Seemingly Chu Weixu couldn't focus on their play again. He kept thinking about the scene of Song Hekun touching Ai Zhiyi. He missed the first shot and missed the second one. Until he decided to stop and move toward Ai Zhiyi.
Lu Tao asked before Chu Weixu left the pool table, "Weixu, you've got the lowest points. Give up already? Don't you hate being a loser?"
Chu Weixu said indifferently, "Whatever. I'm bored. Why should I care about my points?"
Lu Tao shook his head and then started a new round with Song Dian.
When Lu Tao was about to hit the ball, he glanced at Chu Weixu who was sitting in the middle of Ai Zhiyi and Song Hekun, then smiled.
"Look at him, what the fuck he's doing there?" Lu Tao said.
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