After finishing his preparations, using an underground route, Ryan moved toward the center of the area, and without wasting any more time, he used the domain stone.
Congratulations! You have successfully activated and registered your domain. You now have access to the dungeon master system. You can now access and upgrade the current features:
Area Lv 01: 1000 m2 Level UP cost: 100 coins or 1000 mana
Monsters Book Lv 01 Level UP cost: 500 coins or 5000 mana
Barrier Lv 01 Level UP cost: 1000 coins or 10.000 mana
Army Lv 01 Level UP cost: 5000 coins or 50.000 mana
Dungeon Lv 01 (T1) Level UP cost: 10.000 coins or 100.000 mana
Coins stored: 00 Mana stored: 00