It was around nine o'clock in the evening in the city of Makati in the Philippines when Dino and his older brother Gian were watching a 100-meter freestyle swimming competition on television in the living room. Their loud voices filled the whole house as both of them cheered for the swimmer they were betting on. The swimming competition was taking place in Norway, so it was afternoon in the timezone of its location. Dino, as usual, had placed his bet on Ivan Sadovsky, a very handsome blue-eyed and blonde-haired Russian swimmer of whom he has been a fan of for about five years already.
"I'm placing my bet on Ivan, Kuya* Gian!" Dino said confidently as he watched the swimmers line up for the upcoming freestyle swimming competition. "I bet he'd win! What about you?"
"Ivan from Russia, right?" Gian asked with a smirk.
"Yeah!" Dino exclaimed confidently with his hands on his waist and his head held high. "He'll win! I'm sure of it!"
"Okay," Gian replied with a smirk and a nod. "Then I'll be placing my bet on Anton of Ukraine!"
"Alright!" Dino burst out in his high voice. "I'll bet five hundred pesos that Ivan will win. What about you, Kuya?"
"Okay! I'll be betting the same amount!" Gian exclaimed cheerfully after thinking for a moment. "Challenge accepted, Dino!"
"Okay! It's a deal then!" Dino said with his index finger pointed at his older brother as if declaring a war.
Gian just nodded in response before looking at the television again and saying, "It starts now."
"Yeah!" Dino answered in an excited voice. "Here they go!"
On the television, all of the swimmers were already bent over as they positioned themselves for the start of the race. A few seconds later, the referee blew the whistle and the swimmers dived into the water before beginning to swim their best and fastest.
Dino and Gian continued on cheering for the respective swimmers they each placed their bet on as the swimmers swam both fast and gracefully.
"Go, go, go, Ivan!" Dino cheered repeatedly with his right fist swinging in the air.
"Go, go, go, Anton!" Gian cheered while tapping loudly on the table.
Dino and Gian continued to cheer loudly as the swimmers named Ivan and Anton were in a close fight - they were ahead of the other swimmers and they were side by side as they swam as fast as they could. Dino could see that neither of them was slowing down, and that they might even get to the goal simultaneously.
[Ivan, come on! Win this!] Dino thought as he watched with his fists clenched tightly and his breathing stopped as he watched the two swimmers reach the goal.
Finally, both Ivan and Anton reached the goal. Ivan won, with the time difference between himself and Anton being only 0.1 seconds.
"Yes!" Dino exclaimed cheerfully and lively with his clenched fists raised in the air. "Ivan won! And that means I won our bet, Kuya Gian!"
"Yeah," Gian replied in a tone that was admitting defeat. "I'll be paying you five hundred pesos then."
"Yay!" Dino exclaimed cheerfully.
Before we proceed, let us describe how Dino looks like.
Dino has a rather attractive face, with his thick black hair styled, tousled and combed neatly and his hair bangs framed his face nicely and neatly. His body was of an average build, and he stood at the height of 175 centimeters (about 5'9"). His smile looked pure, innocent, and beautiful, which would most likely catch the attention of even men and boys. His clear and beautiful brown eyes sparkled with joy whenever he saw something that he liked or loved. His lips were also pinkish, making them look rather kissable. His nose was sharp, and his fair skin was just of the right color, that is, not too pale or too tanned. Overall, he would be described as a cute and pretty boy by girls.
Gian took the yellow five-hundred peso bill from his wallet and handed it over to Dino.
"Here," Gian said with a face that looked rather disappointed as he held the bill between his thumb and index finger.
Dino took the bill from Gian's hand and said, "Yeah! Thank you, Kuya!"
"No problem," Gian replied in a rather awkward tone. "Anyway, I won't be betting again for now."
"Why not?" Dino asked curiously.
"Well...I'm saving up for something," Gian replied while grinning.
"Oh...Okay," Dino answered with an innocent smile. "Yeah. It's best if you won't bet your money on anything for now."
Gian nodded and replied, "Yes, and that's why I'm stopping it now. This ends here."
Dino laughed and answered, "Then I'll remind you about that just in case you forget, Kuya."
Gian grinned and responded, "Sure, Dino. Thanks."
The next morning, Dino waited for his best friend Eric to come out of his house. It was their first day of college, and they will be going to the same university together. Additionally, both of them were marketing majors.
[I wonder how long it's going to take him to get out.] Dino thought before looking at the time on his Android phone.
To his relief, there was still more than one hour left before their first class, and the university was not that far, so they still had plenty of time. Dino looked around as he waited for Eric while also whistling to keep himself from getting bored. Then a beautiful white cat came into his sight. It meowed before rubbing itself against Dino's pants. Dino bent down to pet the cat before stroking and scratching its head gently. Then he noticed that the color of the cat's eyes were different. One of its eyes was gray and the other was blue.
"Wow! You have such beautiful eyes, you cute kitty!" Dino declared while grinning and gazing at the cat's eyes innocently. "I like you!"
[I wonder whose cat this is though.] Dino thought. [If she doesn't have an owner, I'd love to adopt her!]
Then Dino took a stick that he found nearby and used it to play with the cat. The cat responded by scratching and biting the stick playfully. Dino laughed innocently while playing with the cat, making him feel like a kid again.
A few minutes later, Eric came out wearing his casual clothes and his school backpack. Dino saw him and stood up while also holding the white cat gently in his arms.
Before we proceed, let us describe Eric.
Eric stood at the height of 180 centimeters (about 5'11"). His black hair was tousled neatly and his brown eyes shone with excitement. He has a rather attractive face, with the dimples on his cheeks noticeable whenever he smiles. He possessed a more muscular and larger build compared to Dino. He has nice thin lips, and his nose is sharp. Overall, he would be described as a handsome guy by girls.
"Eric! Finally!" Dino exclaimed cheerfully.
"Yeah!" Eric responded with a gentle smile. "Oh, you're holding that cat!"
"Yup! It's so adorable that I can't resist holding it!" Dino answered while stroking the cat's head gently. "Do you know whose cat this is?" Dino inquired curiously.
"Yes," Eric replied with a nod and a smile. "It belongs to Mr. Cartera, although it comes here often in the morning."
"I see," Dino responded. "Since when has it been coming over here?"
"Since last month," Eric answered. "It would play with me before I go to the market in the morning."
"That's great!" Dino blurted out cheerfully. "So it has been playing with you since last month, but you didn't tell me."
"Yeah. I'm sorry for not telling you, Dino," Eric answered apologetically.
"It's okay, Eric," Dino replied while showing his innocent smile.
"Thanks, man," Eric replied in a cheerful tone. "Anyway, shall we go now?" Eric asked while showing his nice smile.
Dino nodded and replied, "Yeah!" Then Dino put the cat down and, while smiling, said, "I'll see you again soon, kitty! Bye bye!"
The cat meowed adorably as Dino stroked its head gently before he and Eric proceeded to head for the university, with the two of them walking quickly side by side.
Definition of Terms
*Kuya - A Tagalog honorific which generally means "older brother". It can also be used when addressing any guy who is a few years older than the speaker.
"So, Dino, did you watch Ivan's freestyle race last night?" Eric asked while grinning as both he and Dino were already near the university.
"Yeah!" Dino exclaimed cheerfully with a nod. "He's awesome as usual, don't you think?"
"Yes, he is," Eric answered with a nod and a grin.
"There's another amazing thing that happened last night," Dino declared with his eyes shining in joy.
"What is it?" Eric interrogated curiously.
"I also won my bet against my brother when I placed my bet on Ivan!" Dino exclaimed cheerfully.
Eric laughed and replied, "Wow! Congrats! So, how much did you win from him?"
"Five hundred pesos," Dino answered with a smirk.
"Wow! That's a big amount, man!" Eric answered in a lively manner. "Congrats again!"
"Thanks!" Dino replied also in a lively manner. "And because of that, I'll treat you to lunch later!"
"Oh, really?!" Eric inquired with his eyes sparkling in happiness and excitement.
"Yeah!" Dino responded with both a nod and an innocent smile.
"Thanks, man! I'm looking forward to it!" Eric replied.
"No problem!" Dino answered before he and Eric did a brotherly fist bump with each other.
Both Dino and Eric have been fans of Ivan for five years. They had first watched him in a swimming competition in Russia, with both of them feeling captivated with Ivan's beautiful swimming style. Since then, they have also been watching Ivan's swimming competitions. They would also watch his interviews and buy magazines that featured him. Moreover, both of them have dreamed of meeting Ivan personally someday.
"Say, Dino, what would you do if we ever get the chance to meet Ivan?" Eric asked once they entered the university grounds.
"Of course I'd be taking lots of pictures with him and get his autograph!" Dino replied cheerfully. "I would even hug him! What about you?"
"Same as what you would do," Eric answered with a gentle grin.
"Glad to know that!" Dino answered in a jolly tone before looking at the time on his Android phone. "Oh, we still have fifteen minutes before our first class!"
"Yeah. Let's hurry," Eric declared before both he and Dino quickly made their way to the classroom.
Eric and Dino managed to make it to the classroom with the professor still not there. When Dino checked the time, there were two minutes left before the start of the class.
"Thank goodness we made it just on time," Dino declared while sighing in relief.
"Yeah," Eric responded while also letting out a sigh of relief. "Let's go and find seats for ourselves."
"Yeah, let's go!" Dino replied before both he and Eric proceeded to find seats.
After taking their lunch at the canteen, Dino browsed through his Facebook Newsfeed and saw a news article entitled 'Ivan Sadovsky Will Come to the Philippines Next Week'. The title itself was more than enough to spark his interest so he tapped on the link to read it.
[No way! Is this for real?!] Dino thought in excitement before proceeding to read the article.
Dino became much more excited after reading the contents of the whole news article so he decided to tell Eric, who was seated across the table in front of the former, about it.
"Eric, you won't believe what I'll tell you!" Dino exclaimed in excitement.
"What is it, man?" Eric inquired curiously.
Dino showed the news article and answered, "Look at this! Ivan is coming to the Philippines next week!"
"Really?!" Eric blurted out in excitement while also beginning to read the same news article. "No way!"
"Yes way!" Dino answered cheerfully. "We'll finally get the chance to meet him!"
Eric read the news article carefully and said, "Yeah. Aside from the training, he'll be having a fan meeting and autograph signing too as mentioned here. We'll have our chance by then!"
"This unbelievable!" Dino exclaimed with his fists clenched and his eyes sparkling in excitement. "I never imagined that this chance would come!"
"Me either!" Eric replied. "Let's go there then, man!"
"Yeah! We're definitely going to meet him and get his autograph!" Dino exclaimed in excitement before bumping fists with Eric.
"Looking forward to that, man!" Eric exclaimed in a lively manner.
A week later, while he and Eric were in the university canteen taking their time to rest after eating, Dino saw a news article on his Facebook Newsfeed, in which it was reported that Ivan had finally arrived in the Philippines. This made Dino feel even more excited so he tapped on the link to read it.
In the news article, it was mentioned that Ivan Sadovsky had arrived in the Philippines around 11:00AM, and that he will be having a fan meeting and autograph signing session in a mall on Wednesday.
[Wow! So it's this Wednesday!] Dino though in excitement.
"Hey, Eric!" Dino called in an excited tone.
"Yes? What is it, Dino?" Eric asked curiously as he temporarily put his Android phone down on the table.
"Let's go meet Ivan this Wednesday!" Dino declared excitedly. "He will be having an autograph signing session this Wednesday!"
"Really? Let's go there then!" Eric responded in a jolly and excited tone. "But what time will it be?"
"It's at 6:00PM," Dino replied with a smirk. "And it will be in Greenbelt."
"That's great!" Eric exclaimed merrily. "We've got plenty of time to get to that event after our class!"
"Yeah!" Dino answered excitedly. "Oh, I can't wait to meet him!"
"Same here!" Eric blurted out with his eyes shining in excitement. "Let's take lots of pictures with him!"
"You're right! Let's do it!" Dino answered while smiling innocently.
The next day, Dino and Eric were already on their way home when the former remembered to buy some groceries that his mother asked him to buy.
[Oh, right. I need to buy something.] Dino thought.
"Eric, I'll be buying something, so just go on home without me," Dino declared.
"I can join you if you want me to," Eric answered while smiling in a friendly way.
"No, it's okay," Dino replied with an innocent grin. "It will take me some time since I'll be buying some groceries."
"Okay then," Eric replied. "I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye!" Eric declared while waving his hand as he walked farther and farther away from Dino.
"Bye! See you tomorrow!" Dino answered while waving back at Eric.
[I have to go to the comfort room first.] Dino thought as he quickly made his way to the nearest comfort room.
A few minutes later, Dino arrived at the comfort room. He had just closed the door of the men's comfort room when another man suddenly came in and slammed the door. Curious about why the man suddenly closed the door, Dino turned around and saw that the man was like pushing the door back.
The man was taller than Dino and possessed blonde hair. He was standing at a height of 190 centimeters, and his hair was long enough to reach the middle of his nape. He was wearing a cap, a striped T-shirt, and a pair of casual shorts.
[This guy isn't a Filipino.] Dino thought before approaching the guy carefully from behind.
"Excuse me, sir, what's wrong?" Dino asked curiously.
The blonde-haired man turned around, and Dino saw his familiar handsome face. To his utter amazement, Dino knew who it was.
"Ivan?!" Dino asked after gasping in amazement.
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