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32.96% One Piece: Blood Unleashed [Revamped - in the synopsis] / Chapter 59: Selentes Sofiya

Bab 59: Selentes Sofiya

"So, what brings you guys to my shop? Do you have any business here? Just to make myself clear, we don't buy metal scraps. However, that gun in your arm could make it and get sold here."

Hearing the cold beauty tone, Vlad smiled slightly while focusing a bit more on Aerius, who was having the time of his life. He responded in kind, saying while staring at the young lady's white face, noticing her emerald green eyes and dark eyeliner.

"I'm fine with whatever you want to buy from me. I even got jewelry if you're interested. But the question is, how much are you willing to give pay for it?"

The beauty was taken aback by Vlad's indifferent tone while holding Aerius close to her. But still, she replied, a bit pondering.

"Hmmm, so you got jewelry to see, gold or silver?

Then Vlad calmly said to her question.

"Just gold, nothing more."

"Let me think a bit. I'll buy that flintlock of yours, regardless if it's an old version. If its mechanism is repaired, it will be as new. My price is 50.000 𝔅 for the gun. As for the other stuff you got on yourself, even the jewelry. I can guide you to some people in this district that deal with this stuff. How does it sound do we got a deal?

Vlad smiled slightly at her, and not long, he asked her. "That's the best you could offer us?"

"Hey, I did offer you quite the large sum of money, have a conscience. As for those scraps you have, there's a shop not far from my shop that deals in reforging metal parts, same with the jewelry, there's an old man that deals with such stuff. They would be happy to help you most likely. Oh, by the way, how did you even manage to get your hands on this flintlock? People like you wouldn't even have the chance to buy them. Only the syndicate members walk around armed." Ended the silver-haired beauty, and after not long staring with her emerald green eyes, a bit shocked, while dropping Aerius on the ground.

'Damn, I wanted a bit more. Well, it's time to get back home.' When Aerius found himself on the floor, he gave the beauty another stare at her beautiful face before quickly jumping back on Vlad's shoulder.

"Don't tell me? It was you guys that killed those parasites from the Leviathans?"

Vlad was surprised by the beauty's remark and only gave her a larger smile that seemed to be a forced one.

'This girl sure can make the connections pretty fast. Ohh, what if she's the one supplying those syndicate members, doesn't that mean I'm facing the enemy? Then I'll just use my dark energy to induce a nightmare vision for her, and hope that she forgets. But before that let's check, so I don't waste my energy.'

As he thought that, his forced smile shifted instantly turning into a blank expression. His expression turned a bit colder when looking at the girl, giving the girl a slight scare, even raising the hair on her white arms, when she observed the sudden 360-degree change in Vlad's expression.

She later heard Vlad said in a cold and calm manner.

"Are you part of those syndicate guys? If this is the case I wish you wouldn't create more trouble for me, because since I came to this city only trouble started going in my direction. So tell me, young lady, what is your intent, even if you know that I killed those guys?"

The girl looked at Vlad with her emerald green eyes while having some sparkles in them, liking the cold manner he talked to her. Nor was he hurrying as if he felt caught, or was he frustrated. His demeanor was of someone who liked to think before doing things, which she had an admiring view since she was too someone that was collected and didn't want to jump to conclusions fast.

'Wow, it's been a while since someone gave me such a scare. Once he's back on his feet, this person will sure make waves around here. He is just like those cold protagonists in my books, that likes being left alone.'

She did Vlad another look with a more serious expression, and after an intense staredown, the girl started laughing heartily at Vlad.

"Haha, good one there. Man, you even gave me a scare, I thought that you were going to jump at me. No worries, your little secret is safe with me. Also, don't insult me by associating me with those damned parasites that are terrorizing the normal people of this district. Heh, you got the guts to kill those pesky idiots, I don't know if you know what mess you entered, or if you're overestimating yourself. Heh, but for getting some more idiots from my head, you have my thanks. I really started liking you, a bit more, after finding this."

Said the young lady standing from her seat and facing Vlad and Aerius, who was on Vlad's shoulder, where Vlad could clearly see her model-like figure, walking around 1,77 meters. Her long, defined legs were covered by some dark leather trousers, as for her upper body, it was covered by a simple black shirt.

Still, the beauty continued giving a soft laughter, a bit pleased to see the one that killed those guys. As she continued to look at Vlad and Aerius while smiling at them a bit, she added.

"You know what, I'll increase how much money I'll give you just because you did a good deed. I'll give you 70.000 𝔅 for the flintlock."

"Right, you should also start being careful now with those syndicate members. Your situation is close to someone who stirred a bit of a bee's nest. Anyway, I doubt you'll have any problem along the way. Ahh, stupid me, I forgot to introduce myself."

"I'm Sofiya and run this shop in my grandfather's place since he's a bag of decaying bones. I'm running this shop because it still holds some memories to me. After that, I'll just move out." extending her white hand to shake Vlad's similarly white hand, it took some seconds for Vlad to process the gesture. Still, he shook her hand gently without hurting her before shifting his expression back to one calm and warm.

"It's a pleasure meeting you. I'm Vlad, or you can call me Blood, the little guy on my shoulder is called Aerius, he seems to have taken a liking to you. You even gave him a great gift. So he should be fine for a long time, while the kid behind me is Robert, we just came to the capital not long and still find it hard to get used to this, how should I say it." ended Vlad thinking for the right word, where he heard Sofiya complete his sentence.

"Chaotic, a shithole that doesn't have rules? That's the word you're looking for?"

"It was you who said it, but enough chit-chatting. It's really been a pleasure talking with you. Truly nice to see someone like you in those forsaken places. Ahem, can I also have my money? While looks can be warming, food it's still something I would go first."

Sofiya chuckled a bit at Vlad, especially when she heard that he was starving. "No problem, everyone has their needs, it's understandable in your situation. Just wait a bit so I can get the money."



Seeing the beauty walking to another room and seeing her backside Vlad only nodded his head in satisfaction and turning towards Aerius and Robert that was full of metal parts, he said with a smile on his head.

"She's not half bad, quite the beauty if you're asking me. Sadly she's wasted on this shithole."

"Not half bad? You're crazy, you don't know what it's a worldly beauty. While I agree she's wasted on this place. You better don't mess up. Ahhh, her hands are so soft that can send you to another worlds." said Aerius while smiling towards the direction Sofiya left with a satisfied expression.

"Little pervert, that's what a Gryphon King does? If I ever see you taking advantage of that girl, I'll really shave your fur. I let you once, but I never expected you'll be so daring. Good for you, but is bros before hoes. Remember this little guy."

"Hmph, you're just jealous. Don't worry, I'll keep my distance. She's all yours, that's what bros do." smirked Aerius as if he was some lady killer before getting smacked in the head by Vlad, making him release a big yell of pain.

After Vlad took his attention away from Aerius, he started looking a bit at the guns put on display. Then he was drawn by a riffle that was well ornated. Even having some gold ornaments on it. With an awe expression, he took the gun from its holder and observed the intricate craftsmanship and ornaments, even commenting. "This gun really feels close to my sword, sigh, such a masterpiece sits here to collect dust."

As he said that, he began placing back the gun, and when he put it back in its holder, he heard Sofiya say with a weird tone, which ranged from cold to annoyed.

"So what do you think of the gun? Quiet the masterpiece right?"

As she ended saying that, she was holding a handful of banknotes of 1000 𝔅. Then when she arrived close to Vlad and to where the masterpiece of the gun was located, while her eyes turned a bit sad, which Vlad noticed.

He only said with a slow and calm manner. "This piece of work should have been the weapon of someone great. Only those ornaments should be worth millions. Sigh, what I'm even talking about, I know nothing about those things, I only have in mind classic weapons such as swords, spears, daggers, not hand-cannons. This is a new invention even for me, this is why I was even drawn by that piece you have on display."

"Indeed, this riffle used to the weapon of a great person, my own dad. This is why this gun is especially in the front of the shop. It's on display for anyone to see, what greatness is."

"My condolences, sorry if I brought you any unwanted memories." said Vlad while giving Sofiya another look on the side.

The girl, still looking at the riffle on display, shook her head gently and turned to look at Vlad with a forced smile on her face. "Thanks, but it's fine. Here is your money, if you ever have any problem or are looking for something in his forsaken place, I'll be all ears for you. This is all I can give you. I hope I hear again about your grand deeds in this place. Also, don't forget to bring that small friend of yours, I might have some food for him prepared next time."

Getting the handful of banknotes from Sofiya, he nodded his head at her and smiling slightly, and thanking her for the money. As he was prepared to take his leave, Vlad heard an old man's voice sounding from the back of the shop that stopped him.

"Wait, a minute young man. You've only stepped on the foot of my shop for your first time, let me see who's the one to make my princess interested in someone, and even look different." As the old voice stopped, Vlad could see an old person supported by a cane walking with a worrying expression towards the beauty.

Then an old man who was helped by a walking stick arrived slowly close to Sofiya and later right in front of Vlad. His face looked to be aged, about early 70, he was quite tall for his age, about 1,82 meters, and had short white hair, unknown to Vlad if it was from old age or his natural color. In a sense, the old man was pleasing to look at, clearly visible that Sofiya inherited some good genes.

When Sofiya heard and saw the old man walking towards her with a worried expression, her acting significantly changed with the old man showing up. Her voice turned girlish, turning to walk quickly to the old man to support him by the hand, she said in a sweet tone.

"There's no such thing happening grandpa, you're rushing to conclusions to fast."

"Sigh, little girl. you're overreacting again. I've just come to meet this young man, nothing much."

As he said that, he stared intently at Vlad's calm face, at more deeply at his dark-green eyes, that seemed to flicker with some dark and red lights if one would look closely. Then after doing this, he turned to look at Sofiya and say to her.

"Heh, little girl, I'm glad you didn't react violently with this young man. Even I couldn't protect you if such thing would happen. Hehe, you're pretty good young man. Let me guess you're a devil fruit user, and suffer from the weakness of your powers?"

Vlad still looked at the old man with a calm face, even raising his lips a bit in the form of a smile, before long asking the old man.

"What gives you that impression, senior? Don't I look just like a simple human, maybe a bit weakened, but that could be from all possible things."

The old man only snickered a bit, only saying. "Your eyes give you off. You're clearly still under the effect of your powers."

"No comment, sir. It's better for certain things not to be discussed about, such as that information."

"Ohh, Sofiya, he's also the secretive type, isn't he just like those characters you like to talk about after you're done reading your weird books. To think my money is spent in such a manner, however, books are books, regardless of the information they contain."

Sofiya got embarrassed a bit by the old man and said to him while giving him a playful slap over his head. "Shut up old man, do you want me to to burn all your tea leaves?"

"Hehe, you sure have grown daring my little princess. But I doubt you'll do that, otherwise, I'll just sell you to this young man, and later spend my old days fooling around in this forsaken place."

"Anyway, jokes aside. Young man, when looking at you, you really resemble an old friend of mines, and even a sneaky brat that would come annoy me when I was resting in my mansion."

Hearing what the old man to say, he just looked around at the granddaughter and grandfather combination.

"You should also take care of yourself, don't forget about eating even if the times we live are quite harsh on the simple people. Ahh, right. I wasn't joking about the part of getting rid of this little girl. I'll approve if it's you, young man. If it's you, I can enjoy my old days finally free of her bickers, that I can't do that and that. You know what I mean. In rest, she likes to act bossy, but she's a good girl. Haha, fuck. I think she will really burn my tea leaves, if I continue talking like this about her."

The last part made Vlad, Aerius laugh a bit while Robert tried to maintain his calm. Yet when the old man noticed the weird creature on Vlad's shoulder actually laughing almost like a human, he walked again closer and grabbed Aerius quickly.

"Hey, let me go, what is this all about. Do you know with who you're messing with?"

"Easy little friend I was just curious and wanted to check. So you're capable of human speech, I never heard of such creatures appearing around the world. Here I'll place you back."

Even Sofiya was surprised by Aerius speaking and walked a bit closer to him before pointing with her nail at his eagle head.

"Little guy, so you were capable of talking, this is really surprising to hear."

"Indeed, I'm a special being capable of speaking with you humans, so you better treat me with more reverence, except you good soul." Boosted Aerius while sitting on Vlad's shoulder and looking at Sofiya in her emerald-green eyes.

"Sure, sure. I'll treat you honorably little guy. When you come next time I'll even offer you a treat. So come more often here." added Sofiya while smiling at Aerius.

"That's enough young lady. Don't spoil this lazy guy, that only sits on people's bodies and does nothing except eating, sleeping, and talking. This will get to his head and it will be more annoying to handle."

The old man nodded his head at what Vlad said. Still smiling at him, he asked him by saying.

"I almost forgot to ask you something, lad, maybe because I'm truly turning senile. How should I call you?" ended saying that with a mysterious smile on his face.

When Sofiya heard the old man start asking for the young man's face, as if he was already preparing to send her away, she gritted her white teeth in anger. Still, she only waited for this drama in her life to end quickly.

She explained to the old man, a bit annoyed before Vlad could even react.

"You can call him Vlad or Blood, now can you stop embarrassing me, grandpa? I'm already too old for these pranks of yours."

As the girl and old man were quarreling, Vlad, who was with a handful of banknotes in his hand and with metal scraps around him, later signaling Robert. The latter was just staring without knowing what to do like he was watching a circus.

Staring at the beauty, and also the old man, he said. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Sofiya. Ohh, also, old man, you should keep it moderate if you don't want to get yourself killed in your sleep by continuing to embarrass the girl in this way."

"Haha, don't worry, lad. It's been a pleasure meeting you, you can call me old Phillip. See you next time, let's hope she doesn't put me to sleep too soon. Also, don't forget about my offer, she's just fine for you."

"Enough, grandpa. Argh, can you please leave before this old man kills me from embarrassment?" yelled Sofiya, almost pleading for Vlad to get out and end her suffering.

Vlad's calm face broke, and he started chuckling at the show the girl and old man offered him, even making him smile at the old man and beauty. He left the shop, followed behind by Robert. When the the group of three left, only the old man and Sofiya were left inside the building.

Sofiya, still fuming at the old man, asked. "Grandpa, why have you done that? I barely met that guy today." ended Sofiya while giving the old man a cold stare.

"That's where you're wrong, little girl. That boy might be the weird type. However, he looks really close to the king when he was young. Also looks identically to Lucius, so you tell me, young lady. Should I take care of your future prospect? That's how nobles did it for hundreds of years.

Tell me if I'm doing a bad move pushing you towards him. Your father was a general of the royal army serving under Lucius and died for the royal family in that bloody massacre. You taking his son just for yourself is only logical as a half-assed exchange. You shall slowly take back what our family truly deserves by being close to maybe the future king." laughed the old man heartily while smiling with his yellow teeth at Sofiya.

"What are you talking about, grandpa? Even if he's the Crown Prince's son, I don't want to be that type of woman and use him just so I build back the prestige of our family. I'll not drop so low for such a thing. Also, stop thinking about my future, I'll hold my own life in my own hands without you leading me around just like when I was little. Time has passed grandpa. You're old, you can't be around everywhere as when you were younger and in your prime." said Sofiya with a serious face at old Phillip.

The old man was shocked a bit by Sofiya's response, but in the end, he only smiled at her for a bit and turned to walk slowly back to the other side of the shop, while only saying to her. "Don't forget little Selelentes Sofiya, you shall take the hard burden of Duchess on your shoulders. If you think that me offering maybe my last help to help our family, and it's the wrong choice, that's your decision. I'll no longer bother myself with all those noble things. I'm just an old man, that needs the help of a walking stick."

Gritting her teeth after hearing old Phillip say that, she only said while looking at the exit that Vlad not long left in a low tone. "I'll make sure to remember that."




[author] A/N: We get to see more of Sofiya's personality and character in this chapter and also get to find something interesting about her.[/author]

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