If you want to read ahead, you can check out my Patreón @
[ https://www.patreón.com/fictiononlyreader ]
The link is also in the synopsis.
Ivy boarded the red Hogwarts express with an excited expression.
Today was the first day out since she had been out of her house. She had spent the entire summer vacation trapped inside her house with no access to the outside. But today was the first of September, and there wasn't an active Hogwarts student that wasn't at the Kings Crossing Station.
"There are a lot of people," said Hermione, looking around the platform. "I wasn't expecting these many people to come."
Ivy looked around, and while Hermione said there were a lot of people, there wasn't that much of a difference from the previous years. However, after last year's break-in, neither of them was expecting the turnout to be the same. The last time they had seen, the parents were pulling their children away with declarations of never letting them return. But here they were, seeing those very people standing on the platforms.
"They must be pressured by the attacks," muttered Ivy.
"The attack outside your house might've been what made all consider Hogwarts safer than their own homes," Hermione narrowed her eyes towards her best friend.
"Don't give me that look. We have already gone through this, and I do not want to talk about it," said Ivy dismissively.
"All you have done is avoid answering my questions."
"I will answer all your questions if you stop being so judgemental."
"How can I not be doubtful if you don't answer my questions."
"Let's not do this. Or this will end up going forever."
Hermione sighed. She fixed her Headgirl badge before boarding the train behind Ivy. They made their way to a compartment where Hermione unloaded her luggage and went away to the Prefect compartment, leaving Ivy alone in the compartment. Harry and Ron had gone to meet their friends after such a long time, leaving their shrunk luggage with Ivy.
Soon, the train jerked into motion and began moving. Ivy crossed her legs and turned her gaze outside as the scenery gradually left the urban behind, welcoming the vast expanse of the natural landscape. Her eyes remained glued on the scene. . . for the past two months, her only window to the outside had been the two-way mirror that she shared with Quinn, who carried it with him while outside, visiting places. She still remembered the view from the mirror when Quinn had floated it above the buildings to get an overhead shot, which then had turned into a tour through the narrow streets and even close-ups of many people engaged in their daily activities who couldn't see the presumably invisible mirror floating near them.
But even despite that, nothing beat watching with her own eyes, knowing that it was just a glass pane away. As she was blankly watching out, something entered her vision, piquing her attention.
She squinted to focus, "Is that a bird?"
It was indeed a bird. As the small dot flew close, the shape of broad wings became clear. With each flap, the black bird would come closer to the train until it was flying just beside it, moving in the same direction.
"A crow," Ivy muttered. It was the biggest of its kind she had seen. She was also surprised the bird was able to keep up the train that chugged forward at full speed, making her guess that it was a magical species of the crow family. "I don't remember studying about this particular one," Ivy tried to recall the identity but failed. "Maybe Hermione will know."
The crow flapped its wing in rapid succession and left Ivy's window behind, speeding ahead. Just when Ivy was about to return her focus from the bird, the crow did a surprising and unexpected happen— the bird pivoted back and faced the opposite. Ivy's confusion soon turned into surprise as first, the crow flew towards her suddenly, the glass pane too vanished as it never suggested. Ivy raised her hands to protect herself, but the next second, she felt the fluttering winds stop.
She peaked out from behind her eyes to see the black crow staring at her from the opposite seat. She hurriedly glanced at the glass pane, but it was intact and present. Ivy looked back at the crow— she gulped— the bird was larger than when she had seen it before. And as the bird was nearby, she could finally see that crow's black feathers had a purple shine that'd only turn visible at specific angles when the light would splash on them.
"How did you get in?" she asked, tilting her head, slightly scared because of the size.
The crow's response was something she didn't expect. The crow twisted and turned, and suddenly, Quinn was sitting in front of her.
"That was exciting, not going to lie," said Quinn, fixing his cuffs underneath his suit. He waved his hand, and the compartment door locked up.
"Quinn!" Ivy stood up and hugged him. He hugged her back and pulled her into a snog session that both sides craved. "How did you? You're an animagus?!"
"I have been a couple for a few years, a long but interesting story."
"You didn't tell me. I want to be an animagus as well."
"It didn't come up naturally. As for becoming an animagus, it's quite the lengthy to become an animagus— but if you want to, we can work on it. . . ah, we should've done it during the summer break. . . ah, but then you wouldn't have been able to complete it while locked inside. But whatever, we can think of something while you're in Hogwarts."
"My dad's an animagus. Sirius as well."
"Oh?" Quinn, of course, knew that. "That's neat. What form does he take?"
"Stag. You're a crow."
"Technically, a raven. But yeah."
"What do you think I'll become?"
"It's mostly the same as Patronus, so there are chances that you'll be a blue jay."
"Ah. . . blue jay is small."
"Believe me, smaller size for a bird form is better. You might not be able to fly in stronger winds, but in an ideal environment, smaller birds are great. I have been in many great flights in my animagus forms."
Ivy felt envious of the prospect of a new experience.
"Why are you here?" she asked. "I thought we agreed to meet outside of Hogwarts after I reach the castle."
"I missed you, so I came. The plans we had decided earlier are still on."
"Does Daphne know you're here?"
"Nope, I came only for you."
"Aww, how sweet." Ivy was still straddled upon Quinn and gave him a reward. "Hermione would blow up if she walked in upon us."
"She's still not happy?"
"No, she is not. But her pestering has gone down at least."
Quinn sighed, "I'm not popular with best friends. Both Tracey and Hermione aren't thrilled about our relationship."
"It bothers you that much?"
"Yes, it does," said Quinn, surprising Ivy. "They're the only two who know about our relationship, and both of them aren't supportive— it makes me wonder if anyone else would be."
Ivy didn't have an answer to it. She, too, wasn't worried about the same.
"Let's forget about it," Quinn smiled, "while it does bother me, it's not to a level where I'll lose any sleep."
"Mnmm," Ivy nodded.
"I heard there are professors and even Aurors onboard today," said Quinn. "They really want this to go well."
"I heard"— heard from an Order of Phoenix— "that Dumbledore wants Hogwarts to be seen as a safe place, and the Hogwarts Express getting safely to Hogsmeade is important for that. If any Death Eaters came, which they're expecting them to come, the professors and Aurors are going to retaliate in defense."
"I hope everything's peaceful."
"Are you going to help if they come?"
Quinn shook his head. "I'll defend as long as I can stay anonymous. If I reveal myself, my grandfather is going to get angry, and I don't want to anger him right now. He's prickly these days," said Quinn, pausing before continuing. "Please don't go out and try to actively fight them. I support self-defense, but don't pick a fight with them— leave that to the Aurors."
"Yes, yes," Ivy sighed, "I have heard that so many times in the last couple of days— mum's been harping on and on about it. If they're so worried about it, why can't they just let us come directly through Hogsmeade."
"It's a show of confidence. Hogwarts and even the Ministry can't have people thinking that they're scared of the Death Eaters by stopping a long-time tradition. It's risky because of the young children involved, but I see where they're coming from."
Ivy hummed, "They want to keep up the traditions, but they moved Ollivander out of the shop."
That caught Quinn's attention as he asked, "I am curious, what's going on with the wand situation?"
"The first years don't have their wands yet. Mum said that Ollivander and his shop are going to be present at Hogwarts, and the first years are going to get their wands in the school itself."
". . . I see this becoming the norm."
"I think so too. Someone in the Ministry will think that it's safer for the children to have their wands when they enter Hogwarts, and then somehow it'll become part of the sorting ceremony."
"You know. . . that actually sounds cool, but I wouldn't want it to happen. Parents need to get used to their kids having a wand— and the time before Hogwarts where kids can't do much with them is the perfect time for that purpose."
"Tell that to Hermione's parents," Ivy giggled. "They told me that Hermione almost broke everything in her room."
"What about you? I'm sure you weren't any less."
"Please," Ivy rolled her eyes, "I had mum with me— she would allow me my wand one hour in the morning and one in the evening." She narrowed her eyes, "You got to do magic without care, didn't you, you spoiled brat."
"Spoiled brat?" Quinn quirked his brow playfully. "I was anything but spoiled. I will have you know I did my chores and completed my tasks before I could do use magic," he said proudly, puffing up his chest.
"Aren't you a good boy," said Ivy, her voice a bit husky.
"I am," Quinn nodded deeply.
"Then let me give you a reward," she said and leaned forward.
But before they could get into another snogging session, a loud explosion disturbed them. Both of them looked outside the window, and they saw black trails flying through the sky— looking closely, they saw people inside, flying on brooms.
"They came," he sighed.
"They did," Ivy got up from Quinn. "What are you going to do?"
Quinn stood up and stared out of the window. He saw a flying Death Eater shoot a spell towards the train, but it was deflected by a shield spell, thus crashing into the ground, exploding the mud and grass that did hit the train.
". . . I'm going to go to the roof in case a spell slips past the Aurors and professors. I'm sure the train has its own enchantments, but prevention is better than cure."
Quinn turned away from the window and pulled Ivy into another kiss before saying, "I'll see you in a couple of days. We will go out then."
"Be safe," she said.
"I will. Have your wand at ready— in the immortal words of Mad-Eye Moody—"
"Constant Vigilance," Ivy sighed again. She had heard that phrase so much during the summer that her ears bled.
Quinn laughed.
He snapped his fingers and turned invisible. Next, the window again vanished from its frame before it returned again, and Ivy could tell that Quinn wasn't in the room.
At that moment, the door rattled. Ivy unlocked it and let in Hermione, Harry, and Ron inside.
"Did you see it?" asked Harry.
"I did."
"What should we do?"
Ivy took out her wand. "We stay ready and wait. If they come inside, we teach them a lesson."
Quinn West - MC - I hitch-hicked to get a ride with my girlfriend.
Ivy Potter - Potter Twin - Likes exciting situations.
FictionOnlyReader - Author - Corporate sucks!
If you have any ideas regarding the magic you want to see in this fiction or want to offer some ideas regarding the progression. Move onto the DISCORD Server and blast those ideas.
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If you want to read ahead, you can check out my Patreón @
[ https://www.patreón.coInterrogationm/fictiononlyreader ]
The link is also in the synopsis.
Quinn pulled himself atop the Hogwarts Express. The black roof was windy, fluttering Quinn's clothes and hair back and making his balance difficult. He snapped his fingers, and the winds neutralized their assault on him.
The Death Eaters that flew above the train, like annoying mosquitos buzzing. Spells came down from the sky at the train, but shield spells would shoot up and intercept the attacks.
Quinn watched as a rope shot up on the side of the next coach, and an Auror climbed up on the roof just as himself. Quinn stilled himself and focused more on his invisibility— he didn't want to get found out like he did during the Azkaban transport— unlike that time, he wasn't masked. Similarly, several Aurors climbed up on the roofs, and the exchange immediately became more heated as the Aurors began to attack while protecting the train.
Quinn stayed put on his spot. He wasn't going to make a move if the train wasn't in explicit danger. . . and from the looks of it, the Aurors were doing a good job protecting the train.
'Should I shoot some of them down?' he still wondered, looking between the Death Eaters and the Aurors. After a thought, he decided not to do anything, but just as he was about to close down the query, his eyes caught an unmasked Death Eater flying among the masked ones.
An unmasked Death Eaters. . . those among the Dark Lord's rank, who didn't mind their identities revealed while doing their Death Eater duties— they were those been broken out of Azkaban, who knew that showing their faces would make no difference, thus hiding them provided no value.
"Bartemius Crouch Junior," Quinn muttered as his eyes followed the one guilty of patricide. 'I can't let this chance get away, can I?'
Bartemius 'Barty' Crouch Junior was an inner circle Death Eater, a fanatic one at that. It was no secret that he worshipped the dirt that Voldemort had walked on and thus wasn't scared to follow every word uttered by his master— and he did have a reputation for being crazy in the head with a passion for destruction and chaos.
Quinn glanced at the Aurors before raising his hand with his palm following the flying Barty Crouch. Quinn waited for him to lower his altitude, and the moment Quinn thought that the range was close enough for absolute hit accuracy, he let the spell fly. It whistled through the wind and struck Barty in the back.
Barty's broom immediately dipped, and the rider leaned to the slide and slipped off. For a second, Quinn watched the man free fall through the floor; he thought if he should just let the man fall— the height of the fall wasn't enough for absolute death, there was an equal chance of life and death— and for a moment, he was fine with taking the chance and let luck decide Barty's fate. . . . But the, at the very last moment, Quinn apparated from the roof and appeared right under Barty's free fall.
He raised his magic up and cut off the body's momentum. He caught Barty and immediately apparated off from the scene.
. . .
Quinn appeared in a forest and dumped the unconscious body on the ground before sighing.
He knew that Aurors would question among themselves who shot the Death Eater down, and when they would conclude that it was none among them, they'd go to the professors, who would again refuse, and then it'd go to students. If, by chance, Barty had died, Aurors would need to launch a mandatory investigation involving everyone second year onwards, and he didn't want that to happen— adults questioning young children, who would obviously be anxious about the questioning— and that didn't sit well with Quinn.
He didn't want the young children to go through such experiences. Even if none of them would be charged, he didn't want them to take the stress that would naturally pop up even if they knew they were safe. Moreover, who knew how Voldemort would respond. Maybe the mad man would use it as an opportunity to attack every first-generation magical's family for revenge, so Quinn whisked Barty away to ensure that no student would be involved.
"Now, what should I do with him?"
He stared down at Barty Crouch with narrowed eyes. First, he stripped Barty naked; even the underwear wasn't spared, but because he didn't want to have a wiener in his vision, he conjured underwear over Barty. Next, he cast a space-locking ward around them to disable apparition and portkeys. While he had taken away all the clothes and belongings, there was no telling if Barty had something inside his body that could be used as a portkey.
Then there was a stretch of stillness. Barty lay unconscious as Quinn stared down at him. . . . Quinn took out a triangular black patch from his pocket. He tapped it, and the black Noir mask came out with a pair of leather gloves. He put the mask and gloves on, leaving the rest of the outfit inside the Noir patch. His hair changed colors, and even their style altered.
"Wake up."
Quinn removed the spell he had cast and then dumped ice-cold water on him. Barty sucked in a cold breath along with the ice water and turned to his side, coughing his lungs out.
"H-uh? W-What?" Barty muttered under confusion.
"Bartemius Crouch Junior," said Quinn, gaining Barty's attention.
"You!" Barty recognized Quinn's Invisible Vigilante immediately.
"You have failed the magical community, Death Eaters," said Quinn, his voice distorted. You have killed, maimed, harmed countless innocent lives, and have done so without a single shred of regret inside you— it is time for you to be judged."
"You filthy—"
Quinn swiped his hand in the air, and Barty was struck with an invisible slap.
Quinn swiped his hand again, and another tight slap attacked Barty's face.
Another slap knocked Barty down as he tried to get up.
Barty stared at Quinn with vigilant eyes. He opened his mouth but then promptly closed it when he saw Quinn raise his hand.
"You will speak when I allow you to speak," said Quinn.
Barty reached around seemingly for his wand. His eyes widened as he realized that his wand wasn't near him. He looked down and saw that he was only wearing underwear that wasn't his.
"I will have you answer some of my questions," said Quinn, deciding to exploit the chance that he had unexpectedly created. "How is the Dark Lord doing? I heard that he is not feeling these days."
Barty's eyes widened, "How did you?!"
"When it comes to filth like you, I know things. Answer my question."
Barty spat in response. "You can go to hell, you blood traitor. . . no, I'm sure you're a foul mudblood."
Quinn calmly raised his hand, and a spark of lightning zapped Barty, sending him into screaming pain. "Don't answer my questions— be ready for some punishment."
"How is the Dark Lord's health," Quinn asked again.
Barty refused to answer and was again struck with magic that sent him rolling in pain. Barty continued refusing to answer, and Quinn continued to dole out punishment in painful proportions.
Barty laid on the ground, panting, writhing in pain. His body twitched and spasmed with tremors. Seeing that, Quinn spoke, "It looks we need to raise the stakes. Continue to not answer my questions— and I'll take your magic away."
That made Barty twitch from something other than the pain. He looked up at Quinn, wariness and fear in his eyes. His eyes studied Quinn— studied the Invisible Vigilante, who was known to have taken magic away from various Death Eaters.
"I see you have made your decision," Quinn spoke when Barty kept his silence. "Then you know what you have to pay."
A dark haze suddenly puffed out Quinn's hand, startling Barty. The Death Eaters pushed himself back on the ground, away from Quinn. However, it was futile as Quinn raised his hand, and a copious amount of hazy smoke flew out of his palm and pooled onto the earthy ground. The magic moved like it had a mind on its own, chasing Barty, and when it reached his body, it rose and covered him up. Sticking to him.
"Stop!" yelled Barty
Quinn clenched his fist. The haze grew darker with soot puffing up around Barty, covering him in an almost opaque smoke. When the screams began, Quinn ignored them and continued to operate his magic, guiding the magic to the intended areas on Barty's body.
Quinn waved his hand and blew Tentani Nervum's haze away. He stared at the pathetic-looking Barty and offered, "Answer my questions, and I'll return you your magic."
". . . F-Fuck Y-Y-Youuuu. . ."
Quinn sighed. He wondered why he wasted so much time going through his method. He wanted to see if he could pry one of the Dark Lord's fanatic followers' mouths open. "I do not want to go inside that disgusting mind of yours, but you leave me no other option. . . we will do this the hard way,"
Emperyean ropes shot out from the ground. They wrapped around Barty and pulled him firmly to the ground, keeping him still even with him thrashing around.
Quinn kneeled down beside Barty and placed his palm over his forehead. "This will hurt, do try to endure."
Barty's eyes turned to the back of his head, leaving only the whites. Again, a scream pierced the forest as Quinn's Legilimency tore through Barty's mind, scouring through the Death Eater's memories. Experienced them one by one— numerous meetings, small operations that had gone under the details, shady dealings, and the various others related to Death Eaters.
"Ah, please excuse me for a moment," said Quinn. He got up and turned away from Barty while casting an opaque black ward that blocked out Barty from witnessing anything outside.
He took out the vibrating two-way mirror from his pocket and was about to answer it when he looked around his entirely forest surroundings. He waved his hand, and the scene around him shimmered into a scene of his room with a slight change— the wall behind him was a nondescript wall in case he needed to change locations.
"Hey," he said, answering the call.
"Are you alright?" Ivy peered through the mirror, looking at Quinn and his surrounding. "Where are you?"
"In my room. It's going through a repaint," said Quinn, thinking he'd need to repaint his room now. "I hope the Death Eaters didn't return," he said, gambling on the fact that their leader(Barty) disappearing must've made them leave.
"No, they left. It was very sudden."
"One of the Death Eaters got shot down and disappeared; I think that scared them off," said Quinn, knowing that said Death Eater was behind him.
"Oh, I didn't know that," she said. "You should've come in."
"I thought of doing so but thought that after the attack, your friends would come looking for you— and thought it'd better to leave."
"They haven't come yet—" Ivy turned when there was a knock on Ivy's door. "They're here. I will talk to you later. Love you."
"Love you too," said Quinn, waving her goodbye before putting the mirror away. He put on his mask and turned back, and the black dome crumbled away with Barty still on the ground, writhing.
"Sorry about the wait; let's continue."
Quinn West - MC - Wanted to see if he could interrogate(extract information) without Legilimency.
Bartemius Crouch Junior - Death Eater - Pain and whiteness.
If you have any ideas regarding the magic you want to see in this fiction or want to offer some ideas regarding the progression. Move onto the DISCORD Server and blast those ideas.
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