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The Downfall of the Uchiha Clan

Sat down with Sayaka on his side paying somewhat attention to the Iruka. Yoshiro's thoughts were on a different topic than the class. The massacre that would eradicate almost the whole Uchiha Clan, leaving only a sole survivor.

He brainstormed possible scenario's that, because of his involvement with Itsuka and the Uchiha Clan head family would change. When Itsuka tried to distance herself from the family, Yoshiro would always warm up to her making stronger bonds with him and Mikoto. She saw them as irreplaceable, something he didn't know.

Yoshiro shrugged off the possibility of his quick demise. Itsuka, Mikoto and Kushina being experienced Shinobi's that had saw war and were fairly strong, easily seen the multiple glints in his eyes. They were something that his age shouldn't have, dullness, lifeless and calm eyes, which strangely scared them.

It's always the ones that have no meaning to life that you should be scared of. Because if they set a goal on something, even if it cost their life they would go through with it. It explains why people were truly afraid of Madara and Obito, they possessed unrivalled power and would use it for their ideal peace even it cost their life.

Yoshiro grew to respect them kind of individuals, they had everything he wanted. Power that would topple the Shinobi world, Intelligence which would be rarely shown and an Strong will to strive for their ideals and goals.

If he had to become something similar to Madara to protect and shelter his love ones. He was selfish and ideological towards the world around him, peace that was attained by Naruto in the future would only be labelled as fake peace.

Peace wasn't assured in the future. Only because of Naruto did they accept peace, why was that? Due to Friendship, Bonds and expereincing Hardship... Laughable, some might of felt that way but what about the small fraction of people that feared his power or hadn't forgotten the lose of there sisters, mothers, fathers and brothers to other Shinobi villages.

They would pass it on to their future generation and at some point in the future could they rally enough people and cause another Great Shinobi War. Igniting another cycle of Hatred.

Yoshiro thoughts were always on these kind of subjects and believed that no matter what, people will never understand one another. Humans couldn't access one another's brains to see their true personality or the similar hardships they had experienced.

"... Onii-chan... Academy is over. If you don't hurry up, Kushina-san will have to wait for us." A voice beside him nudged him out of his thoughts.

"Understood." Sending a slight smile that only few could be able to see, Yoshiro patted her head. Walking away, Sayaka pouted and ran to his side.

"Oiiiii-chaann! I'm almost the same age as you. Why do you have to always treat me like a little girl." Sayaka said grabbing a hold of his arm. Yoshiro really couldn't help but tease her action.

"If that's the case. You don't need my arm, remember your not a little girl." Yoshiro smiled at her while taking his arm away from her grubby hands.

"W-Wait! I-I didn't mean anything by what I said... Ju-Just please... Can you give me back your arm, Onii-chan..." Sayaka grabbed hold of his arm urgently like dog losing its toy. She looked at him with puppy eyes, holding his chest, Yoshiro felt his health bar take a critical hit.

"*Cough* Too Cute..." Yoshiro whispered to himself while petting her head. Sayaka tilted her head not able to hear her precious Onii-chan.

Not speaking, both Uchiha's exited the Academy to only see Kushina and the Blonde pair. Walking to them, Naomi immediately ran to the other arm of Yoshiro's. Obviously from the look on Sayaka's face she didn't like her closeness with her Older brother figure.

"Get your dirty paws off Onii-chan, Naomi. Onii-chan is an Uchiha elite, so only other Uchiha's such as me and Onee-san can touch." Sayaka left his arm and point at Naomi, who only sticked out her tongue to her.

"I have as much rights to touch Yoshiro-kun as you. Kaa-san said that our Uzumaki clan was as power, if not, more powerful than the Senju and Uchiha Clan." Naomi shot back and inched closer into his arm. Yoshiro couldn't do nothing but take his arm away from girls.

Going towards the smiling Kushina and the enraged Naruto. Kushina gave him a teasing smile seeing his approaching steps.

"Naomi seems very close to you. If this carries on you will have to call me, Mother-in-law." Kushina said teasingly only getting a light, uncaring shrug from her target.

"I don't see them as anything more than siblings. Maybe when there older, but definitely not now." Yoshiro replied indifferently without leaving his eyes from Kushina's.

"What a shame. I wouldn't of minded that such a cute boy like you would become my son-in-law." Kushina carried on not letting go off her teasing smile and tone, really wanting to see the first time Yoshiro blush or get embarrassed.

Nodding his head, Yoshiro gave a slight smile and looked Kushina from her toes upwards, Seemingly inspecting a valuable object. Kushina couldn't help but grow a red tint on her cheeks by seeing such a bold used by Yoshiro.

He was different compared to the shy and submissive Minato, who would cower when she shouted at him. How can someone half Minato's age make her blush? Kushina felt some guilt towards blushing to someone nevermind a kid while her husband was dead.

"I wouldn't mind neither having such a gorgeous Mother-in-law. Has anyone said your red hair is beautiful before?" Yoshiro peaked at her butt and than turned his head back sending a wink to her.

Weirdly enough Kushina felt her heart thump rather fast after hearing his word's. He was the second person to comment on her hair which she hated before. Stopping the blood that was running to her face, Kushina coughed stopping Naruto from exploding and gaining the attention of the girls.

"Hurry up, we need to head back to the house before dinner is finished." Changing the topic. The Children, Naomi still arguing with Sayaka, the stoic Uchiha and the enraged Blonde that is trying to get the Stoic attention. Walked behind Kushina to the house.

While staying at the Uzumaki residence, everything went as usual. Both Girls arguing over some irrelevant stuff, Naruto being annoying as ever and Yoshiro training outside where Minato once trained. Something off happend compared to the other visits.

All the pictures that had Minato in weren't on display anymore. They were replaced with photo's of Naruto and Naomi when they were babies and family pictures

Another weird thing that was going on was the awkwardness that Kushina had near Yoshiro. Yoshiro didn't understand her weird behaviour, but he could guess that Kushina took down the images of Minato to try and reduce pain when she saw him.

Pitch black out side, it was time for both of us to leave, About to leave, the Two Uchiha's said their goodbyes and left. While walking for a couple of minutes towards the Clan territory everywhere was quiet... Too quiet. Arriving at the entrance, a iron and metallic smell hit both Yoshiro's and Sayaka's noses. Continuing forwards, after only couple of seconds both Uchiha's saw bodies of different ages scattered everywhere with deep cuts, blood and tattered clothes.

[PoV: Yoshiro]

'Worthless. That is all I can describe them as. Ants that was trampled on by Itsuka, someone who was stronger. It truly shows that only the strong rule while the weak is ruled upon.' Only taking glances at the bodies, I could see my cold eyes reflecting on the river of blood underneath our feet. Somehow my Sharingan was activated almost like my brain was telling me to engrave this moment in my head.

'This is what happens when your not strong enough. Your life is forfeited to the stronger person to take.' Giving the last glance at the dead clan members. I looked at Sayaka, who was currently on the verge of crying.

"Sayaka go to Lord Third and mentioned what you have seen. I'll check on your parents to make sure if their okay." Hugging her trembling body, she looked at me with tears still in them and asked in scared voice.

"I-I'll come with you..." Gripping my shirt. I could only rubbed her back and kiss her forehead to reassure her.

"No, It's too Dangerous. We don't know who could of done this. So please, go and inform Lord Third." Nodding her head stiffly. She let go of me and ran to the Hokages tower not before glancing back at me with reforming tears.

Seeing her out of sight. I could only pray for her not to meet Itsuka. Turning back around, I Body flickered towards the Clan Heads House. On the way bodies over bodies, Blood everywhere and junks of flesh were everywhere. If Sayaka would of saw these scenes, she would of definitely been traumatised.

Finally arriving at the house. I quickly opened the door getting silence, no Mikoto to reprimand both me or Sayaka. As fast as I could, I checked every room getting no one only leaving the front room available.

Opening it, I saw Fugaku's body dead on the floor with Mikoto's still kneeled next to him alive. Itsuka had tears streaming down her cheeks with the moonlight reflecting off her blade. About to lash Mikoto, I Body flickered Infront of it successfully blocking the strike with my Kunai's in a X shape.

"Itsuka. I knew something wasn't right with your behaviour... Did it really have to come to this?" Looking at her eyes. Itsuka eyes were widened with disbelief, and pain.

"Mikoto-san. You don't have to worry, Sayaka is with Lord Third." Still keeping my gaze on Itsuka, from the silent sobbing behind me I could already tell it was from happiness.

"Thank you... Yoshiro-kun..." Mikoto said with clearly happiness and joy.

"I won't be able to hold Itsuka off for long, go find Sayaka. She isn't currently doing to well before we departed from each other." Getting no reply only the sound of her leaving.

I jumped back from Itsuka with caution and kept my guard on incase of an attack. Seeing her put down her guard, I saw her conflicted eyes.

"I do not want to do this Yoshiro-kun. But I have to for the sake of the village... Please... I hope you can forgive me." She said in a very emotional voice, she was even shaking.

Wiping her eyes of the tears. She looked more serious and determined but there still was pain in them. I couldn't imagine the pain she is going through but at least she hasn't lost her mother.

It pains me as much as her, to face against one another. But we are Shinobi's, these are something that comes along with the job.

"This isn't personal."

[Back To Normal PoV]

In a fast motion. Yoshiro unleashed a barrage of Kunai's causing Itsuka to dodge or block them with her blade. Without a second thinking, Yoshiro body flickered to her side trying to slash her arm.

"Yoshiro-kun, you will have to try better than this to beat me." Itsuka disappeared to the back of his and sent a kick to his back gaining a groan.

Scooting across the room a decent size, Yoshiro used shadow clones creating another 3 beside him. All running at her, the First one was easily killed with a simple side step and slash. The next one came from behind her, Itsuka easily back kicked the clone, due to her strength, the clone went to smoke.

Only on one leg, the last clone coming from the right side sweeped her foot, which she flipped over with relative ease but after landing, Yoshiro appeared above her with Kunai's in hands.

Catching this movement with her Three Tomoe Sharingan, Itsuka blocked it with her blade. A massive clank echoed in the room that was the result of the collision.

Landing on his feet. Both individuals went into a spree of slashes and swipes hoping to draw blood. All they got was one another's dodges and blocks. Sparks were set of on each connection with each others weapons.

Keeping this on for a minutes, Itsuka slashed downwards with power that Yoshiro hadn't attained yet, but seeing this as a chance. Yoshiro Kunai's greeted her blade making him go on one knee, they held on a stand still, it was clear she was leaning her body too much into it.

Giving a cocky smile. He let go of his Kunai's, going the way he wanted. Her body leaned forward almost going to drop, Yoshiro stepped up towards her face and drawed another Kunai. Her blade was already out stretched showing clearly no defense to her whole body after his action.Yoshiro pressed it against her neck.

"What are you going to do now." Yoshiro smirked to her like he had ate her food. Only in return did he see her face calm and collected.

"Like I said... Is this all you got?"

Everything disappearing. Yoshiro was confused, there was no sign of battle. Turning his head from behind, there his Two Tomoe Sharingan met with a Three Tomoe Sharingan.

"How? How did you get me in a Genjustu?" Yoshiro questioned with a irritated tone.

"That is something I should know, and you to find out." She teased him. Easily angering Yoshiro for not telling him.

"You might be a Genius Yoshiro-kun that is rarely shown. But you are still lacking experience and, life and death battles. It wasn't even a close fight to begin with." Yoshiro already knew this, he wasn't stupid to see how unfair the match up was with Itsuka. She had experience and clearly more stronger in each category.

Only quiet between each other. Deciding enough was enough, Yoshiro about to attack saw Itsuka walk away.

"Where are you going!?!?! We haven't even started our fight!" Yoshiro shouted to her in bewilderment.

"I do not want to kill you. You and Sayaka mean more to me than any thing or one." Itsuka answered, not looking at him.

"You are strong...For your age. If telling from your progressing, you will become something to fear. But this is in the foreseeable future." Itsuka looked over her shoulder with a slight smile giving him praise.

"Darkness surrounds you. I've seen it luming over your head since the death of your parents. If you lose someone close again... You will fall to it and become something your not." Itsuka expression changed seriously.

"I will not allow someone I care for fall into such a curse." She said in a lone tone with anger.

"For this not to happen, I will give you a gift... The Mangekyou Sharingan." Yoshiro didn't know what to say, keeping a straight face. Yoshiro just nodded.

"In my absence, protect the Village and the Uchiha's Clans name." Nodding again with determination. Itsuka Sharingan pattern morphed into a Three pointed Shuriken.

"Tsukuyomi!" Itsuka shouted.

(A/N: I want to mention I am very bad at making fighting scenes so I'm sorry for it being crappy. Hopes at least somewhat bearable.)

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