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King Of Entertainment - A Wish Fulfillment GOT Story King Of Entertainment - A Wish Fulfillment GOT Story original

King Of Entertainment - A Wish Fulfillment GOT Story

Penulis: tikller

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

So, Hey. This is planned to be mainly kingdom-building Since I don't plan to have to do so in Snow Curse. The tech level will be industrial level from Rimworld (Which is essentially the same tech level as the modern world.) and there will be other things being planned down the line.

This is just the prologue and I don't know when I will start working on the story.



I was never a malicious person, But I definitely wasn't good either.

I was born to a poor yet kindhearted couple, we didn't have much, but my two little brothers and I went to school, we always had enough to eat, and most importantly we were happy.

So where did my drive come from? Nowhere, really. I didn't hate the rich as some people in my neighborhood did, nor did I have a misplaced fantasy to help humanity bind the universe to its will. Just one look at history told me that the only reason we still didn't start WWIII is that we were too distracted by the entertainment that our technological progress allowed us to have. Once our already depleting resources that allow this entertainment to continue run dry, we will probably go Fallout minus the power armor and energy weapons.

What pushed me was something I realize now was the height of foolishness and narcissism.

What pushed me was to have my name on the pages of history.

What pushed me was to immortalize myself as long as humanity exists.

What pushed me was to have a Legacy.

Yes, yes. I know. Tywin Lannister would be proud. The ending of that show was shit though and HBO's attempts to milk it for all it's worth never worked. So I am not going to let that shit of an ending down.

Anyway, Where was I? Oh, Yeah. You see from a young age I had a very weak body, I was never able to play with the other kids my age because I was very easily injured. I even had to go to the hospital after one of my baby teeth fell.

I had severe Hemophilia.

I fucking hated it, And considering my situation today, I fucking despise it.

Currently, I was on a hospital bed, unable to talk due to anesthetics but aware of everything around me. Beside my bed was my protege holding a banquet of flowers and a card wishing me to get better in one hand...

And in the other a syringe filled with what I presumed to be a poison which he was injecting into my IV drip.

The fucker was chuckling as he finished. He moved closer and whispered. "You snooze, You lose, Grambs~~~."

While he was moving back he made sure to give a small cut at the lower back of my neck. He also took the button that is used to call the nurse, Before turning away and leaving me.

[Warning! You have been injected with a mix of concentrated doses of Anti-Coagulation and anesthetics! You need immediate treatment! Your chance at surviving if no treatment is given in the next 15 minutes is less than 0.005%!]

'Oh, Shut the fuck up!' I scream mentally at my greatest creation, which will never be revealed to the world. A bio-A.I. chip integrated into the brain using a simple injection that modifies the DNA. Because of issues with human rights and conscious thought, this technology does not have any intelligence of its own, instead of serving two primary functions: data storage, and analysis. It will die with me when I pass on and people will think it was just a tumor.

But Anti-Coagulation and anesthetics? Normally, This wouldn't be fatal to a normal person. But to an old man like me in his seventies that just got out of surgery and suffers from severe Hemophilia? He might have as well put a bullet inside my head and be done with it.

This fucking pisses me off.

Not the company I spent my entire life building, Those fuckers will not enjoy it. I already published information about all the dirty shit that happened in the company on the internet along with account passwords and IP addresses on many websites.

They will be taken down faster than when 4chan took down Fallout: The Frontier at the battle of the frontier. Hmm, now I kinda feel bad for them.

As for my protege? He will be getting butt fucked soon along with all the other fuckers. Considering that I recorded everything he ever did, In case I ever needed it to point out his mistakes.

Now it will be used to show All his mistakes to the world.

... I deserve this, Don't I?

I took revenge on all those who ever crossed me. From my school bullies to those who thought that I was immoral to my rivals and even the company I built with my own hand. I crushed swiftly and made sure that none of them had a chance of a comeback, either by breaking them or outright killing them.

I never forgave anyone for even the slightest offense. 'Give as much as you are given, both the good and the bad.' This was my motto, but I can't help but think that maybe it was wrong...

... I don't give a fuck, though! I knew that my end wouldn't be nice, And I even achieved my goal of being remembered in history! I am lucky to have even lived to be in my seventies!

I have no regrets because I made sure to never do anything I'd ever come to regret! even if it came to bite me in the ass later.

No, What pisses me off is the way that son of a bitch decided to end me. He could have smothered me with a pillow or gave me a slow and painful poison. He didn't seem to care about being found out since a simple autopsy will reveal everything. He could have stabbed me or even shot me, For crying out loud!

But Noooo, He chose the most humiliating and agonizing way for me, to die by my own resented condition!

I don't want to die like this, I'd have bit my tongue to end it, But I can barely breathe!

I don't want this, I don't want this, I don't want this, I don't want this, I don't want this, I don't want this...

Huh... Now that I think about it, I do have one regret.

I... should have... bought... GameStop Stocks...



"Well, this is not what I expected," I say gazing at the mass of eyes and tentacles that look like Hermaeus Mora from the elder scrolls series.

"Not my fault. This shape is the closest to what your mind can perceive me as." Says what I will call R.O.B. in an attempt to preserve my sanity.

"I will not take too much time. The longer you stay here the more likely you will go insane due to your exposure to me and my own. You will be sent to another world. Are you still with me?" Asks the R.O.B. after seeing my blank stare.

I quickly nod to him. "What world will I be sent to? Will someone else got the same place? Is something required from me there? And will I get something to help me there?" I wasn't unfamiliar with the concept; I did read some isekai stories when I was a kid.

"You will be sent to Game Of Thrones universe, The Show ver--..." I interrupted before he can continue.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold on, Game of Thrones? Is this about me comparing myself to Tywin Lannister and complaining about the show's ending at my final moments? Because if so--..."

"No, it isn't. And even if it was, what? would you have liked to go to Twilight or something?"

"Twilight? What the--... Do I look like a teenage girl to you?"

"Teenage girls aren't the only ones who read Twilight. Women in their thirties also read it. Even married women read it."

"No, Women in their thirties read Twilight from Edward's perspective. While married women read Fifty Shades of Gray which is just Twilight fanfiction on steroids and in book form."

"... How the fuck do you know that??? You were over 70!!!"

"Look, You probably know already by reading my mind and just want to embarrass me. If you don't, then please don't ask. you don't want to know. Just forget I said anything and continue what you were saying before."

"Alright... As I was saying, You will be sent to Game Of Thrones universe, The Show version. No, you will be alone. No, there is nothing required of you really. You will be given three wishes, with the following rules:

1. You will be given a random start if you wish for something too OP.

2. If you wish for Divinity or Gamer ability or a system or any magic-related ability unless you want to be sent ASOIAF with ALL the eldritch horrors G.R.R.M. mentioned unleashed. You can't wish away what was previously mentioned.

3. You can't wish any change to the world or the characters.

Other than that, you are free to wish what you want." He said immediately. This was big. True I can't wish for anything in #2 or for #3 but I could still work around it.

Taking my time to organize my thoughts. I need to be strong enough so nothing can harm me in GOT. Hmm... I think I got it.

The random start will be annoying, but in the worst-case scenario, I will just begin an uprising to kill the highborn and put myself on top.

"Alright, I thought about it. My first wish is to have the same powers and abilities as Ryan Butcher from the Boys." I said hoping that my wish will be fulfilled as I wanted.

"Your wish has been accepted."

"My second wish is to have all the powers and abilities of Sebastian Shaw from Marvel's X-men."

"Your wish has been accepted."

"My third wish is to have the powers of Satou Pendragon from...-"

"Wish interfaces with the second rule regarding magic and divinity! Are you sure you want this?"

"How about Doctor Manhattan--..."

"Wish interfaces with the second rule regarding magic and divinity! Are you sure you want this?"

"What about Alastor from Hazbin--..."

"Wish interfaces with the second rule regarding magic and divinity! Are you sure you want this?"

I could ignore the warning. If I play my cards right, I might stand a chance against the horrors of HP Lovecraft.

"...No, My third wish is to have The Absolute Storage superpower from Superpower Listing." I finally decided. I didn't like my chances with the likes of Cthulhu or Nyarlathotep. Even with such awesome powers. I already pushed my luck with the Kryptonite immune Superman, and an all-powerful energy conduit.

"... Your wish has been accepted. Since you didn't choose your birth, and you broke the first rule, it will be random. I wish you a happy life. Oh, by the way, it seems that your A.I. Chip fused with your soul somehow after the explosion, I didn't remove it, so it will stay with you for the rest of your existence." The R.O.B. said.

Just as he says that I feel myself getting tired. I close my eyes, hoping that I will not end up as one of Cersei's children.


"Is it done?"

"Yes, all three of them have been sent into their respective bodies."

"Huh, It will take the other two a while to know about there being others than them."

"Yes, well. The first used his first two wishes to add the first and modify the second rule to include magic."

"And the second used his first wish to make the other two unaware of others being sent with them. Which led to the first forgetting, and the third getting lied to."

"The third doesn't know anything but if he uses his wishes correctly..."

"Hey, What would you have done if the other two broke the second rule?"

"I would have granted them their wishes of course... before setting an auction for each of Cthulhu, Dagon, Shub-Niggurath, Nyarlathotep, Hastur, Tsathoggua, and Bast to bid on them. You know how much they like to mess with fools who underestimate them."

"Well, No use talking about it. What's done is done, Let's just enjoy the show now."

"Yes, You are right. And you too should scroll down to the next chapter already! Stop reading the chat between two ROBs, Enjoy the story!"

"Hey, knock it off! There is no next chapter yet!"

"Oh, Yeah. Kinda forgot that... Welp! Just go check out another fic then! Until next time!"

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