Unduh Aplikasi
22.72% Ben 10; Omnitrix Reload / Chapter 9: Chapter 6: Rave at Can David

Bab 9: Chapter 6: Rave at Can David


In the middle of the night, Upon stage in the center of the Canyon plains near the lake was surrounded by drinking teens covered in neon body paint.

A DJ with a sliver cat mask fondles his set as lasers and lights color the night sky.

"Dude!" A teen painted as a skeleton bumps a shoulder of a teen splattered in paint. "Is that Aim?!" He pointed his drink at the girl chilling at a bonfire closer to the lake. "Are you gonna talk to her?"

"Oh! No. No." The splattered Teen sits up from the portable chair.

"Dan. Come on. When was the last time you two talked?"

"I..erm. Middle school."

"Exactly." The Skeleton Teen chugged his drink before tossing it in the bonfire. The fire flared while Dan kept his eyes on Aim.

"Don't you think she's the same girl?" Dan questioned.

"It's up to you to find out. I'm not your dad." He paused. "Unless you want me to."

"Keep dreaming."

"RJ!!" A girl stumbled up to the two before hugging the boy in front of Dan. "I'm. Hungry!" She groans.

"April! How much did you drink?!"

"Not enough." She buried her face into his chest. "I want. Nachos!"

"I heard. Mike makes the best." Dan suggested.

"For a drug dealer!" RJ furrowed his brows before sighing. "Dan. Give us a minute."

"Yeah." Dan stood to his feet.

"See you again, Danny!" April smiled. "Don't forget to meet us in my car!"

"I am not letting you touch that wheel!" RJ raised his voice.

"Oh.~" April wraps her arms around RJ's shoulders. "Shout at me. Again."

"Alright, guys." Dan slid out from his friends. As his eyes land on Aim.

He collected his breath before approaching.

"Uh. Amy?"

Aim looked to Danny, squinting her eyes before she smiled.

"Danny Mcgee!" She hugged Danny. He returned it. "Sit! Sit!"

She points to a tree block that he took. "So, how have you been?"

"Fine, I'm taking it slow on the drinks. My parents will kill me if I come home falling all over the place."

"And they said nothing?"

"They were fine with it. My parents told me that I had a few months of high school. I should live it up." Danny paused. "To a limit." He sips from his cup.

"That's. Nice." Amy commented.

"Uh, anyways, Judging by the glowing tips of your hair. You look to be living it up."

"Yeah. I'm in the same predicament, but that is where it differs. I wanted to stay home, but my parents saw this as an opportunity to watch over my sister." She points her thumb to the lake of her playing with a boy.

"Boyfriend?" Danny cocked his head.

"Soon to be. Behind The Party, girl persona is a tomato."

"You mean? Sunflower?" Danny questioned.

"Ah, sorry." Amy smiled, shaking her head. "I meant potato."

Danny chuckled.

"I'm glad you're here, Aim."

"Your feelings are mutual, Dan."

Danny looks back at RJ and April. April is sleeping on his lap as RJ gestures to Danny for her phone number.

"Ah!" Danny starts getting Amy's attention. "Can I get your number?"

"Oh, yes!" Amy shakes her head. "I don't know. Why it didn't cross my mind."

The speakers on the stage grew louder as the song became fast pace, getting the two attention.

The song builds up as the Dj; leaned into the mic.

"DJ Wildcat is happy for one's who graduated. So-"

"Let's Get Down!!!" The crowd shouted while the beat dropped.

Suddenly, the speaker rings a high-pitched note getting everyone to wince.

The Dj quickly took off his headphones while everyone covered their ears.

The sound stops as DJ WildCat cuts off his set.

He goes to check behind the curtains while the teens boo.

"COME ON!!!" A teen shouted.

"That was my jam!!!" Another stated as Wildcat stepped down the steps with a growl.

He approached the main speaker behind the stage, noticing the tinkered speaker. Electricity races from the speaker, getting Wildcat to stagger back.

"The. Hell."

A light thud behind him. Alerted the Dj, he snapped to see a pebble.

"Huh?" Wildcat crouched to the pebble, picking it up. He examined it before noticing something engraved on it, A symbol of volume.

He looked up and noticed. A group of boulders rolled his way.

"SHIT!!!" The Dj cussed before diving from the assault.

The boulders crashed on stage before a horde of screams filled his ears.

Wildcat pants before climbing to his feet. He walked around the destroyed stage, seeing the destruction.

The howling screams of teens mourned over their unlucky friends.

The Dj noticed a standstill boulder with an arm. Poking out of it while April sat there watching it.

The campfires were scattered and were still burning. The trash littered all over the place.

WildCat stood there puffing his chest in and out. He heard rapid footsteps approaching from behind.

The Dj snapped to it.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" A high-pitched scream blows the DJ off his feet.

Its voice echoes in the canyon: hurting everyone's ears.

The Dj rolls to the ground as small shadows run past him and towards the others.

The same dreadful pitch filled the ears of Wildcat.

He looked up in a daze. The teens ran away while small shadows followed.

The Dj noticed Danny pulling April to her feet before one of the assaulters, screams; blowing them off their feet.

"UH, AH!!!" Wildcat screams before scrambling to his feet.

The Dj enters his car before scrambling for his keys.

"Fuck! Fu-" A quick scream busts his windows.

The car tilts on its side before crashing back onto its four wheels.

Wildcat turned the ignition and took off.

He pants, not hearing the engine pump as he drives through canyon plains from the Raided Rave.

Wildcat gazed at the head mirror, noticing the Rave Stage crashing down and catching flames.

The supersonic screams caused his hands to tremble.

-Present 2004-

The Rustbucket drives down the road: surrounded by the plains and orange rocks.

In the sleeping quarters, Will is currently doing push-ups covered in sweat.

"How would you like to die?" A voice filled the boy's head, causing him to stop.

"W-what happened to you and the others?" Will questioned while wiping sweat with his t-shirt. "It's been two days."

The RV shakes.

The light that bled through the blinds becomes swallowed by darkness.

White eyes stood over the boy causing him to flinch on his knees, but he stood his ground.

"Death is inevitable." The voice similar to Will's echoed the boy's head. "You chose to side with Benita for the redemption of Katlyn. Yet, she spits into your face. How long would you follow this moral code before it gets you killed? And How long would you and the and Tennyson's stand before you all fall?"

The pit of darkness vanished, revealing Will back in their sleeping quarters.

The boy pants while his eyes lingered blankly.

A knock snapped Will out of it as he noticed Gwen at the entrance of their sleeping quarters.

"Am I interrupting?" Gwen questioned, cocking her head.

"Uh..no. Just talked." The boy sits on the floor, turning to her. "Is me being here causing you all the trouble?"

"Where is this coming from?"

"I-" Will sighs."You got kidnapped. My Ex wants you all dead. I bit Ben until drawing blood. Let's not start with your Grandpa. "

"That wasn't.Your fault." Gwen reassured. "As much of the voices making sense to you. You don't always have to listen."

"That's easier said than done." The boy replied, hugging his legs. "You guys have been good to me. I would die for you. Die for all of you."

Gwen clenches her fist before closing her eyes. She collected herself.

"I would like to show you something. It's about Wanda."

Will squinted his eyes.

"She's not. Out." Gwen reassured. "Just. Come on." Gwen, leave the room while Will follows after.

They approached the booth of her laptop while, across from it. Benita is sleeping on her back.

"So. I took the liberty to do my research: for future events." She pointed her hand at the screen presenting the said info.

Will squinted his eyes.

"Yeah! I know a lot to take in." Gwen looks up at him, crossing her arms. "Do you want the short version?"

"Do you mind?" Will shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

"Wanda Crucifix, A witch doctor in Agashu Suni (region) by the Nile Valley. She studied Geographic History, Anatomy, and Witchcraft at 14. When she was twenty, Wanda ventured out with her colleagues only to be robbed and killed by quicksand."

"Ok. That's a lot to take in."

"That's not even a dent."

A yawn gathered their attention to Benita sitting up from her booth, scratching her head.

"What are you two on about?" Benita yawns, stretching.

"Wanda. Crucifix." Will answered. "That Egyptian woman that can throw Avalanche across the room like he's mere pebble."

"Haah. Leave me out."

"And what makes you think you can handle Wanda or others we might face?" Gwen questioned.

"Fighting. Is like art." Benita said, leaning her back against the wall. "You can describe someone judging on their style."

"Style?" Will raised a brow.

"Please." Gwen closes her laptop. "Please. Enlighten us, Master Dweeb."

Benita groans.

"Alright. Wanda is vengeful."

"That all?" Gwen questioned.

"Will's protective while your cocky. Good thing this watch is in the right hands."

"And this coming from you?!"

"But. Still." Will looked out the window, getting their attention. "Death by quicksand." The boy's nails dig into the chair. "I don't wish that on anyone."

"That's a dark topic. To be touching on." Max stated while he stared from his head mirror.

"Sorry about that." Benita appeared, giving Will a Noogie.

"Stop. Apologizing. Dork." She cracked.

"Alright! Stop!!!"

Gwen rolls her eyes.

"Gas station up ahead." Max chimed while Will pushed Benita off before glaring at her. "I guess we can stretch our legs and get some gas."

"I could. Use a bit of a stretch." Benita replied, smirking.


The children exited from the RV to Max, checking the gas pump.

Max said something under his breath before looking at the kids. "This going take a while. Walk around, but don't wander off."

They nodded before heading to the station.

"It's not like. We're going anywhere." Benita commented as a car park by the entrance of the station.

Gwen opened the door for the two.

They passed an employee behind the counter, watching a football game in subtitles.

"Hey. Will could you-"

"Ben. I paid last time." The boy glances blankly.

"Come on.~ I'll pay you back." Benita whines while Will grabs a soda pop.

Gwen has a bottle of water.

"What happened to the 'allowance' you get once a month?" Gwen questioned while Benita fixed herself a Large slushie cup, mixing every flavor she found.

"What allowance?"

Will and Gwen squinted their eyes.

"Fine." Gwen sighs. "I got-"

"Cash in the bag!!" A loud voice caused the children to snap to cover behind an aisle. They peaked to see two masked men aiming their guns at the employee. Benita sips her slushie.

The worker raises his shaking hands.

"Don't! Do! This!" He said with his voice off key.

"What?!" The robber tosses the bag into the employee's hands. "Put it in!" The employee obeyed.

"We sure attract a lot of conflicts?" Gwen commented as Benita slurped her slushie.

"Since the start of this trip. It's best not to question it." Will stated while Benita's slurping grew louder before Gwen snatched it from her hands.

The Second robber gazed about while Will sneaked off.

"Hey!" Benita raised her voice, whispering.

"Shut up! You trying to get us caught?!" Gwen whispers back while Robber 2 walks through the aisle toward their voices.

"You said it. Not me." Benita goes to activate her watch.

"You kids chose the wrong day to go stretch." The masked man aimed his handgun from his hip.

"Aw, great." Gwen sighs before rolling her eyes.

Benita smiles nervously.

"Yo, who's that?" The masked man in front of the counter questioned.

"Bunch of kids. Bet theirs the Old man's."

"Who are you calling old?" A dry voice questioned.

The masked man aiming at Gwen and Benita snapped around to a Humanoid Angler Fish punching him into a walk-in cooler.


RipJaws= Jaws


Glass and drinks crash onto the masked man causing Jaws to wince.

Jaws ducks from a gunshot while Gwen and Benita take their distance from him.

"Where are all you freaks coming from?!!' He points the gun at the employee.

"We can forget about this." Jaws place his foot on the unconscious masked man, slowly pulling him out. "I'll let you and your friend. Go. Leave the money." Jaws reassured.

"Don't test me!!!" The masked man raised his voice. In the corner of Jaw's eyes, Ben raises her hand over the watch, only for Gwen to stop her. "You going to let me leave with this cash, then you return whatever you came from."

Jaw's squinted his eyes before they widened.

"Ahuh!!" He gasps, clenching his chest. "Water!"

"Yo! get up!" The masked man roared at his downed friend while Jaws took a knee."Get! Up!"

Jaws raised to his feet before hurling his partner at him.

The masked man's partner flew over the aisles and at the masked man.

The masked man ducks from his partner and crashes behind the counter.

The employee tries to take the gun from him.

Jaws rushes.

"You! asshole!" The masked man punches the employee and snaps at Jaws, but he pins him against the counter. Shots went off while Jaws wrestled the gun out of his hands.

The robber crashes a lead pipe on Jaw's head that snapped in half. "Uh?!"

Jaws frown his non-existent brow before gripping the man's jacket.

He hurls him into an aisle that crashes into another, following like a domino effect until the last one crashes into the Slushie machine, causing it to drench onto the floor.

Jaws pants, unclenching his fists. He noticed Benita and Gwen staring wide-eyed at the destruction he caused before Jaw's eyes landed on the worker shaking.

"...Uh, sorry."


The police cruiser drove away with the robbers as the Tennysons, and the employee, stood next to Jaws sitting on the trashcan, drenching a jug of water on himself.

The employee glares at Jaws.

"I'm sorry."

The employee bites his lip before furiously making sign language at Jaws raising his non-exist brow.

"You just cost me! My paycheck!!! Do you have any idea how much damage you cause?!!" The employee goes to approach Jaws, but Gwen blocks his way.

"He is sincerely sorry." Gwen sign language. "Is there anything he can do to pay for it?"

"Wait, when did you do sign language?" Benita and Jaws questioned.

"A friend of mine is deaf. Shut your traps." Gwen insisted.

The employee continued at Jaws until he took out a notepad and handed a slip to Gwen. "Huh?!! 10,000!!!!" Jaws drop the jug on his head while Max's eyes widen.

"This may set us back." Max goes to write a check.

"Wait!" Jaw raised his voice, stopping Max. "There has to be some other way. Right?"

The employee stares. He signs and points at a poster by the door.

Rave of beats

Do you have financial problems? Did an alien crash into your personal space, destroying everything in mid-battle? Well! Come on down to Canyon David, Where 10 DJs are to compete for $30,000!!! You better hurried over at Can David. Or you be scratched!!! 🎧

"That seems...oddly specific." Benita squinted her eyes while Jaws sighed.

"I'll give it a shot."

"Do you even know how?" Gwen questioned and also signed language helping the worker.


The employee growls, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"To get this straight." Max crosses his arms with his brow touching his forehead. "Djing means: Like a Rolling Stone."

Benita sighs.

"No. Grandpa."


At canyon David, Will walked from a long line of people, approaching The RV with a ticket in hand.

He enters as Benita is playing Sumo Slammer. Across from her is Gwen sleeping.

Max exited the bathroom.

"How did it go?" Max questioned, getting Gwen to wake up.

"Luckily. I'm contestant twenty. I got all the time to practice."

"Don't you have a set?"

Will sweats.


A knock came from the door of the RV getting everyone's attention.

"I got. It." Will claimed. Benita took off her headphones while the boy opened the door to the worker carrying a DJ set. "Uh, hello?" He waved while the worker handed him the needed object.

The worker looked past the boy as Gwen wiped her eyes and stood next to Will. "Where's the fish guy?" He signs language.

"He's getting a set, but since you have it. I'll let him know." Gwen signs language back.

The employee nods and leaves as Will closes the door.

"Huh, what did you say to him?" Benita questioned.

"He's out getting a set. And this is the last I'm answering you two expect you, Grandpa." She smiles while Will and Benita roll their eyes.

"Thanks for the help." Benita and Will stated before Benita stood to her feet.

"Welp. I'm going to go look around."

"That so. Gwen, could you go with her?" Max questioned.

The two sigh.

"Yes. Sir." Gwen answered. The cousins leave from the front door while Will head for the back.

Max followed before leaning on the entrance of their quarters.

"Need any help?" He questioned.

"You know a little something?"

"It can't hurt to try." Max set out the folding table the worker gave them.

The boy assembled the set with the help of Max.

"Uh. Max?" Will called.


"What do you do? Like when you were young?"

"Hah. Well, I worked at fast food while earning money then and there. Around that time, there was some responsibility, but I felt free. In a sense."

"Hmph." Will hummed. "Did you do anything else?"

"I joined the military. I station at Okinawa. At that time, I was still coming up. They had us dig up rocks and other things. I managed to give a local a ride on my bike." Max chuckled to himself.

"Is that where the gloves you have. Come in?"

"No. Don't ask me again." Max said coldly before shaking his head. "Sorry, Will. I didn't mean that."

"No. It's fine." Will reassured. "I went too far." The boy and Max stared at the progress before them.

"It seems it takes an iPod or maybe a laptop." Will raised a brow before Max stood to his feet.

"I believe Ben won't mind." He exits from the door before coming back with an iPod in hand. "I hope this will do."

Will grabs the pod.


Benita and Gwen pass by other RVs and vehicles while music plays in the warm afternoon.

"This embarrassing." Gwen blocked her eyes. "I'm hanging with a dwarf while she is out, searching for gold. And there's no rainbow."

"Comments like that. Are the reason your kind will go extinct." Benita stated while heading out from the site.

"You know the site is this way? Or you brain dead?"

" I said I was going for a walk, not where. Ha, ha." The cousins noticed a mountain from the site. "Sweet!" She ran ahead.

"B-ben!" Gwen called before running after her. They approach.

The two look up at the high climb.

Benita activates her watch.

"Seriously?" Gwen cocked her head.

"Hey. You can always leave." Benita said before smirking.

Her watch presents four arms. "Go. Be a loser."

A green light flashes revealing Stinkfly.

"Awww, man." Stinkfly shoulders drop. "..Well, I can't. Complain, now can I?" Her wings flatter.

"Ben! Don't you dare!"

"Fine." Stinkfly grabbed onto Gwen, that yelped before flying above the mountain, getting a clear view of the site and the lake near the stage getting set up.

"Wow. It can never get old." Gwen said, marveling at the view.

"This looks. Like your stop." Stinkfly said before shaking, Gwen that held on tightly.


"I'm joking. Take a chill pill." She looked around. A small shadow hid behind a rock. "What was that?" Stinkfly squinted her eyes.

" Is this one of your practical jokes?" Gwen looked up at Stinkfly that flew away, further from the site. "Hey, Hey!!"

"Quiet." They land behind the rock, noticing a small bootprint.

"Uh, weird." They heard rumbling. A group of boulders was coming their way. "AAAAAAAAAH!!!" Gwen screams while Stinkfly grabs her and flies away from the assault.

"It must be--"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!" A soundwave cuts Stinkfly off as it pushes Stinkfly into a mountain.

Stinkfly shielded Gwen until it stopped.

"Gwen! You're ok?!"

"WHAT?" Gwen shouted, causing Stinkfly to draw her head back. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!" Stinkfly heard someone above, and her eyes did a one-eighty.

The humanoid opens its mouth, but Stinkfly shoots slime from her eyes, stopping his attempt. She flew away while five others on the ground: screamed using sound waves.

"AAAH!! AAH!! AAH!! AAH!! AAH!!" Stinkfly dodges to the best of her ability.

Her symbol begins flashing red.

"Oh! No! No!" A red light flashes, revealing Benita falling from the sky. "NO!"

"AAAH!!" Gwen and Benita scream to their doom as the ground grows close.

"AAAAH!!" The two humanoid launches their self toward Benita and Gwen catching them from mid-air.

"Left...Right! My right!!! Four others join hands, creating a human safety net.

"MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!" The copies holding Benita and Gwen shouted.

"We're good." The third copy stated before giving a thumbs up.

The four landed in their arms.

"Woah! HEY!!" Benita roared, struggling from their grips.

"HEY, LET GO OF ME!!!" Gwen cried out. "WILL!!!" The six humanoids carry Benita and Gwen over their heads as they grow further from the site.

"Huh?" Will cocked his head back.

"What is it?" Max questioned.

"I got a chill like someone called my name." The boy stared at the set. "Huh? It's probably me being paranoid. Ugh!"

" Come on, Will. Don't get yourself down."

"That's the problem, Max. My anger destroyed the guy's job, plus I don't want you to fix the problem. I cause and slow this trip!" He rubs his face, frustrated. "Do you mind? Leaving me alone to collect myself?"

"Sure, don't push yourself." Max walks out and grabs the curtain. "Hey, I heard theirs a turkey leg stand from the lot. Do you want any?"

"I could get one, thanks." Max nods before exiting the RV. "Ugh!" The boy sits up, looking at the Dj set. "Come on, Will. Think!" His eyes focus.

Suddenly his heartthrobs.

"Life...notes." A voice whispers in his head.


He looks around and back at the set.

"What just happened?" The boy questioned himself before focusing on the DJ set.

His heartthrob grew stronger.

"Son. Nothing. Can." The echo remained unclear.

The boy's heart raced while his veins and eyes glowed neon green.

"Son." The deep voice became clear. "Life is a pair of notes. You can either follow the flow or make your own." Will's mouth trembled while a waterfall of tears poured down his eyes. "Nothing can stop you from being a better man than me."

"DON'T GO!!" Will cried out, reaching out to nothing. "I'll do anything! Just don't leave me alone!!"

"You may seem like you're alone." The voice cracked in the boy's head. "I'll always stand by you...Go make me proud."

Will's hair grows, shifting neon blue. Grey skin ran up his face. His eyes opened, flaring Red and orange as the bottom of his ear stretched out into a wire, revealing ear jacks.

His attire changes.

The grey-skinned alien looks at himself in the mirror, seeing himself in a brown and black sweater.

He noticed a pass-byer glancing at him from the RV window.

The grey alien opens the window.

"Oi, what are you gawking at?" He shouted. "Piss off!" The man quickly left.

The grey alien closes the window only for him to wipe his eyes.


He looks back to the Dj set and presses his hands on the discs while his ear jack plugs itself into it.


Virtual Riot - There goes your Money (Promo Mix)

End; 0:49


The grey alien presses buttons, nodding his head.

He flicks his waist scratching the discs.

At every heavy beat, multicolor shockwaves release from the set while the RV shakes in a rhythm.

"T-ta-Take that!!!" The Rv rocks. "Go! Go!" The grey alien smiles ear to ear while blankets and clothes fly around the room. "Take that!!" He flicks his hand off the discs.

The grey alien released a shockwave bigger than the last. The RV rumbled while clothes, blankets, and food from the fridge scattered across the floor.

"Bloody Ace!!!" He pumps his fist before staring at his hand. "Impulse. I'm glad you are willing to help."

"Helloooooo~, everyone!!" A voice echoed outside. "The additions are going to start at eight at night! You better bring your popcorn and pillows!!"


"Hey! let go of me!!" Benita roared as The Humanoids of sound carried Gwen and Benita into a cave.

"Give up, human child." The humanoid of sound stated. "Just because you ask the fifth time doesn't mean we're letting you go."

"WHAT?" Gwen shouted, causing Benita to wince. "DID THEY SAY SOMETHING?"

"I told you it was a bad idea to use two of me." The fourth clone replied.

"Hey! One can hear perfectly, so don't get your wiring in a bunch." The fifth clone reassured.

"But, the chief wants two massagers, not one massager and a handicap!" The second clone shouted, causing Benita to snicker while Gwen raised a brow.

Clone one sighs.

"Sometimes. I can't stand myself."

"Rude." The third clone squinted his eyes at the first clone.

They reach the light at the end of the cave, revealing the underground Village of Humanoid of Sound.

"Woah/ WOAH." Benita and Gwen marveled.

Other Humanoids walked up and down the path with food and makeshift Buckets of water on their shoulders while children ran past them playing.

An underground lake was at the edge of the village.

The Humanoids of Sound carried the two down the slope, gathering the attention of the Villagers of Sound.

"Hmm, humans." The first studied Benita and Gwen.

"Yeah. The humans looked uglier than you describe." The second commented while Benita growled.

"What could the Chief want with them?" The third question.

"Speaks me?" The fourth shrugged.

The capturer of Benita and Gwen stood on the makeshift elevator.

"AH!" A villager shouted into a pipe, causing the makeshift elevator to reach a shack of rock above the village.

The Humanoids of sound carried the cousins inside.

The humanoid of sound entered with Benita and Gwen; overhead. They noticed a robotic-like humanoid writing something on a gravel stone.

"AAAAH!! Ugh!!" The Humanoids of sound drop the cousins while the robotic-humanoid looks back.

"Ah, welcome." He gets up and stretches his arm while Gwen and Benita stand to their feet.

"Stand back!" Benita ordered. "Or you'll get an old fashion butt-kicking." She pressed her watch, but the dial stayed closed. "What do you like to say?"

"WHAT?" Gwen shouted. Again. Everyone draws their head back.

"What did I tell you, Zard?" The chief crosses his arms as six clones of Zard sweat.

Clone two points to five.

"He didn't listen to my warnings."

Zard 5 mouth gape opened.

"Oh, throwing me under a bus, are you?" Zard 5 points to Zard 2. "He has delayed us because he found a butterfly!"

"I did not!!"

"Can you guys shut your traps?" Zard three questioned.

"Can you?!" Two and five shouted.

"You all followed it, did you?" The chief questioned.

The Zard sighs.

"...Yes, chief."

Benita's sweat dropped.

"Thank you for your assistance; you all can leave." The chef nodded while The Zard bowed. The blue robot opens his hand to the three cushions on the floor. "Shall we?" Benita and Gwen hesitantly sat on the cushions. Gwen banged on her head while the chief sat on his. "Welcome! To the Village of Sound. I'm Chief Audio. You two must be wondering why you're here?"

"First, who are you?" Benita questioned.

Chief Audio squinted his eyes before his head clicked.

"Hmmm, oh. You see. We are Sonorosian, but I'd passed to lead this village. Now to the topic at hand."

"You kidnapped us." Benita squinted her eyes. "And they mention messager. What message are you trying to pull?"



Skrillex & Habstrakt - Chicken Soup (Cherney &AWAL Bootleg)


The cave begins to shake while The three snap their heads at the door.

"It's happening. Again." Chief Audio stood to his feet while the Beats ringed the entire cave.

The song builds up.

"Chicken Soup. I walk in. In the room." The room rumbles.

"This is worst than before!" Chief Audio contiuned.

"The contest!" Gwen and Benita shouted at each other.


The crowd was jumping.

The color schemes shock waves breezing by everyone's hair while Impulse scratched his disc with a smirk.

"Ladies and Jets, Pop Off!!" Impulse shouted.

"YEAH!!!" The crowd cheered while The judges tapped their feet.

Behind the curtains on stage: a Dj wearing a Cat Mask stares at the audition.

"Uh, Hello. You must be WildCat." Wildcat snapped to voice, landing on the newsman.

"My name is Danny Mcgree. Can you comment?" Danny questioned while WildCat walked past them.


Chief Audio and the kids race out of the shack seeing boulders and spikes fall from the cave ceiling and onto a house or path.

"Stay here." Chief Audio stated while Four Discs detach from his body and onto his hands and feet. He guides himself down while the discs shoot sonic waves.

"Do you have something in that watch to get us out of here?!" She held onto the makeshift railing; Benita tried to turn on her watch.

The dial pops open.

"Yes!" She scans to XLR8. "I gotta go-"

A green light flashes, revealing two clones of a black and white humanoid the size of Gwen.

"Fast!" They said before their green eyes landed on one another. "Huh?!"

"Serious- AAAAAAH!!" Gwen screeches as a spiky rock comes falling at their heads.

The clones tackled Gwen over the railing as the spiked destroyed the elevator to the Chief Audio shack.

Gwen screams as the clones use their body to shield her. They crash into a cart of Watermelons. Gwen and the clones pulled their heads from the cart covered with watermelon frowning at each other.

A boulder came down, crushing trade stands and carts. A few houses away.

"OH, MY GOD!!" The clones shouted, jumping out of the cart.

She duplicates into one more before pushing the cart down the path.

"Faster, you idiot!!" Gwen shouted, holding on for dear life.

"Do you want to get down and push?!!" The three shouted before looking at the third one. "...Cool!"

"LEFT!!!" The cart dodges a falling rock. Gwen sees a (Mini) Villager of Sound hit the ground; as it grew feet from them.

The (Mini) Village of Sound looks up to see the cart heading his way. His eyes widen. "Ben!! Someone in front of us!" The clone peeks.

"Hey, how do we copy?" The second clone questioned the first.

"Why ask me?" The first question.

"Just! Turn right!" Gwen shouted.

They do so. The (Mini) Village of Sound noticed Gwen on the side of the cart. She scoops it up.

The boulder increased its speed, and this made everyone sweat.

" It's on our tail!" The second cloned shouted.

"We know that!" The third clone and Gwen shouted.

"Cover your ears." The kid demanded. "AAAAAAAH!! He screams at the boulder, slowing it down, but its assault continues.

The clones shook their heads, trying to recover while Gwen unplugged her ears.

"Left!! Left!!!" Gwen demanded.

"WHAT?!" All three clones shouted. "YOU SAY SOMETHING?!"

Another boulder blocks their path to the lake.

"AAAAAAAAH!!" The mini villager and Gwen held on to each other.

A blue disc slides underneath the cart.

The sonic wave shoots the cart above the boulder while the assaulter crashes against it; The boulders roll into the lake.

"Woaaaaah!!!" Everyone screamed while the clones flipped into the cart.

The cart falls into the lake floating.

Chief Audio settle on. They groan.

"Is everyone safe?" He questioned.

Clone 2 holds her mouth before hurling it from everyone's view.

"Wait, you're making me-" Clone one and three hurls on the other side of the cart.

"And into the water supply." Chief Audio sighs.

"I am not doing that again." Gwen held her head.

"Yes, your not." He turns around to see the destruction.

The party above caused.

Boulders and spiked were on houses of clay.

Smoke rises from a few houses while the rest is a pure mess. He clenches his fist.

"I'm. Sorry." Gwen stated while the chief shook his head.

"No worries. We can fix this in a month." He squinted his eyes at the destruction. "I'm going to have to visit the humans myself."


Impulse stood behind the curtains watching Wildcat perform.

"I'll win. No doubt." The grey-skinned Dj said to himself.

"Indeed you will." Impulse snapped to Danny standing by his side.

"I'm sorry, mate? Do I know you?"

"I'm surprised. You don't." He flashes his backstage pass. "I'm with News 16. We heard there hosting here at David Canyon. In the past few days, everyone needs to take their mind off. From the aliens. Of course."

"Right." Impulse looks back at the performance.

"Your performance was outstanding, but mostly. Flashy." Danny commented. "Don't you think you might attract a certain eye?"

"What's your game here?" Impulse questioned.

"No game. Just a warning." Danny smirks before patting Impulse's shoulder. "Congrats. Kid."

The news guy stepped down from backstage and passed the other DJs.

Impulse kept his eyes on him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen: this is the event you came to see!" The announcer brought back Impulse. "Wiping out, fifteen, and hearing our current scratcher's. "DJ WildCat."

WildCat silently walked past Impulse getting the crowd to erupt.

"Impulse!" The grey aliens sigh before walking out on stage. The lights hit his eyes while the crowd erupts. He smirks, seeing the smiles and the crowd roaring out his name.

"Lui, Helldog, and Retro Razer." The other DJs stood by Impulse while the crowd continued to roar before the announcer stood before the crowd with his hand out. The teens grew silent. "Only. Two will battle it out to become the Greatest DJ this year have to offer. And thirty thousand dollars under their belt!"

"This was a tough decision. I will call out the names of two making it to the finals." The announcer clears his throat. "WildCat!!" The crowd cheers while WildCat steps up. "And last but not least, Dj--"

Chief Audio settle on stage, surprising everyone.

"Bloody hell?" Impulse said under his breath.

"Year's!!" Audio shouted. "We live on this land! We gave you warning after warning! And you humans squander it!!" Chief Audio paced around the stage. "You litter trash in our water supply! Disorganized our sleeping regime with your loud music! YOU NEARLY KILLED MY PEOPLE AND DESTROYED THE VERY GROUND WE WORKED HARD FOR!!" He roared while Five discs detached from him and slid across the stage. "And now." Chief Audio glared at the frightened crowd. "This will be your last."

The disc's flared before shooting sound rings into the night sky.

The crowd and the DJs covered their ears while Impulse grunted.

"This bloke!" Impulse said under his breath.

He runs to The Dj set before hooking his ear jack. He scratched the disc.

The color wave destroys the discs on stage. Chief Audio stumbles before looking back at Impulse's red and orange, glaring eyes.

"I got a score to settle." Impulse clenched his teeth. "I would be grateful if you had more patience."

Audio glared.

"Move that disc. And we're going to have a problem."

"We alright do."

The Discs flew around, Impulse before assaulting him with the rings of sound. Everyone on stage dived from the crossfire while Sonic blasts came down Impulse.

Everyone ran from the upcoming battle while Impulse clenched his teeth with bloodshot eyes.


The Plan(From the Motion Picture "TENET")


"Ooooooooo." The speaker roars while the color wave counters the sound waves blowing Cheif Audio off stage; the discs on his back shoot to the ground while he flits to his feet.

The teens cleared the way for Audio.

"You're the one behind this!" Audio shouted before rushing.

"Last time. I wrecked. It." The speaker roared.

A car flew toward Impulse while he pushed the DJ pad. The shockwave reflects it while it crashes on the judging panel.

The flying discs surround Impulse and shower him with sonic waves.

"AAAAAAGGGH!!!" Impulse cried while Chief Audio used a disc to launch himself towards the DJ. "Piss. OFF!!!" The speakers blew a gasket.

Chief Audio crashes into a food stand while Benita (??), Gwen, and Zard approach the fight.

"Close the opera." The speaker roared once. Again.

"Cheif!" Zard races to the stand.

The three clones and Gwen noticed Max on the ground sitting up.

"Grandpa?!" They roared, racing over to him.

"Ben, Gwen?" Max held his head while Gwen kneeled by him.

"Are you ok?!" The clones questioned.


Clones Benita= Diita


"I'm fine. Just whiplash."

"Is that Will?" Gwen questioned, staring at Impulse's bloodshot eyes, watching Zard stand Chief Audio.

"Yeah, but something on his mind. And I think the voices got to him." Gwen bit her lip.

"Are you ok?" Zard questioned Audio.

"I'm fine." Chief Audio reassured. "I will need your assistance."

They look to DJ Impulse, slipping on his headphones.

"Do you know how much?! Winning the money means to me?!" Impulse roared while the wiring fixed the speakers.

Chief Audio threw his hand as ten discs came at Dj Impulse's way.

Zard races after them, cloning five of himself. They scream.

"Move in 'verse on my turf." The speaker bounced while lines of color schemes covered the speakers.

Shockwave after shockwave came, shaking the stage, lights bust, and the mountains surrounding the site; shook as rocks rain.

The lake waved.

Chief Audio discs burst into electricity and pieces while He slides back, standing his ground.

"Agh!" Audio grunt covering his face.

"WHOAA!!" The five Zards crashed onto their back before looking up at their opponent.

"Will!" The Ditta clenches their teeth as they slowly approach the stage. "Stop!" They roared while Impulse gazed at them.

"Get! Back!" Impulse ordered, causing the three to fly onto their backs.

"Hey!" Gwen shouted while covering her ears. "Stop! This!"

"This is not the time!"

"This is the time. YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" Gwen roared, causing Impulse's eyes to widen. The environment stopped shaking, yet the music remained loud. "Do you know what I hate?! You! Carrying! This burden, like your the only one that can save us all!"

"I could-"

"You could. What?!" Gwen cocked her head. "Kill us?! Get in line! We all die, but what matters is what we do now! Is protect one another!"

"Hey!" The Ditta's stood to their feet. "What you did. That wasn't you. I forgave you once, and I'll say it million times. I forgive you."

Impulse stood dazed.

"You remind me. Of myself." Max stated, getting Impulse attention. "When I was young. Trust me; this is not the road you wanna take."

The Dangerous Music stop as the surroundings turn calm and quiet.

"Right." Impulse looked to the ground. "Sorry for--"

DJ Wildcat slams a microphone against Impulse's head, causing it to ring.

"Christ! Oh! God!" The Ditta's and Gwen yelped.

Impulse body crashed onto the set before hitting the stage. Unconscious.

DJ WildCat stood towering over him before dropping the mic.

A gunshot rings while a Zard stumbles.

"AAH!" A woman dressed as a camerawoman continued firing her handgun at the Zards. She screams before Chief Audio grabs her wrist and forces the gun out of her hand.

"Don't." A voice gets their attention to Danny standing with a cam recorder. "Everyone is watching this." Danny glared while the Camerawoman pulled her wrist from Chief Audio which staggered. "That woman there is my colleague and my friend. April Kennedy."

April glared at the Zards that stared back.

"Everyone! Watching this!" Danny points the camera at Zard's and Chief Audio. "The little guys we see here. Is evidence of four teens they murdered in cold blood during 1994."

"That was an accident." Zard one glared.

"My boyfriend's death is an accident?!" April argued. "You bastards took the only person we cared about! And killed three others with their loved ones waiting for them to come home!"

Zard goes to approach, but Chief Audio stops him.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Danny questioned.

"I have made a mistake." Audio spoke up, causing the Zard's eyes to widen.

"Chief!" Zard and his clones called, but Audio raised his hand.

"Due to my miscalculation. I harmed you, the humans, and even the families watching. I'm sorry."

"April?" Danny called, but April only clenched her fist at Zard. "April!"

"I'm coming!" April glared back at Zard. "You deserved everything that's coming to you." April and Danny raced from the group and into their van.


The group stood by Max RV. Behind the aftermath.

Will was bowing to Chief Audio.

"I'm so sorry!!"

" I forgive you." Audio stated. "I wasn't in the right state of mind."

"No, you have the right to be angry!"

"There nothing to be angry about, there was no causality, but a few were hurt. Also, we could settle down somewhere else." He continued to stare at Will while Zard only looked to the ground.

"Do you need any help?" Max questioned. "Like scouting."

"We're good. You don't need to get involved. For our mistake."

Zard climbed on Chief Audio's shoulders.

"I hope we meet again. Under different circumstances." Chief Audio took off to the sky.

Wildcat and the others followed their presence until they were gone.

"WildCat." Max started. "What the kids called you." He scratches his head. "Thanks. By the way. Can you keep this a secret?" WildCat walks away. "Good. Talk."

"He's. Weird." Benita whispers to Gwen. Gwen elbowed her gut. "Hey!"

"I think that's all kids. We got to get back to the station. That employee could be chewed out by his boss as we speak.


The employee locks the door to the gas station.

The RV parked on the side of the road.

"Sir!" Max called as the employee approached. Will and Benita peek out the window on the side of the RV. Gwen stands behind Max Translating. "I'm sorry, we couldn't win the prize money, but..." He writes a check. "Here you are."

The employee denied it.

" It's good." Gwen translate. "Boss is using insurance that some other businesses owe."

"Ok. Well, drive safely." Max and others waved before The RV drove down the road.

The employee lightly waved.

He entered his red car, turning it on.

The employee leaned back, sighing.

He turns to the WildCat mask. And the prize envelope on the passenger seat by it.

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