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95.45% Ghost Rider vs Horror Movies / Chapter 21: Chapter 21: House on Haunted Hill part final

Bab 21: Chapter 21: House on Haunted Hill part final

Flying through the night sky, the ghost rider who had been thrown by Egill's blow, looked up at the starry sky while thinking about the little exchange of blows he had with Egill.

{Hmmm.... This guy called Egill is pretty strong. But his greatest danger is that strange weapon in his right hand, it sends shivers down my spine just at the sight of it. I have to think of a way to get rid of that gun:} Thought the ghost rider before plummeting towards a six-storey building.


Colliding with the wall of the fifth floor of the building, the ghost rider went through the wall and rolled around inside the floor for a few seconds before coming to a stop in the center of a large empty room.

Getting up from the ground, the ghost rider looked around and patted his body to remove some of the dust that had clung to him.

(Ghost Rider): "Huh?!"

Feeling a slight tremor in the building, the ghost rider stopped cleaning his body. He remained silent for a few seconds, before looking up at the ceiling and backing away quickly.


Almost instantly after the ghost rider moved, the ceiling above the area where he was standing collapsed to the ground with Egill falling to his feet from the hole that had formed in the ceiling.

(Egill): "Ha! You won't have a chance to hide"

Swinging his mace towards the rider, Egill tried to hit him. But he was easily avoided by the ghost rider's monstrous reflexes.

Swooish! Swooish! Swooish!

Striking several blows with his mace towards the ghost rider, several gusts of wind formed from the blows avoided by the rider, creating several cracks in the room due to the force of the winds.

Seeing that the ghost rider was dodging his blows, Egill changed his stance and struck from above, drawing a diagonal line. And when the ghost rider dodged the blow, Egill stepped forward to take advantage of the force of the blow, creating a quick strike with Egill hitting the ghost rider with his right shoulder.



(Ghost Rider): "Ah!"



When Egill hit him, the ghost rider was thrown towards one of the walls of the room. Crossing it before falling into another room.

(Egill): "Haha! You fly easy"

Bang! Bang!

Breaking the concrete of the wall with a few kicks and punches, Egill enlarged the hole made by the rider by going through the hole in the wall that led to the room where the ghost rider was.

Seeing Egill approaching, the ghost rider stood up and turned the short-range rifle in his right hand into a chain.

With the sound of "Clang!", the chain broke into two pieces. And one of these pieces plunged to the ground, while the other rose towards the ceiling, merging with it after the ghost rider relaxed his hand.

After absorbing the pieces of chain, the floor and ceiling of the room changed color, becoming completely pitch black.

Seeing the changes in the room, Egill smiled. He continued walking towards the ghost rider while teasing him.

(Egill): "Changing the look of the room won't help you in this battle..."


Abruptly halting his steps, Egill was surprised by a pillar of fire that sprang up from the ground in front of him.

Looking at the pillar of hellfire, Egill smiled again as he mocked the rider once more.

(Egill): "That little bit of fire won't hurt me"

Brr-Booom! Sssssssssss!

In response to Egill's words, the ground beneath his feet spat out a huge amount of hellish flames that engulfed him entirely before hitting the ceiling hard.

Watching the area where Egill was standing burn under the thick pillar of hellfire. The ghost rider remained silent, watching the scene intently.


Tearing away from the pillar of hellfire with his high speed, Egill left the pillar of fire and advanced towards the ghost rider at high speed.

Striking out with his mace towards the ghost rider, Egill saw the rider dodge the blow.

And in response, Egill struck three more blows in succession towards the ghost rider using his mace. But the ghost rider nimbly dodged all his blows.


Swooish! Swooish! Swooish!

(Egill): "HA! "


As Egill prepared to strike the fourth blow, a blast of hellfire came down from the ceiling, forming a pillar of fire that engulfed the mace along with Egill's right hand.

Ignoring the pillar of hellfire that engulfed his hand, Egill tried to complete the blow. But he felt a resistance that prevented him from doing so.


(Egill): "Huh!?"

Directing his gaze to his right hand, Egill saw the pillar of hellfire dissipate and reveal dozens of chains wrapped around his mace that were attached from floor to ceiling.

Taking advantage of Egill's moment of distraction, the ghost rider kicked him in the face. Forcing Egill to drop his mace as he was knocked away by the rider's kick.

Falling a few meters away from his mace, Egill rolled a little on the ground. Before managing to get to his feet and meeting the ghost rider's two-footed overhead kick to his chest.


(Egill): "Uh!"


On receiving the blow to his chest, Egill was thrown hard into the wall of the room and through it. He flew off the floor of the building and through the wall of the fourth floor of another building, which was one house away from the previous building.


Seeing Egill fall into another building, the ghost rider retreated a few steps from the hole in the wall made by Egill, before running and jumping towards the building Egill fell into.

Quickly crossing the distance between one building and another, the ghost rider landed on the fourth floor of the building, entering through the hole made by Egill.

Arriving on the floor, the ghost rider quickly came across the trail of destruction caused by Egill's involuntary landing.

And seeing the furniture scattered around, the ghost rider thought that this place was a room in an apartment.

(Egill): "Are you trying to separate me from my gun?"

Hearing Egill's voice, the ghost rider looked in her direction and saw another hole in the wall in front of him, which was connected to other rooms that belonged to this floor. And this hole extended to five other walls in other rooms.

And on the sixth wall Egill's figure could be seen standing through the hole.

(Egill): "It's a clever strategy. But..."

Almost like a teleport, Egill closed the distance between himself and the ghost rider in less than a second. He threw a quick punch towards the rider's head, who narrowly dodged the

blow due to Egill's explosive increase in speed, which proved to be far superior to the speed he had been showing during the fight.

But Egill's blow didn't stop with just one punch, because right after the rider dodged his fist, Egill changed his move at an even faster speed than before. He grabbed the ghost rider and smashed a knee into his stomach with such force that it generated a shockwave that spread throughout the room.


(Ghost Rider): "Aah!"

(Egill): "Now that I'm without my gun, I don't need to hold back because of the risk that I might accidentally kill you"


(Ghost Rider): "Ah!"

Pow! Pow! Pow!

Holding the ghost rider who had leaned forward, Egill landed four more knee strikes to his stomach. And when Egill landed the fifth knee, long metal spikes grew out of the ghost rider's stomach, piercing Egill's knee deeply.


(Egill): "Aaaah!"

Letting out a cry of pain, Egill tried to push the ghost rider away by throwing him. But as he was thrown, the ghost rider spun his body in the air and opened his left hand to create a chain that snaked through the air before quickly wrapping itself around Egill's neck.

Pulling on the chain with his left hand, the ghost rider still in the air gained momentum and headed for Egill's face with his knee aimed at him.


(Egill): "Ah!"

Striking Egill in the face with his knee, the ghost rider broke his nose, causing him to stagger with a little dizziness.

Taking advantage of this gap, the ghost rider landed on the ground and collected the thorns coming out of his stomach before quickly advancing towards Egill, throwing several punches at him.

Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!

(Egill): "Ah!"

After being punched several times, Egill regained some of his lucidity and avoided one of the ghost rider's punches, just before pushing it away from him.

When he was pushed by Egill, the ghost rider took several steps back, stopping a few meters away from Egill. Before advancing on him again with the intention of punching him with everything he had.

Seeing the ghost rider coming at him like a bullet, Egill quickly reacted by throwing a punch towards the rider's face. The two crossed fists before hitting each other.


When they both hit each other, a powerful wave of rock formed and spread throughout the room. Exploding several nearby windows and creating several cracks in the floor, ceiling and walls of the room they were in.

Due to the force of the blows, they were both forced to take a few steps back. However, Egill, whose knee was injured, stumbled and fell.


(Egill): "Hahaha...!"

Falling on his back on the ground, Egill began to laugh and raised his upper body a little using his arms to a height where he could see the ghost rider not far from him.

Spitting some blood out of his mouth, Egill looked at the ghost rider as his broken nose dripped blood.

(Egill): "... Haha, it's been a long time since I've had a fist fight as entertaining as that. But it's a shame, because I can't allow this fight to last too long"

As soon as he finished speaking, a green aura enveloped Egill's body. And soon afterwards the wounds on his knee were completely closed, while his broken nose was also healed.

When Egill had finished healing his wounds, the blood in his body began to disappear, and at the same time he started trying to get up.

Seeing what had happened, the ghost rider opened his right hand and a piece of chain came out of it.

And when the ghost rider grabbed the chain, it turned into a short-range rifle.

Aiming his rifle at Egill, the ghost rider put his finger on the trigger and tried to shoot Egill before he could finish getting up.

When the ghost rider pulled the trigger, Egill's figure became blurred, disappearing completely and reappearing in front of the rider, slapping his rifle with his left hand. Causing the rifle to fire in another direction, opening a gap for Egill to hit the ghost rider's exposed chin with his right fist.



Hitting the ghost rider's chin with a completely different force to the one he had used in the fight so far, Egill's punch not only sent the ghost rider through the ceiling of the fourth floor, it also sent him through another five floors above the room.







Crossing the floor of the apartment's tenth floor, the ghost rider hit his back on the ceiling before falling face-first to the ground.

After sending the ghost rider to the tenth floor, Egill ran to the hole in the bedroom wall that led outside.

And when he reached the hole, Egill jumped through it to reach the fifth floor of the neighboring building.

Going through the hole in the wall, Egill landed on the fifth floor of the building where he and the ghost rider had initially started their fight.

Looking towards the center of the empty room, Egill saw his mace wrapped in dozens of chains that were attached from the ceiling to the floor.

Walking towards his gun, Egill quickly reached it and placed his right hand on the handle.

Holding the handle of the mace, Egill took a deep breath, closing his eyes. Then the green aura around his body intensified, spreading to the mace at the same time as his right arm swelled, showing several bright green veins.

(Egill): "HAAA!!!"

Letting out a scream, Egill opened his eyes to a full green glow. And then, putting strength into his right arm, he pulled the mace from the chains, shattering them and destroying part of the floor and ceiling in the process.

Crack! Chang! Crack! Chang! Crack! Chang!

Brr-Booom! Brr-Booom!

After detaching the mace, Egill's right arm returned to normal. And the aura and glow from his eyes disappeared completely. Making Egill let out a small sigh, before starting to remove a few pieces of the chains that were still wrapped around his weapon.

And when he had finished taking them off, Egill looked at the hole in the wall he had entered from and walked towards the hole while muttering to himself.

"Time to end this": Egill said before leaving the building.


Getting up from the ground a little dizzy, the ghost rider put his hand on his chin and muttered to himself.

(Ghost Rider): "hmmm, that was quite a blow"

(???): "Ah!"

(Ghost Rider): "Huh?!"

Hearing a small cry from a child, the ghost rider looked in the direction of the cry and saw a woman hugging a couple of five or six-year-old children in the corner of the room, while looking at him.

Seeing them frightened, the ghost rider looked around and noticed a man lying on the ground, not far from him.

The man in question was bleeding from the head next to the wall.

Leaving the ghost rider a little confused until he put the pieces together and understood the situation.

"I see, this man must be this woman's husband or someone connected to her who was thrown into the wall by me when I crossed the living room floor. But the man isn't dead and can be saved if I send him and his wife and children out of this apartment": thought the rider as he felt guilty for involving an innocent family in his battle.

Having made up his mind, the ghost rider prepared to open a portal. But he stopped when he saw his surroundings begin to change.

Replacing the furniture, walls, ceiling and floor. The living room became a flowery open field on a sunny day. Leaving the ghost rider perplexed, before he decided to look back and was faced with the imposing image of a mountain filling his vision.

(Egill): "Kirkufell! "

Hearing Egill's voice ring in his ear, the ghost rider noticed the shadow of a man with a raised metal mace replace the image of the mountain, as the mace descended towards his head.

Feeling a chill run down his spine, the ghost rider quickly used his short-range rifle to receive the blow from the metal mace, holding onto the handle and the end of the rifle with each of his hands.

When the metal mace hit his rifle, the ghost rider felt the weight of a mountain fall on his arms. Making the ground beneath his feet explode along with the entire tenth floor.



Destroying the tenth floor, Egill's blow did not lose its force, causing Egill and the ghost rider to tear through nine floors to the ground of the second floor. Blowing up all nine floors and causing the demolition of the apartment they were in in the process.











With a huge bang, the apartment collapsed completely, forming a huge amount of rubble and dust in the area where the apartment was located.


After another explosion, the debris and dust from the demolished apartment was almost completely dispersed into the sky.

And after a few seconds the debris and dust fell randomly across the city, prompting screams from the terrified population.

After scattering the debris from the apartment above him, Egill, who held his mace in his right hand, looked at the ghost rider who was lying face down on the ground.

Pulling his face from the ground, the ghost rider shook his head and tried to get up. But his action was interrupted by Egill's foot pressing his head back against the ground.

(Egill): "Give up, it's the end of the line for you"

With Egill's foot still on his head, the ghost rider resisted the stomp, pulling his face away from the ground using brute force. At the same time, he tried to turn his face to look at Egill. But halfway there, the rider's body froze, because in his line of sight there was the arm of a five-year-old child lying on some rubble not far from him.

And seeing the piece of blue sleeve stained with blood on that arm, the ghost rider immediately recognized that that arm belonged to one of the children, whom he saw hugging a woman on the tenth floor of the apartment.

Feeling the ghost rider's movements stop, Egill frowned. Then he followed the ghost rider's line of sight and saw his arm lying in the rubble.

(Egill): "Hahaha! Do you care about the death of mortals? What a stupid thing to do. Even more so for someone who has become Loki's pawn. But then again, that's a pretty funny contradiction. Hahaha...! What?!"

Feeling the temperature rise, Egill stopped laughing and quickly looked down at his feet, before his vision was taken over by a golden glow.


Standing on top of a hill, a man wearing red armor was observing a small town not far from him. He was holding a finely decorated compass, the pointer of which pointed towards the town.

(???): "Harald! Did you find our target?"

Being called from behind, the man in red armor looked in the direction of the voice and saw a group of four men wearing leather armor approaching him. And each of these men carried a weapon of different colors and types.

And these weapons were a green halberd, a blue spear, a yellow sabre and a purple bow and arrows.

(Harald): "Yes, Hvitserk, he's inside that city"

(Hvitserk): "In that town?"

Placing the green halberd he wielded on his shoulder, Hvitserk looked towards the city and noticed an explosion occurring, which scattered dust and debris from a building all over the city.

(Hvitserk): "It looks busy there"

(Harald): "Yes, it does"

(Harald): "But tell me, where is Egill?"

Turning his gaze to the group of four, Harald questioned them, trying to find out the whereabouts of the missing member.

When Harald questioned them, the group was surprised. Then one looked at the other's face until the member carrying the blue spear decided to speak.

(Blue Spearman): "Egill told us he was interested in helping you locate the target. And in a moment of our distraction he disappeared without a trace. So we assumed that he had met up with you"

(Harald): "Since I arrived here, until the moment you arrived, I haven't seen a single shadow of Egill's figure... "


Hearing the sound of a huge explosion, Harald and the rest of the group looked towards the city, interrupting the discussion they were having. They saw the large mushroom of the explosion forming on the spot where the first explosion had occurred.

In the midst of the mushroom formation of the explosion, the group noticed something being expelled from it, which passed like a fireball over them, before falling to the ground a few dozen meters away from the group.

(Hvitserk): "Oh, look at Egill over there"


(Egill): "Aaah!!!"

Seeing Egill scream, the group ran over to him. While he lay writhing on the ground with his body on fire.

(Harald): "Stand back"

Taking the lead of the group, Harald drew his red sword and raised it to the air.

(Harald): "Seal"


As if responding to Harald's voice, the flames on Egill's body began to oscillate, before flying towards Harald's red sword. It absorbed the flames as soon as they touched its blade.

When the flames were completely absorbed, Egill stopped writhing, lying completely still on the ground as the smoke rose from his body.

After absorbing the flames from Egill's body, Harald put his sword away in the sheath at his waist and watched in silence, along with the rest of the group, as Egill's body lay on the ground releasing smoke.

(Yellow Saber Man): "Is he dead?"

(Blue Spear Man): "Let me check"

Offering to examine the body, the man with the blue spear approached egill, standing next to him.

Holding the blue spear in his right hand, the man turned the spear upside down and casually pierced Egill's stomach three times.

Puf! Puf! Poof!

(Egill): "Ouch! Son of a bitch. Coff! Coff...! Coff...!"

When he was pierced three times by the spear, Egill screamed and slapped the spear with his left hand, knocking it away. Before he coughed a few times and passed out again.

(Blue Spear Man): "Yeah, he's alive"

(Hvitserk): "Hmm... What a shame"

(Hvitserk): "Harald, how about we continue with our mission? "

(Harald): "..."

(Hvitserk): "Harald?"

Seeing Harald not answering, Hvitserk realized that he was staring at the spot where the Egill had come from. And when Hvitserk looked in the same direction, he saw a light flashing where the explosion had occurred.

(Harald): "Shit!"

At an extremely fast speed, Harald advanced a few meters ahead of the group. He created a translucent red shield by bringing his forearms together in front of his chest.


But almost instantly after the shield was created, the sound of a loud impact shattering the shield was heard along with Harald's muffled scream, which was sent flying like a bullet towards a nearby mountain by a blurry figure who suddenly appeared and collided with him using his shoulder.

(Harald): "Ah...!"



When Harald collided with the mountain, a huge explosion occurred. Causing the mountain to collapse from the point of collision.

Seeing the mountain collapse on top of Harald, Hvitserk quickly regained his senses and looked towards where Harald had previously been standing. He saw the ghost rider standing where Harald had been, while a faint golden glow radiated from the flames on his head, which were also golden.

Not taking a second to understand the situation, Hvitserk and the man carrying the blue spear advanced towards the ghost rider, swinging the blue spear and the green halberd horizontally, aiming for the ghost rider's torso.

But just as the attacks were about to hit him, the ghost rider, at a bizarre speed, leaned back. Avoiding the attacks with a humanly impossible tilt.

And when he had finished avoiding the two attacks, the ghost rider undid the tilt and returned to his original position, creating a fiery sword with his right hand to receive a third attack from the bearer of the yellow sabre.



Defending himself from the saber blow with the sword of hellfire, the ghost rider then created a shield of hellfire to defend his left from three purple arrows that had been fired by the archer not far from him.





Successfully repelling the three arrows, the ghost rider sensed Hvitserk and the man with the blue spear approaching him to try another attack. But with no intention of allowing them to complete their attack, the ghost rider stomped the ground with his left foot, causing a strong tremor. Before four thick metal chains sprouted from the ground and pierced through the center of the chest of each of the four heroic spirits standing around the ghost rider.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

(Yellow Saber Man): "Ah...!"

(Hvitserk): "Ouch...!"

(Blue Spear Man): "Gulp...!"

(Archer): "Ah...!"

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Swaying like serpents, the chains lifted the bodies of the four heroic spirits. Lifting the four of them off the ground as they groaned in pain.

Heedless of the groans of the heroic spirits, the ghost rider punched the ground. Sinking a third of his arm into the ground.

(Ghost Rider): "Roooaar! "

Crack! Crack!


Roaring like an animal, the ghost rider pulled the chains that had lifted the heroic spirits off the ground in one fell swoop, causing the ground to explode and revealing the chains completely.

Raising the chains with his left hand, the ghost rider, still roaring like a beast, spun the chains violently in the air, pulling the four heroic spirits along with the pieces of ground. Before releasing the chains and throwing the four bound to the chains towards the horizon.

(Ghost rider): "Rooar! "

Zoom! Zoom!


(Heroic Spirits): "AAaah...!!!"

Seeing the four heroic spirits disappear over the horizon, the ghost rider turned with the intention of walking over to Egill, who was lying on the ground not far from him.

But when he turned around, the ghost rider saw a man in red armor, holding a red sword, standing a few meters away from him.

It was Harald, the man the ghost rider had collided with when he arrived on the scene.

Looking at the sword held by the man in red armor, the ghost rider felt the same dangerous vibrations he felt from the weapons held by the other heroic spirits.

After confirming the danger of the sword, the ghost rider turned his gaze to the crevices of Harald's red helmet. And the two stared at each other in silence for a while.

Then, in the midst of their silence, small sparks began to appear between them. And then small cracks began to appear in the ground.

The cracks that appeared in the ground continued to widen and increase in number. As did the sparks that kept growing.

Amid the huge amount of sparks in the air, cuts and scratches began to appear in huge numbers on the ghost rider's clothes. While only a few scratches appeared on Harald's armor.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Under a small noise of explosions, everything above the ghost rider's ankles such as rocks, stones, earth and dirt were disintegrated or dispersed from the site.

And then, the figures of Harald and the ghost rider disappeared from their positions. And they reappeared in the center of the distance dividing the two, crossing their swords and creating a shockwave that blew everything above ground away from the battle area in the process.



With the two swords stuck together, the two stared at each other until the ghost rider noticed that the flames of his hellfire sword were being absorbed by the blade of Harald's red sword, which has left and is leaving his hellfire sword smaller and thinner than it was before the fight began.


Realizing the problem, the ghost rider kicked Harald in the stomach to put distance between the two.

And without too much trouble, the ghost rider managed to get a few meters away from Harald.

Patting his belly to clear the dust from where he had been kicked, Harald saw the ghost rider quickly return his sword of hellfire to its original size and thickness.

Then, finishing dusting himself off, Harald calmly raised his sword high in the air and said aloud:

(Harald): "Seal"

Hearing Harald's voice, a feeling of weakness attacked the ghost rider's body. Making the sword of hellfire in the ghost rider's hand dissipate, while long, red ribbons grew from the areas where there were cuts on his body.

Floating in the air, the red ribbons reached almost twenty meters in length. While the flames enveloping the ghost rider's skull grew weaker to the point where they only enveloped his neck area, as he knelt on the ground.

(Harald): "You're fast and strong. But your fencing is mediocre"

Seeing the ghost rider kneeling on the ground, Harald criticized him harshly. Before walking towards him with a red sword in his hand.

(Harald): "Our mission here is to take you alive. But since you don't want to come willingly, I'll have to leave you half-dead to avoid trouble."

Stopping a few steps away from the ghost rider, Harald faced him. Then he raised his sword, just before lowering it towards the kneeling ghost rider.


(Harald): "What!?"

But before the red sword could hit the rider, a silver sword blocked the red sword.

And the bearer of the silver sword was a hooded man, who wasted no time in kicking the stunned Harald after defending the attack.


As he kicked Harald, the hooded man managed to push him away. Creating a gap for him to pull out a small bronze sphere from his cloak that had the design of an eye embedded in it.

When it was removed from the cloak, the small sphere shone so brightly that it enveloped the whole place with a flash that lasted a few seconds.

After a few seconds of flashing, visibility returned, revealing only Harald, who was standing alone, a little dazed by the sudden event.


On the other side of the world, somewhere uninhabited in the forest of China.

In the middle of the forest, an intense glow appeared out of nowhere, enveloping a certain area for a few seconds before disappearing and revealing the ghost rider kneeling on the spot, with long red ribbons coming out of his body, while facing the hooded man who was standing holding a sword in his right hand.


Swinging his sword, the hooded man cut all the red ribbons growing from the ghost rider's body.

And after being cut, the red ribbons burned and quickly turned to ash, before being carried away by the wind.

When the ribbons growing on the ghost rider's body disappeared, the flames on his body returned to normal, as did his strength and mobility.

Rising from the ground, the ghost rider looked at the hooded man. Then he turned and looked in a certain direction and took a step forward. Before the hooded man appeared in front of him, he placed his hand on the rider's chest, while making gestures of denial with his head covered by the hood.

Removing his hand from his chest, the ghost rider grabbed the hooded man's collar and pulled him off the ground, using his right arm to lift him up.

(Ghost Rider): "Who are you?"

(Faylim): "Wait, Lucas! He's an ally"

When he questioned the hooded man, while holding him up with his arm. The ghost rider heard Faylim's voice.

Just then the rider saw an illusory green fairy flying in front of him.

(Faylim): "Lucas, that person is a support bodyguard sent by Loki. So let him go now"

Seeing the angry expression on Faylim's face, the ghost rider put the hooded man on the ground and let go of his collar.

Adjusting his cloak, the hooded man looked at the ghost rider and started talking to him.

(Hooded man): "Who I am doesn't matter. You must leave this world immediately"

Hearing the hooded man's words, the ghost rider couldn't tell if his voice belonged to a man or a woman, as the hooded man's voice was very androgynous.

But regardless of whether the hooded man's voice was strange or not, the ghost rider didn't fail to respond immediately to his request.

(Ghost Rider): "I don't want to"

(Faylim): "What?! What do you mean you don't want to?"

(Ghost Rider): "I'm going to stay and fight those murderers"

(Faylim): "Are you retarded? You've already lost. And if you fight them again, you'll be captured again"

(Ghost Rider): "No, this time it will be different. I won't fall for the same trick that that man in red armor used in our battle."

(Faylim): "Even if you manage to avoid that skill, you can't go back to fight them"

(Ghost Rider): "Faylim, those men killed innocent people. I can't let them get away with it"

(Faylim): "They are not part of our mission. You must ignore them"

(Ghost Rider): "No! I'll make them pay for what they've done"

(Hooded Man): "I suggest you give up on that idea, because if you fight them again. Those men will be forced to use their true power. And if that happens, this whole planet will be destroyed along with the innocent humans you value so much, in your battle"

(Faylim): "See, that's why we have to leave. I'll open the portal right away"

(Ghost Rider): "Who are those men?"

Ignoring Faylim's words, the ghost rider looked at the hooded man and asked him a question.

(Hooded Man): "These men are heroic spirits. Ancient human warriors handpicked by Odin to receive a drop of sap from the World Tree, so that they could become entities comparable to the gods, before being sent to Asgard as servant gods."

(Ghost Rider): "Why are you chasing me?"

(Hooded Man): "Loki's younger brother, Thor the god of thunder, has somehow managed to find out about your existence. And most likely he wants to use you as living proof of Loki's interference in the mortal world, when he goes to Odin"

(Man Hooded): "And if that happens, Loki will most likely be condemned. And you'll be sent straight to the underworld, after having all your powers taken away"

(Ghost Rider): ".... I understand, I'll be more careful with these people. And I'll follow your advice to get out of this universe. But.... I still won't give up punishing them and I'll certainly find a chance to finish them off on my travels"

(Ghost Rider): "Faylim, open the portal"

(Faylim): "At last"

Responding to the ghost rider's request, Faylim opened a blue portal a few dozen meters away from him.

And when the rider saw the portal, he whistled. And then a small explosion occurred behind him, before his motorcycle came out of the flames and stopped next to him.

Getting on his motorcycle, the ghost rider started it up and ran at full speed towards the portal.


Seeing the portal disappear after the ghost rider had passed through, the hooded man directed his gaze in the same direction as the ghost rider had looked the first time he tried to leave the place.

And then he stood still for a few seconds, before shifting his gaze to the sword in his hand.

The sword in his right hand was all silver, with a cross-guard in the shape of wings and in the center of the cross-guard there was a blue jewel in the shape of a drop embedded in it.

(Hooded Man): "I hope Harald didn't get a clue who I am by seeing my sword in our little exchange. But I think it's a bit too late to worry about that"

Letting out a sigh, the hooded man waved his hand. And then a white portal appeared in front of the hooded man.

And when the hooded man entered it, the white portal disappeared, leaving no trace.

isaqueramos isaqueramos

I'll leave in the comments some illustrations I made with a cheap AI.

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Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

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