Race to the
Chapter 161: A chat with myself
Inside the mind of Hao Jiazhi
"Tired?" Han Huaixin asked Hao Jiazhi as he enters the dark world of his own consciousness, which is the inside mind of Hao Jiazhi
"Yeah, I got some good amount of work to do every single day… not only that, but I also have to look into the new upcoming trouble
I am really busy these days" Hao Jiazhi said to Han Huaixin
Han Huaixin no longer tries to control the body of Hao Jiazhi, his past or his other personality has long lost interest in the world
All he does is just sit and relax
Han Huaixin waved his hand and a table and 2 big chairs appeared out of nowhere in this dark world, Han Huaixin told Hao Jiazhi to relax and sit with him as they both will have a small chat with each other
While sitting- Hao Jiazhi noticed the dress of Han Huaixin- it's the same as the last time or rather, does he even change?
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