Unduh Aplikasi


Reo honestly wished that he had just surpassed the cycle of reincarnation and went straight to heaven instead.

Because the process of reincarnation....Was too tiring!

What thrill of the protagonist getting strong?! It was so f*cking hard and painful, damnit!

Left with no choice but to proceed with the Secondary Punishment, Reo became exactly what the system described him to be.

A zombie!

Honestly, if he was even capable of walking on the streets after that 2 hours of gruesome training, he might very well be reported for as a zombie for walking aimlessly with no direction.

At the same time, Reo wasn't sure why but he had a feeling that if he ever saw a bald man walking on the streets, he wouldn't hesitate to start chewing on his head as if imagining a very tasty dumpling.

Just the thought of it gave Reo the chills. If he didn't pass out after that training, he would have very well had to spend the night in a jail cell instead.

Actually, that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was when his father came home.

His father had been on late night shifts almost every single day for the past month and whether it was for good or bad, he somehow came back early yesterday.

When he came back and saw Reo lying down in a pool of his own sweat on the hard, cold concrete in the backyard, he almost had a heart attack.

Even now, Reo could vaguely recall him shouting his name in shock when he first saw him passed out in the backyard.

Sighing in exasperation, Reo covered his face with his hand.

'I am never doing that again!', Reo grumbled in his mind.

At the same time, the system chose to poke some fun at Reo.

[Hehehe! My dear host, did you enjoy the process of zombification last night?!]

[Cause I certainly did! Hahahaha!]

[Why don't we try betting for a Mythic Grade Skill next time? I can guarantee that the punishment will be even better as well!]

Reo was upset with this stupid system. He felt as if he had been tricked into the whole ordeal even though he was the one who started it by being overconfident.

As such, swallowing his anger, Reo only said one thing to the system before covering himself with a blanket.

"F*ck you system! I'm not playing with you anymore!"

However, unlike before, the system didn't get angry and just laughed in a playful manner.

Maybe it was because it had vented out all it's frustrations on Reo after seeing him go through the zombification process? Either way, it didn't act like the standard tantrum throwing child like it was.

Instead, it began to pester Reo like an annoying fly.

[Oi! Oi! Are you sure that you want to be rude to me?! Even after I delayed the reward release for you to see for yourself?!]

Hearing this, Reo couldn't help but lift the blanket slightly as he poked his head out from underneath.

"You did?! Then, hurry up and show me!"

Ignoring Reo's apparent rudeness, the system began to show Reo his rewards.

[Ding! The host has completed the Secondary Punishment!]

[All rewards are now unlocked!]

[Small-scale challenge completed! Rewards are being calculated!]

[Randomizing contents...]

"Eh?", Reo couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise.

This was considered a small-scale challenge?! But it was more than 150 challengers!

As such, Reo decided to ask the system.

The system wasn't fussy about it as well as it began to explain thoroughly.

[The are multitudes of ways for you to gain rewards. Among them are the challenge battles and tournaments!]

[Each of these tournaments or challenges are classified into 4 categories; small-scale, normal-scale, large-scale and colossal-scale!]

[For the challenge yesterday, it was considered a small-scale because you failed to surpass 200 challengers! If you had made it to 200 challengers, it would have automatically qualified as a normal-scale challenge!]

[If that really happened, you would have earned the same amount of rewards as you did from the Street Ball Rumble or more!]

Hearing this, Reo immediately threw off his blanked and sat up straight on the bed.

"What?! You mean that if I cleared another 47 more challengers, I could have earned the same rewards in the Street Ball Rumble?!"

Even just thinking about this made Reo feel a ton of regret as his stomach began acting one kind.

Indeed, just as the Chinese said....'There was no medicine for regret'.

However, the system immediately lost it's goodwill after hearing Reo's thoughts.

[Oi, you piece of crap! Have you forgotten all about the fatigue from yesterday?! How the hell can you say that you regret not defeating another 47 more?! You nearly died for God's sake!]

The system was infuriated. At times, it felt like a mother hen who kept on pecking on it's chick's head whenever it did something wrong.

This stupid host had lost all memories of his previous fatigue as soon as the potential rewards were placed in front of him.

Honestly, the system had never met a more infuriating host than this.

Even the host's of other systems were much more better than this!

Without waiting for Reo to retaliate, the system began lecturing Reo once again.

[I honestly don't understand what all your fuss is about! A challenge is considered more harder than a tournament since there is no rest at all in between the matches so you can count yourself lucky! As such, it also means that the rewards are greater as well!]

[This means that with the amount of challengers you defeated yesterday, you rewards could be potentially the same as before or even greater!]

Reo gulped hard when he heard this.

Same or more rewards as before?

If that's the case, won't he become more overpowered than before?

Thinking about this made Reo's self confidence suddenly explode as he suddenly felt like the President of the USA, threatening every other measly country with his giant nuclear rocket.

'Not good! I'm becoming too overconfident!', Reo immediately chastised himself.

He had already got a good kick in the teeth from the system yesterday and he would be an utter fool to not learn from his mistakes.

So, after a few moments of 'self-criticizing', Reo proceeded to turn his attention back to the screen.

[Ding! You have obtained a Low Grade Height Multiplier(+3)]

[Ding! You have obtained a Low Grade Stamina Multiplier(+3)]

[Ding! You have obtained a Dirt Grade Agility Multiplier(+1)]

When Reo saw the first bunch of rewards, his expression immediately changed.

This batch of rewards was worse than the rewards from yesterday!

Didn't the system say that the rewards were the same or greater than yesterday?! Then what the f*ck was this?!

At least he had a Regular Grade Multiplier yesterday! Now, he only got a Dirt Grade Multiplier as a replacement instead!

How could he not be infuriated?!

As such, he began questioning the system.

"Oi, system! What the heck is this?!"

As if anticipating Reo's question, the system began explaining once again.

[I'm sure that I mentioned it before but I will explain it again. Every time you level up, it will become increasingly harder to continue getting stronger!]

[Not only will your EXP requirements for each skill increase, your EXP gain will also decrease as well! Meaning that the same repeated tournaments can only grant you EXP until a certain extant as they will decrease and decrease until the EXP gain is finally zero! The same goes for the multipliers as well!]

[This also applies for those higher grade skills! Higher grade skills will not only have a huge EXP requirement increase, it will also be significantly harder to gain any EXP for them!]

[For getting this kind of rewards is already considered a good thing! It means that your reward gain was just a bit short from a normal-scale tournament!]

When Reo heard this, he did not feel reassured at all. Instead, he felt even more upset.

EXP requirements increasing was normal for every system but what the hell was EXP gain decreasing?!

Since when did EXP gain decrease in any novel that you read?! It's always the EXP requirements growing too much to overshadow the EXP gain not the other way around!

Reo wanted to cry but no tears would come out.

He felt that life was unfair for him to become the host of such a two-faced system.

Still, he could do nothing but watch as the notifications began piling up on the screen.

[Ding! You have obtained 100 EXP for the Common Grade Skill(Basic Handling)!]

[Ding! You're Common Grade Skill(Basic Handling) has reached Level 5!]

[Ding! You have obtained 120 EXP for the Common Grade Skill(Basic Shooting)!]

[Ding! You're Common Grade Skill(Basic Shooting) has reached Level 5!]

[Ding! You have obtained 100 EXP for the Common Grade Skill(Basic Dribbling)!]

[Ding! You're Common Grade Skill(Basic Dribbling) has reached Level 5!]

[Ding! You have obtained 50 EXP for the Common Grade Skill(Basic Defense)!]

[Ding! You're Common Grade Skill(Basic Defense) has reached Level 4!]

[Ding! You have obtained 20 EXP for the Common Grade Skill(Basic Rebounds)!]

[Ding! You have obtained 50 EXP for the Rare Grade Skill(Sky's Limit)!]

[Ding! You're Rare Grade Skill(Sky's Limit) has reached Level 2!]

[Ding! You have obtained 50 EXP for the Rare Grade Skill(Juggernaut)!]

[Ding! You're Rare Grade Skill(Juggernaut) has reached Level 2!]

'Ooh! Such massive upgrades! I definitely need to see what has changed with these Rare Grade Skills!', Reo thought excitedly.

Although his mood had been dampened a little bit from the lower grade multipliers as well as the low EXP gain for the Common Grade Skills, it was all made up by seeing his Rare Grade Skills upgraded.

Immediately, Reo consumed all those Stats Multipliers in an instant before opening up his system panel.

He couldn't wait to see what new changes this round of upgrades brought.


Name: Reo Fuji


Height: 147cm

Talent: C-

Concentration: 61%

[Max Stat-20 (For age 15)]



Stamina:11 (+1.5)






[Common Grade]

Basic Handling [Level 5(02/150 EXP)]

Basic Dribbling [Level 5(52/150 EXP)]

Basic Passing [Level 1(02/30 EXP)]

Basic Shooting [Level 5(22/150 EXP)]

Basic Rebounds [Level 2(42/50 EXP)]

Basic Defense [Level 4(02/100 EXP)]

[Rare Grade]

Sky's Limit [Level 2(22/60 EXP)]

Juggernaut [Level 2(22/60 EXP)]

After glancing through his system panel, Reo immediately checked the descriptions of his newly upgraded Rare Grade Skill.

[Rare Grade Skill (Sky's Limit)] [Level 2(22/60 EXP)]

[Enables the user to reach heights unachievable to normal humans and show the world that the sky is truly the limit! You will be able to jump 22 inches into the air at any given time until your body reaches the maximum limit!]

[Rare Grade Skill (Juggernaut)] [Level 2(22/60 EXP)]

[Gives the user a passive increase of 1.5 Stamina Stats! This allows the user to bulldoze their way through the court at any game without ever running out of steam!]

Looking at the descriptions, Reo's eyes gleamed.

While the Rare Grade Skill (Juggernaut) only had a 0.5 increase in Stamina Stats, Reo was more concerned about the upgrade for the Rare Grade Skill (Sky's Limit).

It added a whole 2 inches to his jump! Meaning that he would be able to jump 22 inches as a 10 year old!

If it was any other 10 year old, they would have laughed out loud so much until the angels themselves deemed them mad.

Fortunately for Reo, he had acquired this skill for over 3 weeks. As such, he only let out a creepy laugh of satisfaction.


Hearing this, the system couldn't help but throw more insults at Reo.

[Brat! What was that?! A laugh?!]

[It was so damn creepy that I'm sure zombies will crawl out of their tombstones tonight just to kidnap you for marriage!]

When Reo heard this, his laughter immediately halted.

This system....When it came to comparing him with the most nonsensical things in creation, this system knew no bounds at all.

Truly, it was infuriating beyond measure.

Then, whether it was by luck or coincidence, the system suddenly remembered something.

[Oh yeah! Brat, you better go downstairs to comfort your father!]

[I heard that he took the day off today just to look after you!]

When Reo heard this, his eyes widened in surprise before gradually calming down.

This feeling....It was so new to him that he didn't know how to handle it.

His father actually took the day off for him?

Reo could still recall the images of his father from the previous world.

That bag of bones never cared about him at all. Even whenever he got sick, he would always yell at Reo to toughen it up and take that sickness like a man.

That man would never even bother to buy medicine for Reo until he showed signs of severe worsening. Even then, he only did it to prevent paying a higher medical fees when Reo's condition worsened.

Shaking his head, Reo threw all thoughts of that ugly man out of his head.

He was already reincarnated so why was he dwelling on matters of the past.

The past is in the past and he was looking forward to the future every day.

He had a caring father now! He had extremely good basketball skills that came along with a super annoying system!

He shouldn't be bringing himself down with matters of the past.

So, after taking a few moments to sober himself up, Reo threw the thought of checking out the other skills to the back of his mind as he proceeded to the bathroom to freshen up before heading downstairs.

When Reo walked down the stairs, the first thing that greeted his sight was his father who was sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and a newspaper in hand.

Reo's father didn't notice him until he heard the creak of the staircase which prompted him to look up, meeting Reo's gaze.

The moment he saw Reo, he didn't shout and ask how Reo was feeling like how Reo originally imagined.

Instead, he gave Reo a 'kind' look and motioned with his hand to come closer.

"Reo, my boy. Come here, please"

Immediately, Reo felt an ominous feeling creep upon him.

It was the same feeling one got whenever someone was trying to lure you in with something good but you notice that something is wrong right away.

Still, Reo only hesitated for a moment before he took teeny-tiny steps towards his father until only the kitchen table separated them.

However, his father was not content with Reo standing that far away.

So, he waved his hand again and asked Reo to come closer.

"Reo, come stand beside your father. Don't be so far away"

However, Reo wasn't falling for it this time.

"You know what? I think I'll stay here where there's more sunshine", Reo replied as he innocently looked around.

His father's 'kind' smile froze on his face when he heard that.

There were no bloody windows in the kitchen so what sunshine was this brat talking about?! Even if you want to lie, at least come up with something decent.

Still, his father didn't continue to persuade him but said something else instead.



His father lightly threw the newspaper on the table with the front page facing Reo.

"Can you explain this?"

Looking down, Reo caught a good look a the headlines.

How could he miss it? After all, it was bolded and written in all CAPS.


Normally, Reo wouldn't care about such a headline as it didn't concern him but soon, he found that not to be the case.

Glancing through the article, he was shocked to find his name there.

Also, it wasn't just written as 'Reo', it clearly mentioned his full name there as well his school name.

It was only then did Reo realize that his little activity yesterday had been exposed.

Slowly looking up, he was once again greeted by his father's 'smiling' face but to Reo, it looked like the smile of a devil.

It was as if he was saying....If you don't explain this to me, see whether or not if I feed you for the next 2 days.

Reo really wanted to cry now.

Today, he was definitely going to get a severe punishment no matter what.

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Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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