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Chapter 7: The Elders

'Now that it is known that I can turn people into Spirit masters, what needs to come next is teaching those with spirits, not for direct confrontation, how to battle. In the original Oscar was equipped with Tang San's Hidden weapons, it seems I will have to use modern science for this, Well….Metallurgy. A Titled Douluo can effortlessly flatten a city the size of New York City which would take about 480 kilotons of TNT in one single explosion. On Earth, there was only one metal that could not be cast when it was in its pure state, which is tungsten. It was also recorded that it would be possible for a tungsten structure to survive the force of a nuclear explosion.' A Smile appeared on Dugu Xin's face as he thought about the next action plan.

'Little Boy, the atomic bomb that hit Japan was about 15 kilotons of TNT in force, using a tungsten alloy as a sample it survived a similar explosion. There is nothing on earth that could melt pure Tungsten but here it may be possible, I need a blacksmith. Usually, that profession is looked down on due to Spirit Masters, but once I am done, Spirit Masters will be begging for Blacksmiths. Mathematically Tungsten Weapons can be used even against Titled Douluo, therefore other metals and alloys can be used at a lower level. This means Auxiliary, Healing/cure and even some defense system masters will no longer have to rely on others to advance.' Dugu Xin's smile widened even further as he realized this information could change the entire world.

Members of the 3 Subsidiary Clans reported to their respective clan heads, for the Zhong Clan the clan leader is Zhong Shan, a rank 54 Spirit King, and his spirit is Spirit Wings. Zhong Shan is a 31-year-old man with short hair that is combed back, he has brown hair and gray eyes, rather average-looking. "Dugu Bo has advanced to Spirit Douluo. Dugu Xin has figured out how to turn people without spirit power into spirit masters…" Shan massaged his temples as he digested the information Zhong Jian told him.

After a few moments, Zhong Shan looks up at Zhong Jian, "For Hundreds of years, the three Subsidiary Clans have followed the Dugu clan due to the debt we owe them, but also due to their potential. The Clan heads always felt that, unlike them, the Dugu clan members would eventually create a Titled Douluo. Right now the Master is rank 82, while the Young Master is ranked 26. Then there are the new additions to the main branch of the Dugu Clan that are now Ranked 10 and waiting to get a spirit ring. In a few short weeks, they have gone from being at the edge of the abyss to nearly the top of the world." Zhong Shan stood up, walking over to the far left corner of his study, where there was a pile of parchment paper.

Zhong Jian looked at his clan leader, his heart started to beat fast from the short backstory he got, "The Young master asked me to bring all children of our clan that do not have spirit power to the Dugu Clan estate. He also said if any member of the Dugu and Subsidiary clans, both main members and servants need a spirit ring, he will find the most suitable one." 

Zhong Shan froze but quickly regained momentum, "He wants to bring us closer and increase our loyalty. Even before, we were mostly loyal due to our obligation to our nation, but now their influence will skyrocket. As long as we do what we need to do we will get benefits as well, maybe the Zhong clan will gain a Titled Douluo. Send the Children, when Lord Dugu Bo returns I will go talk to him personally."

"Actually the Young Master would like you to come as well, it seems he will use your bloodline essence to reinforce the others of our clan." Zhong Jian said.

A Similar scene was happening at the Xiong Clan, the clan leader Xiong Wei was a rank 61 Spirit Emperor, his Spirit is the Light Element. Xiong Wei was a rather small man, with deep white hair, and magenta eyes, with glasses and rather stern features. "So the Young Master is a Spirit Grandmaster at age 6, with two 100,000-year-old spirit rings while the master has advanced to Spirit Douluo?!" taking off his Glasses, Xiong Wei took a deep breath to calm his nerves. "Do as he says, when the Master comes back I will go visit him."

45 Minutes later Dugu Xin stood in his courtyard, in front of him 15 people were kneeling before him with Cike Zixuan standing on the side with his head lowered. "Is this everyone?"

"Yes, Young Master!"

Like what happened in the central courtyard Hong Lin and Lan Ushi appeared, "This time you will use my bloodline essence, I didn't ask Father permission to use his so this is the next best thing." On the side, a servant was holding a knife and a bowl making a motion the woman handed the items to Dugu Xin. With a single swift motion without hesitation, he slit his wrist. Hong Lin extracted some of the bloodline power from the wound, and then Lan Ushi sealed it shut.

"Now, to not make them all "Official Members of the Dugu Clan," I will mix my bloodline essence with the leaders of your respective clans, which should awaken your powers but not manifest another Spirit. With the the Addition of my Spirit Souls my bloodline essence is on par with my Fathers while they may not go to Rank 10, Rank 6-8 shouldn't be a problem." Hong Lin then went to the leaders of the three subsidiary clans and handed them each a large vial.

Each clan head slit their wrists as Hong Lin extracted extremely pure Bloodline Essence from their bodies. Once that was done they bowed to Dugu Xin and left the main Hall. "Young Master if I mix the Bloodlines 80% theirs and 20% yours it should achieve the desired effect." 

"Do it"

Dugu Xin saw them all experience the same things his siblings experienced earlier and smiled, the Cike's Clan spirit is The Heaven's Book. This tool spirit doesn't control the elements. Rather, it carries a stock of abilities. Each Spirit Ring the user gains unlocks another page in the book and allows him to store a Spirit Skill on the page. This Spirit has no set inclination, so the user has the freedom to grow in whatever direction the user wants. But his strength is reliant on his stored Spirit Skills and their synergy. This is why the Cike Clan can have members of each system, it is one of the most versatile spirits in existence.

'If the world found out what happened in the Dugu Clan today there would be a war to get this technique.' Once the Cike clan members returned home, members of the other subsidiary clans came one by one. Along with his new siblings, at least 100 people became spirit masters today, Xin then wrote a unique cultivation method for every one of them which took two weeks to complete. The day he finished was the day his father returned. Along with him were 5 people: Yue Guan, Yue Meiying, Chen Xin, Gu Rong, and Ning Cheng.

Seated on his seat of Power, Dugu Bo watched as his new children paid their respects with an enormous smile on his face, it was like the dazzling sun after a drought. They each Showed their original spirits, Plus their Jade Phosphor Serpent, which made Dugu Bo feel even closer to them as they all now had the Signature Gold Eyes and Green Hair of the Dugu Clan. Dugu Xin arrived shortly after and greeted his father before taking his seat next to him, "I can't believe you actually brought them ALL!" Dugu Xin whispered to his father.

His Father smiled but didn't say anything about this but moved on to introductions, "Xin, Alix, Xue, Mei, Gho, and Hoi these will be your new instructors. They will also be teaching all the other Children associated with the clan. Yue Guan; Tool Spirit: Chrysanthemum Rank 76 Spirit Saint, Yue Meiying; Tool Spirit: Spider Bloom Chrysanthemum Rank 80 Spirit Saint, Chen Xin; Tool Spirit: Seven Kill Sword Rank 86 Spirit Douluo, Gu Rong; Beast Spirit: Bone Dragon Rank 85 Spirit Douluo, Ning Cheng; Tool Spirit: Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Rank 79 Spirit Saint. From this day, they will all be Elders of the Dugu Clan." Xin looked at his father as if the man was some sort of wizard because this was far beyond his expectations.

"Now, besides the Elders and Xin'er could the rest of you leave for now I will summon you again shortly." The Children and servants all bowed their heads and made their leave. Dugu Bo stood up, "Follow me please." They soon made their way into the inner part of the main courtyard, which was something similar to a large meeting room. There was a large table big enough to seat ten people. Dugu Bo took his seat and everyone else followed soon after.

"So, Father, how did this happen?" Xin looked at his father with great confusion, causing mixed reactions from the people in the room until one person spoke up, "Your father killed a titled douluo in my defense…" Yue Meiying said, causing Chen Xin, Gu Rong, and Ning Cheng to be taken aback.

Dugu Xin looked at his father for clarification as this was a bombshell that had just dropped onto him, "Well when I went to find Miss Yue, I heard various rumors about, the various clans that she owed money to when she was at the academy, as she was currently studying Immortal herbs to understand the essence of her spirit better. This is commendable, she was traveling from Balak City to Heaven Dou City to access the library. The people she owed money to were being held at bay by her strength when they tried to collect, so they had a Titled Douluo come, He was an Evil Spirit master known as the Demon Douluo. The Battle was anti-climatic; I activated my skull spirit bone: Eyes of Medusa and he turned to stone, Spirit Rings and all." Everyone else was stunned around the table beside the Yue Siblings and Dugu Bo.

"Anyway, I helped Yue Meiying out and traveled with her and Guan to Heaven Duo City, where I encountered Chen Xin and Gu Rong. They were looking for herbs to help their friend Ning Cheng advance. Due to his rather advanced age, he needs to be promoted to live. So I found a compatible spirit beast and forced it to sacrifice its cultivation which brought Ning Cheng up from rank 71 to Rank 79, buying him more time. I made no empty promises, but I said in exchange for helping me, I would help them reach Titled douluo, Cheng said he owed me a life debt and agreed even if that wasn't possible. Chen Xin and Gu Rong decided to come as well." Dugu Xin was in awe at his father's resourcefulness.

"Father, let them see Manchineel, I doubt they have seen your power." When the gap between people is small, jealousy arises, and people plot against each other, but when the gap is so large all you can do is look up to the person there is only respect. When Dugu Bo's Spirit rings were released, Those powerful people in that room felt as if they were stepped on by an elephant, "You have advanced again, father?!"

"I Have. I'm rank 83 now," saying this with a smile, the small Spirit Soul appeared on his shoulders. Tapping Dugu Bo's head, he looked around the room with a playful gaze, but to everyone except the father-son duo, it was a dreadful stare

"You finally let me out so I can talk to your companions, huh Bo Bo? "

Dugu Xin snickered at his Father being called Bo Bo, which caused him to receive a sharp gaze from the latter, "Seven 100,000-year-old spirit rings…" It was the collective thought of everyone, but only Chen Xin could vocalize it. Following this, Dugu Xin released his Spirit Rings as well, which was more shocking than his father's display, "Earlier, I am sure you were wondering why a child was brought into this meeting. The reason is simple: Father and I have lost too much to trust in people easily." Dugu Xin stopped there as what needed to be said next wasn't appropriate for him to say.

"Xin'er and the rest of the children are all I have left in this world, I am a simple man who just dotes on his children too much, which is why I let Xin'er run the show. This is a good decision because the power I have now is due to him. don't get me wrong, he still is a child that requires guidance, but he isn't my possession. If he needs guidance, I will guide him. I will support him if he needs support, same with my other children. So understand that I am a little overprotective when it comes to the well-being of my children." The Five Elders were smart people, they understood what this scary man meant. If you earn my trust and maintain it, you're family; however, if you break my trust and harm my children, you're as good as dead.

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