"I'm so sorry, Ma Zuhair," Unar whispered defeatedly.
He had seen how the brother had been the pillar for the Hamza sister and frankly, if Zafik hadn't been there for the both of them, he and Zuhair would have been at the doors of insanity by now.
It was hard on Zuhair, just like any sibling who lost their best friend and brother. This was something Unar hadn't wished for Zuhair, not even when he had known that the woman was the devil's mistress.
Maybe he changed because Zuhair had also changed, but would it make it any better?
Would it make Zuhair feel at ease just because Unar was here with her?
"Zafik!!" Zuhair mourned, not caring about the lycans out there. She had lost someone who had been there for her at her worst. It broke her heart to know that the one person who should have seen them happy wouldn't even see them happy.
What the fuck just happened lol