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68.32% My New Life As A Pokémon Trainer (Rewrite) / Chapter 151: Jirachi: Wish Maker

Bab 151: Jirachi: Wish Maker

One night Ashlyn and her friends had come to an area, where a carnival called the Millennium Festival was going to be held. The millennium carnival was an event to celebrate the Millennium comet, which was tomorrow night. But the carnival was nowhere in sight.

"This is the right area, but it seems that the carnival isn't here yet." Brock informed.

Since it was already very late, the gang decided to have some dinner and get some sleep and look for the carnival in the morning. The gang were excited about both the Millennium Comet and the Millennium Festival. But Ashlyn knew of the disaster and the heartbreak that is to come. She didn't know how to prevent it from happening.


While it was still the middle of the night, the gang got woken up by the sound of lorries. The carnival crew had finally shown up and they began to put the carnival together. Ashlyn and the gang watched as all of the rides for the carnival were being put into place. There were bumper cars, a big Ferris wheel, a merry go round, a roller coaster and some other rides. There were even stalls that were to sell candy, toys and other things being set up.

Just then one last lorry and a caravan turned up. A purple haired man came out of the lorry and a blond-haired woman came out of the caravan. Ashlyn recognized the purple haired man as Butler the magician and the blonde-haired woman as Diane, his assistant. Butler magically made a long stick appear from his hand and then made big balloons appear out of a trunk. Diane helped him place the big balloons into place with two fans. When the balloons were placed into a circle they popped, revealing some wooden boxes, and then like magic a big tent was created. The gang was fascinated by that, and it made them more excited for the carnival to open.


Next day it was the first day of the millennium festival, and also the first day that the comet would appear tonight. The gang spent the day riding on the carnival rides, eating food and other things. May picks up a flyer that announced, 'The Great Butler'.

"Hm? The great Butler huh?" May said garnering Max's attention.

"Hey, isn't that the magician we saw last night?" Max asked.

"It looks to be." Brock replied.

"Hm I guess he is." Alain said once he got a good look at the flyer.

"Do you two want to watch his show?" Ashlyn asked Max and May who eagerly nodded.

"Well then, let's go." Brock decided.


Soon, the gang is watching the show and it's turning out to be even better than expected. Butler placed his white hat on the empty table. After creating a flock of Swablu out of thin air he then slaps the hat with his stick, and when he takes off the hat, a Kirlia suddenly appears! Butler then calls on his Mightyena for another trick. Butler seals back Kirlia and puts a red cloth over it, then burns it off. Out of the smoke comes Butler's assistant, carrying a crystal.

"Impressive." Alain commented.

"Yeah, all his acts seem flawless." Ashlyn agreed.

Diane lifted the crystal cocoon up to the lights and the lights reflected off the crystal cocoon and lights shone on the whole audience.

At that moment, Ashlyn felt a foreign energy source from the crystal and from the look on his face, so did Max.

"(Wish...the star.)" a mysterious voice said to Max.

"You are all too kind, for me, the real magic's when I hear your applause. Thank you very much I am known as the Great Butler and this is my assistant Diane and of course, I couldn't do the show without Mightyena and Kirlia." Butler announced.

"(Wish Maker...the comet.)" the mysterious voice said once more.

"Hm? the comet?" Max mumbled in confusion.

"Max, what's wrong?" Alain asked having heard the younger boy.

"Hm? where are you?" Max mumbled again having not noticed or heard Alain.

"(I wish you were here with me.)"

"You're in there?"

"Ashlyn." Alain said as he nudged Ashlyn's shoulder and gestured to Max who stood up.

"Max, is something wrong?" Ashlyn asked before Max just ran towards the stage shocking all four of his traveling companions, "Max!"

"You have to get back to your seat." Diane said when Max reached them.

"Sorry, but I thought I heard a voice from that crystal." Max said just when Ashlyn and Alain reached him.

"I apologized for my young friend's intrusion. Max, let's get back to our chairs." Ashlyn apologized as she and Alain bowed before they tried to lead Max back to their seats

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it seems as though we have some volunteers to help us in our next act!" Butler announced, surprising Ashlyn, Alain and Max.

"Fellow magicians, what are your names?" Diane asked.

"My name is Max and these are my friends, Ashlyn and Alain." Max replied while Ashlyn and Alain bowed slightly.

"Let's do it! Since you are great magicians, feast your eyes on Butler's burning box, you must simply escape the box before it burst into flames." Butler exclaimed as two clowns roll in a green box.

"That doesn't sound very safe." Alain commented.

"That's your cue." Diane said.

"But we're not magicians." Ashlyn protested, her voice carrying some of her anxiety.

Then the two clowns pushed the three into the box.

"Dusclops step forward," Butler said once Ashlyn, Alain and Max were in the box, "Real magicians like the lovely Ashlyn, Alain the daring, and Max the great should easily be able to escape a box like this, So to make it interesting they only have ten seconds till Dusclops destroys it with his Hyper Beam."

"So now what do we do?" Max asked, nervous.

"Well it's an act, so there's got to be a way out of here." Alain stated.

"I hope so." Ashlyn held Tesla close to her.

Once Butler said one Dusclops then fires on the box but before it does so, Ashlyn, Alain, Tesla, and Max are transported away by a machine under the stadium. Butler says not only did they vanish from the box, but also made bouquets appear. The flashlights show Ashlyn, Tesla, Alain and Max who were standing at the entrance of the tent.

"Everyone, please give a huge round of applause to Ashlyn, Alain, Raichu and Max!" Butler announced.

Ashlyn, Tesla, Alain and Max went back to the stage and got lots of claps and cheers from the audience. Suddenly, Ashlyn sensed something coming towards her and Tesla. She quickly moved to the side and saw a rubber claw of some sort.

"Tesla, Iron Tail!" Tesla's tail glowed a metallic color and she slashed her tail on the claw, slicing it into pieces.

"Hey!" A familiar female voice called out.

Everyone turned to the voice and saw Team Rocket dressed as clowns. They took off their clown outfits to reveal their Team Rocket uniforms.

"Team Rocket!" Ashlyn, Alain, and Max gasped.

Then they noticed that Kirlia and Mightyena were caught in a net.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" James started.

"For our final trick of the evening, we're going to make all the Pokémon disappear!" Jessie added.

At that moment, the top of the tent opened up.

"Tesla, Swift!" Tesla summoned a bunch of stars from her tail and threw them at Team Rocket, cutting the net free. Kirlia and Mightyena landed safe amongst the audience. Team Rocket had to hold on tightly to the rope.

"No magic show would be complete without a vanishing act, so we saved the best for last! Dusclops, use Night Shade!" Butler ordered.

Dusclops fired his attack at Team Rocket and their balloon, causing it to exploded.

"LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" The trio screamed before they disappeared into the sky.

The crowd cheered and clapped at the performance.

Ashlyn, Alain, and Max waved to the crowd.


After the show, Max asks Butler and Diane about the crystal, and they respond by saying the crystal contains a Pokémon named Jirachi.

"Jirachi?" May asked.

Butler nodded, "According to the legend, Jirachi is a very special Pokémon that only awakens once every 1000 years," He looked down at the crystal in his hands, "I think it's sleeping inside the crystal."

"So it's like a cocoon." Ashlyn and Alain suggested.

"Amazing." May commented.

"It is said that in order for Jirachi to wake up it requires two things; the Millennium comet must be visible in the night sky and must find itself a friend." Butler informed.

"It needs a friend?" Max asked, shocked.

"Then that must mean Jirachi wants to be Max's friend." Ashlyn stated.

"Which would explain he heard voices from the cocoon and none of us did." Alain added.

"So now that means that we need the Millennium comet." Ashlyn stated.

"And that's tonight!" Brock realized.

Butler handed the crystal cocoon to Max, "Since you're able to hear Jirachi's voice, then I want to hold Jirachi until he awakens." He said.

Max beamed that the Pokémon, Jirachi, wanted to be his friend, "Thank you!" He smiled.

Ashlyn glanced at Butler; he made her feel uncomfortable. She knew what Butler's plan for Jirachi really was.


The gang spent the rest of the evening looking at the stalls of the carnival. May notices some sort of necklace charm on one of the stalls and took a good look at it.

"Wow! Look at this!" May held the necklace charm.

"You have excellent taste young lady, that right there is a wishing star," the stallholder said as Ashlyn, Alain, Max and Brock walked over to May.

"A wishing star?" May asked.

"It works with the Millennium comet, on each of the nights that the comet appears all you have to do is fold down one of the sections then make a wish," the stallholder said as May looked at the wishing star in contemplation, "If you do it on all seven nights then your wish will come true."

"Wow! I'll take it!" May exclaimed.

"A wise choice but you only get one wish, so make it count." the stallholder advised.

May bought it at once.

Just then fireworks started going off; it wasn't long now until the Millennium comet would first appear.


That night, the gang stayed up late to watch the millennium comet. Problem was that it was a cloudy night.

"I hope the wind will pick up and blow the clouds away. I don't want to miss the comet tonight." May prayed.

As luck would have it a gust of wind perked up and the clouds were blown away, and there hidden by some clouds was the millennium comet. It was a magnificent sight; the Millennium comet was white and it left a long tail behind it. The gang found it a magnificent sight and couldn't take their eyes off it.

"The Millennium comet." Ashlyn gasped.

"Raichu. (Beautiful.)" Tesla said.

"It's great that we are seeing the comet," Alain stated, "especially since it comes every thousand years."

"It makes me wonder what our planet looked like a thousand years ago." Brock pondered.

May made her wish on her wishing star charm and placed the first flap down. Then she noticed that Max had fallen asleep. She started to sing something.

"What song is that, May?" Brock asked.

"This is a lullaby what our mum sang to us." May replied.

"That sounds nice." Alain said.

"Sing some more, please." Ashlyn requested.

So May did.

Suddenly the crystal cocoon started to glow very bright and Max woke up.

"What's happening?" May asked.

Before her question could be answered, the gang heard a voice from the cocoon. It said; "(The star. The star is calling.)"

"I think that voice was Jirachi's voice!" Brock realized.

"It must be using telepathy to talk." Alain stated.

The cocoon glowed even brighter, and then it transformed into a small yellow and white Pokémon that looked like a star and it had three light green tags on its star shaped head. It was the legendary Pokémon, Jirachi. Max walked over to the floating Jirachi and caught him in his arms.

"Wow, Jirachi." Ashlyn awed at the Pokémon.

Max introduced himself to Jirachi and so did the others. Jirachi said hello to the gang in telepathy. Suddenly Diane turned up and saw Jirachi.

"Look Diane! It's Jirachi! He woke up!" Max beamed.

"I'll go and tell Butler the good news. You lot can sleep in our bus tonight." Diane offered before she took off afterwards.

"Thanks!" Brock called out.


The gang got to know Jirachi while they were in Diane's bus.

Ashlyn took out her Rotom phone:

[Jirachi, the Wish Pokémon. Jirachi will awaken from its sleep of a thousand years if you sing to it in a voice of purity. It is said to make true any wish that people desire.]

"Wow," May awed, "I want to make a wish with Jirachi first."

"Hold it!" Max shouted, "I saw Jirachi first, so I get to wish first!"

"He's got a point." Ashlyn agreed.

Max wished for a lot of snacks to eat. Jirachi's three tags glowed and then stopped glowing. It seemed that nothing happened, but then hundreds of snacks like potato chips and candy bars filled up the bus and then it burst the bus doors open.

"I know I wished for snacks, but this isn't really what I meant." Max stated.

Butler and Diane arrived to see the commotion.

"These are from the snack bar from the carnival." Diane explained, looking at a candy bar.

"So that means that Jirachu isn't able to create an object that's desired from a wish." Ashlyn stated.

"Instead it teleports that desired object to the person that made the wish." Alain added.

"Correct." Butler confirmed.

May was not happy with this, "Jirachi, I want you to get rid of the problem!" She demanded.

But all Jirachi did was teleport May into the big pile of snacks. Ashlyn, Alain, and Brock had to help get her out.

"What are we going to do with all this candy?" May asked.

"Well we have to bring it back." Brock pointed out.

"It's a good thing I have Lancelot with me. He can teleport all this stuff back to the stall." Ashlyn said, relieved.

"And we better apologize to the owner as well." Brock added.

Alain rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah."

At that moment Jirachi felt tired and fell asleep in Max's arms.

"Jirachi? What's wrong?" Max questioned, worried.

"Jirachi is tired from using its power, but it will wake up again tomorrow." Butler explained.

Max was happy to hear that, but this meant that Max only had another six days now to be with Jirachi.


Later that night, Ashlyn was still up, looking up at the comet in the night sky. Then she looked over at the sleeping Max and Jirachi. She was worried for Max and Jirachi. She knew that they would be separated when the comet disappears.


Next day Jirachi woke up and was feeling recharged again. Max and Jirachi spent the whole day playing at the carnival, riding on the rides and eating snacks from the stalls, etc. Ashlyn, Alain, May and Brock were helping out with Butler's magic show today. So Max spent the rest of the day playing with Jirachi, while the others just worked in Butler's tent.

Ashlyn, Alain, Brock, Diane, and Butler were putting some stuff away when they heard a crash nearby. They quickly ran over to the source of the crash and saw someone moving under a black curtain which revealed to be May.

"May, what happened?" Ashlyn asked.

"Jirachi happened." May replied, crossly.

At that moment, they heard another crash nearby. They came towards the source and saw a dark blue-grey and white cat type Pokémon.

"An Absol." Alain said.

Ashlyn took out her Rotom phone:

[Absol, the Disaster Pokémon. Absol live in steep mountainous regions, and rarely venture down into areas inhabited by humans, but should an Absol be seen by humans, it is said that catastrophe is soon to follow.]

The Absol started to fire razor wind attack at Max. May sent out her Torchic to stop Absol from attacking. Torchic fired Ember at Absol, but it didn't do much. Ashlyn had Tesla use Thunder Shock.

"(Absol is here for me.)" Jirachi said, teleporting Torchic and Tesla outside.

"Torchic/Tesla!" May and Ashlyn gasped.

Absol turned his eyes on the gang, Butler, and Diane then ran towards them only to fall into a trapdoor.

"A good magician always has a trapdoor standing by," Butler said before he walked up to where the trap door. The trap then releases a cage with Absol in it, he sends out Kirlia who then uses Hypnosis to send it to sleep.

Then Torchic and Tesla showed up.

"Tesla!" Ashlyn hugged her electric type starter.

"Oh Torchic, you're alright!" May said with relief.

"Why would a wild Absol attack us?" Brock asked.

"Jirachi said that Absol came for him." Max answered shocking everyone.

"Do you think they know each other?" May suggested.

"Unlikely Jirachi has been asleep for a thousand years." Alain pointed out.

"(I am so sleepy.)" Jirachi said before going back to sleep.

Ashlyn stared at Absol, 'Max is right,' She thought, 'Absol was desperate to get Jirachi away from here and us. We have to get Jirachi away from Butler and fast.'


Later that night, while Alain, Brock and Max were asleep, May was outside making her wish on her charm and folding another flap down.


Meanwhile, Ashlyn and Tesla teleported to where Absol was. Absol somehow sensed her presence and growled lightly.

{A/N: Remember, Ashlyn's a psychic. So she's able to read minds, lift objects, and teleports like Sabrina can}

Ashlyn shushed him, "Please be quiet. I'm here to get you out." She whispered.

Absol blinked in confusion as if he was asking why this human was going to let him out, "Absol? (Why?)" He asked, quietly, confused.

"I have a bad feeling that Butler wants to use Jirachi for something. Something bad." Ashlyn explained, quietly.

Absol stared at Ashlyn for a moment and then nodded. Suddenly they heard footsteps coming towards them.

"Hold on. I'll be back." Ashlyn promised.

Absol nodded again, understood.

Ashlyn quickly moved behind one of the curtains, she peeked behind them and saw Butler, carrying a sleeping Jirachi in his arms with Diane behind him. She watched him get his machine ready. In his hand was a glass cylinder tube and in it was a fossil shard.

"I think Absol was here to take Jirachi back to Forina," Diane guessed, "We should never have taken Jirachi from there to begin with."

Butler wasn't exactly listening to her words, "Finally after all this time my wish will finally come true," he said. "and once this is all complete, I will finally pay Team Magma back for doubting me."

Ashlyn remembered that Butler had a connection with the evil organization Team Magma. She could easily see that Diane looked at him worriedly. She didn't really like seeing Butler acting like this. Butler turned on his machine and woke Jirachi up from his sleep.

"Jirachi," he said, "I need you now to open your true eye and absorb the comet's power."

Jirachi didn't want to, but Butler used his Dusclops to use psychic on Jirachi.

"Tesla, Thunder Shock!" Ashlyn commanded.

Tesla jumped over Absol's cage and fired her attack at Dusclops who grunted at the attack, releasing Jirachi from its grip. Ashlyn quickly teleported to Jirachi and caught him in her arms and teleported next to Absol's cage.

"(Ashlyn?)" Jirachi asked.

"Tesla, Iron Tail on the cage!" Ashlyn ordered.

Tesla's tail glowed a metallic color and she slashed her tail on the bars, freeing Absol from the cage. He jumped to her side.

"I knew you were bad news, Butler." Ashlyn admitted, narrowing her eyes at Butler.

"Hmph. I didn't think you would figure me out, Ashlyn." Butler taunted.

"Let's say I have experience when it comes to figure out what kind of people would use an innocent Pokémon for evil intentions." Ashlyn retorted.

"I advise you to give me Jirachi, Ashlyn." Butler advised.

Ashlyn held Jirachi close to her as Jirachi held onto her, "Over my dead body."

Butler narrowed his eyes at her, "Very well."

At that moment, a Swift attack was aimed at Butler and Dusclops, causing an explosion. Ashlyn, Tesla, Jirachi, and Absol turned to the source and saw Eevee along with the others.

"Guys!" Ashlyn gasped.

"What are you doing here, Ashlyn?" May asked.

Then Ember noticed that Butler was starting to get up, "We'll explain later!"

"Quick follow me kids!" Diane instructed, running to the exit of the tent.

Ashlyn and the others followed after Diane. Absol flung Razor Wind at Butler to distract him and followed after the others.


Outside Diane and the gang were in the bus and Diane was driving it. Absol was in the bus as well, being worried about Jirachi.

"(I wish to go back to Forina.)" Jirachi said, weakly in Max's arms.

"Forina?" Max asked.

"Jirachi's Home. That was where Butler found him when he was still in the cocoon." Diane replied.

"Excuse me Diane, but what exactly happened in the tent? Why did Butler want Jirachi so badly?" May questioned.

Diane explained that Butler was a scientist of Team Magma, and one day he tried to create a machine that would create a Groudon for Team Magma, from a Groudon fossil shard.

Ashlyn took out her Rotom phone and looked up on Groudon. Groudon was a red colored Pokémon and it looked like a big dinosaur.

[Groudon, the Continent Pokémon. Groudon has long been described in mythology as the Pokémon that raised lands and expanded continents. This Pokémon took to sleep after a cataclysmic battle with Kyogre.]

"Are you saying that Team Magma wish to capture Groudon?" Brock asked.

"Yes, and they won't stop at nothing to get it." Diane confirmed.

"So that's what Team Magma is looking for." Ashlyn concluded.

"But what has Jirachi got to do with all this?" Max asked.

"Butler wishes to use the power of the millennium comet from Jirachi so that we will succeed of creating a Groudon." Diane replied.

"But that could hurt Jirachi." May pointed out.

"I know, but Butler is determined for his experiment to succeed." Diane said. She also explained that when Butler tried to create a Groudon for Team Magma one day, the experiment failed and he was mocked by Team Magma and kicked out at once. "So now Butler thinks of nothing but creating a Groudon to get revenge on Team Magma."

"Doing that will do no good for Butler. That will make him just as bad as Team Magma." Ashlyn stated.

"I suggest we take Jirachi back to Forina, before Butler tries to use him again." Alain suggested.

Everyone agreed to that suggestion and they headed for Forina at once; Diane remembered the way there.


Over the next few days, Diane and the gang made their way to Forina. May kept on putting a flap down on her charm each night. On fourth night around their campfire, Ashlyn and May had a talk with Diane about Butler as the boys listened. Diane told the girls that she and Butler had known each other ever since they were children.

"When we were children, Butler would do magic tricks for me, those were the happiest days of my life," Diane smiled fondly before it disappeared, "Until when Butler ended up joining Team Magma. What I wish for now is for Butler and I to go back to those happy times again."

The gang felt sorry for Diane and hoped that her wish would come true.

"Diane, you wouldn't happen to know what Team Magma wants to do with Groudon, do you?" Ashlyn asked.

"I think I do. I overheard them once. They said that they want to use Groudon to 'expand the land'." Diane replied.

"'Expand the land'? What does that mean?" May questioned.

"To give humanity more space on which to build and develop civilization." Diane answered.

"By expanding the land, the amount of water for the planet would decrease." Brock responded.

"So Team Aqua probably wants to do the opposite." Alain concluded, "Which means that they want to expand the ocean."

"By expanding the ocean, that would mean flooding the entire Earth." Ashlyn added.

"But who's the most powerful legendary water Pokémon in the Hoenn region?" May questioned.

"I think that might be Kyogre." Alain replied.

"Kyogre?" May asked.

Ashlyn took out her Rotom phone.

[Kyogre, the Sea Basin Pokémon. Kyogre is named in mythology as the Pokémon that expanded the sea by covering the land with torrential rains and towering tidal waves. It took to sleep after a cataclysmic battle with Groudon.]

"But if they awaken both of those Pokémon, I fear disaster will come our way." Ashlyn concluded.

"I hope we can stop them in time." Alain added.


The majority of the next day is spent driving. The bus gets stuck in the mud, so everyone helps to get it out. Afterward, everyone is covered in mud, and all laughed. At night, Ashlyn, Alain and Max have fun skipping stones on the lake, and Max wins. May folds the fourth panel of her Wish Maker. Once again, the day is spent mostly driving, and Jirachi notices Max is sad about something. That night, May folds the fifth panel of her Wish Maker.

"Just two nights left." May mumbled to herself.

"Cut it out May!" Max exclaimed getting Ashlyn and Alain's attention before he ran away saying, "Quit counting already!"

"I'll talk to him." Alain offered.

"Okay." May said.


Down by the riverside, Alain found Max holding Jirachi close and that's when he knew that this was all about Max not wanting to say goodbye to Jirachi.

"Max." Alain said as he sat down next to Max.

"Alain?" Max asked before he looked away.

"I know it's difficult to say goodbye." Alain started before sighing, "I certainly know it was difficult saying goodbye to my mother."

"What happened to her?" Max asked curiously.

"My mother got attack by Pokémon poachers while trying to save a few Pokémon. One of the poacher's Pokémon hit her badly. Luckily, she got to the hospital in time. However, most of her organs were damaged beyond repair and she had internal bleeding. The doctor predicted that she would only have two days to live, life support would only keep her alive for that long. I was six and Mairin was only ten months old when dad and we lost her," Alain sighed sadly, "In the months that followed I became heavy-hearted. I didn't know what to do without her."

"How did you deal with it?" Max asked holding Jirachi closer.

"My dad knew that Mairin and I needed him more than ever. So he made sure that he would take care of us. I also helped him with Mairin. Raising Mairin really helped us in a hopeful way." Alain replied before smiling gently at Max, "You see Max, sometimes people have to leave without wanting to and it's perfectly natural to feel sad about it, but there will always be someone to help you through it. So the thing is Max, even after you say goodbye to Jirachi, Jirachi will never forget you just like you will never forget him because your hearts are connected."

"Thank you, Alain." Max thanked him while smiling.


The next day they all finally arrived in Forina, Jirachi's home. It was a beautiful view of scrubs and pillar-like rock formations. The area's mountainous terrain makes it difficult to access even on foot. As they all made their way to where Diane and Butler found Jirachi they all saw an amazing array of Pokémon that also called Forina home, such as Nuzleaf, Breloom, Tropius, Linoone, Flygon, and Altaria. It was soon nighttime, and May folded the sixth panel of her Wish Maker.

"Max, you should get some sleep, okay?" Ashlyn suggested.

"But I want to stay up a little bit longer." Max protested.

"Besides, you don't want to be tired for tomorrow, do you?" Alain asked.

Max sighed, "I guess you're right." He took off his glasses and cuddled with Jirachi as he went to sleep.

May smiled softly and started singing the lullaby.


The next day, Absol led them to the cave where Butler and Diane found Jirachi. All the wild Pokémon gathered to welcome Jirachi back home. They soon entered the cave. It was soon nighttime, and it was almost time for Jirachi to absorb the Millennium comet's energy before he went back to sleep again. There was a clearing in the middle of the cave, where Jirachi could see the comet from inside the cave. The comet was now in the sky.

"(The star is calling me.)" Jirachi said.

He was just about to open up this true eye, but Max grabbed him.

"Jirachi, I don't want you to go!" he cried, "I'll never see you again after this and I wish that you can stay here with me!"

"(I'm sorry Max,)" Jirachi apologized, "(but I must because of the star.)"

Jirachi floated to the hole of the cave and stared at the comet.

"Jirachi is getting ready." Diane said.

"Ready for what?" May asked.

"Jirachi will open his true eye and use it to absorb energy from the Millenium comet." Diane replied.

"I wonder what Jirachi does with the energy?" Alain asked.

"They say that during the thousand years where Jirachi is asleep, all the energy he absorbs from the comet is slowly being released into the Earth. Everything that grows in Forina feeds off that energy." Diane explained.

"So Forina is a wonderful place for Pokémon to live in because of Jirachi." Brock concluded.

As Jirachi is going to open his Millennium Eye, spikes come out of the walls and purple energy beams capture Jirachi. Shocking them all especially when half of the cavern roof turned out to be a decoy that fell down revealing Butler and a strange looking machine.

"Show time and like every great magician I've saved my best trick for last." Butler announced as he brought Jirachi closer to his machine.

"Let Jirachi go!" Ashlyn demanded.

"For their finale most magicians would probably end their show with something very obvious like making a Pokémon disappear but since I'm not like most magicians for tonight's show I'll be making a Pokémon reappear!" Butler declared.

"You're mad." Diane said shaking her head.

"Not mad just a little angry and just a wee bit impatient to get on with the show!" Butler said before the purple rays turned into a cage around them.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, it's the moment you've all been waiting for!" He announced as he placed Jirachi in the center of his Machine, "Jirachi let's do this just like we rehearsed it."

And with that Jirachi opened his true eye and absorbed the energy from the Millennium comet unintentionally powering up the machine which then started drawing what looked like Groudon.

"Now team Magma will learn to never have doubted me."

"What do we do?" May asked when she saw Tesla's Thunder Shock was doing nothing against the cage.

"I don't know May if only we could destroy those spikes." Ashlyn said before the wild Absol ran into the cave and destroyed several spikes as a shiny Flygon destroyed the remaining ones before flying in front of Ashlyn and Max, "Thanks so much Absol, Flygon."

"Flygon, we need your help of saving Jirachi!" Max pleaded. Flygon nodded his head.

Alain took out Charizard and got on his back.

"Be careful you guys." May warned.

Ashlyn, Tesla, and Max got onto Flygon's back. Charizard and Flygon flew to the skies and towards Butler's machine.

"Just seconds from now Groudon will return to life and prove that I was right." Butler said before Flygon and Charizard flew closer to the machine making Butler send out his Salamence. "Salamence, get rid of them."

"Leave Salamence to me and Charizard, you focus on getting Jirachi back." Alain said before flying in front of Salamence as Flygon continued towards Butler's machine.

Alain placed two fingers on his keystone bracelet which glowed brightly along with the Mega Stone on Charizard.

"Keystone, respond to my heart. Go beyond evolution! Mega Evolve!" Alain called out.

Charizard mega into Mega Charizard X.

Ashlyn, Tesla, and Max jumped off Flygon to save Jirachi.

"Tesla, Thunder Shock!" Ashlyn ordered.

Tesla fired her electrical attack on the machine making it release Jirachi making Flygon swoop in allowing Ashlyn to catch Jirachi before giving him to Max.

"Jirachi," Max said before he hugged Jirachi tightly, "Please wake up."

"Hm? He's closing his third eye." Ashlyn as she looked back at the Pokémon Max held.

"(Max!)" Jirachi exclaimed happily when his true eye was fully closed.

"Jirachi! thank Arceus, you're ok." Max said hugging Jirachi close.

"How is he?" Alain asked as he and Charizard rejoined Max and Ashlyn.

"He's alright." Ashlyn replied smiling as she guided Flygon to where the others were.

"Ashlyn! Max! Alain!" May called when she saw them all landing, "How's Jirachi?"

"He's alright." Max assured her before she kneeled in front of him and hugged him.

"Same with you two?" she asked.

"Yeah." Alain nodded.

"We're perfectly fine, May." Ashlyn smiled.

Suddenly they were interrupted by the earth rumbling mostly focused on where Butler's Machine drew the silhouette of Groudon. Groudon is slowly rising as Butler watches. Groudon is then completely formed as the gang stand behind it, however it becomes clear that rather than resurrecting a real Groudon all Butler has done is create a monster with Groudon's shape.

"That's not Groudon." Ashlyn said in fear as she watched the monster that Butler created sucking the energy of the Earth.

"What kind of Monster is that?" Alain asked, equally horrified.

As the fake Groudon started sucking even more energy from the earth, Absol attacks it with Razor wind. Groudon's left claws then become slimy blue-green tentacles and engulfed Absol! Groudon rear spikes becomes tentacles, too, chasing every Pokémon.

"Oh no! It's sucking in all the Pokémon!" May exclaimed.

"Butler, please tell me you have a plan to stop this." Diane begged, making the gang look at her and a very shocked Butler.

"No, I don't. I have nothing up my sleeve, no tricks left," Butler said still in shock, "This wasn't supposed to happen, that's not Groudon. It's nothing but pure evil."

Suddenly the Zombie Groudon's tentacle was about to grab him, but Diane pushed Butler out of the way and got captured instead.

"No Diane!" Butler shouted.

"My darling if this is the end then I'm glad that the last thing I see is you." Diane declared before she was absorbed.

"Everyone, get on now!" Ashlyn ordered.

Ashlyn, May and Max got onto Flygon while Alain and Brock got onto Charizard.

"Butler, get out of there!" Alain shouted when he saw the Groudon stare right at them all its tentacles shooting towards them. Luckily Butler got on his Salamence just in time.

"Butler, you made the machine what can we do to destroy that thing?" Ashlyn asked.

"Why the heck are you asking him, Ashlyn?!" Max exclaimed.

"Because Max we don't have a choice, he made that machine and besides, I know for a fact that he loves Diane despite his blind actions all due to revenge." Ashlyn stated before she looked at Butler straight in the eyes.

"Charizard Flamethrower!" Alain commanded burning the tentacles that neared Ashlyn, May and Max.

"Thanks Alain. May, Max, hold on tight I'm going to have to fly faster." Ashlyn said before she directed Flygon to go faster to avoid three tentacles that were chasing after them.

"Be careful that thing is after Jirachi!" Butler warned as he commanded his Salamence to destroy any tentacle close to Flygon, "Jirachi should be able to absorb energy from that monster if we put him back on my machine, we just have to reverse the polarity and it should work." He told them all as they all avoided the horrible life taking tentacles.

"Well Jirachi do you want to try?" Alain asked.

"(Yes! I want to try for Max!)" Jirachi said, determinedly.

"Right then Butler, Max and I will take Jirachi to the machine Alain and the others will distract the monster." Elena announced.

"Good luck!" Brock called out.

Ashlyn nodded. So Alain and Brock distracted the Zombie Groudon, while flying on Charizard. Ashlyn, May, Max, Flygon, Butler and Salamence flew over to Butler's machine. The Zombie Groudon had knocked the machine earlier, and now the machine was dangling on some edges of some cliffs. Butler got the machine ready as quick as he could, taking care not to fall of the machine, and reached for the fossil shard.

"Once I reverse this, it should be ready." he said.

Unfortunately, while Butler reprogramed the machine, but the machine started to tilt dangerously making Butler drop the Groudon shard luckily Alain swooped on and caught it.

"Good now place Jirachi there." Butler said after Alain gave him the shard and he placed it into the machine.

"Ok," Max said before he placed Jirachi on the machine "Are you ready?"

"(Let's do it!)" Jirachi said looking extremely determined.

At that moment, the Zombie Groudon turned up. Flygon and Salamence fought the Zombie Groudon to distract it, but they caught by the tentacles. Then Ashlyn, Tesla, May, and Brock. Alain and Max stared at shock at the others who just got absorbed. Then Butler lost his footing when the machine shook. Alain ran over to the switch to finish the job.

"It's up to you now Jirachi!" he flipped the switch.

A beam of light shot into the earth and then all the energy was being drained from the Zombie Groudon and into Jirachi; Butler's plan was working. The Zombie Groudon was not happy with this and tried to grab Jirachi with its tentacles, but Butler and Alain made themselves get grabbed.

"You must hurry." Butler said before he and Alain got absorbed.

Groudon, angry, pours its gooey substance over the machine, but Jirachi starts glowing. Groudon is slowly dragged by a white meteor made by Jirachi to the Millennium Comet, and then explodes, releasing all Pokémon and human alike it ate.

"A-Alain?" Ashlyn said blushing when she saw how close she was to him.

"Ashlyn?" Alain asked before he hugged her and Tesla tighter.

"May!" Max ran towards his sister and tackled her into a hug which she returned.

Butler held Diane tight towards him, "Thank goodness. I thought I would never see you again."

Diane held onto him, "Me too. I'm glad to see you too." She said.

Jirachi flew over to Max.

"You did it Jirachi. You're the best." Max beamed.

(You're the best really Max,)" Jirachi stated, "(You made all my wishes come true. But I have one final wish.)"

"What is it?" Max asked.

"(I feel very sleepy,)" Jirachi said, "(and it would make me happy if you sing me that song, one last time.)"

The rest smiled sadly at this and decided to grant Jirachi's wish. May started to sing the lullaby, Ashlyn, Alain, Brock and Max joined in.

"(Thank you everyone,)" Jirachi thanked the gang, "(I couldn't have wished for anything else.)"

Jirachi closed his eyes, turned back into a crystal cocoon, and then went back into the earth to sleep for the next 1000 years, while the energy was seeping over Forina.

"Goodbye Jirachi! I promise I will never forget you!" Max yelled as tears poured out of his eyes.

May walked from behind him, knelt down, and hugged him from behind as they watched the energy seep all across Forina.


So Forina was now safe again after that. The next morning everyone was getting ready to leave Forina.

"Diane and I have decided to stay here in Forina." Butler declared.

"We both finally realized what's most important and that's to be together." Diane added, smiling.

"I'm so happy for you two." May gushed as everyone else smiled.

The Shiny Flygon from before appeared in back of the gang along with three Electrike's and two Trapinch's. One of the Electrike's was shiny. The two Trapinch's walked up to Max and Brock. The three Electrike's walked up to Ashlyn, Alain, and Max. The shiny Electrike went up to Ashlyn.

"I think they want to go with you guys." Diane said.

Ashlyn took out her Rotom phone.

[Flygon, the Mystic Pokémon. Flygon is the evolved form of Vibrava. It's known as "The Desert Spirit" because of the song-like voice that emanates from the sandstorms it kicks up.

Note: This different coloration indicates that this Pokémon is a shiny Pokémon.]

[Tropius, the Fruit Pokémon. Tropius can fly through the air by flapping the leaves on its back. It grows stronger in bright sunlight.]

[Electrike, the Lightning Pokémon. Using the electric charge stored in its fur, it can run faster than the eye can follow.

Note: This different coloration indicates that this Pokémon is a shiny Pokémon.]

[Trapinch, the Ant Pit Pokémon. Trapinch dig cone-shaped holes in desert areas. Its large and powerful jaws are capable of crushing stone.]

"Are you guys sure?" Ashlyn asked the Pokémon.

The Pokémon smiled. So the other four trainers caught them. They were happy to have new Pokémon on their teams. Everyone smiled once more. Then May remembered something.

"Oh wait!" May exclaimed before pulling out her wishing star charm and saw that the last flap on her charm was still up, "Aww man, I forgot." She whined.

"I don't think you needed to do that, May." Ashlyn stated in which May turned to her, "It's best that you work hard to make your wish instead. You would miss out on many fun things if your dream or wish just came true in a flash."

"I fully agree with you, Ashlyn." Butler agreed.

"I guess you're right." May agreed as well.

Butler and Diane offered the gang a ride back to town, and they accepted the offer.

"(I'll never forget you, Max. We'll always be friends.)" Jirachi spoke which caused to stop in his tracks and looked over at Forina. He smiled.

"I will never forget you either Jirachi, and we'll always be friends, no matter what." Max promised.


Then the gang left to continue their journey, leaving Butler and Diane to protect Forina. Ashlyn knew that Forina would be in good hands. But the one thing that Ashlyn didn't know was that she would come across someone she never expected to meet.


Pokémon Caught: Mightyena (Lela)(F), Marshtomp (Finn)(M), Shiny Combusken (Hestia)(F), Kirlia (Miku)(F), Kirlia (Lancelot)(M), Swellow (Percy)(M), Linoone (Ziggy)(M), Grovyle (Kazuki)(M), Beautifly (Willow)(F), Shiny Feebas (Ula)(F), Corphish (Sebastian)(M), Aron (Hagane)(M), Sableye (Jacinth)(M), Shiny Flygon (Libelle)(F), Shiny Electrike (Damini)(F)

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