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Bab 5: Yggdrasil's End

It's been a year since I've seen another player. The last time I saw someone in-game was when I visited Mamonga for his quitting of the game.


Mamonga quit. I made sure to have him transferred to another position in his company where he would accel and get promotions faster. By hacking and publicly exposing the dark side of those who would get in his way at the company. It's the least I could do since I was going to be destroying his pride and joy after all.

It's fine though. He is substantially better off now that he isn't dead tired and lonely anymore. He even found a really sweet girl who he is dating. I keep in contact with a lot of Nazarick's players, IRL. I've even planned out my death during the transfer to keep their suspicions away from me.

My aunt has tried to kill me a number of times already, so it's only fair I get back at her before I go. I'll have Touch Me investigate my death and blame my aunt for it. He's a police officer in this world, which explains his views on Justice.

Speaking of Touch Me, I recently went vigilante to save him from his corrupt boss who was going to 'disappear' him since he was close to cracking a big case on the depth of corruption in the Japanese Police Forces.

The news of that case made not just national news, but world news, and nearly sparked a civil war in Japan, but it was resolved when the ruling parties were defeated in their own called election, losing 80% of their seats to the new Worker's Alliance and Justice Party (WAJP), led by Ulbert.

That's right. The chuuni World Disaster himself now runs the government. Ulbert had had a mental breakdown about the world's depressing future about a month after the Great Raid. I was able to calm him down during a meetup in the real world and prevent him from going full Joker by talking it out with him. Apparently, this inspired him to take up politics and become a leading figure in workplace reform and strict labor laws that made him incredibly popular with the people.

The number of times I had to save his life with my skills is ridiculous. Apparently, he now works together with Touch Me a lot too after he was promoted to Police Chief of Tokyo. Though they seem to hate each other, Mamonga said they are just both Tsunderes.

If I wasn't wearing a gas-mask and was drinking, I would have spit my drink.

In a similar situation, almost all of the members of Ainz Ooal Gown have had better lives outside of Yggdrasil, whether due to my intervention or not. I didn't expect to get attached to them all over my years playing with them, but I guess I can genuinely say that they are my friends. I even told them I was going to raid their guild base since none of them were playing anymore and Nazzarick was just a few short days away from running out of currency and being deleted by the system.

Funny enough, that got everyone to play again, though they joined me as new players just for the heck of it rather than as their old Avatars.


The raid was a very fun event. We all got together and fought our way through the corridors of the Catacombs until we faced down Shalltear Bloodfallen. Peroroncino personally took it upon himself to defeat her and used strategies similar to what Mamonga would have used in canon. This started a competition to see if the masters, with weaker gear and new classes, could defeat their proteges.

Gargantua was a reward won by the guild, so they all fought it together. Touch Me fought and nearly lost to Cocytus. He even went on a spiel about 'how proud he was for his child'. I helped Bukubukuchagama defeat Aura and Mare as well as their legendary horde of beasts.

Ulbert was unable to bring himself to destroy Demiurge when he saw him sitting on his throne in his burning palace, looking cool as sh*t. Even as the Prime Minister, he was still a chuunibyou, but I guess that gap-moe was what led to him being so insanely popular. I finally got to use World Savior on Demiurge after grinding it on the demon legions he sent after us.

Finally, on the eighth floor, I had to cheat a little. I had [Great Sage EX] dramatically shorten Victim's debuff and we stayed away from Rubedo until it wore off, then I used World Savior on every single monster on the floor and still only barely managed to avoid getting one-shot by her and defeat her in an hour-long battle while constantly getting healed and buffed by 41 players. Yikes, she is scary strong.

The rest of the Tomb was easy-peasy, just fun, and fan-fare, so we took it easy. We visited the Saunas of the 9th Floor. Each of the former guild members looted their own rooms. Peroroncino even got booted out by the system's harassment prevention when he tried to fondle Lupsuregina Beta, much to his sister's displeasure.

Finally, we entered the Throne Room. I defeated Albedo in three hits with World Savior, since her skills could make her have a defense on par with that of Rubedo for a short period of time. After that, I sat on the Throne of Kings and hit the 'Loot All' button for conquering Nazzarick.

That was a fun day. Afterward, we all met up for drinks at Ulbert's new mansion and we had a blast. We joked about how 'no one conquers Nazzarick other than Nazzarick' or 'the only humanoid to make it past the 8th floor was because they allowed it'.

After getting piss-drunk, I decided to go home. There were only a few weeks left before Yggdrasil ended, so I decided to go all out on decorating my Guild base and replacing NPCs. Occasionally, Blue Planet and Garnet would jump in to help put. They even designed a whole Magic Academy on the premises, which I would have a number of Seats and Pillars teach at once I took over Jura Forest.




It's the last day of Yggdrasil's servers running. Earlier, I had all of Nazarick's old members jump back in for a jamboree and we all had a blast. Eventually, though, I had them all logout and get back to their lives.

I even logged out myself a few hours before midnight and had [Great Sage EX] create [Carnivore] as the upgraded version of [Predator]. This one is better than the standard version in every way, being closer to [Beelzebuth] in terms of range. When everyone went to bed, I flew up, high into the sky, and used [Carnivore] on all of the pollution, dirt, smoke, ash, grease, gunk, and other contaminants on the planet and absorbed it all, effectively erasing the damage done to the world. Plus I broke down all of the material and converted it into Magicules that I used to jumpstart the planet's ecological recovery.

Was that too much? Definitely. Do I regret it? Definitely not. I'm not having my friends all die a slow painful death in a few years because of their environment, so I figured it was a parting gift. Plus it would really mess with Ulbert when he woke up tomorrow, so that's nice.

After a super long shower, something of a rarity these days, I contacted my new lawyer to ensure my affairs were in order. My old one died when my aunt poisoned his food by mistake. She thought it was mine, but there was no concrete proof, so she got away with it.

I split my massive fortune among my friends after taking 25% of it and converting it into Yggdrasil Gold Coins. Hopefully, the company that makes Yggdrasil will pour the extra cash into Yggdrasil 2, which comes out next year.

I logged back into Yggdrasil one last time before putting all of the NPCs to bed and ordering them to sleep. The evolution from the Yggdrasil standard to the Slime time standard is quite painful unless the person is asleep, or so [Great Sage EX] told me.

I sat upon the Throne of Kings for a few more minutes thinking about my adventures in this world. It's crazy to think that this was simply the prelude, the tutorial level if you would, to my new life. I looked at the clock.

11:44 PM

I walked through the guild one last time. Unlike Nazarick which can take hours to walk through, at a brisk pace, I can make m way through the whole of Tempest in like ten minutes.

I check the various NPC settings. I made some pretty wild changes over the last few weeks, mostly since I want to snip any potential problems in the butt now, rather than having them appear later on.

'Let's see; Albedo is deeply in love with Rimuru, but I set her to Goudere status. Shalltear is no longer a necrophiliac and has ever so slightly larger breasts' I think to myself. I almost made Shalltear into an 'oppai loli' but decided against it at the last second.

None of the NPCs have negative Karma values lower than -50, so they won't outright hate or look down upon others but they still might be indifferent or slightly cold towards humans but not down-right evil. I don't want any happy farms after all.

"Alight. [Great Sage EX], is everything ready?"

[Yes sir. Everything is prepared and all settings and scripts are set to go off in one minute].

I look at the in-game time once more.

11:58 PM

I teleport back to the Throne of Kings and sit on it before closing my eyes. "Begin".

[Commensing Operation. Obtaining all World Items not necessary for the development of the New World].


[All World Items are now placed within the Treasury]

[Commensing Operation. Removing all penalties placed on World Items]


[Commensing Operation. Removing the limitations of all racial and job classes on Tempest NPCs]


[Commensing Operation. Planting evidence of master's 'murder' at the hand of his aunt].


I look at the in-game clock.


"Well, See you on the other side partner," I say as I forcefully black myself out.




[Commensing Transmigration to another world]

[Incorperating new laws and skills]

[Removing [Skill Synthesis] limitations]


[Requesting Voice of the World to remove the lock on master's skills]

[Request Denied]


[Problem Identified. Foreign energy signatures detected]



[Resetablishing all Skills]


[Host's spiritual body not sufficient to absorb new skills].

[Analyzing Solutions]

[Solution found. User's race insufficient to hold Ultimate Skills]

[Creating Skill [Evolver]]

[Utilizing [Evolver] to change individual 'Rimuru' from race Human into Human Hero]


[Heroes Egg not present]

[Analyzing Solutions]


[Utilizing [Evolver] to change individual 'Rimuru' from race Human into race Celestial]


[Aquiring new skills]



[Voice of the World rejecting individual Rimuru unless individual Rimuru accepts the title 'God']

[Calculating host's potential responses...]


[Probability of response rejection: 99.9978%]

[Utilizing [Evolver] to create Unique Skill [Rule Breaker]]


[requesting Permission from Voice of the World for Skill [Great Sage EX] to evolve]


[Using Unique Skills [Rule Breaker] and [Skill Synthesis] to evolve...]









[Upgrading skill [All Tolerances] to Unique Skill [Aegis]]

[Incorporating Unique Skill [Aegis] into Unique Skill [Great Sage EX]...]


[Ultimate Skill acquired [Athena: King of Wisdom]]

[Calculating new Ultimate Skills...]

[Combining [Magicule Core], [Skill Synthesis], and {Magic: Greater Create Item}...]


[Ultimate Skill acquired [Hephestus: King of Creation]]

[Combining all Yggdrasil skills and subordinate NPC skills...]


[Ultimate Skill acquired [Hestia: King of the Hearth]]




I woke up feeling like a million bucks. The first thing I did when I stood up was trying to summon a mirror from my Yggdrasil Inventory.

I had decided to place everything that I wasn't wearing inside the Treasury and empty my inventory of everything except the mirror, since I didn't know what would happen to it all. Sure Mamonga kept all of his stuff, but this new world was a unique combination of multiple magic systems. I didn't want anything funky going on.

As I pulled out my mirror and looked at it, I was stunned by my appearance. If I was attractive before, then I was a total adonis now. My skin had cleared up even more, being close to some of the 'Jade Beauties' that the Chinese Cultivators seem to be so obsessed about. My Heterocrhromatic eyes gained visible shine and glow as opposed to their matt gold and crimson colors from before. Now it was like Polished Gold and Clear Ruby Red. My body had become super lean and my muscles compacted in on themselves, giving me a lean but muscular appearance.

"Damn! I'm hot!" I yelled before quickly realizing I just did something super stupid.

'I yelled like those annoying shonen protagonists! I'm never going to live this down!' I thought before calmly looking around the Throne room. I even took a look behind me to make sure none of the 'impurities' that seemed to have been dispelled from my body had stained the Throne of Kings. Luckily it was as spotless as before.

"Huh... I need to make sure to keep composed at all times from now on. Great Sage EX, create the skill [Calm Mind] for me."


"Um... Great Sage EX?"

[Response. Unique Skill [Great Sage EX] has merged with Unique Skill [Aegis] to become Ultimate Skill [Athena]]

"Huh!?!: 'Wait, I think I'm having deja vu... didn't something similar happen to Rimuru in the canon?'

"Well anyway... [Athena], can you use [Skill Synthesis] to create [Calm Mind] or [Panic Resistance] then and incorporate it into [All Tolerances]?"

[Rejected. Unique Skill [Skill Sythesis] merged with Unique Skill [Magicule Core] to create Ultimate Skill [Hephestus]. Furthermore, [All Tolerances] was upgraded into Unique Skill [Aegis] then incorporated into Ultimate Skill [Athena]]

[Solution aquired]

[Using Skill Editing from Ultimate Skill [Hephestus] to add [Panic Resistance] and [Calm Mind] to Ultimate Skill [Athena]...]


"Wow, that's a lot to take in. Any other ultimate skills I should know about? And I thought [Great Sage] upgraded to [Raphael]."

[Answer. Unique Skill [Great Sage] only upgrades into Ultimate Skill [Raphael: King of Wisdom] when combined with Unique Skill [Degenerate]. Furthermore. Ultimate Skill [Hestia: King of the Hearth] has been acquired along with Unique Skills [Evolver] and [Rule Breaker]]

"Alright then. I'll have to look over my new skills and their effects later. How is everyone else. None of them acquired any Ultimate Skills right?"

[Negative, though individuals Albedo and Demiurge have received Unique Skills. Individual Albedo has received [Zealot] and individual Demiurge has received Unique Skill [Eminence]]

"Well, I guess no one ever said being isekai'ed was boring. Let's go wake everyone up. I will inform them about the transfer."

I say to myself as I make my way towards the west wing where the NPC rooms are. The North Wing is made for conferences and contains the war room, throne hall, ballroom, and dining hall. The east wing contains various research labs and other offices, while there is no south wing, since to the south was the entrance hall and massive garden and pathway complex.

I make my way to Greyfia's room and knock on the door. Within three knocks, Greyfia has both opened the door and knelt before me. "Your humble servant greets the supreme Rimuru-sama. How can this lowly slave serve you?"

"First of all, you're my servant, not my slave, so please don't call yourself one. Second, I want you to wake everyone up. We seem to have arrived in a new world, completely different from Helheim. Awaken all the members of the Trinity Seven Stars and have them report to the throne room in one hour."

"It will be done, my lord!" Greyfia says as she bows so far her head on the floor.

"Take your head off the floor. It is unbecoming of your pretty face. Another thing, when you're done informing everyone, I want you to know that I expect you and Sebas to be present during my meeting with the Stars. I want to address some changes to our physiques as well as inform you all of new members of our family."

"Y-yes my lord!" Greyfia says with difficulty. Her face is flushed from my compliment and she is breathing heavily.

"Greyfia, every single one of you NPCs are lovely. I don't want to see my beautiful servants having their faces covered in dirt every time I walk by. There are some other etiquette changes that I would like to work out with you after the meeting."

"T-thank you, my lord!" Greyfia squeaks out.

I simply raise my brow before patting Greyfia's head for a moment. After I hear her yelp a bit, I turn around and walking away, leaving behind a slightly grumpy Greyfia to do her tasks. It will probably be only a minute or two for everyone to gather, especially since, Greyfia is a little pouty right now.


I was right. Two minutes and eighteen seconds is how long it took for Sebas, Greyfia, Albedo, Rory, and the rest to appear before me. They entered the room and bowed, though this time, they only fell onto one knee, which is much more acceptable than fully prostrating themselves.

"Raise your heads, for we have an urgent matter to discuss". They follow my order immediately.

I look over them for a moment before nodding to myself. "Good. As of roughly an hour ago, Tempest Palace has undergone a dramatic experience. We have completely left the world of Helheim and likely Yggdrasil altogether and arrived in a strange new world.

It appears as though most of you have undergone some changes to your physiques as well as to your skills and abilities. For now, we will leave discovering our new limits for another time. Sebas!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Take the Pleiades and scout out our immediate surroundings. Try to avoid any of the locals, but if they attack you, you are allowed to defend yourself."

"Yes, Lord Rimuru!" Sebas says as he stands up and walks away.

"The rest of you make way. I am about to summon a few of your peers, the reserved 4th and 5th Seats of the Stars of Heaven as well as the Overseer and the 4th Star's Pillars."

"AH! Finally! I get to meet the Overseer of the Seven Heavenly Virtues! I've heard so much about Da Vinci-sama!" Lisbeth says as she expresses her joy to the other Pillars who are standing to the side.

"Come forth my Servants. Heed my call and Obey." I say aloud. I really don't need to chant, but for the sake of the others, I do anyway. It's not like this is the official chant anyways.

A large blue magic circle appears in the middle of the room. White Light surrounds multiple figures that appear in the center. After a few moments, the light fades.

[Notice. Due to the effects of the Voice of the World's System, all Servants summoned have had their Noble Phantasms replaced with Unique and Ultimate Skills].

"""Are you my master?""" I hear multiple voices at once.

Before me stands Artoria Pendragon, King of Knights, and my 4th Seat of Heaven.

Scáthach, Queen of the Land of Shadows, and my 5th Seat of Heaven.

Mordred Pendragon, Pillar of Artoria.

Merlin, Pillar of Artoria.

And finally, last but certainly not least, Da Vinci, the 'omnipotent genius', and my Final Overseer.

Golden_Slime Golden_Slime

Alright, he's finally in the New Fantasy Magic World. The next chapter will be all about the meeting with Veldora and meeting the Goblins. Stay tuned.

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