/ Fantasy / Traveling to 13th Century
5 (48 peringkat)
Tania is a girl student in senior high school. She wants to have a boyfriend who handsomes and strong like a king. She prays at one night but she didn't know what happened the next.
Tania woke up in the morning, she heard a voice that called her "queen", then she realized that she has traveled to the 13th Century by her prayer. Now She is trapped in the Singhasari Kingdom as a queen.
The Singhasari Kingdom is one of the big Kingdoms on Java Island at that time. And now the reigning king is King Anusapati. The 2nd King of Singhasari Kingdom.
Tania learned the history of the Singhasari Kingdom in her school. She knows about the curse of Mpu Gandring where a Kris that was made by him will Kill the current King which is King Anusapati. Then she plans to save the king with her knowledge.
What happened to the next?
Let's check and read the story :)
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Tulis ulasanInteresting story, light but not boring. Tania's wish to have a strong and handsome boyfriend came true. But the King is like his classmate Ivan who is weak in 2021 😁 I hope Tania travel to the 13th century is fun.
I Like it!!! this is the work. Suitable to accompany the day. This work also makes me came over to the ancient kingdom. Up Up Up more and more😍😍😍💖💖💖👌👌👌
hi everyone, thank you for reading this book. I have read your advice to check and improve the grammar. I have read back and checked the grammar, might be several sentences were missed when I checked. If you find the wrong grammar, please tell me by paragraph comment, if many sentences have wrong grammar, you can leave a comment only in one paragraph that has wrong grammar, then I will check. Thank you very much 🙏😊. I hope my grammar will be better.
This story is different and interesting because the background used is the Indonesian kingdom, there are rarely writers who want to bring this background to their stories, I add this story to my reading list, I hope the writer doesn't stop writing in the middle of the story
Nice…… A tomboy Girl going to past and trying to escape, i can't believe it a tomboy can be this cute 😂😂 the name is similar like my Friend in real life :v
waw, its interesting story, I think most of isekai story setting is always western or eastern culture, but its such a little bit different, love this one. i'll drop it to my library 👍👍👍 [img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend]
Its interesting to see story that uses one of Indonesian Kingdom as a setting. The story feels funny because of how Tania act despite conspiracies in the kingdom. Looking forward for the rest of story!
The story is good sis, I don't really speak English but I know which way this story is going. this is really a cool story, continue to update sis ...
Ini Cerita bahasa inggris nya enteng bgt di baca engga yg susah2 bgt. dan pertama kali aku baca Novel berbahasa inggris. Semangat terus ya thor lanjutin ceritanya ... Aku suka aku sukaa
What a great story 😍😍😍 It's totally interesting story, so much excited to know more about it. Hopefully the writer gonna do her best to keep running her work 😌💪
seru banget 🤩🤩🤣🤣 gimana rasanya jadi ratu jaman kerajaan-kerajaan? gimana rasanya ketika cowok yang gak disukai malah jadi suaminya? seru banget 🤩 suka banget, entah kenapa aku suka karakter the king Ivan wkwkwkwk, dia tulus (terharu) semangat updatenya Kaka author
ceritanya keren banget thor, semmgat terus yak up bab nya kakak 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 lnjut terus aku suka bnget sama ceritanya kakak , semangat upnya kakak
Halo.. Terima kasih untuk temen2 indonesia yang sudah mampir dan kasi review. Aku baca banyak saran untuk aku perbaiki grammarnya. Sebenarnya aku udah baca ulang, tapi mungkin ada beberapa yang kelewat dan aku tidak menyadarinya. Mohon bantuannya kalau temen2 pas baca ketemu grammar yang salah atau kalimat yang aneh, sebagai contoh boleh comment di paragraf nya, klo ternyata yang salah banyak, cukup comment di salah satu aja supaya aku bisa fokus cek kesitu... Terima kasih banyak yaaa 🙏😊... Semoga kedepannya grammarku bisa lebih baik lagi.
OMG the story is quite interesting. As a Indonesian I rarely read Indonesia historical novel. I have one suggestion. As I know there are grammatical errors on your novel, especially the use of punctuation. So far your story is unique and fresh. Fightingggg 😆
Hai, aku review pakai Bahasa ya Ide ceritanya menarik, jarang2 baca cerita transmigrasi latarnya kerajaan di Jawa 👍 Overall untuk pemilihan diksi English nya bagus, mudah dipahami. Saran untuk huruf kapital nama tokohnya diperhatikan lagi ya Semangat terus nulisnya, sukses untuk karyanya 🤗
ceritanya unik banget, biasanya kalo cerita tentang kerajaan penulis lain ambil latar kerajaan negara lain, tapi penulis ini pakai latar kerajaan indonesia.
Aku review paka bahasa Indonesia ya. Untuk tulisan dan ceritanya overall sudah bagus. Aku gak begitu pandai bahasa Inggris hanya tau sedikit-sedikit lah haha. Tapi aku paham saat baca ceritanya. Semangat Author ditunggu chapter selanjutnya 🥰
Maaf, aku review pakai Bahasa Indo :") Ceritanya overal bagus, bahasa ringan juga. Alu nggak begitu paham sama Bahasa Inggris, tapi baca cerita ini aku paham ^^ di tunggu next updatenyaa ^^
Penulis Sisca_sisi
Hi Everyone, thank u for waiting. I still prepare for daily updates. Please keep this novel in your library, and I will share the update soon.