Unduh Aplikasi
79.54% Ben 10; Omnitrix Reload / Chapter 34: Chapter 30: Responsibility

Bab 34: Chapter 30: Responsibility

"You're not talking me out of this." Sunny voice hummed while the boy's eyes landed on his reflection.

In the bathroom, the boy focused on Virgo's eye.

He pulled the wrinkle from under his taken eye, inspecting it closely. Darkness surrounds the enlarged white pupil.

'Edge. Is there anything you found on Sunny?' Will thought.

'I rather you get it from her.' Edge answered while The boy remained quiet. 'I know this is not easy, and you lost your chance, but not exactly.'

'I know...you won't tell me?'

'No. The girl would resent you If I did.'

A gentle knock gained the boy's eyes on the door.

"Anthony. It's me. Max." Max said softly. "I would like to talk once you're done."

The boy pulled out his phone.

7:43 am

Will approached the door, opening it to Max.

"Come. Sit." Max ordered as he led the boy to the booth.

Will sat closest to the sleeping quarter while Max took a seat in front of him.

Interlocking his fingers.

"Will, Your bonded with Sunny?" Max questioned while the boy squinted his eyes.

"I'm trying to. W-what do you mean by that?"

"When you came in a while ago, Ben never told me what you spoke with Sunny about. And how? She was fidgeting when you mentioned it." The boy looked away. "But, I could be wrong. Where is Sunny now? And be honest."

"She's not here." The boy paused. "Far, but close. She's staring down at us?"

Max sighs.

"Sunny... She is living up to her potential. Yet, the path she's taking...I'm worried." Will leans back. "I know you're carrying too much, but out of everyone here. She's closer to you. There is a chance you can truly help her."

"And you're keeping this from Gwen?" The boy sighs. "Max."

"I know. I can't keep putting you in the middle of this."

"Tell me...Why are you doing this to yourself? You suffered enough." Max remained silent.

The boy sighs. Placing his hands on the table.

"I can see why you kept this from Gwen, but that's a huge risk."

"I know. Gwen, we'll understand."

The boy bit his lip.

"I'll do my best."

Max nodded, and he stood to his feet.

"I'll see. What I can cook for breakfast." Max states.

"Uh. Max." Will called, getting his attention. "Remember, you are not alone. As much as they need me, they also need you." Max cracked a smile before his breath escaped his lips. He nodded before starting breakfast.

The boy raised to his feet, seeing Zed at his heel.

"Stay. Girl." Will ordered, patting her head while she yawned, licking her mouth. "I won't be far." He stood to his feet, heading out the door. Seeing sand and the cliffside before him.

"Anthony. A second." Max states, getting his attention. He points his finger at his ear to a bud in it.

"Oh. Ok." The boy summoned Ratchet's earbud before placing it in his ear.

He walked out, embracing the sun's rays and crashing gentle waves. His eyes land on the Gem's Beachhouse before the boy's eyes; roll along the cliffside to the top.

Zero's wings spew from the boy's back before taking flight.

The boy hovered over the hilltop to where a lighthouse stood. To find Sunny on her back along the green grass with her arms folded.

Will landed along the grass, approaching her. His shadow blanketed her.

"Sunny. Can we talk?" Will questioned only to get silence. "I want you to call off the fight."

"Why should I? Would you tell on me?" Sunny answered.

Her eyes remained closed.

"Look. I know what I did." The boy folded his arms. "If you want me to apologize. I'm going to refuse."

"You're very persuasive."

"If I lied. I wouldn't be standing here."

Sunny's eyes opened while she looked up at Will.

"I see. You're standing on earth, wanting to entertain 'Earth Protectors'-"

"Wrong. I'm here for you."

"Ha! Right." Sunny chuckled while Will sat along the grass, watching the body of the water stretch afar. "You keep telling yourself that."

"How long will you keep this from Gwen?" The boy questioned, not getting a gaze from her.

"Till the day I die. And I hope your friends can help with that."

"Sun. I can't help you when your keeping secrets."

"Bugged Max!" She raised her voice while the boy blankly stared. "God! Do you want a leash?"

"No. But the way you're going. You're going to need one." Sunny faced Will, grinning.

"Come. Again?"

"Let's get straight to this. This feud with you and Gwen it's dragging on for so long it's starting to affect her. And that doesn't sit right with me." The boy blankly states. Sunny clenches her fist. "I'm trying to be nice, and you're just spitting it in my face."

"The hell-"

"Let me finish." The boy cut her off only to get glowing pupils from the Anodite girl. "I see you trying. And I respect that. You don't want anyone to boss you around. So, I'll want to hear your side." Sunny squinted her eyes. "This choice is in your hands. Anything you say, I'll respect it."

Silence filled their ears. While Sunny glowing eyes and Will's never broke from one another.

The girl's glowing eyes cease to her dark blue ones.


"Ok." The boy stood to his feet. "Good luck." The boy states, approaching the cliff.

Will stares over the cliff and at the sand below. He steps off, embracing the wind smacking along his face.

The sand got closer before the boy glided to his feet with the help of Necro's wings.

The RV remained in the same spot while the boy approached the door. He opened it.

"Come. On. Dude." Amethyst voiced out before cutting herself off.

Before Will.

Sat, Gwen in the booth closest to their quarters while Steven and Amethyst looked over their shoulders at the boy.

"Good morning." Steven greets him with a grin.

"Good morning, little dude." Amethyst followed up.

"Good morning." The boy's eye roamed to Max's cooking.

"They were excited. " Max answered, staring over his shoulder with a grin. "Come. Have a seat." He hummed while the boy followed suit.

"Soo, what's your idea of fun?" Amethyst questioned while Gwen slid to the window, letting Will in.

"Uh. I read." Gwen answered. "Not much of an outdoors type." She took a quick glance at Will while the boy returned one back.

"Is there anything specific?"

"Like mysteries. Something like that is hard to turn away when it has your grip on you."

"Ah! I have a friend of mine with an eye on that." Steven followed up before sighing. "She's busy at the moment, but You two will get along great." He stared at the boy. "I remember you draw. Is there anything else you do?"

"Uh." Will started before noticing Zed placing her head along his lap. He pats her. "I play games then and there."

"Great!" Steven leans over the table with stars in his eyes. Gwen leaned back. "Maybe we can play sometimes!"

"Woah, Steven. You're coming on a little too strong. Bud." Amethyst mentioned.

Steven jolted before leaning on his chair, covering his face.


"It's fine." Gwen and Will stated while Max sat a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs.

"Huh?" Amethyst squinted her eyes at her plate. Getting Steven's and the other's attention.

"Is something wrong?" Max questioned, tilting his head.

Amethyst batted her eyes at the plate and then at Max before grabbing her fork.

"No. Nothing really." She forked her food. "You think this meal is a little light?"

"I thought. Of taking the kids around town." Max answered. "They should get a view of this place."

"I could." Steven swallowed his eggs. "Show you around?"

"You're hospitality is great. Thank you for your offer."

Will gazed back at their sleeping quarters.

"Oh, Ben left before you did. She'll return shortly." Max states, cleaning his pans.

The boy nodded before starting on his plate. The scraping of their plates filled his ears.

'You know, kid.' A familiar voiced start-up. 'She looked familiar." Rogue comments while the boy glances at Amethyst, peeking at Max washing the dishes. 'Taller even, but it's up to you to find the digits.'

"This. Homeworld." The boy said under his breath, getting a gaze from Steven and Amethyst. "What does it look like?"

"Well, uh...I can't explain, really." Amethyst answered.

"It's like a city." Steven paused, placing his fork down onto his cleared plate. "Future like...uh. It'll be best if you see it yourself. It's amazing there."

"Is there any more like you?" Gwen questioned. "I mean. Are there others like you?"

"There are other Amethysts like me, but They wouldn't look entirely like me if you're getting where I'm going at." Gwen nods. "There are others like Pearl, Sapphire, Lapis, Ruby, and maybe even Bismuth." Amethyst shrug while Max clears their plates.

Gwen tilts her head while Will stares intently.

"Sapphire and Ruby is a fusion of Garnet. Lapis is in homeworld while Bismuth is in her workshop." Steven answered. "They are also part of the crystal gems."

"Lapis and Bismuth?" Max questioned while putting the plates in the sink. "Recruits?

"Well, Bismuth is a vertern. Way before I even knew about her. She's our blacksmith. Lapis, let's say we had a rough start." Amethyst answered while Max nodded.

"Hmm. Alright." Max cleans the dirty plates.

"Will." Steven straightened his back while interlocking his fingers. "Last night. I'm sorry about that, Jasper. We thought we had them all."

Will remained quiet, staring deep into Steven's pleading eyes only to feel someone brush his arm. It was Gwen.

"Is there any more we should be worried about?" The boy questioned.

"Hopefully. Not, but we'll stay vigilant."

Will stood to his feet.

"I'm going to go find. Ben." Will stated, getting the attention of his companion. "Her food. Going to get cold."

"Alright, don't stay out too long." Max voiced while the boy gazed at Zed at his hip.

"Stay. Girl." Zed whined.

"Take her out." Amethyst cuts in. "You could always say she's with us. The people know what's up."

"Right." Steven continues. "I can help." He raised a brow.

"I'm. Fine." Will said firmly.

"I'm sorry, but I'll burrow him for a bit." Gwen cuts in. Standing out of the booth. She gently pushes Will towards their sleeping quarter while smiling back at their guest. "Excuse us for a moment."

They reached their neat quarters while Gwen closed the curtains from the others. Leaving Will and her alone.

"You should. Go with Steven." Gwen states, turning to the boy.

"No. I said. I was fine." Will furrowed his brows.

"He knows this place. And the people."


Gwen folds her arms, and a sigh escapes her lips.

"You don't trust them. I know that. Especially what you have gone through." She stared daggers into the boy's eye. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"I need you here with Max. You know him better than me." Gwen looks away with her arms still crossed.

"Right." She gazed back at the boy. "Will, I'm sorry. The way I acted. I shouldn't get between you and Ben that day." The girl paused. "Just be careful." She bites her lip.

The boy's eyes wander across the room before he sighs.

"Alright. I'll have Steven help." Gwen girns. "Focus on preparing for that fight."

"I'm not worried about that." She cocked her head. "Focusing on getting Ben."

He nodded before pushing the curtains aside. Seeing Everyone's gaze.

"Let's go, girl." Will walked past Zed causing her tail to wag. The boy grabs the handle of the door leading to the outside. "Steven, you can come with me if you want."

The boy stepped outside the RV to the Beach house.

"Alright! On my way." Steven chirped while Zed stepped out, embracing the sun waves.

Zed focuses on the beach house before looking back at Will.

"Alright, little dude. I'll be here if you need me." Amethyst voiced.

"Ok! See you again. Mr. Tennyson." Steven states before closing the door. "Alright, where do you think she might be?" Steven questioned while they began pacing along the beach, feeling the light breeze.

"I'm hoping. Sour cream." Will answered.

"And we shall start with him." Steven kept an eye out while Will eyed the ghost town before him. "I know a place."

"It seems. No one out." Will said under his breath.

"It's usually like this. Yesterday was the most we had, plus it is early."

Will pulled out his phone.



The boy placed his phone into his pocket. Only to get a glance from Steven.

"You shouldn't. Worry." Steven states. "We're harmless. I swear to it." He grinned before nodding.

Will remained silent, eyeing the empty boardwalk ahead of them.

"How many do you think are out there? I mean...somewhere beyond earth."

"Too. Many." Will said under his breath, only to get a sad gaze from Steven.

"Sorry. If you ever want to talk. I'm one step away."

The Three climbed the steps onto the boardwalk. Will remained silent.

"Where are we heading?" Will questioned.

"Oh! To Fish Stew Pizza. Jenny works there, and she's bound to know where Sour Cream is. I'm sure of it."



Steven pushed open the glass door filled with advertisements. A bell chimes above their heads.

"Oh. Steven." A voice chirped while Will gazed around the empty restaurant until seeing the boy approaching the counter to a teen in an apron. "How you've been? You've been ditching us lately."

She leans on the counter with a smirk while Steven rubs his neck.

"Yeah, Sorry about that. I'd need a few days to rewind a little." He chuckled."You know Gems stuff."

"Don't be sorry. Take all the days you want, but don't get greedy. We're going to need our Steven back. It's so boring without you."

Will let Zed in before approaching the two.

The teen looked over Steven's shoulder before Steven looked back at the duo.

"Jenny. Meet. Will. And Zed. Will and Zed. Jenny." Steven points his hand at each individual.

"Oh! New faces. And Cool dog!" Jenny grins down at Zed, looking up at her. "Where did you get him?"

"You can say we stumbled. Upon another." Will answered. "And he's a she." Zed sits, making Jenny smile.

"You. My friend, earn yourself a friend! " Jenny tilts her head with that smile glued to her face. "Say. How about after work. I can take you to see the crew?"

"And that's why we are here." Steven voiced, getting her attention. "Do you have any clue where Sour cream is?"

"We're looking for a little girl nearly my height. Brown short hair above her neck. She has a black and white shirt. You can't miss it." Will adds.

"Huh...you should check that old factory out on the hill. He's setting up for his gig, Tonight. Some extra hands would be nice."

"Thanks." Will nodded before heading to the exit.

"Thanks! Jenny! I promise. I'll make it up to you." Steven voiced while Will held open the door for Zed.

"Bye, Steven! You tell Sour Cream not to work too hard." Jenny waved.

"You. Bet."

The trio made it back to the boardwalk.

"Ok." Steven followed the lead. "I know. The place."

"No. Need. Can you fly?" Will questioned, eyeing the empty boardwalk around them.

"I wouldn't say fly, but I'm getting better."

"Follow. Me."

"Wait! Let's play a game."

"I don't have time for this."

"Wait! Hear me out. I have a reward if you beat me." Will crossed his arms. "The first to make it wins."

"What is it?"

"That's the thing. It's a Mystery!" Steven's eyes sparkled while the boy's brow bounced. "Unless you win. Of course." Steven shrugged. "Unless. You win." He gave a smug grin.

'We could play his games. So we can wipe that smug ass grin off his face.' Rogue comment. 'Let's hope it's a puppy.'

'Don't waste your time. What If the girl is not where she is?' Edge commented, leaving Will to make a decision.

"Let's do it." Will waved over his shoulder while Steven pumped his fist.

Will and Steven stood beside each other. In a ready position.

"On the mark! Get set. Go!" Steven shouts before Grid zooms down the boardwalk.

Quickly making it down the boardwalk and down into Fun land.

Grid zoom past a little kid with a blue sweater wrapped around his shoulder.

The blue alien grew closer to the end of the boardwalk before leaping over the railing.

A firey cyclone surrounds Grid swinging his arms before Revealing Nova.

He blasted off to the abandoned warehouse.

The firey male eyes widen.

"The hell..." He trails off while watching a red speck fall toward their destination. "Not happening." Nova increased his speed.

The wind brushed his face while the red speck revealed: Steven before Nova past him.

Nova kept that speed while the abandoned warehouse grew dangerously close.

Zero tags in before his wings spew from his back, breaking his rough landing.

The Scarred Necrofiggain falls on his knee, causing the grass around him to rustle.

"Dang it!" Steven lands a few feet from the Necro, standing on his three-toe feet. "Almost!" Steven sighs before staring wide-eyed at Zero. His body encased itself with ice before revealing Will. "Woah, What was that?!"

"I like to know myself." Will voiced, eyeing Steven, who approached him. "How can you get that high up?"

"A lot of practice." Steven chuckled while rubbing his neck. "Well! You beat me. Fair in square." He reached into his pocket before revealing Blue sunglasses. "Last night. I noticed you kept that eye closed throughout your entire stay: and even now." Steven handed Will his reward. The boy inspects it. "It's unhealthy. And I understand you are not comfortable showing it. So, I hope it helps."

Will turns the sunglasses to the side to see a stream of stars on the frame. He looks up at Steven, giving a warm grin.

"It's the only pair I have." Will remained quiet before looking down at the glasses. "You don't like it?"

"No. It's fine." Will hangs the shades onto his dark blue shirt. "Thanks."

Steven smiled.

"It's no problem."

In the distance, Zed quickly closes the gap between the duo before standing by Will's side.

"She's. Fast." Steven comments. "I wonder if Lion can beat her." He said under his breath.

"Come on." Will states heading for the hole in the wall. Remembering the night He and Benita wrestled.

"Hey. Where did that lady go?" Sour's voice filled the boy's ears.

"Oh! She was busy. And couldn't stay long." Benita voiced while the trio entered. "She's helping a family move their furniture.

Tables sat along the empty space, while a Dj set sat on the platform in front of it.

"Sour Cream!" Steven voiced, getting the duo's attention.

"Steven. Hey, bud! Long time no see."

"I know. Sorry about that."

Sour cream-eyed Zed while Will approached Benita.

"Woah! Sick looking dog."

"Thanks." Will states with his focus on Benita, that crosses her arms. "The food is ready."

"I'm good. I already ate." She shrugs. "Their donuts here hit differently than home."

"What are you doing here?"

"Sour needed a helping hand, so- I called for help. Tell grandpa. I'm fine."

The boy pointed at Ratchet's earbud away from Steven and Sour Cream, that's having a conversation.

"He's like to hear it from you." Benita sighs.

"Alright." She breaks from Will, pressing the bud in her ear.

"Aw, what?! I can't go." Steven voiced, getting the boy's attention.

"No. Can do. You and your girl caused enough problems. Kevin is still scarred after that night."

Steven blushed.

"Understandable." He looks to the floor.

"Ok." Benita voiced, getting everyone's attention. "I'm ready."

"Ready for what?" Will blurt out.

"Oh! Oh yeah. She wants me to teach her some sick moves." Sour cream answered. "It was a deal. You know. It takes time to perfect."

"Oh, don't worry, I'm a fast learner." Benita gave a smug grin.

"I said that before landing on my butt." He chuckled.

"I'll meet you back at the RV." Benita turned to Will, that remained silent. "Go on, I'm shy. I'll be fine, worry wort." She gently pushes Will. "I can't dance with you here." She said under her breath while the boy eyed Sour Cream.

"Back. To the RV." Will said firmly.

"I know. I know." She nodded.

"Zed." The boy states while kneeling on her level. "I'm going to need you to stay. And look after Ben." Zed whine. "It won't be long. If something happens, take Ben and head back to the RV." Will pats her before standing to his feet. "I'll get you something for your trouble." His eyes focus back on Sour Cream with his hands in his hoodie pockets.

The boy backed up before heading for the exit.

"You want a donut?" Steven questioned, appearing beside Will. "My treat."


Currently sitting on the bench with a lemon-filled donut in hand. Will took a bite before sighing happily.

'Ben, not joking.' Rogue comments. 'I don't think I tried a donut...I know what we're robbing. Tonight.'

'In your dreams, green man.' Edge states.

"So, what do you think?" Steven cocked his head.

"It's soo-hmph! It's good." Will corrects himself.

"I know. I love going to that place. They sell the best donuts." Steven sighs, getting the boy's attention. "But it doesn't feel the same without Lars and Sadie."

Will remained quiet, watching. Steven stared at nothing before opening his mouth.

"You seem close."

"Yeah. Lars can say mean things at times but doesn't mean them. Sadie is kind and great, and I dunno. She feels like a sister I never had." Steven grins. "They're out doing great things, and I'm happy for them." He looks to Will. "Do you have siblings?"

The boy remained silent.

"Yeah..." Will said under his breath. "Had a sister. Younger one at that. She was a pain to live with." The boy takes a breath. "The days she barges into my room. Asking to play with her, begging to eat my food, and even to go for a walk." He chuckles. "I don't walk much...but that became my favorite." Will clears his throat. "Even when she's gone, I know she'll follow me. Begging to hold her hand..."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm fine. I'm trying not to let it get me down."

"I understand. You want to look out for your friends. Yet, at every corner, their something to stop you. Something to hold you." Will focuses on Steven. "The weight grows as if every problem you face vanishes and lingers. Everyone is counting on you. You know you can't carry it, but you do it anyway. To protect everyone from the pain. And from the demons within." Steven paused. "We're a lot alike. You know."

"You don't-"

"Steven!" A familiar voice breaks their attention on Ronaldo jogging toward them. "Ugh! Oh, Steven." He pants.

"Ronaldo?" Steven voiced.

"I'm in big trouble. BIG!"

"Deep breaths. Tell me what happened."

"Petra, she's supposed to be home by now...Or at least with Sadie's Mom. It has been a day now."

"Petra?" Will questioned.

"A golden retriever. Blue collar with Petra's name on it." Ronaldo answered.

"Sadie adopted her as soon as she went on her big break. She didn't want her mom to be alone, so Petra kept her company. Petra is amazing, really. She even goes to the Post office to walk her home." Steven adds before facing sweaty Ranaldo. "It's only been a day. She'll come back."

'She's not coming back.' Rogue comments.

'Excuse me?' Will thought.

'You don't remember that chibi version of that Quorn Hunt? That dog of yours made chicken nuggets out of her.' He chuckled while Will bit his lip. 'Don't worry. All dogs go to heaven.'

"Will?" Steven voiced. The boy noticed Steven and Ranaldo's gaze. "You know anything?"

"No. Just thinking about where Petra might have gone."

"Would you like to help us find her?"

'I know. Where's Petra gone.' Rogue chuckled.

'Quiet! Green man!' Edge raised his voice.

Anthony whips out his phone.


"I can't. Max still wants to show us around, but I'll let you know if she comes up." Will voiced.

"Ok. That's fine. You can have my number. May I?" Steven reached out his hand. Anthony passes his phone. "This way. You can notify me. Here you go!" He passed it back with a smile.

Will accepts it while nodding. He turns his back.

"Wait. Do I know you?" Ranaldo questioned while Anthony looked over his shoulder. "It feels like we met."

"No." Anthony jogs away with a bag of donuts in hand.


The boy arrives back at the abandoned warehouse.

Benita was on the floor, covered in sweat. Sour sat on a metal folding chair.

"Like I said. You have a sense of rhythm, yet you are still a little rusty." Sour mentioned.

"Ok." Benita pants. "This is all I need."

"Ben." Anthony voiced while Zed rushed to his side. "It's nine: forty-five."

"Right...Just give me a minute."

The boy took a knee before presenting Zed with a wheat donut. He breaks a piece before giving it to his alien dog that ate it.

"So. What breed is it?" Sour questioned before squinting his eyes at Zed.

"She came from the gems. Steven wanted me to have her."

"Oh. Ok. I wonder where Steven got her. Because I so want one." Anthony remained silent while feeding Zed. "I wanted you two to come to the party, but there's a jam." Sour sighs. "Oh well. But you're always invited."

"Alright." Benita stood to her feet, stumbling. "Woah!"

Anthony stood to his feet, rushing to Benita's aid.

"I'm fine."

"No. Your not. Come on." The boy turns his back to Benita before squatting. "Benita."

"Ugh! Fine." Benita sighs before climbing onto his back. The boy stood to his feet.

"You sure you two are not brother and sister?" Sour questioned.

"No, he's my bodyguard." Benita comments while Will heads for the exit. "I'll come back."

"Ok. I'll be here."

Will exit through the hole in the wall with Benita on his back. Pacing along the grass.

"What were you doing in there?" Will questioned. "No matter the place. We should always stick together."

"I. Know." Benita dragged. "And I was dancing, that's all."

"You can do that, but what you're doing. It's worrying us. I don't want to lose you."

Silence entered the environment while the boy continued pacing the hill. Watching the town before them.

"Did you lose yourself?" Benita voiced.


"Before this, you used to draw everything, yet you never do. Especially with this view." The boy views Beach City before him. "The old you would've been face down on his notebook right about now. Do you feel it tugging you?" He eyed the endless ocean. "The endless thoughts piling up." The city. "The urge to touch pencil on paper." Steven's beach house and The Rust Bucket in front of it. "Your thoughts carrying you to places you would not go or thought of, yet you let it." Benita catches her breath. "Do you ever feel it?"

"No...I don't." The boy grew silent.


Will shift to Red Riot.

"Hold on." Red Riot squats before leaping from the hill.

He took to the skies embracing the breeze and Ben's grip. He falls over the cliffside before landing on the sand below, causing it to rain.

"You alright?" Riot questioned while standing to his feet.

"I'm good. I wish you could land somewhere better than sand." She spits. "That crap is itchy, ugh."

"I'll put in a notice. Hold on."

"Wait! How about a light jog? Take in the scenery."

"Ben." He looks over his shoulder to Benita plead.

"Please! I'll take the blame."

"Alright." Riot sighs.

"And a request. I like a ride on Avalanche Express." She grins.

"He's-Nevermind." Red riot plants Benita onto the ground.

He crouched, placing his hands into the sand. The red man closes his eyes. Sand races along his arms. Then his face revealed Avalanche.

The blue eyes golem looked over his shoulder at the little girl who'd yelped in glee. She paced in front of him and climbed onto his head.

"I know. I'm bothering you, but let me have this." Ben chuckled while The golem rose to his feet. "Whoa! A bit in a hurry?" Avalanche tilts his head. "Yeah. Sorry. That was stupid." She presses her hands on his head.

"Master!" A voice calls out, only for Zed to land by their side without a hint of sand rumbling. "Where too?"

The golem stayed glued to Zed.

"Will?" Benita's voice snapped the golem out of it. "You alright?"

The golem faced the beach before them, eyeing the cliffside leading to the rv and Steven's Beach house. He stomps, giving a heavy thud, Before switching to another.

"Can you hear, Zed?" Benita questioned while Avalanche slowly picked up the pace. "Ugh! Forgot you can't speak."

The golem glance at Zed pacing along. He points ahead, getting her attention.

"Again? But can he keep up?" Zed questioned.

Avalanche stomps grew while Ben chuckled.

"Can you go faster?" She questioned while whispering voices filled the golem's head. Benita leans over his head before locking eyes with Avalanche. "You got this."

Red eyes pierce his eyes, revealing a girl with grey skin and spikes on her head.

"You got this!" She smirks before pulling back, revealing the beach.

Thick tall trees sat along the beach. Down it was a Cliffs side-like gate.

And A Massive one-eyed robot head, Far from shore.

"Vozga! Down hold back!" The girl reassured while the golem paced.

The spikes along the golem's back crumble off. The golem picked up speed.

"Woah!" The girl yelped while the golem's thick arms and legs crumbled onto the sand revealing its lean physique.

The golem Vozga sprints along the beach, soaring.

"AAAH! HA! HA!" The girl laughed while Vozga blinked.

"OH MY! GOD!!!" Benita cried. "WHY ARE WE GOING SO FAST?! WOAH!!!" Avalanche soars along the beach, passing the boardwalk. "I LOVE IT!! DON'T STOP!!!"

Avalanche glances down at his lean physique before eyeing Zed ahead of them, racing towards the cliffside. The golem speeds up, getting a tighter grip from Benita.

Avalanche, with some effort, caught up with Zed before passing her.

"No!" Zed shouts while Avalanche with Benita: races along the cliff before seeing the Rv in view.

The golem slides along the sand, collecting as much along his stone feet.

Before grinding to a halt: A few feet from the Rv, the sand joins its home.

"Ha! Ha! WO!" Benita laughed. "That was awesome!" Avalanche watches Zed approach them. "Thanks for the lift, homie."

The lean golem took a knee and lowered his head. Allowing Ben to hop off. She turns to Avalanche with a huge smile.

"You never told me he could do that!" Benita grins before pointing. "You unlocked a memory!" Avalanche doesn't move an inch. "Ha! Ha! What was it about? You gonna tell me."

The lean golem reached out, pressing his index finger against her chest: which took up her torso.

"Me?" Benita questioned. "Heh. What would you do without me?"

"I'm glad you two made it back." Max voiced while they watched him and Gwen approach them.

"That's new. Yet that doesn't change that creepy look plaster on your face." Gwen comments. "That is just nightmare fuel."

"It's a bonus on intimidation, Unlike you. You're a Chihuahua compared to him." Benita followed up.

"And you're a bed bug. If I can call you that."

Sunny settles onto the sand getting a nasty glare from Gwen before she looks away.

Benita folds her arms while Avalanche's body dismantles onto the sand before revealing Anthony.

"Alright. I know a place." Max starts. "Will leave the Rv."

"I have something to say." Sunny voiced, getting their attention. "As much as we know, I'm going to win."

"Yeah. Right." Benita voiced. "Gwen may be a softy, but knowing her. She'll put you on your back."

"Ben. Let her talk." Max states.

"I'm sorry. Grandpa, but I've been biting my tongue for quite some time. She is the most selfish person I've ever met. This is ironic coming from me." Benita points to Sunny that deadpan. "The first time we met, you've been causing havoc. And yet I never heard an apology for what you did to my best friend! Nevertheless, Gwen is a pain in my-" Benita cut herself off. "She's a pain in my butt, but what your doing is really ticking me off!" She clenches her fists. "I can bully my cousin, not you!"

Gwen tilts her head at Ben.

"Are you done?" Sunny raised a brow. "I never knew you had a spine." Benita clicks her tongue. "Anyone else? The floor is yours. Will?" The boy held his head high. "Max?"

"I'm fine."

Sunny folds her arms.

"You're an Anodite. A being made of mana and your alter ego cannot be caged. Hint. 'You got your life in order'" Gwen furrows her brows while Sunny continues. "I have yet to master this, and if you like, I can give you some pointers. To make up for how I treated you." She turns to Will with a blank gaze. "And I'm sorry I pester you. It's a habit of mine, especially for someone I want. That is mine, but I don't mind sharing."

"What the heck that's supposed to mean?" Gwen and Benita questioned.

"I have spared my energy to Will during the arcade. He is my mate."


"I'll clarify he is my layaway boyfriend. And I have no interest in starting a relationship this early."

"Wait! Wait! What?!" The boy questioned. "Layaway Boyfriend?" He stutters.

"You heard me." Sunny states while squinting her eyes. "I'm doing what you lay out for them." She looked at Max, that was dumbfounded. "Something that I got used to. So, can I leave?"

Kghost2015 Kghost2015

I'm sorry. I'd ghost you all. I've been having a rough time, and I was hoping I could recharged before hopping back.

Thx for reading.

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