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43.13% Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel) / Chapter 43: Chapter 42 - Internship Begins

Bab 43: Chapter 42 - Internship Begins

The following day we got up as usual, and got ready for the day. Kelex informed me Selena played nice, staying in her room the entire night. After dropping Eri off at school, I saw Rumi, Nemuri, and Yu off before sitting down with everyone else to update them on our targets in Europe. We would be striking heavily fortified bases, and I would be taking the brunt of the fire intially for us.

"Alright, the first place we are striking is a large underground base in Germany. Formerly it was an aircraft hanger, but they repurposed it to be their base.", I said pointing to a mark in the German countryside, "I am going to crash the party, and you all are going to follow behind me. Your job is to prevent any of them from escaping, and to detain them. Once we are done we will deliver the prisoners to the German government, no more delivering to Section 13."

"Hell yeah!!", Mina shouted, "Gonna be lots of gunfire, explosions, and excitement!! It's gonna be just like an action movie!!"

"Mina, remember to stay calm and think before acting.", Momo said, "Any misconduct you do Clark will have to answer for. Not only that, we shouldn't rely on Clark to protect us. We need to carry our weight to be a member of the league in the future. Relying on him too much will make others think he plays favorites."

"Little girl, if you are sleeping with him he better be playing favorites with you.", Selena said.

"Haha...", Sonico said, "He shouldn't play favorites in a professional setting."

"What a waste, you ladies have him wrapped around your finger.", Selena sighed.

"We might, but we aren't going to take advantage of that in the workplace.", Toga stated with an angry look, "I thought a strong, independent woman like you would understand that."

"Don't go throwing my language back at me!", Selena hissed.

"I suggest you button your lip.", Nejire growled, "We are working, and don't have time to be playing games with you. If you want us to play the card, I will use it to have you thrown in prison."

'She has a bite to her attitude, that's good.', Selena thought.

Ignoring the comments, I asked Kelex to teleport us a mile away from the base. Access to the base was through an old barn in the center of a field. The landowners here were operatives of Oblivion Group, and acted as the face of the property. There were plenty of farm animals around to make them look the part, but they still occasionally had locals poking around.

"Alright ladies, here is how we are going to do this before I drop the hammer we need to take out the couple in the farmhouse.", I stated, "Momo and Dorothy, I want you two to handle them."

"By ourselves!?", Dorothy asked in shock.

"I will be with you, just invisible. I want you both to get some experience.", I said with a smile.

"So we just need to catch them, that's all?", Momo asked for clarification.

"Well we also don't want to alert the people down in the base.", I stated.

"So we need to look for any cables going into the ground for communication!", Itsuka said.

"And have a radio jamming device.", Momo said looking at me for confirmation.

"Thinking like Pros!", I said with a smile.

"Hehe!", the girls laughed.

Wisely deciding to have Toru scope out the outside for wires, Ochaco and Momo made sure there were no cameras that might have thermal sensors. Watching Toru check the area, I nodded my head as I watched her do a thorough look around.

"No cables, they probably have radios.", Toru said.

"Give me a moment to make a jammer.", Momo said making the parts she needed individually.

In minutes she had a handheld jammer, and was using the power in her suit to charge the battery. Once it was good to go, I followed the two to the door.

Wearing school girl uniforms, Dorothy suggested they play the roles of students doing a fundraiser. Not sure whether or not they did fundraising in the countryside, I decided to let them have at it. Knocking on the door, the wife answered the door casually seeing that it was only the two girls.

"Hello.", the woman said in German.

Realizing they didn't know German, I quickly told them what to say back. Giving her the explanation for their visit, the woman didn't seem to mind their poor German speech. Chalking it up to being nervous, she didn't suspect a thing.

While they were talking Dorothy had her spirits check the place out. When they found the husband, they punched his head into the floor. Turning around to figure out what the sound was, Momo and Dorothy leapt into action. Making a set of brass knuckles, Momo punched the woman in the face at the same time Dorothy swept the legs out from under the woman. Jumping on her, Momo put her in a triangle choke till she passed out.

Making restraints for the two of them, we made sure to bind them tightly. Looking to me for how they did I nodded my head with approval. Dorothy could have taken the couple out with her spirits while Momo jammed the radios, but this method was just as effective. The only downside was that if they woman didn't buy their story they would have been in danger.

Searching the house for anything of use, Melissa located a set of key cards the couple had in their room. Having the girls keep them on hand, we went to examine the barn closer. Changing back into their costumes before we left the house, we quickly ran the gap between the home and barn. Toru peered in the window to see if anyone was home.

"Four guards are standing around a stack of hay bales. I bet the entrance to the hanger is in the hay.", she said with excitement.

"Good job!", I praised her, "Alright Nejire and Melissa are up now. I want you both to determine the best way to disable the guards without raising the the alarm."

"We doing the Over Under attack?", Nejire asked with a grin.

"Absolutely.", Melissa replied.

"You have a tag team attack!?", Mina asked.

"Duh, don't you all have some too?", Nejire teased.

Staring at her blankly the others shook their heads. Telling them to watch how it was done Nejire flew up onto the roof while Melissa went around the side. Watching her bulk up a bit, I reflected on my needless worry when I heard she got One For All. I was afraid she would bulk out like All Might did, but fortunately that wasn't the case. She did increase her muscle mass some, but more so the density was increased. Melissa exceeded All Might currently, and she was only at 87% of her full power. I admitted that Melissa worked very hard to master the Quirk which now paid off in dividends. It did help she had me to spar with both in the ring, and in bed so she had more opportunities to practice.

Watching how the two went about this plan Nejire hovered over the barn opposite of Melissa while she was preparing to lung forward. Seeing her muscles thicken up, I looked to see Nejire get some altitude before dropping down towards the barn. Immediately I knew how they intended to do this I told the girls to hold onto something. Doing as I asked they looked at me in confusion. Telling them to watch closely they simply nodded their heads.

A few moments later they watched Nejire form two massive balls of energy in her hands. Compressing them from double the size of a wrecking ball to the size of softballs the girls gasped. Nejire was using the Super Soldier Serum incredibly well as it increased her stamina to inhuman levels. Since her usual attacks didn't move all that fast, she was compressing them to give them added speed when she let it all out.

Crashing through the roof she caught the guards completely off guard. Watching her slam the spheres into the ground with the momentum from her fall and her own strength, she released together.

"Wave Impact!!!", she shouted.

In that the instant the shockwave shot through the barn, and send everything air born in a backwards direction. At the same time that happened Melissa dashed forward with her arms crossed wearing a grin on her face. Shooting off like a rocket she disintegrated the barn door as she blew through it.

"Super Carolina Smash!!", Melissa shouted with pride.

The guards slammed into her attack with no chance to react. Getting hit by that attack normally would hurt like hell and knock out the opponent, but in this case they were already flying backwards with a great speed. The combination attack hit these men like a tank moving at two hundred miles an hour. It was instantly lights out for the men, and they didn't even get to scream. Unfortunately they put a little too much effort into showing off as the attacks blew the barn apart like a bomb. Shielding the others, I laughed at the two women's union attack. Once the dust settled the two looked a bit embarrassed they destroyed the barn.

"Haha, you both are simply wonderful!", I said hugging them, "That was an incredible union attack."

I wasn't lying about that either. The two hadn't been practicing for more than a few months, and had perfected it to this point. Sure they destroyed the barn, but with an attack like that Nomu wouldn't escape unscathed. What was scary was the fact that this was only a few months of practice. If they managed to hone their power to a razors edge they could eliminate a lot of energy loss, and be a deadly threat to almost any villain.

"You really liked it?", Nejire and Melissa asked.

"Absolutely!! You both have worked incredibly hard to reach this point.", I praised them, "That was an incredible feat of strength and power. Both of you have really grown in your power."

"Well of course we have.", Nejire boasted, "It's easy when you have a boyfriend like you supporting us."

"Hey now, it's your hard work and dedication that got you this far.", I reminded her, "I only helped."

"Yeah, but you gave us the drive to keep pushing ourselves.", Melissa stated kissing me, "We appreciate it, a lot."

"It was worth every moment.", I chuckled kissing Nejire and her, "Alright ladies, now we go into this base proper. I am going to greet these criminals, you take the lift and I will see you down there."

"Wait, don't we need more of a plan?", Toga asked.

"Our primary objective is to secure the exit and entry point, and this lift is the only one.", I said, "With their route cutoff they will either surrender or fight us. In the event they fight, capture as many as you. If you feel you can't handle them call them out, and I will subdue them. Remember all of you have my Med Bots so if you need them, use them."

"Got it!", they said.

Shooting off into the sky, I shot back down breaking through the roof of their base. Immediately running into their grunts, they went to fight me till they saw the emblem on my chest.

"Ah shit...", they said trembling with fear.

"You going to surrender peacefully, or do I need to use force?", I asked.

"Run!!", they shouted.

Dropping any weapons or product they had in their hands they scattered like ants. With a chuckle of enjoyment I liked the response I got from them. This complex was like a small apartment building so the girls would get plenty of fighting experience in an urban like setting. A few moments later the women walked to see all the stuff on the ground.

"Did you turn them to dust!?", Kara asked.

"No, they saw the emblem and fled.", I said with a smirk.

"Are the villains in this world all cowards?", Selena asked with a sigh, "Back in our world the villains at least had backbone."

"They are fighting Superman though...", Kara responded with a smile, "It's not like they had someone his level here."

"That is true, it would be really stupid to fight him head on.", Selena replied.

"Alright, you girls are going to do the search and capture.", I said, "Sonico and I will retrieve villains after you subdue them."

"You mean you are letting us handle this?", Mina asked.

"All of you need the experience, and I confirmed that all the people here aren't a threat to you as long as you pay attention to your surroundings. Now of course I won't let them kill you, but I won't step in if you get into a bind. You all need to be able to think for yourselves in a combat situation as I may not be able to coordinate all of you.", I stated.

"Got it!", they said wanting to prove to me they could handle this.

Splitting into two groups the girls went to look around the facility. Once they were out of ear shot Selena spoke up.

"You are going to let them go into harms way?", she asked.

"I am not their keeper, they are strong, independent women. All of them can stand on their own two feet without me, they just choose to stay with me out of love.", I replied, "I won't stop them from pursuing what they want to do, ever."

"How kind of you.", Selena mocked.

"Whatever you say pussycat.", I jabbed, "You are just upset Batman didn't let you do it."

"Fuck you.", she retorted.

"That about sums it up.", Power Girl said with a giggle.

"Listen hear bitch, don't answer for me.", Selena hissed, "At least I can get laid."

"Hey!", Power Girl shouted.

"What's this about?", Sonico asked.

"Since Kara has the same powers as Clark, she doesn't sleep with men because she is afraid she will accidentally kill them during a climax.", Selena stated.

"You don't get it Selena.", Kara said almost decking her, "I have to walk on egg shells around everyone because I could kill them on accident!!"

"The Supermen don't.", Selena jabbed, "Maybe you just suck at holding back."

"You want me to put you in the hospital!", Kara growled.

"Is that the best comeback you have Little Kitty?", Selena jabbed.

"Both of you stop.", I said, "Selena, stop being a bitter old cat. Kara, stop falling for her provocations."

"Old cat!?", Selena hissed, "I am the same age as the sadist you have in your harem!!"

"Unlike you though, she will regain her youth to be twenty-one again.", I replied with a smirk.

"Huh!?", Selena gasped, "You can do that!? Maybe the ship with the Bat has sailed. If you want to pet this pussycat, you can-"

"You jumped ships really quick...", the other two pointed out.

"Isn't it every woman's goal, to have eternal youth?", Selena asked, "No one wants to get old, saggy, and depressing!!"

"That aside...why would you do that?", Kara responded.

"Kara, how much do you know about Kryptonian physiology?", I asked.

"We are basically human, but our bodies cells absorb Yellow Sunlight to empower us.", Kara replied, "Why do you ask?"

"You and I need to have a discussion about things.", I said with a serious look.

"Alright?", Kara replied with a concerned look.

---Team Melissa Viewpoint---

Further in the base the team of Ochaco, Dorothy, Himiko, and Melissa were sweep room by room. Having Dorothy's spirits do the checking as they walked, the girls kept their guard up in case they got ambushed. Five minutes after leaving us they encountered their first group of villains. Hold out in what Dorothy described as a large office space, they looked to Melissa for directions.

"Alright so between us we have Quirk Replication, Gravity Manipulation, Spirit Control, and a cluster of Quirks in me.", Melissa said quietly, "How many of them are there?"

"The spirits say about ten people. They appear to be carrying weapons to augment their Quirks.", Dorothy stated.

"Himiko, go you have a Lightning Quirk in your wheelhouse?", Melissa asked.

"I do, what do you have in mind?", Himiko replied.

"Here is what I am thinking...Dorothy, you said the floor below us had water storage tanks?", Melissa clarified.

"Correct.", Dorothy responded.

"I will come down from the floor above, and drop them into the room. Ochaco, we will need your Quirk to move the water tanks to empty them on the floor. Once the room has a foot of water I will drop them into the room, and Himiko will incapacitate them with lightning. Dorothy, I will need you to gather them into a single point so they all go down together. After ten seconds stop shocking them, and we all jump them together!", Melissa stated.

"I can handle that!", Dorothy said with a smile.

"Alright ladies, let's make this happen!", Melissa said with a smile.

Getting the water tanks emptied onto the floor, Himiko and Ochaco got out of the room before giving them the signal. A moment afterwards Dorothy got the villains to move by making a poltergeist with her spirits. Once they were grouped close together, she gave Melissa the signal. Shouting as she slammed her fist into the ground, the entire floor above the villains collapsed and the pressure that followed after destroyed their floor. Screaming as the fell into the water, Himiko lit them up like a Christmas tree the instant all of them were in the water.

Watching the electricity dance around the water, the girls all counted to ten before leaping in. To subdue them, three of the villains got up while the others were out cold. Rising up with a fist made of water next to them, one of the men went to take Melissa head on. Grinning as she descended towards him she wound up another powerful punch.

"Rocky Mountain Smash!!!", she shouted.

Utterly vaporizing the water fist with wind pressure, the man's face looked terrified as her fist connected with his face. Rotating her body to throw her weight into it, the man shot out of the room like a rocket.

---Base Exit---

Hearing the impact she delivered, I extend my arm out as the man came barreling out of base. Catching him out air, I slammed him into the ground. Out cold from the blow, I did a quick check and confirmed that he wasn't in any immediate danger. He wouldn't be waking up for probably a week, but he wasn't going to die. Melissa had done an excellent job hitting him enough to incapacitate him while using the rest of the force to blast a hole for him to fly out of.

'That's my girl, using your martial arts skills along with that raw power.', I thought with a smile, 'You will be ten times the Hero All Might was in his prime.'

---Team Melissa Viewpoint---

"Ora Ora Ora Ora!!", Dorothy shouted pumbling one of the men into the wall with her spirits, "Take our Justice!!"

Blasting him out of the room through the hole Melissa made, she grinned with satisfaction. Meanwhile Ochaco had the remaining villain in a choke hold while Himiko used his abdomen as a punching bag. When he finally passed out, the two gave each other a high five. In a few moments the criminals around them vanished as Sonico let them know she had collected them.

"Alright ladies, lets keep going!", Melissa cheered.

"Yeah!!", they shouted.

---Team Nejire Viewpoint---

Leading the team of Momo, Mina, Toru, and Itsuka, Nejire was taking the job seriously. Using Toru to scout rooms, she had the others ready to break in if Toru got in trouble. The first ten minutes came up with nothing, but all at once they found a small warehouse with nearly twenty villains moving products towards the furnaces in a hurry.

"Looks like they are trying to destroy contraband.", Momo said, "You have a plan?"

"I do.", Nejire said, "Toru, before we do anything I need you to figure out what is in those boxes. If there is dangerous substances in there we have to be cautious about our attacks."

"No problem!", Toru said making herself invisible, "I will be back."

Stealthily slipping in to the group of boxes they were pushing, Toru discovered that the crates were full of a substance called Trigger. She didn't know what it was, but the fact they had it was enough for her to suspect that it was something dangerous. Bringing a vial back to Nejire, she quickly had the Med Bots analyze the substance.

"It's a Quirk Booster!", Nejire said with a serious expression, "We need to hit them hard and fast. If they inject themselves with it we are going to be in trouble."

"So how do we do that?", Mina asked.

"This is how we do it.", Nejire said huddling up with them, "Mina, I need to melt the shelving unit supports next to the crates. We are going to drop all the items they have on the shelves right on them. Some of them are going to get out of the way, and those will get a few stun grenades thrown at them. When they are stunned we all rush them together, just avoid the furnaces."

"Got it!", they said.

Getting into position close to the shelves, Mina spat on the metal support pillars. It took a minute, but once they were weakened enough the shelving units buckled. The entire units came down in a loud crash as weapons, supplies, and other items fell on to the unsuspecting villains. As Nejire expected more than half of them got out of the way before it hit the ground. Those who weren't quick enough were pinned under the shelving units.

Just before they hit the ground Momo tossed the Stun Grenades to use the dust as cover. Five seconds after she threw them they detonated further disorientating the villains. Leaping over the shelves, the girls sprung into action. Shooting forward Nejire compressed another blast, and slammed it into the biggest villain's face detonating in their face. Blasting them backwards into the wall, the man sunk into the wall unconscious from the blow.

"Get wrecked!!", Mina laughed as clothes lined two villains as she slid by riding her acid.

"Sorry about this!!", Toru shouted planting a kick between the legs of a muscular man.

Falling to his knees cupping his groin, she revealed herself and threw him over her shoulder onto the ground. Punching him in the face hard enough to sink his head into the ground, she ran towards the next villain.

"It's clobbering time!!", Itsuka said with a grin as she quoted her favorite comic Hero.

Leaping into the air, Itsuka enlarged her hands and brought them down like a piledriver onto villains. Groaning under the impact most of the villains she hit went down easily, but one rolled out of the way. Gathering a black substance in her hands, the escaped villain was about to strike when Momo ran up behind her.

Wrapping her legs around the villains neck, she turned the villain away from Itsuka before slamming her into the ground. Delivering a series of chain punches to the villains head, the poor soul blacked out after the fifth blow.

"You need to be more careful.", Momo said.

"I know, I am sorry!", Itsuka apologized, "Thanks for the save!"

"No problem.", Momo replied.

Gathering the villains up for me, I came to collect them. Praising them for their hard work, they went off to continue their work. The rest of the day went by quickly as we hit our quota. Turning the villains over to the their respective countries, I made sure include the girls in any interviews I had to take part in. Explaining that I was allowing them to intern under me for school, they gave brief details as to their first days on the job. Smiling as they talked about their work, the girls won several world leaders over. Presenting the girls with medals for catching some dangerous criminals, the women beamed with delight as they received them.

---Fortress of Solitude---

After our day was over, I took Kara to the fortress to talk about things she needed to know about our physiology.

"So what is it you want to tell me?", she asked.

"Kara you asked me why I wanted to make my girlfriends immortal, right?", I replied, "I realize now that you don't understand Kryptonian physiology."

"I think I understand it better than you.", she laughed, "Are you going to play doctor with me?"

"Kara...we are immortal beings.", I stated.

"Clark, I can say that on my homeworld we-"

"That was under a Red Sun Kara...under any other Sun we are immortal.", I said cutting her off, "Each color gives us varying degrees of power. A Blue Sun gives us the most power, and an Orange Sun gives us only half the power a Yellow Sun does. Under any sun, but a red one, we only age up till puberty stops in our twenties."

"...Clark I think you are being a bit ridiculous.", she replied with a tense look.

"I am not joking.", I said showing her several Supermen that discovered this.

Showing her that we were immortals, she fell to her knees.

"You...you are saying that if I had settled down...I would have watched everyone I loved pass on while I stayed the same?", she asked me.

"It's a curse of sorts.", I stated, "Kara, there is more to it than just immortality. Over time our bodies will change to ones made of pure energy. We will lose our weakness to Red Suns and Kryptonite."

"You mean we lose our physical bodies!?", she gasped.

"We will have bodies, but made purely of energy similar to Captain Atom.", I said calmly.

"I...I don't want that!", she shouted, "I want to be normal!! I don't want to watch my friends and family grow old while I stay young!! It's already hard enough getting people to understand that I only want to help people!!"

"Kara...", I said kneeling down to her, "You are suffering, aren't you? No one is here aside from us, you can-"

Grabbing my costume she started crying.

"I...I lost everyone I cared about!!", she cried, "That man killed the only family I had left, my cousin didn't stand a chance!! He didn't deserve to die while watching Prime kill his wife and child!! Every night I lay there unable to shut my eyes because all I see is the people I watched him kill calling for help!! I...I couldn't do anything to save them!!"

Holding her tightly she continued to speak.

"Why!? Why was I the only one allowed to live!!", she screamed, "Doesn't God hate me so much that he makes me suffer the nightmares of being unable to save anyone!? Even on the next world I settled on, I...I couldn't save them from Superman!! People were so afraid of me when I tried to save them!! They called me a monster because I was just like Superman, a Kryptonian."

"I understand Kara.", I said, "The world doesn't understand that we are effectively Gods trying to be human. We want to be normal people, but we can't ever be. All of us have to stay on our toes all the time because a single screw up could lead to thousands of deaths. The world expects us to be perfect because we are so powerful, but we are flawed people like them too."

Looking up at me she looked into my eyes. She knew the exact feeling I was talking about.

"All we want is happiness like everyone else.", I said, "You found happiness, and lost it."

"Why does it hurt so much!?", she cried.

"The pain you feel is proof that you cared deeply for all of them.", I replied, "No matter what you think, if the people you loved knew how much you were suffering from this they would tell you to stop beating yourself up. There was nothing you could have done against him because Prime is nearly invincible. Kara your friends and family loved you dearly, you have to let the pain in your heart go."

"I...I don't think I can. All of them were so important to me.", she whimpered.

"I don't mean forget them, but move past the loss. Hold those people close to your heart, use the anger you hold towards Prime to strengthen your resolve to stop him.", I said, "Prime isn't going to stop with just your world Kara. He is going to keep destroying universes till he gets what he wants. I can't do this alone Kara, I am going to need your help to take him down."

"But my powers...I don't have them anymore.", she said.

"You have them Kara, you are just suppressing them.", I stated, "The trauma you endured has shut the tap off, if you can move past them they will return. Once you have your powers back I will train you to use the full array of abilities you have. You don't have to be alone anymore Kara."

Giving me a smile as I wiped her tears away, she gave me a tight hug. Holding her tightly she let out a long sigh.

"Could I...maybe move into your room?", she asked, "I feel peaceful around you."

"Of course.", I said, "Just be warned the girls are territorial."

"I think I can take them.", she laughed, "I have some martial arts training."

"Oh really? How about you show me those skills you claim to have?", I teased.

"You're on.", she replied as I led her to the training room at the base.

ManOfCultureLeon ManOfCultureLeon

I hope I got this chapter proofed right because it's late and I am tipsy. Let me know if I fucked up anywher, and I will fix.

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