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30.35% Naruto: Of Bone and Ice / Chapter 34: Chapter 34

Bab 34: Chapter 34

Fuyōna stood face to face in a standoff with Orochimaru of the hidden leaf village. Kimimaro looked worried as he could feel the intense pressure coming from both of them.

Fuyōna noticed his worries and placed a hand on his small shoulder, smiling at him.

"Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you."

Suddenly Orochimaru attacked as he appeared in front of Fuyōna, unleashing a snake thrust attack from his hand.

Ten snakeheads jumped forwards, trying to bite Fuyōna and poison him, but Fuyōna didn't even turn to face them as he had already predicted he would do something like this.

Fuyōna allowed razor-sharp bones to grow from his body, each slicing through the snakes rendering Orochimarus's attack useless.

Fuyōna counter-attacked with a barrage of bone bullets that seeminglessly shredded through his body with ease.

Orochimaru's mouth opened, and out slivered another Orochimaru in perfect health.

"It would seem your abilities can do more than meet the eye. How interesting." He said, showing great interest in Fuyōnas abilities.

"You have no idea," Fuyōna said with a smile as he raised his fingers.

Suddenly a large burst of ice shot from the ground and encased itself around Orochimaru, trapping him inside.

But of course, Fuyōna knew it wouldn't be that easy.

Suddenly a burst of high-pressure wind cut through the ice dome freeing the snake inside.

Orochimaru stepped out of the ice and crossed his arms over his chest.

"How remarkable... Not one, but two kekkie Genkai."

Fuyōna allowed bones to grow out from all over his body, with two horns on his head as he was about to get serious.

"I suggest you leave now. I'm done playing around here." Fuyōna said, letting his massive chakra flare-up.

Orochimaru could see and feel the cold coming from the pressure of Fuyōnas chakra. It was massive, and he was starting to realize this wasn't a battle he could win.

"To think someone like this would exist..." Orochimaru said as he slowly backed off.

"This is not the end, boy. We will meet again." The snake said as he disappeared into the mist, his presence disappearing altogether.

Fuyōna allowed the bones to return into his body and turned to face Kimimaro. He was glad his show of force had forced Orochimaru to back off. It wasn't that he couldn't defeat him; it was more the fact he didn't need the attention.

"It's alright now. He's gone." He said, kneeling down to look the boy in the eye.

Kimimaro was surprisingly calm after witnessing two monsters facing off against each other. But Fuyōna remembered the kind of character he was. And now, he had an opportunity to forge him into an even greater monster.

"Follow me, kid," Fuyōna said as he turned around, leading the way back to the village.

He wasn't on the best of terms with the Mizukage at the moment. But he was sure he could smooth this over. After all, his abilities were a dying bloodline, and Fuyōna was sure he would have need of his skills in the future.

Fuyōna leads Kimimaro back to the hidden mist village. Sneaking him through every guard post as the village was still in a state of emergency after the Kaguya attack.

Having nowhere else to go, Fuyōna decided to take the boy back to Hatsu's house, believing that would be the safest place for the time being.

Once there, Fuyōna knocked softly on the door and waited for someone to answer. Hatsu opened the door, already knowing who it was but was shocked to see who was with him.

"Cap- Fuyōna, what is that child doing with you?" Hatsu asked, quite surprised.

"Never mind that for now. I need a favor." Fuyōna said.

Hatsu sighed and opened the door fully, inviting them in. Fuyōna walked inside, telling Kimimaro to follow him.

Once inside, they sat down, and Hatsu asked what Fuyōna was planning. He knew it was crazy after the attack and that no one in the village would take kindly to him being alive. Tensions were already high enough as it was.

"Relax, Hatsu. I intend to take young Kimomaro here as my student. He will report to me directly, and I will oversee all of his training."

Hatsu was confused, but he knew it must have something to do with sharing the same Kekkei Genkai.

"What about when Lord fourth finds out?" Hatsu asked.

"Leave that to me," Fuyōna said.

Hatsu picked up more than Fuyōna had meant to give away there, but he decided to remain silent. After all, he owed him his life and would follow him until the end.

"I need you to keep an eye on the boy for me. Keep him safe and out of sight for a little while just until I manage to settle things in the village." Fuyōna said as he stood up.

Hatsu nodded and stayed seated.

"As you wish."

Fuyōna smiled at Hatsu as he nodded to him.

"Thank you, Hatsu; you are a true friend."

With that, Fuyōna went to talk to Kimimaro, who was sat with some food that Hatsus's wife had given to him.

"Kimimaro, Listen to me closely. I need to leave for a little while. Hatsu will look after you until I get back. Do as he asked for me and wait until I return."

Kimimaro nodded, understanding. Fuyōna placed his hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"When I get back, I will teach you how to use your powers best I can." He said, bringing a smile to Kimimaros's face.

Hatsu crossed his arms over his chest.

"Don't worry, kid; you're safe here." He said, reassuring the boy.

Fuyōna smiled and nodded over to Hatsu.

"I'll take my leave then." He said.

Hatsu nodded and bid him farewell before Fuyōna vanished from the room. Leaving Hatsu and Kimimaro alone.

Fuyōna was headed right for the Mizukages office to find out what had happened for the Kaguya to attack and what he would do about it.

He was starting to get sick of the poor leadership that the Mizukage was displaying, knowing that something had to bed done about it. The only problem was nothing could be done without staging a coup d'etat, which would end badly for the village and the land of water.

Fuyōna arrived at the Mizukages office and could instantly see that there were no guards around. He found it strange but didn't think much of it.

He knocked on the door to his office and waited for permission to enter.

"Come in." A voice said.

Fuyōna did as he was told and opened the door. The room was full of all of the most powerful shinobi in the village.

Yagura, The 4th Mizukage, sat in his large chair.

Zabuza was present and didn't look impressed as always.

Mei stood with her hands crossed behind her back, her hair had gotten longer, and she looked even prettier than last time Fuyōna had seen her.

Fuguki, who was the only original member of the seven swordsmen left in the village was stood next to the Mizukage, his sword Samehada strapped to his back. Fuguki was accompanied by two others who Fuyōna had never met but recognized.

One was Mangetsu Hōzuki, he was only young, but his reputation spoke for itself. The other was a woman whose name Fuyōna didn't know.

Ao was also present, as well as Kisame, who had a standard sword strapped to his back. Meaning he had yet to kill Fuguki and take Samehada for himself.

Fuyōna was greeted by surprise and silence as all of the strongest shinobi in the hidden mist weighed him up head to toe.

Fuuōna bowed his head towards the Mizukage and then raised it as he shut the door behind him.

No one else said anything as they waited for the Mizukage to speak first, everyone waiting for his reaction. Last they had heard, Fuyōna had disappeared and been branded a rogue ninja after killing the Kazekage.

"Ah yes, Fuyōna. Your timing is perfect." The Mizukage said. Everyone looked surprised by his response.

"What are you doing here! I thought you had gone rouge; I should kill you where you stand!" Zabuza said, placing a hand on his blade. He wasn't wielding the Executioner's Blade yet, meaning Juzō hadn't been captured yet either, helping Fuyōna setting the timeline a little better.

But still, the attack from the Kaguya was early and, to his estimate, should not have happened yet.

"Enough, Zabuza." The Mizukage said as he raised his arm.

Zabuza did as he was told but wasn't happy.

"Fuyōna, perfect timing. I was about to summon you," Yagura said.

He turned back to the others and started speaking once again.

"I want a full report of the battle. Casualties on both sides. I also wish to a squad sent out to the Kaguya clan village to dispose of any survivors. I will not stand for an attack on my village like this. They will all die!" Yagura spat.

Everyone else in the room remained silent. They all knew the real reason the Kaguya had rebelled, but no one dared to say anything.

"Fuguki, take your men and deal with the report. Ao, take Fuyōna, Mei, and Zabuza to the Kaguya village and make sure they are all dead." He said, barking orders.

All of them nodded and didn't waste any time disappearing to get away from Yagura's temper. Fuyōna looked at Ao and the others, who nodded to him, signaling to get a move on.

They all removed themselves from the Mizukages office and regrouped in a quieter Anbu meeting spot. Of course, the others were still surprised Fuyōna was back, and it was the first conversation subject.

Zabuza didn't waste any time and grabbed Fuyōna by his collar, trying to pin him up. Zabuza was tall and tried to lift him from the floor, but Fuyōna slapped his hand away with ease.

"What the hell are you doing still alive! Always the favorite doing whatever you like!" He shouted, clearly pissed.

"Zabuza, calm down!" Mei shouted as she stepped between them.

Zabuza gave her a dirty look but backed off.

"If lord 4th has allowed Fuyōna to return, then it must be for a reason."

Ao also spoke up as he placed a hand on Fuyōnas shoulder.

"That's right, glad to have you back, kid." He said with a grin, noticing how much stronger he had clearly become.

"Whatever," Zabuza said as he turned his back on them.

"I'll see you at the village." He said before disappearing.

The others simply ignored his rudeness as he always acted like that. It was nothing new.

Both Mei and Ao turned their attention back to Fuyōna, both keen to learn more about where he had been and what he had been up to. Mei especially as she took in his new manly appearance.

"My Fuyōna, you really have grown in all of the right places." She said as she placed a finger on her lips.

Ao sighed, "Will you stop trying to flirt with the poor lad and leave him be." He said.

Mei was not impressed and gave off a killer aura towards Ao, who realized he shouldn't have said anything.

"Ao, dear." She said calmly.

"If I want your opinion, I will ask for it. Next time you give it, I'll kill you." She whispered in his ear, sending a cold chill down his spine.

"She's always like this." He thought to himself as he nodded and back off slowly, both his hands raised kn defense.

Fuyōna had to hold in a laugh as the scene reminded him of his time watching Naruto back in his other life.

He quickly changed the subject, however.

"I think we should focus on the mission and meet with Zabuza at the Kaguya village. He said, getting both of their focus.

"Your right. Who knows what Zabuza will do by himself." Mei said, getting serious.

"Alright, let's move out," Ao said, leading the other two out towards the Kaguya clan's home.

Not much was said along the way as both Mei and Ao remained focused kn the mission at hand. Fuyōna was thankful for this as he didn't want to detail where and what he had been up to.

The trip was short, and they arrived after an hour of high-speed travel. Zabuza had already arrived and was leaning against a tree waiting for them.

"Bout time you got here." He said. Not bothering to uncross his arms.

"Nice of you to wait for us," Ao said as he walked over to get a better look at the village.

He raised his fingers as he concentrated, activating his Byakugan. Fuyōna could still remember the day he got that eye as he was glad to have met him for it.

"Do you see anything?" Mei asked.

Ao remained quiet for a moment longer as he finished scouting the full area.

"There are no men left here, just woman and children," Ao said, lowering his hands and deactivating his Byakugan.

"No matter. Our orders are to kill them all." Zabuza said as he pulled the sword from his back, his blood lust starting to get the better of him.

Mei wasn't happy about it, but he was right. Fuyōna, on the other hand, was outraged and quickly voiced it.

"Put your sword away, Zabuza. No one else needs to die today." He said in a deep voice.

The others all turned to him in surprise, Zabuza giving him a stern look.

"I don't take orders from your deserter." He spat as he pointed his sword at him.

"Fuyōna, this is an order from lord Mizukage himself. We can't disobey him," Ao said.

Mei remained silent as she watched the situation growing more tense.

"These women and children are innocent. They don't deserve to die!" Fuyōna shouted as he pushed Zabuza's blade away from his face.

"Orders are orders. Get with it, or ill kill you myself!" Zabuza said as he jumped down from the cliff they were standing off into the village.

Fuyōna turned to Ao and Mei, trying to reason with them.

"Are you going to follow these orders and kill more innocent people? Look at where his leadership has got us. Look at what he has done to the village and its people!"

Mei had to admit she wasn't happy about the whole thing. She, too, had asked herself the same question but had never voiced her opinion.

Ao sighed and put his hand on his head.

"Fuyōna... You know we have to follow the Mizukage's rule. You know what happens to those who don't. Please don't put me in this position."

Fuyōna was trying to get angry and decided now was the time to try and convince them about Yagura being under Obito's control.

"Haven't you noticed that lord 4th has been acting strange as of late? He's not himself anymore. He no longer has the village and its people's interests at heart. Yet you follow him blindly anyway."

Ao and Mei both listened to his words, but Fuyōna could tell he still wasn't getting through just yet.

"I won't follow a tyrant any longer," Fuyōna said.

Ao drew his sword and pointed it towards Fuyōna.

"That's enough, Fuyōna! What you are saying is treason!"

"Ao! lower your sword," Mei spoke clearly outraged that he intended to resort to violence.

"You can try to stop me if you wish, Ao, but I am not the enemy here... I have reason to believe that lord 4th is under the control of someone else." He said, getting a shocked expression from the other two

"What do you mean by that Fuyōna?" Mei asked.

"I believe that someone is controlling the Mizukage and using him and our village for his own gain, completely disregarding our people in the process!"

Ao lowered his sword as the words started tk get through to him.

"That is a very serious accusation, Fuyōna. Do you have any proof?" Ao asked.

Mei agrees with him.

"Lord fourth is a perfect jinchuuriki, and genjutsu doesn't work on him. How could someone be controlling him?"

"If you don't believe me, use your Byakugan to see for yourself," Fuyōna said as he turned his back on them.

"Now, unless you are willing to stop me. I'm going to stop Zabuza and put an end to this needless slaughter." Fuyōna said as he dashed off the cliff, chasing after Zabuza.

Mei and Ao were left speechless as they watched him dash off.

Ao put his sword back into its sheath and turned to Mei.

"What do you think?" He asked.

Mei crossed her arms over her chest, and she closed her eyes.

"I agree that lord 4th has been acting strange these last three years. I, too, want our village to be great and our people to no longer suffer. Perhaps Fuyōna is speaking the truth."

Ao nodded.

"I don't want to admit it, but I can't stop him. He has become too strong."

"We had better go and make sure those two don't kill each other," Mei said.

Ao agreed with her, and the two of them jumped off the cliff, headed after Fuyōna and Zabuza.

Zabuza had already headed into the village. It was only small, located at the base of a large cliff with some houses built up the cliffside.

Zabuza was strolling through the center of the town dragging the tip of his blade through the ground as he did for effect.

He could already smell the fear as a few of the women had already seen him and started to run away.

"Where do you think you're going!" Zabuza shouted as he lunged in, ready to slice one of the women in half.

The woman turned around in horror as she watched the monster charging towards her, his killing aura thick in the air.

"No, please!" She screamed as she fell over, clutching her baby in her arms.

Ice suddenly sprung out of the ground and stopped Zabuza's sword in its stride. Zabuza growled heavily as he slowly stood to his full height, turning to face Fuyōna.

"It's over, Zabuza. The mission is off!" Fuyōna shouted, trying tk get him to see the reason.

Zabuza spun his sword around, resting it on his shoulder.

"You dare get in my way?" He spat.

The woman didn't waste any time as she got back up and started to run away, still fearing for her life.

Zabuza noticed her running, and Fuyōna caught the glint in his eye.

"Don't do it, Zabuza!"

Zabuza didn't listen as he dashed away, chasing after the woman intent on finishing his prey off."

"Die!" He shouted as he raised his sword again, ready to split her down the middle.

Fuyōna rushed in and blocked Zabuzas black with his arm, which had three bones surrounding it for protection.

"I won't let you kill an innocent woman and her baby for sport!" Fuyōna shouted, his rage building.

Zabuza was also pissed and grabbed his sword with both hands putting as much pressure as he could down onto Fuyōna.

"You blasted pest! This time I'll kill you!" He shouted as he attacked with a flurry of strikes from his blade.

Fuyōna blocked and dodged each attack with ease and countered with a powerful side kick that hit Zabuza in the ribs, sending him flying before he crashed into the cliff sidewall.

Fuyōna turned around to the woman, who was shocked to see his abilities.

"Get out of here. It's not safe." He said.

She didn't waste any more time and quickly got up, running away as fast as she could.

Zabuza pulled himself out of the rubble and dusted himself off. He was tough, and even though Fuyōna had kicked him hard, it wasn't enough to put him down.

"That's it. I'm done playing around now." Zabuza said as his demon aura suddenly came to life.

Fuyōna had never seen it in person before, and he had tk admit he was worthy of tbs name demon of the mist.

Fuyōna nodded his head and allowed bones to ground all around his body with two hard on his head, his chakra was making the area cold, and the ground started to freeze over.

"I won't hold back either," Fuyōna said.

"Aarhhh!" Zabuza screamed as he charged in, ready to try and kill Fuyōna.

Zabuza attacked with all of his might, swinging his sword with serious force. However, Fuyōna blocked every strike with ease making Zabuza's attacks seem like child's play for him.

"Stop mocking me!" Zabuza shouted as he jumped back, forming some hand signs.

"Hidden mist jutsu!" Zabuza shouted, summing a thick mist to form around them.

Fuyōna knew that Zabuza was one of the greatest hidden mist killers in the entire village. But he had something no one else did.

"This mist won't be enough to defeat me, Zabuza," Fuyōna said mockingly.

"We will see about that!" Zabuza said, his voice echoing around.

Fuyōna closed his eyes and kept his defenses up just encase of an attack, as he concentrated on absorbing natural energy.

A moment later, Fuyōna opened his eyes and suddenly disappeared too fast for Zabuza to track his movements.

"Where did he go?" Zabuza thought to himself as he had never seen anyone move so fast.

Suddenly he felt a tingle up his spine, and he tried to turn around as quickly as he, but Fuyōna was so fast that he struck Zabuza in the stomach, the force was crazy, and Zabuza dropped to his knees, unable to breathe.

With a simple wave of his arm, the mist vanished, and Fuyōna stood over Zabuza in victory.

Fuyōna had just his senjutsu to track Zabuza and then went on the counter-attack. He didn't attack using sage mode as he didn't want tk to kill him. Instead, he struck him with a powerful blow to the solar plexus winding him.

Fuyōna formed a couple of hand signs and trapped Zabuza's arms and legs in ice handcuffs, ensuring that he couldn't escape.

"I didn't want to have to do that, but you left me no choice," Fuyōna said.

Zabuza was still struggling tk breathe and had even been sick. He could feel his diaphragm spazzing out as it tried to reset itself and get some oxygen back into it.

"H-how..." Zabuza said through staggered breaths.

Fuyōna looked down at him as he struggled to hear his words.

"How are you so strong." Said, clearly still angry at him about the whole situation.

Mei and Ao arrived to see Zabuza defeated on the floor in the ice handcuff, and they were shocked. After all, Zabuza was no pushover, and it looked as if Fuyōna hadn't even broken a sweat.

"Listen up, Zabuza. There is something we all need to talk about. And I won't let you leave until I have finished."

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Sorry about the wait! Thank you all for waiting, this story has not been dropped, life is just busy!

Please enjoy!

Also if you want extra chapters and faster releases check out my P-A-T-R-E-O-N page and help support my writing.

Link is in the story bio

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