Unduh Aplikasi
91.89% Solo Leveling Through the Multiverse / Chapter 34: My Tooth... Aches...

Bab 34: My Tooth... Aches...

A month later.

Nothing much has changed except for the fact that numerous people from different villages are now praying to Kira as their guardian. It started in a joking manner as few people, who have seen Kira in person, started revering him but as the days passed by, more and more are being convinced to join them.

Neighboring villages that haven't been visited by Kira, ridiculed those worshippers as nothing more than delusions and baseless rumors.

The reason for this ridicule is that people with influential power tried to investigate this but the only thing they learned was that there was a single gargoyle watching over the village and the eerie fact that anyone that harbors anything malicious inside the village, gets put to death by the gargoyle itself.

Either they were women, disguised assassins, or even Empire's spies, as long as they step foot on the village, they would be judged by Kira's gargoyle without fail. Naturally, many of them tried to investigate during the night but they all immediately regretted it as the last thing they ever saw was glowing red eyes looking at them.

Some tried to threaten their families to learn all about Kira but no matter who it was, they would always say that the gargoyles over watching the village would always be there to protect their family.

Seeing that they were always being interrogated and troubled by these people, they decided to stay in their villages for a while as they waited for the time Kira visited those villages.

From then on, liberated villages stopped going into villages that haven't been visited by Kira himself.

To others, this sounded like a joke and a bunch of nonsense but they were in for a shock when these villages kept with their word to not set foot on any village that hasn't been visited by Kira or doesn't have a gargoyle overlooking that village.

At that, the number of villages being liberated by Kira was starting to increase much to the frustration of the Empire especially to Honest himself.

At first, Honest thought Kira was just a bug that needed to be crushed so he sent out a greater number of his soldiers to lay waste to these villages but what he got shocked him and its citizens.

Survivors of that battle (massacre) relayed everything they knew to him but as they continued to listen, the more they felt a chill on their spines that the fact the cause of this loss was all due to one man.

One man stood against their army and that one man managed to annihilate them single-handedly.

The most notable things about this man were his black 7' long Nodachi. Despite that he was alone, he easily destroyed anyone his way, killing tens of soldiers within a single swing of his sword.

Naturally, they tried to use their numbers at him but with the use of a single red beam slash, hundreds of their comrades dropped like dominos.

This one-man was supposed to be the famous hero hailed by these villages, Kira.

Within the few minutes in their 'fighting', 90% of their forces have already perished much to the shock and fear of everyone hearing this information.

In all honesty, everyone there felt these survivors were exaggerating on Kira's prowess but looking at the state of these soldiers trembling of fright especially at the sight of their very own shadows, said otherwise.

The thought of one man capable of hindering his plans made Honest feel like he was being looked down much to his frustration.

With that in mind, Honest ordered his favored general, Esdeath, to take care of this matter with a new army at her command. Esdeath herself beamed at this as her face morphed into excitement much to the curiosity of them all.

Esdeath might've forgotten to mention that she already fought with Kira but she was too lost in fighting him again to care. To her, Kira's existence felt like a challenge solely made for her to overcome to become even more powerful.

Before she fought Kira, she was starting to feel dull that no one could fight her evenly in which case, caused her to entertain the possibility of finding her mate for a while. Though, remembering Kira's face, she felt it wouldn't mind the thought of claiming Kira for herself after she beat him into submission.

With that in mind, she led thousands of soldiers towards one of the villages rumored that Kira was protecting in broad daylight. She knew from their last encounter that Kira was strongest during the night because of his shadow.

As soon as she caught sight of the village, something appeared in front of them seemingly blocking their way.

It wasn't something gigantic or even looked formidable but Esdeath felt the same excitement she felt from Kira, but this time, it was a lot stronger. She felt she was facing death itself and that made her exude tremendous adrenaline.

The soldiers following her stopped as well when they saw their general wasn't moving and stared strangely at the man in front of them.

Now that they looked closer, the individual blocking them looked strange.

A man that stood absurdly tall wearing nothing but a black hakama and a demon-like mask over his face while long red hair falling on his back, but the thing that took their attention the most was the obvious hole on his chest.


Though before they could dwell on it more, the man in front of them let out a demonic roar that could easily be heard by everyone there.

Then the man in front of them leaned forward as small red energy started converging at his horns at the same time Esdeath's instincts flared as she immediately put up the biggest and toughest ice wall she created in front of them all.

The soldiers grew confused by this but as soon the ice wall was erected, they all felt a tremor coming in front of them then they all saw the giant ice wall start cracking then it burst as a red beam of energy passed through it like it was nothing.


An explosion rang out from behind them as the shockwave from it blew everyone away while unfortunate soldiers were caught in the blast radius.

As the dust settled, they all saw a giant crater in its place, and that a quarter of their forces were already missing. All of them took a moment to process this as they all shook in their boots as they have never seen anything like this before.

While the soldiers' morale took a drastic hit, Esdeath stood fearlessly in front of Hollow with her rapier already unsheathe.

On that day, a great battle changed the landscape of the area there but that also marked a special day to Esdeath as that was the day she ever felt defeat from another much to the shock of everyone who heard about this.

Esdeath manages to kill Hollow for a single time but when it regenerated in a few seconds, she knew she had to get out of there so she used one of her trump cards to freeze time to escape.

Though when she escaped, the remaining soldiers there tried to run but Hollow was innately bloodthirsty compared to Kira's other summons so instead of letting them go, it decided to let its Cero rain on them, mercilessly.

Out of the thousands that marched over there, a little over 15% only came back alive with their general bruised and beaten but still very much alive.

After Esdeath recovered from her injuries, she trained her skills to the fullest as excitement could be seen on her face all the time much to the curiosity of everyone there.

She was thinking of forming another force under her after the death of her former bodyguards but now meeting Kira and losing to what she assumed was one of his summons, she diverted all of her attention to growing even more powerful than before.

At the same time, the Empire sent their troops with Esdeath, they all thought this was a chance they could exploit so they sent out disguised soldiers to different villages that have been liberated by Kira but after that, out of many groups there, only a single individual manages to return.

If the thing that took out Esdeath and the rest of the army was a humanoid figure wielding a black sword, the one that took them out looked like an actual demon much to the disbelieving stares of everyone there.

But as they thought about this, one scary thought popped into their minds.

'If Kira has so much power, why hasn't he tried to invade the Empire itself already?'

Though out of many of them there, general Budo and Esdeath were the only ones that have a hypothesis about this whole thing but both of them kept their silence over the matter.

In Esdeath's case, she didn't want to ruin her rematch against Kira to care about anything else while Budo himself felt that what Kira was doing was the original purpose of the Empire should be.

Budo hated Honest's corruption to the core that he already planned a coup as soon as the Revolutionary Army was finished but now, Kira suddenly appeared out of nowhere and destroyed the corrupt from all over the villages first.

It was obvious to him what Kira was doing. It's to corner the Empire from all over the villages then when he is sure nothing could get past him, he'll inevitably strike at the Capital and when that day comes, he would be ready to take Honest's head off from his shoulders.

As the Empire took every piece of information into account, they all decided to withdraw their forces away from these villages for a moment as they tried to salvage their military might over the Capital.

They knew they can't keep sending their soldiers away just to be slaughtered while the members of Night Raid wreak havoc all over Capital.

Though as they called back their forces from different villages, Kira's speed in visiting these villages became even faster than before that in over little as 3 months, Kira finally finished visiting all of the villages as his minions were stretched thin.

During these months, two new other recruits were also added after Tatsumi as they all got acquainted pretty quickly when they joined in getting beaten by Kira in their regular spars.

Though as time passed, they noticed something weird about Akame. At first, they didn't realize it but then they saw Akame was somewhat keeping up with Kira for a moment.

That shocked them as they realized that Akame was getting stronger as time passed. They all admit they also grew stronger especially Tatsumi but they also can't help get curious about Akame's abnormal growth rate.

Naturally, they questioned her about this while she was in their base but all Akame said that it was their secret so she couldn't say much.

From then on, Akame spent less and less time in their base while on some days, she would even spend weeks over at Kira's house without going back to their base.

Nowadays, it was the norm to see both of them with each other than to see one of them by themselves anymore. They even have this habit of sleeping with each other and sometimes, they even saw those two holding hands innocently.

Of course, Leone and Mine confronted the both of them when they 'accidentally' heard it from Lubbock and Tatsumi. Though all they got from both of them were the look of total confusion on their faces.

Leone grew frustrated and jokingly tried to hold Kira's hand but before she could touch him, Akame quickly stood in front of him and took hold of Kira's hand away from her.

Safe to say, Leone and Mine questioned this immediately as Kira and Akame looked curiously at them but Akame herself directly said she doesn't like it when others try to touch him.

Unknown to Kira, he unconsciously smiled at her while Akame mirrored his expression then they went back to their house while ignoring the two shocked ladies.

Since then, Leone and Mine were sometimes in a bitter mood much to the demise of Tatsumi and Lubbock. Tatsumi and Lubbock became the regular punching bag of both ladies due to random made-up reasons.

Lubbock didn't say much when Leone was beating him though at the same time he desperately tried to make it look like he accidentally cops a feel on her, alas, his efforts were in vain especially when Mine joins in while Tatsumi foolishly tried to defend Lubbock but that ended with both males beaten black and blue.

Currently out of everyone in Night Raid, Akame and Susanoo (new member) were the strongest of them but they could easily see Akame's growth rate overtaking Susanoo soon.

Najenda and Bulat knew the changes they were seeing in Akame was because of Kira though they wanted to know their secret, they didn't want to offend Kira and now, they got the feeling if they ever fight it out with Kira himself, they weren't sure if Akame would be on their side.

As in their minds, both of them are all but married at this point.

During the time they spent with Akame, they never saw Akame smile every so often especially when she was with Kira.

There was even the time when they ate lunch at their house and based on what they saw, they were convinced on that day they felt itchy just watching them act towards each other. Even Leone and Mine desperately tried to contain their comment about they should just f*ck.

At night in Kira's house.

Kira and Akame were currently finished eating dinner as both do the dishes together.

"...The Capital is next, tonight?" Akame curiously asked as she washed dishes then handed them to Kira.

"Mmm, you wanna come?... Or continue to grind a few levels more?" Kira replied as he took the dishes and wiped them with a cloth.

"...Umu! The Capital," Akame said as she nodded while she finished with her part then she took a damp cloth to clean the table.

"Alright then, on your current level, you should be more than enough than anyone except for Esdeath, that is," Kira commented as he placed all of the plates on a dish rack then wiped his hands.


Akame didn't say anything and just pouted slightly but Kira still noticed it.

"Not now, but soon," Kira said as he moved closer to Akame while unconsciously smiling warmly at her.

"...Umu… One day, I'll also beat you," Akame nodded then faced Kira with pure determination on her face while smiling as she finished cleaning the table.

"I'll wait for you," Kira calmly replied as he made way to the living room while Akame followed him.

"We still got an hour before we go there… Halo?" Kira said as he asked Akame.

"...Tekken," Akame suddenly became serious as she suggested to Kira.

"...Call of Duty," Kira said as he also got serious as they both stood over the gaming console.

"Tsk, fine," Akame relented and backed down as she took her controller and laid on the couch while pouting slightly.

Kira nodded proudly as he inserted the disk, took his controller, and sat beside Akame.

Kira couldn't help himself but smirk at her but Akame paid no heed to him as she suddenly stood up then moved to Kira's lap and took her seat in front of him hoping to disturb Kira's concentration on the game.

Kira shook his head lightly as he wrapped his arms around her then placed his chin on top of her head and at that, they played their game peacefully. (A/N: Blaargh!... Oh look, Author just puked blood...)

During these months, Akame was introduced to console games though at first, she was understandably confused in all of those, over time, she came to get the hang of it and pretty soon, she came to love it as well.

After a few weeks of getting to know each other more, Kira finally revealed his secrets while they were on the bed. As expected of Akame, she only widened her eyes in surprise but at the same time he told her this, a new function conveniently popped in front of him.

Party function.

At that, Kira manages to share his system with Akame to an extent making her increase her strength rapidly like him though the difference of their levels was over a hundred, Akame's will to beat Kira burned strongly.

Akame herself didn't realize it but as these months went by for the both of them, Akame became even more attached to Kira. So much so that she can't fall asleep peacefully now without cuddling Kira by her side anymore and that she has this strange urge to always want to touch him.

As for Kira, even though some of his emotions are being suppressed, he can't but feel to always want to protect Akame and make her happy as much as possible. Of course, he was aware of the reason for this but that's the strange thing… he liked this feeling.

With that, both of them grew closer to each other as the rest of Night Raid members would often joke that they should just get married to one another already though not once did both of them tried to correct them.

After they had their fill on playing, both of them stood outside.

Kira and Akame momentarily looked at the stars then both of them simultaneously held each other's hand and looked at one another silently.

Both of them nodded at the same time then both of them suddenly became enveloped in black smoke then a gargoyle replaced them in their previous spot.

Kira and Akame appeared at the very top of the mansion of a noble just at the outskirts of the Capital.

"Kill everyone inside... give this to the girls they held captive," Kira said as he gave several red vials to her.

"Understood," Akame nodded seriously as she took the vials then she closed her eyes for a moment, when she opened them, her eyes changed to red with three black tomoe patterns going around it.

Then a moment later, the air around grew tense as they looked at one another seriously.

"Remember our bet… I finish this district before you finish this mansion… we eat Chocolate ice cream tomorrow," Kira seriously said as Akame narrowed her eyes seriously as well.

"I remember… and we'll eat Vanilla ice cream, not Chocolate," Akame stated as her eyes glowed eerily while meeting Kira's glowing red eyes.

At that, both of them didn't waste another second and went to their objectives.

Kira spread his shadow at houses after houses while Akame killed guards and anyone she saw without any pause in her movements.

After an hour, Kira was about to finish when he was confronted by a tall muscular man with hair that looked suspiciously like All Might only messier, and that he wears a weird-looking headpiece on his forehead.

"Hahaha!! Who knew I would finally meet the famous 'hero' of the masses tonight!!" The man laughed deliriously as he looked at Kira.

"Allow me to introduce the name of your killer, the name's Zanku, the beheader," Zanku said as he theatrically brought out his arms in the air. Though as he continued with his speech, he discreetly used the Teigu on his forehead to read Kira's mind but all he got was ice cream.

He momentarily paused at that as Kira wasn't even thinking about him.

Blinded by anger, he suddenly brought his pair of hand blades and used his Teigu to make Kira see his most beloved in his place instead then quickly made his way towards Kira.

Kira grew surprised for a second while Zanku took a swing in front of him but just as Zanku's blade was about to touch Kira, it stopped inches away from him.

Zanku widened his eyes as he looked slowly down and there he saw numerous black spikes were lodged inside of him. As the pain set in, Zanku was about to scream in pain when Kira's hand took hold of his mouth in a vice grip.

"Oi… I gotta go... I still have a bet to win," Kira commented as the black spikes inside Zanku's body burst out of him.

Zanku's body became just a pile of mess as Kira carelessly threw him away and made his back to Akame.

As Zanku laid there on the ground, he managed to mutter a 'thank you' before he died while Kira himself grew curious as to why Zanku disguised into Akame all of the sudden.

By the time Kira arrived back at the mansion, he saw a smirking Akame at the very front of the gate, and at that, he knew he lost.

After that, they made their way back without any issue and then slept peacefully on the bed.

The next day.

After they both woke up and ate breakfast, Kira reluctantly made Vanilla ice cream for the smug Akame who was watching him.

Don't get her wrong, she knew how to cook but she prefers Kira's cooking any time of the day to anything else. As she continued to watch him cooking with a slight pout on his face, she can't help but want to see more of his expressions while at the same time, she let out a warm smile as she looked at him.

Though as she watched him cook, her eyes twitched in annoyance when she saw him discreetly taking out a chocolate bar to add to the ice cream. At that, she joined in as well then a brief moment of arguing later, both of them were painting each others' faces with ice cream with their hands.

As the both of them enjoyed their time together, at the same time, the Capital was in a panic when they heard a rumor of Kira finally striking the Capital albeit the outskirts of it but nobles, corrupts, and thugs felt pressure due to this.

As some of them were blinded by fear, small-time thugs tried to sneak into any nearby village to lay low but before any of them could get closer, a giant suddenly appeared and blocked their way. Safe to say, they were never heard off again.

In contrast to the panic in the Capital, the common folk in villages led their lives in peace much to their gratitude to Kira that even some residents inside the Capital felt hope had finally come.

Inside the Throne room

Esdeath and Budo stood in front of a sitting young boy with green shoulder-length hair which was braided on the sides and green eyes on a throne while behind him stood his most trusted adviser, Honest.

"Your Highness, I assure you that Kira is a just mere bug compared to our military might. He's no better than those detestable Revolutionary Army." Honest said as he coaxed the young Emperor sitting on his throne.

"...Really?" the Emperor innocently asked.

"Of course your Highness, I would never lie to you," Honest said in a caring voice.

"Just leave this problem to me, Your Highness, I will make sure this criminal pays for these senseless massacres on all of those villages as well the recent attack on the Capital," Honest said reassuringly at the Emperor.

"Mmm, alright," The young Emperor said as he easily went along with Honest's words.

"Thank you, Your Highness," Honest bowed slightly as he professionally controlled his anger and frustration at the moment.

At that, the young Emperor was taken away by some bullsh*t Honest made up. As soon as the Emperor was away, Honest immediately sat down on the throne looking angrily at Budo and Esdeath.

"General Budo, I need you to take care of this Kira once and for all," Honest quickly ordered it to Budo.

"I have to refuse, I'm responsible for the safety of the-" Budo was cut off.

"That is an order, his Highness just gave me power over this matter himself so it would be best that you do exactly as you are ordered, GENERAL!!" Honest yelled out as his face reddened in anger.

Budo didn't reply as he merely narrowed his eyes at Honest.

"General Esdeath, I need you to form a team and finally get rid of this Night Raid-"

"No," Esdeath commented as she cut off Honest.

"W-what?" Honest asked as his blood boiled.

"Kira… is mine… I will kill anyone that stands on our reunion," Esdeath commented as her bloodlust leaked out of her while smiling ear to ear.

Honest quickly shut up as he saw Esdeath acting like this.

"...Very well then, General Esdeath, I will leave you to deal with Kira yourself. Budo, you take care of those pesky Night Raid," Honest switched his orders as he felt Esdeath might even go rogue if he didn't.

At that, both of the generals nodded then turned around to execute their orders, albeit reluctantly on Budo's side.

Esdeath returned to her training as Budo sent out his various scouts to locate Night Raid's base while he continued training his soldiers.

Meanwhile at Night Raid's base.

They only received news that Kira finally hit the Capital.

During these months, their objectives were mainly about disturbing the order by targeting high-profile targets as they waited for the time Kira finally targets the Capital. They intend to use Kira as a distraction while they go for the Prime Minister.

At first, they decided to keep it from Kira but Akame adamantly argued with them that they should come clean about Kira.

Luckily they listened to Akame that day, they learned something about him that sent chills on their spines. Akame revealed something about his ability to see the sins of anyone he meets, meaning if he found out that they somehow used him for their benefit, Akame stated that may lose a limb or two.

Now that they heard this news, Najenda stated it was time to prepare for the upcoming battles ahead of them and this time, Honest's head will be separated from his body.

All of them nodded seriously including their newest members Susanoo, a tall man who looks in his late-20's with distinctive, bull/bison-like horns coming out of the sides of his head, and Chelsea, a young woman with pale skin, pink hair, and pink eyes while wearing a butterfly headphone accessory on her head.

Susanoo and Chelsea fitted in quite quickly at the group.

Chelsea regularly hangs out with the clumsy Sheele while Susanoo desperately tries to copy one of Kira's dishes much to the happiness of her master, Najenda.

All of them were equipped with their own Teigus, even Tatsumi himself carried a curved blade on his back. It was the Moonlight Sword Dance: Shamshir, it can produce aerial blades at the enemy.

They come across different kinds of Teigus over the months' thanks to Kira. Whenever Kira finishes his purge on a village, whether there are Teigus there or not, Kira just leaves them there.

They had to admit though over the time they spent with Kira, watching him cleaning and protecting these villages by himself felt unreal to them that some of them even entertained the thought of joining Kira altogether but based on what they have seen, Akame was the only one that could.

They wouldn't even be surprised on any day, Akame would casually walk there and say is quitting the group. Perhaps not now but after they finish their agenda at the Empire, they are all certain that Akame would follow Kira.

In their minds, the matter concerning Akame and Kira was already set in stone that some of them started preparing what they were gonna say at their wedding. It even got to the point of their local virgin, Tatsumi, and the number 1 pervert, Lubbock felt numb whenever they see those two act like newlyweds.

As night descended once again, Night Raid made their move.

They weren't sure where Kira would next strike so they opted to spread out all over the area in pairs. They wanted to ask him but when they got there, there weren't any signs of Akame and Kira anywhere there.

They may not know where the both of them right now but they were certain that Kira would continue on his nightly trend. In the time they knew him, not even once did Kira stopped.

Najenda was a former general along Esdeath while Bulat was a former high-ranking Imperial Officer so both of them could easily deduce Kira's goal in all these months were.

With that in their minds, they patrolled the area near Kira's previous target as they hoped to help him.

In the furthest part of their patrol, Mine and Sheele were both walking together trying to discern any signs of Kira and Akame. They all knew that both of them are basically inseparable now so if they find Akame, Kira wasn't far away.

Mine and Leone might've been irked about Akame snagging Kira but even they saw that they stand no chance now.

As Mine and Sheele were busy with their separate thoughts, someone suddenly blocked their way. It was a young teen girl with auburn hair and amber eyes wearing a military uniform while on her side was a cute white tiny dog shyly looking at them.

"Excuse me, can I bother you for a moment?" The girl innocently asked them as Mine and Sheele looked at her then both of them nodded.

"Thank you so much!" The girl happily exclaimed as she came closer to them.

"Now... wHeRe KIRA iS?" The girl's innocent tone quickly changed to something a little less innocent.

Mine and Sheele immediately reacted as both of them made their distance from her.

"Hmm? Didn't you hear me?" The girl's innocent tone returned as she leaned her head to the side in a confused manner.

"Oh I know, I forgot to introduce myself. Hehehe, I'm Seryu and this is my dog, Koro," Seryu calmly introduced herself.

Mine and Sheele didn't let up their guards at the same time none of them realized but there was a pair of red eyes looking at them from each of their shadows.

"Now that we know each other, can you answer my question?" Seryu asked while smiling innocently.


"Sorry, we don't know who this Kira person is," Mine answered after they looked warily at her.

"Ohh… that's disappointing… I guess I'll put up with you two… NiGhT rAiD!!" Seryu exclaimed as her expression morphed into a demented smile while her dog Koro, transformed into a 3-meter muscular giant sporting the same smile her owner does.

"In the name of absolute justice, I shall make evil pay, here and now!!" Seryu shouted as she brought out a pair of guns in her arms then fired at them.

Sheele used her Imperial Arms to take cover from Seryu's bullets at the same time Mine instantly aimed for Seryu.


As Mine's shot got closer to Seryu, Koro instantly moved in front of her and took the shot.

Sheele and Mine narrowed their eyes as they saw Koro's injury healed in seconds.

"Hehehe, how do you like my Imperial Arms now! Koro! CrUsH tHeM!!" Seryu laughed hysterically then she took out a whistle and blew from it signaling any soldiers in the area while Koro charged at them and repeatedly swung its fists.

Sheele moved in front of Mine and parried every strike while Mine smirked as she aimed her pumpkin at Koro. Sheele quickly moved away just as Mine shot at Koro but this time it was bigger than before.

Koro was instantly sent away as some of its parts became a mess but after a few seconds, it started to regenerate again much to the annoyance of Mine.

"Hahaha!! dOn'T uNdErEsTiMaTe My ImPeRiAl ArMs!!" Sheele laughed at them in contempt but then she noticed Sheele was already approaching her.

Seryu quickly turned to her and intended to fire again but Sheele used her trump card, making her Imperial Arms emit a blinding light.

Seryu instinctively closed her eyes at this while Sheele used this chance to attack Seryu.

By the time Seryu opened her eyes, Sheele was already in front of her. Left with no choice she was forced to use her guns to parry every strike from Sheele while she continued to back away from her.

Koro noticed this as it turned around and intended to aid its master when Mine fired again, making it lose its balance.


Koro growled loudly at Mine while its injury healed in seconds as Mine smirked at it smugly.

As Sheele and Seryu continued to fight, Seryu was eventually overwhelmed then Sheele took this opportunity to amputate both of Seryu's arms off.

As soon as Seryu's arm was cut off, she immediately aimed her amputated limbs at Sheele.

Sheele widened her eyes in surprise when she saw concealed guns at her limbs then Seryu fired but Sheele quickly reacted and deflected the shots.

Seryu grew frustrated at this as Sheele used this chance to cut off those guns as well.

"Tsk, you think this is over! Koro!! BERSERKER!!" Seryu suddenly screamed at Koro who stayed still for a moment then its white fur became darker and its body became even more muscular while its face morphed into fury as it stared at Mine menacingly.

Before the enraged Koro moved, it stopped and looked at the sudden gargoyle standing behind Mine.

Mine and Sheele immediately noticed this as they all unconsciously let out sighs of relief while Seryu instantly became livid.


At the sound of Seryu's voice, Koro immediately charged at the gargoyle while ignoring Mine entirely.


Koro let out an enraged roar as it drew back its right arm then punched out with all its strength at the gargoyle.

The gargoyle stoically looked at Koro's fist getting closer but just as it was about to touch its face, it instantly became enveloped by a cloud of black smoke.


Despite the smoke, Koro's fist felt like it hit something.

As the dust settled, soldiers nearby started coming as they surrounded everyone but as the smoke dissipated, they all could see Kira with his head slightly leaned to the sides while the ground beneath him had cracks all over while beside her was Akame.

The soldiers instantly became petrified in fear when they saw Kira while Mine grumbled about Kira interrupting her and Sheele became grateful for the backup.

Kira slowly looked at Koro as irritation could be seen in his face while Akame smirked in a happy mood.

Before Koro could try going for another punch, Koro felt its insides crushed then it forced itself to stay on the ground but it still went skidding for a few meters away.

Koro was forced on its knees as it tried to stand back again while the soldiers and Seryu looked on to Koro, they saw it now has a huge hole at its center desperately trying to regenerate it.

"Oi, you made me lose the game," Kira commented as Akame smiled happily at that remark while Mine and Sheele grew curious about what they were talking about as they approached them both.

Koro's wounds started to close when Kira suddenly appeared in front of it then before anyone could react, Kira started kicking and stomping at Koro. The soldiers and Seryu would've tried to stop this but every time Kira's foot connected with Koro, a ground shook as craters started forming beneath Koro.

While this was happening Akame decided to join in and started killing soldiers left and right.

By the time Kira stopped pulverizing Koro, Akame finished off the last soldier as Sheele, Mine, and Seryu watched in surprise at this.

As Akame and Kira stood side by side, they chatted for a bit then they looked at Seryu, who instantly reacted.

"KORO! KORO!!! SELF-DESTRUCT RIGHT NOW!!" Seryu started shouting deliriously but nothing happened.

Akame and Kira nodded at each other then they both split up and started doing their hunt while leaving the rest of them.

Seryu forced herself to stand back up and tried to chase off Kira, Sheele arrived behind her then swung her Imperial Arms at Seryu's neck.


As Seryu's head lifelessly dropped to the ground, Sheele and Mine watched as Kira and Akame finished hunting the entire district within minutes by themselves. Akame went to the nobles' houses while Kira cleared the rest of them.

At the end of the night, Night Raid finally has an inkling of how Kira handled those villages as nowadays, Akame is usually very privy to anything that concerns Kira.

NoirZero11 NoirZero11

Good Day Gentlemen!!




I have something to share with you all!!!




As of last week, I realized that...



...it's freaking hot in this country!!




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