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A/N : I'm really sorry guys. I'm finding myself at a.. Um.. what is that shit called... ah, yes, Writer's Block.So sorry.

Hehe got you there. Before you start cursing me and my family's ancestor I have a very important and serious thing to say to all of you....

'HAPPY NEW YEAR MOTHERFUKERS.' And yes I intentionally missed 'C' in between for those over knowledgeable. I know it's late but hope you all have a good new year.


At this time, not only Meng Yiran but everyone else also looked gobsmacked after seeing the last strike that Tang Ming released.

More than 10m of the forest behind her has been destroyed by the Dragon made of spirit energy released. All the trees were uprooted and shattered.

They all had previously seen him using the same attack last night at Ye Zhiqiu but that time the power of that move was not so strong.

After coming back from her though the old woman hurriedly came to Meng Yiran and asked worriedly, "Are you okay Meng Meng, you didn't get injured, do you?"

At this time everyone else also broke from their thoughts as Meng Yiran said lightly:


She answered blankly. She was really shocked by the display of power Tang Ming showed. She always thought herself to be a genius, a heaven's proud daughter but just now she lost to someone who is younger than her and even when the other party didn't use any spirit ring skill.

The old woman was relieved hearing this, then she looked toward Tang Ming. She too was shocked at the strength of Tang Ming, that level of attack can easily kill and if not severely injure a Spirit Emperor much less a Spirit Elder.

"We lost. Thank you junior, for showing mercy. The Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent will be yours as per the agreement." The old woman said coldly while looking at Tang Ming.

At this time no one noticed but Tang Ming was also lost in thought. 'What happened to me? Why did I lost my cool over such a trifling matter? First at Rongrong then at Meng Yiran. I need to meditate a little, yes, I'll start meditating and contemplating and yes excluding the meditation done for cultivation, just to calm my mind and keep myself in check. I am becoming like those abominable creatures known as Young Masters. And they don't have a good ending ever.'

Tang Ming reminded himself.

After seeing that the old woman was saying something he looked at her and after hearing what she said, he felt a little bad.

"You don't have to thank me, I was the one who overdid a little. I was thinking of something else and lost myself. I apologise for that." Tang Ming said with a slight smile.

The snake woman took a deep look at Tang Ming then slightly nodded towards him and Zhao Wuji as she said :

"Mr. Zhao you have good students . Now I'll take my leave."

After speaking the old woman took Meng Yiran who was still looking a lost and turned around.

When the two left, Zhao Wuji breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately there was only snake woman and her husband Duke Long didn't come. Otherwise..

The other seven immediately rushed forward and surrounded Tang Ming and bombarded him with questions.

"Wow, brother Ming that technique just now was amazing. How did you do it? And how was it power so different from yesterday night?"

Ma Hongjun asked with curiosity. Everyone also looked at Tang Ming, they all were a little curious about this.

"This is one of my self created spirit skill. This technique power increases with the amount of spirit power I pour in it." Tang Ming answered.

They all were stunned hearing this but immediately got over it. They all had speculation that this is a self created spirit skill hearing confirmation from himself is another matter.

Ma Hongjun eyes gleamed as he asked expectantly, "Brother Ming can you teach us how to do it."

He knew that the self created spirit ability is like a person secret and nobody would share it but he still has a little hope. Everyone become silent after hearing.

Tang Ming smiled wryly as he answered, "I can't teach you this technique. It's not that I don't want to but I can't. I created this technique while contemplating my spear spirit and you don't have a spear martial spirit. It can only be learned by those who have a spear."

They all nodded their head in understanding. Ma Hongjun face became a little depressed hearing what Tang Ming said but he didn't brood over it.

"Hm, brother feng but you can't use this type of attack against us." Xiao Wu snorted and continued, " and you didn't even show mercy. I didn't expect you to be so ruthless even against a girl."

"What girl? I'm a firm believer of gender equality. It doesn't matter whether the person is girl or boy, both are same in my eyes." Tang Ming replied with a solemn expression and looked at Xiao Wu with a grin.

Xiao Wu looked at Tang Ming grinning evily and can't help but remember those torturous training he made them do in the name of becoming stronger.

After this short event Oscar immediately absorbed the ring and also gained the same ability to fly at the speed of Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent for one minute.

Everybody was naturally surprised after hearing the effect of the new ability.

After solving Oscar's spirit ring, everyone rested on the spot to recover their spirit power.

"Oscar spirit ring is obtained, now only you Tang Brother and Xiao Wu are left." Zhao Wuji yelled and then asked the three of them, "Tang San and Xiao Wu, tell me what kind of spirit beast you wanted to hunt for your third spirit ring. As for you brat, I'll talk with you about your preference later."

According to the the little monster second spirit ring being a ten thousand year one, the third will surely be a ten thousand one. Even though he, Zhao Wuji is a level 76 Spirit Sage, hunting a ten thousand year old spirit beast is still full of risk.

If the beast is still in ten-twenty housand years, he can hunt it easily if it is not very strong.

Starting from thirty thousand years old he can't deal with it alone and will need to call Flender for help.

"Hm, okay teacher Zhao I'm not in hurry, first we should find a good spirit ring for Xiao San and Xiao Wu."

Tang Ming smiled and answered, he very well knew the worry of Zhao Wuji and he didn't intend to find his third spirit ring with them.

At this time after everyone rested enough and cleaned up, they began to search for spirit beast for Tang San.

Zhao Wuji has also become a little cautious after the event with the snake woman. He didn't want the snake woman to bring her husband to trouble him. He told everyone to clear their trace of footprint so that no one can follow them.

That whole day, they didn't find a suitable spirit beast for any of them. Although they came across many thousand year old spirit beast on the way, but they were not what Tang San and Xiao Wu needed.

At this time Tang Ming was having a very different thought.

'According to what I remember Tang San third spirit ring was from the thousand year old Man-Faced Demon Spider, which he hunted when Er Ming took Xiao Wu again. I don't know the specific location of the Man Faced Demon Spider, so I can't help him to find it. Now that I think, Er Ming should be arriving here anytime.'

All the battle day fought today also made the tacit understanding and cooperation between the eight of them better and better. Dealing with some weaker thousand year old spirit beast, only the seven of them shot.

Tang Ming only helped them when they were all in some unexpected danger. He can easily save them before anything happens with his [Godspeed] while using [Hyperactive].

They also encountered a ten thousand year spirit beast, Shadow Leopard, who Tang Ming fought alone.

The forte of the Shadow Leopard is its high speed but unfortunately he met Tang Ming whose speed can be called unmatched in the whole Douluo continent.

Even after using its talent ability 'Shadow Movement', by which it can easily blend in anyone's or anything's shadow and move, he still was beaten till he was half dead. The Shadow Movement is a very good technique as it also erases the individual presence and breadth and let them hide and teleport between shadows. But Tang Ming can easily sense the shadow leopard presence through [Observation Haki] as it mainly focuses on a person's life aura.

Although Tang Ming wasn't going to kill him, he asked it for a little amount of its essence blood in exchange for its life.

And mind you, ten thousand year old spirit beast is capable of understanding human speech. Although a little unwilling to give its blood essence as losing even a single drop would cause it to be weak for a period of time, it was still better than being dead.

Tang Ming immediately absorbed the blood essence which also have him the same ability 'Shadow Movement'. He really has no need for it as he already has a top tier movement technique and the ability to teleport. But it is the best ability to follow anyone unnoticed or for assassination purpose as he can easily hide in anyone or anything shadow without them even knowing. He also want it to prank some people.

This sounds as it took a long time but it all happened in a brief period when Tang Ming disappeared to follow the Shadow Leopard when it tried to escape.

The one thing that he really like about the Qilin Transformation technique that after absorbing the bloodline of other beast, it makes the particular talent of the beast its own. Which means that now Shadow Movement is now his innate ability. Same applies for the In Body Lightning Manipulation and Illusion.

After fighting ten thousand year old spirit beast he knew he can easily fight and defeat one if it's mainly speed or attack oriented.

Everyone also get a lot of combat experience even just by watching as this is the first time they all have seen a ten thousand year old spirit beast.

The day just fell and night came. They all again sat down and relaxed as they all were very tired. As they can't make a fire in the forest as it may attract other spirit beast, they were all resting in the light of stars.

Tang Ming without any care laid down on the grass as he looked at the countless stars scattered around the sky. In his previous life because of too much pollution, it is a very rare to sight so much stars. It looks so enchanting.

"Hah, such a beautiful starry night. I'm afraid it can only be seen from here." He can't help but marvel at the river of stars twinkling in the clear night sky. A small innocent smile unknowingly formed on his face as he looked at the sky.

On the other side , all of the rest were trying to recover their lost spirit power and are resting while leaning on a tree or sitting on the ground.

Zhuqing at this time also just recovered her spirit power and was just going to rest when she saw Tang Ming who was laying at the ground and was smiling while looking at the night sky.

She too lifted her eyes to see the sky and can't help but again look at Tang Ming. She also smiled a little seeing him smiling innocently as most of the time he was grinning or maintaining a formal smile. She also sat under the tree opposite of Tang Ming while still lookin at sky.

No one but Xiao Wu noticed this as she smiled mischievously as she thought to herself.

'Hmph, brother Ming you just wait, see how I won't left you alone. You always kept calling me and Tang San lovers. Hehehe I'm going to make you regret that you teased me so much. Now it's your turn. Giggle*!'

Tang San and Zhao Wuji at this time was discussing something related to spirit beast and spirit master future. Well Tang Ming didn't really care whatever happens to the future of the Douluo continent, all that matters to him is those who he considers his friends and family.

For once, he is not strong enough to impact the spirit master world now. Second, it is the nature of the world where strong devours the weak. He can't change the pattern of the world.

Suddenly at this time, Tang Ming regained his thought as he stood up abruptly as he sensed a very strong and big presence in his [Observation Haki] range.

'Looks like the time has come. He is coming.'

' Titan Giant Ape!'

He was just waiting for it to come. He knew that Titan Giant Ape would come to take Xiao Wu away and it was just a matter of time. And this is also the one of the best chances that she can condense her third spirit ring without any problem.

And it also was the event that led to Tang San hunting and killing Man Faced Demon Spider and obtaining his third spirit ring and an external spirit bone.

He also wants to fight Titan Giant Ape as he can go all out without holding anything back.

At this moment both Tang San and Zhao Wuji looked at the distance abruptly and stopped talking.

Zhao Wuji stepped up a little and pulled Tang San behind him. His expression was very solemn as the seven spirit rings immediately lit up. He immediately possessed his Vigorous Vajra Bear and immediately released his spirit power at full.

"Everyone in position, get ready!!" Zhao Wuji yelled loudly as everyone immediately sprung up and possessed their spirit and looked at Zhao Wuji solemn expression.

They all were also startled as this was the first time they have seen Zhao Wuji this serious. Exactly who is so powerful to make him so tense?

Tang Ming also stepped forward and stood just behind Zhao Wuji as he called his Spear. He also used his second spirit ring skill [Eternal Illusion] on himself to look the same for all of them beside him.

He undid his changes as his hair turned from dark brown to silvery platinum and his eyes also reverted back to being brilliant silver with a round golden Ouroboros symbol shining. A mark that looks like a 'Silver Sun' also appeared on his forehead.

He know that this is not enough. So he muttered in a low voice :

"Mythical Qilin ; Possession."

As soon as he said that a blinding greyish silvery light surged out from him as his body started to expand and increase in size. He grew to somewhat about 2.5m tall. All his clothes on his upper body was torn as he stood there while only wearing a trouser with his bare torso. Silver white complex marking also formed on both of his arms which covered it entirely and also covered both sides of his upper chest like some kind of tattoo.

Four white long dragon like horns grew out from his head as his already shoulder length platinum hair become more longer and reached his waist. His hands turned into slender dragon like claws. His whole body also started releasing immense heat as a greyish film of heat formed around him which he immediately contained , so as not to affect anyone. His aura changed from calm to domineering in an instant as he held the Primordial Spear in his right hand, his whole demeanour changed to a somewhat arrogant as if looking down on all beings.

Looking at himself he can't help but be amazed at the change which was brought by just possesing his spirit.

His whole attribute increased by 300%. Now he can say with gurantee that even if he can't fight with Titan Giant Ape he can somewhat hold it.

If not for him using his second spirit ability, he was sure that if anybody saw him now they would definitely be flabbergasted by the change.

Zhao Wuji also felt a dangerous breath from behind as he turned to look back but he can only see Tang Ming standing there with a smile on his face. He simply shrugged his shoulder as he again looked at the distance.

Nobody noticed any peculiarities except Tang San who only saw a black light shine for a moment when Tang Ming used his second spirit ring ability. But he didn't see anything happening so he too concentrated on the front.

At this time Zhao Wuji said in a grave tone, " I don't have any time to explain but if something happens then turn back and escape immediately without worrying about me. Tang Ming you'll be responsible for their protection later. Get them out of Star Dou forest safely!"

He can only gave this responsibility to Tang Ming as he was the strongest of them all, so he can naturally hand over the task to Tang Ming.

Tang Ming looked at Zhao Wuji and can't help but feel that his opinion about teacher Zhao was extremely correct. He shook his head as he said, "Dai Mubai, the responsibility of taking all of them out of the Star Dou forest, I give it to you. I'm also very strong and can help teacher Zhao, so you should take Tang San and everyone out."

"But..." Daj Mubai tried to refute but before he can continue Tang Ming looked back at him with narrowed eyes as he said, "Dai Mubai, if even I go back it will be very hard for teacher Zhao to face whatever ahead alone. You are all too weak and will just get in the way."

At this time Tang San also looked ahead suddenly as he said, "It's a spirit beast and an extremely strong one."

Suddenly the two tree in front of them was parted as a huge figure walked out from behind it. It was very tall around 10m.

In an instant, almost everyone breathing stagnated as they looked at the terror of a spirit beast in front of them.


A/N : Here's today's chapter folks. So Enjoy.

I am very sorry for not releasing any chapter continuously for 5 days. Well because of New Year, our family decided to go to our grandparents home to meet them. And in between the family matters I didn't get enough time to write a chapter.

And YESS for god sake I'm not dropping it. You have to give this brother some time to enjoy, ya know.

The next chapter will be released tomorrow at the same time. So stay tuned.


Any suggestions reviews and comments are appreciated either good or bad. Now I'm out.

Your Allfather Author-PrimorDious. Peace Out ✌️.

PrimorDious PrimorDious

Creation is hard even if it's a fanfiction. So cheer me up. And thank you all those who still gave me power stones even when I didn't released a new chapter. I know most of them are new readers but gotta keep a positive attitude. ThankYou.

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