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22.85% Multiverse transmigrator / Chapter 6: Checkmate?!...

Bab 6: Checkmate?!...

After what happened last night, the air around Yun che and Qingyue was quite awkward,

They didn't had a talk since last night and now that they have to go to visit Xiao lie in the morning, it made the situation even more perplexing…

"Can I hold your hand when we are in front of my grandfather." Yun che asked with a forced smile on his face.

"No" was the only reply which came from Qingyue.

"But it would be weird and maybe he will think something is not right." He tried to convince her with his words…

But his hope was brutally crushed when she just said in a calm voice "If he asks, you can tell him that I feel shy in front of him."

Yun che was crestfallen, disappointment was written all over his face…

If only this woman in front of him was not stronger then him then he would've already consummated their marriage, it was like a torture for him to marry such a beautiful wife and not being able to even touch her once…

He just sighed and moved to his grandfather's courtyard along with his untouchable wife…

They had breakfast together but Xiao lie had to hurriedly leave due to a sudden important meeting, now there were only lingxi, yun che and Qingyue in the room which somehow automatically turned the atmosphere heavy.

Lingxi was too embarrassed to even look up from her plate, since yesterday even though her nephew consoled her quite a bit that it was not her fault, she couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt and shame…

She knew the facts in front of her eyes but seemingly turned a blind eye to it…

She knew that if Qingyue was a disciple which was already pretty much obvious after she saw her master, the relationship between Yun che and Qingyue is not possible…

But she didn't see that and instead felt that she was the third wheel in between them "I'm going back to my room." She said while still looking down and then hurriedly went back to her room without looking at any of them.

Yun che sighed at her behaviour, he knew what could be going around in her mind but he still couldn't do anything about that.

"If only I could repair my profound veins…" He whispered in low voice to himself.

Qingyue, due to her enhanced senses obviously heard him, she looked at him for a moment and then again started eating "It is too late now, even if you had talent, the headstart the others have on you is too much."

"It doesn't matter even if other's started cultivating before me, Even if I still get profound veins I will be able to reach up to others." He said with a confident voice like he knew his business.

Qingyue looked at his face for a moments, she looked to be deep in some thoughts, she then stood up and said "I will be cultivating in the room." With that said she exited the room.

~~~with Zack~~~

Zack woke up from his sleep and the first thing he did was to check up on Jasmine's condition…

He saw that her body was no longer cold like before but she still wasn't showing any signs of waking up soon.

He sighed and then placed a new formations on her, it will help to heal her body in a shorter period of time…

He didn't remove the poisons from her body because even though he wanted to help her, he still didn't knew how she will react when she wakes up.

He made some breakfast for himself and in the meantime started reading a fantasy novel, no they don't have novels in cultivation world he had to buy it from the shop's miscellaneous section.

Why waste SP like that? Well, the answer was simple… He didn't wanted to die of boredom!!

People in this world are so focused on cultivation that they don't even care about developing some source of entertainment.

Well, it made quite some sense to Zack, after all who would wasted their time on fun when you know others are cultivating, and in this type of world no one would want to be weaker than someone else.

Zack was a special case though, he just have to spend some minutes to spam click his stats and he's all done!

He put the book back on the table and started eating the food he made,

Even though it has been few days since he started eating his own food but he still couldn't get enough of it.

'My wife will really be lucky in the future.' He complimented himself internally for being such a perfect husband candidate for any girl.

He wasn't being arrogant or anything, he really was the best, he had good looks, potentially the most powerful person in universe and even a good cook, if this was an anime world he would already have his own harem.

He chuckled in amusement at his own thoughts 'I really changed after coming here huh? So this was the type of personality I was supposed to have?'

He decided to cease his inner thoughts and instead see what was currently happening in the city…

He wondered if the people of Xiao sect have already sent the news…

He walked out of his house which he stored in inventory afterwards and again entered the city.

He saw people running here and there and people talking with each other, it was even more lively on the streets compared to the 'marriage'.

'Its no wonder, they think that the people from big sects are gods in this city after all.'

He acted curious and came up to a couple who were talking into each other's ears "Excuse me, Can this brother please tell me what is happening here, I'm kind of clueless."

The male of the couple showed a surprised Expression and exclaimed:"Brother, do you even live in this city? Everyone knows by now that people from Xiao sect are visiting Xiao clan for some purpose."

"Oh, really!!? But why would they come to this type of place…?" Zack showed a baffled expression on his face but he was internally cringing at his acting.

"I don't know about that, but rumors are that they will be here tomorrow." The man showed a wry smile when he said that.

Zack bid farewell to the man after some more conversation and exited the scene, he already knew that the people from Xiao sect are coming but didn't knew when so he asked the man in an indirect manner.

'hmm, I didn't think that they come so early after the marriage. Well, it saves me some time I guess.' He thought with a slight smirk…

The pieces he collected these past days are finally falling into their respective places and he couldn't help but feel excited for some reason…

It's like he was playing chess with someone, he used last few minutes to place the peices in a position he wanted and now he is ready to checkmate after his one last move…

[Time-skip no jutsu:-to next day]

As expected the people from Xiao sect arrived the next day with Xiao kuangyun leading the bunch, there was also an earth profound cultivator with them just like Zack predicted…

By now Zack was fully sure that this world is exactly similar to his knowledge…

He didn't kill Yun che because of several reasons, first it would mess up the plot, second it was not necessary as he already had Jasmine with him, and third he was not a mindless killer and Yun che never did anything to offend him…

The same shit happened, Xiao kuangyun saw Xia Qingyue and wanted to have her, Xiao Ying gave an idea to Xiao kuangyun to acquire both Qingyue and lingxi, they both framed Lingxi for stealing the profound opening powder for Yun che…

Yun che asked Qingyue to call her master and then proceeded to unravel the lies of Xiao Yulong.

As a last resort method, Xiao Yulong revealed that Xiao che is not the biological grandson of Xiao lie which greatly shocked everyone,

Zack was looking at all the drama going on from the air, before coming here he placed chu Yueli in a mind illusion which will not let her wake up from her sleep for at least an hour by using his rinne-sharingan.

Xia Qingyue started to get a little worried after she didn't get any message from her master and couldn't sense her nearby,

The reason for her anxiety was the fact that no one would believe that she was a disciple of frozen cloud Asgard without her master.

"Elder lie, even though we respect you but it doesn't mean that you can keep us all in dark and treat us like fools." the sect master whatever his name is shouted in a offended manner.

"Grandpa, is it the truth?" Yun che asked Xiao lie who was still a little out of place.

Xiao lie collected his thoughts and looked at his 'grandson' and said "I've always thought of you as my own blood, che'er."

This was like an indirect way of telling that this was indeed the truth, yun che fell to his knees and started saying something like I am you grandson blah blah blah.

Xiao lingxi had her eyes opened wide after hearing this news, Yun che isn't his nephew? Then who is he? What will happen now?

She was in her own thoughts when a voice suddenly resounded in her mind: 'Seems like you are in trouble, lingxi.'

She remembered whose voice was this clearly? How could she forget? After she confirmed that Qingyue is indeed from frozen cloud Asgard she couldn't help but think about the handsome young man who warned her beforehand everyday…

'I think your father and nephew are in great trouble.' the voice said again in her mind.

'Where are you?' Lingxi said in her mind in hope that she could talk with him.

'I'm watching you from a distance.'

'Can you help, little che?'

'No, it is inevitable that he leaves the clan, and I don't even have a reason to help him.'

'Please help little che, I will do anything you ask me to.'


'Fine, I can only make sure that he doesn't get killed though.'

'Thank you, that will be more than enough.'

'In exchange, you will have to leave this clan and your family and forget about Yun che and live with me.'

Lingxi hesitated after hearing his conditions, she really didn't wanted to leave this place, and on the other hand she also didn't wanted her little che to suffer.

After a moment of thought she steeled her mind and said in her mind 'I will do anything, just don't let them hurt little che.'

Zack smiled hearing her reply, she really is a kind-hearted person,

He didn't planned to initially corner her in this type of situation and neither did he wanted to take her away against her will but…

The facts were in front of him, now without evil god veins and Jasmine's help Yun che will most likely die if he even went to the flame dragon's cave, the divine phoenix sect will capture this place in the future and he didn't wanted her to suffer,

So instead he decided to give her a safe place, she will surely resent him a little but at least she will be safe.

Even if the conversation seemed long, only a minute has passed in reality.

He then focused his eyes on Qingyue, she was standing behind and not really involving herself in the scene.

'Hello Qingyue, how has your day been?'

He asked her with telepathy, at this point he has already given hope to learn the way the people in this world speak and just tried to sound polite…

Qingyue felt relieved for a second before she realized something, this was not her master's voice!!!

She instantly recognized the owner of the voice and said in her mind 'How are you communicating with me?'

'It's very simple, by profound energy.'

'I also know that, but how can you do something even my master couldn't.'

Zack laughed at her words and said in a mischievous tone:

'There are many things your master can't do but I can.'

Qingyue realized the meaning behind his words, he was saying that he knows about divine realm but her master didn't in an indirect way.

She couldn't refute his words and just continued to say

'Do you know where master is?'

Zack smiled to himself at how pure she was, she couldn't even perceive the real meaning behind the words.

'How could I know about her location?'

Qingyue who had some hope in her voice was not seriously started worrying about her master, it was been some time since she sent a message to her…

'But it seems your 'husband' is in trouble.'

He said while empathizing the word husband more.

Qingyue again recollected the fact that Xiao che was not the biological grandson of Xiao lie, that means that her marriage was not supposed to happen in the first place,

This gave her even more complicated feelings…

'I am leaving this place, Qingyue. I thought that it would be a good idea to ask you a last time. So what would it be?'

Qingyue didn't have him answer quickly instead she started pondering what will be the best decision?

If she goes to frozen cloud Asgard then it would only allow her to at most reach sovereign profound realm, and that it also a wishful thinking,

But on the contrary everything about this person was covered in mist, she didn't even knew his name till now.

'I agree. But I want to add another condition…' - Qingyue

'Interesting, please go ahead.' - Zack

'First I want to ask something… How strong are you.' - Qingyue

'Strong enough to protect you.' - Zack

Qingyue was a little bit taken aback by this, this meant that he had the strength to deal with the whole frozen Asgard alone.

'I request you to please help me become stronger' - Qingyue.

Qingyue wouldn't now down in front of any man like this but her thinking was not straight at this point...

She didn't know what to choose for herself so she decided to leave herself to fate and hope for the best.

'ohh, interesting. Since you raised the stakes then it is only fair that I also ask something in return.' - Zack

'Naturally.' - Qingyue

'I want you to come live with me from now on.' - Zack

'Fine' - Qingyue

She said Without even thinking twice, she had already decided to leave everything to her destiny, so she didn't had any more reservations.

Zack's smile grew wider hearing her response


He thought in his mind with a pleased expression.


"It is a serious crime, fifth elder. This bastard child has to leave the clan right now." An elder of the clan said looking at Yun che with disdain.

Xiao lie wanted to say something but Yun che beat him to it:

"It's fine, grandpa. I will not burden you anymore." With that said he started making his way to the clan's gate.

"Wait… Since you are not the son of uncle ying, you were not supposed to marry Qingyue, hand over your marriage certificate." Xiao Yulong said with a grin which annoyed Yun che a lot,

But he could only look at Qingyue and said "I have already given you the marriage certificate, it's your choice if you want to break the marriage now."

He left behind these words and left the clan with a heavy expression on his face…

'Don't worry, lingxi. I will make sure that the Xiao sect doesn't go for him.' - Zack.

Lingxi weakly nodded her head, she could only trust trust Zack at this moment.

"We are very sorry that you had to marry him even though it was a mistake." Xiao kuangyun said with an amiable smile.

"Now, miss Xia please rip the marriage certificate and cancel the marriage." Xiao Yulong also voiced out.

"It is my choice if I want to divorce him or not, Brother Xiao doesn't have to worry about me." Qingyue said in a calm voice.

"It can't be like this miss Xia, you must divorce him right now, I can take you in if you want, you will also get many resources from Xiao sect." Xioa Kuangyun said, he was already eyeing her whole body like a candy.

Qingyue frowned a little hearing his words and said through the mental link that she could still feel

'For How long do you intend to watch?'

She asked Zack in her mind, she was feeling disgusted seeing his lustful gaze and lecherous expression on his face.

'Hahaha, I thought that you wanted to deal with this on you own since you didn't ask for help, don't worry leave everything to me.' - Zack

Qingyue didn't knew what to think at this moment, she never thought that she will have to rely on a man in her whole life, but when he told her to leave everything to him in a soothing voice, it gave her a strange sense of security and comfort.

'Is he using some sort of cultivation art that increase one's charm.' This was the first thought that came to her mind, but she shot it down as she knew that if did then she would've accepted his deal on the first time.

A heavy pressure descended on top of everyone's shoulders inside the Xiao clan except for Qingyue, Xiao lie and lingxi.

Even the elder from Xiao sect at earth profound realm fell to his knees without any resistance much less everyone else.

"You have some guts to force her to do something." Zack's voice resounded as everyone's looked above to find the source of the voice.

Floating in the air everyone saw the figure of a young man with blonde hair and deep enchanting green eyes which seemed to contain the essence of world within, His facial features were quite handsome but the sharp expression on his face was enough to make common people cower in fear, he stood in the air like he was looking down upon the world itself.

Qingyue didn't knew why but when she saw him, she felt a sense of relief wash over her, like it is not possible for even heavens to hurt her anymore.

The same was for lingxi, she knew what fate waited for her, the occasional gazes from Xiao kuangyun was enough to make her understand.

"S-sky p-profound realm?" The cultivator at earth profound stuttered while looking at zen with fear, he ignored his young looks and thought of him as some elder who was using some treasure to look like this.

"How dare you compare me to a mere sky profound realm, I think you don't have the wish to live anymore." Zack said while looking at him in disdain.

"It means that senior is a t-th-throne." The face of the elder of Xiao sect paled when he understood what this implied.

Zack didn't refuted him again and let him think whatever he wants, his silence gave the elder even more ominous feeling.

The elder hurriedly said: "How did this little me offend the respected senior?" He asked while being as respectful as possible.

"Those two girls standing there are under my protection, I came here today to take them with me but it seems you were taking good care of them."

The face of Xiao kuangyun and Xiao Yulong paled hearing his words, it was there scheme after all to frame her, if she complained to this individual then there life is over.

"Since you were so nice to them, I will naturally repay the gratitude."

Zack said with an evil smile, he really wanted to punch the lecherous expression off of his face from before.

"There i-" the elder couldn't complete his sentence as he fell to the ground while foam was coming from his mouth.

Xiao kuangyun pissed his pants at this moment, if he can deal with a earth profound so effortlessly, then crushing him was no difficult than an insect.

But he didn't knew that the fate of the elder was far better then his own, since the elder warned him before and never did anything else then to follow order, Zack just froze his nervous system, he didn't knew if the damage would be permanent or not but he didn't care.

As for those perverts, hehe they are going on a trip inside infinite Tsukuyomi.

After a few moments everyone who came from the Xiao sect were lying on the ground without any type of movement.

"You should both pack your belongings, we are going to leave soon." With that said he disappeared from the vicinity leaving the confused girls.

"Sister in law, do you also know him?" Lingxi asked with a curious tone.

"Please don't call me sister in law, I am not Xiao Che's wife, and yes I know him." Qingyue replied in a soft calm voice.

Lingxi didn't asked further and helped Xiao lie to his room, she has to explain to him about the situation.

To be honest, both of the girls were a little relieved that they would at least not be alone, even though it was still nerve-wracking but they found a little solace by being together.

On the other hand, chu Yueli finally woke up from the illusions with a red face, Zack had put her in an illusion in which he was her husband and they both lived together,

But Yueli didn't know any of this and instead thought that she was having a wet dream,

Her face was still beet red when she finally received the messages sent to her by Qingyue.

She hurriedly got out of bed and wanted to go to her disciple right away but she felt something down there… wetness?

Did she pee herself during sleep? She just wanted to dig a hole and hide her face in that at this moment.

She immediately used her profound energy to dry her clothes and clean herself and disappeared from the room.

She met up with Qingyue who was packing up her stuff at her room in Xia manor, Yueli thought that she has finally decided to come to the sect and said

"I was delayed due to some reason, Qingyue. I see that you are alright, tell me what happened here."

Qingyue looked back at her master with some guilt in her eyes, she felt like she has betrayed the sect by doing a deal with a man.

Qingyue told her master everything about how Xiao sect framed Lingxi and about Xiao che not being the son of Xiao Ying, she didn't include the parts about when she talked with Zack obviously.

"Why did they just go back to their sect if their aim was something like that?" Chu Yueli's asked her a little confused.

"Qingyue also doesn't understand that." Qingyue lied while looking down, the heart of snow glazed glass gave her the ability to see through lies but it also made her very bad at lying.

Chu Yueli narrowed her eyes at her in suspicion but didn't said anything, it wasn't her business as long as nothing happened to a disciple of frozen cloud.

"Then you shall now be ready to go back to the sect right?"

Chu Yueli asked her with some hope.

"About that master…" Qingyue voice lowered until she went silent.

"What happened, Qingyue? You are acting strange."





Cute_lama Cute_lama

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