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37.83% To Become Godly *Hiatus* / Chapter 11: Why?, Teams, Introductions

Bab 11: Why?, Teams, Introductions

Suki opened her eyes slowly and saw a ceiling that she could almost tell you what room it was based on the ceiling alone.

'Great, I'm at the hospital again.' She thought. 'At this rate I'll have to rent a room if I come here more often.'

She looked around and saw that it was day out, likely about 9:30-10 in the morning if the Sun's position was any indicator.

"What happened this time?" She muttered aloud.

"You overused the Gates once more, Suki-chan." A voice spoke out, causing her to swing her head towards the direction it came from.

"Hokage-sama?" She asked, not really expecting him to be the first person she would have seen after waking up.

"How much do you remember about last night?" He asked.

Seeing that he likely needed to know for some reason, she thought back.

"I was out training and about to head home. Until I heard a sound and noticed someone." She spoke aloud. "The sound came from Mizuki." She slightly growled out, remembering more as she continued to speak. "I saw him heading towards an area of the forest at a high speed. I found it suspicious due to the fact that he's a teacher and isn't supposed to take missions until a week after the end of the year." She continued.

From there, she told him the rest that she could remember: Arriving and seeing him attack Iruka and Naruto, activating Kyūmon, saving Naruto and Iruka from another attack, being blinded, finding him again and finishing him off by using most of her chakra in a fire jutsu.

"Then, I woke up here." She finished.

He sighed. "Suki, while I have to commend you for taking down a traitor of the Leaf, I must remind you that that was dangerous, even for you. Especially when he 'transformed' as you say, that would have made him even more dangerous."

"I couldn't do nothing. If I did, Naruto likely would have been hurt or killed. If overusing my gates gets me in here and keeps the people I care about above ground, I'll gladly take that exchange." She told him.

They sat in silence for a moment.

"Hokage-sama," She started. "Why don't I feel anything?"

"Hmm? Should I go get a nurse?" He started to stand.

"Not like that." She told him, stopping him. "Mizuki's death. Why don't I feel anything from killing him?" He stayed quiet for a moment. "Shouldn't I feel...I don't know...grief that I had to take a life?"

He sighed once more. "Let me guess, you're thinking 'I just killed someone. Shouldn't I feel awful? What's wrong with me?'" He waited before continuing. "I'm afraid the answer is worse than you might think. A person's first kill has been vastly demonized throughout time from parent to child. While you are being trained to be a kunoichi, that mindset has stayed the same since you were a child. The truth is, most feel nothing. You take the life and move on."

He took another breath.

"Some people want to believe that because we may have more intelligence than most animals besides summons, that we are the only ones capable of seeing right from wrong. The truth is that there is no such thing as good or evil. Humans created them, which means good and evil did not exist until we declared so. A tiger does not worry about ending the life of its prey if it must to survive. Killing is easy and simple. There's no greater power that will prevent you from killing. Only thing that stops humans from killing other humans, is themselves." He finished.

They sat in silence as Suki digested the words he said.

"So, the feeling that people are supposed to feel upon killing someone isn't actually real?" She asked.

He shook his head. "That's not what I said. The feeling can be there depending on who did the killing. A civilian will likely be haunted by it depending on their professions. Ninjas, they don't often feel that feeling because it eventually becomes too common felt. Many say the first kill is the worst, but in actuality, they are talking about the realization that they don't feel anything from it. It also depends on who was killed. Nobody will truly care if it is a stranger, but you will obviously feel remorse, regret, and sadness if it is someone you have once cared for." He explained.

She sighed before laying back on the bed they provided.

"How long until I'm out?" She asked.

"You can go ahead and leave, but the medics told be to give you a warning. If you use anything past the second gate again within the next two months, you will cause damage that could become permanent." He warned her.

She nodded, indicating she understood.

"Also, since Mizuki was a chunin-level traitor, you will receive a C-rank bounty pay."

She looked at him before raising an eyebrow. "And that's..."

"94,000 Ryo." [About $1,000]

Her eyes slightly widened at that.

'That's almost covers all my expenses for about 2 months alone! Good thing that the village covers the rent of orphans that aren't put into an orphanage.'

Because of that law, she, Naruto, and Sasuke don't pay any expenses until they are either 16 for a civilian or start taking D-rank missions as Genin.

"I'll have it placed into your account by the end of the day." He stood up and went to the door before stopping. He looked over his shoulder. "You may want to hurry. Teams are being announced at 11."

No sooner than the door closed shut, did she get up and put her own clothing back on.

She quickly signed out of the hospital before jumping on top of the buildings and making her way towards the Academy.

*Half hour later*

She reached the Academy before walking towards their room.

She grabbed the door and opened it to see a sight that she didn't expect.

Naruto lip locking with Sasuke.

She noticed that some people looked in her direction.

She closed the door, blinked to regain her composure, and opened it again to see the two seemingly trying to throw up.

"Naruto you idiot!"

"Agh! My mouth feels like it's rotting!"

Suki pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head before looking sharply above Naruto.

He stopped complaining before freezing in place. He slowly looked around and saw a bunch of fangirls clenching their fists while looking at him.

"Naruto-baka." The group seemed to say as one.

He backed up slightly and they moved forward.

One of the closer ones threw a punch before finding it caught.

The group's eyes seemed to widen as they took a step backward.

"Now, there's really no reason to react over this, is there?" Suki asked with a head tilt. "I mean, we can all agree that he likely will deny this until his grave. So everyone here could believe that it never happened and not have to hurt anyone right?"

Throughout the years at the Academy, there were a few unspoken rules.

1. You do not call Choji Akimichi fat.

2. You do not challenge Shikamaru Nara in a shogi game and expect to win.

And 3. You do not hurt Naruto Uzumaki and expect Suki Uchiha to have mercy on you.

"Right?" She asked again, clenching her fist slightly, making sure that they understood.

"R-Right! I-It's not like anything happened!" One of the fangirls said.

Suki gave a closed eye smile. "Right, nothing happened at all."

With that, they went back to their seats as Suki held a hand out for him.

"Thanks Suki."

She pulled him to his feet before bopping him on the head. Not light enough that he didn't feel it, but not strong enough to actually hurt him.

"Ow! Why?" He complained.

"Think of that as their punishment. I could tell them I've changed my mind if you don't think that was enough?" She told him.

"No no no! That's fine!" He exclaimed, moving his arms back and forth quickly.

"Then let's take our seats and wait."

The two went and sat down in their seats. Sasuke by the window, Naruto by the aisle, and Suki in between them.

"Hospital?" Sasuke asked.




He raised an eyebrow. "Fighting someone?"




"Who would want to fight you besides him?" He asked.

"Confidential information as of right now." She told him.

Not long after they finished talking, Iruka arrived and stood at the front of the room.

"Now, all of you have proven that you have the capabilities to become ninjas the village could rely on in the future. Today, you will be assigned to a three man group with a Jounin as your leader. You will follow your Sensei's instructions to complete your future missions." He spoke out. "Furthermore, we try to balance out each team."

"Team 1..." He started listing off.

"Any thoughts on your team?" Suki asked both of them.

"Obviously you." Both of them stated at the same time before glancing at each other. "And not him."

She chuckled. "I'm surprised that you both want me on your teams."

"Please," Sasuke started. "We both have seen how you and Lee train. You're practically a Chunin without the rank to us."

"Especially with the skills you have." Naruto continued.

He wasn't wrong. While she couldn't spam Shadow Clones like Naruto could, she could make up to 7 of them before they went down to high Genin - Low Chunin rank in her opinion.

"Team 7 will be Naruto Uzumaki, Suki Uchiha-" He started.


"-and Sasuke Uchiha."

Normally, Naruto would have claimed that he had no need for Sasuke to be on his team, but they both have seen how each other could keep up with the other while having skills the other didn't.

Naruto could use his clones to overpower a lot of people just by numbers alone, while Sasuke's skills come from powerful and precise attacks, along side his elemental jutsu.

"Team 8 will be Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka, and Hinata Hyuuga. Team 9 is still in circulation, and Team 10 will be Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi, and Shikamaru Nara." He finished. "You're Jounin instructors will be by to pick you up later today."

"Until then, you are free to leave for lunch. Be back by 1."

With that, everyone went to get lunch.


Sasuke could be seen laying his head down on the desk while Suki could be seen meditating, practicing her control of her chakra.

Naruto had placed an eraser on top of the door and was waiting for their sensei to arrive.

The door started to open before the eraser fell, falling on top of a head of grey hair.

"Hahahaha!" Naruto laughed. "You fell for it! You totally fell for it!"

Kakashi bent down and picked up the eraser.

"Hmm. My first impression of you guys, I don't like you." He commented. He then turned around before looking over his shoulder at them.

"Meet me on the roof." He then Shunshined away.

Suki Shunshined away as well.

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other.




"Well, let's begin with introductions." Kakashi began.

"Would you care to demonstrate?" Suki asked.

"Oh? Well, my name is Kakashi Hatake, I have no desire to tell you my likes or dislikes, my dreams.....and I have a lot of hobbies."

'We learned nothing except his name.' Sasuke and Naruto thought.

"Alright, how about we start from the right."

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, what I like is ramen, when Iruka pays for my Ramen, Suki, when Suki pays for my ramen..."

'Is all he think about mainly ramen?' Kakashi thought.

"My dream...is to surpass the Hokage and have the village acknowledge my existence!"

"Alright, how about the misses goes next."

"My name is Suki Uchiha. My likes are training, hanging out with Naruto and Sasuke, sparring with Lee. My dislikes are people who give up easily, people who see a problem and do nothing about it, and the standard hates." She told.

"Standard hates?" Kakashi asked.

"Cocky pricks, Bandits, people who take advantage of others, that stuff. Things most people hate." She explained. He nodded before gesturing for her to continue.

"My hobbies include training, reading, and swords practicing. My dream, is to become strong enough, that no one will even think of trying to fight me. That people will know me by name only." She told.

'So a mix between Gai and an Uchiha.' He thought. 'Gai, you have truly made a monster.'

"Alright, Almost Emo can wrap this up."

Sasuke slightly sneered at that name. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. There are plenty of things I hate, with Dobe just barely almost making it off the list. I have very few likes-"

"Tomatoes." Suki cut in.

"Heyyy." Sasuke couldn't help the slight groan.

"Don't forget Suki." Naruto chimed in.

"My goal!" Sasuke spoke loudly. "Is to restore my clan and bring a certain person to justice."

'So he really was almost emo.' Kakashi thought.

"Alright," Kakashi started. "Tomorrow we will begin our ninja duties."

"Duties!" Naruto exclaimed. "What kind of duties!"

"First, we will be doing something involving only the four of us."

"Huh?" Naruto asked aloud.

"Survival training." Kakashi stated.

"Why survival training?" Suki asked.

For some reason, Kakashi started to chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?" Sasuke asked.

"It's just, when I tell you guys this, you'll freak out." Kakashi told.


He gained a serious look in his eye. "Of the 27 graduates, only 9 will be chosen to become Genin. The rest will be sent back to the Academy. This test has over a 66% fail rate."

Naruto gained a shocked face while the other two didn't seem too affected, besides a sweat drop from Sasuke.

"Haha, I told you you would freak out."

"What!? No way! All of us worked hard to get to this point! What was the point of graduating!?" Naruto exclaimed.

"Weeding." Suki muttered, catching their attention.

"Pardon?" Kakashi asked.

"Graduating is to weed out the ones not worth the time of this test. There would be no point of those who fail the graduation test to even attempt this test. Am I right?" Suki asked.

"Correct. If the students can't master the three basic jutsu, then they are a lost cause to begin with." Kakashi explained. "Anyways, tomorrow you'll have to show your real skills on the training grounds. Bring all the shinobi tools you have. Oh, also skip breakfast. Otherwise, you'll throw up."

With that, he disappeared via Shunshin.

"I'll see you two at the training grounds tomorrow." Suki told before vanishing as well.

She headed back to her apartment and spent the rest of the day resting her body.

'Kakashi is a high Jounin level with years of actual combat experience under his belt. To add onto that, I won't have access to my Gates, leaving me with what I have only.' She thought.

She laid in silence before falling asleep with one last thought.

'I may have Chunin level skills and only one true fight under my belt, but I'll not leave that field until he puts that book up.'


That's that! With this chapter completed, the three of them are about to take Kakashi's infamous test.

Here's a sneak peek.

'"I didn't say start-"

"You said now!"


'"Lesson two: Genjutsu!"

The two of them stood still before Suki dead panned.

"Really? Against an Uchiha?"


'"Don't you dare laugh."

"I won't. Don't want to get...ahead of myself-Gah!"



"A bitch, yeah, yeah."

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