Unduh Aplikasi
34.09% Ben 10; Omnitrix Reload / Chapter 14: Chapter 11: Tough Luck

Bab 14: Chapter 11: Tough Luck

In the rocky plains, The RV shook while colors flashed through the windows. The electro-music paced at a relaxed rate.

"And I will." Impulse sang into a mic. "Put a little plastic bag...in my chest. In my chest! " His last word slips into autotune. " I Feel ook...Feel ok!" He said deeply.

The Blue haired alien reads the lyric from Gwen's computer sitting on the booth in front of him.

"Never knew. Impulse can do that." Benita comments, shuffling her feet.

"That alien. Can control sound." Gwen adds. "What did you expect?" She shakes her shoulders. They circle each other while Max joins.

"I was recommended. By my therapist." The older gentleman closes his eyes, moving his arms. "He said singing and dancing reduce stress."

"Why would you need a therapist?"

"Don't know."

The song's pacing grew as Impulse stared at the screen bouncing his head.

"I feel trapped. Ok!" He paused. "I need your help! Stop dancing and look at me! I've sung this before, but I'm not free! White eyes stared down at me, With a crowd. Surrounding! Me!"

"Will?" Benita called.

"Will this! Ever end?! I'm fighting for my life here like the stars beyond here! It's here." The Tennyson's gazed at the focus Impulse staring at the screen. "When we'll hit a wall? Pause. I'm juggling this curse and this Family. So hard. It's gonna fall." Impulse red and orange eyes glowed while he grinned.

"WILL!" Gwen screams.

Impulse flinches, causing the mic to slip and hit the booth table.

Impulse glow ceased as he noticed the Tennysons gazing at his vision.

"Time." Gwen flashes her watch.


"You try singing autotune." Impulse started only for Will to finish. "For two hours straight."

"Haaaa!" Max yawns. "Welp, it's off to bed." He went to the back while Benita flicked the lights off. They climb to their pro-claim bunks. "Night. Everyone."

"Goodnight. Grandpa."


"Alright. Aaaaah."


"Hey, Will." Gwen's voice entered the boy's ears. This only made him groan. "Will, you know you hear me." She whispers.

"What?" The boy said tiredly and yet annoyed.

"I think I've seen a ghost."

"Ghost? You ain't afraid of no ghost." He turns his back against her.

"Move over." She slides in, pushing Will to the center of his bunk.

"Hey! Hey!"

"Shut up. Just let it happen."


Benita jumps in bed with them, closest to the wall. Will and Gwen stirred awake.

"What are you doing, dweeb?" She stares sleepy-eyed at Benita across from Will.

"What are you doing?" Benita questioned, glaring while the boy only stared blankly with his baggy eyes facing Ben.

"...Ben, just tell me what you want."

"I think I saw a ghost."

"Ok! I can excuse Gwen for this, but you? You got Ghostfreak. Beat it up or something. Show it, you own this hood...do something."

"That's the problem. I don't. And Why ask me when you can turn alien anytime?" Gwen and Benita glance at the boy. That snaps his gaze at the both of them, squinting their eyes.

"Because I'm tired."

"You're a man, Will. That's not the women's job."

"Where's Max?" A snicker escapes from Benita. "What's so funny?"

"We're talking of a man that slept outside on a porch during a hurricane. Not only that, during a deep sea fishing trip a year back. The dude was snoring as we're hit by raging waters!" Benita shouted under her breath. "And it was a small boat, I mind you."

"Please." The boy felt a hand brush against his shoulder. He turned to Gwen with a bouncing lip.

Will scoffed before chuckling.

"You seriously not pulling that on me." He snuggles under his covers. "I'm a boy. That happened to have an adult mindset, thank you very much." He closes his eyes, grumbling.

Benita and Gwen just look at each other.


Benita and Gwen were sleeping on Will's chest.

A loud crash was heard, waking the three suddenly.

"See!? I told you!" Benita hissed.

"Ok! Ok! Don't rub it in my face." The boy hissed. He got up with Gwen carrying a bat. Benita with her watch. The dial appears while Will's arm engulfs Nova.

The boy looks at the two as they nod again. He readies himself before throwing open the curtains.

A meow escapes from A black cat sitting with pots and pans scattered around while its head tilts at the aggressive; investigators.

"Huh?" Will and Benita cocked their heads.

"How did she get in?" Gwen questioned.

"She?" Benita quickly shakes her head. "Nevermind, just forget I said anything." They stood watching Benita while the black cat watched them.

The black cat's eyes land on Will's eye and his left hand: which is covered with dead veins.

The cat meowed before approaching.

"She coming this way!"

"We got eyes!" Gwen growled. The cat looks up at Will, still holding up his firey fist. "Huh, she's not afraid?"


"Huh? When did she get in here?" Max looks up through the head view mirror, watching the cat eat ham from one bowl and milk in another.

"That's the problem." Will starts. "We don't know." The cat finish and leaps on Gwen's lap on the couch by the booth where Will and Benita are sitting.

"EEEK!!" Gwen yelped at the sudden action before the cat purred.

"Are we gonna keep it?" Benita questioned.

"As of now. Yes." Max answered. "Until we found her original owner."

"I call dips not cleaning the poop." Benita raised her hand while they rolled their eyes. The black cat's yellow eyes land at Will's.


Max and Gwen walk out of the shelter with the black cat in hand.

"No owner. Or names on record." Max said before letting the cat free.

Benita and Will stopped their gaming.

"Aw, man." Benita groans. "Seriously wasn't hoping to wake up with hair all over the place."

The black cat leaps on Will's lap, causing him to flinch.

"Bro, you scared of this creature?"

"I'm a dog person. All cats are jerks!" He remembers trying to steal a car in the past. And some cat purposefully knocks over a glass bottle, causing Will to get spotted.

"You can't hate them all. If you don't, give it a try." Gwen suggested.

Will looks down on it.

He hesitantly scratches behind her ear.

The cat purrs before wrapping her tail around his wrist, causing him to smirk.

They smiled at the scene.

"Count petting a cat out of my wish list."

"What are we naming her?" Max questioned.

"How about Lilith?" Gwen questioned, tilting her head.

The cat meowed, confirming.

Gwen sighs.

"I miss being. Lucky Girl."

"Seriously?" Benita leans back, folding her arms. "You should be happy since you're not Will and me."

A pillow was thrown on her face.

"Do you remember the Rave? And you going rogue? And that kid? She said the last in venom. "This trip doesn't affect only you but everyone else."

"Ok! Ok! You proved your point." She waved her off.

"You know, I heard from a little birdie. Magic convection is not too far from here." This lit up Gwen's eyes.

Lilith immediately ran behind the curtains.

"Can we go, grandpa? Please." Max looks to the others. Will shrugs while Benita rolls her eyes.

"Sure." Gwen smiled.

They entered to see fewer people; than they didn't expect.

Stands selling individual cheesy magic tracks and equipment.

Gwen and the others look up at the banner above them.

Magic Convection Expo

"This is not magic. Where are the spellbooks? The history of the first spellcaster?" Gwen stared around desperately while Benita snickers.

"They have fake barf."

"We're here, are we? How about you look around." Max suggested while Gwen's face darkened. She nod. Benita and Gwen split, leaving Max and Will. "Is Lilith, ok in the RV?"

"Didn't see the thick ice cube and fan? She's gonna. Be fine." Max nods.

"Well, we'll meet here once Gwen and Ben finish their expedition."

"Til then." They split ways.

Will walks around, not interested in any of the stuff they got to offer.

"Hey, kid!" A voice got the boy's attention, seeing a seller selling bracelets. "I see you are not interested in what those posers have to offer."

"Is this any different? The man smirks.

"It sure is."

Will approaches the table. "So, what is all of this?"

"Craft from yours truly. Each one has a trait. You just need to find one." He leans back with a smirk.

"Any you recommend?"

"What's the point in taking a journey for Benefits? Let your heart guide you." Will mentally sighs and looks around.

His heartthrob-fill the boy's ears, causing him to stagger. The boy looked up at the seller smirking at him. Will scan once more.

This sound continued while He looked at bracelets of all shapes and sizes.

Will's heart pumps like a speeding train. His Eyes land on a black leather breaded bracelet carved on the metal plate with ancient letters.

(Mar's Prowess) δεν κερδίζεται.

"You found something...have you?" The boy's eyes shimmer gold while the bracelet pulses. Yellow letters filled his vision.

Είναι. (Are)

Εσύ. (You)

Αξιος? (Worthy)

"Go on...take it." Will reach out. His heart and brace pulse in sync. Whispers fill his head while his pulse speed increases the closer Will's hand draws.

He takes it while everything stops.

"Uh...Hey." Will starts staring at the bracelet. "I'll get..." He noticed the table and man had vanished.


Wearing the bracelet. Will approaches the three at the meet spot.

"It's seem-Ah!" Max stares around before landing on the boy approaching. "Found something as, well have you. This gained Gwen and Benita's attention.

"Yeah." He flashes his bracelet. "I felt this was calling me like...A beacon." Gwen smirks, doing the same. It was an arm brace with a charm in the center. Will thought it was familiar.

"We're in the same boat." Gwen chirped.

An explosion roared outside, causing the building to shake. The people raced while the Tennysons and Glover stared out the door.

"HELP! HELP!!!" An escaped artist screamed. Hanging beneath the helicopter that was caught in flames.

"I'll take care of it!" Benita states, slamming on the dial, releasing a green flash.

She grew blue fur, while two extra arms gave birth underneath hers. A tail sways while her four eyes flares.

"A New girl? E, ah!" Spidermonkey looks at herself. "Who knew getting bit by a spider could turn you into this."

"Ben, not the time." Max raised his voice.

"Right." She races after the helicopter. " How do I use her?" She leaps on a car and into the air. By instinct, a web shoots from her tail onto a wall. She begins swinging after it. "SO, MUCH FUN! E, ah!" She backflips, grabbing onto her ankles.

An explosion happened again, causing the tail blade to spin in Spidermonkey's direction. She snaps her web onto the side of the building and dodges the object by a hair.

The tail blade flew towards the crowd.

"AAAAAH!!" A woman screams.

"Go!! GO!!" A man screams, sprinting from the danger zone and the crowd.

The blade headed Will's way. Inaudible voices filled his head.




"Anthony!" Max shouts, gazing back from the sidewalk with Gwen.

She vaults over a car and flips over another while her charm shimmer. She tackles the boy. The blade crashes against a wall.

"Gwen, how did you do that?" Max shouts, racing to them. Will only gazed dazedly.

"I don't know." She glances at her charm.


Spider Monkey leaps and lands against the pilot door, seeing him lose control of the pilot stick.

"I'm sorry about this." Spidermonkey voiced, getting the pilot's attention. He only gazed in horror. She grabs the pilot and hurls him out.

He screams until a web hits his back. He loses momentum and hangs in the middle of the street, watching SpiderMonkey.

She crawls around the chopper with haste, shooting webbing against buildings and connecting them. It stops in place.

"Ah!" The escaped artist yelped. The fire managed to catch the rope in flames. "HAAAAA!!" He plummets, yet Lucky Girl catches him in mid-air. SpiderMonkey clogs the Heli blade and drops behind Gwen.

"Hey? How did you get your lucky powers back?" Spidermonkey questioned. The escape artist gazed in horror at the Monkey shaped spider before losing conscienceless.

Lucky Girl stared wide-eyed.

The crowds erupt with cheers and whistles.


Back in the RV. Gwen is Researching the brace.

"Hey, I found it." Gwen chirped. They gathered. "It's called the Charm of Bezel."

"I thought you. Destroyed the charms back when we fight that Hex Creep and his sinister side-kick Wanda." Benita questioned, raising a brow.

"I thought so too, but it seems to be legendary. This charm possesses the user with ten times the power or skills."

"You're stating. Facts." Will states, getting Gwen's attention.

"Hey, you froze out there."

"Sorry. Must be this thing." He flashes his bracelet. "Let's see..." He focuses while the letters reline themselves. "To Mars Prowess is earn. Not received."

"It's only lending to a dead end!" She grew frustrated while Benita joined her.

"Do you feel any different?" Max questioned, looking down at the boy staring at the brace.

"No, but...when the blade came. Words clouded my vision."

"War is near." He glances at Lilith, hiding behind the curtains.


"Ladies and Gentlemen! Give it up! For! Keith! The magician!!" The announcer roared. He leaves the stage while a puff of blue smoke ceases revealing Keith pushing a box to the center of attention.

"Welcome, Who shall be the assistant?" Keith questioned the crowd that gazed at one another. Benita waves her arms wildly. "You girl, come up." Benita smiled, climbing on stage.

"What is she doing?" Gwen questioned, frowning her brows.

"Honestly. I wish it was me up there." Will smirks.

"She goes in." Keith comments. He places Benita in the box and locks her in. "A bra co da bra!"

The box shakes while Keith backs up.

WildMutt breaks from the box and roars while the crowd stares in awe.

Gwen felt a tug from her shirt. She turns back to see a timid black-haired girl behind her giving: her a smile.

"EEEE!!!" She hugs her, gaining Will and Max's attention. "Luna, how you been?!" She hand signs with a growing smile.

"Great! I never knew you'll be here of all places." Luna's hand signed back.

"What are you doing here?"

" My adopted parents wanted a vacation, and here we are." Will and Max watch them, go back and forth.

"Has Gwen taught you anything?" Max whispers, keeping forward.

"No. Sorry." Gwen grabs Luna's hand and pulls her to the two.

"Luna, meet Grandpa Max and Will." Gwen hand signs and speaks while Luna nods. Will and Max give an awkward smile. "Don't worry. She is amazing. When you get to know her."

"That's fine. Take your time." He smirks while Luna looks up, noticing his closed eye and glove.

"Why is your eye close?" She signs before yelping causing Max and the boy to stagger. "HA! Forgive my rudeness!"

"What she say?" Max questioned as he turned to Gwen.

"It'll be good if you don't know."

The windows above break onto the stage while red smoke pours in. The crowd escapes while revealing Charmcaster and Hex on stage.

Wildmutt stood her ground.

"The girl!" Hex points his staff to Gwen, wearing the charm of Bezel.

"My Pleasure." Charmcaster purrs before hurling a ring that grew a size of a car; towards them. She split the four dodging the attack. "Hmmm, you look familiar."

CharmCaster glances at Luna staring horrified.

"Gwen help, Wildmutt! Your grandpa and I got the ring tosser. Gwen goes to leave with Luna, but CharmCaster throws a pebble that lands in front of the two. It grows into a stone creature-like dog.

Gwen brushes Luna back and punches the stone dog.

Will's bracelet shimmers while his left-hand shakes. Charmcaster noticed.

"Think!" Will said before shifting Nova. "Fast!" He fires a beam. Charmcaster throws another countering it.

Nova blasted towards her.

He throws punches left and right while she backs up, dodging. "YAAAA!!! Nova wheel kicks while the flames follow, but Charmcaster falls on her butt. Dodging it.

Nova goes to finish her off, but her abnormal satchel coughs up a bigger stone for defense.

Nova's smoke dashes back, getting distance. He slides across the stage floor.

"You're a Shape-shifter..." Charmcaster states. Nova pulled his fist above his shoulder while another stuck out.

"The one and only."

"Good. I'm gonna make you-" A bowling pin hits Charmcaster's shoulder. She winces and glares at Max, carrying another.

Nova took the opportunity and thrust at her with a flying kick.

Charmcaster sidesteps while Nova maneuvers his hands. He came back like a boomerang. And crashed his leg against her breaking her guard.

"AAH!!" She flew off the stage and landed next to Furious Hex.

The stone dogs pushed everyone on stage.

"Enough!!!" Hex taps the floor, shouting into his staff. A sonic wave barrels towards them, taking the group through the wall and into a grass maze. Separating them.

Nova crashed, rolling to a stop.

"Ugh! Ow!" He noticed Luna getting up with a silent grunt. "Hey, you ok?" Nova slaps his face. "I forgot."

Barking and Snarling gain their attention to Three stone dogs rushing them. Nova stood guard. "Let's put my training to good use." He held his arm, shooting semi-fire balls(Three-shot). It hits, destroying them into pebbles. "Huh? When did my attack get stronger?"

Luna waves for Nova and runs.

"Hey, slow down!" He follows, turning the corner. He noticed Luna pining- Charmcaster to the ground.

Luna grew sharp nails while her eyes slit. "No!" He rockets towards her, turning Zero. He phases through and pulls her collar. Luna narrowly misses and falls on her back.

"She's crazy!" Charmcasters crawl back to Zero.

"You're the one to talk." He looks at Luna's growing black fur on her arms. Her tail sways while cat ears appear. "Lilith?"

She throws her arm to the side, clenching her sharp fangs.

"I know...but we don't kill." Luna rushes on all four.

Zero blows a stream of ice. Luna dodges like a cat and leaps over Zero and towards Charmcaster.

Charmcaster immediately snatches the satchel that hurls a giant rock, taking Luna to the skies.

Charmcaster sighs in relived. "I thought. I was a goner." She stood to her feet.

"We are not." Zero turns to her with open wings.

"Hey, I'm on your side!"

"I don't believe so." The Necrofriggan stared his beetle eyes; intensely at the caster Until her satchel crashed in front of his feet.

"Once my uncle steals the charm of Bezel. He's going to do a ritual on the tallest peak. To recollect the charms that were once separated from his clenches."


"Do you trap your mouth?" Hex voiced, walking through the grass wall. "Because I'm highly disappointed." He raises his staff while Max, Benita, and Luna(Primal) Float above him. "Where's the girl?"

"Don't tell him, Zero!" Benita shouted.

Suddenly the satchel floats into CharmCaster's hands.

"I'm sorry, uncle." She said with a hint of regret before aiming the bag at her uncle.

A swarm of stone bats rush Hex's way and blind him.

"GIRL! YOU DARE APPOSED ME?!!" The bats lift Hex and drop him into a nearby pool.

"AAH!! Hmph!!!" Benita and Max fall on their butts while Luna lands on all fours.

"This seems right." Gwen voiced before dropping in front of them out of nowhere.

"I'll protect you with my life. I swear!" Charmcaster hugs Gwen getting looks from Zero and everyone.

Luna approaches once more, but the Necrofriggan stops her.

"I don't know. The bad blood between you two." Zero said before shifting Will. "But don't be a Black Cat."

"We must escape before my uncle. Recovers." Charmcaster suggested while She sprinted with the others following.

"Gwen, tell Lilith to cool her jets."

"Lilith?!" Gwen exclaims before noticing Luna(Primal) still glaring at CharmCaster.

"Man, what a twist." Benita watches Gwen's hand sign to Luna.

"Let's split and rendezvous. CharmCaster, you're with me." Max states before They break from the group with Luna following behind them.

"I don't speak, plumber!" Will shouts.

"He'll. Come back." Benita answered. They found a way out, looking up to Hex, standing on a spiral of water among the pool.

"You returned." He drops to the side of the pool, approaching them while the spiral drops into the pool.

"We can take him. Together." Gwen said before leaping but falls face first.

"My watch hasn't recharged." Benita shout before Will guards them.

"Behind." The boy started before LG finished. "Me." He noticed everyone towering over him. "Huh?!" Hex goes to grab Gwen, but LG Leaps. Crawling inside his clothes.

"HA! AH!" Hex screamed before grabbing him. "You persistent FOOL!" He hurls him.


" LG!!" Benita and Gwen shout while LG swings his arms, seeing gold highlighting his vision.

Εσύ. (You)

Βλέπω. (See)

Τι. (What)

Εσύ. (You)

Όχι. (Don't)

Πιστεύω. (Believe)

LG came close to the ground, but Luna caught him and slid against the concrete, creating sparks.

"HA! Luna, it's you." Little genius laid his hand against her paw. "I'm glad to see-HEEEEEY!"

Luna sprints back to the RV seeing Gwen and Benita helping up Max.

"Max!!" They noticed the two.


Charmcaster is standing on the rooftop while a red puff of smoke appears, revealing furious Hex.

"Here's the charm, as I promise. Uncle." He stares wide-eyed.

"Your innocence was genius!" He exclaimed while She handed him the charm of Bezel. "But, Let me know beforehand."

"Yes, uncle...You never told me there was a shape-shifter."

"Because I have no interest in the boy." He glances at the charm.

"But, the bracelet. Mar's Prowess. It's gonna be a big problem if we don't settle it."

"Mar's Prowess?"


Cjbeards- My Way(SoundCloud)


The RV came to a stop. They exit, noticing the dark sky and eclipse peeking; above the tallest building.

"That's not. Good." Max comments while the boy's vision: remains on the eclipse.

"It's sure. Not." Will adds.

"We have to come out on top." Benita voiced, getting the boy's attention. "We don't want another Wanda to cause havoc!"

"You not lying there."

"How can I help?" Gwen questioned. "I have nothing." She frowns while Luna grabs her shoulder.

"Don't lose hope." Luna signaled. "I'm here. For you." Gwen smirks, reassuring while Max points.

"We can take the Washer platform, but only for two."

"I trust you two enough to handle yourself." Will states. "Luna and I will take...the stairs." He said in dread.

"Meet you, two the top. Because I got my own ride." Benita and two the Tennyson split while Will and Luna take the bottom floor.


"Come on!!!' The boy shouted.

Out of order.

They stared at the elevator with dead expressions.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?!!" Luna pulls Will to the stairway looking up at endless floors above. "WHY?!!!"


They made it to the top but nowhere near the roof. Luna falls to her knees, panting.

Will enters after.

"Huh, it wasn't as bad as I thought." They look around the room, presenting to be a survey of the city. Luna's head snapped up while her tail turned stiff.

Growling filled their ears while Ten stone dogs appeared growling at the two.

"They knew we're coming." He clenches his fist before inaudible whispers: fill his head.

'Credit...Doll..Part.' Broken words pierced his head while the boy instinctively grew interested in a railing beside him.

His heart pounds out of his chest while grabbing onto the railing. He rips it off with Red riot hands destroying the minibars underneath while his eyes glowed.

'I'm no doll.'

Green skin ran up his face while he grew a few inches. Googles appeared, causing Will to wear them while green and black tights take Will's clothes.

The Green alien spin the pole above his head and poses.

'Look! Doll, As much I like looking at you. I got money on my mind.'

The dogs races while The green alien and Luna do the same.

Luna jumps and flips over the green alien destroying one with one punch.

The green alien spins.

"HAAA!" The green alien swings the pole like a bat destroying its head. He back-cartwheel, dodging one trying to attack his blind spot.

'Ugh! You Pervert! The others think otherwise.'

Luna and The green alien fight in sync like music. Luna jams her claw between a stone dog's throat, ripping its head from its body while The green alien redirects the attack destroying the group one by one.

Luna locks arms with the green alien, and he hurls her at one of the dogs like a Beyblade, crashing her elbow into its skull.

The green alien blinks only to see a Grey skin- elve wearing black and green metal gauntlets doing the same against a blue skin alien.

His purple blood smeared against the multi-color dance floor, leaving a crack. Electro music bounced while his vision snapped to another, rushing him with something sharp.

The green alien shifts his feet, slamming his metal staff against the opportunist's hand, causing her to drop the weapon.

She winces in pain. His body spun while his weapon of choice spun around his neck before cracking it against the attacker's face.

The attacker flips onto her shoulder. He eyed the injured: littering the floor before his staff shifted into a rod.

"Look! Doll, as much I like looking at you. I got money on my mind." His vision turned to the Grey-Elve wearing a revealing dark combat dress.

She stood to her feet, looking back at him with; her pitch black eyes.

"This galaxy doesn't revolve around you." The grey-Elve states.

"Skip to the part where you tell me your contact. And your employer."

"I rather not."

"We can do this easy way or bed the way?"

"The bed way?" She squinted her eyes before staring in disgust. "Ugh! You pervert!"

"The others think otherwise." He felt himself smirk. "Now, don't risk your pretty little face about the credits. Run home."

He turned back only to see someone leaping at him. His vision blinks before revealing the stone dog. Leaping at him.

He falls on his back, pushing the dog over him while Luna leaps, sledgehammering that dog into pieces. He kicks to his feet before They destroy the last two.

The green alien and Luna stood by each other, smirking.

"I'm thinking Rogue." The green alien chirped.

"AAAAAH!!!" Gwen screams, filling the environment while A roller coaster rolls past the window.

Spider monkey lands on the tracks dodging Hex, shooting beams from his staff.

She backflips from another before shooting webbing from her tail, blinding him. Spider Monkey leaps from the tracks and toward Hex.

"You can't hit. What you can't see!" Her punch lands while Hex begins losing control of his flight.

SpiderMonkey attacks Hex, soon crashing onto the rooftop.

His staff slides across the floor while SpiderMonkey webbed him to the floor.

"Sleep tight, E-ah!" She pokes the hole from the webbing covering his mouth. Hex falls unconscious.

Spidermonkey and CharmCaster noticed Hex's staff.

"I don't think so!" She goes to shoot webbing, but CharmsCaster hurls three pulsing stones to the tracks.

Gwen and Max roll past the gap between tracks.

Spidermonkey gasped.

She takes action while CharmCaster picks up the staff.

"The charms are now mine!" Charmcaster's voice echoes.

"CharmCaster!" She turned back and noticed Rogue, Luna, Gwen, Max, and Spidermonkey. "Stand down!" Rogue ordered.

"How about...no."

Lightning crackled and thunder. Wallowing the dark skies. The five charms were recreated once again, hovering in a circle.

A thunderbolt strikes CharmCaster down. Blinding the group, but Rogue for a minute.

"AAAAAAH!!!" Her eyes glowed purple while the group couldn't save her. Luna was enjoying the watch. "AAAHAAA!! TSK!!! AH!!" She stumbles around, growing in size while they were taking aback.

"Not again." Spider monkey states, backing up with the others.

A beastly roar and flames touch the sky: giving CharmCaster an appearance of a dragon.

"I hope you know how to fight her." Gwen's voice shook while Max and she stepped back.

Luna, SpiderMonkey, and Rogue stood their ground.

(Dragon) CharmCaster blows a massive amount of flames their way. Rogue shifts Avalanche, punching the ground, protecting themselves with the earth cone.

It disappears, hissing in smoke.

Avalanche reverts back to Will.

"You three get out of here!" The boy ordered while Gwen's hand signed. Luna, but she wasn't haven't it. "TELL HER!!! She does the same, but Luna wouldn't move. "Fine! Benita gets the two out of here. We got a fight in our hands."

"Don't die." SpiderMonkey scoops Gwen under her arm and Max over her shoulder. She leaps off the roof.

Charmcaster roared before fire built up within her throat.

Charmcaster fires another wave while Luna splits from Avalanche, which stands his ground.

It hit him while earth shards flew from the flames, hitting her eye and cheek.

Charmcaster roared while She canceled her attack.

Avalanche quickly pats himself off while chunks of rock break from his body, his leg crumbed as he falls onto his hands and knees. His jaw dropped when he noticed Luna climbing the tower.

CharmCaster glared her pink reptilian eye at Avalanche before rushing the silent giant.

Luna leaps onto CharmCaster stabbing her claws into Dragon; for grip support.

Charmcaster roared before taking flight.

Avalanche flew back, sliding across the roof, digging up the tides before breaking the railing, looking down the long drop within his vision. He noticed specks of people from afar gazing up at them.

CharmCaster took up to the sky. While Luna holds on for dear life.

SpiderMonkey lands by the silent giant, watching her. Disappeared among the dark clouds.

Avalanche regenerated before reverting back to the boy.

"Ben...I'm gonna have to fuse." Spidermonkey stares in shock.

"What if you don't make it back?!" She shouted as her six eyes grew in fear.

"People will die! Maybe even my parents! I can't let that happen."

They noticed Luna plummeting from the clouds.

"It's now or nothing, Ben." Zero states before He takes toward Luna. He catches her.

The Charmcaster roared, diving from the clouds before another firey attack built up from her throat.

Zero carrying Luna by his three-toe feet dodges the attack.

Zero and Luna look like flies compared to CharmCaster.

They flew around the tower with the heat on their tail. Zero vision quickly snapped back at Charmcaster flames nearly touching them.

They took back to the roof, dodging the wave while Spidermonkey spins around the tower and onto CharmCaster's bridge-like mouth.

She swings her webs around her jaws, causing CharmCaster to lose her baring and crash onto the roof.

Luna taps on Zero's leg and points. The five charms implanted in the head of CharmCaster: in-between her scales.

Charmcaster breaks from the webbing as Spider monkey flips onto the roof, shooting webbing into her eye.

"WILL!!" SpiderMonkey roared before flipping over a claw slash by Charmcaster.

"I hope you can land on your feet." Zero commented before dropping Luna. She lands on all fours, watching Zero take to the skies.

He flew past the dark storm clouds, dodging lightning strikes.

Zero escapes shifting back to Will.

He glances at the eclipse taking the skies. Earth takes him back.

Will dives with the wind whistling past his ears, his clothes flattering, and lighting strikes near him. Nothing but silence filled his head.

'It's been a crazy adventure. If I haven't. Joined, I would've been home eating all the food.' The boy thought as he began reliving his memories.

'Thanks. For trusting me with this. '

'You are only a substitute.'

'How can this world live without sacrifices?' The boy thought as He drew his fist back.

Heatblast and Red Riot swarm his fist. The boy's ears became jacks before inserting into the arm: pulsing a colorful scheme.

He escapes the clouds while Luna sees fire surrounding Will like a meteor.

The boy gives his fist the size of Way Big.

'I hope you can forgive me, Kat.'

His fist crashes, breaking the charms.

The colorful shockwave filled the skies while nearby windows broke under pressure. The bright light blinded everyone.

The skies were back while the eclipses ceased to exist.

CharmCaster is back to her human form with tattered clothing lying, unconscious. Benita groans from her hands and knees before picking herself up.

"Will?!" She squinted her eyes, gazing around until she noticed the boy looking at her, glowing with a gold aura mixed with green. He drops to his knees while Benita races over, panting under her breath. She aids him.

"I'm...fine." He heavily pants, sweating bullets. "I just want some sleep..."Will passes out in Benita's arms.

"Will!!" Benita hears his breathing and sighs in relief.

"You...think you won." CharmCaster peaks from the ground. "You and that boy!!!" She gets on her knee, grunting painfully. "Will die by my hand!" CharmCaster clenches her fist while her eyes grow watery.

Luna appears kicking CharmCaster out cold.

Her book of spells was coughed out by the satchel CharmCaster carries around.

Luna's claws reach their peak while her yellow eyes slit.

"It's not worth it." Benita voiced, but Luna struck Charmcaster down.

Three claws mark- reach down CharmCaster's right brow while blood trickles down.

Luna loses the rageful expression and goes to walk away but steps on the spellbook.

She picks it up and tosses it at Benita, that catches it.

Benita looked down at the book before Luna dived from the roof.

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Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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