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75% Fairy Tail: The Banished Prince / Chapter 9: Birthdays Comes With Surprises

Bab 9: Birthdays Comes With Surprises

Chapter 9: Birthdays Comes With Surprises

Damn this is a long chapter (7136 words). Of course I do not include this section, only the story :) It is a sorry for the delay.

So, I was a bit angry about somethings. I will not tell what it was, cause it would be me whining all over. But damn sometimes it is too easy to reach top 10 in web novel it seems.


There was a guy who said if a guy does not want a HAREM, he must be a gay. He posted a picture which have some person's speculation. He deleted it seems, since I cannot find it in the comment section later... I have the picture, however, remind me if I forgot to add it.

Image Here.

I guess his comment deleted since he got some a bad word in it. It was an insult, so it was expected. I will not tell who he was, I do not like cyberbullying.

Well, it was entertaining since dude was not serious. If he was serious... Nah, no way.

Anyways, onwards the chapter!

PSs a hint for the chapter; Happy Birthday!

[Warning! +18 Sexual Interaction in this chapter] A.K.A Lemon.


Erza and Berk went on a quest to hunt a beast; the beast itself was not hard to kill, they subdued it easily and killed it.

On the way to the guild Erza was leaning herself to Berk as they were enjoying quietness once for a while. The guild was loud, they spoke with each other in dates, and in the guild. Hence, once for a while they stood close each other, speak nothing and enjoying their warm, along with a beautiful scenery of Fiore Kingdom.

"Berk," Erza broke the silence with an exciting voice. "What do you think about S-class Exam?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" Berk asked.

"What will exam be like, what do you think?" Erza said, eyes closed, still enjoying her boyfriend's warm.

"Hmm," Berk thought a bit. "I don't know. Laxus did not tell anything, I still did not see Gildarts for a while, so... maybe we fight each other?"

(An: Honestly, Gildarts was in fairy tail too, I forgot his existence. How DARE I!)

"It was first thing to come to mind." Erza chuckled. "Come on, be more creative. I know you can do it," she said softly.

"Hmm," Berk thought for a while. "Well, I don't know, what do you think?" Berk countered with the same question.

"Find something?" Erza wondered. "Well, it is not most likely, but possible," she added. They stood in silent for a while again. The train they were on was getting closer to Magnolia, less than 15 minutes remaining to disembark the train.

"So, want to bet?" Erza broke the silent again with a sly smirk.

"I don't know you have gambit in your bones, love, but I am all ears," Berk said with a chuckle. "What's the stakes?" He smirked.

"Let's see, if I win, I want you to listen my orders for a whole day," Erza said slyly. "You cannot disobey me... Not at all."

"Oh, should I scare? Do you want to order me that much?" Berk asked, smirking. "But I like the concept. If I win, I want you to do the same. You will be in my orders for a whole day," he counter betted.

Erza sit straight and extend her hand for a handshake. "Bet is on," she said slyly.

Berk grabbed her hand and shake it. "Bet is on."

They laugh at their antics later.


They reached to Magnolia. Erza went Berk's house along with him, she was looking around judgingly.

Berk looked at his girlfriend with a raised eyebrow. Erza did not look around like that before. She even like the house most of the part, it was a great house for a single guy to live.

"Berk," Erza said seriously. "When you become S-class, you should move in a bigger house," then she added.

Berk was not sure what to do with that advise. "Uh-uh. May I ask why?"

Erza smirked slyly. "A girl has her intuitions," she said with a knowing look. "Just promise me, if, by some luck, you manage to beat me against S-class exam; buy a bigger house."

"How big are we talking about?"

Erza just smiled. The smile that told bigger is better.


Berk was sitting at the guild, eating food as always before he picked a quest. Master would choose a person based on their skill level, ability to judge in action, and, even though not always necessary, ability of working with a team.

Berk was a good team player, at least that was what he hoped. He wanted to say he was strong, but his last defeat was clear enough it was not enough. Yet, he was still stronger than most of the people in the guild.

He would not say he was a great person to finalize in spot decision, he was good at it, but still not Erza's level. He was training hard to get there, and he would get there slowly but surely.

"Hey, Berk." Gray came closer, half naked with just a pant. "Can I ask you something?"

Berk looked at Gray and smiled. "Sure," he said. "How can I help?"

Gray looked down as if he were debating his decision to ask Berk. "Ya know," he said. "S-class exam is at the end of the year," he said slowly.

"Is it?" Berk tilted his head. "I thought it was somewhere in the year."

"No, when this year ends, exam will be held," Gray corrected Berk. "Well, so that is why... I need someone to train," then he added awkwardly.

Berk looked at Gray. Gray was embarrassed to ask for help, it seemed, since he was avoiding eye contact and moving his arms awkwardly. It was clear that Gray was not used to ask for help.

"You want me to help possibly one of my rivals in the exam?" Berk said with a chuckle. He made a thinking pose as Gray waited for an answer. "Sure, let's do it. I want to test something too."

It was not like a 12 years old Gray would select for the exam, but Berk did not want to break his spirit over that.

Gray eyed Berk quite a while. "For some reason, I have a bad feeling about this," he said simply.

Berk grinned, a full shit eating grin. "Let's say... we will have to see in soon?" He asked questioningly. "Since my food is not still here, and I will not train after I just eat. Come sit, what do you plan on doing at the training?"

Gray caressed his head. "Well..."



It was a mystery how Berk could eat that much. I must admit, sometimes he ate more than flame brain. Sure, if you add the average of eating volume in one year, no one could beat Natsu, but... Berk was able to eat that much was a bit mystery.

Putting that thought aside, I was eager to fight Berk in a fight.

I told him I like to train while fighting, and he just smirked. That jerk just smirked with a face showed that was what he wanted to hear.

"Hey, before everything. Will you participate the 24-Hours Endurance Road Race?" I asked.

I wanted him to compete so I could win. Using magic is not forbidden in the race, and I am planning to use that win then show up in his face!

"Nope. Too lazy to run for a whole day," he said nonchalantly.


"Well, I have a bit time before the date, so... let's start, shall we?" Berk said with a sarcastic smirk.

And here we are. The jerk was looking down on me... I mean I know he was doing that because that was his fight style, and like he said, criminals would not play fair.

Yet, that shit eating grin was pissing me off.

"Yes!" I said strongly, more lauder than I expected.

Berk was in front of me, the distance was about to 10 meters. I could use [Ice Make: Lance] to attack him, but would it fast enough?

"Come on, I don't have all day," Berk said with a yawn.

"Why don't you start then?" I basically growled. That nonchalant attitude while I was all serious and stuff, was irritating me.

Berk grinned and two portal opened behind him. "I will tell you in advance, when the S-class Exam comes, this will be stronger," he said proudly. He put his hands in his pockets and countless projectiles launched through gates.

I was surprisingly fast enough to dodge all of them. I immediately conjured an ice field below myself, and drifted myself through Berk, trying to get closer to him.

Berk saw that and shot where I would go. He easily predict my movements; I was too straightforward, I need to be more unpredictable, and I need some backup plans.

I quickly put my thoughts aside and jumped before projectiles hit me and landed the center of the field. Berk stop there for a second, closed his portals and looked at me; he smiled and sighed.

"Gray," Berk said with a raised eyebrow as I narrowed my eyes. My entire focus was around the area.

I would not be getting hit by his attacks, and I need some plan to get close to him.

"I understand you strip your shirt, but really man, pants too?"

What?! There is no wa- WHAT THE FUCK!?

When he said I lost my pants, I looked myself to see if it was true; it was not. My pant was still there, yet Berk managed something unexpected.

He threw a huge fireball at me!


Since when he could use [Fire Magic]!?

I quickly evaded it with a jump on my right, and I saw Berk was still standing where he was with a smile on his face.

"You manage to dodge it, not bad," Berk said innocently; like he just threw me some fresh water or something.

I stopped. Okay, I was being unreasonable. He was deliberately trying to go under my skin, so my first objective is to be calm.

I need to be calm...

I need to be to be calm to win against him.

I smirked. "Since when you became like ash brain?" I asked sarcastically.

"Hmm... For a week maybe?" Berk said unsurely. "Well, two at most."

I raised my eyebrow. The fire felt something different, it was not a normal fire magic, or not something Macao would use.

It was slightly similar with Natsu's magic, but still different. I cannot say what it was, but it was dangerous. Yet, he learned that in a one or two weeks; I did not know how much he mastered, but he still seemed to lack control, so he was still a beginner.

"I see," I said simply.

I am sure he knew all my regular attacks by now. He normally had a very versatile magic, yet now he also had fire magic. It was getting tough; I need to be more creative.

"You know Gray I always admire you," Berk said with a smile.

I raised my eyebrow to possible incoming mental attack again. "Oh, how so?" I raised my guard; I will not be getting unprepared again.

"You can fight with Natsu, who had [Fire Dragon Slayer Magic], an old and forgotten magic, with just [Ice Make]," he said with a smile.

"You have talent... But is it enough to win against me?"

Here we are again, and here I thought he was being nice.

Okay, I need to start somewhere. Maybe I should attack in distance, and slowly came closer to him by repeating process.

That sounds dumb, but one way to find the truth.

"[Ice Ma-," I cut myself up as I felt the ground behead me shaken slightly. I quickly dashed back to avoid what was below, and how right I was.

The multicolored fire spread through the earth below. The fire, the heat was overwhelming, but that was not the most astonishing part.

The fire was beautiful, it was like watching a tornado of rainbow dancing through the wind. It sucked my attention and made me to wanting to get closer. The world around me became dark, and I only saw the dancing flames in front of me; they were asking me to come closer, I needed to go there.

It was majestic; the fire was whirlpooling towards me, and I went towards it; but before we have met, I heard Berk's voice from the back.

"Your guard is open," he said simply, and before I acted, my all word painted in rainbow-colored flames.


Berk was looking at the destruction he made with his magic. He ablaze a huge chunk of fire on Gray's back, and fire destroyed its path like a beam of laser. The temperature was colder than it supposed to be, considering the ground melted by the heat, but Gray was there, still okay, on his butt.

"What?!" Gray asked bewilderedly.

"How is it?" Berk asked smugly. "Impressive, isn't it?"

Gray took a long relaxing breath. He thought he was about to die, but for some reason, he had no scratch on him.

"How am I okay?" Gray asked with shock. "I am sure fire hit me... considering the surroundings," he eyed the melted ground. "So, how?"

Berk grinned. "That is my new magic~," he said enthusiastically. "The flames will only harm my enemies," then he added.

"That's some serious magic, man." Gray said with a sigh. "Where did you learn it?"

Berk looked at Gray and stood silent. He closed his eyes to speak Hüma.

'Do you wa-'


"It is complicated... Let's say I just got lucky," Berk said with a sigh. "It paid well, so I have nothing to complain too," then he added with a smile.

"You beat we without using your gates in full potential..." Gray mumbled. "With your new mastered magic..." Then he exhaled.

"Which reminds me. Why did you drop everything you are doing... and walked towards the fire?" Berk asked with a raised eyebrow. "It is not like you losing your focus like in a sudden."

Gray chuckled. "You don't know?" He asked.

"No, I tested it before, but I never had this occurrence before," Berk said. "What happened?"

"I was mesmerized," Gray said without missing a bit. "Flames took all my focus, all my interest, and all my thoughts... Like, I was in dark, and Flames was my way out; an exceptionally beautiful way out."

Berk lost in thoughts, and after seconds later Gray narrowed his eyes with a full determination, "I need to train harder," he said.

Berk looked at his friend and chuckled. "Sure, man," he said, "That is why we are here. Now, get your ass back up. I still have 3 hours to beat some training into you," Berk smirked so did Gray.


The date was over; Erza and Berk went to a newly opened restaurant, it was a good experience, the place was on the shore and had romantic design for the night. It costed a bit, and Erza and Berk paid evenly.

Erza did not like when Berk paid for her all the time; it was not like she minded at first, but Berk always tried to pay for her, so she felt uncomfortable for a time later. It was not like she was not earning. Hence, Erza decided that the bill must split evenly, or they had to pay in order.

"I have to use some of my savings, but it was worth it," Berk muttered, in bed, laying with his eyes open. He laughed stupidly. "Honestly, I love this girl."

[If your little princess did not pay for her part, I wonder will you still say the same words,] Hüma said sarcastically.

"I would, it is not like it would make me poor," Berk said with a yawn. "And princess?" Then he asked. Berk was sleepy; Quest, training, and date in a single day was tiring experience for him, yet it was worth it.

...Still, he was pretty sleepy, he was hanging conscious just slightly.

[Yes, was technically, but I will not meddle with that. Now, before you sleep, we should talk about [The Fire].]

"Now?" Berk asked, he forgot about the princess stuff thanks to the tiredness. "I am about to sleep."

[I am a proud creature, son, so my flames. You have me in your DNA, thus your body has its own flames; and its unique like mine to a certain basis.] Hüma continued, did not care about Berk's tiredness.

"So, my fires will be different," Berk muttered, closing his eyes slightly. "So, what is different?" He asked. Then, he remembered something. 'Oh, I tested it out before Gray,' then he reassured himself.

If he did not test his fire's friend proof ability before, he would be mad at Hüma since she only explain that now. Yet, he tried before the fight. He had 1 and half week of training with it, he still need to master many moves.

[The characteristic properties of [The Fire] cannot change; yet, it evolve based on the user,] Hüma said coolly. [The more powerful you are, the more chance of its possibility of evolving.]

"Let's see," Berk muttered, yawned a bit, yet resist the sleep. "My flames has charm?" Berk said unsurely. "It clearly attract people, like magically," he muttered weakly; he was falling asleep slowly.

Gray caught by [The Fire]'s charm at that day. He lost his focus and walked to the fire like an idiot.

[Yes, that is new,] Hüma said. [You may find more features later.]

"Fine by me," Berk whispered before he fall asleep, went straight to the dreamlands like a baby.

[...] Hüma stayed silent for a bit. [Goodnight, my son. Have a nice dream,] she said awkwardly.

Berk mumbled in his sleep.


Natsu decided to enter Berk and Gray's training session. He did not want to be left behind, and he did not want to miss the opportunity to fight with Berk.

Now, they were middle of the fight. Natsu and Gray was in a team, and they were facing Berk. Berk was standing still, with his hands in his pockets, with a smug smirk on his face.

Natsu tried to hit Berk couple of times, but it was futile. Berk was faster than Natsu, and their team's magic was countering each other. Their attacks were too close; that resulted in Gray's ice melting, and Natsu's flames weaken.

"Hey, Natsu. You are immune to fire, right?" Berk asked with interest. He wanted to test if his magic could harm Natsu. "Want to test something?"

"Sure, what is it?" Natsu asked eagerly.

"Then be prepared," Berk muttered and conjured a rainbow colored flame in his palm. "This will not one of the regular flames," he said the last part with a smirk and launched two fireballs at Natsu.

Natsu stook like nothing serious was coming and opened his mouth. He tried to exhale a huge chunk of flame, but as if flames understood his intention, they burned brightly; became hotter and hit Natsu right straight his torso.

"Arh!" Natsu cried in pain as he flew backwards, destroy a tree with the force.

"Oh, shit!" Berk perplexed. He quickly rushed near Natsu, "Natsu, are you okay?" He asked while ignited his palm again.

Natsu had lost his conscious as he was laying like a log. He had some serious injury if it was not healed in time.

Berk quickly press his engulfed hand to Natsu's burned torso before Gray spoken.

"What are you doing?"

Berk glanced at Gray, then he sighed. "Healing," he said curtly, and focused his task again.

"That flame sure effective," Gray muttered.

"Indeed," Berk said and released his hand.

Natsu's torso had been healed completely, as if there was no damage done just before. Berk breathed relaxingly before he quickly healed Natsu's back.

Gray eyed the situation intensely. After he assured Natsu was okay, he looked at Berk, "Is he okay?" He asked with worry.

"The wound has been healed, but the pain and fatigue will fade in time," Berk said. "He will be fine though."

"Hm," Gray made an agreement sound and sighed. "Well, I guess we are done training. Shall we carry the flame brain to guild?" He asked with a chuckle.

"You children are light," Berk said with a smirk. "It won't be a problem."

"I am not a child!" Gray countered. "I am 12, and I will be 13 soon," he said proudly.

"That is likely what a child would say," Berk said sagely. "And 13 is still young," then he added.

"You are 14, so you are a child too," Gray countered.

"Yet, I will be 15 at the November 30th."

"Still more than half a year ahead," Gray said.

"Yet, I am still older one here," Berk grinned. "And you should wait until I reach 15, that will be end of you."

"Considering you are boyfriend of Erza, I guess I should afraid. How can you go out with that monster anyway?" Gray asked, he was looking Berk like he was an alien.

Berk stiffen. "Ugh," he muttered. He was looking at Gray's behind like a monster had appeared. "Be calm dear, he did not mean it," he said weakly. "He is a good boy."

Gray's eyes widened for a sudden, then he narrowed. "As if I will fall for that," he shook his head disappointingly. "You need to learn acting."

"What did you mean?" Then Erza spoken behind Gray, and Gray vibrated with his every being after he heard Erza. Erza grabbed gray by his neck and looked at his eyes scarily. "We will talk about this later," she said simply.

"Y-yes, ma'am," Gray shuttered. "Ca-n I go now?"

Erza released Gray, and he flee like no tomorrow.

"Why do they scare you that much anyway?" Berk asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sure, Erza was scary when he wanted to be, but that did not mean they had to fear her all the time. She was a sweet girl, really.

"Who knows? Well, I do not complain nonetheless," Erza said with a chuckle. "Well, Berk. I heard you were training Natsu and Gray, so I decide to tag along," she said sweetly.

"You are welcome to come, but I really stronger than ever now, love," Berk said with a grin. "And today's training is already over," then he added. He grabbed Natsu and put him on his back.

"Let's go to guild," Berk said with a smile.

Erza smiled back. "Sure."


One of the days, Erza and Berk was in the guild again. The sun was hot, the guild was lively as almost every person inside of the guild.

Natsu and Lisanna bring the supposed to be dragon egg to the guild. Everyone was looking at them; Laxus was standing on a column, trying to be cool, and Gray was acting cool, but he was interested.

Mirajane was lecturing her sister about spending time with a boy alone was dangerous, she was jealous of Natsu, it seemed, since Lisanna spent too much time with Natsu.

'They decided to be mama and papa... Ah, Natsu you are so dense and naive,' Berk thought as he looked at the egg.

[It is about to hatch,] Hüma said with interest. [It has been a while since I saw those kinds of cats.]


[There are some other worlds, dear.] Hüma said. [Let us say the cat about to hatch's habitat just in the other world.]

'I thought Otherworlders are forbidden now?'

[This is not the same. The worlds connected with each other; yet yours do not.]

Berk heard a cracked sound and saw Egg cracked.


Every person in the guild made a surprising sound, even Laxus. Then, it cracked in half, and float up; a shiny blue light surround the being inside of the egg. Seconds later, the light vanished and reveal a cute little blue kitten to the world.

The kitten was small, about a size of a normal cat's kitten. Yet, it was not the same, considering it just hatched. The cat had wings, and blue. Yet, it was still cute.

'Well, this is interesting,' Berk thought as some of the people yelled.

"A cat!?"

They looked at the hardly flying cat with interest.

"It got wings!"

"A bird?"

"Isn't it a cat? A blue cat."

The cat floated slowly at Natsu and laid on top his head. The wings disappear in yellow light as the cat hopped up, sit straight, and yelled cutely.





'They are overreacting again,' Berk muttered with a sigh. 'Well, it is cute,' then he added. He glanced at Erza and saw he was looking at the cat and mumbling.

"Erza, what happened?" Berk asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Cute," Erza said simply.

Natsu decided that the cat's name is Happy, since he made the guild happier.


[September 12th]

(Guys, I could not find any info about Erza's birthday. Hence, I just made it out.)

Berk was outside, thinking a gift for Erza. Erza's birthday was tomorrow, and he would like to buy something special for her.

'He thought the cat was cute... So,' Berk thought and look for a pet shop.

"Hello, how can I help you?" One of the workers asked.

"I need a cat," Berk said. "Do you guys have animals from shelter? I don't want to go all the way to the capital," then he added.

"We do have them," The worker said. "We are a company founded by the kingdom itself, so all the animals you see there is sheltered."

Kingdom of Fiore made a law for animals. Some lunatics decided that cats were servant of devil, so they killed all the cats in the town. They were about to create the biggest plague in all existence, rats were everywhere for a long time, and they carried the magical virus.

After the event, the religion ended. The man was fraud, and the new law established. Now, animal breeding is forbidden aside from special cases, they were still some special breed animals left, but they were disappearing slowly.

Also, harming an animal, aside from self-defense had some harsh punishments.

"So, I want a kitten," Berk said.

"Quite alright, sir," The worker said, and they went to the kitten field.

The kittens were playing around in a grass field, they were stuck in a large rune wall, so they could not escape.

Berk looked at each of them, then he smirked. "Actually, I want to two," he said and pointed an orange kitten.

"I heard orange ones usually more combative." Berk looked at the worker, "Is it true?"

"Yes," The worker said. "Most of the times they are."

'I am more of a dog person, but the deed is done,' Berk thought and pointed another kitten.

The kitten was white; one eye blue, other amber. It was bigger than other cats by little and had a chalky white cloak.

"I want the orange and white," Berk said. "How much is it?"

"That would be 35.000 jewels, sir," The worker said.

Berk raised his eyebrow. He did not know about animal prices, so he went with it.

"I want them tomorrow at 2:00 PM at my home, here is my address," Berk lend his home address to the man. "Also, give me a gift box for them. I will need that."

"Sure, all can be done. Pleasure doing business with you."




The day had come, Erza's birthday. Berk decided to bough a strawberry cake and some candles. He made the gift box and put the kittens inside of it. They were sleeping last he saw them, he put their food and water, along with some milk.

It was unhealthy for a young kitten to drink regular milk, but the milk Berk gave them was proofed to healthy for the kittens.

Erza was orphan, the matron decided her birthday as the day she left on their doorsteps, and Erza would know if there was a surprise party for her, since she knew her birthday.

Berk prepared the desk, put the steak out; he have enough time to bring Erza his home, bought some drinks; they were still young to drink wine, so he bough something similar. It was a new drink which taste like alcohol, but with no alcohol in it. People said it was not an accurate taste, but it was better than nothing, and it went well with the meat.

Not too much later after Berk prepared the desk, Erza came to his house. Berk surprised, he was about to get Erza, but she decided to come there herself.

Berk went to door, and opened, and he captivated by his girlfriend beauty yet again.

Erza was wearing a white blouse, with a black medium sized skirt. Her hair tied as a ponytail with a red, phoenix detailed clasp, and she was wearing heels. She was looking at him softly, before she saw Berk's expression.

Erza smirked slyly at his boyfriends shocked face, and as much as she wanted to see him like that more, she wanted to enter.

"May I come in?" Erza asked with a smirk.

Berk blinked, and realization hit him. He blanked out of Erza's beauty; it was surreal considering he saw her every day, yet still Erza found a way to shocked him.

"Please," Berk said and gestured inside.

Erza entered, and smooch Berk's cheek. "Thank you, gentleman," she said sultry as she roamed her hands towards his torso slowly.

Berk gulped, he was trying to hold himself, and Erza smirked when she saw Berk's embarrassment and lust.

'All according to plan,' She thought. "Let's go," then she added, and they went to the kitchen.

The day continued like that. Erza loved the stake, and the drink went well with it. Berk immediately bring the cake, then put it in front of Erza.

The candles were ignited and burning peacefully.

"Make a wish," Berk said softly.

Erza looked at Berk; she was looking at him with love and passion, and a bit lust. She smiled warmly and blow the candles.

"What did you wish?" Berk asked.

Erza looked at Berk and grinned widely. "Future," she said simply. She came next to Berk slowly and kissed him softly.

"Thank you," Erza said and laid her head on Berk's chest; she tilted her head, and looked at the love of her life, "I love you," she said softly.

Berk caressed her cheek slowly. "I love you too," he said softly.

After the event, Berk and Erza went to living room. Berk gave Erza a big red gift box and she looked at him with a surprise.

"You don't need to buy me anything," Erza said softly.

"I know, we promised since we do not earn much, we will not buy each other... well, expensive gifts, but you will like them," Berk said.

Erza looked at Berk with suspicious, then she opened the box; her eyes widened to two small, adorable kittens inside of it.

"They are so cute!" Erza said happily. She took two of them in her bosom and hugged them tightly.

Berk smiled softly to the side. Erza was happy with the gifts, the money spent well. Albeit the cats have some different ideas.

The orange kitten was hissing while white one was looking at Erza curiously, albeit a bit bored too.

"But I cannot have two of them," Erza said suddenly.

Berk smirked. "I thought you would say that," he said. "Which one do you want?"

Erza looked at the white kitten. "I want her," she said with an innocent smile.

'I have the troublemaker then,' Berk chuckled and grabbed the orange kitten.

The kitten hissed at him and tried to break free, but it was futile. Berk was way stronger than him. The kitten closed his eyes and remained silent, for the time being.

Then, the times went on, the kittens fall a sleep and the night had come. Erza had to go the hills, but she had another plan.

It was midnight, Erza and Berk was hugging each; Erza release Berk, she looked at him slyly.

"You know I am 15 now," Erza said with a smirk.

"Yes," Berk said. Erza was two months older than Berk, that was why he remembered her birthday easily.

"So, I consider as an adult," Erza then added.

"Yes..." Berk said awkwardly, he could feel where that was going.

Erza smiled. "You've waited for a long time," she said softly. "So, I want to give you a little reward before... the real thing," then she added sultry. She gotten closer to her, pressed her bosoms on him as she hugged him tightly.

Berk did not have enough time to ask a question, Erza quickly climbed on Berk's lap and kissed him hardly; she was sucking his life out of him, want to taste every part of him herself. In the kiss, Berk grabbed Erza's wait, but Erza grabbed Berk's hand, still kissing him, and put it on her ass.

"There," Erza said between the kisses. She released the kiss and looked at Berk's emerald eyes sultry. "Do not need to be shy. You were not shy when I first offered myself," she licked her lips.

Berk felt aroused. Erza was on his laps, his hands on her ass, and thanks to the intense kiss, Erza's bosoms were in a mess. It was a mystery how, but some of Erza's shirt buttons were lost in the kiss, and Erza's breasts show themselves with their glory.

Berk could see the through black bra, that basically transparent, clearly. It would fail to hide Erza's massive chests even though they were not transparent anyway.

Erza placed her hand on Berk's chin and lifted it up. "I want another gift, Berk," Erza said softly. She leaned and kissed Berk briefly; she kissed through Berk's ear and whispered.

"Do you really want me to tell you clearly what it is?"

Berk growled and grabbed Erza on her hips. He laid her on the couch, and they started to make out again.

That time Berk was not passive, Erza made his switch on. He immediately grabbed two massive melons of her and started to knit them in the kiss.

Erza moaned between kisses as Berk played with her body. Their kissed put to an end by the lack of oxygen, but Erza did not wait too long before kiss Berk again.

Berk could see Erza was in her kitten mode again. She was clinging on him and did not let go. She was hugging him like no tomorrow as if she was afraid of losing him.

Berk smiled and stopped the kiss and looked at Erza with love and hunger.

Erza tried to kiss him again, but Berk put his finger on her lips. "No," he said and kiss her cheek, her neck and all the way down towards her chests, leaving hickeys on the way down.

Berk reached at Erza's breast and looked at them. Sure, he knew what to do fundamentally, but he never experienced that before. He could see Erza's hardened nipples, so he landed down and bit them gently before sucking them.

Erza moaned. "B-berk," he moaned his name, that made Berk more aroused. "Berk-," Erza exhaled. "Wait... I want to try something," she said excitedly.

Berk stopped and kissed Erza briefly before released her. Erza immediately switch the positions; now she was on top.

"Let's release that bad boy," Erza said with flushed cheeks. She released Berk Jr. from his pants and looked at Berk's rising member with interest and lust.

Erza saw Berk naked when they bathed young days, but that time she did not paid too much attention on it. Berk always tried to hide it, and she knew why, but decided to act innocent about it. Hence, that was the first time she saw Berk's hardened member with all glory.

Erza read countless smut novels over the years, but she had no experience. It was different from the smuts; Berk's pecker was big, but it was smaller than the books she read.

In the all the smuts Erza read, the male always had at least 14 inch horse dicks, which roughly 35cm. Erza felt reassured that was not the case, even though she did not expect to; those things were too LONG. It would mess her up.

It was a pity Levy believed their truthiness still.

On the matter of the task, Erza looked at Berk's pecker again. She switched rotation of her body; now she was facing Berk's member, and Berk was facing her lower lips.

"I read this in many books, and I want to try it for a long time," Erza said sultry. "I hope you won't mind," then she added with a giggle, swinging her ass.

Berk scoffed. "Action speaks louder than words," he said and grabbed Erza's ass cheeks, forcing them down to his face. He put his tongue in Erza's womanhood.

"Ughm," Erza moaned and looked at Berk's manhood. "What happened to embarrassed guy just before?" Erza asked, then she sandwiched Berk's member between her breasts.

Berk stopped pleasuring Erza. "He lost his patience," he said simply and continued to work he was doing faithfully.

Erza licked Berk's member, she was trying to use her tongue as diligently as possible. She was doing that for the first time, but she learned from the books enough things.

Erza was sucking Berk's member while rocking her breaths upside-down; she tried to pressure his member with her chests as much as possible while doing that.

They had some time in pleasure, Erza felt Berk's member twitched excitingly in her mouth. She smiled and tried to lick his member while sucking it; tasting to precum just after it appeared.

Along the line, her competitive attitude worked again. She was wondering who would cum first, so she decided another technique she read. She released Berk's manhood from her chest and tried to suck it up to the core.

"Hmm... Berk... ugmm..."

Erza made chocking sounds as she managed to get halfway, and tried for more; her mouth was swallow, her eyes were watery, but still tried to continue, before releasing it to have some air.

Berk grunted to the act Erza had have done. He understood her intentions clear enough, and his pride did not let cum first. If she wanted to play, then so be it.

Berk spread Erza's ass cheeks with his hands, before buried his face in Erza's womanhood, he put his middle finger on Erza's butthole and tried to find her weakness, while his other hand was playing her clitoris.

"Hmm!" Erza made a big moan, and Berk felt he found a weakness of her. Erza had a weakness for anal it seemed; he smiled, and they continued to pleasure themselves.

The time went on, Berk was verge on cum, but holding. Yet, Erza was the same, she was still resisting, even though Berk found her weakness.

Berk released her, took a deep breath, and made a last attack.

Berk buried his face on Erza's womanhood again, played with her clitoris and ass with all the power he could, while doing that he pushed her head upside and along with Erza, and they stand together.

Now, Berk was standing, and he was supporting Erza as she was upside-down sucking his cock. He was sucking her pussy to the death, did not stop his charges even for a second.

"I-I..." Erza moaned between words, and Berk's intense last attack work like a charm; Erza cummed hardly.

Berk did not push his head away as he cummed at Erza's mouth just after Erza cummed. He was too much lost in pleasure that he did not even care about the wetness Erza's love juices on his face.

After both cummed a relaxed their stress, Berk gently laid Erza to the couch with him. Erza was on top of him, and she was laying her head on Berk's chest.

"T... That was good," Erza said between breaths.

"We should do it more," Berk said with a chuckle.

Erza grinned and closed her eyes. "Next time will be much more interesting, I assure you," she said sultry. She felt something hardening in her below and raised her eyebrow on her boyfriend.

"Oh, really? Again," Erza smirked with excitement.

Berk chuckled. "You said some magic words~," he said and kissed Erza.

Even though they did not lose their virginities at that night, they did all the other things they could imagine.


[2 Months Later]

Now, it was Berk's birthday. Erza said he had to go to a simple quest and come to the home at night. He was not sure what she was after, sure he had some dirty ideas, but he was not sure what she did planned.

He finished the quest, he accompany a merchant to protect his goods. The distance was not too long, but the merchant had to finish his delivery quickly.

Now Berk was standing in front of his door and knocked it twice.

"Erza?" He asked.

There was no sounds.

Berk felt suspicious and opened the door. The house was dark, and only light could be seen in his bedroom.

Berk chuckled. "Time to be a man, I guess," he made a stupid smirk and went to his bedroom.

But, the thing he saw shocked him to the core.

Erza was in his bed, naked, and tied in silks. The silk tied her bosoms and hips, then her hands; then it tied it up like it was a gift box for Berk.

"Welcome home," Erza said sultry. "I hope you liked my gift~," then she added while made a fake struggling for escape.

Berk stood there and smirked. "I do," he said curtly and closed the door. "But, are you sure you wanted to do like that?"

It was their first time after all. Well, first time to lost their virginities once for all.

Erza giggled. "I don't know," she said and turned around. She raised her ass up before wiggling her hips.

"I don't think what I want is not important here, birthday boy," Erza said haughtily. "Come here and claim me."

Berk did not need to hear it twice.

Later that day, neighbors complained about their sounds.


[December 31th, X779]

Erza and Berk was in the guild, along with many others. Master Makarov would tell who would go to S-class exam that day.

"Okay, brats, calm down!" Makarov yelled and everyone became quiet and looked at the chibi master.

"The first week of the new year, we will go to the S-class Exam. Now..." He exhaled.

"The first candidate is Berk Hüma."

"Yes!" Berk said happily. Erza hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. "Congrats," she said softly.

Berk smiled. "Thank you," he said and rest his head on Erza's head.

"Second candidate is Erza Scarlet," Makarov said.

Erza smiled and Berk kissed her head. "Good luck, you'll need it to win our bet," he said with a smirk.

Erza laughed. "We will see," she said simply and rested her head on Berk's shoulder.

"The third candidate is Mirajane Strauss," Makarov said.

"Yes! I will show who is the boss you stupid couple!" Mirajane yelled smugly.

Erza growled and Berk chuckled.

"That's it," Makarov said and chuckled. "Be prepared, Two members team is necessary to win this exam, so you have 3 days to find a partner, if not, you will be eliminated," Makarov said and left.

Erza and Berk looked each other and grinned. The exam was going to be interesting for sure.



So, how was the chapter? Did I write lemosn well?

Plese review the story and gimme some power stones.

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