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50% Ben 10; Omnitrix Reload / Chapter 21: Chapter 18: Under Wraps

Bab 21: Chapter 18: Under Wraps

Max Rv and the grey car ahead of it were parked on the side of the Gas Station. 'Red Rocket Express' Max was conversing; with an elderly lady his age with a child, by her carrying a backpack watching them, bored.

Benita, Will, and Gwen watch them from the front window while Max and the Elderly lady laugh.

Will: "Uh, don't get me wrong, but is that your twin, Gwen?" They gazed at her counterpart with jet-black hair, black and purple clothing like Gwen's.

Gwen: "Were Cousins." She sighs, getting Will's attention. "And I rather hang with Ben than this one." Benita adds.

Benita: "I'm just gonna take that as a compliment." The adults and Gwen's cousin gazed at the children and waved while Gwen's cousin grins innocently. Will brow bounce.

Will; "Why do I sense mischievous aura coming my way?" They waved.

Gwen: "Just stick by me, and you'll do fine." She whispered. Smiling at the adults. The elderly woman enters her car while Max and Gwen's cousin entered his RV. Max grins, showing her to Will.

Max: "Will you have never seen her bu-"

Gwen Cousin: "I'm sorry, grandpa. I would like to introduce myself." She grins, approaching, nervous Will that Gwen stood near. "I'm Sunny. It's really nice to meet you.~~" She reaches her hand out for his while he clears his throat shakes hers.

"It's...Will. Benita's friend." They shake hands while her grin widen. Max interrupts.

Max: "Well, I'm gonna hop in a shower. Feel free to get to know each other. Before we take off." He leaves the children while Sunny eyes never left nervous Will.

"Tell me, are you winning a world record 'Who can keep their eye closed the longest? and why wear a glove when you not even wearing another?" Gwen cut her off.

Gwen: "You ask a lot of questions." She lightly glared while Sunny shrugs.

"I just met the kid. We should get to know each other, For a long summer ahead.~" She pressed herself on Will's chest, causing him to blush while Will gently sperate from her and raised a brow.

Will: "Long summer? We have one month left." They raised a brow.

Benita: "One month? What are you talking about?" Gwen adds.

Gwen: "We have two." Will thinks for a bit while Edge's voice echoes his mind.

Edge: ' Good.~ You're going down the right road.'

Sunny walks to the back of the Rv and gazed disgustedly. The bunks were a mess, and clothes litter the floor. She glances back at the three.

Sunny; "What is this?" She questioned with disgust in her tone while Gwen rolls her eyes.

Gwen: "It was Ben's turn to clean the room." Benita sits in the booth setting her radio box on the table.

Benita: "I told you, I'll do it later." She set her phones on her ears, listening away: closing her eyes while Sunny waved it off.

Sunny: "Fine. Who sleeps where?" Will adds, pointing.

Will: "We used to sleep in our assigned bunks, but now we're all over the place."

"Where you sleep?" Will staggers while Gwen cut her off.

Gwen: "Anywhere, but with you." She glared while Sunny rolls her eyes and hurl her bag on the bottom bunk.

Max exits from the bathroom in a robe with bubbles in his hair while he approaches Benita.

Max: "Ben." He called while Benita continued chilling. "Ben!" She continued until he pulled her headphone from her portable radio.

Benita: "Hey! Diamondhead was in the middle of defeating an evil mutant!"

"I told you about this, Ben. You're supposed to fill the water tank, and with the extra body, you must take this seriously."

"What? I thought Will was supposed to." Will adds.

Will: "Max and I have washing RV duty, even when it becomes a hassle." He gazed with dread, pouring from his eyes.

Gwen: "It would help if you help grandpa for exchange." Max gazed at her.

Max: "Gwen, don't start. You haven't; clean the dishes when I asked you to." He nods his head to the dirty dishes in the sink.

Sunny fold her arms.

Sunny: "Gwen, I'm so disappointed with you. You're supposed to be the cousin I look up to." She frowns, glancing at growling Gwen.

Benita portable radio: "Hello, darlings! Haven't your kids learn honest hard work? If not, come on down to Dairyville Family fun farm camp! We have animals they can bond with and great old sun they can bathe in!" A woman announced while Max raised a brow interested.

They gazed in shock.

"EW!!! No, I'm not touching those disgusting creatures!!" Sunny argue while Max gazed at her blankly.


"Ew! Ew! Ew!" She repeats standing in the mud pin with the pigs walking past her legs while Will shovel manure into a Wheelbarrow in disgust. He sticks the shovel on the ground looking back at Sunny annoyed.

Will: "Are you gonna help?" He questioned while Sunny eyes never left the pigs standing around her.

Sunny: "And get shit on my hands? No, way." A piglet approaches her sniffing, her upper boot, causing her to jolt away with it. "Come on, hurry it along!"

"We can get it done faster if you help. We only have four more piles."

"Ugh!" She grabs the wheel borrow following Will to the next while a Farm Kid with a piglet watches them work on the sidelines.

Farm Kid: "How's it coming along?" Will shoved manure and dumped it into the Wheel borrow while Sunny backs up.

Will: "Almost...done." He does it once more while the Farm Kid smirks.

"It was quite a lot today, but you're doing it without a sweat." Mar Prowess flashes, gaining Sunny attention.

"You know...took some breaks then and there." He quickly glances at him and focuses once more. The farm kid looks to Sunny, covering her nose. He laughs while his piglet does the same.

Farm kid: "It doesn't smell that bad." Sunny counters.

Sunny: "For a county boy." The farm boy lightly frowned while Will looks back with a light glare. Sunny shrugs. "What? Honesty is the best medicine." The piglet huff.

"It's fine really, It's just that I do this for a living." Sunny comments.

Sunny; "It must be a living hell." Will sticks his shovel into the pin.

Will: "Ok, get to shoveling." Sunny gazed in disgust.

"Me touching that?" She points. "I rather break a nail." Will gazed silently. She rolls her eyes. "Ugh! Give me the damn thing!" He does so while he approaches the farm kid.

"Hey, I'm sorry about that." Will eyed Sunny shoveling.

Farm Kid: "Don't worry about it. This wasn't the first." The piglet sticks its neck out to Will while he pats it. "Hey, Kenny likes you." He smiles while Will sighs. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know." He said, unsure to continued.

"Oh, sorry about that. I'm Todd." He shakes Will's hand.

"Will." They hear a shovel hit the ground, they look back.

Sunny: "Ok...' Alpha'. Come get it." She waits while Will sighs.


Todd: "Like so." He milks a cow while milk falls into a bucket. Will and Sunny watch. "You want to be gentle and pull." He looks back at the two. "Understand?" Will answered.

"Yeah." Todd looks to Sunny that waved him off.

Sunny: "Yeah. Yeah. I understand." Todd gets up.

Todd: "Good." He heads through the barn door. "Good luck." He closes it while the cow looks at the two.

Will: "Well, I get this one while you get the other. Four hands are better than one." He goes to sit on the stool.

Sunny: "Your right." She pulls him off, causing him to crash onto the ground while she saddles him. "Four hands are better than one.~"

"Sun, get off me." He asks while she smirks.

"I'm excited you considered were close." She smiles, brushing her hand across his face while he pulls her hand from him.

"That's because calling you Sunny is doing you dis-service. Move before I push you."

"Ouch, that hurts." Will does so while she gazed up at him in shock. "You push me?!" She argued while Will gets up, patting himself.

"I warn you." He turns to the cow that backs up and moo. A pink energy whip wraps around his throat and hurls Will onto his back on a pile of hay. She approaches him but blocks a pink energy glass that came Sunny way while Gwen drops in front of Will at a ready. Sunny smirks.

Sunny: " Hey, cuz looks like you're taking your first steps." Gwen ordered.

Gwen: "That power is just like mine! I want answers." Sunny smirk grew stronger.

"Ah, that's right. This is your first." Her eyes glowed pink. "You gonna have to beat it out of me.~" She smiles while Gwen glares. The cows distance themselves from the two. Will was a voice of reason.

Will: "Gwen! Sunny! Knock it-" They hear a bell ring.

Farm woman: "Alright, everyone! Grub time!"

Sunny pink eyes vanished while Gwen the same. Sunny folds her arms with a crack smile.

Sunny: "With all that hard work, I'm starving. Come on, if not. Your plate is mine."


Eating at the table with Todd and his mother. Gwen sat by Will with Max on his right while Benita sat by Sunny.

Max: "Hmm!~ This is good.~" He coo's while Benita comments.

Benita: "This is better than the school lunch." She eats her mashed potatoes causing, Todd's Mother to smile.

Todd Mother: "Oh, stop it, you two. You're trying to make this woman blush?"

Max: "Well, it's true." He eats his corn while Gwen gazed never left Sunny eating her food in peace. Todd noticed.

Todd: "So, Gwen." This gets her attention. "Since the two of you are twins, do you ever have the same thoughts and sense pain? Like pinching your arm, and Sunny get it too? " Gwen goes to answer, but Sunny cuts her off.

Sunny: "Pain, I highly doubt it, but our interest, I can't say the same.~" She rubs her shoe against Will's leg, causing him to choke.

Todd Mother: " Darling, you alright? You should slow down." Sunny cracks a smile, confusing Gwen.

Will: "I'm-I'm fine, just had this..." He reaches his left arm under the table. Shifting Red Riot and flicks the toe of Sunny shoe, causing her to jolt it back. "Problem."

"And that is?" This gains everyone's attention while Will tries to find the right; wording.

"Like the animals in your farm. Every time I go to do something and not bother them. They seem to gravitate towards me...like some beacon." Todd's mother laughs, gaining his attention.

Todd's mother: "You answered it." Will raised a brow. "My father used to say: You're intentions grow stronger no matter the path you take. Depending on your character and, actions; it draws them to you like flies." She chuckles. " I didn't understand it until raising his farm with Toddy-boy here." She smiles rubbing, Todd's hair causing him to blush. He pushes her hand from him and whines.

Todd: "Mom, I told you not to call me that!" Max laughs with his Mother while Todd hides his face.

"Aw, come on.~ You know, I'm just pulling your leg." A clock chimes gaining everyone's attention while Todd's Mother stood up, grabbing her plate. "Todd, darling. Could you show the Tennysons where to sleep tonight?" Todd nods while Gwen asked.

Gwen: "Wait, it's ten o'clock." Max cuts in.

Max: "With the work. We're doing; tomorrow. We should get some shut-eye early." He smiles while Todd's mother nods.

Todd: "Follow me." They do so leaving, the farmhouse.

Will looks back at Sunny waving flirty, causing him to sigh.

Will: "She's looking at my butt, is she?" Gwen glared back at her. "It's fine; she is like stopping a bullet train with your bare hands." Will looks to Gwen and lowers his voice. "At that barn." This got Gwen's attention. "Your power is just like her's."

Gwen: "I know...It's weird." She lost eye contact. "I know I protect you guys, but at that barn...I felt different." Will questioned.


"The more I gazed at Sunny...I feel something want to crawl out of me. Like the flash flood with Kai, I felt something like a hair strand, but here..." She gazed at Will. "A hand." Will gazed never left her's while Benita walking by Todd ahead of them; waved the two over.

"We'll talk about his later." He whispers while Gwen nods, still in the thought. They catch up to the two ahead while Benita and Todd gazed at them.

Benita: "Hey, tell them what you told me." Todd replied.

Todd: "The night before closes to a Dairyville welcome sign, I saw a mummy." He acted his story. "It was going to take me, but a bright light goes to attack it, but the mummy unwarps into its clothes, dodging. I ran not, looking back."

Gwen: "Bright light? You didn't see where it came from?"

Todd: "No." An arm wraps around Benita and Will's shoulders, revealing Sunny.

Sunny: " A Mummy and a bright light. Seems like my kind of fun.~" Todd staggers while the three mentally sigh.

" I highly don't recommend it." Kenny huff at Sunny.

"In my requirement, I think I do." She smirks while Will gazed at her with a glare.

Will: "You're not." She hugs his body.

"Then you better stay close.~" The three sigh while Max shakes his head. They entered an old barn climbing the steps to the top seeing the bunks.

Todd: "Here you are." Sunny, Gwen, Benita, and Will covered their nose.

Will: "Todd, don't tell me-" Todd cut him off.

"It's a chicken coop."

Sunny: " Why, mother?" She whispered under her breath while Benita goes to lay down in a bunk, but only to be fright by a chicken jumping from the bunk.

"Well, see you tomorrow. Come on, Kenny." Todd and his piglet leave the Tennysons and Glover alone. Max welcomes the smell and sits in a bunk across from the children.

Max: "I have forgotten the fresh smell of county air." He smirks, lying on his back while the children got on their bunk.

Will: "You was a country boy?" He questioned, but he doesn't reply. "Max?" They hear him lightly snore while the children brow twitch. "Welp, I don't care." He falls face-first into the bunk turn on his shoulder. "I deserved this." He slowly closes his eyes until he saw black.


A voice filled his ears.

???: "I watch you four, and I must say...It was interesting." Will's eyes open revealing, he was on the roof of a Japanese high school. "You collected powerful artifacts at any means and completely erased five percent of the universe." He followed the voice climbing the steps noticing a Teen, children in pajamas, and four men with a cosmic entity taking up color schemes.

Man 2: "Five percent?!" The American man booms.

Cosmic Entity: "I didn't stop you didn't I? It was a mindless joke." He gazed his sky-blue eyes at the man that goes to approach, but the sky grew grey while all seems to freeze, but Will. The Cosmic Entity appears in front of Will in a flash. "Greetings, Mr.Glover."

Will: "Aak!" He goes to fall down. The stair yet, he stays firm. "This has to be a dream! Ugh!" He took a knee, bowing while he struggles to stand.

"Virgo, how you been?" Will looks up to Cosmic Entity while his mind race.

Virgo: 'I'm doing fine, my lord.' Will gazed in shock. The Cosmic Entity tilts his head.

"Tell me, what are you doing all way out here?" Virgo answers.

'To see you off.' The Cosmic Entity hums.

"Is that so?" He approached the frozen people he's talking to. "I'm pleased for your loyalty." He gazed at Will's horrified expression. "You may leave."


Will jumps staggering, Sunny. His pants; clenching his chest.

Sunny: "What the hell you've been dreaming?" She whispers while Will slows his breath. "Look, I need you to come with me."

Will: "Wh-What for?" He gazed at Sunny collecting his breath.

"Are you coming or not?" She gazed annoyed. "Gwen and Ben are missing." He glances to the bunks clarifying her assumption.

"Fine." He gets up while she smiles. They climbed down the steps. Exiting the old barn.

Sunny: "I thought you're going to puss out." Will kept his glance forward.

Will: "Something like this? How can I miss out?" They walk down the path between the wheat fields.

"Slow down, tiger. You don't want to hurt yourself." She taunts while Will raised a brow.

"And when do you care about me?" Sunny adds.

Sunny: "I don't." She smirks. "I just don't want to hurt your towering ego." They grew silent while their steps thump against the dirt. They eyed Todd down the path on his butt with Kenny in his arms, looking out for something.

Will: "Todd?" He called, not getting an answer. They slowly approach him while Will reaches a hand for his shoulder. "Todd." He grabs his shoulder, causing Todd to snap to Will and Sunny. "Hey, what are you doing out here?"

Todd: "Uh, I-I..." His mind tripped as Will waits, patiently while Sunny folds her arms with a glare. "I wanted to stop your friends, but they ignored me. Then it was the mummy." Sunny grins. " And I couldn't get a clear view of another."

"Another?" Will questioned while Todd continued.

"It saved me. And its body felt like it was covered in mud, but it's not."

Sunny: "Are you saying: it's camouflage?" Sunny asked wanted to get this conversation over with while Todd nods. "Great." She smiles. The three noticed Benita and Gwen running down the path towards them.

Benita: "Todd, are you ok?" She worried while Will helps him up.

Todd: " I'm ok." Kenny lightly squealed while Sunny gazed annoyed at Benita.

Sunny: "So, you decided not to bring me along?" Benita goes to answer, but Gwen backed her up.

Gwen: "You were asleep- Benita, get grandpa." Benita nods and leaves.

"Only because I want to. Remember the work I did?" Gwen snuffled.

" 'Work' All I saw is your constant complaining." Sunny counters.

"And you think you're so innocent...Gwendolyn." They stood eye to eye. "You love yourself, don't you?" Gwen glared.

Gwen: "Not as much as you do." Sunny smirks while Will stood in between the two.

Will: "Knock it off! I know we don't like what's happening, but we have to make it work." He glances at Sunny. "You need to cut your crap. You are stirring more trouble than you think." Sunny rolls; her eyes.

Sunny: "And who the hell are you? My father?" Will grew serious.

"No, but someone who's speaking from experience and common sense." They never left eye contact while Gwen, Todd, Kenny sense tension between the two.

Max strap with equipment on his shoulders, and Benita came running to the scene.

Max: "Is everything alright?" Will answered while Sunny and his glared never left.

Will: "Just speaking our minds about a problem." He turns his back. "Now, lead the way." Gwen took the lead, with everyone following but Sunny. She clenches her fist, glowing pink.


In an open field, they are staring down the tied-up, mutated; cows covered in black and purple skin with deadly sharp teeth.

Max: "Interesting, they're covered in Corrodium. In South Carolina of all places." They gazed at him curiously while Todd asked.

Todd: "What's that?" Max answered, gazing at the device reading the cow's energy.

"It's some source of rock or crystal, to be more precise. It modifies any living thing's DNA creating something horrific. And where...I believe a meteoroid crashed before humans even existed, and it's scattered around after the collision. "

Benita: "And what its, need for something this dangerous?" She questioned while Max looks down at her.

"That I can't, explain."

Gwen: "Then we, go after it." She adds while Sunny grins.

Sunny: "Now, you speak my language.~" Max counters.

Max: "I'm sorry Sunny, but you stay with Todd and Joan." She gazed in shock.

"What?! And miss this fun. I think not." Gwen stops Max.

Gwen: "It's no use." She glances at Sunny. "She's stubborn." Sunny grins.

Sunny: "Glad to see eye to eye." Gwen wanted to say something but kept quiet. Max device hums.

Max: "Follow me, I got a leak." Max leaves with Sunny, Gwen, and Benita following. Will goes to follow, but Todd stops him.

Todd: "Will." He looks back. "You guys, be safe." Will nods with a smirk.

Will: "You too."


The RV park down the street from a factory; called Digby Dairy. Max gets up from his seat while everyone ready themselves.

Max: "Sunny, I want you to stay close to me." He advised while Sunny answers.

Sunny: " Yes, grandpa, can we?" Max asked seriously.

"Sun." Sunny sighs.

"Yes, grandpa." Max gazed back at the three while the children nod.

They lightly jog down the street, sneaking past a sleeping guard. They go to enter, but the door was locked.

Max: "Looks like we have to find another way in." He whispers while Will approaches the door.

Will: "I got it." He pulled his lock pick from his shoe and picked the lock, gaining access. "Win." He whispered while the three show their appreciation entering as Sunny entered, Will, closed the door behind.

Walking down the dark and silent halls into the factory area. They climbed down to the open of the factory while Max Corrodium device grew wild.

Max: "It's right below us." They hear and see a flash seeing Benita-Wolf.


Benita-Wolf= Blitzwolfer


Blitzwolfer: "Welp, this has to do." She clawed her sharp nails into the marble floor getting, dust, and pebbles everywhere.

Will: "Wait, Ben!" She hurls dirt overhead seeing the Corrodium in all its glory. Blitzwolfer tail wagged.

"It's here!" Gwen clears her throat.

Gwen: "Well, duh. You just did its job for it." Her ears drop while her tail stop.

"Oh." Suddenly the lights flicker, gaining their attention to a Mummy that appeared down the hall of pipes and darkness. It moved just when the lights cut off flashing, his purple glowing light between its wraps and eyes.

Lipstick&Guilt [No Church in The Wild]

Sunny: "Oh, I waited for something like this.~" Sunny grins while her: eyes glow pink like Gwen's. Blitzwolfer howls a sonic roar while the mummy uses its wraps to dodge and grabs her arm wrapping around it.

Blitzwolfer: "Hey, let go!" She goes cut the wraps, but the mummy hurls her across the room, hitting the platform overhead. She roars about to hit the floor, but Red Riot saves her.

He lands on the floor, setting her down.

Sunny hurls her hands forward, creating a small pink energy wave surprising Max and Gwen. It dives over.

Wrapping it wraps on a crate of milk and throws it towards them causing, Gwen to stop the distraction with her ability. It swings overhead, grabbing the crystal from the crater and landing on the platform they previously came down by.

A door opens, revealing the security guard with a taser.

Security Guard: "Huh?" He noticed the five and gazed at It. "What is that thing?!" He aims his taser while it rushes him, causing the guard to freeze.

Max: "Will!" Sunny and Gwen hurl their discs like bullets. The Mummy; kept its head down. Blue-Runner appears, pushing the guard through the open door: closing the door shut while losing his form. "GET OUT OF THERE!!!" Will goes to jump the rail, but it wraps grabs him exposing the corrodium. Will screams bloody murder while Mar's Prowess flickered. His skin shifts to black and purple while his eyes dilate, sharing the rock glow.

Everyone gazed in shock while his jaw hangs while his nails grew deadly sharp.

It drops (Mutanted) Will to his feet while he released a piercing screech dazing everyone of his transformation.

Blitzwolfer hairs stood flashing her teeth while Gwen's eyes glowed.

Gwen: "HAAA!!!" Gwen's powers; shaped into a hand crashing down on it and Will, but the two dodges while (Mutant) Will flips over the railing flashing his claws at Max.

Sunny wraps her pink energy around Will.

Sunny: " We got this!" Sunny gazed at the two while the two gave chase to the Mummy: looking for an escape.

Max: "Will snap out of it!" Will break from his power retains landing on its feet. Sunny goes to trap him, but He disappears in a flash using Blue-runner speed.

She does it again while a purple line dodges pink walls and attacks until coming full throttle at them. Sunny stops a claw stab with an energy wall. Will punches through, it causing Sunny to fall on her back. He goes to end her, but the device latches onto Will shocking him.

Sunny shoots a beam causing Will to go flying. Max appeared slapping a device on her chest, shifting into a Radiation suit.

Sunny: "Seriously?!" She shouts while Max applies one himself.

Max: "This or your life?" He questioned while (Mutant) Will appeared once more, shooting a fire beam, causing the two to dodge. They exit through the door while Will fazed through the wall after them.

He gazed around the room of Machinery. His feet slap the floor while silence filled his ears. He gazed around the room, jaw drop, and silent.

Will stops until snapping his head to a wrapping machine. In a flash, he gazed around it only to turn up no one. Will hears a step causing him to snap back to a pipe to the face. He falls into the Machinery while Max shouts.

Max: "Now!" Sunny starts the machine while the machine starts rolling Will through and having him come out: wrap up. "It's wrapped." Will burst into flames causing Sunny and Max to retreat.

Sunny: "What now?!" She shouts while Max and she entered the halls. Benita and Gwen ran down the same as them showing the Mummy: after them.

Benita: "The other way!!" (Mutant) Will walks through the door, Max and Sunny came. Max grunts and charges past Benita and Gwen. "Grandpa!"

Max: "Ah!!!" The halls swirl, causing Max to lose his balance. Everyone hit the walls on their backs while (Mutant) Will's head glitch: spasming about. He glitches past the four and slowly walks towards the Mummy gazing in shock. It goes running, but Will lifts his hand out, causing the Mummy running speed to slow down. He glitches in front of it blocking its way out: tilting his head flashing its stuck jaw.

The Mummy's eyes widen before he burst into a stream of ice.

The halls fade while they were back on the main floors gazing at the frozen mummy.


(Mutant) Will = Hollow


Hollow gazed at the frozen capture while the Tennysons get up at the ready. They glance, At a container of liquid nitrogen.

Benita: "Will?" Hollow slowly gazed back; until a scream clenching his head. His purple lines grew sky-blue. It shifts back to Will on his knees, sweating a storm.

Gwen: "Will!" They raced to his side while he quickly shifts Nova aiming his blazing fists at everyone. "Will, it's us!" They staggered.

Max: "Fists down, Will." He asked; calmly while he staggers, snapping his fists at everyone.

Nova: "THE FUCK I'LL NOT!!!" He booms, surprising; everyone but Sunny. Gwen separated from everyone approaching calmly.

Gwen: "Will, please." His fists shake while his non-existing brows do the same. "Will." He crashes onto the ground into a ball while his flames shift blue. He cried while they approach.

Nova: "I don't wanna go back. I don't wanna go back." He repeats while Sunny raised a brow.

Max: "Shh. Shh. Just let it out." The security guard looks out at the three. He noticed a camouflaged figure on the platform across from him.

Security Guard: "Hey!" The figured sprints out of the room while he grunts. He gazed back at the intruders. "This is private property!" Sunny grew dark, causing him to stagger.

Sunny: "Be a good boy and keep quiet." Her eyes glowed while he passed out.

Nova: "...Please." This gains everyone's attention. "Can we go?"

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