and 1 extra-large Aloha Chicken alongside spicy fried chicken with 2 bowls of coleslaw and a large bottle of coke.

" Itadakimasu," I muttered as I start to eat my food while watching a Star Wars movie as my mouth keep being filled in with pizza slices, fried chickens, a glass of coke and many spoons of coleslaw.

An hour passed as I clean up all the food as I burp loudly, signalling how satisfying am I when finish-eating all the delivery foods.

Seeing no other activity for me to do, I turn off my television and goes toward my bedroom.

I jump on my comfy bed as I feel very lazy to play any games as the only thing I want to do is just sleep and laze around.

With a snap, my bedroom lamp goes off as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"Okay. This guy must be holding a grudge toward you spiderlings." In the Avengers towers, a green skin behemoth said toward both Kaine and Cindy.

"Yes, we all notice that Cho," Kaine said as he looks at his injuries that mostly are gone.

"From now on, I think we need to be more careful. I mean by we are you guys." Amadeus said as he pointed toward Miles, Kaine and Cindy.

"So any discovery you made during our fight yesterday?" Miles ask him.

"Yes. Indeed I have. So, I tried to hack into the nearby cameras in your fight scene, and guess what, they are all deleted." Amadeus said.

"The only videos I have are from social media. And look at this one," He said as one video showed a figure at a top of the building.

"I suspect this figure is the one who shot Vulture down and is the same shapeshifter who then I predict turn unto the same blue speedster that beat you up," Amadeus informs the trio of heroes.

"Have you tried tracking the yellow vehicle?" Silk ask him.

"Yes but there is no record of the car exist, only the model is," Amadeus said as he shows the exact figure and 3D model of Bumblebee toward them.

"Damn, if this car is up for sale, I will buy it." A new voice sounded as they all see the billionaire, famous, armoured and former playboy hero, Tony Stark as he enters with Captain America, She-Hulk, Wolverine, The Thing, Johnny and Reed.

"But still, you guys get your ass kick by this whatever combat Robot is." Tony quipped as all the spiderlings glared at him, not that Tony cares.

"This shapeshifter recently become famous and I swear it must be Punisher who recently get shapeshifting powers. I mean look at this guy record. All the criminals he left are crippled. And the latest one is Vulture. That birdie is good as dead. He now cannot stand and his back has injured very badly with his only option is Strange to cast a healing spell toward him. Or some godly being out there decide to heal him." Stark said as he has a cheeseburger in his right hand while keeping scanning the 3D Model of the Transformer.

"Jarvis, keep investigating, scanning and configuring this car. Tell me what kind of energy he uses to move, shot his plasma cannon and his barrel of weapons." Tony orders his AI.

"Copy that sir," Jarvis replied as the AI proceed to do what he ordered.

"This new guy, I think we need to keep eyes on him," Steve said.

"Or we can just bring him in?" Logan suggested.

"Amadeus, you said that this guy taps this symbol to change into a different creature right," Tony said as he now shows the symbol of Ultimatrix.

"Like Black Widow's symbol but green," Reed said as the figures of Fasttrack, Rath, Stinkfly, Heatblast and Blitzwolfer.

"A new shape-shifting technology perhaps?" Reed said.

"If this does exist, I want a piece of it. It is truly a fascinating one. Think of the endless possibility of us using it." Reed said as he and Tony go toward the laboratory as they probably start to discuss some new technologies.

"Genius stick well together huh?" The Thing mutter.

"Are you guys alright?" Susan asks the trio who nodded their head.

"Is he on our side or not?" The Thing asks them.

"Well, if you ask me. He is not. He pretty much beat some reserve members of the Avengers." Johnny replied.

"Perhaps this shapeshifter has some grudges toward the spider-themed superheroes. " Logan said.

"That makes sense," Amadeus said.

"His attack pattern consists of attacking you guys," Amadeus told them.

"But for an unknown reason. I mean us three never met this guy." Miles said.

Never they know that the one who attacks them is the first and original Spiderling.


"Okay. This is a suicide mission for you guys." I said to them as we now are upon the sky.

"Say that toward these motherfuckers who decided to hijack the aeroplane that is boarded by many Minister," Mike said as we now are on aircraft, 3 kilometres away from the hijacked aeroplane.

"Any ideas of our hijacker?" I ask him.

"Remember those Extremis guys. Well, 15 people of them and one of them is a mutant who can move an object that he touches. Small objects only. He goes by the name Slade." Mike inform me.

"Wow. An enemy that had the same name as Deathstroke and maybe some side character that did not get a mention in Marvel." I said as I never know the existence of the character.

Mike then signal me to come closer.

"Look. You notice of only you, me and 10 people here are in this aircraft. There is a reason. I need you to go to the aircraft and have your ways of handling those guys. But leave one people alive for us to extract information." Mike told me.

"But be more careful. This is the minister's life we are talking about." He told me as I twist the face of Ultimatrix.

A flash of green occurs as I become Jetray.

"Enforcer engaging," Mike announces as the aircraft open its hatch as I sped to the aeroplane until I start to ponder.

"Okay. They may detect me in this form. Let's review my alien forms. Heatblast is an eye-catcher. Four Arms is not an option unless I am on the ground. The same goes for Cannonbolt, Wildmutt, Water Hazard, Fasttrack, Slapback, Ditto, Bumblebee and Blitzwolfer. But luckily for me, there are more." I hover above the aeroplane as my hand smack the Ultimatrix as I transformed into Slapback.

My body landed through the aeroplane as my landing make the vehicle shake with passengers inside as I slap the Ultimatrix once more as I changed into Fasttrack.

I sped through all the terrorist by delivering many punches without holding my strength as their neck has bent weirdly with all of their stomachs has holes.

"There are 7 of them." I thought in my head as I remember the leftovers are in another section as I find myself with a door that will not be open as I push it.

"Time to imitate Flash." I closed my eyes as I start to shake--no rather vibrating myself as I failed on my first try and my second try, I find myself passing through the door only to see 8 people in there as all of them pointed their rifles at the other ministers as a bald man, who has many knives now are heading to me at a speed that matches the speed of a bullet.

All of a sudden, everything become slow as I put all my focus into those projectiles that I headed to me.


"Oh, man. This is how Flash from the TV shows feels when he goes into his speedy mode." My body moves as I elegantly dodge those knives as I reeled my right fist and unleash it forward toward the bald man as my fist broke through his abdomen.

I then pull my fist back.

"Garghh!" Slade cried out in pain as his subordinates are surprised seeing this as I take this chance to cripple them badly. Sounds of bone-breaking can be heard as all the armed men laid on the floor.

I tap my Ultimatrix turning me back to human as I grab my ear com. Luckily, my ear com stayed or I am in deep trouble.

"Enforcer to Guardian. Mission completed." I said through my ear com.

"Enforcer. Check the cockpit." Mike told me as I am about to open it but then a flash of the image can be seen by me as I see the cockpit exploded with the pilot are dead.

I jump backwards as I touch my ear com.


Many metals shards almost impale me but I on impulse smackdown the Ultimatrix as my body changes as I shrink smaller as 3 green dots grow on my forehead with 3 fins grow on my head.

"Ditto!" My body glows green as we all cover the ministers even though it still feels hurt being hit by many sharp things.

We are unable to cheer for our victory as the aeroplane goes down as all the occupants scream in fear.

"AAARGHHH!" Me and my clone scream along with the ministers.

"Oh, man. We are going to die." One of my clone mutter.

"I never taste mac and cheese in my entire life." Another one said.

"Damn it. Like the heck, we are going to die here." The last one said as I closed my eyes as the sense of death slowly creep into us.

The feeling is similar to what and Peter Parker feels.

But this time is different.

I closed my eyes as I command all the clones to fuse with me back as we become one.

"Because this time, I get the ULTIMATRIX with me. Going Hero!" I slap my Ultimatrix symbol as I free-fall on the air as my body changes.


Far away from the hijacked aeroplane is a familiar Quinjet.

"What is the situation here Cap?" Sam Wilson who is just focusing outside the flying chile ask through his earcom toward Captain America who is in it.

"Some mutant with his group hijack an aeroplane that has ministers in them. The pilot manages to send an SOS signal. But after that, the pilot is presumed dead since we got no response from him." Steve replied as he is alongside with Spider-Woman, Hawkeye, Vision, Shadow Cat and lastly Ant-Man.

"Jarvis. How far are we from our target?" Ant-Man asks the AI as he is ready to use some of his ants to scout the aeroplane first.

"6 kilometres," Jarvis replied.

"Can you show us the satellite view of the aeroplane?" Spider-Woman asks as a screen showing the view of the aeroplane.

"Sir. I seem detected movements in the aeroplane." The view then shows an infrared one as they see a figure who moves fast to knock out all the hijackers.

"Jarvis. Can you show us what is happening outside?" Hawkeye asks as the screen then shows Fasttrack who just perform his fastest movement to avoid the projectiles, crippling all the hijackers and the mutant.

"Okay. Are we sure that is not Punisher? His method is crude." Shadow Cat said as she sees how gruesome the scene in front of her.

"Captain. Do you want me to engage this unknown being? After all, we all have a question we want to ask him." Vision asks Steve.

But then the screen turns black.

"What happen Jarvis?" Ant-Man asks the AI.

"It seems I have been cut from the aeroplane network. Someone seems to be blocking me." Jarvis informs them.

"Hank. Go scout the aeroplane. Sam. You do the same but make sure you are not seen and detected by the enemies." Steve orders as both heroes heed veteran hero.

"Cap. The cockpit had exploded!" Sam announced as then Ant-Man also added something on his behalf.

"Shit. The dead pilot bodies have fallen. I will command my ants to pick them up." Ant-Man reported.

Steve gripped his fist as he looks at Vision. He is about to give an order until Ant-Man interrupted him.

"Wait. A small creature just falls." Ant-Man reported.

"I see it too. Wait, that symbol on his body, he is the same creature we want to investigate-wait, he just change into something." Sam reported.

"Sir. We have arrived." Jarvis announced as they all go to the front as Jarvis shows the screen of the aeroplane which now are hovering as they see a creature that has crab-like claws for their hands and his body is mainly brownish-black with yellow feet, hands, shoulders, and chest. His body is also made of living alien metal.

"Sir. I have detected magnetic energy coming from the creature similar to what Magneto emit." Jarvis said to us.

"What the fuck?! Another being that is the same as Magneto." Hawkeye mutters as they all see how the creature casually float the aeroplane as it moves the plane below.

"Cap. What do we do?" Sam ask him.

"We observe him. But be cautious. You too Hank." He told Sam and Ant-Man as they all see the hovering plane now has reached the ground level as they see the creature seems to be moving his claw-like hand as the aeroplane landed smoothly on the water but with the burning cockpit has been dip deeper as the fire get erased by the seawater.

The creature seems to be staring at them as Sam, Ant-Man and the occupants in the Quinjet tense their body as they know this creature who has that symbol on his chest has attacked some of them.

But then an aircraft hovers above them as it lands in front of the aeroplane as a man walks out from the aircraft

"Mike?" Sam suddenly said.

"Do you know that guy Sam," Steve asked him.

"Yeah. He is one of the Big Guys in the Secret Service Agent." Sam told him as Steve nodded his head.

"It seems he and this creature knows each other," Ant-Man said as they see Mike who nodded his head toward the creature who nod back to him as the creature enters the aircraft as some agents come out to escort the ministers out.

"We too shall help, them," Steve said as they get out as Mike notice them.

"Captain." Mike greet the veteran hero with a nod as he does the same gesture toward the other heroes and heroine.

"Greetings. We are sorry we arrived late." Steve inform Mike.

"Nah. It is not a big problem. After all, we have some help from our Enforcer." Mike told them.

"Wait. You are saying that creature is in your organisation?" Hawkeye asks Mike who just keep quiet as he then turns his head for him to ask about the well being of Ministers.

Steve then notices Ant-Man is not with them as he is about to ask where he is until a figure landed in front of them as the ground has a web crack.

"Ant-Man!" Steve immediately put his shield with readying his shield followed by Spider-Woman, Shadow Cat, Sam Wilson who has hovered above them and lastly Hawkeye who has his grip on his bow and arrows, ready to shoot down the enemy only to see the creature who just blasted one of them.

"Okay. Guess he did not only target the spider guys and girl." Hawkeye quip as the creature looks at them with his hand now pointed at them as the heroes prepare to fight until said the creature put back his hand down.

"Make sure your friend did not try to infiltrate this aircraft or those ants he loved so much are not the only thing I will kill." The creature said as he walks back inside

This makes Mike then turns to the heroes.

"Teach one of yours to mind his manner." Mike simply said.

"Hey! We have the right to "

"To what. Do anything you fucking can. Remember, your heroes are not that good for starters. Besides, we can charge this action of Ant-Man too. After the whole fiasco of you guys fight each other, I believe you did not want that right?" Mike ask the heroes who tense and grimaced remembering the history of them fight each other.

"We are sorry. We just want to know what exactly is the creature that affiliated with you guys." Vision said.

"He is a kind one but your friend tick him off with his action. Which result get his butt kick." Mike said.

"And what about the Spider heroes he beat up?" Shadow Cat ask him.

"I do not know. We and the creature have some sort of agreement where he can do anything he wanted when he is not in a mission." Mike said.

"Injuring 4 of us seems like he is not good," Sam said to him.

"So?" Mike ask them back.

"What sort of agreement you have with the creature?" Spider-Woman asks Mike.

"You did not have to know that. And said to Stark pet to not hack into ours or we will erase that dog for good." Mike inform them as he walks away with the ministers and agents as the vehicle take off leaving the heroes as Ant-Man groan as he just wakes up.

"Urghh. My head feels so dizzy." Ant-Man said.

"Hank. You alright?" Steve asked as the ant themed hero nodded his head as Sam and Vision helped him to stand up.

"Ant-Man, what happen to you?" Sam ask him.

"Well, I tried to infiltrate the aircraft with the ants until all my ant, get killed by the creature and before I know it, I hover in the air as the creature look directly at me even though I am small as an ant. Then he made me spin so many time before blasting me away toward in front of you guys. Urghh. I now feel like want to vomit right now." Ant-Man said.

"That makes it four. The others will be so eager to hear about this." Hawkeye said as they all boarded Quinjet as they return to Avengers Towers.


A flash of green surrounded me as I undergo a new transformation as many metals stick surrounded my body as I now have claw-like hands with 2 curve spiky shoulders as my head now is floating between the shoulder. The Ultimatrix symbol is on my chest.

"Lodestar. Now, this is what I am talking about." I mutter as I grin knowing I just get the perfect alien to handle this problem.

I point my hand toward the falling aeroplane as a green magnetic pulse suddenly being realised by me as it the vehicle as I make the roof of the vehicle dented for the minister to not fall through the passage that leads to the exploded cockpit.

"Oh, man. Those pilots. I need to rescue them." I am about to catch them but then my magnetic sense much small presences.

"Ants. Ho. They have arrived." I released pulses I detect 3 presence.

"Just ignore them." I thought in my heart as I hover the aeroplane toward the ground level as I decide to lit away from the fire on the cockpit as I dip the section a little deep.

The fire gets deleted as I sigh in relief as I still float over the flying vehicle.


I see Red Falcon, Quinjet and Ant-Man who is still the same size as his ants as they all are aware of me.

After the aircraft that Mike with his agents has landed, I enter the aircraft wanting to turn back to my normal form until I notice several small presences.

"Well, look what we got here. Some small fried tried to hijack this aircraft when I can detect any magnetic presence around me." I point my left hand toward the Ant-Man and the ants as I instantly killed all the ant by making the metal in the ant as I make the metal to crush the ant from inside.

Ant-Man who sees this try to command his ride to fee away but already get a crush by the metal on his body as I freeze Ant-Man in the air as he struggled to move.

If I had a mouth, I will show a devious smirk as I make the ant themed hero spin very fast by manipulating the metal on his suit for 10 minutes as I stop spinning him.

With a little nudge, his hand press a button that makes him grows to his human size.

"Doctor Hank, you should never a lion den after this or this will be the last time the lion freed his prey easily." I then blast him away toward the front of Captain America and his team.

I see how Mike argues with the Avengers as he then walk inside as the agents bring in the ministers.

He then signals me to follow him as we enter a small room.

"You can change back." He told me as I slap my Ultimatrix symbol as I revert to my human form.

"You did well today. We did not need help from the heroes which is good. Your reputation among the higher-ups is now neutral with some of them now are slightly impressed with you even though the military people want you to hand over your gauntlet. But due to your affiliation with us and many good deeds, they back down but they still want your gauntlet. But now, the Military wants you to do one thing for them. Become the symbol of justice. Like Captain America and US Agent does. But instead, you will become a symbol where people sees you as the one who gets the job done with your alien powers." Mike said as an agent put a document.

"Go ahead and open it." He said to me as I read all the content and surprisingly no demand that I did not irk me.

The only thing they want is to lend them help when they want to kill a mutant or alien that may endanger our beloved planet, Earth.

"Okay. I need you to sign it if you find this satisfied you." I already think ahead and think of the pro and con of this agreement.

It is acceptable. And I sign it. The agent then takes the document and left us alone.

"Look. Our computer guys find Stark's AI infiltrated our network and the aeroplane. I assume they want to know more about you. Sooner or later, you will meet your former associates. I want to ask you, what will you do to them? Nah. That is a dumb question but still, I want to hear your answer." Mike ask me.

"For whatever they have done to me, I will back to them tenfold," I reply without question.

"An honest answer. Good." Mike said.

"And as for that AI, give me a week. I will provide us with our own AI." I told him.

"Okay. The movement we receive that AI, you can ask any favour from us." Mike told me as we shake our hand.


"Vulture is down." A man who has messy long hair said as his tentacles behind him start to type in something.

"No, where is him? Where is the real Spider-Man?" As his monitor shows him Miles, Kaine, Jessica and Silk.

"Parker. Where are you?" Doctor Octo Octavius, a man who is supposed to die mutters.


"HULK SMASH!" Deep in the space, familiar roars as the planet shake as a familiar green behemoth roars as the inhabitant of the planet cheers for his name.

"All HAIL THE KING," One of the inhabitants said as they all cheers with the Hulk is beside a female who looks happy to be beside him.

Nevertheless, this planet has a plan to come to Earth as the green behemoth want to get revenge for who has sinned against him.


"The timeline is changing." A being said as he sees how the future has changed.

But is it good or bad?

That is the question in his mind.


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