Unduh Aplikasi
37.5% Origins meets Parallel Universe / Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Bab 3: Chapter 2

Harry and his wives had not needed to think on a way to go to the Fae for too long, before what looked like a hyperspace window was opened for them by Harry's higher processes. Magic was feeling generous it seemed and had read their intent from Harry himself.

"I told you not to do that." Harry said aloud, knowing that whatever sentience was present in Magic was listening.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"I didn't do that." Harry said, pointing off to the portal that seemed to be made of some sort of gas. "I was reprimanding Magic, or Superspace, or whatever."

"Thank you!" Luna said excitedly, as she looked at the opening.

"Are we just going to go through that?" Pansy asked. Her Slytherin side never really in the habit of blind trust.

"Yes, we are." Harry confirmed. "It's that damn tickle again." As he spoke, he saw an indicator on his control light up. "And it seems we don't have a choice." he said. "Buckle up, ladies. This thing is pulling us in."

"Can't you just transport us away?" Hermione asked, worried, even as she did as he suggested and buckled in, same as the other girls, while Harry was frantically trying to steer them clear, or simply transport them away by StellarNet. Nothing was happening, though.

"It's not letting me." Harry said. He was obviously worried. His girls were with him. Unfortunately, a part of him also knew that this was Magic just trying to fulfil their request. He'd have to reconsider how his higher processes worked. There was still something that read his intent, even if he was now not aware of them. Either that, or a part of him was doing this to himself as a laugh, but he didn't want to consider that any part of him would endanger his girls.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Hermione asked.

"Not in the slightest." Harry said. "Fortunately I have my latest Battery on-board and I recently added an instant relay, which would switch over to internal power, should the systems need it."

"Well, that's good, at least." Hermione said, even as she held on to her safety harness with whitening knuckles.

"Here we go." Harry warned, as they were finally at the event horizon and started being pulled through. He looked at his girls a final time, noting they all had their eyes locked on the cloud, as they went. Most were looking worried, but Susan and Luna had grins on their faces.

The feeling was quick and very unlike when Harry and Jack had travelled back through time. There was just a sliding feeling, as they were shunted, not forward, but to the side and then they were pulled forward. Harry recognized the feeling of travelling forward in time, and without the light, but it was over quickly and then they had arrived.

"That's it?" Susan asked, apparently disappointed, as they all looked through the forward display at what looked like a cave.

"Where are we?" Daphne asked Harry, who was already trying to access the StellarNet. Nothing. There was no connection. Fortunately they still had magic in whatever atmosphere they were in and Harry still had the on-board StellarNet. He just needed to connect it to the closest star, before they could figure out where they were.

"We'll need to go outside the cave, to create a new StellarNet network, but there's at least magic here and the atmosphere seems breathable, should we decide to explore a bit." Harry reported.

"Let's run a systems diagnostic first." Hermione said as she pulled up a display and started scrolling through a list of everything that the ship was reporting to the on-board database. It was an upgrade to the system Harry had taken with him on his trip back in time, along with a connection for the Comms, which would normally work as a relay to the closest Eudaemon, which, in turn, kept communications open to Harmony and the Comm Index located there. They'd not be able to access the Harmony databases, but they would be able to stay in communication with each other as well as having access to anything Harry had on the ship, like his copied library and entertainment.

"Susan, please take the Caco out and scout where we are." Harry requested.

"Sure thing, Hubby." Susan smirked at him, as she turned her seat and accessed the Caco, before turning back and displaying what she was seeing on the main display.

The Cacodaemon, a small silvery saucer, which then shrunk down to smaller than a millimetre, with connected systems to the Sphere, instantly exited the Sphere from an opening that formed for it and then shot through the cave. It didn't take long for it to hit a dead-end. Having no point of reference, even as the Caco mapped the cave as it went, she had to turn around and return, flying past them and the other way. Not far from where they were, there was light, and she piloted it out and found a forest.

"We've got life." Susan reported, as she saw some sort of deer, but with straight, forward-facing, pointed horns.

"Do you think the Fae live in this forest?" Harry asked Luna.

"I'm not sure." Luna said. She didn't feel anything and she wasn't normally in contact with these beings, so she had no idea what to tell them. "I'm not feeling anything." she added with a shrug.

"Systems seem fine." Hermione reported, as she closed the display and allowed the arm which projected it to retract into her chair. "All backups are still available as well. It seems that we didn't pass through any magical interference either."

"The in-between is just a passageway opened by magic." Luna said.

"I thought you said the Fae lived there." Pansy asked.

"No, I said they were there. It was never their home." Luna said.

"Then, where's their home?" Pansy tried.

"I don't know." Luna said, her usual smile on her face. She was looking forward to the search, it seemed. Pansy just sighed. They should have known this would not be as simple as showing up and saying 'Hi'.

Susan, meanwhile had flown the Caco up and was now looking around the forest. There was a large tract of forest that seemed to just have disappeared in a perfect circle, so she flew closer to inspect the obvious strange occurrence.

"This seems recent." she reported, as she moved in closer. The land had simply vanished, leaving an even bedding in all directions. Like it had simply lifted up and vanished. They saw a tree that had toppled into the hole, its roots exposed. It was still green, which confirmed Susan's observation.

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. "Proximity sensors just picked up that there are people outside."

"How did we not see them coming?" Harry asked, as Susan instantly turned the Caco and flew back to the cave, while shrinking her view to a smaller image still on the forward display. Harry manipulated the display to turn around the ship and soon came upon a group of colourfully dressed people. "Welcoming comity?" Harry asked.

"How did they even know we were here?" Susan asked, as the Caco flew in the cave and quickly stopped next to one of the people. She then slowly flew it around them so that they could have a closer look. The first man was a large blond man in chain mail with a red cape, wielding a hammer. The next seemed to be a robot, all in Gold and Red, with white glowing eyes. The third seemed to just be some brunette bloke, with a look of interest on his face. Next was a tall, muscular, blond man with a shield who looked a lot like a very patriotic American. Next, there was a red-head woman with a red coat, wielding two wands. Another redheaded woman, wearing a green skin-tight outfit. And lastly a man with a hood and a mask.

Those last three were obviously wearing dragon-hide. The wands were also a good sign. Until the man in the mask quickly reached out and grabbed the Caco, right out of the air. "Um." Susan said, as her feed went dark.


Harry reached New Atlantis and found his friends, Steve, Wanda, Tony, Thor and Bruce, waiting with his wife. They were all dressed and ready for battle. "Got Heimdall's message?" Harry asked.

"I was in the middle of a meeting." Tony said. "Thank you Heimdall." He never liked meetings anyway and the people he was talking to were trying to gain leverage by offering something Tony didn't even need. He'd seen the portal form and had simply excused himself, before leaving. The others hadn't seen a thing, thanks to Harry's latest addition to Bifrost 2.0, only those who were supposed to, could now see the portal. Someone using one in public wouldn't even raise an eyebrow. Bill's subtle wards were awesome sometimes and Harry had easily copied them.

"What's the mission?" Steve asked.

"Not sure." Harry admitted. "Some kind of sphere appeared where the Fae exited their rift. Heimdall was keeping an eye on it, when he noticed a strange phenomenon happening there shortly after the Fae closed it."

"A sphere?" Natasha asked.

"Heimdall can't see into it." Harry agreed. "Likely some kind of protection."

"So, we know basically nothing." Bruce said. Then he shrugged. "Hulk has been feeling cooped up anyway. If there's a fight, he'll not mind."

Heimdall soon formed another portal for them and they stepped through, right on top of the silent metallic sphere.

"Well this is definitely not something that occurs in nature." Tony said, from inside the quickly donned Iron Man suit. "Sensors are picking up magic and the metal is something I've never seen. The molecules are so densely packed, I don't even know where to begin analysis."

"The fact that it's floating is also telling." Natasha added.

Harry's hand shot out when he felt something floating there. He couldn't see anything, but he knew it was in his hand, when it tried pulling away. The only reason the extremely tiny thing didn't just shoot out though his hand was because of the dragon-hide armour. He quickly increased his own strength and durability and then he used his other hand to scan whatever it was he had caught.

"What was that?" Natasha asked.

"Magic." Harry said. "Something very small and strong."

"Observation?" Tony asked.

"Likely." Harry agreed. They used drones too, but this was a convoluted mess of magics and something about it didn't allow him to scan what magics were all in play. "Whatever it is, it's highly magical and I can't get a read on what magics are involved. It's protected by something."

"You are struggling to figure it out?" Tony asked incredulously.

"Well this is new to me." Harry defended himself. Frankly, he was kind of impressed. This was obviously something he still needed to learn. He turned to the sphere, then. "If you can talk, we're not here to attack you. We're just trying to make peaceful contact." he said as he opened his palm and kept his senses on the flying thing until it disappeared back into the sphere.

There was silence.


"Harry?" Hermione asked.

"The guy in the mask seems to be the leader." Harry said. "He's also very in-tune with magic, otherwise he'd not be able to detect the Caco."

"Should we respond?" Susan asked.

"Yes!" Luna said, instantly.

"I'll open audio communication." Harry decided, pressing a button. "Hi there." he said.

The people before them seemed to jump and look at the masked person. "Did you say that?" one of the red-heads asked the masked man.

"No." he said. "That was them."

"Could they hear you through your mask?" she asked again.

"It's possible." he said. He turned back to the Sphere. "Sorry, we're not sure how your technology works and your voice just shocked us for a moment."

"Is this better?" Harry asked, making his voice sound like Darth Vader's, just for fun.

"Got a sense of humour at least." the robot said. They must know about Earth to know that reference though. This was not an average encounter. Fury was likely going to go ape-shit knowing someone had been observing them without his knowledge. Tony couldn't wait.

"Who are you?" the man with the shield asked.

"Friendly explorers, looking for long lost family." Harry said, back in his own voice.

"From here?" Harry asked. Could this be more Fae?

"We were brought here by a… shall we call it, a higher power?" Harry asked.

That got another shock from the masked and hooded man. It apparently resonated with him. "Well, the people who once lived here are under my protection. If you want to make contact, we'll need to meet in person."

Harry didn't know exactly how to respond to that. Obviously Magic had sent them here for a reason, though, so he said, "One second please." Then he turned off the audio.

"You're not thinking of going out there, are you?" Pansy asked.

"Just another instance." Harry assured her. "While I may be inclined to speak peacefully with unknowns, I'm not stupid enough to take them at their word."


As the assembled Avengers waited, Tony asked, "Are you really just going to trust these people?"

"You know they can hear you, right?" Natasha asked.

Harry moved a hand and said, "Not anymore."

"If they are looking for the Fae, shouldn't you make them aware of it?" Steve asked. "They have a right to choose, after all."

"Good point." Harry said. He waved his hand again. "While you decide-" he started, but the next moment someone appeared before them. It was Harry, if slightly more buff, taller and a bit younger-looking. "What the?" he asked.

"Hi." the new Harry said. "I'm Harry Black."


"They don't seem to like what you look like." Fleur stated.

"I think that's shock." Harry said. "Maybe there's another me here?" Even with all their experience with the Quantum Mirror, they'd never found another instance of Harry in any other timeline. There was still the possibility that someone like him existed in other timelines, but they'd never found them.


"No seriously." the robot was asking. "Who are you?"

The new Harry had noted that everyone before him had tensed at his appearance. He cocked his head to the side, as if listening to someone. "Oh, right." he said. "Maybe you know a counterpart of mine? We're technically from another universe." There was silence. "Okay. If you want, I can change my appearance. I didn't mean to offend you."

"Ghost?" Wanda asked.

"There's only supposed to be one Harry Potter." Harry said. Death had told him as much.

"Well, that makes sense then." Harry said. "I'm Harry Black, like I said. I may have been a Potter at some point, but that changed and I don't see myself as that kid anymore."

"You don't understand." Harry said, as he reached up and removed his hood and pulled down his mask. "I'm Harry Potter."

Harry smiled then, as his 'real' instance pumped his fists in the Sphere and crowed in delight. Finally! "I'm very excited to meet you, then." the new Harry said. "In our reality, there's only been one me, no matter how many timelines we look through."

"Timelines?" Tony asked, as his visor retracted and revealed his face. "You're from a different-"

"No, I'm from another reality." Harry said. "Timelines notwithstanding, in our universe, I'm the only me. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of magical people in other timelines, only aliens with similar abilities."

"You've met magical Aliens?" Harry asked. He'd not met many. Most he got here was Wanda and then there were the sorcerers, the Elves and the Asgardians, but the elves had only recently started gaining their magics back, and they weren't exactly like his either. He'd seen those from the Fae having magical abilities though, which made him think that he understood. "That's why you're here. You're looking for the Fae."

"He said, long lost family." Natasha corrected.

"Do you have a Luna?" the new Harry asked. Something Luna had said recently. She was excited to meet the Fae, and herself.

Harry's featured cleared then. "Ah. That makes sense." he said, in a weird sort of realization.

"No, it doesn't." Bruce said with a frown.

"About as much sense as Luna usually makes, yes." the younger Harry responded.

"Is she in there?" the older Harry asked, indicating the Sphere.

"Yup." the younger Harry said. "Her and my other wives."

"Wives?" Natasha asked, a slight tone in her voice at that.

"Did I miss something?" the younger Harry asked. "Are wives not something here?"

"I think she's worried about the implications of the plural in the word." Hermione's voice said from the sphere, where she'd activated her own voice line. "Don't blame him. We made him do it."

"Not that I argued." the younger Harry's voice said from both the sphere and the Harry in front of them. "I'm a lucky bloke." the one in front of them stage-whispered.

"Was that Hermione?" older Harry asked. "What the heck, dude?" he asked himself.

"Fuck you." younger Harry said, ignoring the indignant look from Steve. "You don't know my story." Then he grinned. "I know I'd like to know yours, though."

There was silence. The Sphere started moving slowly then, closer to the cave entrance. "I'll be connecting the StellarNet so long." Harry's voice said from the sphere, unnecessarily, while his instance just nodded.

"Wait." Thor said then. "We still don't know your real purpose here." He had seen illusions before and had also heard Harry's voice from the ship. Loki had tricked him like that many times.

"Relax buddy." the younger Harry said. "We're just going to get our bearings in this universe. I need to see the stars to do that."

"I said, wait." Thor said, as he moved before the sphere, lifted his hammer and placed it against it, which stopped it instantly.

"Just how strong are you?" the other Harry said, as he casually walked up to Thor, reaching out with his magic. "Oh, I see. It's the Hammer. Nice use of Naquadah, by the way. The magics are quite strong, too."

"Naquadah?" the other Harry asked.

"Yeah, the metal the hammer is made of." Harry said, as he placed a hand on top of the Hammer, shocking Thor for the physical contact, and slowly pushing it away from the ship. "We'll just be outside for a moment, okay? We can walk with it if you want." he finished, as he calmly held the hammer down.

"That doesn't count, does it?" Tony asked.

"Thor was holding it." Steve said. "Doesn't count." he agreed.

Thor, however, was suddenly smiling. "You are no mere illusion, are you?" he asked.

"I can do illusions, well enough." yet another Harry said, from Thor's other side, slapping him on the shoulder. "But I'm not one." the original said, from his other side, also placing a hand on his shoulder. He quirked his head as he removed his hand. "I know a Thor too. He's of the Asgard, though."

"I am the King of Asgard." Thor said.

"Asgard, really?" Harry asked. "Our Asgard are aliens."

"So are ours." the older Harry said.

"No, I mean they look like this." Harry said, indicating to the side and his Thor, in his original form appeared there.

"Greetings." it said. "I am Supreme Commander Thor of the Asgard."

"A Roswell Grey!" Tony exclaimed. They'd not seen those aliens except for in fiction, and they'd seen a lot of aliens.

"You've got that story here, too?" Harry asked, interestedly, as he walked after the sphere. "I wonder if your universe diverged from ours at some point. Maybe I should go look in the Ida Galaxy, while I'm here. If there is one here." he added. Maybe there were aliens here that evolved differently, without the genetic flaws. Thor would love some DNA samples if there were.

"You met them?" Tony asked.

"Obviously." Harry said. "They joined the Alliance soon after we formed it, along with a few other alien races and a lot of humans that live on other planets." He saw no issue with sharing these things, since their home universe was only reachable to people who knew where to look.

"Alliance?" Natasha asked. For an alliance, there had to be an enemy to unite against.

"We have aliens called the Goa'uld, who ruled the Milky Way galaxy in the guise of Egyptian Gods. Sometimes Babylonian, and some others." Harry said.

"Ruled?" Bruce asked.

"We've got most of them captured and in prison." he said, offhandedly.

"Does that mean the Aliens started on Earth?" Tony asked, as he realised that those were all religions that sprung up on Earth.

"No." Harry said. "The Goa'uld started somewhere else and found Earth, but I think that's enough about us. What's it like here?"

"Aliens, superheroes, god-like entities, all with powers and their own cultures." older Harry said.

"Superheroes?" younger Harry asked. "Like Superman?" he asked.

"Who's that?" Tony asked.

"Not something we share, then." younger Harry nodded. "What kind of heroes do you have here?" he asked excitedly.

"We're the Avengers." Tony said.

"So, you have powers?" younger Harry asked the man in the metal suit, who he had thought a robot.

"Yes, he's very rich." older Harry said, smirking at Tony.

"Hey!" Tony objected. "I also happen to be a genius!"

"Yeah, and we all know it." Natasha said. "Seriously, do you carry on like that in front of Morgan?" she asked.

"Of course not." Tony said. "She knows it already. I don't need to remind her."

They had finally reached the cave entrance and Harry stood there waiting while his real body connected to the sunlight and tracked it back to the star. In the Sphere, the StellarNet started lighting up as a galaxy started populating in it.

"That's better." younger Harry said, then he frowned. "We're not in the Milky Way." he stated.

"No." the local Harry agreed. "But how can you tell?" he asked.

"I invented a system that allows me to map out a galaxy and travel anywhere I can see on it." younger Harry replied. "I only have the one with me, so it's limited to the current Galaxy. Do you live here?" he asked.

"No, we live on Earth." the local Harry said.

"How did you get here so quickly then?" younger Harry asked.

"Portal." older Harry replied. "I learned some tricks. Did you have a Voldemort?"

"Yup." younger Harry said. "Took care of him first year and stuck his soul in a phylactery Remus and Sirius got for me. He's now stuck on a barren wasteland, with nothing to do but watch TV."

"Hah!" older Harry laughed. "Mine's being tortured on Muspelheim, last time I checked." It sounded like a brag.

"I'm not really into torture." the younger Harry admitted. "But I suppose for him I could make an exception."

"It wasn't my idea." the older Harry said. "My adoptive father, Odin, is in charge of his punishment."

"Odin, Thor, Asgard. You were adopted by the previous king of the Gods?" younger Harry asked.

"Yup." older Harry said, with a smirk.

"Nice." younger Harry said. "I only got the old mutt. He didn't do too badly though. Still cracks the Sirius/Serious jokes, though."

"We've got one of those here, too." older Harry said.

"He didn't adopt you?" Harry asked.

"It's a complicated story." the local Harry said.

"I hear that." younger Harry agreed.

"If you girls are done chatting…" came Hermione's voice from the sphere. "Luna is about to lose her shit, in here." Steve flinched again. Harry had a suspicion he hated swearing. That, or the local Hermione is much more like what she used to be, before he corrupted her vocabulary.

"I know." her Harry said. He turned to the local Harry. "Listen, do you know intent wards?"

"I got you." the older Harry said with a sudden smile, lifting a hand and creating just such a ward. "Good idea. That will make this much simpler."

"Thanks, Potter." Harry said, in Draco's voice, just before stepping through the ward, following the sphere.

"Don't do that." older Harry shuddered. "It's just wrong."

"Draco's not so bad. Came to our wedding actually." younger Harry said as he created his own intent-based ward, without even gesturing.

"Really?" older Harry asked, as he looked around and found the ward. "Nicely done. I didn't even see you twitch." he said. Then he turned to his friends and indicated them to follow. "Intent ward, to test if we're trustworthy." as he led his friends through the new Harry's own test.

"Sure." younger Harry said. "Hufflepuff changed him. Married a mundane, even."

"Hufflepuff?" older Harry asked, his friends and himself having also passed their test. "In my world… Wait, changed him?" This sounded bad. "You didn't-"

"Yes I did." younger Harry said unrepentantly. "Not my choice though. That was all Magic. Well, Luna had a hand in it, but I don't know how yet."

"What magic?" older Harry asked. He knew Luna would always be mysterious.

"No, I mean Magic. Capital 'M'. It's got a thing for me." younger Harry said. "Keeps on doing stuff to me." He looked up and said, "Now don't go doing something crazy just to mess with me! I'm speaking metaphorically."

"Um." older Harry said. Maybe his counterpart wasn't all that stable.

"We were discussing coming to visit the Fae, when a strange hyperspace window opened and sucked us through." Hermione's voice said from the Sphere. "We didn't even cast a spell. Magic just decided it was a fun idea, or something, and here we are."

Older Harry had a thoughtful look. "Why you though?" he asked his counterpart.

"It's a complicated story." younger Harry copied his earlier statement. "Now we know you're not an evil doppelganger-"

"And neither are you." the local Harry confirmed.

"Can we get going?" younger Harry asked. "Luna is just about ready to start climbing the walls in there." he said, indicating the Sphere.

"Would you mind if we meet them first." older Harry said. "No offense, but I need to see them. It's my island, I need to know for certain."

The other Harry simply vanished and a seam formed on the sphere, followed by a hiss, before the door opened for them. Before anyone could say anything, Luna came flying out the door, straight at the local Harry, who caught her easily.

"Don't kiss him!" came Susan's voice from inside.

"Why would I do that?" Luna asked, as she hugged Harry. "It's just nice to meet my husband's older twin."

"Older twin?" Natasha asked.

"Sure, they're similar, but they're not the same." Luna said, easily.

"I think I'm going to like this one, too." Natasha said.

"Of course!" Luna said. "You know me already, silly."

"Don't you mean, your twin?" Tony asked.

"No." Luna said, not elaborating.

"Lovegood mysteries." the younger Harry said from the hatch. "Never gets old, does it?"

"Sure doesn't." older Harry agreed with his younger self.

"How old are you, anyway?" younger Harry asked, as he stepped out, while his illusionary voice whispered in his ear, "Don't act shocked at my wives. I didn't tell them their original histories."

Harry was shocked for a moment, but just answered the question. "I'm forty." he said.

"Immortal?" Harry asked, seeing that he only looked about twenty-five, while he still looked about eighteen. His wives were now walking out behind him.

"Um." the local Harry said intelligently.

"Me too." Harry said. "Happened just recently. Magic again. Couldn't just let a bloke live his life. Selfish bitch."

"Okay, that's enough." Steve said, not able to contain himself anymore. "We've got ladies present."

"Oh, you're going to be fun to break." younger Harry chuckled.

"Break?" Natasha asked, smirking. This Harry seemed just as fun as her own. Maybe even a little more care-free.

"He got me to swear just after second year." Hermione said. "Told me something I really didn't like hearing."

"What?" Tony asked, a mischievous smile on his face.

"Sorry, sir." Hermione said. "That's a family secret."

"Oh, you're one of those?" the local Harry asked. Tony simply looked incredulous at her calling him 'sir'. "Pureblood raised." the local Harry elaborated for those who looked curious at his last statement.

"Nah, we just use the convenient excuse of pureblood customs to protect family magics and secrets." younger Harry said. "I was taught the ways, though. Very useful if you end up wanting to marry eight women."

"I didn't know there were rules like that." the local Harry said, before turning to his wife. "Not that I need more than my Natasha." he said proudly.

"Ask Sirius." younger Harry said. "He wanted me to start a harem, so he researched it. Something about doing right by Dad and being able to look him in the eye one-day." Then he looked at the gorgeous redhead. "Congratulations, by the way. I'm sure he makes you happy. I know I would. You are stunning."

"You're not looking to increase your Harem, are you?" Tony smirked. "Cause I'll warn you now, she's both taken, and dangerous."

"Harry's always like that." Susan said, rolling her eyes. "We know he only has eyes for us, so we don't mind."

"Charmed." Natasha said, in a dry voice.

Harry quickly introduced his girls, and got introductions in return, before the local Harry pointed off to the side, index and pinkie fingers extended and turned a portal into being.

"This way to New Atlantis." He said, leading the group.

"Portals? Nice!" the younger Harry said, as he shrunk his Sphere and placed it in a backpack he conjured, before he led his ladies through. This would be fun.


The moment Harry walked through the portal the other Harry had made, he felt a wave of magic flowing over him. This place was pretty damn magical. "Wow." he said. "Can you feel that?"

"I do." Pansy said. "So much life and magic."

"Did you learn how to amplify the magical output for this place or is this normal?" Harry asked his counterpart.

"This is normal." local Harry said. "You know how to make a place more magical?" he asked.

"I have developed certain tricks." Harry agreed.

"He's a scientist." Daphne said, proudly. "He specializes in magical and mundane synergism."

Tony had stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. "You're not an enchanter?" he asked.

"No." Harry said. "I'm a researcher mostly. I use mundane sciences to make magic work better and visa-versa."

Tony could not contain himself. "I knew it!" he said, turning to his best friend. "You just weren't applying yourself! Ha!"

"Well, I'm almost certain he cheated." the local Harry said.

"You're an enchanter?" the younger Harry asked, not refuting the cheating part.

"It's my thing." the local Harry said back.

"Greetings." an aged voice said as it joined them. "Perhaps an introduction is in order?" Odin continued, as he and Frigga approached. They had obviously been waiting when their sons went off on an urgent mission.

"Father." the local Harry said, respectfully. "May I introduce, here from another reality, Harry Black. He's apparently a counterpart of mine from yet another universe."

"Black, you say?" Odin asked. "I'm assuming Sirius got his wish in that reality?"

"As far as I understand, Father." Harry agreed. "Apparently, Magic itself sent him here, to bring Luna to meet her family."

"Magic itself?" Frigga asked.

"Good afternoon." the new Harry said, respectfully. "It is good to meet the people who adopted my older twin, as Luna would say. I hope he wasn't cursed with the Potter luck."

"Oh, he's a trouble-magnet." Odin said, smirking and instantly understanding. He trusted his son to know if he was being tricked. "So you're here for the Fae, only a month after their arrival?" he asked.

"Arrival?" Luna asked.

"They were in hiding for a while." the local Harry said. "Our Luna found them in the same cave you appeared, and I offered them places to stay, connected to my Island."

"Why didn't I tell me?" Luna asked.

"It was a surprise." Another Luna said, as she walked up. "Hello me."

"Hi." the new Luna smiled back.

"Come on." the local one said. "I need help finding the Snorkacks. I found one only the one time and they've been hiding from me in Summer since then."

The new Luna's eyes bulged and soon the two of them were hurrying off.

"Um, so, it seems they know each other?" the younger Harry asked.

"Likely another Lovegood thing." the older Harry said.

"It's not that complicated." an elegant Blond woman said, as she walked up to them.

"Queen Titania." the older Harry greeted. "May I introduce-"

"Harry Black, from the founding world, yes." Queen Titania interrupted. She shocked everyone then, by bowing down on one knee. "Thank you, for Magic."

"Oh, for crying out loud!" the new Harry said, unintentionally copying Jack's favourite saying. "I didn't do it on my own! Magic set the whole thing up. I only helped it make itself!"

"Nevertheless." Titania said, as she got up. "You are the Founder. You are connected to the Source. You will be respected by all Fae. You are practically our creator."

"No, I'm not." younger Harry argued childishly. Deciding to change the subject, he asked, "Anyway, you were saying about it not being that complicated, with Luna?"

Titania nodded in acceptance to the subject change, and Harry ignored the many raised eyebrows, even as his wives shook their heads and then nodded slightly at the incredulous looks. "Luna is Luna. Her line, which stems from my own, was there before the divide. Because of our nature, there should be an instance of her throughout all realities, in one form or another. Because of her connection with the Fae, she knows some of what all of her knows."

"That makes sense." the new Harry said, thinking of how his own connection to himself functions. Likely she had a limited connection to herself, almost like himself. All instances of him, was him.

"No, it doesn't." Tony said.

"It's complicated." the new Harry said.

"I'm smart." Tony said. "Try me."

"Maybe later?" Harry said. "I see a bar, it's warm out here in the sun and we're on our honeymoon. I'd like to buy what remains of my wives a drink, before they get distracted with all these other people." he said, indicating toward all the people around the area. He could see many obviously magical creatures and people. There were even Veela chatting with another species of female creature that Harry couldn't quite identify.

"You're on your honeymoon?" Steve asked. He'd not followed everything, but by the sounds of it, the new Harry was somehow the one who created magic in the first place. He couldn't understand how, but the others seemed to accept it, however incredulously.

Tony was already trying to figure it out. He'd already come to a few conclusions, like time-travel, but he was still going to get to the bottom of 'how'. Bruce was right there with him, until he spotted Sif and decided to rather go join her to catch her up.

"We've got a week left." Hermione confirmed.

"More." Harry said. "We slid forward in time, coming here. I could feel it. I should be able to convince Magic to take us back to where and when we started."

Hermione had wondered why the local Harry was older. She'd have preferred it if Harry didn't keep such things from them, but then, he likely didn't think it was worth mentioning. "We'll talk about that later." she promised.

"Yes, dear." Harry agreed as they crossed the bridge to the Bar. "Nice bar." he said, looking at all the shiny metal and the wooden counter-top.

"Thanks." the older Harry said. "Made it myself."

"I helped design it." Tony chirped in.

"Too bad you've got such an old-fashioned television." Harry said, looking up at the thing. It was state of the art… for mundane people in the future, but that didn't hold a candle to his own technology, which had basically infinitely more depth and realism. "So, what's good?��� he asked, just as the Barman put a glass down in front of him. Whatever the drink was, it was green at the top, with yellow at the bottom, and it was full of ice. "What's this?" he asked. The barman just smirked at him and he decided to take a sip. "Damn, that's good!" he exclaimed. The barman smirked again, even as he started pouring more drinks for the ladies.

"There's children here." the older Harry said, in warning.

"Doesn't matter." Harry said flippantly. "I've got wards up to keep children from hearing me swear."

"That's your own fault." Susan piped up. "You never cared about swearing and now you can't stop yourself when you react to things."

"We made him develop that one, once Tonks had little Teddy." Pansy said, as Parvati, who had transfigured her clothes into a stylish semi-attached two piece swimsuit with a gauzy sarong, started doing the same for her, but in a different style. It was noticed that she didn't use a wand. "Normally we don't mind anymore, because he's been doing it since we were eleven, so we don't even notice, but Tonks made her displeasure quite clear."

"Hey, I didn't ask Teddy to repeat that word." younger Harry defended himself.

"It was his first word!" Hermione exclaimed. "Now that's been ruined for life!"

"I offered to obliviate the word out, but nobody listens to me." younger Harry pouted.

"Why did you develop such language in the first place?" the older Harry asked, slightly amused. He'd been an auror and a hitwizard. He'd heard worse back in those days.

"I blame Sirius." younger Harry said.

"He didn't have a thing to do with it." Fleur said. "He told us you swore the first day he met you, when you got him out of Azkaban."

"Well, I was excited." younger Harry defended. "Also, I didn't say he taught me, I said I blame him. That's obviously different." After a bit of thought, he realised. "You know what, I remember when that happened first. I was five and I was making a point to Vernon, just after breaking his arm. That's when I started swearing." There was a moment, then he added, "Fucking bastard ruined my vocabulary!"

"What's happening with him these days?" the older Harry asked, after almost coughing. His alternate self had timed it perfectly, waiting for him to take a sip of his own drink before he swore again. He realised he'd done it on purpose and how he used it. It was a game to him, to see who he could shock.

"Last I heard, Queen Elizabeth arranged to have him transferred to Lupin Penitentiary, where he's been assigned to toilet clean-up duty. Permanently." younger Harry said. "Good old Lizzy. She's such a sweetheart."

"Don't refer to her as Lizzy!" Hermione reprimanded. "She was your Queen for most of your life. Show her some respect!"

"Lupin Penitentiary?" a voice asked from behind them.

"Uncle Remus!" Harry said easily. "Come on, let me buy you a drink." He ignored the fact that he hadn't paid for the first.

"I heard there's a new Potter around." Remus said. He'd heard a bit, but he had to come check it out himself.

"Black, if you please." younger Harry said. "Harry Potter was a skinny kid with glasses and a scar. I did a lot of work getting away from that image. No boy-who-lived for me, thank you very much."

"Fair enough." Remus said. "Lupin Penitentiary?" he asked again.

"Harry, Sirius and Remus started a company, which hired werewolves." Hermione said. "It was a magical courier company with the wolves delivering packages on Harleys."

"But that was back when the wolves were still cursed." Susan piped in. "We prefer to be called wolves now."

"Wait, hold on." Remus said, but Harry beat him to the punch and pulled out his Comm.

He made the display larger and scrolled through his indexes until he found the section on rituals and pulled up the werewolf transformation ritual, where he locked it. Then he handed the Comm to the werewolf. "Instructions on how to be turned into a real wolf." he said. "But do me a favour and don't run off with my Comm. It's got all my more nifty tools in storage."

Remus just stood there open-mouthed, looking at the nearly solid-looking, illusionary representation of a ritual circle, with what would be needed to perform the ritual correctly. Susan took pity on him and took her drink, leading the man off. For wolves, the story of how the curse was beaten was practically mandatory to know. Remus seemed to be on the verge of crying. If her Alpha ever looked that pathetic, she might just have to challenge him for leadership.

"Where was I?" Hermione asked. "Oh yes. So after most of the wolves on the planet were working for them, because they had tricks to keep them from ever transforming, they needed security, because they were doing really well and people started trying to rob them. The security force was mostly ex Aurors and military types. They then started rounding up death-eaters and forcing them to confess under Veritaserum.

"The confessions were signed and the whole process was recorded on Harry's magical recording system, for the purposes of keeping record. They didn't have any legal right to keep the people, though, so Remus arranged a meeting with the Prime Minister and they arranged to give him a Military status and legalised the newly formed army and prison, with a tribunal of Judges to see the evidence and then deliver sentencing, with the Crown's backing." Hermione finished her recitation.

There was silence. Then Tony broke it. "Did you write an SA on that? It sounded rehearsed."

"I may have been there, when Luna interviewed Remus a while back." Hermione admitted.

"That was when she was still running the Harmony News station." Harry agreed. "She's since become a movie director, while her dad does mostly documentaries."

"Her first movie did quite well in the box office." Pansy pointed out. "The mundane people simply love the idea of magic and everyone wants to know how the… um."

"Special effects?" younger Harry offered.

"Yes, that." Pansy said. "Everyone wants to know how she did most of the special effects, to make it so 'realistic'. The magical governments don't really like the fact that it was real magic, but there's very little that they can do about it. The movie released world-wide at the same time."

"Can't obliviate the whole world." the older Harry said. "Wow, you've been busy." he said, looking between the group. "What do you do Hermione?" he asked. He knew her best.

"Magical researcher." Hermione said. "I specialize in application of techniques that combine other people's projects."

"She did figure out this one very nifty piece of magic recently. It's awesome.��� the younger Harry said, with a smile for her, wanting her to brag.

"Well, it's not all that impressive." she said modestly, but still smiling for the praise. "It's called molecular phasing. It's a spell that allows molecules to move past each other while keeping their original form and allowing ones' will to control what you can interact with. The first iteration had things falling through the ground until the magic ran out."

"That's awesome." the older Harry said. "My own phasing still has that problem. I need to fly, or I fall right through the ground. I don't know about the molecules thing. I manipulate my personal dimensions to exclude the physical."

"That's fascinating." Hermione said. She'd not thought of that. "How do you apply it?" she asked. "Enchantments, I suppose?" she added.

"Merlin, you're smart." the older Harry complimented. "And yes, it's an enchantment, so I can't teach you how it's done. Trade secret and all that."

"I understand." Hermione said. "I can still teach you mine, if you want. I know how to block my version now, but I'd have to do some research into how to manipulate dimensions like that, so that I can emulate or counter it." As she spoke, she pulled out her own Comm and pulled up a screen and keyboard, which she started rapidly typing on.

"This is so cool." Tony said, as he walked around, to look at the display. It even sounded like a keyboard, while it was obviously an illusion. He reached out and touched the keyboard. "It's real! How did you do this?" he asked.

"Harry." Hermione said distractedly, as she added the new concept for phasing to her private research list.

"The operating system sucks though." Tony lamented.

"It's currently limited to the server and database of indexes on the Sphere." Hermione said. "Our supercomputer in Harmony is much faster and has a more streamlined operating system."

"Is Harmony another ship?" Tony asked.

"Harmony is my city on Mars." younger Harry said. "We started as a small settlement for research, but people kept on showing up and now we've got everything from a Quiddich stadium to a Paintball Dungeon."

"Leave it to you to leave out the important things, like the Hospital and the Police force." Pansy chuckled.

"Pansy's our best healer." younger Harry said. "She does some interesting research too." He turned to her. "How far are you with that rejuvenation treatment?"

"We're basically done." Pansy said. "We just need to finalize the human testing using the Transformation Module and have Loki look through our findings."

"Did someone say my name?" Loki asked, as he appeared, having obviously been standing there for a while and listening in.

"Thor's brother?" Harry asked his older self.

"That would be our brother, yes." the older Harry said.

Another Harry popped into existence next to Loki and slapped him through the face. "That's for New York." he said, before disappearing again.

"That's what's customary, right?" younger Harry asked with a smirk.

"Wait, how did you know about that?" the older Harry asked, ignoring the laughter all around. Loki tended to get that every so often, still.

"Oh, I've been doing research while we chat." younger Harry said easily.

"How?" the older one asked again.

"That would be telling." younger Harry said with a smile. He had sent all the copies that he kept ready for his girls out into this world, in disguise of course. He'd been catching up on what his 'older twin' had been up to. Being ascended had its perks after all.

The older Harry's mirror vibrated, then. "Yes." he answered the arm-mounted mirror.

"My Prince." Heimdall greeted.

"Hi Heimdall." the older Harry said. "Anything I should know?"

"It seems your other self is capable of being in multiple places at the same time." Heimdall reported. "He's been looking for information on you and the Avengers."

"Well, that's not very nice." the younger Harry said.

"I- I've lost them." Heimdall said. "I apologise, my prince. It seems I should have rather not contacted you. Or done so in private."

The older Harry just looked at the younger for a second. "I'd appreciate it if you don't blind Heimdall if you're somehow running around on Earth, doing whatever you feel like."

"I'm just getting your story." younger Harry defended himself. "Here we are, giving you all the information you could ask for and you're not sharing anything. I'm just looking into what's publicly available anyway. I even stopped a mugging."

The older Harry looked at his mirror again. "Someone tried to assault one of his instances. He defended himself." Heimdall reported.

"Well, technically that was me stopping a mugging." the younger him chuckled. He still got a stare. "Okay fine." he relented.

"I'm able to see them again, my Prince." Heimdall reported.

"Just, don't go spoiling a bloke's fun, Heimdall." the younger Harry said loudly. "I'm not evil. I put evil down." Then he mumbled. "Now I can't act all mysterious and all-knowing. How did that guy find me anyway?"

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