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92% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 92: A New One

Bab 92: A New One

A/N: Well, as many people have already guessed, this story is being dropped, so don't bother subscribing to my Pat-reon if you want to read ahead for this story.

I am sorry for dropping yet another story, I really am. I probably should have left this story as the 3-Prologue one that I had written it as, which would have been better for it. Until Gorr's entrance, I was actually pretty sure that this story was still alive.

But then, as you can see in the next 3-4 chapters, I spiralled, kept writing for the sake of writing and not because I wanted to write. And now, I've turned this story dead.

For the next 2-3 days, I'll be uploading all the pending chapters, including a final Chapter. This final chapter will give you readers a summary of what else I had planned for this fic, but never got around to write it, because I turned this story uninteresting in the end.

I hope the final chapter makes it at least feel as if the story had an actual ending. But first, I'll post the other Pending Chapters.

Thank you for being with me throughout this journey, thank you for supporting me, and thank you for all your criticisms, good or bad. I thank especially those, who stuck by, and praised me, even when I know the chapters were not good enough. 

For the others, I am sorry for messing up. 

Shout out to my Pat-rons, who got the disappointment at a cost lol, where you got it for free.

Now, Read on my mates!


As the egg like blob of Celestial Material begins changing shape, I grow my own size to a size that's twice that of the Egg, and wait.

Soon, the Egg on the surface of the Sun gives out a bright flash of light, and I feel the space in front of me shift. I simply watch with a smile, as a new Celestial floats in front of me, in a standing position.

The Red and Green Armoured Celestial was thinner than me, and was about as tall as my hip. Considering that I was about 500 meters in height, that wasn't too small. I do know, that the Celestial was a metaphorical child. Younger than a teenager, though.

When he raises his head, and it is a he, I see 4 eyes, glowing Red with the Energy it had just absorbed from the Red Giant, on a green face. Other than the eyes, the Celestial had a smooth Armour all around. Even the joints were smoothly curved.

He had completely ignored me, and was looking at my planet, at Donna, with something akin to fascination. I couldn't see it on the armoured face, but I could feel it. I could feel the connection I had with the Celestial.

He raises his hand, as if to touch the planet, and says, "Beautiful.. this.. is this our purpose?"

Thanks to the Celestial connection, I understand the full question. Are Celestials meant to turn into planets? Is creating Nature our purpose?

"Your purpose isn't decided yet, child. It can be whatever you want it to be. I turned this into my Purpose, but it doesn't mean you have to do the same." I say, floating to stand beside the new born Celestial.

I have no idea, why I was born a baby, and this one was born a pre-teen. Maybe it has to do with when exactly it was kept to gestate. Four Billion years have to be enough to turn a baby into a Celestial Teen, whereas just 2000 years weren't enough to turn me into even a toddler.

The Celestial turns away from the planet, and says, "I.. am confused. I want to create.. life. I want to study it.. I want to protect it.. But.. it goes against my protocol?"

I smile, thankful that it worked at least a little. There was a reason that I kept the two celestials on the Suns of two pretty primitive planets. My planet didn't have any mortals other than the still sleeping children of Vali, while Earth had just Gods and Demigods.

This will show them the beauty that is Nature, life, I'd hoped, and at least this one has been changed by it.

And while Earth's populus does consist of mostly assholes, it isn't enough to dissuade the Celestial from enjoying Nature. I think.

I say, "Your protocols were written by a Celestial that has been absent from the Universe for 2.5 Million Years, child. You can change them if you don't want them to decide how you live your life."

The Celestial keeps staring at me, and I see his eyes moving rapidly. Well, now I'm jealous. He already has access to the Celestial knowledge?

As he strolls through the data, he says, "I see.. I understand it.. but.. lack of Protocol.. how does it make us any different from The Dark Ones?"

Good, good. Questions are good.

I wave my hand towards my planet, and say, "Would the Aspirants protect life? Celestials may follow a strict protocol, Child, but don't forget that they were the first to Rebel against the First One and his Aspirants. It is our Independence that makes us Celestials, not the Protocols."

The Celestial nods, and we stay silent for a while, as he observes my planet. Donna would breathe a little, taking in Cosmic Energy from all around, and sending some of it out into the Universe. It was calming, to see, even if it's weird to know that it is my actual body.

Finally, after hours of just observing my planet, the young Celestial asks, "Can I.. leave? To study Life? I would like to make a conclusion for myself."

Nodding happily, I say, "I encourage it, child. But do be sure, if you want to talk, if you feel conflicted, you can come and find me here."

The Celestial nods, and with a flash of red light, teleports away from here. Goddamnit! It took me years to figure out Teleportation!

Sighing at the first true, new Celestial and his prodigal talents, I turns towards my planet, and teleport back home. The Celestial needs to learn by himself. If I try to teach him, he might not appreciate it. I don't want to colour his opinions, but I do want him to make his own.

Now, lets just hope he doesn't destroy too many planets with mortals living on them.


A few years later, I was standing over a tribe of Andals, with Atharva on my shoulders. I had already done this with Lila, which she was younger, and now it was Atharva's turn.

The Andals were going over their daily tasks of gathering firewood, fishing, and hunting. Funnily enough, they still hadn't begun talking yet, and were still just as primitive as the humans of Earth. But I just know, that my Andals were special.

Their connection to Induk, and me, was stronger, way stronger, than that of humans and Earth. What that means, isn't something I can conclude yet.

Becoming visible, I smile at the love I see in the eyes of these Andals, and float down towards them. Seeing me, they immediately start bowing down, touching their heads to the ground. 

If I didn't already have an experience in being a God, I would have found it embarrassing. But now, I just find it sad that they worship me, and fear me the same.

Landing on the ground in my Godly form, I pick Atharva's giggling form off my shoulders, and gently place him on the ground. Atharva starts toddling towards the Andals, and the only baby there starts talking in primate like grunts with him.

Attu understands them, just like I can, and toddles faster towards the baby. The adults meanwhile, just watch on warily.

I look at the Andals with a reassuring smile, and say, "This is my son, Atharva. He will protect you if I'm somehow unable to."

I know, that my statement has the intended effects, when the Andals immediately start cheering, throwing stuff into the air only to catch it again. The children, not understanding what is happening, cheer along with them, and even Atharva joins in, clapping his tiny hands.

I let him play with the children for a while, allowing him to get as dirty as he wants,. rolling in the mud. Meanwhile, I munch on the single apple I'd taken from a nearby tree. Finally, when the sun starts to set, I pick Atharva up, and saying my goodbyes, teleport to Andalok.

"Looks like someone had fun today." Kali says, as soon as she sees the mud covered face of Atharva. 

Chuckling, I hand him to her, and say, "He was a bit too enthusiastic when playing. Thankfully, he realized early on that he's stronger than the rest of the Andals."

Chhaya pipes in from her own seat on the table, and says, "Well at least someone did." While looking at Lila, whom she was feeding with a spoon.

I chuckle, remembering when Lila had tried playing with a kid and almost broken his bones. Thankfully, while her strength is superior to Andals, it isn't by a too large amount. 

Manasi, who had now taken Atharva on her lap to clean him with her Water Magic says, "Have you heard from Aunty Gaea recently? I wanted to visit the Camp, you know."

I sigh, remembering the ban on all of us, and say, "Unfortunately, it won't be possible yet. Until the War with Demons is over, mother has locked the Camp completely. Only Demigods, and those already inside can go there now. And no, you don't count as a Demigod right now."

I added the last part when I saw her opening her mouth to argue.

"That wasn't what I was going to say." Manasi says, looking away from me. I just give her a look, to which she says, "Truly. I wanted to say, can't Aunty Gaea just allow me entrance? She's the only one who's protecting the Camp, isn't she?"

I nod, and say, "Yes, but she won't. If she makes a single mistake, it might allow the Demons free entrance to the Camp. She probably won't make a mistake, but she's not taking any chances."

Despite her promise to the Gods, that she won't help out in the War against Demons, Mother still protected the Camp Half-Blood. Mostly because it was something that WE established. The Camp was ours to protect. Doesn't matter how bad the situation gets.

And boy, is it getting bad.

The Shields around Earth were completely gone, destroyed by a concentrated attack some 50 years ago. Slowly, Demons were taking over Earth, warring with Gods, Demigods, and Sorcerers alike. Heck, even the Angels of Haven had joined in, for the first time standing beside the Gods.

But I knew, and even mother said, that the War was far from approaching the peak. The Lieutenants of the Demon Lords were yet to join, let alone the Demon Lords themselves. So, the Skyfathers were obviously staying in their castles, enjoying the excitement of War while their soldiers, lower Gods, and children, fought against them.

Meanwhile, Camp Half-Blood had completely isolated itself, only taking new Demigods in with the Gate still. Once every decade, mother would allow some to exit, if they want to, but they won't be allowed back in for the safety of the younger ones.

Manasi sighs, and says, "I wish I could help them out, you know."

"Manasi!" Kali says, sternly, Chhaya glaring at her, while I just shake my head.

Kali and Chhaya had been really angered on my behalf, for what the Gods had done. I didn't mind being banished, because well, there's nothing they can do to stop me if I do try to go back there.

But for Chhaya and Kali, one my lover and the other, the mother of my son, they felt that the Gods betrayed us, Earth betrayed us. They were right, I just didn't care much.

Manasi meanwhile, had spent many years with the mortals at the Camp. She was even close with Chiron and Matsumoto, two Gods. So, while she was also angry at the Gods, she worried for the safety of the Camp, and for other Demigods out there.

I pat Chhaya on her thigh, and shake my head, indirectly saying, 'It's not worth it.'

Mother had already explained a lot to her, about how even she was angry at the Gods, and had almost abandoned Earth herself, but Manasi still felt for the Demigods. I understand it, a little. Even if a God now, I used to be a mortal, so our situation was a bit similar.

"Where are the boys?" I ask, tilting my head towards the empty chairs reserved for the three Lokisons.

Frowning, Kali says, "Jormungandr and Narfi are on Induk, probably copulating with our Andals again, and Vali is off brooding."

I scowl at that, with just a tiny bit of anger. I understand their sexual needs, but we still can't just imagine having sex with our mortals. They're like our children! I literally created them!

But they're warm blooded Gods, and they have their needs. Can't go out into space every time they want to scratch their itch, and so, they mingle amongst mortals. Thankfully, they don't force the women into it, and do it properly, in the Andal way.

Impress her first with a show of strength, and feed her something meaty. Andals are simple people, you know.

As for Vali, he just wanted to see his children back on Earth. While it is safe to send them there now, the danger of the God Bomb having gone away, the new danger of the Demonic War isn't something he wants to drop them in the middle of.

Usually he just visits them once in a while, but other times, he broods.

I rub my forehead, wondering if this is how every Skyfather feels. Probably not Zeus, the bastard probably didn't even give a shit about his Gods.

Something else takes my focus though, when Lila crawls over the table, and approaches me with a smile on her face. Picking her up, I hug her close to me, and smile. 

I understand Vali though, children are precious, and we worry for them no matter how safe they might be. Hopefully, the war against the Demons won't take too long.


Elsewhere, on the surface of the Sun in the Sol system, a Blue coloured Egg rests, eating the Cosmic Light within the Sun, and watching over the only planet with life on it.

It was a child Celestial, but it wasn't impressed by what it was seeing. 'Is this all Gods are capable of doing? Betrayal and War?' it thinks.

The Gods in question, meanwhile, fight a continuous war against Demons. It didn't matter how many demons died, more would take their place immediately. The Gods were just thankful that the Hell Lords were nowhere to be seen.

Meanwhile, Agamotto sat in the air, cross legged, as his Astral Form consulted with the Vishanti over what to do to restore the Shields around Terra. Everyone knowing that a time of big change is approaching.


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