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83.78% Solo Leveling Through the Multiverse / Chapter 31: Just Finished Stranger Things... Whole 3 Seasons of it

Bab 31: Just Finished Stranger Things... Whole 3 Seasons of it

The rest of the group looked amusingly at their leader, as Najenda herself couldn't help but try and wake Kira up though as soon as she took a step closer, Akame instinctively held her shoulder effectively stopping her from getting any further.

"Hmm, Akame?" Najenda curiously turned to Akame.

Akame didn't reply at first then all of the sudden, her expression became tense as the rest of the group shared her expression as well much to Najenda's curiosity.

She simply turned her head back at Kira but now she saw a bunch of gargoyles standing in front of them though the thing that took their attention the most was the silhouette of six large heads of a serpent standing behind the sleeping Kira.

They all couldn't but feel the tension in the air as these monsters stood protectively of Kira though before any of them could defensively raise their Teigus, Akame again stopped them all.

"Don't…" Akame said as she raised her arms in surrender much to the confusion of the rest of them.

"Akame! What are-" Najenda would've continued but Akame quickly shook her head at her then looked back at the monsters in front of them.

"We didn't come here to harm him," Akame calmly said as the gargoyles visibly relaxed for a second.

After a moment as the gargoyles looked at the Night Raid, then the gargoyles seamlessly returned to the shadow beneath Kira though before they all could sigh in relief, one of the heads of Vaga slowly came forward to them much to their wariness.

/YOU… WRONG… KING… DON'T… NEED… PROTECTION.../ Vaga spoke to them as all of them widened their eyes in surprise but before they could dwell on it, all of Vaga's head returned to Kira's shadow.

As Vaga returned, all of them stood frozen for a moment but as they look at Kira again, they saw him awake and looking at them with his glowing red eyes.


They all couldn't help but gulp when they saw his red glowing eyes but a second later, his red eyes stopped glowing as his expression turned lazy as he yawned and abruptly stood up much to the wariness of all of them looking at him.

Kira stretched lazily then popped his neck and looked at them curiously.

"Night Raid, right? Morning *Yawn*" Kira said as he scratched the back of his head then a mug full of coffee suddenly appeared in his hand much to all of their curiosity.

"*Sips* Ahhh… So what are guys doing here?" Kira asked them with a carefree tone.

The rest of them didn't expect Kira's laid-back nature compared to the tense moment just earlier. Nonetheless, Najenda came forward but again, Akame beat her to it as she held out her hand to Kira.

"...Can I have some?" Akame asked directly as her eyes were fixed on Kira's mug.

"Hmm?... Sure," Kira curiously looked at Akame and handed a similar mug of coffee to her.

"Mmm, Thank you… Mmm*Blegh*... It's bitter?" Akame, without even questioning the drink, drank from it but she instantly complained about its taste.

"Oh, here… sugar," Kira offered absentmindedly as Akame took it and poured some of it then drank again.

"Ahhh… Better, thank you," Akame calmly thanked Kira again as he just nodded at her as both of them looked at the others curiously as they sipped their coffee.

The rest of them couldn't believe what they were watching as they never saw Akame be so familiar with someone they just met much less their similar laid-back attitude of the two.

The reason for this was Akame and Kira shared a meal together and strangely enough, for Akame, that divine meal last night was more than enough for her to feel familiar with him while Kira didn't mind her so he let her be.

Najenda was the first one to shake off from their shock as she cleared her throat in preparation for another lengthy introduction.

"*Ahem* As you already said, we are the Night Raid and my name is Najenda, the leader of this group," Najenda seriously said as she looked at Kira.

"...ok, I'm Kira," Kira commented then he sipped his coffee while Akame on his side, copied him, and sipped her drink as well.

By now, the rest of them have started to get a little thirsty as they looked at them both sipping calmly in front of them.

"*Gulp* As I was saying, as the leader of Night Raid, I sincerely invite you to our group in order to finally get rid of the corrupt Empire once and for all," Najenda would've said more but even herself couldn't help but feel thirsty while looking at the two of them.

Everyone looked at Kira in anticipation as in their minds, someone like Kira that could somehow summon those monsters from his shadow would be a great help towards their cause.

"Oh, *Sips*... Not interested," Kira calmly rejected the offer then started to head back to his house while everyone else froze from his instant rejection.

Akame widened her eyes in surprise but after a moment she didn't dwell on it any longer and started following Kira, thinking that maybe Kira has more delicious foods hiding from her.

After a few more moments, the rest of them started to wake up from their stupor as they just realized that both Kira and Akame were longer with them though when they looked at his house, they saw the both of them currently chatting and eating harmoniously.

Again, they were taken back by Akame's instant familiarity with Kira as they made their way towards them and possibly convinced Kira in changing his decision.

After a few minutes of Najenda and the rest of the group tried to invite him but it all ended with Kira calmly looking at them with a lazy expression though, in the afternoon, Kira finally stood up earning all of their attention.

"You should all go back to your hideout… I have to go," Kira commented as he popped his neck and stretched his muscles.

"Wait! Where are you going? We're not finished yet," Najenda called out to him.

Kira curiously looked at them one by one as his eyes started glowing again much to their curiosity.

"Now that you know who we are and the location of our base… we can't just let you go. So I ask you again, I sincerely invite you to Night Raid or else…" Najenda said as the rest of her group stood behind her with their Teigu already drawn and ready except for Akame.

Najenda didn't really want to resort to this but now that they exposed themselves to an outsider, their base of operation would be compromised sooner or later. If Kira didn't know their hideout, it would've been a different story but it wasn't so in her mind, this was the only way to ensure their location from leaking to the Empire.

"Mm, come and try," Kira said with a carefree tone in his voice then he proceeded to go out through the door as their eyes were all glued on him.

As they all stepped outside, Kira still maintained his calm composure while everyone else was tense as Akame was showing a reluctant expression on her face.

Without waiting for his response, every one of them surrounded Kira from all directions making themselves intimidating to him but Kira still held his carefree attitude as he pocketed his hands much to the annoyance of everyone there.

Seeing Kira's laid-back expression despite all of them surrounding him, they all felt like they were being underestimated by him which made them all tighten their grip on their Teigus. Even Akame herself felt a bit irked about this.

In front of him were the two males in the group. One was a tall, muscular man with blue eyes and a black heart-shaped pompadour, Bulat, while the other was a young man with shoulder-length green hair that covers his left eye, green eyes, and red goggles on top of his head, Lubbock. Behind them were Najenda and Mine already aimed their weapons at him.

Behind him was the purple-haired woman, Sheele while on his right and left were Akame and Leone.

All of them were in their battle stance as Kira still maintained his stoic expression.

A tense silence prevailed in the area for a moment, then Mine started it as she aimed and fired at Kira's head before anyone could react.

Akame gripped her Teigu, the One-Cut Killer: Murasame, a katana known for being coated in an immensely deadly poison that could kill those cut by it within seconds, on her side as she looked at Kira's unmoving figure with Mine's attack headed straight at his head.

Mine smiled confidently when she saw Kira but at the last possible moment that her attack was about to hit him, Kira suddenly leaned his head to his right effectively dodging her shot.

With that, all of them grew serious as Leone, Sheele, and Bulat charged forward in a pincer attack while Lubbock spread his wire-based Teigu, Infinite Uses: Cross Tail, all over the area as he prepared to attack Kira.

Mine shook her head to focus and aimed again at him as she charged her Pumpkin while Akame and Najenda watched in trepidation. Both of them felt something was very wrong ever since they saw his red eyes glowing at them.

Leone was the fastest as her hands turned to claws and swung her right fist at his head while Sheele used her big-ass scissor Teigu to try and cut him on his midsection. Bulat took a throwing stance as he prepared to fire his spear at him at a moment's notice.

All of them thought that it would've been overkill at this point but sadly, that quickly changed instantly when Kira moved.

Just as Leone's fist was about to connect to his head, Kira merely leaned back a little to dodge it but as her fist harmlessly passed his face just inches away, his glowing eyes slowly looked at her much to her surprise.

Before she could even think of something, Kira grabbed her outstretched arm then he yanked her and calmly kicked her in her midsection with the force that sent her in the air.

Leone widened her eyes and mouth as she felt intense pain on her stomach as she flew above them then she passed out.

Kira then outstretched both of his arms on both sides just in time to catch the scissor blades intending to dissect him into two.

Sheele grew surprised at this but before she could even collect her thoughts, Kira casually back kicked her in her stomach. She tried to hold her ground but the force of Kira's kick sent her flying. As soon as she touched the ground, she hunched over in pain as her midsection felt like it was hit by a sledgehammer then fainted as well.

Bulat, seeing Kira's outstretched leg, immediately threw his spear aimed at Kira's heart looking to end this but again, Kira shocked him when he casually caught the spear with his left hand then threw it in Lubbock's direction.

Bulat and Lubbock widened their eyes at this but just as Bulat's spear was about to hit Lubbock, it stopped just inches away from his face as the sphere was covered with his strings.

Lubbock's legs wobbled as his back was covered with cold sweats. He knew if he didn't manage to catch it by his strings, he would've been hit but as he looked back at Kira, he saw Bulat was now charging straight at him.

Lubbock tried to warn Bulat though he was a bit too late when Bulat drew back his right arm and intended to punch Kira's face but before he could even touch him, Kira's right leg stomp kicked him on his chest sending Bulat flying in Lubbock's direction.

*Bam* *Thud*

Both of them fell to the ground as Bulat groaned in pain but otherwise alright while Lubbock was instantly knocked out.

Kira brought down his leg then held out his arm just in time to catch Leone from falling.

Akame, Mine, and Najenda became slack-jawed when they saw him take out most of their members within a matter of seconds. They all thought if Kira ever sided with the Empire then the Rebel Army's days were numbered but if he was on their side, then they could finally take on the Empire.

As this revelation hit them, Akame, Najenda, and Mine brought down their weapons.

"Take them… I have to go," Kira commented calmly as he placed down a knocked-out Leone and turned around.

"Wait!... where are you going?" Mine hesitantly asked.

Kira curiously turned to her as a black scythe suddenly materialized in his hands much to the wariness of the three.

"Just taking a 'walk' through a dungeon," Kira said as a portal suddenly appeared in front of him while he propped his scythe on his shoulder.

"Vaga… guard the house," Kira muttered as his shadow extended and Vaga's six heads emerged from it while all of them that are conscious felt a chill on their spines when they saw Vaga's whole figure.

/YES… KING.../ Vaga muttered as it bowed its head at him.

"Mmm," Kira nodded then calmly walked through the portal as it disappeared just as he entered it.

By now, every one of them felt numb as they all gazed at Vaga's intimidating figure. They all stayed still as Vaga's head swept its eyes at them.

Even though they all fought with all kinds of Danger Beasts, Vaga's presence alone felt suffocating to them. They knew within them that if they fight with Vaga, it won't be a fight.

Vaga slowly made its way towards the house as Akame and the rest made a way for it though as soon as Vaga arrived in front of it, Vaga seamlessly turned into a shadow and merged with the shadow of the house.

As soon as Vaga disappeared, all of them let out their breaths that they were unconsciously holding while they quickly tended to the wounded.

Sheele, Leone, and Lubbock were the only ones who were knocked out while Bulat still felt pain on his chest but he pushed through, unlike Lubbock. They lifted the three to go back to their hideout but before they went, they all couldn't help but look back at the house.

Though as soon as they looked, they saw Vaga's six pairs of eyes looking at them through the shadows at the same time, they all realized that Kira was taking it easy with them when they noticed the injuries of the rest of them.

They all unconsciously shuddered at the thought of Kira going against them, to the death. Though in Najenda's mind, she just reassured herself that Kira should definitely join them.

As they all made their way towards their hideout, Kira was currently in front of a huge burning tower while at the base entrance was being guarded by a 10-meter werewolf growling directly at him.

(For better ~Imagination~)

The reason for this dungeon was for him to train his use of his new skill, shadow manipulation (Pride), more proficient than what he saw in the shows. He tends to avoid using those giant eyes and mouths on his shadow as Pride's fighting style doesn't really suit him.

Kira popped his neck as he spun his scythe then he immediately charged at the werewolf while the shadow beneath him started to extend all over the area.

The Werewolf instantly took notice of Kira's action and also matched Kira's speed as it charged as well.

They both headed straight for each other as Kira's shadow started to move alongside him as it formed numerous black spears behind him.


The Werewolf let out a thunderous roar as both of them arrived in front of the other.


After a few hours passed, a portal suddenly appeared in front of Kira's house, and with it, Kira came through with no visible sign of injury on himself.

As soon as Kira appeared, Vaga made itself known in front of him and bowed.

Kira merely nodded at Vaga as it went back to his shadow while he went inside his house to relax until it was time for his 'nightly walks'.

Meanwhile, at the hideout of Night Raid, Najenda and the rest have just received a piece of alarming news that took place in a town or two last night.

As they listened in and understood the incident, all of them felt this whole thing was exaggerated. A single man killed and crippled hundreds in just a single night bathing the street with blood all by himself.

Any outsider listening to this would feel this something akin to a joke and Night Raid wasn't an exception to this, though that is until Leone, Mine, and Akame saw the sketch of the masked man.

Those three ladies instantly froze on the spot as Leone and Mine grew pale just by looking at the picture while Akame narrowed her eyes at it, trying to discern any difference but as time went by, she grew sure that it was him.

The reactions of those three took the attention of the rest as they all curiously looked at them though as they started to share what they knew, the rest of them couldn't believe what they learned.


The picture they were looking at was Kira's skull mask they saw last night before he disappeared.

In a span of one single night, he just killed hundreds in two towns mercilessly. At first, all of them felt like Kira was just sympathetic for their cause to get rid of the corruption in those towns as they realized most of the nobles there were all beheaded but as they read on, most grew confused by his actions.

The sole difference between Kira and their group was that he even targeted civilians in random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. Survivors stated gazing at his glowing red eyes was the last thing they remember about him then like the wind, he would sometimes appear in front of a select few then either their head or other limbs would be flying the next second.

A massacre on this scale should've caused panic and fear throughout the towns but the strange thing was that these towns were strangely peaceful despite the river of blood on their streets.

As they let this information sink in, all of them couldn't help but sigh in relief when they remembered their injuries. Compared to the hundreds of corpses, they all got it lightly realizing none of them are missing any limbs or even worse, dead.

With that in mind, Najenda decided to learn everything about him in detail by investigating those two towns though as soon as she got to the part that who should monitor his actions, Akame was instantly the one who volunteered to state that it is their best course of action while she hid a tiny drool that could've been seen forming at the edge of her mouth.

Najenda reluctantly agreed to her proposal though she can't help but feel Akame had an ulterior motive and judging by her eager expression, she was right.

After that, Akame didn't even wait a moment later and made her way back to his house.

A few minutes later, Akame was already in front of the house though she couldn't see any sign of Vaga or any of Kira's gargoyles. She curiously peeked at the glass but again, she didn't see anyone inside.

She looked at the door and knocked politely but again, there was no response though her attention was attracted to a button near the door.

She curiously pushed it and unconsciously flinched as a sound came from inside the house then she heard someone walking to the door.

As the door opened, Akame saw Kira half-naked with wet hair and a towel on his waist. When she saw him, her eyes unconsciously engraved every nook and cranny of his muscle into her memory. She herself didn't know why but for some reason, she felt thirsty though, despite all that, she still maintained her stoic expression on the outside.

"Yes?" Kira asked.

"...Our leader tasked me to watch you… can I come in?" Akame said it directly to his face.

Kira curiously stared at her for a moment as they both maintained their calm expression. In his mind, usually, if you were ordered to spy on someone, shouldn't it be classified and not directly say it to your face but he wasn't a master assassin, so he wasn't really sure.

"...Ok," Kira replied while making a way for her to come in.

"Thanks," Akame bowed slightly and entered the house.


For the remainder of the day, both of them just enjoyed each other's company. Kira cooked and baked everything that came into mind while Akame was the taste tester.

Akame felt she was in heaven for most of his creations though, in the ratio of 1 out 10, there will always be a 'surprise'. That something could even force her to stop eating like she just tasted something that shouldn't even exist. If Kira said those 'surprises' came from Hell, there is a high she might even believe it.

As night descended, after eating one last dish for the day, Akame was asked to leave much to her confusion but when she remembered the incident they heard about, she could guess why.

Outside, Kira and Akame stood side by side as his mask was already in his hand while the shadow beneath him started to cover up most of his body.

"Why?..." Akame couldn't help herself but ask him directly.

"Hmm," Kira looked at her curiously as his shadow became like a black cloak of some kind, enveloping him all over except for his head and hands.

"Why do you do this? If it's based on sins like what you said earlier, then by that logic… Night Raid shouldn't even be breathing now… including me, so, why?" Akame asked while looking at him stoically.

If it was anyone else, they wouldn't even have the guts to ask this, much less not in front of the infamous mass murderer but Akame wasn't someone else. Akame may be called by her comrades as sometimes air-headed but the one thing she possesses much like everyone on Night Raid does, they don't fear death.

"...If that was the case, then I would have to kill every human I come across with," Kira replied calmly while Akame felt a chill on her spine as she knew he was serious about that.

"...But that would be too tiring," Kira said much to Akame's surprise.

"It's in our nature to breed sins but that outlook is just so… depressing, I hate it. I'm a selfish person and within my selfish logic, individuals like you and your group deserve the benefit of a doubt," Kira commented as he placed his skull mask over his face while the shadow moved and covered his head like a hood.

Akame couldn't find the words as she was surprised by his reasons though before she could even mutter a reply, Kira suddenly turned to black smoke then his gargoyle appeared in his spot.

At that, she looked at the stars as she contemplated what she just heard though, in the end, she couldn't help but feel amused at his reasons. She returned to their base with a small smile etched on her face the entire way.

In the middle of the night in an unsuspecting town quite far from the capital, Kira appeared at the very top of the highest mansion there.

Kira looked down at the seemingly peaceful town but he knew, below it was anything but that.

His shadow extended as his gargoyles started emerging from it and bowed slightly at him while they awaited his orders.

"Guard the border… don't let anyone cross it until I say so," Kira muttered as he took out his black scythe.

All of the gargoyles nodded at him respectfully then they all flew in the air while Kira himself became intangible and entered the mansion silently.

Inside the mansion, moans, groans, and screams could be heard all over as casual armed guards patrolled the halls like they weren't hearing anything new.

Though as soon as Kira heard this, his shadow extended all over the halls. The walls, windows, ceiling, and the lights became enveloped by his shadow as the guards who saw this instantly felt panic due to the dark though they noticed a pair of red lights not far away from them.

They didn't know what it was but when they heard footsteps coming closer to them at the same time those pair of red glowing lights were approaching, they felt a chill on their spines. As those red lights came closer, they finally saw Kira's skull mask and noticed his black scythe.

Every one of them felt intimidated at this sight but seeing Kira alone, they looked at one another as their courage gradually built up by the power of their 'friendship'.



"EVERYONE! ON MY MA*Slick*RK HUuhhhh…"


At that, they all froze as the one who was rallying the guards' spirit suddenly lost his head like a bloody fountain drenching every nearby guard with blood.

They all stayed still for a moment then as they take in what just happened in a blink of an eye but as they came out of it, their courage instantly became sh*t as they realized some of them are started becoming headless as well.

"W-W-WAAAIITTTT!!!" *Slick*

"N-NOOO!!" *Slick*

"H-HELP!!!" *Splitch!*

*Pkkkhht!* "GAAHHHH!!"

….*Drip* *Drip*

A few seconds later, silence prevailed as the only sound that could be heard was the blood dripping from Kira's scythe and his footsteps.

As Kira walked calmly, a new batch of guards started making their way to him as the screams from earlier attracted their attention though as soon they saw their fellow comrades, some of them vomited on the spot.

A tense silence permeated the hall as the guards looked at Kira with wariness. Their holds on their weapons trembled while most of them became pale white like they were facing a nightmare in front of their eyes.

Kira silently stared at them for a moment then he spun his scythe to get rid of the blood on it but as soon as he finished, he disappeared much to the confusion of everyone there.

"*Burp* Excuse me," Kira suddenly commented from behind them as they all flinched and hurriedly turned around but the last thing they saw was some sort of giant black blade going through their necks with terrifying ease.

As their heads hit the ground, all of their necks simultaneously spewed out blood fountains.

"Who knew homemade ice cream could be this good, I should make more from now on," Kira muttered as he calmly turned around to the next approaching batch of guards.

Meanwhile, in the center of the mansion, a man could be seen torturing and raping women at his bedroom while he has this crazy grin on his face.

"That's right B*tch! Don't f*cking stop until I tell you,"


"Scream for me!"


Several naked women were bound by ropes while a muscular man with a cross on his face wearing only a strange pendant on his neck was enjoying himself to the fullest as he felt euphoria dominating women.




All of the sudden, a distinct sound could be heard at the door like something was being crushed taking the twisted guy's attention.

There he saw someone wearing a black-like cloak and a skull mask on his face but what took his attention the most was the crushed object that was in his hands. He instinctively reached for his neck and felt nothing much to his increasing anger.

*Slap* *Thud*

He abruptly tossed away the woman in his hands and faced Kira with pure hatred etched on his face.

"YOU F*CK!! DO YOU HAVE ANY F*CKING IDEA WHAT YOU JUST HAVE DONE!!??" He yelled out while pointing his finger at Kira.

"My father gave me that! For you... to just destroy it means... I'LL ENJOY TORTURING YOU THEN KILL YOUR LOVE ONES IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES!!" He shouted deliriously then with anger blinding his reason, he charged and tried to punch Kira with all the strength he could muster.


Syura smiled viciously as his punch landed on Kira's chest intending to disrupt Kira's heart but after a moment, nothing happened then he quickly jumped back and looked at Kira warningly.

Though as soon as Syura touched the ground, the whole room became engulfed by Kira's shadow then shadow tendrils started cutting loose women who were bound.

Syura noticed this but he didn't dare to take his eyes off him as he realized something, his guards, there were no signs of his guards making their way towards him instead the whole mansion felt empty.

The naked women on the sides all trembled and backed away from them in fright.

Kira ignored Syura as he looked curiously at the women at the sides much to their increasing anxiety.

"Do you want revenge?" Kira curiously asked them as they looked at him in confusion though, in Syura, he felt insulted as Kira ignored him.

Syura was about to yell again due to anger but before he could, he felt something covering his mouth from opening. At that, he instinctively tried to reach it with his hands but then he felt something piercing his arms and legs.

He forcibly turned his head to look at what it was and there he saw numerous small black spears protruding from his arms coming from below him preventing him from moving.

When he realized he can't move, he thrashed wildly trying to break free but to no avail, nothing changed except for the thing on his face squeezing his mouth even more tightly while more small black spears started to pierce his body all over.


"I'll ask again… do you want revenge?" Kira asked them again as he ignored Syura's muffled screams of pain.

After a moment, all of them who were trembling started to stop as one of them courageously stood up and looked at Kira.

"Y-yes," She muttered hesitantly as they all stood up as well even though some of them were crying, they all felt boiling rage at Syura.


At their answer, Syura on the side struggled even harder to break free while looking at these women with hate in his eyes.

Kira merely nodded at them as he waved his arm to them as numerous daggers were tossed at the ground near them.

"Take it… if he starts dying, chug these red vials forcibly on his mouth," Kira said as he placed 20 red vials on the ground then a gargoyle suddenly emerged beside him.

"Let me know when they're done," Kira ordered the gargoyle as it bowed slightly to him much to all of their shocks then he turned around to exit the room.

"W-wait!! *hic* T-t-thank y-y-you *hic*" One of them yelled out as they all bowed gratefully to him while tears ran down from their cheeks.

Kira turned to them and nodded then he suddenly disappeared from his spot as another gargoyle stood in his place.

Even though Kira left, the black tendrils holding Syura, still remained much to Syura's despair while the thing covering his mouth suddenly morphed to a clamp and forcibly opened his mouth.

Before Syura could form any coherent words, the crying women earlier were now surrounding him from all directions with daggers on their hands as one of the women stuffed his mouth with a red vial preventing him to speak.

At the end of the night, the whole town there was filled with blood.

The entire town was in a state of chaos as a river of blood ran through every street much to the horror of everyone there. Everything only started to calm down when they saw that dawn on the horizon started emerging.

After a few more hours, the survivors started surveying the area though they all suddenly remembered a rumor that happened the previous night. When they all heard of this rumor, they all called it bullsh*t as they said it was just all baseless rumors but now that they experienced it for themselves, they all thought differently.

As hard as this to believe, every one of them that saw Kira could attest that a single masked man did all of this in a single night. Some naturally felt this was exaggerated but that was until the women who were taken by the overlord of the town, Syura, made their voices heard.

At first, those who knew these women felt scared as they just admitted to killing and torturing the Prime Minister's son but for some reason, these ladies didn't feel any fear much to the other's shock.

Instead of panicking about this, all of them just looked on to the gargoyle watching the whole town from Syura's mansion. Call it blind faith but they all believe as long as that gargoyle resides in this town, they have nothing to fear from the Empire.


Meanwhile at Kira's house.

Kira just returned as he took off his shirt and went straight for bed though as soon as he closed his eyes, an arm suddenly came out from his sheets then took hold of him and hugged him tightly.

At that, he opened his eyes and curiously looked at the arm then at the owner of that arm laying beside him.

He was surprised to see Akame there, sleeping peacefully while hugging him.


He questioned this for a brief moment as he rationalized with himself that this may be a dream but after that thought, he didn't dwell on it anymore as he calmly laid there and closed his eyes to sleep while he himself unconsciously hugged Akame back.

NoirZero11 NoirZero11

Good Day Gentlemen!!

Did guys know if pandas are reluctant to mate in captivity, scientists have shown them videos of other pandas copulating to get them in the mood.

It is basically panda porn. And it works!


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