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83.87% In another world with my... Oh wait this is Naruto / Chapter 25: First Defeat

Bab 25: First Defeat

It has been roughly twenty-four hours since the attempted raid against Hoshigakure and no less than nine infiltration attempts by Iwa Shinobi have occurred with the objective of getting back the four-tails. While no large-scale movements have occurred, the increasing depth from which the Iwa anbu penetrated meant that it wouldn't be long before they succeeded.

I had been using my FTG to ferry supplies and messages between Konoha and Hoshigakure, but it was becoming increasingly apparent that we couldn't keep Roshi locked up here. We couldn't bring him to Konoha, as having a hostile tailed beast in the heart of the village could lead to its complete devastation, and we couldn't move him without Iwa anbu catching wind of it and ambushing our transportation column, but if we extracted the four-tails, it would violate a treaty signed between all five great shinobi countries at one of the older Five-Kage Summits.

While a lot of shinobi didn't care and stated the multiple attempted violations of the treaty by Kumo in the past, Minato didn't want Konoha to take a hit to its reputation. From a political side, I can understand, since high amounts of trust are the key reason why Konoha is favored by the smaller villages for alliances rather than closer villages of comparatively equal strength, but it still felt like Minato was playing politics more and more as the crisis went on.

I was in a unique position due to my FTG, in that I got to hear a lot of information from various angles and perspectives while I transported messages at a frenzied pace between the front and Konoha. While I was well within my right as 'Lord Kaguya' to put in my two cents, I kept my mouth closed and hid my frustration to keep Minato from just using his clones to run messages. In a way, by not saying anything, I had greater access to information than even the Hokage, and in a world filled with ninja, information is power.

Finally, after multiple hours of negotiations with representatives of many of Konoha's smaller allies as well as Sunagakure, it was decided that the four-tails would be re-sealed inside a new Jinchuriki, though Suna would take possession of it to help keep the balance. Pakura wasn't pleased, because having another Bijuu in her village would strengthen the hardline war faction that wanted to break with the alliance and ally with Iwa and Kiri to suppress Konoha, while Fugaku, Hiashi, and even Mito were all extremely disappointed in the Hokage's lack of strong leadership abilities during a crisis.

This is the Narutoverse's equivalent to the Cuban Missile Crisis and Minato's inaction was doing nothing but building tension among the different Clans in Konoha. If Danzo hadn't rebelled or had still been around, he could have easily conducted a coup to overthrow Minato and would even have had popular support on his side, but this is a thought experiment for another day. I had a theory as to why Minato is doing this, but if it is true, then it just proves that Minato isn't fit to be Hokage.

'He's trying to find the answer to Jiraiya's question on how to attain World Peace. It was stated that one of Jiraiya's pupils would find the answer, so I am sure Minato is thinking to himself that it's him the prophecy is talking about. This quest was a major plot point in the second half of Shippuden and was even the driving factor for the plot of the War arc. Nagato's answer was the Bijuu WMD, Obito and Madara's answer was the Infinite Tsukuyomi, and Naruto's answer was to be the main character and let the plot lead the world to be peaceful. My guess is that Minato wants to create a balance between the Five Great Nations to stop war similar to the 'Mutually Assured Destruction' theory of my world' I thought. It was the only reasonable explanation for his actions that didn't include him being under a genjutsu, and trust me, I checked. Twice.

After another day of anbu Iwa raids, Kushina and Yamato were sent to the front to help with the sealing process. Another nameless Suna ninja had been sent to be the replacement. I didn't really care, I just wanted was to end this whole charade and get rid of the damn thing. Fortunately, I would get my wish, unfortunately, I wouldn't like how it was granted.


I stationed along with Haku in the command tent while Honoka and Jugo were sent home. Honoka needed to accomplish some anbu tasks and I asked Jugo to stay and guard Saya since there was some concern with Iwa or Kumo trying to kidnap our Jinchuriki as payback.

It was just past noon on the third day of the front when our sensors detected four large chakra signatures headed our way. They were easily Kage-level and they came from the south, whereas most of Iwa's assaults were coming from the east or northeast where the terrain was easier to navigate and the ravine was thinner.

At first, it was believed to be reinforcements from Sunagakure. They were on route and said they would be here either later today or tomorrow. They also wouldn't be able to properly communicate with us until they got here due to them not having the FTG communications networks we had courtesy of the Kaguya Clan. Unfortunately, we were quickly proven otherwise when one of the Jonin Kakashi had sent out to retrieve the team came running back into camp while bleeding and battered.

"Everyone! Lookout! Get away from me!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, but despite his warnings, two unlucky chunnin who were nearby still rushed to help. I activated my Byakugan before realizing too late to save them.

"Jump away from there! He's covered in Paperbambs!"


Panic erupted from the campsite as no one knew what was happening. I had seen this tactic before in the anime, so I understood immediately what was going on. I looked towards Jiraiya and Kakashi before once again peering at our surroundings with my Byakugan. What I see greatly shakes me.

"Lord Jiraiya, Kakashi-san! I can see four presences about 100 meters past the treeline. I recognize three of them! One is Orochimaru the Sannin, The other is Deidora of the Exploding Clay, Sasori of the Red Sand, and another shinobi who I don't recognize!"

That's right. The Akatsuki had made their appearance and no sooner did I yell than did a Clay bird zoom towards me in an attempt to silence me. I jump to the side, barely missing the explosion while creating a large but thin [Bone Spear]. I twist back and throw it towards the unknown entity as the group races towards us.

The unknown shinobi catches my spear and looks directly towards me with a hideous smile. They breach the treeline and I can now clearly make out the ninja. He is a short and youthful man with pale white skin and white hair. His eyes are crimson red, but they aren't Sharingan or other doujutsu. He is wearing a black cloak with red clouds like the other Akatsuki members, so I know he must be an S-Ranked shinobi.

"Well now, aren't you a fascinating one. Two Kekkei Genkai!" Orochimaru quipped while looking at me.

"It seems he possesses the Shikotsumyaku ability of the Kaguya clan while also having the Byakugan of the Hyuga. I've decided. Your body will do wonders for my perfect body and immortality." The unknown shinobi said as I got into my stance. Haku got into position behind me while Jiraiya looked on angrily at the four.

"Orochimaru! What has come over you to attack us like this!? Who are these people!?" He says scathingly. He seems to look at the unknown white shinobi the most while Kakashi walks up beside him, Sharingan fully on display.

"Now now, Jiraiya, there isn't anything too complicated. You see, we were simply paid to recapture that Jinchuriki you have there. The money would do wonders for my research. Care to..." Orochimaru was talking before being carelessly interrupted by Deidara.

"Yap yap yap, yo! Enough with the talking, on with the killing!" He yells as he reveals a handful of large explosive clay spiders before throwing them into the air.

We all scatter with Jiraiya and Orochimaru quickly bitting their thumbs to prepare for summoning. The white shinobi follows Haku and I westward for a few minutes. As this guy seems to be following me, I want to get him out of the way of the other fights. I briefly see Kakashi engage with Deidara with a lightning style jutsu I've never seen before but don't dwell on it for too long. I don't know where Sasori went but I don't have time to dally and check.

"[Ice Release: Crystal Ice Mirrors]!" Haku says as a field of ice mirrors surround us. I see Haku thinks were far enough away, so he begins her assault. The shinobi is slightly stunned by this and I try to use [Finger Pistol] to quickly shoot at his neck and catch him off-guard, but he isn't in the Akatsuki for nothing.


"[Steel Release: Impervious Armour]" He says as he is coated in a dark grey sheen.

Immediately Haku's elections begin jumping from one mirror to another at a rapid pace, all while the white shinobi stands there amused. Haku covers her senbon with a thin layer of chakra before shouting "[Water Style: Piercing Rain Technique]" Hundreds of senbon, all propelled by a high capacity torrent of water, rain down of the white shinobi, while I begin building up massive amounts of chakra to start my attack when Haku's concludes.

"Interesting! Interesting! I thought this would be a boring job, but now that I get three whole Kekkei Genkai out of it, I see it was really worth it to join the Akatsuki!" He shouts as a Dark Mist suddenly surrounds his body. The senbon go into it, but the White Shinobi is unharmed. "[Dark Release: Void Cloak]."

"Haku! Get behind me!" I yell as a bright green chakra emerges from my body to cover it completely.

'[Infernal Nighttime Dragon Jutsu]!' I think while my chakra creation begins to grow in size. It shatters Haku's ice mirrors and engulfs her as well, though she becomes suspended in it and isn't harmed. The white shinobi is now quaking with excitement as he breathes heavily and with a flushed face, simply says "Beautiful"

As I stand about ten meters from the ground in the Dragon's Mouth while I prepare a jutsu. If he can absorb things at the scale of a senbon barrage, I should just go bigger.

"[Wind Style: Drilling Air Bullet]" I yell as a simple B-ranked Ninjutsu is amplified to the level of Shukaku's use of the technique.


A huge section of the forest where we are in is leveled as a wall of pressurized air slams into the shinobi and he is thrown back. Haku looks stunned by my technique, but I know that techniques on such a large scale, while impressive looking and undoubtedly powerful, cannot bring down an S-Class in a single attack. Of course, I was tight as I feel a massive amount of chakra thrown back towards me in the form of blue flames.


My chakra dragon is thrown off balance and falls on its back. "You have an interesting technique young man! I am Hiruko the Chimera! What is your name?" Hiruko says emerging from the dust and debris of the surrounding forest.

"Heh! I'm Haruka Kaguya. Tell the devil I sent ya when you get to hell!" I say as I throw my bone kunai and weave the clone sign. "[Kunai Shadow Clone Jutsu]!"

*Poof* Suddenly a large wall of white kunai appears in front of Hiruko. Even if he tries to absorb them, the one I threw was marked with my FTG sign, so if even one misses, I can teleport behind him and slit his throat.

"[Dark Release: Void Cloak]" Hiruko mutters, a little disappointed.

As my kunai begin disappearing, I smirk as a single one moves past his left side. "Swift Release..." I say as I am grabbing my Kunai from mid-air like Minato did during his iconic scene against Obito. "Thundering Strike" I complete my technique by bringing my arms down at instantaneous speeds while coating them in chakra. I am aiming for the vertebrae of his neck to break it as soon as possible.

Just as my hands connect, I feel intense pain in my fingers. His skin has once again become steel-like, and since it was layered with chakra, my gentle fist strike was blocked. I just smashed my fingers into a literal steel wall and now they were broken.

"Aaarrrgggghhhh!" I scream as I am plucked out of the air by my neck by Hiruko.

"That's enough of that now." He says. I can feel my chakra rapidly decreasing into a strange dual diamond-shaped marking on his palm. "Don't worry, I won't kill you yet!" He says as he squeezes my neck harder, forcing me to quickly start losing consciousness.

"[Ice Style: Ice Dragon Jutsu]" Haku yells from the side. This attack wasn't aimed at Hiruko as much as it was aimed at his arms. Of course, he jumps in the air to dodge it all while still carrying me and continuing to drain my chakra. I can feel my consciousness slipping away as my chakra reserves continue to shrivel up. Suddenly, he sees several shurikens quickly approaching his arm, so he instinctually lets go of my neck while retracting his hands. He gives a quick 'tsk' the moment he does as he realizes his mistake.

I fall to the ground and hit it hard. I can't even eat a senzu bean because I can't close my palm with my hands to grip it, and if I tell Haku to feed it to me, Hiruko will take the chance to strike.

"Don't worry little lass, your turn is coming up," Hiruko mentions as he prepares to jump towards her but he is stopped by an impatient voice.

"Enough beating on children, Hiruko. I have captured the four-tails. It is time to leave." Sasori says as he walks towards us. He isn't in his Hiruko Shell, so it must have been destroyed, and Roshi is unconscious while tied up in rope.

Haku stands in front of me while I struggle to move. Hiruko looks a bit displeased but he knows he doesn't want to be on Sasori's bad side. Even if he can beat Sasori, he didn't want to lose Haku and I, who would flee during his battle. He would end up fighting for nothing, so he simply sighs before shrugging his shoulders. He gives a mocking glare to Haku and me.

"Until next time, little ones" he mocks as they both vanish using the [Body Flicker Technique]. I use what little remains of my chakra to activate my Byakugan and see that they have truly vanished. I try to see the state of the camp before I pass out, but blackness overtakes me before I can.


When I next wake up, I am in a hospital bed in Konoha. My hands are covered in bandages and my entire body feels stiff. I look to my left and see Haku and Karin are asleep on the chair next to me, while Guren and Amaru are laying on the empty hospital bed beside me. Jugo is sitting on the floor in the corner in his meditative pose and I can sense an anxious Tsunade pacing around outside the door while Shizune is saying something that I can't make out.

It is well into the night and I feel more sluggish than I have ever felt. Only the brief few seconds that I was alive after being hit by the truck that sent me here can even compare. I am still drained of chakra but now my reserves back up to non-lethal levels.

As I shift my bodyweight to become more comfortable, somehow, Tsunade must sense my movement because she rushes in and sees me before diving at me and pulling me into a hug. The commotion awakes everyone else as well.

"Damn it Haruka! Don't worry me like that! What were you thinking, taking on an S-Ranked Missing Ninja by yourself!' Tsunade said hastily. All the while, never leaving my embrace.

"Technically Haku was..." I begin to say but am cut off by Tsunade hugging me tighter. Now I can't really breathe but I am at least able to squeak out an apology somehow. "Sorry, Onee-chan!"


After the whole guilt-tripping song and dance, with Tsunade promising to punish me for worrying her, I am finally rescued by one of the nurses who informs everyone that visiting hours are over and they are being too loud so they need to leave.

I am left alone with my thoughts while staring out the window once more. 'I totally screwed the pooch with this one. I nearly crippled my fingers according to Tsunade and if I didn't have Senzu beans, then even she wouldn't have only had a 50% chance of recovery during surgery.

This only happened because I left the safety of my [Infernal Nighttime Dragon] because I wanted cool points. There was no way Hiruko would have been able to damage me inside of it. If Haku wasn't there, I would have been captured or worse by him.' I think.

I guess this experience really will serve to humble me. I was getting cocky, thinking I was some invincible god, but the moment I let my guard down, I lose to an opponent who I would have had absolutely no trouble with had I taken my time.

As I start beating myself up over it, I feel a familiar wet leathery tongue run across my hair, making it stand up again. I turn around to see George, the horse. Inside my hospital room somehow.

"Rob damn it, George"

Golden_Slime Golden_Slime

Alright so here is the next chapter. It's a little shorter than the others, but I think it gets the point across well. I thought it would be nice to have the MC go through a humbling experience because I felt he would become quite cocky if he kept steamrolling enemies all the time.

Let me know how you think it went. I was planning to do the Land of Waves arc next, and I still will, but I think I will incorporate it with the plot of the Naruto Shippuden Movie Bonds. I'll even take the 'main heroine' role away from Haku and give it to Amaru, who I think is the most lacking harem member right now. Give me your thoughts and ideas!

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