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100% Three Class Healer / Chapter 7: Crown Protector

Bab 7: Crown Protector

After arriving at his home, Xia Yun immediately took a bath and change into a set of Man clothes. It's just a pair of shorts and a T-shirt actually.

This is a tiring day, he thought to himself.

He was just preparing to scroll through the web. But when he started the computer, the new phone that he just gets started ringing.

"Who's calling?", He doesn't know there's already a number on the phone.

After he answers the call, he heard a man's voice on the phone, "Hello, is this Miss Xia?".

'Miss? he might be mistaken', He thought, "No, it's not".

"Ah, I'm sorry for bothering then", The call then ended.

But not after only 1 minute his phone started ringing again.

"This is with Miss Xia, right? please don't play around, we're pretty busy", It's the same man from the call before.

"As I said, I'm not you looking for, I think you got the wrong phone number".

"...Your name is Xia Yun, right?", the man said with a trace of helplessness.

"Correct I am, but not Miss Xia you're searching for".

"I'm sorry, but our boss said that you're the correct person, therefore we just want to tell you that we will arrive with your Gaming Cabin in about 30 minutes".

"Please wait a minute and sorry for the inconvenience", After that, the man ended the call quickly.

"...", Xia Yun was stunned for a second. Then he remembers that Xiao Yu said that she will send him a game cabin. But still, to think she would joke around with his genders with other people like that made him a little angry.

"Take my prize and then forget everything", He planned that after he got to the cabin then he would change his number. He forgot that he already told her his home address.

"Anyway, I'm curious about what is a gaming cabin", He started scrolling through the web.



Back at the store, Xiao Yu is on a call with someone.

"So? how is he?", It was the voice of the girl that recommend the store to Xia Yun.

"Pretty good I say, obedient and most importantly, he's very cute. I even take a few photos".

"Really? send me his pictures!", the girl urged.

"Hehe... Sure, one silver per picture, no bargain!", Xiao Yun thought of something before smiling evilly.

"... Fine, but give me all of it, No duplicate!", The girl hesitated for a second but finally agreed.

"You sure? I have 40 pictures of him... no duplicate of course", Xiao Yun was surprised, she would actually agree?.

"Just send me the picture or the deals off!", The girl immediately becomes impatient after hearing a question from her.

"Right right, there I just send you all of it", Xiao Yun said with enthusiast. Not every day she could scam her hateful cousin like this.

"That's all then", the girl prepared to end the call but Xiao Yun stopped her.


"What?", the girl was impatient.

"I just want to tell you that he seems to look very familiar".

"Familiar?", The girl looked at the picture Xiao Yu just send her.

"... Indeed, I feel like I saw someone like him somewhere...", The girl stood up from the sofa and gone toward the bookshelf on the side.

She pulled a book and the bookshelf started to move to the side, revealing a secret room full of stacks and stacks of files.

She looked around the room, trying to remember something, and went to one of the stacks of files.

She looked through the files until she found what she wanted.

"... Heh... I see", She flipped on the files and found the person she was looking for. A young-looking woman around 20 that looks resembles Xia Yun.

"...I thought everything was lost... is he probably... the key?", She closed the files and was going to put the file back into the stacks but she stops, instead, she put the file in her private safe.

If you look closely, a stamp of classified was on the file and it has a codename, "Project Six Wings".



While scrolling through the web, Xia Yun heard the bell of his house ring.

"Ah? is it the game cabin?", He goes downstairs and opened the door. He was met with people in uniform.

"Are you Miss Xia?", The man asked.

"...", whatever, he doesn't even want to care anymore, "Yes".

"We brought your gaming cabin, please show us where to place it".

"Oh, ah please come in", Xia Yun let them inside his house, bringing boxes after boxes.

Xia Yun thought for a second, and asked, "is there any requirement on how the place should be?".

"It needs to be a space as big as a bed".

"Oh...", Xia Yun thinks again and found out there's no such space in his house.

"Excuse me miss if your bed is big enough, its space can be used. Besides, this gaming cabin can be a substitute for a bed and can be slept in".

"Really? then can we use my bed?", Xia Yun showed them his bed.

"Yes, the space is big enough".

"Then we will start constructing the cabin".



After a few minutes of Xia Yun watching them doing stuff, he didn't understand, he almost fell asleep.

"Miss, it's done".

"Huh? ah wow...", Xia Yun marveled at the pink-colored gaming cabin in the former place of his bed. Wait, pink? what?.

"Hey... why is it pink?", He asked the technician.

"Our boss the one that chooses the color, we don't know anything".

"...", The corner of his mouth started twitching.

"Can it be changed?".

"We would need permission from our boss first... do you want me to inform her?".

"No need, you can leave now", Nope! he definitely doesn't want to have another 'accident' with that girl, No way.

"Miss, this is the manual", The technician gave him a paper.

"If it broke, miss can go back to the store for repair".

Please never break!. "Alright".

"Then, excuse us", the technicians left.


After locking the door, Xia Yun doesn't immediately go back to his room. Instead, he goes to the kitchen to make dinner, since it was already late and he was really hungry.

After eating, He first tried to sit in the cabin, he felt it was pretty comfortable.

He then read the 'manual' that was given to him. After memorizing pretty much everything inside... well it not like there's that much content on it anyway.

"Let's see... you can play while sleeping at the same time...".

"Wait, really? I can play the whole night?".

"... Let's try it then", If it was a scam then he can blame the creator of it.

So just like the manual, pretty much just sleep there and pressing a few button.



Xia Yun opened his eyes and found out that he was on the bed.

Just as he stood up, he definitely felt the difference between a helmet and a gaming cabin.

If the helmet can make you can only see things and touch things, then a gaming cabin can make you feel the atmosphere, the cold, hot, humidity, and sense of touch that multiplies.

"Wow, it really is different", well it's not only that which is different, he's even more aware of the feeling in his body now. Luckily, the upper area is not big so it didn't make much difference.

He only felt weird in the lower part, he still doesn't get used to having nothing down there.

... Guess 'he' was back to be a 'She' again.

After looking around, she notices someone is sleeping beside her. It was Night Emperor.

This is why you need to be in the safe zone to log out. When logging out, your body will not disappear, instead, it will go to sleep mode, making it vulnerable to all danger.

At this time, Night Emperor logged in. He was watching her here but got called to dinner. So he logs out for a while to eat. He was surprised to see her looking at him after he logs in.

"Umm... morning?", She greets him, apparently felt pretty confused.

"Well... morning", He notices that he was too close and backs away, took a chair, and sat there. Xia Yun felt even more confused, "Is there something weird?", she asked.

"No, I prefer sitting".

"...", Isn't he also sitting just now?.

"So, did you feel better now?", Night Emperor tried to change the topic.

"Ah, oh yes, my helmet broke just now and I bought a new device", Well Xia Yun didn't notice anything weird so she just answers truthfully.

"I see, did it really hurt the last time?", Seeing she doesn't notice anything, he asked about the last time, her reaction is too much, she... doesn't set her pain level to be 80% right?.

"Yes, it hurt so bad, I never felt that much pain in my life... till that time", Xia Yun nodded.

"Say... can you check your settings and show me your pain level?".

"Wait...", She opened her own menu and showed her pain level.

"Why is your pain level at 100%?", Now he understand why she felt that much pain.

"I don't know either... is it bad?", If she remembers correctly, it was not 100% the first time, but only 60%.

"Usually you would start with only 60%, more than that means you want to experience the game more. But even the expert player I saw only set them to 80%, none dare to go above".

"Then I should change it right?".

"You should".

She nodded and try to change it but it says *Error*, "I-I can't".

"What? why?", Night Emperor asked.

"I don't know, it says error...", Xia Yun felt wronged.

"Well...", He also doesn't know anything much about that.

"Should we call the customer service?".

"Go ahead", Night Emperor thought for a second and nodded.

Like the last time, Xia Yun was teleported back to a white room and a fairy showed up, this time it was a different fairy. The fairy looks confident and intelligent.

"How may I help you?", the fairy politely asked.

After telling the full story to the fairy. The fairy said, "We also doesn't know why this is happening, we have discovered a fair amount of foreigners that have the same symptom as yours but we still don't know the cause".

"We felt sorry for your inconvenience, but for now we don't have any solution to your problem, so as an exchange, would you like a little compensation from us?".

"...Ok...?", Xia Yun also felt it was useless to force the issue so she just accepts the compensation.

"The please choose what kind of compensation do you want".

"Umm... can I consult someone on what I choose?".

"Err... yes, you can", The fairy thought for a second and agreed. What damage can it do?. The fairy thought, but after this, the fairy will deeply regret it.



At this time, Night Emperor accepted a message from Xia Yun.

"Umm, Leader it can't be fixed they said and they want to give me compensation, what should I choose?".

"...Did they say you can choose anything?".



"...", If it was normal compensation, then he would let her choose. But this is compensation from the system itself, there are so many items he wanted and each can boost his team by tens of years ahead of others. (this is just an exaggeration okay?)

But there's no way he can get all of it. But if he wants to choose one item, then it should be 'that' item.

"Cloud, ask for an item called 'Devil Blessings' ".



"Umm... I want an item called 'Devil Blessings'? ", did she spell it correctly?.

"...", the fairy was surprised, then it carefully asked, "A-are you sure its 'Devil Blessings'? not 'Devil Sword?' ".

"No, it's 'Devil Blessings'. Why? does it not exist?", Night Emperor might spell it wrong?.

"N-no, it exists but... are you sure?".

"Oh, it exists? then yeah, I'm sure", nevermind, I guess they just want to confirm it.

"P-please wait a minute", the fairy left this word and then disappear.


Somewhere in the sky castle.

Two women conversed with each other, one of them is Reyne, and she looks at the other woman with an angry expression and the other pretended to look elsewhere, but you can see beads of sweat started flowing like a waterfall.

"Say, Aria am I that scary?", asked the angry Reyne with a slight smile that looks very hideous to other people.

"N-no... don't be mistaken, I really have been busy these days...", the other woman, Aria turned a little pale and waved both of her hands.

"Hoo? then what are you doing at Belin Bar all happy? what kind of work you possibly have there? prostitution?", Reyne sneered.

"O-of course not! I-I mean, I'm searching for someone there and s-somehow got baited", At first Aria wanted to be angry when she heard her, but she swallows back that emotion after seeing her "smile".


"M-Merlin, I have a problem that needs her help".

"Are you saying that I can't help you?", Reyne stomp her feet, creating a very long crack.

"Yes, I-I mean no, I....", This woman is really unreasonable when she's angry. I should have left something...

"Alright whatever, anyway... do you know that event 15 years ago?".

"Event 15 years ago you said... is it "That" Event?",

"Indeed, the event when the first "Foreigner" Becomes a "???" "

"What of it?".

"Hehe, I think I found-" Before Reyne finished, she was interrupted by an incoming fairy. This is the same fairy that disappeared from Xia Yun place.

"E-Excuse me!".

"What is it?", Reine asked.

"U-um that...", The fairy then told her about Xia Yun's events and wish.

"... Devil blessing? How did she know that thing?", Reine was pretty surprised when she heard it.

"I-I don't know either, she said that she wants to ask someone and after I check, it's a Foreigner named "Night Emperor", We also doesn't know how he knows it ".

"Hmm...", After hearing the fairy, Reine waved her hand and a faint screen appeared in front of her. She looked at the screen for a while and then started laughing, "I see, I see...".

"Well. just give it to her".

"A-Are you sure?", Aria asked, "That thing is very dangerous if given to the hands of foreigners".

"Doesn't matter. Anyway, you go and give it to her.".

"Y-yes!", The fairy saluted and then left.

"Why do give it to others? I thought you worked hard to keep it safe", Aria asked.

"It was only because of my promise, and now it will be fulfilled".

"Anyway, I'm tired, see ya", Reine left the word and disappeared.


"Since when does 'life' get tired?", Aria muttered.


After waiting for a while, the fairy returned in front of Xia Yun with a small chest in her hand.

"Here you are, please don't open it here, we don't like that thing", The fairy gave her the box and then reminded her.

"Ah, then I will leave", Since she already got the item, then it's time to go back.

At the same time, she pressed exit and returned to the Inn, she was immediately greeted by the Night Emperor's eyes.

"Leader! I got the item... probably", Xia Yun immediately gave him the chest.

"Thank You", Night Emperor looked at Xia Yun in appreciation.

"N-no problem! you're my boss after all", Xia Yun doesn't take compliments that well so she became shy and said bluntly.

"...", Night Emperor shakes his head in amusement. Even if she doesn't take it seriously he won't mind, the worst-case scenario, she can just find another team and she will be accepted instantly. She is really too pure.

"Still, I'm thankful, I'll give you a treat next time".


"But Leader, what is that item", Xia Yun was curious about why does Night Emperor be interested in that item.

"Oh, this? it's a future investment", Night Emperor said with a smile.

"Oh... but what kind of investment?".

"Let's just say... If we have a problem in the future, this would be a very helpful item", I guess there's no problem in telling her, anyway this could also build trust between us. He thought, but he felt weird after that, between us?. He felt a little ambiguous actually but he quickly throws away the thought.

"I see...".

"Well, anyway, for the last time... I wonder if you're still interested in learning how to use the sword with your problem now", He was talking about the abnormal pain level.


"Well, you can think about it, no need to rush", Well he won't force her, anyway not only it won't have any effect even if she doesn't learn it, but she can also feel better staying where she can choose freely.

"... I think I... still want to learn", Anyway, it's just some technical problem, so it will be fixed soon right?. So learning swordsmanship now means I can get used to it faster. Yes, this will be fine.

"Great! since I don't have anything to do, then let's train now?", He suggested, "But of course, if you can't then we can choose another time".

"N-no, no I can do it now!".

"Good, let's go then".



After leaving the Inn and leaving the town, they arrived at a place called "Rabbit Valley", and like the name, it full of rabbits, but luckily, they won't attack you until you attack them. It's a perfect spot to practice.

"Well, before we started, I'm going to teach you a few things".

"First...", And so, Night Emperor explained basic swordsmanship to Xia Yun. (Whatever I'm too lazy to think about this, you think urself humph).


"So you get it?".

"I-I think so?", Xia Yun doesn't feel confident, it feels complicated.

"Haha, no need to be too stiff, let's just say it's like a rhythm game you always played. The monster is the target you need to hit and you need to hit it at the precise timing".

"But let's add another rule to it. Right now, you are the place the target wants to go to, so you need to prevent that target from hitting you, simple right?".


"Do you want to try it?"

"I...I'll try my best", She hesitated for a second but decided to do it anyway.

"Great! you can attack the rabbit if you're ready".


Xia Yun unsheath her sword and looked at the groups of rabbits in front of her. The group of rabbits itself is doing nothing, just chilling and doing their own thing, nothing special. Suddenly, she felt bad hurting these animals.

"...", Night Emperor also saw her hesitation. He then made the cruel decision of throwing a rock at a rabbit in the group. Because he throws it as hard as he can, it did some damage to the rabbit. Sometimes, people only need a little push to grow.

Each one of them then turned black and their eyes turned red. They all looked at Xia Yun with those bloody red eyes and squeaked.

There's a set of mob targeting, that is if you're in the party and the other member attacked the mob, then it will target that member, BUT if the damage isn't enough to get aggro, then they will target the closest target. That 'closest target' is now Xia Yun herself.

Immediately, she felt like wanting to run away.

"Never run in a fight, it would put you in an even more disadvantage", But of course, this sentence throws away that intention, so she just starts slashing.

"Positioning is important, don't forget to always try not to show your back to the enemy".

"Unless you're confident, never go in a head-on fight against groups of two or three like you did just now, well this one is an exception".

So Night Emperor continues to... "give advice" while Xia Yun is Doing her best for a while. Then, comes Night Time in the game. Yes, there's Nighttime in this game, but only for a few hours. At Night though, the monster spawn multiplied a few times, and not only that but your vision was decreased as well, making roaming at Night very hard for players.

"Well then, we'll stop here", said Night Emperor while looking at the exhausted Xia Yun that laying still on the ground.

"Lead, you're evil".

"Haha... it's okay, you'll get used to it".

"...", Xia Yun tried to get up but her stamina bar is empty, you can even see a negative number on it.

"Lead, I can't move",

"Well...", Now it's time for Night Emperor to frown.

"Then let's wait until your stamina bar to recharged", But just as he said this, a group of monsters started to appear from the valley.

"...", Night Emperor expressions started to darken, there are too many monsters, the spawn rate at night really is broken, also, all of them are level 4 monsters. If he was alone, he might be able to escape with ease but right now, he brought Xia Yun with him.

After thinking for a split second, he came to a decision. He said, "Excuse me", then lift Xia Yun up in a princess carry.

"Wah?", Xia Yun was surprised, but she cannot move because her stamina runs out. So she can only look at him with questioning eyes.

"We need to leave now, more of them will come in a while", and with that, he started running toward the town.

Xia Yun didn't feel uncomfortable but it felt embarrassing.

"We will be there soon", Night Emperor rushed through the forest like it was a highway, dodging the tree left and right like it's nothing.

Stamina will be decreased, depends on the amount of weight of the player, if it's only Himself, then Night Emperor could reach the town easily without breaking a sweat. But right now he was carrying Xia Yun with him thus his stamina consumption doubled.

So after a while, even though the town was in sight, he instead grimaced after he saw his critical level stamina.

Just as he thought that he was going to fail to get into town, a white shadow flashed by and plunged all the monsters away from them.

At the same time, He got a buff called Knight Blessing, this buff decreased mana and stamina consumption by 10%, but this is enough for him to reach the town.

So he runs as fast as he could and finally, they reach the safe zone where the guard helps them kill the monsters.

He dropped Xia Yun in the corner, he saw that she was sweating as well, probably terrified of what just happened.

He took the time to look around and finally found him, the person who helped them. He wears white breastplate armor and holds a shining Iron shield and a Shiny white sword. I say it's

The knight himself also came to them with a wide grin, "Sup bro".

"Thank you just now", Night Emperor looked at the man with weird light on his eyes.

"It's okay, no biggie, just move some muscle and it's done".

"By the way, this girl... is she your girlfriend?", Unexpectedly this guy is so carefree and asks whatever he wants. The guy too, looked at Xia Yun, at first, he was stunned, How beautiful! he thought, but he quickly regained his consciousness.

Xia Yun heard the word 'Girlfriend' and just as she wanted to refute, Night Emperor was quicker.

"Yes", The answer made Xia Yun's face turned red.

"Agh, I was even thinking of hooking up with some girl", this guy is pretty easygoing but still looked a little obscene.

"...", Night Emperor looked at this guy in amusement.

"Anyway, my name is "Crown Protector" and I am the guardian of cute girls!", The guy said proudly.

"Greetings, I'm Night Emperor, and this is White Cloud", He and Xia Yun nodded at Crown Protector. They even added each other as friends.

"Anyway, I need to see if I can get to save more girls, see ya!", Crown Protector said this and left with a sunny side expression.

"T-that lead... why do you answer Yes?", Xia Yun asked, still a little red, but she knows Night Emperor must have his reason.

"If I say no, then he will keep pestering you, it's better to let him give up at the start".

"I-I see...", Xia Yun sighed in relief.

"But Lead, you seem to know him well?".

"... I know him, after all...", Night Emperor looked at the direction Crown Protector disappeared to.

He really never changes... just like in last...

TreasurerOfDreams TreasurerOfDreams

Hmm... I don't know what to write here.

Anyway, too busy to update. Update schedule is non existent.

If you're waiting for fast update then don't, I can't.

Maybe after I graduated then I can update regularly. That's right, I'm a college student. *Clap* Clap* *Clap*.

Anyway, thank you for reading and I'll see you guys in... sometime?

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