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Bab 3: "Elemental Sisters"

The Philippines, A country that was full of people who always dream.

'Where many Filipino fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters leave their own country.'

To work and received good salaries for their family who they left in their country.

Hoping to support their family's dream and future on the good road.

'Where you can find a site for a vacation, like Boracay and Palawan, and enjoy life once in a while.'

'And on your visit, Filipinos shower you with unlimited hospitality'

(Please people, it's not free always ok hehe)smiling face

'Where the infamous balot is found!' winking face

'Omg I miss Vigan empanada and bagnet' Crying face

'Este!' 'I meaning where you can eat Vigan empanada and bagnet...' Crazy face

'Where the chocolate hills found and thank god it's not melting.' Laughing face

'Ohh i miss the Philippines!' Crying face.

But now the Philippines in today in the year 2092,

You can only find monsters in the city and beasts in the forest roaming around.

Meanwhile in the location where the last standing fighters landed in the Philippines.

You can see four beautiful sisters with the same faces, fighting together on the east side of the defense circle.

Each shows different faces of emotions while fighting the horde of monsters.

One beautiful sister dresses with a green Chinese qipao and was designed with an earth dragon, she's the eldest of the four shows a prideful facial expression, even in the time of the fight she has the time to point up her chin to heaven while pointing also her finger forward.

The elder sister always heavily stump her foot at her front with all her weight body forward and after that move, and from the ground, a large and sharp pillar will just grow fast in front of her foot charging and piercing many monsters like a liver shish kebab in her front until this pillar stop and crumble to small rocks and fall to the ground.

If there is a time she and 3 sisters are crowded with the horde of monsters, she will kick in her front like there's a soccer ball while gushing her foot on her ground.

With that move in front of the east side circle defense, a tidal wave of rocks charge spreading forward like a hand fan but deep inside she can feel her energy storage is almost empty.

She can feel the hopelessness every moment but hide it inside her heart.

Another beautiful sister dresses with a white Chinese qipao and was designed with a Wind dragon.

She's the second elder of the four.

Waving her hand like a sword in front of her gives rise to wind crescent moon shape blades.

If the hand wave is heavy and long, a big wind blade will be created and cut multiple monsters.

If the hand is fast and short, a small but fast wind blade will be generated shot to the head of the monsters.

You can see the annoyance on her face which she purposely shows to hide her negative emotions.

The next is the 3rd beautiful sister dresses with a Crimson Chinese qipao and was designed with the Fire Dragon.

She uses her inner anger to pump up more strong flames by punching forward, but now she's in the middle of the defense circle lying down on the ground because of her uncontrollable rage a while ago, she lost her left leg.

Even if the fighter healer and the Roman catholic saintess healed and give her first aid to stop the bleeding.

Every time she uses her power and punches up to the sky gives rise to a dark crimson fire pillar.

While using her energy came from around her body, she unconsciously also used the healer's power, and the healing glow around the sliced leg area is already gone and started bleeding 20 minutes ago.

While attacking the monster in the sky, she already knows about the cause of her dizziness.

"The healing glow is gone. haha, there goes my regeneration hahaha" She said while laughing and face twitching and grimacing.

"I wish I could thank the sister silver armored for cutting fast where the silent crawler had a big champ on my leg," She said with low energy.

"With her help, I didn't change to a monster and get killed by everyone" She whispered.

Looking around for healers, she saw them dead or in a coma for overused their power.

She saw the roman catholic saintess kneeling and praying in the middle of the circle defense facing her.

She could see her slowly aging 1 year in every second and in-process all people around the area of the defense have a healing glow to their wounds slowly healing them and stopping blood loss and also giving them energy for them to use power.

"If only they know their power was emptied already and the energy they are using came from the unique taboo skill, the life energy from the saintess that is eating away her life now, and slowly becoming old. Even using her taboo skill, Fighters still one after another are still being killed," She whispered.

"I'll just repel away her life energy with my life energy to save her more time...." She whispered.

After that, she started to attack again the monster that is already very near to them from the sky.

But before starting, she put on her veil to cover her face to her sisters, because if her sister saw her face changing, they will care about her and make a mistake because now she is using her life energy and also started to become old.

"I will go first my beautiful sisters, I and the saintess will be waiting in heaven," She said while tearing up but her tears evaporated from the glow around her body.

And the youngest one of the sisters dresses with a blue Chinese qipao and was designed with a water dragon.

Same with her 2nd eldest gesture of moves in attacking, her water blades

But with some strong additional perks because of her personality.

Because of being the youngest of the sisters, she always follows what her families say.

Like water, who always go with the flow.

Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist her attack.

Because of her upbringing and kind attitude, she developed her skill with the water to retract bad elements to anyone's body or in short good cleaner.

She also can make her body into the water but she needs to use energy in using it.

So you can say that a horde of monsters will be her graveyard.

Fear and hopelessness can be seen on her face.

She is trembling and tears are flow but this tear floats and it will be absorbed by every water blade she shot to the monsters.

Lightning rains,

Rocks flying,


Wind slicing,

Water spears,

Water blade,

Fire pillar,

Wind blade,

Sword flying,

And much other unique skill is being used in this deadly fight.

Mankind has changed to its powerful era.

But still, one after another it seen these strong and admirable unique skills of the strongest champions of mankind, one by one is disappearing in the face of the world.

Different kinds of shouts can be heard here.





And some few with hope

Like the eldest of the sisters.

After seeing one of the strongest lightning users, the lightning goddess got cornered and was eaten bits by bits by the horde.

When She saw this gruesome and bone-chilling moment, she didn't hope for herself to survive anymore but she just hopes that she can save one or two sisters now.

She started calming herself and readying to ask for an order to lead a charge in the north side. Seeing it is much smaller than the others but before that everyone heard multiple dropping sounds of bodies around

This shakes her heart to its core.

She saw all of the fighters just went into a coma and got eaten simultaneously.

When she and the remaining champion saw what happen, it's like time stops as they all look at that the center of the battle formation.

A strong feeling of loss to their faith in god and smashed everyone's heart.

They saw the saintess was kneeling on the ground and hands together praying.

Everybody was shocked by the present appearance of the saintess and remembering what was lost.

The saintess has golden color hair that shines like the sun that gives life to the world but now gray.

Skin like milk but now brown with many wrinkles.

Her eyes twinkle like the night sky when her efforts to the people are received warmly and cause them to build more faith in God, But now her eyelids are closed forever and sunken showing emptiness.

And her mouth that is always preaching about life is now forever closed and the death of silence envelopes them.

"The saintess used every drop of life she has," A shock champion said.

"The kindest child in humanity just left us," A crying female champion said.

While they were talking, a crimson red-shaped human glow started to elevate beside the saintess.

"Third Sister don't!!!" The eldest sister shouted when she saw this phenomenon.

The 3rd sister looks at her sisters and wink.

Even the glow is getting brighter and brighter, All of the remaining people can still see her appearance in her age of '60s now.

"She was also using her life energy?"

"Thinking about it, no one of us was guarding the sky," Another one said while facing up.

They all realizing the sky is almost clear with a remaining winged monster that can be counted now.

"So that's why I can feel the warmth of the sun,"

After the 3rd sister wink at her sisters, she faced up.

"time is running out, leave the people that are in a coma because it will slow you down"

"Please escape with my sisters" She shouts weakly.

A big red crimson fire pillar raises up to the sky.

All monsters in the sky were incinerated.

The red crimson fire pillar started to fall flat in front of their north and burning all the monsters where it landed.

"Goodbye guys," She said while closing her eyes and break into pieces

This made an opening for them and started running to the north.

On their way to escape, the monster on each side of their path is closing in nearer and nearer.

"Sister your efforts will not be wasted," The eldest sister said while seeing this happening.

She rushes to the front of the group and started to glow green while crossing her hands in her chest, rocks started to gather on her front making a large wall with spikes covering them from all angles pushing it from inside to make it slide and run over the monsters who are blocking them. While people seeing her power and her hair black hair slowly turning into gray, they respect and admired women's determination all decided to give life energy to her. One after another they press their palm to her back and the eldest feel the small surge of energy, while hearing falling bodies on her back, but didn't stop them.

Until only the four of them were left.

When the armored woman was about to give her life energy but she stopped her.

"Your Majesty I will be the one transferring energy to you," The eldest said

"Doing this pushing was temporary, you and my sisters need to fly away faster while there are no winged monsters"

"I'll stop moving in 5 seconds, I will be elevating our ground position higher than the enemies to give as more time."

"Understood," the armored woman said

After 5 seconds. the area that they were standing rises from the ground looking like a small tower in the middle of sand of monsters. After that it stops at the height of 50 ft, giving the elder sister time to explain her plan.

The eldest sister hug her sisters tightly and kiss each cheek.

"I love you two, your three need to survive ok"

"Yes eldest sister"

"Yes, eldest sister" They replied while starting to tear up. After explaining the plan, she put her palm at the area of the armored woman missing arm.

"They will be on your care your majesty," She said

"I can't promise but in the name of my ancestors, I do my best"armored women said.

"Let's start, "The elder sister said"

"Yes sister," Both the 2nd and youngest said

"Ok," The armored woman said

The eldest sister glows brighter and brighter and you can see some light was transferring to the armored woman. Now the eldest milking skin color is starting to dry up slowly. When she saw this, she closed her eyes and started to slowly change her appearance. She first turned into a rough like stone shaped human while absorbing more stone all over the area.

After it stops to absorb the earth elements around, the stone shape human started to have cracks.

First, it was just a small crack then it becoming bigger and bigger. The surface of the stone women started to fall and on the area of the surface, a bright green beam light can be seen.

After all the stone surfaces are all gone, a beautiful jade woman appeared.

She was like a jade goddess that just appeared out of nowhere, even the youngest who is always crying stop and picture the last time she will see her eldest sister who always there for her. After that, her eldest sister open her eyes and looked at them

"I love you guys, but ill be going first," She said and closed her eyes again.

And the miracle happens, she is slowly changing shape and becoming smaller and smaller while it becomes brighter and brighter.

The three women closed their eyes because it's really hard to watch the bright light in front of them, the armored woman can feel pain in her cut arm and the wound all over her body is regenerating fast from the elder sister life force that was given by her, like something attaching on her missing arm location and feels many ants crawling all over her body and out of nowhere something missing is returning to her.

When the three women felt that the light was gone, they saw the armored woman now have a jade arm in her missing arm located and all her wounds are gone.

The armored woman looked at her new arm with curiosity.

She moves the jade arm, rotates the jade hand, and moves the jade fingers one by one. She only doesn't feel the sense of touch in her new arm.

"Thank you," She said to the arm.

While removing all her armor and a beautiful woman appeared with many battle scars from past and present on her body. silver hair like silk, and milk-like and smooth skin with small visible muscles. A G cap breast but firm with muscles and a diamond shape face, Green eyes, red lips with no scars.

After knowing that her new arm has no problem, she punches forward to the north location and destroys the rock wall in that area.

She positioned her body facing north she told the remaining sisters to ready and get into their position.

The 2nd sister hugs her from the back and the other one hugs her from the front and they started to hug tightly then the armored woman formed a forward stance and holding her sword. She points it 30 degrees down to the ground and using her skill she made the sword longer and pushing them forward while elevating to the sky.

As they were moving, they saw on their back that the monsters are still focused on climbing the elder sister stone made pillar and only a few saw them and followed them.

At this time while they are getting higher and higher, the wind sister is preparing her wind skill on her back, and also the water sister preparing her water skill on each arm. When the armored woman felt her limit on making her sword longer, she started to make her sword shorter and hug the person in front of her while the water sister turned and face the front then formed wing shape water on each hand and starts to glide in the sky and sometimes they will accelerate using wind skill.

at this time they are getting farther and farther from the airport and getting near to the Villamor golf dring range.

"We are almost safe, just hang on a little longer"

"Yeah, the location is one of the green zones that our scout report before hell went loss," The wind sister said

"Armored sister are you ok? you look pale..." The water sister said while looking worried.

"I was just feeling dizzy..." She said and smiling bitterly while think she lost a lot of blood. It's a good thing all her wounds were healed now.

While they are talking they didn't know that on her feet, the remaining blood that was left from her wounds are dripping and the smell of blood is dispersing in all in their location.

EzyGuLaky EzyGuLaky

I really want to end this long intro, but the more time I make this the longer it is going....

also if I started to think about the names, I will take more time cause I really like naming thing so I apologize for the elder, young, armored something something something

also is just an intro huhuhuhuh

thank you for viewing

Check out my female characters

(only problem is the males)


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