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100% The Tale of Infinite Dreams / Chapter 4: Teams and Stupid Eyes

Bab 4: Teams and Stupid Eyes

(A/N: Badadadadadaddadadadaddadad)


Running to the northern section of the forest was easier than Samael and his group expected. They rather easily made it to the relic holding area while only encountering a few stray Beowulfs.

After arriving, there was nobody there so their group was the first to pick. Yang hopped over and picked one of the five horse pieces. "Let's go with the horse!" She said while holding it. 'Hmm seems Ozpin changed some stuff.' Samael thought while looking at the extra horse pieces.

Blake and Samael quietly followed her lead and also grabbed their own horse piece. Waiting around for a few minutes while engaging in small talk, the heard a loud scream that was rapidly getting closer. "What's happening?" Samael asked as they were out of his sensing range.

Blake looked up to see Ruby falling out of the sky, "Nothing. Yang's sister is just falling from the sky," She said before going back to read her book that she pulled out from a bag. "Oh. Cool," Samael said while Yang was freaking out trying to catch Ruby.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" Samael heard two voices screaming in alarm. Ruby and Jaune collided mid-air while being sent into a tree. Samael now that they were in sensing range actually knew what was happening, 'Damn I didn't that was still going to happen like in the show,' he thought while pondering about how extremely improbable that was to occur.

"WEEEEEEE!" Samael heard someone screaming in... joy? He removed his blindfold from one eye while taking a peak on what was happening outside his range while nobody was looking at him. He REALLY didn't want to explain his eyes... yet.

Nora, a small red-haired girl, followed by Ren was riding an Ursa into the clearing where the relics were. After they made it into the clearing the Ursa collapsed and they hopped off. Ren was heavily groaning in exasperation while Nora was curiously inspecting one of the rook pieces on the pedestals.

'Wonder when that Deathstalker will com-' Samael's thoughts were interrupted with the sounds of trees being broken. Soon after a very frantic looking Pyrrha came running while trying to escape a fucking MASSIVE scorpion/Deathstalker.

Most of the people in the clearing tensed a little, preparing for a long fight. Before any of them could fight it Samael shouted, "Can I PLEAASEEE fight it alone! PLEAASE!" He asked while expectantly asking his two 'partners'.

Blake already getting used to his battle maniac mode on their way when they fought some Beowulf's said, "Sure we'll be over here," while continuing to read her book. Most of the students that were watching had a blank look while Samael starting running full speed at the Deathstalker.

The Deathstalker seeing the tiny human run at it did an equivalent of a snort and started trying to stab Samael with its pincers. Everyone grimaced a little bit when they were expecting him to back out and ask for their help, however much to their suprise Samael activated [Mana Skin] and started to expertly parry and dodge the attacks.

Samael's smile kept growing as he kept dodging and parrying and after one of the pincers grinded against the metal of his spear, the Deathstalker become irritated and used its tail to stab down directly where Samael was standing.

"SAMAEL!" Yang and Blake, the only people that knew his name, shouted while Samael started laughing wildly. "HAHAHA THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!" He yelled out while stepping back and penetrating the tail of the scorpion, pinning its tail into the ground.

Seeing the Deathstalker unable to move, Samael whispered [Immolate] causing a huge blast of fire to come from his hands completely incinerating the Deathstalker's body.

"Hah! The old man really made me appreciate fighting! It makes me feel so.. alive!" He said to himself in a hushed tone that only a couple of the closer students heard. Looking in the direction of all the worried students his brows furrowed a little bit, "What?" he asked not even a little bit winded from his fight.

The worry dissipated from everyone other than his two partners that grew a little angry at his antics. Pyrrha, being the Mistral Tournament Champion for like three years in a row, was glad that there were other strong people in the school.

"CAAAW" A giant bi- grimm screeched while looking down on the group. Everyone began looking at Samael silently asking if he was going to ask the same question again. "Psshh. Don't look at me like that you'll make me blush!" He told them playfully while holding his heart.

Yang and a couple of others laughed a little bit making Samael proud. "No I already fought the scorpion alone so we can fight this one together! Like as a team!" Samael said while trying to encourage them. 'I'm not really good at this whole team-work thing so this is practice!' Samael thought to himself while pumping him up.

Everyone turned serious as they were waiting for the Nevermore to land while those with guns started to shoot at it to agitate it into coming down from its perch. A few minutes of it getting pelted with bullets while trying to dodge, the Nevermore was getting irritated so it attempted to swipe down at Nora who was shooting it with a grenade launcher.

Ren parried the claws while trying to defend her while Ruby, Blake, Weiss, and Pyrrha started to charge at it with the close quarters weapons. Jaune just kind of... awkwardly tried swinging his sword at it with near no technique. Samael played a more supportive role in this battle to let the others gain combat experience so he focused purely on defending from any feather projectiles from hitting anyone.

After a few minutes of the unsuccessfully getting a fatal hit in with it flying around, Ruby jumped onto its back while hooking her scythe against its neck while yanking upwards as hard as she could, resulting in the Nevermore's head to fly off while turning into black dust.

Samael gave a thumbs up, "Nice," he said encouragingly. Ruby and Weiss grabbed the other two knight pieces that Samael, Yang, and Blake also picked up earlier and started to head back with Pyrrha, Jaune, Nora, and Ren following closely behind.



"Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Doug Brawnswin, and Sky Larke. You four have retrieved the Black Bishop pieces. From now on you will be Team CRDL.. led by Cardin Winchester!" Ozpin announced gaining a round of applause from those in the audience.

"Jaune Ark, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie. You four have retrieved the White Rook pieces. You four will now be Team JNPR... led by.. Jaune Ark!" Ozpin announced rousing another wave of applause while Jaune looked bewildered at the thought of being leader. 'Still don't know why he was chosen as leader... but whatever! I'm not part of that team anyways.' Samael thought to himself before shrugging it off.

"Finally, Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao-Long, and Samael Morgan. You four have retrieved the White Knight pieces. You four will now be Team RWBYS, led by... Ruby Rose! Weiss looked like she had a heart attack once she heard the last part of his sentence. Samael and Blake didn't really care, and Yang looked ecstatic at her sister having team leader position and tackled her with a hug. Ruby herself looked very nervous from the pressure of being team leader.

'This year will surely be interesting,' Ozpin thought to himself before dismissing everyone from the auditorium and sending everyone off to their own rooms. Walking with his new team Samael decided to strike up some conversation on their way to their room.

"Sooo.. What do you guys do for fun?" He asked trying to make some small talk and get to know his teammates other than what he knows from the anime.

Blake was the first to answer his question, "Hmm. I like reading." she answered with a short and precise answer. Yang bashed her bracers together, "I like adventuring and fighting," she said. Ruby also quickly answered the question, "I like weapons and helping people! Can I see your weapon.. I saw you use it against the Deathstalker!" She answered cheerfully while eyeing the spear Dale gave him on Samael's back.

Samael took hold of his spear while holding it gently, "Sure.. just don't take it apart. My dad gave it to me as a gift," Samael said while placing it in her hands while she looked like it was Christmas morning. Weiss, still mad about not being team leader, angrily huffed, "I don't see a point in sharing my hobbies with any of you," before angrily stomping into our shared room and plopping onto a bed.

"Well.. she doesn't seem.." Yang paused while trying to think of the right word. "Happy?" Blake questioned while looking at an angry Weiss. 'Huh. Forgot Weiss held a grudge since she wasn't chosen as team leader for a while.' Samael thought to himself before laying down on one of the five beds.



While Samael was peacefully sleeping, a VERY loud ear piercing whistle sounded in the room. While Samael was gaining his bearings he overheard his teammates talking, "Alright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, Samael and their fearless leader Ruby are starting their first mission! Bonsai!" Ruby spoke out cheerfully.

"Bonsai!" Yang excitingly said while Blake repeated the action with much less enthusiasm. "Bonsai." Samael said while tiredly raising his fist into the air. The team proceeded to start hanging up personal belongings, Samael just went to the bathroom to take a shower and put on his uniform.

After leaving the bathroom after painstakingly getting all of the water out of his ears, Samael walked into the room on to see a mess everywhere. "I thought you were decorating?" Samael asked while looking at the partially destroyed room.

They scratched the back of their heads awkwardly, "Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff?" Yang asked while looking around at all the stuff they hung/built around the room. Samael looked at his bed that was currently flipped over as he slowly walked over to it before crouching down next to it while patting it on its frame, "I'll remember you. Soldier." Samael said while fighting back his tears.

Before anyone else could respond, Samael thought, 'Didn't I kill a bunch of grimm the other day? I wonder if I leveled up any.' he thought.


[Name: Samael Morgan]

[Race: Cat of Duality]

[Level 10/50--> 13/50]

[Health: 1800/1800--> 2000/2000]

[Mana: 3500/3500 --> 3600/3600]

[Strength: 100--> 150]

[Vitality: 180 --> 200]

[Agility: 210 --> 235]

[Magic: 250 --> 260]

[Attribute Points: 105--> 0]


[Innate Skills]

[Dream Manipulation] [Nightmare Manipulation] [Magic Manipulation] [Speed Boost] [Health Boost] [Cursed Eyes of %#$#%] [Strength Boost] [Yin/Yang Affinity]


[Immolate (96/100%)] [Sleep (MAX)] [Rend (63/100%)] [Water Pool (11/100%)] [Mana Skin (MAX)] [Minor Creation (15/100%)] [Mana Sense (MAX)] [Weapon Storage (12%/100) ]

[Close Combat]

[Master Footwork] [Master Spearman] [Air Step] [Mana Reinforcement]

[Congratulations! Your body has been upgraded through stats enough that the nerves in your eyes are no longer under any pressure from use!]

[Minimum stats needed: 150 in all physical stats: Strength, Vitality, and Agility.]

[Hint: Blindfold is no longer necessary *wink*]

After reading the last line Samael was gaping, 'Did the fucking system just WINK at me? What the fuck!' Samael was already at this point completely ignoring his teammates that were talking about building bunk beds to save space in the room, 'I wish it TOLD me the minimum requirements before though' Samael grumbled to himself.

After a few minutes of bewilderment, Samael grasped his blindfold before taking it off. Looking around the room with his own eyes was a LOT better. With mana sense he can 'see' colors but can mostly only see the outlines of everything around him, which gets old... quick.

"Haah. Finally I can take that damn thing off." Samael said out loud while curiously looking around the room while drawing the attention of his teammates. Everyone in the room started gaping at how 'odd' Samael's eyes were.

'Huh. Forgot most people would react like that.. Now what should the excuse for the blindfold be...' Samael thought while tapping his chin. "Woooah. Your eyes are so pretty." Ruby said while looking at the slightly spinning ouroboros signs constantly revolving in the iris of his eye.

"So.. why did you wear a blindfold?" Blake asked curiously. "Training. I was training my senses." Samael said as he completely bullshitted them. Blake narrowed her eyes suspiciously before dropping it while the others just accepted it.

(A/N: Semblances are like.. special abilities that everyone who has aura has. They can be pretty much anything for those who DON'T know (it will be relevant later) .)

"So what time do classes start?" Samael asked while trying to change the subject. Ruby grabbed a book while looking at the schedule, "The first class is at.. 9 am" she answered cheerfully. Samael looked at the clock, "Fuck," Samael said while seeing that it's 8:53 AM.

Samael immediately started running towards where the class is supposed to start. Making it a few minutes before the professor came in, Samael sat directly next to Blake. "Your a Faunus too right?" He whispered under his breath right next to her to hear.

Blake slowly nodded her head, "Cool! I mean your last name kind of gives it away. If anyone who knows ANYTHING about Menagerie they're going to find you out," He whispered quiet enough for only her to hear. Her previously calm expression cracked quickly under the embarrassment of almost giving herself out as a Faunus on the first day by just introducing herself.

Blushing a little bit from embarrassment she looked into Samael's eyes, "Please don't tell anyone." She urgently whispered to him. 'Ooooh. I forgot she's still going through the guilty phase from leaving the White Fang..' Samael thought. 'I wonder if I can use [Dream Manipulation] to let me watch anime from my previous life.. Food for thought.' Samael pondered to himself.

"Sure I won't tell anyone!" Samael cheerfully whispered back to her before turning serious, "They will find out at one point though.. you know that right?" He asked. She nodded, "I know, but don't want people to judge me for being a Faunus but for my personality," she said seriously.

Looking at her beautiful features, 'Not everyone will judge you for your personality,' Samael thought while chuckling a little bit. "Now that I can actually 'see', you look a lot different than I thought you would," Samael said while looking at everyone else in the room. 'The anime never really had great animation,' He thought to himself while reminiscing of him watching the show.

"How so?" She asked curiously. Samael's eyes scanned everyone in the room that he interacted with so far, they weren't that different from the show. "Dunno.. maybe I thought you would look like more of a loner?" Samael asked with barely hidden amusement. Blake rolled her eye while Yang looked over at the two.

"You two look like your getting along," Yang said while swapping gazes between the two of them. Blake ignored her while Samael blushed slightly, 'God damnit! The old man didn't train me to talk to people! Most of my conversations so far haven't involved teasing!' Samael thought while fighting back the rising heat gathering in his face. Noticing the blush apparent on Samael's face, Yang smiled in.. pride? While looking away.

(A/N: Samael had pretty much.. minimal contact with most people in his life.)

After a couple of seconds Samael calmed himself while the Professor walked in for this class. The professor had a big bushy gray mustache with a pudgy physique. After walking in front of the class he started to speak, "Monsters! Demons! Prowlers of the Night! The creatures of Grimm are called many names! But I like to call them prey!' He finished with a hardy chuckle and awkward silence.

Coughing slightly he continued, "And you shall too! Once you graduate from our Beacon Academy are safe havens in a treacherous world. There are many creatures who would love nothing more than to rip you to shreds!" He paused slightly, causing some weaker students to get nervous.

"But that is where we come in! Huntsman!" He said while looking at everyone in the room, "Huntress's" He said while clicking his tongue and looking directly at Yang. "They are individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves from the world!" he said with a dramatic pause.

He proceeded to tell a tale that nearly nobody paid attention too. It was just your average.. guy killed a Grimm, became a hero story. Ruby started drawing on her paper while occasionally showing it to the others of Team RWBYS.

Weiss was getting even more frustrated at how Ruby was acting during class. "A true huntsman must be honorable! A true huntsman must be dependable. A true huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise!" He said while Ruby was busy not paying attention at all.

Weiss's frustration turned to barely controlled anger as she looked at Ruby. "So whom among you believe themselves to be a true huntsman?" He asked while scanning the classroom. Weiss's hand immediately shot up, "I do sir!"

"Well then.. lets find out!" He said while pointing to a cage with a Boar Grimm sitting inside. Samael looked over to Blake who was next to him, "When did that cage get there?" he asked. Blake shrugged her shoulders as a sign of she doesn't know.

After a 10 minutes of preparation, Weiss was standing in front of a boar Grimm while her teammates were encouraging her. "Go Weiss!" Yang yelled encouragingly. "Fight well," Blake said with much less excitement. "Fish," Samael muttered in his sleep while slightly drooling. "Make sure to represent Team RWBYS!" Ruby said cheerfully.

Weiss shot Ruby a heated glare before the boar started charging her. The boar was close to hitting her but she quickly parried its tusk while dodging to the side to avoid its charge. The boar, still determined, charged at her again with a little more speed. Weiss shot her rapier towards its head causing her sword to get stuck in the bone plating covering its skull.

The boar started wildly thrashing around while tossing her sword to the other side of the room. She dodged another charge from the boar and stumbled towards where her sword was laying on the ground. Unnoticed, the boar was quickly trailing behind her trying to stab he while unnoticed. Noticing at the last second, Weiss summoned a glyph using her semblance to block it while it knocked itself onto its belly. Seeing an opportunity she rammed her rapier through its unprotected stomach, killing it.

After taking a few breaths, the professor said "Bravo! I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today." He said while looking up at the clock. "Class dismissed!" He said while making a shooing motion towards the door. Weiss kept shooting Ruby heated glares causing Ruby to become worried as Weiss stormed out of the room.

Samael woke up near the end of the fight, 'Eh. They'll sort it out on their own.' He thought while picking up his bag. Yang left with her group of friends leaving Samael and Blake alone while walking back to their room for the day.

On their way to their room, they walked slower as they were in no rush to return. While walking through the large halls Samael saw a room he stopped next to on sight. "What?" Blake asked while looking at him curiously. He didn't say anything but motioned for her to follow as he entered the kitchen. Pointing to a chair he said, "Sit," while he went over to the ingredients fridge.

Pulling out some fish with some side ingredients he walked over to the cooking utensils. Sneakily summoning some spices/small ingredients he couldn't find, he started to cook a dish he used to make for Dale. Blake watched him silently as he entered a trance of cooking.

After a few minutes of setting everything up he looked in Blake's direction, "You want fish?" he asked while getting a nod from Blake. Smiling lightly he turned his attention back to the food and made sure nothing burnt. After a few more minutes of peaceful silence, the food was finally done.

Samael had his attention fully on the cooked fish in front of him that was tempting him with its aroma. Blake laughed slightly before asking, "When did you learn to cook?" Samael looked up from his food into her eyes, "My dad sucks at cooking," he paused, "Everything he cooked tasted so bland.. even when it looks delicious. So I started cooking instead," He said while slightly reminiscing of training and eating with Dale.

"Hm. Its really good," she said while taking a bite of the plate Samael gave her. Samael accepted the praise while he continued to eat. After a few minutes of comfortable silence Blake asked, "What's your opinion on the White Fang?"

Samael continued to eat for a few seconds before stopping, "Hmm.. the White Fang.." He said while his brain was formulating his next words. "I think that at first they were great with all the peaceful protests for Faunus's to be treated better and they were doing great." He paused for a minute, "But recently they have strayed from their original goal. Sure they still fight for Faunus equality but they try to force their ideal to everyone that opposes them, which ultimately.. will fail." He said truthfully.

Blake looked guilty after he stated his opinion. "The humans aren't helping either though, especially Jacques Schnee with his dust mines filled with Faunus 'workers'. The Schnee Dust Company used to be pretty neutral before but once he married into the family he started incorporating bad Faunus conditions with no way out for the Faunus workers." He pondered. He looked directly into Blake's eyes causing her to flinch slightly, "You were in the White Fang right? I mean why else would you ask my opinion about it?"

Blake stood up in an attempt to leave but Samael grabbed her hand, "I'm not going to ridicule you about you being apart of the White Fang and I won't tell anyone.. just make sure to tell them at one point kay?" He said seriously. She sighed, "O-ok, thank you," she said with a genuine smile.

Coughing a little bit in embarrassment, Samael looked away from he and continued eating. Blake looked at him playfully, "You don't have many interactions with girls do you?" she said while laughing a little bit causing Samael to blush slightly. "S-shaddup. I saw those 'Ninjas of Love' books you tried to hide form everyone else... pervert," Samael whispered at the end causing her to blush.

After a few more minutes of playful banter the previously tense atmosphere completely dissipated much to their relief. Once they were almost finished with their meal Blake asked, "What was the actual reason you wore a blindfold?"

'Oh.. right. She did look at me suspiciously after I bullshitted the rest of the team.' Samael thought. Samael shrugged his shoulders, "My optic nerves weren't 'matured' (strong) yet so every time I actively used my eyes to see they would send bouts of pain through my nervous system," Samael told a half-truth seeing as there's no point in blatantly lying to her.

"Why were your optic nerves not 'matured?" She asked in concern. Samael shrugged again, "Don't know.." Samael answered honestly. He truthfully DOESN'T know what his eyes do. Blake said, "That doesn't sound good.."

Samael in an attempt to break her concern, "It's fine. They are already 'matured' enough so that I don't have to wear that dumb blindfold anymore. Plus I can see you now!" He teased trying to get payback from earlier.

Blake had the decency to blush slightly before changing the topic, "Are you sure it's fine?" Samael nodded before they continued silently eating before leaving to head to their room.

Blake walked into the room while grabbing a book from her bookshelf and began reading while Samael stood out in the halls while pulling out his scroll.

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

Samael waited for Dale to pick up while clutching his scroll, while a small seed of dread eerily creeped its way into his heart.

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

The seed was beginning to bloom until, "Hello?" Dale's voice came from the other side of the scroll. Relieved that the old man was alright Samael cheerfully responded, "Yeah it's me.. I got into a team RWBYS." Samael could practically feel the pride radiating from Dale from the other side of the scroll when he said that, "I expected nothing less from you boy, after all I trained you myself!" He said with a smug tone causing Samael to laugh slightly.

"I just called to check up on you. Are you still going strong over there?" Samael asked while worrying about Dale's sickness. "Yeah I'm getting better kid, don't worry about me." Dale said trying to bring Samael's spirit back up again.

Samael smiled softly, "Alright old man keep it that way ok. I'll come and visit this weekend so in about 6 days." Samael said while telling him about the Deathstalker he fought during initiation. After a few minutes of talking Dale said, "You made me proud kid. Make sure to visit or else I'll come and find you and drag you here! Also bring me a daughter-in-law!" He jokingly said.

"Alright bye old man, stay safe over there." Samael said while closing his scroll. Happily walking into the room, Samael was upbeat in preparation for tomorrow's class. Walking into the room he looked around to see the 'bunk beds' that his other teammates made earlier.

It was two beds stacked on top of each other with books in between the legs of the bed-frame and it looked like it would fall over if someone hit the books hard enough. Blake was reading Ninja's of Love with a small blush. Looking over her shoulder curiously he began reading the beginning of the page she was on. After two paragraphs his blush was already apparent on his pale skin.

"Sheesh. I didn't know it was.. this raunchy!" He whistled while trying to regain his bearings. Flipping around in alarm, Blake's face was directly in front of Samael's face causing him to blush even more. "C-can you back up a little bit?" Samael slightly stammered out.

As both of them were blushing, the rest of the team barged into the room at once. "We're ba-" Yang yelled while pausing as she saw the both Samael and Blake. Ruby and Weiss looked curious as to why Yang stopped talking before freezing when looking at Samael and Blake.

Ever so slowly, Yang left while pulling Ruby and Weiss along. As she slowly closed the door she flashed a thumbs up before clicking the door shut. "W-WAIT!" Blake yelled out trying to clear their misunderstanding while Samael just stood there frozen.

Blake and Samael began running after the other three who were walking away from the room door while talking to each other. "WAIT!" Blake and Samael yelled while trying to get their attention.


(A/N: I am honestly not sure if I should put lemon scenes with my subpar writing skills. So, if you DO or DON'T want it vote below.




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