"Come on Ben, snap out of it already." I deliver many punches toward Cannonbolt but he smacks me to a car as he curls into a ball and bounces himself toward me as I sped backwards as Cannonbolt now is chasing me.
"Okay. For now, Hex is far from Ben so I only need for him to time out." I thought in my head until Cannonbolt now has changed into Big Chill.
Ice breath hit the road as the road now has become ice which makes the road ice slippery as I lose my balance and crash against a pole.
"Ouch." I groan in pain as I quickly sped and run on a building with Big Chill keep firing ice breath on me as the building now is covered in ice.
"Big Chill is not that fast so I can outspeed him. But Ben also can turn intangible and I will be frozen when I pass through his body. Damn it. At this rate, I may lose." Big Chill appears in front of me as I spin my right arm and blast a tornado blast that counter the ice breath but that makes feel a bit cold when the cold breeze hit my body.
"Time to change my mask." Tapping the Omnitrix, I turn into Frankenstrike and shot a lightning blast toward Big Chill who screech in pain as Ben tap his Omnitrix turning him into Echo Echo as all of them now surrounded me.
"Uh oh." I quickly make an electromagnetic field around me but Echo Echo is faster than me.
"Echo Chamber!" All Echo Echo releases their sound wave that hit me as I fell on my knees as my ears almost explode due to this sound attack.
My palm quickly hit the Omnitrix as I turn into Jetray.
I flew myself to the air as both my eyes and tails release neuro shock beams toward Echo Echo as they all combined back to one as a green flash engulf his body.
"Great. Now he is Swampfire." Swampfire shot a fireball toward me but I avoid it but a mud hit my eyes as my body get hammered below as my eyes blast a powerful neuro shock beam that makes Swampfire lose his left arm and make the mud to disappear away from my eyes.
I quickly shot my neuro shock beam separating his legs and arm as Swampfire manages to make an extended hand that punches me backwards as the hand tap the Omnitrix turning him into Chromastone.
A rainbow-coloured beam hit me as I crash to the next building as Chromastone leap to me and delivered a punch coated with his energy that exploded the whole floor.
My body land on the ground as I groan from pain as I fell from a high place as Chromastone now is not a match for me in my current form.
Tapping the Omnitrix symbol again make me change into another alien as I have become Spidermonkey.
"Okay, I am hoping for Four Arns or Diamondhead, but I guess this will do." I shot my web toward Chromastone but he easily destroys my web as he lands creating an energy wave that sends me to crash into a store.
"Urghh." I groan as I shot a web toward Chromastone but he pulled me toward him and delivers a haymaker to me as my head hit the ground first.
"Last chance Ben," I said and is replied by a point-blank energy beam as my body now is very hurt due to that attack as my body crash to a truck.
"I need to change again or I am the one who changes to human first." My palm slap the Omnitrix as my body grows taller with emerald diamond covers the entire my body with me now wears a black shirt with a white long pant.
"Diamondhead. Now we are talking." I make my left palm to become a diamond-shaped shield and make a right fist big.
Chromastone shot an energy beam toward me as I rush to him with using my shield to deflect the beam and a step away before Chromastone, I punch his face to the ground but an energy beam sends me backwards.
Chromastone is about to slap his hand on the Omnitrix but I am fast enough to extend my hand blocking his hand and throw him over my shoulder to the road behind me.
A flash of green happen as Chromastone has turned back to human making me sigh in relief but then my body gets blasted toward the top of the building as I see Hex who hovers above me with his wand shot an explosion on my body as my body almost crack due to the explosion with many explosion keep spamming on my body as I grit my teeth.
Until a purple orb hit his face making him stop spamming explosion on me as my body now has a tiny crack on my right arm as I focus myself to regrow back the tiny crack as the crack disappears.
"Urghh. Did I forget to scan the alien? Or maybe this watch decides to screw with me?" I thought in my head until my Omnitrix make a sound.
"4 Aliens Unlocked." My Omnitrix makes a sound.
"What are the 4 aliens?" I ask my Omnitrix.
"Crystalsapien, Necrofriggian, Sonorosian and Methanosian," Omnitirx replied making me smiles as I tap the Omnitrix as vines covered my body with my head now is like a fire.
"Swampfire!" I announced as I shot a big fireball toward Hex but he blasts a water blast that counters my fire as he shot many crimson diamonds that exploded upon hitting something.
"Shiba. Just focus on Ben." Kevin said to me as I see Ben just turn into Brainstorm.
I blast myself toward Brainstorm who shot a lightning bolt toward me but I fire my fire blast parrying his attack.
An electric-magnetic field now is covering himself as I punch on the ground as veins now envelop Brainstorm as I clench my fist tightening the grip on Brainstorm.
Brainstorm manages to blast a lightning bolt that destroyed my right leg as I lose focus for a second that makes the grip of my being on Brainstorm to become loose as he destroyed all the veins.
"Cerebrocrustacean's DNA has been unlocked." My Omnitrix announces.
He then trapped me in some sort of electromganetic field and start to shrink it as I quickly slap my Omnitrix turning me into Big Chill.
"Big Chill!" I shouted as I passed through the field but Ben zap me as I scream in pain.
Luckily for me, a blast of beam hit Brainstorm freeing me from being zap but my watch makes a beeping sound like a red flash engulf me turning me back to human.
Grandpa Max quickly pulls me to the roadside.
"You okay young man?" He asks me as I nod my head.
"The road is empty since I ask for some of my associates to clear the road. It seems we need for your watch to be recharge. How long Is it for it to be fully recharged?" Max ask me.
"5 minutes," I replied.
"Good. Take cover. I will distract Ben." Max then walk out as I look at my watch as I click my tongue seeing the watch is still being recharged.
I see how Gwen and Kevin are doing their best-holding Hex from being near to Ben as it takes all my patience for the watch to be recharged.
Minutes pass as my watch glows red as I spin the dial and smack down the face watch.
"Chromastone!" I take a flight and search for Ben who now is still Brainstorm cornering Max as I dropkick on him and delivers an uppercut on him sensing him to fly on the air.
A flash of green happens as Goop landed in front of me.
"Great, he becomes a slimy thing." I thought in my head.
Seeing my grandson who now is under control of Hex pain my heart as I need to knock him out with a brute force.
The Plumber Helpers are knocked out cold by Ben.
The Bearer of Omnitrix, the most powerful weapon in this universe is in the hand of my grandson who does many great feats that make me proud of him but at the same dangerous if he gets mind-controlled.
I push aside that thought since I know there is now Ben will get mind controlled easily but it seems today to make my theory is incorrect.
Even I know facing the wielder of Omnitrix, my grandson who is in it is going to be a hard fight coupled with Hex who keep making us unable to approach Ben when he times out and in his human form.
So I did the only thing I do, call Azmuth for assistance to defeat Ben who wears his most powerful creation, the Omnitrix. I mean, with Azmuth's help, we will be able to disable the Omnitrix which make us able to capture Ben without him able to go alien with his Omnitrix being disabled by its creator, Azmuth.
But I never expect for him send one of the alternate universe wielders of Omnitrix, who goes by the name, Tatsuya Shiba.
I can say that his skill in using Omnitrix isn't the same as Ben does. Seeing him in action when he defeated many Highbreed with him going toe to toe with the Highbreed Commander.
But seeing both wielders of the Omnitrix clash make me realise how insignificant am I against them as both of them are on par but with each transformation make them gain victory against each other and make them turn into another alien.
I know by right now the only person who will be able to match Ben right now is Tatsuya Shiba.
"Whatever he does, I must put my faith in Shiba to win against Ben and knock him out successfully for us to snap out Ben from whatever Hex do to him." I prayed in my head.
"This incident isn't supposed to happen." Professor Paradox said as he seems to be in deep thought.
"That yellow gem, I swear I see it somewhere. I need to go to a detour. I hope you Daniel manages to not get killed by Benjamin." He mutters as he disappears in a flash of blue light.