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7.61% Naruto: Hokage's Legacy / Chapter 8: Test

Bab 8: Test

After beating Mizuki, Naruto went home to rest. The next morning he woke up early, he had already passed the 'test' from the Hokage. It wasn't really a test they just all had certain criteria to meet which he met.

He made sure to pack his gear for quick battles, he still had his orange outfit but modified it a little to be more appropriate. They had places to hide special half kunai in the shirt, it also had some light armor for protection. He had heard about the genin tests and wanted to be ready just in case.

He was bringing his chakra blades, half kunai, kunai, and shuriken, and some sealing scrolls filled with water. He didn't know many water jutsu but he knew some. He wasn't great at seals but could make some simple ones to help so he brought some along.

After checking his stuff again he walked to the academy. Once he got there he realized he was surprisingly not the first one there, even Shikamaru was there before him! The Hokage had followed him to school again today to see his team and sensei.

After not sitting for a very long time Iruka began calling out the teams. "Team 8, Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuga, and Shino Aburame. Your jounin sensei is Kurenai Yuhi." all of team 8 stood up and walked over to Kurenai who just popped up and left.

"Team 10, Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka, and Choji Akimichi. Your jounin sensei is Asuma Sarutobi." All of team 10 stood up and walked over to Asuma who had just popped up, they greeted themselves and left.

Iruka then spoke again, "Team 7, Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sasuke Uchiha. Your jounin sensei is Kakashi Hatake." Sakura started squirming and screaming, 'Take that Ino!' she yelled in her mind. Naruto didn't say anything and a smile went across Sasuke's face.

This was for two reasons. One was Kakashi, he was only second to the Hokage and the Sannin in terms of power! He expected no less to teach an Uchiha! The second reason was Naruto, he didn't necessarily like Naruto but he respected him, the reason was one he had matured and two was he had significantly grown in strength and was better than most people in the class.

Minato however was very surprised, he never took Kakashi as the type to have a genin team! Team 7 expected Kakashi to pop up soon but he never did. Minutes turned into hours and Naruto couldn't shake the feeling he was being watched.

He finally had enough, "We are being watched, most likely by Kakashi." Sakura huffed, "Shut up Naruto, you just want to look cool in front of Sasuke!" she said sticking her tongue out, Naruto just ignored the idiot girl, she would probably die on a D-rank mission.

Kakashi who was in the roof above them however was very surprised, 'he sensed me? Impressive.' Suddenly a kunai came through the roof boards landing next to him. Having already been figured out he jumped down.

"Hello, how are you my cute little genin?" Both Sasuke and Sakura were surprised to see Kakashi jump down, Sasuke thought he was just getting ahead of himself and Sakura had thought he was just trying to impress people but they were both wrong.

After Kakashi jumped down he told all three of them to follow him outside. Once outside Kakashi spoke, "Let's introduce ourselves, I'll go first. My Name is Kakashi Hatake. I am 26 years old. I don't know my dream. My likes are reading and I have many others. My dislikes are idiots and also many others, now you."

Sakura went first, "My name is Sakura Haruno and I am 12 years old. My likes are, euagh! My dreams are euagh! And I dislike Naruto!" her whole euagh! Parts were all toward Sasuke. Naruto decided to go next, knowing Sasuke wouldn't.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I am 12 years old. I enjoy training and eating ramen with Hinata, cooking is also pretty fun. I dislike people who are useless and don't do anything. My dream is to become Hokage so everybody will respect me."

Sasuke then went next. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and destroy a certain somebody." Kakashi nodded at all of them.

"Itachi Uchiha right?" Sasuke glared at Naruto, "The one you want to kill is your brother right." Sasuke only nodded and then walked away but before he could Kakashi spoke. "Everybody go to training ground three at 6 am tomorrow, we will have our genin tests then. I wouldn't eat breakfast if I were you " he said then body flickered away.

Sakura freaked out, "What do they mean genin tests!" Naruto was the one who responded. "It's up to the jonin if they have the test or not. The genin test is a test to see if the jonin thinks you are strong enough to be a genin."

"How do they test!" Sakura was scared even she knew she was useless. "I don't know, it changes on the sensei?" Naruto then walked home, cooked some food and trained, and then went to bed. In the morning he woke up, ate breakfast, and went to training ground three.

Once arriving he noticed he was the first one there. Noticing this he started warming himself up, the Hokage was there but wouldn't intervene. After warming up he came back to the meeting spot seeing the others were there including Kakashi.

"You're late Naruto!" screamed Sakura, Naruto just rolled his eyes and sat down. Kakashi then explained the test. "You three will each be trying to steal one of these two bells. The one who doesn't will be sent back to the academy. I don't care who you are. You have until noon."

After the instructions ended all three of them jumped away to hide. After hiding, Naruto sent out a shadow clone to test Kakashi's abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. The shadow clone went in front of Kakashi with a kunai in each hand.

Without warning he attacked. He used the best taijutsu he could to see the extent of his abilities. Naruto threw a punch which was caught by Kakashi who was still reading his book. Naruto then twisted around and attempted to kick Kakashi who pushed him to the ground.

The falling Naruto then sent his legs up and wrapped around Kakashi and did his best to flip him, although his body was good from working out he still couldn't bring down somebody like Kakashi. Kakashi punched Naruto's clone who disappeared.

"So the kid knows shadow clones," Kakashi said while being annoyed. Sasuke and Sakura were shocked. What were these mysterious clones? Naruto noticed it would be extremely hard to steal a bell in hand to hand combat so he tried something else.

He used the strongest genjutsu he knew, which wasn't much, to try and see if he could get Kakashi but such a low-rank genjutsu couldn't do anything against Kakashi. Naruto grunted, this was troublesome.

He wasn't about to waste his chance with jutsu and instead decided to use what was around him, Sasuke and Sakura. He quickly found them both and gathered around them. "Hey, guys I have a plan." Sasuke and Sakura didn't even notice him there and were shocked to see him.

"Ha! Like you could have a plan!" shouted the worthless Sakura. "Shut up and listen. Sakura, you will attack Kakashi and try to hold on for a few seconds. Then Sasuke you launch a Fireball and I will combine my Wind jutsu with it."

Sakura wasn't on board but after Sasuke told her to do it she was up for it. Sakura went out and attacked Kakashi, it hurt to watch how terrible she was. As expected she was immediately kicked away onto the floor.

Sasuke then launched a fireball and Naruto used a wind jutsu to combine them. The fire got much larger and engulfed Kakashi but he used substitution to get out. Naruto didn't expect that but wasn't too surprised either, all three of them attacked at once.

Naruto took out his chakra blades and began attacking. With the others attacking also while Kakashi was reading Naruto noticed an opening. He threw his chakra blade powered by wind which cut through the ropes the bells were hanging on.

The bells fell and Naruto dove to grab them. Both of the bells fell into Naruto's hands. Kakashi was shocked, never in a million years thought the bells would be taken! "Well congratulations, you all pass!" he said while smiling, "Good teamwork!" all three of them, even Naruto and Sasuke had happy expressions. They were now shinobi!


Asuma and Kurenai vs Kakashi, pt 1 who wins?

KakuzuCantolopes KakuzuCantolopes

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Please leve a reveiw

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