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82.87% Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction) / Chapter 212: CHAPTER 212(At Night With Your Beloved)

Bab 212: CHAPTER 212(At Night With Your Beloved)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

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"Seriously?" Welf asked, his voice flowing through Yang's metal hand.

Yang was currently standing on the balcony of the guest's chambers he was staying in, preparing for bed.

"Yeah," Yang responds. "Almost two weeks of me reworking the contract and Riveria chipping away at him for nothing, I think this is a bust man."

"Fuck," Welf sighs aloud. "How much more time do you have?"

"War council ends tomorrow then all the commanders leave for the front lines, not that I want to stay in this damn forest to keep playing politics."

"I'm...I'm sorry I put you through all this," Welf says quietly.

"It's fine, not like they can actually do anything to me. Look, Riveria says she has one more play, whatever it is, hopefully it works and we can get you into this war...although I still think we should just let Rakia and the Elves kill each other."

"With Welf Crozzo Magic Swords," Welf reminds him.

"Right, sorry. Anything I need to know about back in Orario?"

"Not much, I put the finishing touches on Thalie's new weapon, mine should be done tomorrow. Freya familia got back late this afternoon and Thalie got back from the dungeon yesterday with Mikoto, she looked pretty rough."

"Well, if anyone we should know what being trained by Thalie is like," Yang shudders at the memories. "What about the weapons, what'd you make?"

"Oh that's the best part," Welf suddenly sounds cheerful. "I mixed your suggestion with something from your book that I've been trying to make, I had to split the functions into two parts so Thalie's weapons come with an accessory...sort of."

"Sort of?"

"Well, it's a bit complicated."

"Give me the---"




Yang's head whips around to look at the door, "I'll talk to you later Welf, someone's at the door," he says.

"Yeah man, I've been neglecting Hephaestus lately so I need to go handle that," Welf cuts the call.

Walking into the room Yang makes his way to the doors and gently opens one door. Only to be greeted by Riveria, wrapped in a dark green cloak concealing all but her head while staring down at the floor, blatantly avoiding his eyes.

"Princess," Yang says as he tries to leave the room, only for her to place a hand on his chest and gently push him back. Stumbling back he allows her to move him and step into the room as well, she quietly shuts the door behind her. Yang quirks a brow as he hears the door lock before she turns back to him. "What going on?"

"T-the plan," Riveria whispers out, still staring at the floor between them.

While she was hidden beneath the cloak, standing in front of a man who stood a head taller than her. Yang wore a pair of black shorts and a white top, ready to get some sleep.

"Shouldn't we go somewhere to discuss it? Can't exactly have the princess in my bedroom remember," he says, giving her a convenient escape as he sees her nervously starting a hole into the floor.

Riveria takes a deep breath and straightens her back, boldly staring into his brown eyes. "A formality to protect virtue and avoid rumors of improper behavior," she drops her cloak to reveal her almost naked body. Scarred fair skin covered with only a pair of black lingerie gifted to her by Lefiya. "That kind of behavior happens to be why I'm here," she locks her gaze with his while speaking.

Much to her surprise Yang doesn't seem caught off-guard at all, instead, his eyes roam her body and thoroughly appreciate all her physical form offers. She fidgets under his gaze but doesn't miss the excited glint in his eyes before he comes to his senses.

Feeling his heart rattling in his chest, Yang takes a deep breath to try and focus before speaking. "How is this the plan?"

"I explained it already, your first night here when we were looking at the stars, how my parents met," Riveria says.

Yang takes a moment before a thoughtful look appears on his face. "Beloved Protection, right?"

"Right," she nods timidly.

"I refuse," Yang says with no hesitation.

"Ah, oh," Riveria silently prays for the earth to swallow her, trying and failing to cover her assets and hide her shame and embarrassment.

"Not because you aren't beautiful, we both know you are," Yang says, immediately dispelling her self-conscious thoughts as he sees her trying to hide. "Believe me I do want this, but I'd rather you not do this just because of some political crap. We both know how big of a deal this is, princess, especially considering how your dad views me. And believe me, this would be one hell of a way to get back at him but I'm perfectly fine with just letting this war happen naturally if it means you don't have to do this, as selfish as that may be, only my people matter to me after all."

"Extremely selfish," Riveria says, a broad smile on her face. "And kind, but what about me?"

"Hmm, what do you mean?"

"What about what I want, what if I want this?"

"Well, if this is what you want and you've considered all the consequences, then I suppose we don't have anything left to talk about tonight. But you should know I won't be around much longer, I'm leaving soon," Yang says.

Riveria frowns deeply, lifting her head and staring directly into his eyes. "The way your speak, do you not want this?"

Yang gives a hungry smile that makes her heart race even faster, "I do, but I know I'm never going to be the one to stop this, so I'm giving you a lot of chances to stop yourself now."

Narrowing her eyes at him Riveria sets aside her embarrassment at her nearly naked state and closes the gap between them, raising on her tiptoes she awkwardly and roughly slams her lips into his, only for Yang to gently hold onto her waist and deepen the kiss.

A few seconds later they separate and Riveria speaks, "Freya told me, I already know, I just want to enjoy whatever time we can have. I've wanted this for quite a while now and this situation has given me the courage I need."

"And what about your position as princess, heir to the throne and all that?" Yang asks, hands still on her waist holding her close to him.

"I've accepted that maybe you're right, they don't deserve me," she leans forward for another kiss only to have him easily lift her up.

As he moves lower to get a proper feel for her body her legs instinctively wrap around him. A moment later they separate and he gives her a mischievous grin.

"First kiss?" he asks.

Looking away Riveria fails to hide her blush, "Yes, was it that bad?"

"Yeah, but we've got all night to practice..."

---Babel Floor 100, Freya's Penthouse...

Sitting in her favorite chair with her observation room window in front of her, Freya glances down at the girl kneeling at her feet.

With Heith and Hedin standing beside their goddess, Horn was currently in her regular form instead of Syr or 'Freya'.

With pristine silver hair and fair skin, matching Freya's. While wearing simple peasant clothes, a brown dress with spots of dirt on it from her familia hunting her down.

Taking a sip of her wine Freya sighs, not sure which of the thousands of punishments she wants to begin with.

Looking up at her stoic goddess, Horn tries to plead her case, "please g---"

Freya's glass of wine hits her face. Not only the wine itself, but Freya also threw the glass at her forehead the moment she began speaking. Shards of glass and drops of wine hit the floor as Horn falls silent once more.

"Why do you hate me?" Freya asks Horn.

With two higher-level adventurers present the level two girl didn't have any way out of this, deciding to simply do as her beloved asked.

"I love you Lady Freya, you are my beloved goddess," Horn says.


"Yes my goddess, with all of my heart I love you," Horn says.

"Then why run away?"


Freya scowls at Horn, "I asked you a question girl, why did you run away?"


"How old were you when I found you?"

"Five years old Lady Freya," Horn says.

"Right, eleven years ago," Freya sighs and gets up to begin walking past Horn, sharing a small nod with Hedin. "I plucked you out of the mud, gave you everything you could ever want, blessed you with magic to become me, your goddess, and you betrayed me."

"I did not betray you lady Freya, I did what was best for you," Horn argues.

Through her eyes, Freya, just like all gods, could see when mortals are lying. With the exception of Yang Shen of course due to his Chaos Mark, and Horn wasn't lying, she truly believes what she's saying.

"How exactly didn't you betray me? I know you saw my thoughts, and you purposefully ran away to prevent them. How is that in my best interests?"

"My apologies goddess, but...you're wrong," Horn says meekly.

Freya grits her teeth, "explain! Now!"

"Yang Shen is not your Odr, I am, it has to be me, I love you more than anyone, more than life itself! Please, my beloved goddess, I am your fated one, you must see," Horn proclaims proudly.

Freya takes a step back in disbelief, her rage reaching a never-before-seen level in her ageless life, biting her lip so hard that blood flows freely down her chin.

"Hedin," Freya's cold voice commands the Elf.

In a blink he has Horn pinned face-first into the cold floor, reaching up with one hand he grabs the back of her collar and tears the entire backside of her dress off.

"NO! NO LADY FREYA PLEASE!" the girl kicks and screams, only for Heith to pin down her legs and stop her struggling, leaving the low-level girl with no hope as tears begin flowing down her face.

"Filthy traitor," Freya calmly mounts Horn's back and sits on her, digging her nail into the girl's delicate skin as she activates the Falna on her back.

Falna requires a ritual to be bestowed or removed. This is why gods are so careful about who they grant power to because adventurers can in fact run away with Falna. If an individual transfers from one familia to another they must wait another year before they can transfer again, but there are two exceptions, expulsion or the death of your god. This banishes you permanently or will simply remove your Falna in the latter case, allowing your Falna to immediately be replaced.

As the bright light of her Falna illuminated the room Freya spoke Horn's worst nightmare into reality.

"For the crime of being a filthy, ungrateful, disgusting little traitor, I hereby banish you from my familia!"

"Please goddess!" she begs and begs only to be ignored, and Freya keeps speaking, continuing the ritual.

"After all I did for you, I gave you a life better than you deserved and made you as beautiful as you wanted, and you couldn't simply lay on your back and make me one child...how selfish," the Falna stops glowing the completely disappears.

Horn feels her body become much weaker, no longer able to feel her magic at all, and her heart shatters. Her goddess has truly exiled her from her heart.

Resting her forehead on the cold floor she silently cries, earning no sympathy from anyone in the room, "kill me...please, I beg you, it hurts too much, goddess."

"Flip her," Freya says as she gets up.

Hedin immediately flips the girl onto her back, only for Freya to sit on Horn's chest and place both her knees on the girl's arms, looking directly down into her eyes.


"Shhh," Freya says as she leans down and subdues Horn's tongue with hers, the taste of iron flooding the girl's mouth as the blood from Freya's lip spills into her. "I don't think I'll get rid of you, ever," Freya says as she sits back up, a vicious smile on her lips. "See you tried to keep me from my true Odr, you're selfish and ungrateful, and I can't allow that to go unpunished, so I'll have you locked in the sellar of Folkvangr for the rest of your long and painful life."

Horn bursts into tears once more, being Freya's confidant and chambermaid for a decade has allowed her to see the absolute vile cruelty of her beloved, she knew better than most exactly what horrors awaited her, especially from a war goddess who enjoys what she does.

"Goddess, bu---"

"Do you remember what you told me?" Freya cuts her off.


"That day when I found you on the streets, I asked what you wanted most in life, do you remember what you said?"

"T-to be beautiful like you," Horns says quietly.

Freya reaches down and caresses Horn's face, feeling the smooth and delicate skin with her fingers and gently parting her hair. "Yes, you certainly did grow up to be a beauty," her soothing voice says.

Horn was lulled in by her calming actions as always, and this time her reward was pain.

A small balled fist came crashing down, shattering her nose.

A manic look formed in Freya's eyes as the ecstasy she only gets from personally causing violence bubbled up.

And her fists kept raining down.

Blood staining both their perfectly silver hair, skin like a blank canvas with strokes and dashes of red. The sound of bones cracking from both Horn's face and Freya's mortal fists.

After two harsh minutes the goddess finally relents, collapsing forward onto Horn for a moment as she catches her breath.

"I should do this more often," Freya says quietly. To raise herself up she pushes down on Horn's bloody face and one of her fingers slips between the girl's parted lips, the groaning and gasping for air in Freya's ear becomes a pained cry as her finger touches Horn's gums. Most of her teeth shattered or broken apart.

Pushing off her face Freya sits up, running her bloody hands through her hair to get it all out of her way as she looks down at the girl, their silver eyes meeting once more.

"You'll never be beautiful again, I'll personally make sure you spend the rest of your life looking like this. Because you don't deserve to be beautiful after what you did to me," Freya stares into Horn's almost swollen shut eyes for a moment as a small smile forms on her face. "You don't even deserve to see my beauty..."

With a newfound fury she grabs the sides of Horn's skull and jabs both her thumbs into her eye sockets.


"AHHHHHHHHH!" Horn's scream is almost ear bursting even without her Falna.

Freya smiles more and more as she feels the girl desperately reaching up to claw at her, but with her knees on Horn's biceps, she could only claw at her thighs. Carving out rivers of skin with her nails, but the pain only makes Freya's heart speed up, it only brings out the inner Valkyrie.

As the clawing stops, Horn is overwhelmed by the pain, and the girl blacks out allowing Freya to remove her hands.

Gently caressing Horn's cheek she speaks to Heith and Hedin, "keep her alive. Lock her in the sellar of Folkvangr, and have some good knives and a few pounds of salt sent with her...we have all night to spend together, the first of countless..."


150+ chapters of buildup but now the MC has two beautiful women, was it justified or did it seem like fanfic nonsense?

keanu_eugene keanu_eugene

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Yang and Welf catching up via message rings...

---Riveria X Yang and she is ready to give up her princess title...

---Freya and Horn...

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