Amidst the bustling crowd, a young man with a full beard and long, flowing black hair carefully cradled a steaming mug. The scent wafting from it was a fragrant symphony that caused heads to turn and noses to twitch.
One passerby exclaimed, "What is that heavenly smell?"
A woman next to him inquired, "Is it from that guy's mug?"
As the young man weaved through the crowd, people couldn't help but murmur their curiosity.
"It smells like fresh-baked bread."
"Or maybe cinnamon and apples?"
He finally reached the library, where a hush fell over the readers as they caught a whiff of the delightful aroma. One elderly scholar remarked, "It's been ages since I smelled something so inviting."
The young man threaded his way through the readers until he reached a secluded corner. His lips moved soundlessly as he muttered, "Poor bastards."