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46.87% Souls Hero Academia / Chapter 15: The USJ - Aftermath

Bab 15: The USJ - Aftermath

The USJ was a disaster. For being a composed and intelligent being, Nezu was having a mental breakdown, trying his best to keep calm with the incredibly grave situation at hand. One that could spell doom for the whole of U.A. Academy.

"What in the world has happened here?" Nezu asked himself with growing unease. "Nevermind that, I'll have to make the students have appointments with therapists ASAP."

While that was going on, All Might, as well as the other heroes could be seen cradling the grievously injured students towards the ambulances that were rushed towards the USJ dome. Some were close to death, but thanks to immediate treatment, they would survive, albeit with permanent damage.

But that wasn't all, some students were injured, yes, but then there's Thirteen.

A dead Thirteen.

One of the heroes, found dead during an assault of villains against heroes-in-training, and if that wasn't enough, there was the death count of the villains. Yes, the VILLAINS! The villains that led the attack!

There were about 50 mutilated bodies, almost all in bad shape. There were some survivors, most notably those away from the Plaza, but those found within the Plaza all had gruesome deaths. And those mysterious costumed villains…

If the media found out about this…

"No, they must never know," Nezu muttered as he used every string he had in the society to cover up as much as he could regarding this incident. Although, it wouldn't cover much.


A few minutes earlier…

Ochako was in a daze. The last thing she remembered was being stabbed in the chest and losing consciousness. Then she found herself waking up, and the first thing she noticed, was that she could no longer feel warmth.

Yes, she no longer had any body heat whatsoever.

She also had a feeling of connection towards Izuku, or more specifically, the warmth within him. It felt like a lifeline for her. She felt that if the warmth within Izuku didn't exist, she would be no longer within the realm of the living.

"… Ashen one…?" she heard Izuku mutter under his breath due to how close the two of them were. Izuku was kneeling beside her, while Ochako was lying down on the cold floor.

Under a pool of blood, more presumably, her blood.

This got her panicking. Actually, scratch that, make that hyperventilating. Seeing what was happening, Izuku took it to himself to calm the brunette undead down.

By slapping her in the face.

"Hey! Snap out of it!" Izuku half-yelled towards the shocked brunette. Ochako just stared at the greenete with wide eyes at the way he slapped her to put some sense into her. A few moments later, Ochako visibly calmed down and shakily raised her upper body to get into a sitting position.

"… What h-happened…?" her voice was still shaky due to how surreal this situation was to her.

"Listen to me Ochako, do not panic, unless you want to be slapped again," Izuku warned the brunette. "You're a walking corpse."

"…" Ochako stared at Izuku like he had grown a second head or something, before she deadpanned. "You're pulling m-my leg, right?"

Izuku just gazed at her with a serious and grim face, causing Ochako to reel back in confusion. "Y-you're serious…?"

Izuku nodded in affirmation as he used the Darksign branded on him to show Ochako one of his deepest secrets he refused to show the world. His skin started wrinkling, his eyeballs began to darken, and his body shriveled to a husk.

Once the transformation was complete, Izuku took off his helmet to let Ochako stare in horror at the state of the face of her crush.

"W-wha- B-but… How…?" Ochako was once again panicking, soliciting another slap from Izuku.

"I warned you," Izuku sighed as his normal appearance once took hold over his body. "Anyway, yes, you are a walking corpse, just like me."

"L-like you…?" Ochako asked with unease, and Izuku affirmed her suspicions.

"Let's stop here for a moment. I'll explain later, along with the rest of the class, for now, let's just get back to them," Izuku said as he hefted up Ochako back on her feet. Gaping holes could be seen on her costume, both at the front and back where the huge blade pierced her body.

Realizing that this may set up warning bells, Izuku quickly took a coat from inside his storage and draped it over Ochako, covering up both of the holed.


The trek back towards their class was silent. Surrounding them however, were numerous corpses, all mangled beyond repair. Blood soaked their boots leaving bloody footprints as they walked.

Once they got up the stairs, they were greeted by heroes who just arrived doing everything they can to stabilize the bodies of their classmates. Seeing that his classmates wouldn't survive another minute, Izuku took it upon himself to heal them, calling upon a Miracle to heal his classmates.

To hell with being secretive. Lives were on the line, and Izuku vowed to no longer hold back during situations that may endanger a life. He didn't care if the government dropped a nuke on his head, he would stand back and face it all over again if it meant saving a person. However nonexistent the chance may be for a nuke to drop.

Once the chime and aura of light washed over his classmates, some of their wounds began closing up, garnering the attention of the heroes, as well as the students who were doing their best to stabilize the students. They stared in shock at the iron-wearing student holding some kind of talisman while a few whisps of light traveled around him as it vanished into the air.

"I'll explain later, just… Please… Treat their injuries first before going to questions," Izuku pleaded as he plopped onto his butt, exhausted from the ordeal. It was a long time since he had to go all out, and he was a little bit rusty. Ochako soon followed, the shock of dying washing over her as she stared blankly at the ground.


All Might could be seen surveying the area in the Ruins zone, along with some other heroes for any surviving Villains. The whole place looked like a goddamned warzone! While he was searching though, he heard a sound coming from one of the buildings. When he cautiously entered the building, he saw two of his students holing up in one of the rooms, relief climbing their face when they saw All Might.

"All Might!" the students shouted.

"Young Kirishima, young Bakugou, come on, you're safe now," All Might said with his trademark smile, although faltering due to the gruesome scene back in the plaza. The two of them had frowns on their faces for some reason though.

"… Are they gone…?" Kirishima asked with fear laced in his voice. Bakugou however, was silent, although there was unease building up within his emotions. "Those sword wielding villains…?"

Upon close inspection, All Might noticed the both of them have wounds that resembled one made by a blade. Large ones at that. Thankfully, they were able patch them up before more blood was lost.

"Yes, no more villains will pose a threat," All Might reassured them and both of the students slumped down in relief, yes, that included Bakugou, before fainting from exhaustion. All Might hoisted the two of them up on his shoulders gently as he took them back to the entrance.

'Thankfully, they won't see the gruesome scene in the plaza,' All Might grimly thought to himself as he brought the two of them towards the rest of the class.


Yaoyorozu Momo, Kyoka Jirou, and Kaminari Denki could only say one thing about the recent events in the plaza.


Thankfully, those sword-wielding villains didn't show up in the landslide zone, because if they did, the three of them would have died before the heroes arrived.

"… Am I even ready to be a hero…?" Momo muttered to herself with anxiety while Kaminari paled upon realizing the grave implications of being a hero. Kyoka was deciding whether to drop out and pursue a musical career instead of being a hero, or continue trying to be one.

"H-hey, guys, let's… let's just g-get back to our class… O-okay…?" Kaminari said while trembling in fear. He was now having second thoughts on being a hero. Being a cool hero was worth nothing if he died a horrible death.

"… I agree, come on," Momo agreed while she led the two down the rocky surface, legs trembling in fear and anxiety. Once they reached the bottom, they had to traverse the plaza littered with corpses and an overwhelming amount of blood. The trio unnervingly traversed the area, bodies tensed and their guards all the way up, all the while fear was cranked up to 11.

Kyoka however, had the worst of it. Because of her empowered hearing, she could hear the moans of agony from the still surviving villains in the plaza, further traumatizing her, as well as making her decision to drop out increasingly higher than her will to continue being a hero.

Once they arrived at the top of the stairs, along with the others, the three of them collapsed and drifted into a deep sleep.


Izuku watched as his classmates all dragged themselves back to the top of the stairs, some alone, others with company, and more with heroes carrying them. After they got laid down safely, Izuku got to work, calling upon a Miracle to heal them just enough to make sure they won't die. He still needs to reserve some of his energy since for some reason, miracles use a crap-ton of energy in this world than in Lordran. Probably something to do with the Gods being absent in this world, and the lack of faith.

While the last of his classmates returned, the sounds of sirens alerted the heroes and conscious students inside, and the medics began filing in, stretchers in hand.

What they saw inside made some of them lose their lunch. Sure, they may be used to gore, but not on the scale of battlefields. The stench wafting through the air alone was nauseating enough that it could let any normal person reel back in disgust.

Each of the students were laid on the stretchers and quickly placed inside an ambulance, then sent to the hospital. Izuku was the last one, but seeing that he was mostly fine, he was first questioned by the police in what the hell happened inside.

"Can we hold the questions back for the moment… I'd like to think to myself for a little while…" Izuku said as he entered an ambulance dedicated to him and drove him off to a hospital where it would accommodate the entirety of class 1-A.

While Izuku was busy pondering to himself, most of the students who were conscious to watch Izuku fight was thinking to themselves.

'What the hell is Izuku/Midoriya…?'


Inside a room, a body laid on top of a table. A puffy astronaut suit could be seen on the sides, a huge hole torn in the center on both sides. The body was female, with a huge stab wound in her chest. Some heroes were mourning the loss of the female hero who was an inspiration to rescue heroes alike.

Only until the seemingly female corpse opened their eyes with confusion.


Inside a morgue where bodies of villains were to be placed until it was their turn to be cremated, a large number were secretly stashed, away from public eyes. It was only a moment later when most of the bodies twitched and began moving. Eyes darting everywhere and most of them tensing up for a battle, only to realize that they were actually comrades in the raid earlier.

"… What the hell…?"


Omake #1: What if Game Mechanics transferred as well part 2…

In this timeline, the Abyss Watchers didn't show up and Izuku could be see fighting against Nomu after chopping off Shigaraki's hand. Kurogiri was battling an irate Katsuki for getting the drop on him earlier.

The Nomu lunged and did a huge right swing towards Izuku, who in turn, just rolled towards the attack.

Yes, rolled towards the huge fist that could one-shot him to death and back to the bonfire. However, the huge fist, instead of hitting Izuku, phased through his body.

For a puppet without free will, the Nomu was shocked and confused about what happened. The law of physics stated that when one object with mass collided with another object with mass, the object with higher force would win and push the opposing object away.

But then this happened. It isn't a quirk since the emerald teen had a dimensional quirk. So how could he phase through the Nomu's attack!?

"INVINCIBLTY FRAMES BITCH!" Izuku yelled under his armor as he circled around the Nomu and gave it a backstab. Shigaraki upon seeing this went livid, calling Izuku a hacker, a cheater, and some other derogatory terms.


Omake #2: Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3

Another alternate timeline where Izuku fought against Nomu, Shigaraki, and Kurogiri all at once. Izuku was losing bad, and he needed an escape.

"No escape now scrub! DIE!" Shigaraki yelled as he dashed forward, hands held at the ready. Izuku dodged to the side, but was teleported by Kurogiri back towards the path of Shigaraki's dash.

The Nomu as well dashed forwards, raising a bloodcurling shout. Izuku needed to act fast, and luckily, he spotted his ticket to freedom.

A huge double door which led to the inferno zone beside him. So without further ado, like any Dark Souls Veteran with a brain who was cornered, all Izuku had to do…

WAS RUN! And take advantage of a paranormal activity which rendered him invincible against all attacks.

And that was opening a huge double door. Izuku didn't hesitate and threw his body towards the door and placed both hands on it, slowly pushing and opening the double doors. Shigaraki scoffed in amusement.

"AS IF YOU COULD OUTRUN US!" Shigaraki grabbed ahold of Izuku, only for his hand to phase through. "WHAT THE FU—"

And then got punched by Nomu instead when the Nomu tried to do a haymaker against the defenseless Izuku.

Overhead Izuku, a sign could be seen.

Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3

Door Mechanics


Omake #3: How to Pacifist SHA – The USJ

What you need: Rapport. Ashen Estus Flask. Pyromancy

What you get: None

What you Kill: Shigaraki Tomura

Step 1: Equip pyromancy and Rapport before entering USJ. MAKE SURE TO HAVE PLENTY OF ASHEN ESTUS FLASK CHARGES

Step 2: Enter USJ and wait until cutscene finishes

Step 3: Realize you have been paired with the useless in combat midget and gesture Collapse

Step 4: Wait until boat gets torn in half while said midget yells at you for being useless while frog teen nervously shakes in anxiety and fear

Step 5: Once close to water, Rapport strongest enemy, a.k.a. Shark dude. And watch as he tears every other villain to pieces.

Step 6: Once all villains are dead, Shark dude is left, allow allies, a.k.a. purple midget and frog teen to deal with last villain.

Step 7: Return back to shore and see sleep deprived teacher get busted by huge black mamba.

Step 8: use rapport on the huge black mamba and watch as it maims hand dude.

Step 9: Face the camera and do the dabs (Don't do mods kids)

Congratulations, you have pacified The USJ.

Next up, pacifying Sports Festival…

IAmGuavaFruit IAmGuavaFruit

Sorry for going dark and the incredibly long delay. Internet was cut, school gave me work, and I'm still not done with schoolwork! Anyway, wrote this at 3:00 am, so... Yeah... There might be some typos... And I'm too tired to fix them right now, I just want to get this chapter up and running. I'll proofread this when I wake up.

Also, I did say that I'd end the poll once I drop this chapter... so congratulations for all who voted on Harem... (A lot will probs drop this fic by now...) Anyway, let me clear something, ROMANCE IS NOT THE POINT OF THIS STORY! So Harem tag or not, Romance will not be a major factor. We're here to see how screwed the MHA universe gets when Dark souls element combines with said universe (and then characters huehue) and how they combat against the incoming wave of doom. Also, since Harem won, looks like less character deaths will happen in the future... Lucky readers... I wanted to kill some characters...

P.S. I'm keeping the chappie vague on purpose...

P.P.S. Also, I know I'm being cheap, but can someone please leave one more review to get it to 10? I don't want to do so since I don't want to skew the ratings with my bias XD

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