Race to the
Chapter 286: home sweet home
The reason why Hao Tai wanted to have an audience with Emperor Hao Jiazhi (or her little brother) is that due to her being locked up, her mother is not allowed to meet her no matter how many times she asked for it.
Hao Tai's mother, Yi Hua, also, asked for the audience of Emperor Hao Jiazhi but she was also denied from it.
No matter how bad or worst Hao Tai and her mother, Yi Hua's relationship are, at the end of the day, the bond of blood cant be broken no matter what.
Thus, Yi Hua came to help her daughter, she tried to free her from the lock-up but the orders by the Emperor himself are too big to be shacked off.
So, every day, Yi Hua comes to her daughter's house and while staying outside, she tries to comfort her.
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