Unduh Aplikasi
93.5% Avatar: Macai's Journey / Chapter 72: Demarius's Lair

Bab 72: Demarius's Lair

Macai waits in the Prompt Adjudicator with Azula at his side during a meeting. Kanna, Kett, Dade, Sonna, Dengo, Irina, Aiya, Arret, and other marines wait in the meeting room. Macai looks at Kett, "So you discovered an enemy base in the Ganaybia region?" Ganaybia is located on the outskirts of the Earth Kingdom but is located facing the Water Tribes. It is one of the colder regions in the Earth Kingdom and naturally gets less sunlight than other Earth Kingdom territories.

Kett tells Macai a story, "Ganaybia is also known for having a bit more gravity than the rest of the planet. The people there are tough, and the winds are strong. Local history says that many of the people have long-term and distant airbender ancestry. When the Fire Nation discovered that history, Firelord Azulon attempts to destroy the people of Ganaybia. He sent one of his best Generals who fought hard with a massive army, but they were defeated. The history was never pushed on to the public because Azulon didn't want anyone to know."

Dade comments, "History is written by the victors."

Kanna: "But they lost."

Dade updates his statement, "By the long-term victors. Our nation was still winning the war."

Macai: "I noticed that a lot of the DOJ's most important facilities are located within the borders of different nations. That makes it easier for them to avoid detection and to manipulate several locations at once."

Kett pulls out a map, "I have our rendezvous point marked on my map. We need to get going now while we still have time to strike."

Macai: "Ok, Azula has been healing since her last fight. She's ready for action. I want Rosh to also accompany me. Kanna and Kett, sit this one out and wait with my reserve team to reinforce us in case anything goes south."

Kett looks at Macai, "I wanted to fight too, but I also wouldn't mind resting a bit." Kett looks at Kanna and she smiles.

Macai: "Alright it's settled then, let's head out there. Ganaybia is a bit of a trip from the Fire Nation." The Prompt Adjudicator sails until it docks outside of a nearby Earth Kingdom bay. The latch of the ship opens and two steel dark grey battle transports roll out of it. Macai, Rosh, Azula, Dade, Dengo, a firebender, a spearman, and a swordsman ride in one. Kanna, Kett, a swordsman, a spearman, and Arret roll in the other transport.

As Macai's team rides, Azula pats her fiance on his back. Macai rubs her right leg, "We've come a long way."

Azula smiles, "Yeah, we have."

Rosh looks at Azula, "You've been awfully quiet lately."

Azula mutters, "I'm just taking everything in."

Dengo: "It kind of makes sense, her life has taken a 360 in the last two months. It's been two months since you changed right?"

Azula: "It's been two and a half now. I had my inner battle for a month before Ty Lee sought me out. Zuko came two weeks later. I saw Macai a week after that and had my fight with Zerrel. And you all know the rest."

Dade: "One big difference is she's less snappy than before and I welcome that change."

Rosh: "She's also less arrogant, from what I can tell."

Azula replies, "Some of the arrogance never leaves, but a bit less."

Macai answers, "Arrogance in moderation is just confidence."

Azula smiles, "Yes Cai, exactly."

Rosh: "Might be a bit soon for that, that sounded a little forced."

Azula points at Rosh, "I'll say it when I feel like it."

Rosh raises his nose at Azula, "Ohhhh, here we go again."

Azula: "If it happens, remember that you started it."

Macai stands up, "Alright, now is not the time for this. Save that energy for the DOJ."

Dengo laughs, "So, this is what it was like for you guys before? I love it!" The transport rides into an Earth Kingdom village that is just 120 kilometers from the objective. The sky is a faded blue-purplish color. The sun is faint and looks light orange in the distance. The winds are moderate at the moment and a cold chill flows through the air. It is 4.4 Celsius (40 Degrees) outside.

The buildings are a mud brown color with clover green markings. The citizens wear clothes with dark clothes (dark grey, dark brown, black, and dark green). Azula looks around through the transport windows, "Wow, the fashion choice is so grim here."

The transport driver suddenly stops, "Alright, everyone out. We have some visitors." The team disembarks and notices Major Apeko. The Earth Kingdom major has four Earth Kingdom commandos standing around him. Macai looks into Apeko's teal eyes.

Apeko extends his arms, "Macai, fancy seeing you again."

Macai crosses his arms, "I see you and your commandos. I'm no fool, you tracked our location and found us."

Apeko: "Give me some credit Macai, I found you all without being detected."

Azula: "Unless Kett was in on this. Then you needed help to pull it off."

Apeko: "Oh, look at you, aren't you a cunning young lady? Princess Azula, the one who brought down my nation's capital city. I really wanted a crack at you back then, but I never had the opportunity. It was too dangerous for my unit to even get close to Ba Sing Se. Times were desperate."

Azula dismisses him, "Save the story for someone else. I'm here for one job."

Apeko: "And I can help you all with that job. Imagine this headline, the legendary commander Macai and his infamous girlfriend Princess Azula fight alongside Major Apeko and a team of Earth Kingdom Commandos as they collaboratively takedown Demarius's Lair."

Dade gets excited, "That sounds pretty cool, but don't forget about the charming Dade."

Apeko rolls his eyes, "Yeah, and you too."

Azula: "Who's Demarius?"

Apeko laughs heavily. Azula looks at him in a puzzled manner. Apeko looks at Macai and he is just as baffled. Apeko laughs again, "Hahaha, and Macai you don't.....Heheheh, know eitherrrr. Hahaha!!"

Dengo: "And to think they put this clod is in special forces."

Apeko gathers himself, "Hehe, huaaaaaaah!! Ok, I'm good now. Anyway, Demarius is the best inventor in the Disciples of Justice. He makes a lot of their weapons. The explosive arrow designs, Voren's wings & his wingmen, and a lot of the things they made were invented by him. Just like how Macai needs Aiya's help for logistics, Zerrel relies on Demarius for technology."

Rosh speaks, "Technology, sorcery, and terrorism.... What a combo!"

Apeko: "Yeah these guys are insanely formidable. But they're finally losing, and we can put them away for good. Losing Demarius's lair would compromise the long-term ability of the DOJ to wage war against us. They'd fall from being advanced killers to just common terrorists that the 31st often mops the floor with."

Macai: "We'll take all the help that we can get. Do you know about the layout of the facility?"

Apeko: "There is only one route we know of that leads into Demarius's Lair. And it is more than just a lair, it is a massive base and weapons facility. It also has labs where several experiments are made. We believe it is where Solven got his acid-bending abilities."

Rosh goes off, "Oh please, that guy doesn't even bend. All he does is shoot acid out of a canister. There is nothing 'natural' about any of his powers, they are all man-made. Bending is natural and spiritual in nature. Solven's body must have been manipulated and modified in a way that he can withstand great heat though because the acid he fired was extremely hot."

Azula: "How are they getting the knowledge to create things like this?"

Apeko: "Our sources believe Apeko is combining his brilliance with Zerrel's spiritual knowledge. Zerrel is getting assistance from ancient dark forces which give him a vast amount of knowledge. But Zerrel might pass on the stuff that is useful for innovation rather than taking that in himself."

Rosh: "This just gets more and more confusing."

Apeko: "Don't worry about it, we just need you to fight." Kett exits his transport and follows behind Macai with his team.

Kett: "What's going on over here?"

Apeko: "We're making a little alliance to stop the bad guys."

Kett looks at Macai, "Do you need any help from me?"

Rosh gives Kett a thumbs up, "We're good. We need to stop wasting time and attack the DOJ before they discover us."

Kett glances at Rosh then looks back at Macai, "What do you want my squad to do?"

Macai: "Ride with us then your transport will stop at a non-disclosed location 40 meters out from the objective. This town might have enemy agents in it, so I wouldn't want to stay here for long. For all we know, spies may have already seen us. I also wouldn't stay in the transport, set up a tent camp near it and around it with people on guard shifts."

Kanna nods. Kett: "Sounds like a plan, everyone back in." Kett, Kanna, Arret, and the other marines pile back into their transport.

Macai looks at Apeko, "Did you come in a vehicle?"

Apeko steps aside, "Take a look." Macai notices a long and wide transport that is made out of thick stone. The transport has tracks on it and is light grey with light green markings. Apeko: "We can it a heavy assault transport, it also has a turret on top that can fire stones at enemies."

Azula chuckles, "It sounds great until you go up against other vehicles. What are those stones going to do against A METAL TANK?"

Apeko explains, "The stones this tank are made of are highly durable. It can take shots from other vehicles for a decent timeframe and ram into them. Or it can take the shots while infantry assists it. For us, I'd just have a couple of commandos get out and dismantle any tank that comes our way." Macai nods and Apeko's team enters their transport. Macai's team does the same and they exit the village.

The transports ride through a valley where the grass is dark green, the ground is covered with grey soil, and scattered white clouds flow through the sky. The winds are relatively strong and the sky is berry blue. Several large dark grey rocks are scattered throughout the area. Kett's transport stops as it meets its destination and the other two continue their voyage.

Dengo looks out of his window, "Wow, this place is crazy. I've never seen an environment like this."

Dade: "Me neither. Normally, I'd say I'm terrified, but I'm not afraid anymore."

Rosh jokes, "Took you long enough man."

Dade: "Yeah, after almost getting my head chopped off a dozen times, I'm finally not afraid anymore. Now I understand how precious life is and how real death is. And now I understand that sometimes, death is worth risking. Think about what's at stake if we fail." Rosh's face suddenly becomes serious and Azula looks at Dade.

Dade: "Even if the DOJ falls, every second they stay functional at large, thousands of lives will be at risk. We've seen what they've done. Innocent men, women, and children have died. All because one madman wanted to make a statement. Now I know this world isn't perfect, but I cannot stand by and do nothing. So today, I'll fight with you all."

Dade continues, "Not so long ago, I didn't know all of you. But in time, you became my family. You laughed, labored, and cried with me. And I must say it's been an honor to serve alongside each and every one of you. So, whatever happens, thank you all for everything." A tear flows down Rosh's eye and Macai looks uneasy.

Macai leans against the window as he waits to see Demarius's lair. The commander has grown weary of the conflict and is ready for it to end. As the vehicles chug forward a DOJ defense unit waits outside of the main entrance to the base.

A waterbending DOJ captain waits outside with a long dark grey cape and a dark grey battle uniform. A firebender stands left of his position, an earthbender waits at his right, two spearmen stand with them, and three swordsmen are also in their team. The team is about five feet away from the front door which is long, wide, and bronze.

The terrorist firebender looks ahead and notices the two transports incoming. DOJ firebender: "Transports!! One of Earth Kingdom and another of Fire Nation origin."

Waterbending captain: "Our time has come, attack positions!" The earth transport fires two heavy stones into two terrorist swordsmen. One swordsman is broken in half by an incoming stone and the other is badly maimed. The Earth Kingdom transport stops just as it is 15 feet from its enemies' position. A latch in the back of the vehicle opens and two Earth Kingdom commandos leap across the right side of the vessel. Another two commandos emerge from the left side along with Major Apeko.

The 31st transport opens its rear latch as Azula, Macai, Dengo, and a swordsman exit the left side of the vehicle. Rosh, Dade, a spearman, and a firebender rush from the right side of the ground vessel. The waterbending captain shouts, "Down with the nations!!"

An Earth Kingdom commando slides forward and shoots a volley of stones into a spearman and swordsman across him. The men fall like dominos. The front door opens up and an additional five terrorists move to reinforce their allies. The reinforcements consist of three swordsmen and two spearmen. The earthbender raises his hands and launches a large block of earth at Rosh. Rosh pulls out his arms and presses a beam of red-orange flames into the column.

Macai rolls forward and pumps his fists; a brick of white flames smacks the DOJ firebender down. Three swordsmen charge at Azula. The princess kicks a blue flame from her right leg into a swordsman; the man is knocked six feet in the air and five feet back from the attack. Azula extends her other two wrists and pumps two blue flames into her opponents.

Rosh extends his hands and pops a brick of red-orange fire into the earthbender cultist's chest. The waterbending captain notices Apeko and shoots a beam of freezing water at the man. The Major rotates his shield hat and blocks the shot with it. Apeko stomps his left leg and a shockwave of earth blasts his opponent away. Apeko spins forward and tosses his shield hat into a swordsman's face; the shield flies back in Apeko's left hand then he puts it back on his head.

A spearman leaps and lunges at Dade's face. Dade ducks and moves in the left direction. Dade dashes forward and pumps his blade into the man's stomach. Dengo advances as a spearman lunges at his chest. The 31st marine rotates his sword left as he butts the weapon away from him then diagonally cuts down his opponent. The remaining spearman hurls his weapon at Azula, but she skips right and in front of Macai.

The trooper pulls out his dagger and dashes at the firebending prodigy. The terrorist swings left at Azula's face. The princess raises her right hand and smacks the weapon out of the soldier's grip. The soldier looks back in surprise and Azula kicks him in his face. The trooper unconsciously falls sideways. Apeko looks at Azula, "Impressive, we make quite the team."

Macai: "And they left their front door open, isn't this great." The teams advance into the base. As they enter, they notice the walls are dark grey, the ceiling is dark brown, and the floor is black.

Rosh comments, "Wow, if I signed up for this cult and saw a facility like this I'd immediately quit."

Apeko: "I thought I'd do the same if I grew up in the Fire Nation but look how long you served that cult."

Rosh: "Come on, we aren't THAT crazy."

Earth Kingdom Commando: "I remember how some of your troops wore skeleton-like masks before battle, that's pretty crazy if you ask me."

Rosh: "I've never heard one of these guys talk before, they're always so quiet."

Apeko: "Not as quiet as the Dai Li, they really never talk but it's a part of their work culture."

Rosh: "Sounds boring." One of Karanga's hands leaps down from the ceiling and swings at Apeko. Apeko spins left then the assassin swipes horizontally at Rosh's neck. Rosh ducks and pumps a red-orange flame into his enemy's stomach. Two other assassins leap behind the teams. One assassin slashes vertically at an Earth Kingdom commando. The commando rotates his body and blocks the strike with two metal gloves around his hands.

The commando extends his hands and the sword flips backward out of the man's hands. The commando nails the assassin in his chin with an upper kick. The other assassin swings at Dengo's face. Dengo vertically blocks the strike then rotates his blade to the right while directing his enemy's sword in that direction. Dengo leans forward and headbutts his enemy (ramming his forehead into the man's nose).

The assassin hits his head against the wall and falls. Macai and Azula look at Apeko. Apeko notices two pathways ahead. Macai looks at Apenko: "You take the left route, and we'll handle the right one."

Apeko: "Why should you get to choose?"

Rosh: "Because he has the biggest team."

Apeko: "That's a dumb reason, but we'll go with it. Come on team." The commandos head down the left route.

Macai: "Let's see what we find." Macai's team travels through the hall until they notice several yellow flickering lights across the side of the room. Several massive computers are located in the area. These computers make a steady beeping noise.

Rosh looks at the computer, "What are those things?"

Macai: "I have no idea. Looks like some sort of information processor."

Rosh looks at the computer, "You're right. I see words on it. It has things like 'enter, select, retrieve, and upload'."

Azula: "It probably stores more information in it than most written forms of information."

Macai: "How can they claim to be anti-technology when they have more advanced technology than everyone else? I'm still wondering where they got all of this from."

Rosh: "Again, spiritual knowledge."

Macai: "Since when do spirits know about technology?"

Dengo: "Maybe the spirits allow Zerrel to see into the future. Maybe he got details about the technology, but it would be too advanced for just him to know. Perhaps he needed a genius to decipher the information and that's where Demarius comes in."

Macai gasps, "Wow, you caught that before me and Azula."

Azula shrugs, "I don't know much about Zerrel. You all have been investigating him for years, I have not."

Dade looks in fascination, "I wonder what else we'll find."

A man interrupts them, "Not much." Macai turns and notices a man with red paint on his face. The man also has a grey uniform and two troopers beside him. The man is holding a morning star club. One trooper has a sword and another has a mace. Azula lunges forward and kicks a blue fire torpedo into the man's stomach. The officer flies several feet back into a computer which explodes.

Rosh: "Careful, you're making a mess!"

DOJ swordsman: "Don't let them gain access to the processors!!" The mace warrior spins diagonally at Azula, but she spins backward before hurling an overhand flame into the man's chest. Macai jumps up and kicks the remaining trooper in his neck.

Light and Darkness

As Apeko's team advances they notice several yellow paintings on the walls. Apeko: "Look at this, it looks like spiritual symbolism. Zerrel must have done some work in here or maybe some of his cultists." The commandos look around. Apeko warns, "Don't get too distracted, our first objective is to clear out this place. Then we'll have our excavation."

Suddenly five assassins from Karanga's hand charge at the Earth Kingdom team. The attack force consists of a swordswoman, a spearman, a male knifethrower, an archer, and a dual swordsman. Apeko shouts, "Look alive!"

The knifethrower tosses two knives at a commando and the commando stomps his foot. A wall of earth rises and blocks the shots then the commando rotates his arm, launching the cover at the assassin. The masked killer runs against the right wall toward the commando. The assassin launches himself off the wall and throws a knife at the commando's chest.

The commando slides forward and in front of the knifethrower. The assassin swings horizontally at the commando's neck. The commando ducks and generates his own stone knife in his right hand; the man then shifts his hand and slams his blade into the assassin's gut. A swordsman vertically jumps at a commando, but the commando presses his right hand and shoots a volley of rocks into his opponent.

A spear-wielding assassin rushes forward and lunges at Apeko's mid-chest. The major swiftly pulls down his steel hat and blocks the attack. Apeko tosses his shield forward into the man's face and the assassin collapses. Apeko retrieves his shield then yanks his right hand to the left. Fragments of stone fly out of the right wall and collide with the wounded spearman and a dual swordsman beside him.

An assassin with an explosive arrow plus it out as he prepares to destroy the entire squad. Apeko pushes fragments of stone from the other fallen assassins into the archer. The man falls over wounded. The assassin attempts to gather himself, but Apeko pulls his right hand down, pieces of the ceiling fall on top of the man. The team advances.

Macai, Azula, Rosh, Dade, Dengo, a spearman, a swordsman, and a firebender continue their wall through their side of the base. The team notices devices on the wall and all around them. Rosh points right, "Look, explosive arrows!"

Dade looks left, "And smoke grenades!"

Dengo looks at several swords that are mounted on the walls, "And some of these sword designs are very advanced. I've read about the materials before. Like this one, is made of Hudarni. Hudarni is a powerful alloy that can be used for several decades before it rusts and can hold up well against other metals in clashes. It is said to be incredibly expensive and is difficult to make into a weapon because it often will damage the tools that it takes to blacksmith it."

Azula is fuming, "If only I knew of this technology. I would have done so much with it."

Dade: "Ugh that's a bad sign."

Azula: "Don't worry, I would do that now. I just can't help but wonder."

Macai: "Imagine if our old enemies had it, the war would have been a lot different then."

Rosh: "I've read reports that some of Zerrel's hidden bases and forts also used advanced cannons. I'm honestly surprised they didn't have that here. They were said to be highly explosive."

Macai: "It looks like this base has been hidden for decades. They might have kept things on the low to not be detected, but I can't understand how they shipped all the weapons to other places from here."

Azula: "They probably have been using underground routes."

Rosh: "That's brilliant, I've got to admit. And it makes sense. Beruto and several of their earthbending allies were masters at underground traveling."

Azula asks, "Beruto, is that one still alive?"

Macai nods, "Yes." The team advances until they enter a large circular chamber that appears to be a training room. The walls are white with black trimmings throughout. The floor is shiny and is light beige in color. A firebender, earthbender, longswordsman, machete trooper, and macewarrior emerge in the traditional dark grey DOJ trooper battle armor. The warriors have their typical shining orange visors and dark grey helmets.

A firebender speaks with a chilling voice, "You are trespassing on sacred ground. You will pay for your sins IN BLOOD."

Macai cracks his knuckles, "Come get me." The earthbender extends his arms and fires a volley of stone objects from the wall at Rosh. Rosh rolls right and the objects fly into a 31st spearman behind him.

The marine spearman cries, "Ahhh!" Rosh pumps his left hand forward, blasting the earthbender against the wall behind him. The firebender flips forward, kicking a orange rod of fire at Macai's face while doing so. Macai crosses his arms to block the flame but the rod of fire causes him to stumble three feet backward. The firebender pumps his left hand forward, knocking an orange flame at Macai's left shoulder.

Macai shifts right and kicks a white fireball into the man's upper stomach. The long swordsman charges at Azula but she shifts her hand forward and blows the man away with a brick of blue fire. The machete trooper swings down vertically at Dade's face. Dade rotates his sword diagonally right as he knocks the weapon away from him. The DOJ trooper attempts to backpedal but Dade twirls and vertically slashes the man.

The mace terrorist charges forward but a marine firebender pumps an orange flame from his right hand into the man's neck. The mace warrior collapses with black burns and steam flowing from his neck. Rosh: "I wonder what that armor's actually good for besides intimidation. They seem to go down just as fast as anyone else."

Macai looks at Rosh, "Same with our troops."

Rosh: "Point taken." As Apeko's team marches on, they arrive in begin to notice underground tunnel routes on their right and left. The team continues down the main paths they begin to see several weapons placements. The weapons include cannons, crates full of swords/spears/axes/battle armors, and boxes of 'super food'.

Earth commando: "Superfood? I wonder what's in this stuff. It doesn't list the ingredients."

Apeko responds, "Just because it makes them good warriors doesn't mean it is good for their long-term health."

Another commando says, "I guess that's what their heavy troopers have been eating. It might increase height, size, and strength."

Apeko: "In that case, I really don't want to eat that garbage now. Because it turns people into mindless brutes."

Earth commando: "That's probably just the combat drills, imagine someone just as big hitting you in the face and wrestling against you regularly." A DOJ team steps up against Apeko's force. A man that is eight feet tall with a battle hammer and a shield steps forward.

Apeko: "Holy grapefruit, that's the biggest one I've seen yet." A firebender, waterbender, chainblade trooper, and man with a wide broadsword emerge beside the heavy trooper. Apeko: "Ok, get to work boys!" The warrior with the chainblade swings his weapon at an earth commando. The commando ducks and his comrade behind him launches a stone into the warrior's face.

The firebender launches a beam of fire at Apeko and he buzzes left. Apeko look forward and notices the brute charging in his direction. The brute strikes at Apeko with his hammer but Apeko pulls his shield hat forward to block the shot. The hat takes in the blow, but he still slides five feet back from the sheer force of the hit.

Two commandos slide forward and launch a volley of stones into the heavy trooper. The man stumbles back a foot as several stones pelt his face and body then he growls. The brute pushes his shield up and blocks most of the incoming shots. The commandos fire low at the man's legs but he tanks the shots.

The large man sprints forward and one of the commandos spins right to avoid being crushed. The second commando raises a small mound of earth then launches it into the brute's legs. The brute collapse and drops his weapons. The commando elongates his arms and yanks them down. Several objects fall from the ceiling and crush the brute.

A broadswordsman swings vertically at a commando but the commando spins behind the trooper then latches his right arm behind the man's throat. The firebender punches an orange flame at the exposed commando but the commando flips the DOJ trooper over and hurls him into the shot. A waterbender leaps forward and launches a beam of hot water at one of the commandos. The earth commando pivots right and the commando behind him blocks the shot with an earth barrier.

The commando launches his wall of earth at the waterbender and the bender springs left. Another commando pulls his left hand down and the ground collapses under the waterbender's legs. The man falls into a hole and the commando suddenly pulls his right hand down; fragments of the ceiling crush the cultist. One of Apeko's commandos pulls him up and the Earth Kingdom officer dusts himself off.

Apeko: "Where were we?"

Macai walks with his team until they reach a room with dark grey walls, a light grey floor, and a silver ceiling. Rosh: "This looks like a medical room. They have hospital beds."

Macai: "This must be like when we were in Voren's Mountain Cave hideout. This is where they make the wingmen and who knows what else."

A voice responds in from the other side of the room, "Precisely." Macai looks up. Azula looks in a daring fashion and Rosh looks in surprise. Dade is a bit freaked out and Dengo looks ready to fight. Demarius arrives. He has copper brown skin, black thick hair, dark brown eyes, a hook nose, thin eyes, and pointy ears. Demarius is about six feet tall.

Azula looks down and notices that Demarius has a metal left arm. Azula asks, "How'd you get that arm?"

Demarius smiles, "Oh this, I ran into an accident years ago. I was working on a construction project in the Earth Kingdom and one day a project went horribly wrong. I got my arm stuck and smashed to bits; let's just say that. I was hysterical after that. I begged the state to save me. The government wouldn't assist me and I soon became homeless. My wife left me and my friends abandoned me!"

Demarius continues, "I was working like a slave because of the terrible salaries the governments gave out and all my family before me were poor. You know how it goes but you noble pricks never cared. Some of your fellow marines know what I'm saying." A marine swordsman glances at Azula.

Macai: "So you want to destroy all governments because yours failed you. How about reform?"

Demarius chuckles, "Do you know how many people tried government reform and how many failed? You've obviously never read history. There have been times the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation lied to their people by promising reform but not doing anything. The same happened with the ancient Water Dynasty. Oh, but you didn't know that did you? They didn't teach that in your history!"

Dade looks at Demarius sideways, "This guy is crazy crazy."

Demarius: "Keep dismissing wisdom you fool. But the truth, knows no favorites. It is naturally impartial. Governments are a failed experiment. They have done more harm than good so if we remove them, society will win out. You are thinking in favor of the state elitists and that doesn't make sense. Perhaps it does somewhat for Macai and more so for Azula but not you Dade."

Azula warns, "Don't listen to him, he's trying to turn us against each other."

Dade: "I would never betray my family."

Demarius places his hands against his chest, "You self-hating moron!! THEY ARE NOT your family. The rich and poor will always be separated."

Macai: "I never made my circumstances. Did you read about my mother? She always fought against injustice despite her privilege."

Demarius: "Did you read about what happened to her? Oh that's right you found out on your own. Your sources didn't tell you. That's what happens to any elite that does right, they die. But you're still breathing, I wonder why."

Macai: "What? Did you not notice the Avatar and Zuko's new..."

Demarius: "The Avatar is the definition of an elitist. He comes with a spiritual line of leaders who try to make the spiritual precedence for others. I fight with the suppressed and marginalized spirits. I fight to save the people who have been abandoned by these Avatars."

Rosh: "Sounds like those spirits rotted your brain. Those things are EVIL!!"

Demarius: "You know nothing about the spiritual world, I'd never listen to you. Look what I've created."

Macai: "It will all be destroyed."

Demarius: "Do you really think your states would destroy this? Of course not, they will want to take it for themselves. Little do they know the spiritual forces that inhabit these objects. When they take the materials they will be corrupted by them and kill each other."

Azula: "Wow, I would have probably fallen for a trick like that if you weren't dumb enough to tell us your plan. You may be a good inventor, but I see you have no common sense."

Demarius: "I will kill you all anyway."

Macai: "A lot of people tried that, look how that turned out for them."

Demarius: "When I was alone and the world abandoned; Zerrel came to my aid. He took me in and gave me a purpose. From there, I made history. If I die here today, I will do so remembering the oath I swore to the Disciples of Justice. So, if you plan to kill me, then you better fight with all your power because I'm coming at you with great intensity." Demarius claps his hands and several warriors rush to his side.

A swordsman, brute with a battle hammer, firebender, earthbender, warrior with a curved sword, waterbender, dark man with dual wrist blades, and a man with a whip blade emerge. Macai: "Deal with them! I'm going after Demarius!"

Demarius commands, "Eliminate them!"

Covenant Dance Extended [Youtube] (Music Starts)

The man with the battlehammer charges and horizontally smacks a marine swordsman left. The swordsman flies against the left wall then the man dives at Azula. Azula looks up and widens her eyes then leaps right as he slams a dent in the floor. Azula flicks her left hand forward and shoots a beam of lightning into the man. The brute's entire body shakes and lights up before he hits the floor.

Azula comments, "Lightning always does the trick." Macai leaps toward Demarius and pumps two white flames at him. Demarius pulls his right hand forward as he blocks the first flame and dodges the second one. The man's entire body burns as the white heat from Macai's flame transfers through Demarius's arm into his flesh.

Macai taunts, "Already had enough."

Demarius: "I've had much worse than that." The scientist kicks a lever beside him, and a silver shield gauntlet immediately flies into his left hand. Demarius pulls his right hand back and a blade extends out of it. Demarius: "Now let's try this again, shall we?"

Macai: "With pleasure." Demarius presses forward and spirals toward the commandos with a diagonal spinning attack. Macai moves backward and kicks a gust of white fire at the inventor's legs. The enforcer gallops in the air and kicks Macai in his chest with both of his legs.

Macai rolls backward and Demarius looks down on him, "You've got to be better than that." Macai rapidly extends his arms and shoots a beam of white flames at his foe. Demarius spins left and the flames hit the wall behind him. Demarius charges at the commander and Macai stands up as he prepares to respond to the inventor's next attack. The DOJ inventor pounds his shield into Macai and the tell bounces backward against the wall.

Demarius lunges forward and swings his wrist blade at Macai's nose. Macai rotates his face right and Demarius scrapes the wall. Macai grabs Demarius by his legs and chucks him backward. Metal clatters as Demarius falls four feet backward. The inventor rises back on his feet and Macai shoots a ray of white fire at Demarius. Demarius raises his shield and blocks Macai's white surge with it.

White sparks buzz around the inventor as he holds his ground. A swordsman hacks down vertically at Dade but the 31st officer horizontally blocks the hit and kicks his opponent back. A man with a curved sword swings at Dengo's neck. Dengo ducks then thrusts his blade into the man's stomach. The DOJ firebender kicks an orange ball of fire into the 31st firebender's stomach. Then the firebender changes his direction and shoots a ray of orange fire at Dade.

Dade leaps left and the firebender changes his focus to Dengo. Rosh shouts, "Not so fast!" Rosh kicks a red-orange flame at the bender's face but the firebender spins forward and shoots a beam of orange flames though Rosh's attack. Azula interjects and shoots her own surge of light blue flames into the attack.

Azula looks at Rosh, "Now we're even." The DOJ earthbender launches a volley of stones into Dengo, knocking him out. The marine's sword flies out of his hand toward Azula and she catches it with her left hand. Azula: "I'll take the firebender, you take the earthbender."

Rosh nods and pumps two red-orange flames at the earthbender. The earthbender stomps the ground and two columns of earth intercept Rosh's shots. The earthbender spins forward and hurls what remains of the columns at the 31st captain. Rosh leaps backward and raises his hands; a surge of red-orange flames rise and burn the incoming objects.

Rosh extends his hands and directs the fire into one hot beam. The flames travel at 60 miles an hour and the earthbender raises his arms. A long mound of earth rises and takes the flames. The fire causes the mound to dissolve but it still keeps the man from getting burned. The cultists raises his left hand and several stones emerge; the cultist then extends his hand and hurls several stones at Rosh.

Rosh shifts his hands from left to right as he pumps multiple red-orange fireballs into the incoming object. One object makes it past his defenses and flies at his face. Rosh rotates his body right as he avoids the attack at the last minute. Rosh swiftly lifts his right hand and flings a rising red-orange flame into the earthbender's lower stomach.

Meanwhile, Demarius shouts, "Hepla bay!" The scientist activates a voice-controlled command of the facility. A metal column emerges from the ceiling and soars down toward Macai's head at 70 miles an hour. Macai rolls right as the column slams against the ground. Demarius yells, "Epetu fosheba!" The row of the floor that Macai is standing on opens up and the commander backflips to avoid falling in a ditch.

Demarius leaps inside of the room and rams his shield into Macai. Macai tumbles three feet backward and Demarius yells, "Cada Lazzo!" The door closes behind them and Macai is sealed off from the rest of his team. Macai looks around and notices that he is an a light grey room that seems to be made entirely of stone.

Macai: "So I see you've got tricks."

Demarius: "Uretoff jazzamaya!" Two hidden doors in the wall behind Macai open and two assassins with swords emerge from them. The assassins lunge at Macai but the commander has nowhere to go. Macai immediately yells and extends his arms. A strong repulse of white fire flows around Macai's body which incinerates the assassins behind him.

Demarius extends his shield to protect himself but into the wall behind him. Demarius hits his head and groans. Macai: "Enough of these games!"

(Music Fades)

Demarius gets back on his feet, "Ok commander, let's fight like men." Meanwhile the cultist firebender pumps two orange flames at Azula. The princess rotates her body from left to right as she dodges the shots. Azula swiftly motions her right hand, and she fires an accurate blue flame into her opponent's abdomen. While Azula doesn't focus on overly flashy or brawling abilities, her fire moves are so fast and accurate that even most skilled benders can't defend against her attacks for long.

A warrior with wrist blades dives toward Rosh but is blown away by a beam of red-orange flames. A waterbender notices the captain and shoots a gust of ice at Rosh. Rosh pivots forward as part of the floor behind him is frozen. Rosh rotates his body and kicks a red-orange flame into the bender.

A woman with a whipblade swings her weapon at Azula's right eye. Azula moves her head left and Rosh launches a brick of red-orange fire into the woman's chest. DOJ woman: "Hugh!"

Azula looks at Rosh, "I didn't need your help."

Rosh replies, "I know you didn't but I just wanted to spoil your glory." Azula helps Dade up.

Dade: "Check Dengo, make sure he's alright."

Rosh checks Dengo's pulse before looking back up, "He's fine."

Azula gasps, "What about Macai?"

Rosh: "He went in that room and the door was sealed behind them." While the discussion is going on Macai and Demarius enter their battle stances.

Demarius: "This ends here. Only one of us will walk out of this room alive." Demarius swoops toward Macai and lunges at his face. Macai ducks his head then moves in toward Demarius. The inventor latches his arms around Macai and shoves him back. The DOJ enforcer charges at Macai with his shield ready Macai flips over Demarius and Demarius rams his shield against the wall.

Demarius frantically turns and Macai pumps a white flame at the man's face. Demarius raises his shield and blocks the shot but is briefly blinded by the attack. Demarius plays it off, but Macai slightly raises his left foot and pops a white flame into Demarius's right ankle. Demarius falls forward then Macai jumps down and grabs a hold of the scientist's head.

I Thought We Were Friends

Macai slams Demarius's head against the ground, cracking his nose. Macai pushes Demarius back and kicks his shield aside. The commander ignites his hands with white fire and points them at his adversary, "It's over."

Demarius: "You think I've come this far just to surrender? You really don't know me."

Macai: "Fine, but tell me how to destroy this facility."

Demarius: "What?! I'd never do such a thing."

Macai: "You said the nations will want to control it why risk that?"

Demarius: "The troopers will kill themselves, that's exactly what I want."

Macai: "That is unless they figure out your plan and find a way to still utilize the facility. Then the governments will become too powerful for the people to overthrow, especially if the Avatar isn't willing to destroy them. Eventually, they may even become too strong for the Avatars to bring down. Then what? Why risk it?"

Meanwhile, a door right of Azula, Rosh, Dade, and Dengo's position opens. Azula, Rosh, and Dade enter their battle stances. Major Apeko and his four Earth Kingdom commandos enter. Apeko: "Nice job. You got a few casualties but still. They had this place on high alert, but now we've gotten too strong for it to matter. And when the Avatar returns, we'll really be unstoppable."

Rosh: "That's assuming he stays on your side."

Apeko: "Why wouldn't he? He helped us get this far."

Azula: "Your kingdom already had conflicts with him before I orchestrated my coup."

Apeko: "We're past that, what are you jealous that the Earth Kingdom members are going to be the next big players? The Fire Nation is past its best. Don't get me wrong, you'll still be powerful but not like before."

Rosh: "Past our best? You don't know that."

Apeko: "That's your pride talking. But anyway, you all did a great job."

Rosh: "Now we just need to find a way to destroy this facility and look for Macai."

Apeko looks around, "Oh Macai, I didn't even realize. I'm sure he'll be fine. We cleared just about all of the area. But we won't be destroying anything. I have orders from the Earth Kingdom to capture this facility."

Azula says, "Capture?"

Apeko: "Yeah, of course. You would have done the same thing but I know you want a cut out of it. And I know Macai will want for Zuko and the Fire Nation to have a cut of these materials. We can all work that out in a deal later on, don't worry."

Azula: "And you just get to claim the bulk of it?"

Apeko: "Well, yeah. This is Earth Kingdom territory after all. We have a right to it and Zuko won't be willing to risk a war. When push comes to shove, it belongs to us."

Rosh enters his battle stance and Dade does the same. Rosh: "Nope, this facility is too powerful to leave in the hands of any people."

Apeko: "What? Are you starting to believe in the DOJ nonsense? Maybe you're indoctrinated."

Rosh: "And you want to use their technology, maybe you're brainwashed. This isn't just normal technology, it's experimental and might be spiritually tainted."

Apeko and his commandos laugh, "Spiritually tainted, you really believe what your enemies tell you? Technology is technology."

Rosh shouts, "NO, we can't risk it."

Apeko looks back and then at Rosh again, "You want to find your boss first, let's see what he thinks."

Rosh: "When Macai isn't around I'm first in command, that's protocol."

Apeko: "Then you want to wait until King Kuei gets here?! Do you really want to cause that much of a fuss?"

Rosh: "I'm taking this monster down now; I won't wait for that. Who knows what we risk by waiting."

Apeko: "It's just a structure are you really that dimwitted?" Apeko looks at Azula, "Alright, will you help us then?"

Azula: "What? I have no dealings with you."

Apeko: "Come on, we know betrayals your thing."

Azula: "And you won't trust me either because you see me as a traitor. And I've never betrayed my nation."

Apeko: "No, just your family. Don't pretend to be a saint princess. No one's buying that."

Azula becomes frustrated, "Believe it or not, people can change. I didn't think I could change either. I thought I was a lost cause, but those days are over."

Apeko: "Touching act but you're known for those and they're never genuine."

Dade: "You're no better than the Disciples of Justice, holy crud they were kind of right."

Rosh: "Oh no, I think this atmosphere is corrupting us all."

Apeko: "We were given our orders BEFORE we arrived here."

Dade observes, "But Azula seems to be genuine. I think this facility capitalizes on our doubts and in this case, she seems to be surer of herself."

Apeko scoffs, "Azula? You've got to be kidding. Azula is the most corrupt and vile person here."

Azula: "Maybe vile but never corrupt. My intentions have always been guided by my ultimate goal."

Apeko: "Aww I see, your goal on enhancing yourself."

Azula: "I may seem selfish but I wanted to impress my father more than anything. Once I realize I didn't need his praise and would never get the love I deserved I let all of that go!"

Apeko looks at Rosh and Dade, "You can't trust her. And neither of your can defeat her alone. If you want to be safe, help us deal with her."

Dade: "Help YOU CLOWNS? I'll pass."

Rosh hesitates and paces, "While I'd normally love a chance to destroy Azula, it just doesn't feel right like this. Besides betrayals may have been her thing, they may still be here thing. But I'll take my chances rather than do that myself. The part of Azula I hated so much, the part of Ozai I hated so much.... Are part of the reason I cared so much about loyalty, family, integrity, and teamwork. I'll never betray my team because I was raised right."

Apeko sighs, "Oh well, wipe them out!" An earth commando leaps in front of Azula and launches a volley of stones at her. Azula runs across the right wall and one of the commandos tightens his fist. The part of the wall Azula is running on crumbles but she quickly jumps off of it and lands behind the commandos. Azula kicks a light blue flame into a commando that she lands behind.

Another commando shifts his hands right and hurls an earth column at the princess. Azula rolls backward and rapidly kicks a blue flame into the elite soldier. An Earth Kingdom commando kicks a stone at Dade, but he swats it aside. Dade: "Just because I'm a non-bender doesn't mean I can't fight." The commando pulls down his left hand and hurls a long column of stone at the marine.

Dade rolls forward then rises back to his feet and dives at the commando. The commando stretches his left hand and launches a stone into Dade's chest. Dade falls and the commando remarks, "Not bad for a non-bender."

Rosh extends his hands and fires a large beam of red-orange fire at a commando in front of him. The earthbender leaps left and Major Apeko tosses his shieldhat into Rosh's chest. Rosh falls two feet backward. Apeko turns around and notices Azula. Azula flicks her eyes at him, "You were saying, major?"

Apeko extends his left hand and launches a stone at Azula's face. Azula rotates her head right then Apeko lengthens his right hand, pumping another stone at Azula's head. Azula rotates her body left and hurls a blue fireball at the major's chest with a roundhouse kick. The major blocks the flame by crossing his arms then hurls his steel hat at Azula's chest. Azula dives on the floor and Apeko's hat hits the ceiling before it bounces back toward him.

Azula rolls left and Apeko pulls his left hand down. A shockwave in the ground flows toward the princess and Azula musters all her energy as she dives left a second time. Azula gets up and Apeko extends his right hand low; a stone flies into Azula's stomach and she stumbles against the wall. The major pulls his right hand back and fragments of the wall behind Azula fly into her back. Azula spirals three feet to the right.

Meanwhile, Rosh gets up and the Earth Kingdom commando behind him hurls two stones at the captain. Rosh opens his mouth, and a swirl of red-orange fire incinerates the stones. Rosh left kicks a flame into the commando's chest. Another commando jumps toward Rosh and slaps his hands together. A column of earth flies at Rosh and the 31st captain falls on his back to avoid the lethal attack.

The column brutally pounds the wall behind him, leaving a crack in it. The captain pulls his right hand left while generating a red-orange firewhip. The commando does a right flip while dodging the flame. Rosh sways his hands while still on the ground and pumps a red-orange column of fire at his opponent. The commando launches his own brick of earth at the 31st officer but Rosh's fire burns through the stone and flies into the commando.

The elite soldier flies seven feet backward and five feet higher in the air into the wall behind him. The commando tumbles down from eight feet high. As this is happening, Azula leaps off the ground hurls a blue horizontal rod of fire at the earth major. The major raises his right arm, and a column of earth emerges which flies into Azula's attack. The earth object is vaporized but the flame is also doused.

Apeko swings at Azula with an overhand left; launching a quick brick at her neck. Azula ducks and Apeko continues as he launches a horizontal rectangle of earth at her. Azula dives over the object and kicks a blue torpedo of fire at him. Apeko dashes left as the beam explodes behind him. Rosh is forced to dive out of the way to avoid being blasted.

Azula comments, "Opps." Apeko leaps forward and launches two stone knives at her. Azula rapidly spins away from the knives and toward her enemy. Apeko hurls his right hand forward, tossing a stone at the princess's face. Azula dips then Apeko springs forward and kicks Azula in her chest. Azula feels a crack from the blow, backpedals, and starts coughing heavily.

Apeko taunts, "Ahh, now I'm going to gut you like a pig." Azula backs up against the wall and Apeko lunges forward with two strong horizontal blows. Azula rotates her body left as she evades the strikes, but the punches leave two holes in the wall. Azula hits Apeko's right side with a fiery straight right hand then Azula swiftly follows up and pops Apeko's left cheek with an enhanced left hook.

Apeko attempts to gather himself, but Azula nails him with a hot diagonal left kick in the face. Apeko hunches over a bit from that blow then Azula extends both of her hands and blasts Apeko against the wall with a burst of light blue fire. Rosh looks at Azula in respect, remembering that she becomes more deadly the longer she fights. Although she is always dangerous, Azula naturally analyzes the fight patterns of her enemies and breaks them down over time.

Rosh looks at Azula, "What should we do with them?"

Azula: "Restrain them, your armor comes with handcuffs, doesn't it? None of them know how to metalbend from what I can tell so they won't be able to free themselves."

Rosh adds, "We can take cuffs from the fallen marines to make sure we have enough."

Meanwhile, Macai continues his discussion with Demarius. Macai: "You can do whatever you wish, but we will find a way to destroy this place."

Demarius: "Yumodo seegamo!"

Macai asks, "What did you just do?!"

Demarius: "I just locked a vital area where you might be able to go and destroy this facility."

Macai: "You don't think we'll eventually find it?"

Demarius shakes his head, "If you haven't, it's already too late."

Macai bluffs, "Well, some of my members already found it."

Demarius: "No way, you're lying."

Macai: "Oh, really? How did we know where to find this base? Do you really think we're that clueless?"

Demarius: "Then why are you asking me to blow it up?"

Macai counters, "Because those troops would sacrifice themselves to destroy this facility. If you destroy it, they won't have to."

Demarius: "Then that is the price they will have to pay." Macai realizes he lied for nothing. Macai smacks his hands together and creates a fireflare which blinds Demarius. The commander then shoots a portion of the ceiling, causing rocks to fall on Demarius and knock him out. Macai looks back at the door that sealed him off from his team.

The commander fires a beam of white flames around the door as he begins to forge an exit. Azula looks at the other side of the door, "Do you hear that?"

Rosh: "Yeah, stand back!" A beam of white fire burns through the middle of the door and a large of it caves in. Steam flows through the door and Macai waits for it to clear before he muddles through.

Azula helps her fiancé out, "Macai, there you are."

Rosh: "Now we've got to get out of here."

Macai: "But we need to find a way to destroy this facility. I thought about getting Toph's metalbending academy over but that will take too long. They are a great distance from here. People will want to come and investigate and I'm afraid of what that will mean."

Azula looks at Macai, "Some things may be out of our hands. Let's just get out of here, this place is making me feel uneasy. Leave it to my brother to find a way to deal with this mess. Maybe he can convince Kuei to destroy it."

Rosh: "That won't be easy, but it may be more of a job for the Avatar."

Azula: "On second thought, I think you're right."

Macai: "Let's at least try to slow these commandos down. I wouldn't leave them here, that might be risky."

Dade: "I know of a Nyarri plant that will wipe their memories. They'll forget about what happened over the last week. They might remember that this place still exists but they won't remember the recent scuffle."

Rosh asks, "What will we tell Intel?"

Macai: "I'll tell them exactly what happened. The Earth Kingdom won't know right away, but I know Zuko will support our decision. Besides, we've got bigger fish to fry right now. Keui won't go to war with us over this, the biggest risk is he just takes some of this technology as his own. But as of now, none of them will know the facility has been cleared out. And by the time the Avatar returns, I know he'll sort this out."

Dade: "Sounds like a plan, I'm tired." Kett and his rescue team wait outside. Kanna, Arret, a marine spearman, a marine swordsman, and a marine with a mace also look around as they wait near their transport.

Kanna: "They've been gone a very long time, maybe we should go in after them."

Kett: "Let's just give them a little longer." Macai, Rosh, Azula, Dade, and Dengo slowly exit the facility. All of them are dirty and sore. Dade is helping Dengo walk. Kett shouts, "Ya made it!!" Macai drops an unconscious and handcuffed Demarius.

Kanna asks, "Wait, you took him alive?"

Macai: "We're not the cold-blooded killers we used to be. Besides, Demarius isn't known for his charisma and I'm sure we can find some information out of him. Maybe..."

The sun suddenly shines through the dark sky and the clouds begin to clear. While the sky is still somewhat darker than in most places, it becomes lighter than it was earlier. Dade looks up, "Wow, would you look at that. It's beautiful."

Kett pats Dade on his back, "Yeah, it truly is."

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