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61.4% My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique / Chapter 35: fusion of one bloodline

Bab 35: fusion of one bloodline

the battle between Sora and the blue-haired middle-aged man quickly spread, that middle-aged man didn't have a normal background as he was from a powerful force within the 7th heavens. with Sora's actions, the 7th and first seemed to be ready to go to war. of course, Ling Han wouldn't allow their heaven to be pushed around, so, a war between the two heavens might become.

this was nothing shocking as this happened every calamity. around the time a calamity is about to end, conflict among the 33 heavens would break out, and after which, the conflict between hell and the immortal realms would begin. the mortal realm was pretty much destroyed at this point. only those truly powerful realms remained.

Sora of course feared no war, as the war emperor, it was embarrassing that he hasn't been to a single war yet. of course, Sora knew someone had to be pulling the strings from the shadows, there was no way that middle-aged man death would cause a huge war like this. sure, his background was big, but not big enough to cause this big of a reaction

So, someone must have their eyes set on Sora, Ling Han, and Ling Yu. but they were most likely outside the 3 realms, listening to that powerful expert preach of the Dao. So, knowing that once war comes around it would be huge battles, Sora began training. he also began helping the 9 tail comprehend the Dao as it was struggling.


Ling Zichen was sent flying as she slammed heavily into a hard wall, she fell heavily to the ground as she looked at Sora with gritted teeth. they were training together, and Sora was not pulling any of his punishes, at the same cultivation stage, Ling Zichen hasn't reached the level yet where she could use her abilities to their full capabilities,

"Damn, it. we are at the same level, why can't I even touch you." Ling Zichen yelled as her pupils disappeared, a powerful dark qi exploded out of her, as her orange color hair turned black. Ling Zichen flashed as she moved at a speed far above the suppressed Sora, Sora quickly loosen the suppressed, allowing him to catch the first with ease.

He looked at Ling Zichen who only got more enraged seeing how easy it was for Sora to catch her first, her power shot up as her black hair began turning a gray power. she entered a self-movement form, on top of his super Saiyan black form. Sora's eyes widened as he quickly lessen his suppression, even more, catching her fist.

Sora didn't even have a self-movement form, yet she just gained it. this was some bs. Ling Zichen roared as her Susanoo appeared, with her frost demon bloodline, she gained a form similar to the golden form, but hers was black,

Sora got more and more annoyed as he had to loosen the suppression even more, who was the person with the system here? why was it so easy for her to get these forms? how many years did he have to train to gain these forms and even master them? yet this stinking brat in less than 1 minute gain them, and they were stronger than his own.

but in the end, he sighed as he stopped lessening the suppression and began fighting her at her within everything he had. which in return helped Ling Zichen regain control during battle, and amazement at her newfound power.

"Haha, am I not amazing? all that stuff I gave you." Sora said with a laugh, after the battle. Ling Zichen rolled her eyes slightly; she could only have this power to Ling Yu and Sora. Ling Yu's powerful true Yan energy was used to enter these forms, and so of course they were going to be more powerful than Sora.

"Alright, great ready backlash." Sora with a smile, Ling Zichen was confused for a moment before her body suddenly shook heavily. her eyes rolled back as she mouthed up a mouthful of blood,

Sora quickly caught her and gave her a pill. Ling Zichen's body kept twitching, clearly, her backlash was far worse than anything Sora have felt. Sora sighed softly, as he carried her off to bed. she was now 15 years old, and although they spent a lot of time together, Ling Zichen was slowly making new friends. it wouldn't be long until she no longer speaks to him, but until then, Sora planned to make sure she had the power to protect herself.

anyways, after Sora put her to bed. Sora went on to think about the super Saiyan transform which was 100 times stronger than his own super Saiyan blue transformation. Sora closed his eyes, as he entered his mind space where he met with Zanno

"Why have to come?" Zanno asked calmly while sitting on his throne of bones.

"Spill it, give me a way to increase the power that I haven't seen yet," Sora said calmly, Zanno looked at Sora slightly, before suddenly power-up, his hair turned blue, but was as long as super Saiyan 3 hair

"Like this? or this," He asked calmly before he powered upper even more, this time he went Super Saiyan 4, but his hair was a blight blue.

"or maybe this?" He said as his power suddenly skyrocketed once more as he entered the golden form, but it was a level higher as his blue fur turn a godly golden.

"or maybe you seek something like this." He said calmly, as he turned to base form and his power suddenly skyrocketed once more, his body seemed to become golden, this form was a fusion of the solar race, and the one mode from the Sun raise the cultivation art.

"I seek it all," Sora said with a smile,

"yet, I'm not the one you should seek," Zanno said calmly as he waved his hands, kicking Sora out of the mind space. Sora frowned as he entered the mind space, this time to seek the monkey king

"You want me to help you grow strong? Naw sounds boring. come back when you are worthy of my teaching," the monkey said with a disdainful look, Sora's eyes twitched as he was kicked out of the mind space again.

he took a deep breath as he thought about what Zanno meant, and after a moment his eyes landed on his war god armor. rubbing it slightly. he closed his eyes as he entered the mind space. Sora appeared within a world that looked gloomy as could be.

the ground was made out of dry lava, and the sky was red and filled with a dark cloud that covered a red moon. the sky was dark, and there was a scary quiet in the air which made Sora uneasy. Sora looked in front of him, and saw a dark cave,

something was calling for him to enter, yet Sora felt a fear... this was the first time Sora felt fear as he looked into that dark cave. Sora forced a smile as sweat covered his forehead, his hands shook slightly, he didn't know if it was from fear or excitement at facing something powerful enough to make him feel this way.

taking a deep breath, Sora stepped forward and entered this dark cave. there was nothing wrong with being afraid, it's when fear controls you. that's when it's a problem. everyone had something they were afraid of, a man who says he has nothing to fear is a man who has no life.

as Sora wanted into this cave, the fear only grew and grew. Sora's heart was racing nonstop, at this moment he truly wanted to run away, even his self-movement technique was moving him to run, forcing him to turn it off.

"I Sora, am no coward. War God Armor, I will not leave until I meet with you." Sora said as he took a step forward, each step took everything he had. and the fear only grew even more Sora, after what felt like hundreds of wars, Sora stepped out of the darkness, with a body filled with sweat, and a body which had gotten skin to the point Sora was as skinny as a stick.

Sora breathed heavily, as he looked at the light, he had almost forgotten what color looked like. looking around, he saw a huge dragon just looking at him calmly.

"You finally come to seek me?" the dragon asked calmly, Sora's legs went weak. unable to stand much longer, he fell to his knees, before falling on his back and breathing heavily as he tried to rest.

"I almost forgot a few hundred thousand years ago, I got a notification that the war god armor and monkey king staff were growing their own consequences. without Zanno's remainder, I would still be in the dark about you." Sora said softly

"that's because you don't listen, I have been calling for you. yet you never could hear my call, all I want is to watch you sore through the sky. yet, why do you ignore me?" The dragon asked as it stood up, spreading out its wings.

"Ignore? those years when I asked if there was a spirit within this armor, why didn't you answer?" Sora asked annoyed

"You speak through the most, but not the heart. I hear your hunger to grow stronger, I hear you cry for more power. Do you cry mine?" the dragon cried, Sora smiled as she slowly stood up and weakly lifted his skin fist at the dragon

"I hear you loud and clear Saikou," Sora said with a smile, the dragon smiled as it gave Sora a fist bump. light exploded as Sora felt a boiling hot feeling swallowing his body, his blood began boiling as they began fusion. every bloodline Sora had begun fusing into one new more powerful bloodline

"This bloodline shall be known as the War God Bloodline." the Dragon cried as Sora was kicked out of his mind space and returned back to his body. Sora quickly found that he was skinny as hell, but he also found his metal power has skyrocketed thanks to walking through that darkness.

but other than that, he felt his bloodline which have all fused, the war god armor seemed to have always evolved,

{fusion of all bloodlines complete. new bloodline... War God Bloodline. this bloodline is a fusion of the Monkey King Bloodline, Solar race Bloodline, Divine Combat Angel Bloodline, Celestial race bloodline, Sage of Six paths bloodline, King Of Heros bloodlines, Dragon God Bloodline, Sun Race bloodline.

Bloodline Grade: Chaos King.

Bloodline abilities. Power Up Forms, Immortality (can only be killed when completely eased), Enhanced Senses, Reactive Power Level, Power Mimicry, Flight, Self-Movement, auto cultivation, Auto energy absorption, endless Speed, heat, Heat Vision, Matter Manipulation, Regeneration (low-godly), Super breath....} the system said as Sora body began to regain its muscles, but this time his body was much stronger,

(Low God-level regeneration means, the ability to come back from being completely destroyed. So long as at least one of Sora's aspects, such as body, soul, and mind, are not destroyed at the same time, Sora will return to life. of course, some techniques which make it so he doesn't heal could make it so he is a goner.)

Pure muscles, Sora could help but flex his muscles in front of a mirror. while looking at this Sora had the system state screen pop up

{Name: Sora

Lifespan: 1,199,943/ infinite

Bloodline: War God Bloodline

Cultivation: peak level 4 void shattering realm

Base form power. 10 greater Dao

Peak Combat power: 100 quintillions greater Dao (lost all the transformation, unknown power with techniques, unknown power with different modes, known power with eyes

Sundip Combat Power: unknown power when sun dip

Comprehended Dao: All mastered

Cultivation technique: [Solar Energy Cultivation Art], [Monkey King Cultivation Art], [Sage Of Six Paths cultivation Art], [Wrathful Mind Cultivation Art], {Divine Combat Angel cultivation art], {Celestial being cultivation art}, {Dragon God Cultivation Art}, {The King Of hero's Cultivation art},[Haki]. [The Raising Sun Cultivation art]

Martial Arts: [The great fire Ball techniques], [the Lightning Cutter], [Water Dragon], [Weighted Boulder], [Rasenshuriken]. [thought projection], [Dragon Fist], [monkey king energy wave], [Gental fist}, {Warp}, {Celestial Mode}, {Dragon God roar}, {Dragon God Wing Attack}, {Dragon God Iron Fost}, {Kings Treasury}, [Six Paths Techniques], [Bright Star], [the Star that swallows all]

Items: [Monkey King Staff], [War God Armor], [Magical Beams] [Zanno},

Rage Points: 100 septillions}

"Ok... this is why I wanted to wait until the calamity was over," Sora said with a frown, with his current power he could fight those peak, heavenly immortals, this was a huge power boost without the need for most of his power-ups. of course, he this level of power was gained when using, the power-ups from his two Banki, world lord fist, 8 gates, self-movement

those 4 were the only thing he needed to be able to match a peak heavenly immortal while only at the peak of the void-shattering realm. he of course needed to awaken his bloodline abilities if he wished to regain his former power and be given higher.

taking a deep break, he tried to go Super Saiyan, but as he did he felt his new and much more powerful energy, this was the same energy that the magical tree has been gathering, it also had a hint of Ling Yu's true yin energy. Sora took a deep breath before powering up, the whole palace shook... no the whole 4 heavenly beast emperor shook as everyone began panicking and heading over to see what was the problem

Sora as if he was taking the biggest shit in the universe screamed as his hair began standing straight up. slowly the hair began turning blood red, different from super Saiyan God, as it was like his hair was blood.

power exploded as the whole palace began crumbling, everyone had quickly left as Sor a power only continued to increase and increase. the whole palace was destroyed with Sora in the middle of it, with his power only shooing up higher and higher.

Soon, Sora's power reached a point in which an aura shot from him, sending everyone who was walking flying, lucky for them Ling Han blocked it so no one could be injured. Sora floated in space, with blood-red eyes, which looked similar to the sage eyes, a burning heat came off them which burnt the spacetime around him. without even truly, the aura sora gave off at the moment was one of slaughter, making the hearts of those who felt it shake in fear

{new form gained, a combination of all bloodlines, this transformation is known as Super Saiyan War God. the power up it gives is 50 quintillion. 4 grades to these bloodlines, when mastered it will boost one's power by 500 quintillions.

this from comes with the war god eyes, the word god force, the war god: The one mode.} the system said as Sora floated there, feeling his power which was now at 50,000 golden Dao

Sora thought and activated the Susanoo, the Susanoo was now different from before, still golden in color, but it had a blood-red cap on the back, a golden helmet covered Sora's face, his eyes bloodred behind that helmet, and once couldn't clearly see his face. the sage shield was equid to his left hand, but it was not like before as it had turned into the war gold shield. the sage sword was also equid to his right hand, but it took was different from before

{gained the War God Susanoo. this Susanoo is no longer used with the golden form, but it's still fused with the War God War.

in your left hand, you hold the war god shield. a shield that would block all forms of attacks and sends it back to the target much stronger than before. this shield is formed from the user's soul, it has not to form or shape, it can take the form of anything you wish. it boosts your strength by 1 million times

in your right hands, you hold the war god sword. a sword that defeats all enemies it pierces with, one blow is all that's needed. this sword seals away all it pierces into the war god Susanoo, and the host can recall those sealed to fight alongside him. they will not be their true self. more like a clone, they would have all of the same capabilities as the original. even memories. if killed, they can still be reformed, but after some time. they will have complete trust in the host, and the speed of sealing is instant.

this sword although doesn't ignore all defense, it's extremely sharp. this sword has no form or shape and can be changed to look like anything the host wishes. but it cannot exist long when separated from the host, time will not increase the time it remains but only speeds up its disappearance. the host can create this sword as much as he wishes. this sword boosts the host's strength by 1 million times

the war God Susanoo. a powerful armor forced from the host. this armor is powerful, giving much defense, unmatched power, and speed. this armor boosts the host power by 1 billion. this armor can also fight by itself as the host can let go off and fight on its own. as its form from the host, it can be created as the host wishes. this armor has the special ability to absorb the air of slaughter on a battlefield, the more death, the more you grow stronger. up to 100 times. this is a temporary boost in power and would slowly start to disappear after 1 hour if no air of slaughter.} the system said as Sora took a deep break.

he now had 50 septillions golden Dao of power, with this level of power he could fight those at half step immortal emperor. Sora next used his Haki.

{War God: Armament Haki. using the powerful energy of the war god, you create, in essence, an invisible armor around yourself, providing incredible offensive and defensive capabilities. the power this brings is 1 million times.} the system said as Sora's fist which was not covered with armor turned golden. making them look as if were covered with armors he slammed his fist together. now he had 5 emperors Dao of power

{War God: Conqueror's Haki. using the willpower of the war god, one uses the Conquerors Haki of the war god. using this Haki brings one a power boost of 100 million times to base form. the host walking through that cave which brought upon great fear boosted the host will power to the peak. with just thought alone, you have the capability to affect the world around you in many ways.} the system said as Sora smiled as he felt the power of 100 million emperors Dao

next was the Celestial mode which Sora called the sage mode. even though in the anime it's called Tenseigan Chakra Mode. as Soon as Sora entered this mood, a powerful aura of slaughter covered him, a blood-red aura covered him, mixed with some gold. this aura made it harder for powerful to see him,

{War God Mode. a powerful mood gained from fusing the bloodline. this form greatly boosts all capabilities. those who looked upon you will fill unimagine fear, and would see illusions of their death, the more they look the more horrific their death will play out. normal people will instantly die upon seeing you, others will kill themselves, and those around your level of power will fight with fear while fighting you. those mode gives a 1 million times boost to one's power} the system said as Sora felt his power which reached 100 trillion emperors Dao.

Sora felt his power for a few seconds before returning to base form to lessen the backlash he was going to suffer. Sora frowned as his body suddenly shook, Sora's eyes shrank as he felt like he might just die, but he quickly began recovering from the backlash. Sora smiled as he began liking this new bloodline of his,

"Sigh, you have almost caught up." Ling Han said helplessly, he liked the feeling of being the best, but now Sora had just gained 100 trillion emperors Dao of strength. once Sora masters that power, he could be even closer to him. Sora's eyes twitched slightly hearing he had almost caught to Ling Han now,

looking closely at Ling Han, Sora almost coughed blood, Ling Han had awakened more of his bloodline and even managed to fuse his bloodlines, Ling Han was just copying him at this point, there was something called plot armor, and Ling Han smelled of it. it's like the heavens will not allow Ling Han to become second best.

but then again, Ling Han got millions of years now have been fusing his bloodlines, when he saw Sora was fusing his bloodline, it was like the push he needed to begin his fusion, although he couldn't fuse the Fiendgod bloodline, he fused the other 3 bloodlines, allowing his power to skyrocket while also awakening more of his hidden bloodline.

that was not all as the tower of 3 realms also helped Ling Han awaken more, it didn't want Ling Han to lose to Sora. So, it didn't hold back with coming up with some techniques to help Ling Han out or using the little energy it had to help awaken Ling Han's bloodline.

but even with all that, it would not be enough for Ling Han to reach this level of power. there was something else he saw from Sora which he happily copied. a soul sword. Sora had only 5, Zanno, the monkey king staff, war god shield, war god sword, and the war god armor. these soul swords could take the shape and form.

Ling Han had 4 Sword souls, each for these 4 powerful world god levels bloodlines. each gave him a powerful boost which he could draw upon, as for how he got it. it was simple. one time Sora hit him with the monkey king staff, and that feeling stuck with him for countless years.

currently, Ling Han had a power of 20 quadrillions, 200 times the current Sora. but even So, Ling Han had reached the limit of strength at the peak of level 4 void shattering realm and was ready to breakthrough whenever. he was going to do it, but Sora suddenly let out this powerful energy that forced him to move.

Sora took a deep breath as he calmed himself down, he only just gained this new bloodline, there will be Super Saiyan: war God 2, and he has just reached the 5th level of the self-movement technique, there will more levels, giving 100 times boost of strength for each level

'I don't like you being second place to this guy all the time, although you could beat him in a fight to the death. it's not a pretty view on me.' the monkey said calmly, as he began evoking. Sora felt the monkey staff suddenly get 10 times stronger, Rasing Sora's full strength from 100 trillion emperor Dao to 1 quadrillion, now Ling Han was only 20 times stronger. that cap will only get smaller once Sora master the Super Saiyan transformation

Ling Han on the other hand almost cough blood, all his hard for in these past years of fusing his blood and even gaining these 4 soul swords, yet Sora just got stronger because he was what? displeased,

they both looked at each other as lightning seemed to flash across the air, Ling Han smiled slightly before he left, meanwhile Sora's heart dropped as he thought of Ling Han learning Haki, although Ling Han could copy abilities simply by looking at them. he was talented enough to break them down over time and use them.

'I need to get stronger quick. what if Ling Han gets some god of creation energy or something, I need to work stronger, I will not lose.' Sora thought as determination burned in his eyes

"Dad, you were in close door cultivation door this. you're so cool." Ling Zichen said with bright eyes, Sora's heart suddenly dropped seeing she was now 20. he missed a huge part of her life.

"You have grown," Sora said with a forced smile, but that smile was no longer forced as he realized she was as stupid... I mean haven't changed. she was still his little angel.

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