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4.08% The King of Fate / Stats Auxiliary Chapter, Spoilers up to Chapter 46

Stats Auxiliary Chapter, Spoilers up to Chapter 46

These are the complete Stats of All Ryo's servants, Except Scáthach and Achilles, because i showed those in the stats Chapter, Make sure to see it !


Name: Merlin

Race: Incubus/Human

Age: ***

Gender: Male

AKA: The Magus of Flower, Pervert, Supreme Minister of Babylon

Classes: Caster (Grand Caster "Qualification)

Attribute: Earth

Alignments: Lawful-Good (Biggest Lie in history right here!)

Traits: Humanoid, Male, Servant, Teacher of Hope

World Rank: Great Hero 88%/ Demon King 52% (Demon God "When using Illusion Magic")

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: C+

Endurance: D+

Agility: A

Magic: SSS

Mana Reserve: S

Luck: S+ (E when close to Qiness or Artoria)

Noble Phantasms: SSS

Soul Energy: S

Body Energy: C

Divine Energy: D

Divine Endurance: E+

Active Skills: Dreamlike Charisma S+ — Illusion SSS— Hero/King Creation SSS— Eye of Truth EX

Eye of Truth EX: Even Illusions from the God of Magic can be seen through

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance A — Magic Nullification D — Territory Creation A — Item Construction A — Master Saber SSS — the Knowledge of the Impure Demon — Mixed Blood — Illusionist EX— High-Speed Incantation — Divinity E

The Knowledge of the Impure Demon: with it the user can tell if someone is pure in heart or not

Noble Phantasm:

Garden of Avalon C+ [Anti-Unit (Army)]

Tower of Avalon EX [Anti-Unit (Self)]

Garden of Babylon A+ [Anti-Army]



Name: Rama

Race: God/Human Avatar

Age: ***

Gender: Male

AKA: Vishnu's Seventh Avatar, General of Babylon, Tom Boy

Classes: Saber, Lancer, Archer, (Grand Archer "Qualification")

Attribute: Heaven

Alignments: Lawful-Good

Traits: Divine, Humanoid, King, Male, Riding, Servant, Brynhildr's Beloved

World Rank: Supreme Hero 18%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: A+ (A+++)

Endurance: D (B)

Agility: S (S++)

Magic: B (B++)

Mana Reserve: D (B)

Luck: C (B+)

Noble Phantasms: SS

Soul Energy: B (B++)

Body Energy: A (A++)

Divine Energy: A+ (A+++)

Divine Endurance: S+ (S+++)

Active Skills: Vishnu's Charisma B+— King of Martial Arts SS — Battle Continuation S "Heal"— Rakshasa Slayer S — Human Slayer C+ — Vishnu's Eye EX "E" (Only when Meditating using Dharma) — Vishnu's Manifestation E++

Battle Continuation S "Heal": Instead of the usual ability to fight longer, the user can heal himself and others instead!

Rakshasa Slayer S: 100% Damage against Demonic Enemies

Human Slayer C+: 40% Damage against Human Enemies

Vishnu's Eye EX "E": The Eyes of The God that sees beyond the universe, Due to the User being below God Level, he can only use it when meditating and its powers are considerably lowered

Vishnu's Manifestation E++: The Ability to Manifest Lord God Vishnu and to take trials from him

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance A — Magic Nullification D— Riding A++ — Divinity SS— Master Saber B+ — Lancer C+ — Supreme Archer A+++ — Vishnu's Avatar EX— Time Acceleration B "Heal"

Vishnu's Avatar: The Avatar of the God Vishnu and one of the most Famous Lords of India, Rama Gains +2 to all his Stat Ranks

Time Acceleration "Heal": The Ability to Accelerate time to Heal wounds, Only possible when there are injuries that require it

Noble Phantasm:

Brahamastra A+ [Anti-Demon] [Anti-Army]

Vishnu Bhuja A [Anti-Unit] [Anti-Army]

Salunga EX [Anti-World] [Anti-Unit]



Name: Ushiwakamaru

Race: Human

Age: ***

Gender: Female

AKA: Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Ryouto's Faithfull One

Classes: Rider, Assassin, Avenger

Attribute: Man

Alignments: Chaotic-Neutral

Traits: Brynhildr's Beloved, Female, Genji, Humanoid, Riding, Servant, Ryouto's Retainer

World Rank: Hero 95%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: D+++

Endurance: D

Agility: S+

Magic: C

Mana Reserve: E

Luck: A+

Noble Phantasms: A+

Soul Energy: B

Body Energy: SS

Divine Energy: D

Divine Endurance: B+

Active Skills: Charisma B+— Tengu's Art of War S — Battle Continuation B — Genji Slayer S — Art of the Swallow B — Animal Dialogue B+ — Six secret Arts of War "Thunder and Gale" — Heavenly Child of Kurama A+ — Ushiwakamaru Never Dies "Ryouto" EX

Genji Slayer: Grants 100% Damage against hidden enemies, or enemies with a Genki Trait or title

Heavenly Child of Kurama A+: Protection Given to Ushiwakamaru from Kurama, A kin to a father's protection to his daughter, Grants 70% Damage resistances against attack with natural elements infused in them or from natural elements

Ushiwakamaru Never Dies "Ryouto" EX: A peculiar skill given to Ushiwakamaru due to her insane loyalty to her master and lord Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan, the user can never die as long as their loyalty to their lord remains and as long as the lord is behind her and safe

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance A — Magic Nullification B— Riding A++ — Divinity E— Master Saber A+— Kurama's Mark A+++

Kurama's Mark: a Mark that she is the Child of Kurama, and one day that Mark will change her to her true nature

Noble Phantasm:

Azamaru "All Things Must Pass -To Flourish is To Fall" S [Anti-Unit "Secret technique"]

Tengu's Feather Fan: Sudden Gale C+ [Anti-Army]

Wandering Tales of Shana-oh A++ [Anti-Unit]



Name: Okita Souji

Race: Human

Age: ***

Gender: Female

AKA: Okita, Pink Saber

Classes: Saber, Assassin

Attribute: Man

Alignments: True Neutral

Traits: Female, Humanoid, Riding, Servant, Ryouto's Retainer

World Rank: Great Hero 25%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: C+

Endurance: C

Agility: S+++

Magic: B

Mana Reserve: B+

Luck: A+

Noble Phantasms: A++

Soul Energy: B

Body Energy: SS+

Divine Energy: B

Divine Endurance: C+

Active Skills: Charisma D+—Extreme Focus A+ — Battle Continuation B+ — Eye Of the Mind (False) A+ —Arts of War "Shinsengumi" — Reduced Earth B A+ — Captain of the Shinsengumi SSS— Esteemed Assassin A+

Extreme Focus A+: Due to years of her Suffering from Weak Constitution, Okita Souji was healed and Gained this skill, Grants her Extreme Focusing for period of time, grants her the ability to see ahead of her enemy's moves, almost like future prediction, but visualized

Captain of the Shinsengumi SSS: it is a Charisma Skill Specifically for members of the Shinsengumi

Esteemed Assassin A+: although she is an esteemed Captain and General, she is still a Deadly Assassin, Strengthen the Presence concealment Skill

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance D — Magic Nullification E— Riding B — Divinity E+ — Presence Concealment B (SSS)

Divinity: Although she has no prior relation to divine beings, just simply being exposed to Ryo she has gained a Divinity

Noble Phantasm:

Lightless, Three-Stage Thrust - [Anti-Unit "Mystic Sword"]

Coat of Oaths C [Anti-Unit "Self"]

Flag of Sincerity B+ [Anti-Army]



Name: Vritra

Race: Asura/True Dragon [Dragon 50%/Serpent 25%/Demon 25%]

Age: ***

Gender: Female

AKA: King of Asura, Demon Goddess, World Dragon, Doting Guardian

Classes: Lancer, Caster, Rider, Berserker [Grand Berserker "Qualification"], Avenger

Attribute: Heaven

Alignments: Neutral-Evil

Traits: Demonic, Demonic Beast Servants, Dragon, Humanoid, Servant, Guardian of Babylon

World Rank: Demon Goddess, Supreme Hero 41%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: S+++

Endurance: EX

Agility: S

Magic: EX

Mana Reserve: SS++

Luck: S

Noble Phantasms: EX

Soul Energy: SS+

Body Energy: SSS

Divine Energy: EX

Divine Endurance: EX

Active Skills: The Vajra That Penetrated EX — Fated Enemy of God EX — Eternal Immortal Demon EX —Torturer "Crimes against Children" EX

Torturer "Crimes against Children" EX: Deals 10000% that tortures the enemy, to anyone who ever hurt a child in her Presence

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance A — Magic Nullification B— Riding EX — Divinity SSS — Dragon Kind EX —Dragon Core EX—Dragon Magic S++—Lightning Immunity EX— Magic Queen SS

Noble Phantasm:

Asurashreshtha [Anti-World "True"] (Locked)



Name: Sita

Race: Daughter of Earth (Parent less Human)

Age: ***

Gender: Female

AKA: Wife of Rama, Archers' Captain "Babylon"

Classes: Archer

Attribute: Heaven

Alignments: Lawful-Good

Traits: Divine, Humanoid, Queen, Female, Servant, Brynhildr's Beloved, Earth's Beloved

World Rank: Hero 41%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: D++

Endurance: B

Agility: S

Magic: B

Mana Reserve: C++

Luck: SS

Noble Phantasms: B+

Soul Energy: B

Body Energy: SSS

Divine Energy: C

Divine Endurance: B

Active Skills: Jewel of the Earth S— Pilgrimage in Agni Pariksha B — Battle Continuation SS —Rama's Beloved SSS

Jewel of the Earth S: Born from the Earth, and loved by it, Grants 50% increase in parameters as long as she is on the earth's land

Pilgrimage in Agni Pariksha B: She can endure Fire for years on end, Grants 80% Fire Resistance

Rama's Beloved SSS: Ranks up all stats by 3 when fighting with her Husband Rama

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance A — Magic Nullification C— Divinity S —Earth Affinity EX—Divine Core of the Goddess C — Eye of the loved one SSS

Eye of the loved one: She and he beloved can share visions of what they see as long as they give permission

Noble Phantasm:

Haradhanu Janaka [Anti-Unit] [Anti-Army]



Name: Artoria Pendragon

Race: Human/Dragon [Demi-Dragon]

Age: ***

Gender: Female

AKA: King Of Knights, Queen of Babylon, Owner of the Holy Sword

Classes: Saber [Grand Saber "Qualification"]

Attribute: Earth

Alignments: Lawful-Good

Traits: Dragon, Female, Humanoid, Queen, Riding, , Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish, Ryouto's Queen

World Rank: Supreme Hero 42%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: A++

Endurance: A

Agility: A

Magic: A+

Mana Reserve: C

Luck: B+

Noble Phantasms: A++ "SSS"

Soul Energy: SS

Body Energy: SS

Divine Energy: SSS

Divine Endurance: C

Active Skills: Charisma A— Mana Burst A++ — Instinct S —Radiant Road SS — Dragon Reactor Core A — Red Dragon's Descendant

Radiant Road SS: The Shining Path that the King walk, it's the ability to always gain advantage when making a decision, essentially he user most likely will always chose the correct path

Dragon Reactor Core A: The Powers of a Dragon runs throughout the user, The ability to distribute mana around the body in a faster manner, Doubles the user's power, However be wary, the Instincts of a Dragon are Wild if you overuse them

Red Dragon's Descendant: Blessed By the Red Dragon, The user is fated to one day Rule over them, Increase Power against Dragon enemies by 50%, Further Increase Power Against Fire Dragon enemies by 100%, Further Increase Damage Against Sub Dragon species "Wyverns…" by 150%

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance S+ — Magic Nullification B+— Divinity E —Dragon Kind E+—Dragon Magic C — Riding B+ —Battle Continuation B

Noble Phantasm:

Avalon SSS [Barrier]

Invisible Air C [Anti-Unit]

Excalibur A++ "SSS" [Anti-Fortress] [Anti-World "Protection"]



Name: Semiramis

Race: Human

Age: ***

Gender: Female

AKA: Empress of Assyria, Wise Queen of Assyria, World's Oldest Poisoner

Classes: Assassin, Caster

Attribute: Earth

Alignments: Lawful-Evil

Traits: Divine, Female, Humanoid, Queen, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish, Ryouto's Queen

World Rank: Demon Empress 11%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: E+

Endurance: D

Agility: D

Magic: SS

Mana Reserve: SSS

Luck: SS

Noble Phantasms: SS

Soul Energy: S

Body Energy: S

Divine Energy: SSS

Divine Endurance: E

Active Skills: Familiars A+— Magic Queen B — Poison Maker S — Charisma A+ — Ryouto's Beloved "Self" — Beast Summoning Magic "Poison" A+++

Familiars A+: The Ability to summon multiple familiars to spy or do mundane tasks for you, at this Rank the user can summon 52 Familiar at the same time

Ryouto's beloved "Self": Due to her believe that she is Ryo's most beloved woman, she gains Double damage to all Ryouto's enemies

Beast Summoning Magic "Poison" A+++: The user can Summon Phantasmal Beasts from all around the worlds, However, the beast must be lower than A+++ rank in Power and must have relation to Poison

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance SS — Magic Nullification B— Divinity B —Territory Creation EX—Item Construction B — High-Speed Incantation

Noble Phantasm:

Hanging Gardens of Babylon SSS [Anti-World]

Sikera Ušum A+ [Anti-Army]



Name: Medusa

Race: Gorgon

Age: ***

Gender: Female

AKA: Gorgon, Liberian of Babylon

Classes: Rider, Lancer, Avenger

Attribute: Earth

Alignments: Chaotic-Good

Traits: Divine, Female, Humanoid, Riding, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish

World Rank: Great Hero 41%, Demon Noble 45%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: B+ [SS]

Endurance: B+ [SS]

Agility: B+

Magic: C+++

Mana Reserve: A+

Luck: E

Noble Phantasms: A+

Soul Energy: S

Body Energy: S

Divine Energy: S

Divine Endurance: S

Active Skills: Mystic Eyes S— Monstrous Strength S — Sentiments for the Beyond SS — Ephemeral Sisters S —Demonic Mutation A+ — Scream of Fear A++

Sentiments for the Beyond SS: Due to her Love for her sister, she never loses the hope of ever finding them, as long as this emotion prevails, she cannot be affected using charming or Mind controlling attack

Ephemeral Sisters S: The Gorgon sister where known to charm the heart of man and woman alike, has the ability to charm enemies if the mystic eyes didn't work

Demonic Mutation A+: The Demonic Mutation she goes through when she turns into a full Gorgon, Ranks up Attack and Defense

Scream of Fear A++: Roar of the True Gorgon, when she is in her full form, her roar inflicts fear in her enemies, Grants 50% damage against enemies who are afraid of her

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance B — Magic Nullification D— Divinity C —Riding A+— Goddess' Essence A — Wrath of the Gorgon SSS

Wrath of the Gorgon SSS: Grants 500% Damage when an Ally Dies

Noble Phantasm:

Blood Fort Andromeda B [Anti-Army]

Caress of the Medusa B [Anti-Unit]

Bellerophon A+ [Anti-Army]

Pandemonium Cetus A+ [Anti-Army]



Name: Artoria Alter Pendragon

Race: Human/Dragon [Demi-Dragon]

Age: ***

Gender: Female

AKA: King of Knights, Owner of the Holy Dark Sword, Dark-Tainted Tyrant

Classes: Saber

Attribute: Man

Alignments: Lawful-Evil

Traits: Dragon, Female, Humanoid, Queen, Riding, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish

World Rank: Supreme Hero 42%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: A++

Endurance: A

Agility: A

Magic: A+

Mana Reserve: C

Luck: B+

Noble Phantasms: A++

Soul Energy: S

Body Energy: S

Divine Energy: SSS

Divine Endurance: C

Active Skills: Charisma A— Mana Burst A++ — Instinct S —Twilight Star A— Dragon Reactor Core A — Black Dragon's Descendant

Twilight Star A: The Star that Fallen from Grace, Gains 50% Damage against Evil enemies

Black Dragon's Descendant: Blessed By the Black Dragon, The user is fated to one day Rule over them in fear, Increase Power against Dragon enemies by 50%, Further Increase Power Against Tyrant Dragon enemies by 100%, Further Increase Damage Against Sub Dragon species "Wyverns…" by 200%

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance S+ — Magic Nullification B+— Divinity E —Dragon Kind E+—Dragon Magic C — Riding B+ —Battle Continuation B

Noble Phantasm:

Excalibur Morgan A++ [Anti-Fortress] [Anti-Army]



Name: Zhuge Liang

Race: Human

Age: ***

Gender: Male

AKA: Waver Velvet, Lord El- Melloi II

Classes: Caster

Attribute: Man

Alignments: Neutral-Good

Traits: Brynhildr's Beloved, Humanoid, Male, Pseudo-Servant, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish

World Rank: Demon Lord 72%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: D

Endurance: D

Agility: D

Magic: A+

Mana Reserve: B+

Luck: SS+

Noble Phantasms: S+

Soul Energy: B

Body Energy: C+

Divine Energy: B

Divine Endurance: E

Active Skills: Charisma B— Command of the Strategist A++— Advice of the Strategist S+—Discerning Eye SS

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance B — Magic Nullification E+—Territory creation A+—Item Construction — Riding E+ — Magic General — Spell Maker D

Noble Phantasm:

Unreturning Formation C [Anti-Army]

Chu Shi Biao SSS [Anti-Army "Self"]



Name: Heracles

Race: Demi-God

Age: ***

Gender: Male

AKA: The Immortal Great Hero, Raging Destroyer

Classes: Berserker

Attribute: Heaven

Alignments: Chaotic-Good [Due to Ryouto]

Traits: Divine, Male, Humanoid, Greek Hero, Weak to Enuma Elish, Guidance of the Demon King

World Rank: Supreme Hero 12%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: SSS

Endurance: SSS [A+ Without God-Hand]

Agility: A

Magic: A+

Mana Reserve: B

Luck: B+

Noble Phantasms: SS

Soul Energy: S

Body Energy: SS

Divine Energy: S

Divine Endurance: S

Active Skills: Valor SSS— Eye of The Mind "False" A+— Battle Continuation SS+— indomitable A+

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance B — Magic Nullification C+—Madness Enhancement B+—Divinity SS — Raging Hero of Protection SSS

Raging Hero of Protection SSS: Gains 500% Damage Against an Enemy that attacks Illya or Ryouto

Noble Phantasm:

Nine Lives E-A++ [Unknown]

God Hand SSS [Anti-Unit "Self"]



Name: Honda Tadakatsu

Race: Demi-God

Age: ***

Gender: Male

AKA: Heavenly King of Tokugawa, General Honda "Babylon"

Classes: Saber, Lancer, Rider

Attribute: Man

Alignments: True Neutral

Traits: Brynhildr's Beloved, Male, Humanoid, Weak to Enuma Elish, Heavenly King of Tokugawa

World Rank: Supreme Hero 92%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: S++

Endurance: A+++

Agility: A++

Magic: C

Mana Reserve: E

Luck: B+

Noble Phantasms: SS

Soul Energy: D

Body Energy: S

Divine Energy: E

Divine Endurance: B

Active Skills: Valor SSS— Eye of the Mind "True" A+— Battle Continuation SSS— Military Tactics A —Disengage B+ —Lightning Conqueror SS

Lightning Conqueror SS: Immunity to Lightning below the Rank SS, Grants Lightning Affinity

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance A — Magic Nullification B+—Pride Warrior of the Stag Helmet SSS— Man Slayer A — Lightning Affinity S

Pride Warrior of The Stag Helmet SSS: Gain a Mental Immunity and Gain Double damage against enemies, when announcing your name before battle, and wearing the Stag Helmet

Man Slayer A: Gain 50% Damage against Human Enemies

Lightning Affinity S: Although the user is not a mage, nor does he have any connection to magic, His ability to control lighting is said to be equal to high ranking mages

Noble Phantasm:

Tonbokiri: The Dragonfly Cutter A+ [Anti-Unit]

Furious Lightning: Devil Spear S [Anti-Army] [Anti-Self]

He who surpassed Death SSS [Anti-Self]



Name: Leonardo Da Vinci

Race: Human

Age: ***

Gender: Female

AKA: Universal Genius, Da-Chan

Classes: Caster, Rider

Attribute: Star

Alignments: Chaotic-Good

Traits: Female, Humanoid, Riding, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish, Babylon's Resident Genius

World Rank: Demon Empress 42%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: E

Endurance: D

Agility: C

Magic: SS+

Mana Reserve: SSS

Luck: S+

Noble Phantasms: SSS

Soul Energy: SSS

Body Energy: SSS

Divine Energy: SSS

Divine Endurance: C

Active Skills: Charisma of The Genius S— Golden Rule "Body" SSS— Natural Born Genius SSS— Pioneer of the Stars SSS

Natural Born Genius: is a Skill that shows one who has unparalleled natural knowledge. Allows the use of most Skills, excluding those inherent to the body such as "Divinity" or ones unique

Pioneer of the Stars SSS: is the unique Skill given to heroes that became turning points in human history, all difficult voyages and challenges which are considered "impossible" turn into "events that can be realized"

Golden Rule "Body" SSS: is a Skill that denotes the possession of a natural and perfect goddess-like body, preserving beauty

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance A+ — Magic Nullification D+—Overhaul B+—Divinity E — Territory Creation SS— Item Creation SS—Riding B

Overhaul B+: The ability to overwork one's self, she can work for days, and if it wasn't a battle, her mana most likely would never Run out, at maximum Rank, the user has unlimited energy

Noble Phantasm:

The One Who Transcends Boundaries B+ [Anti-Unit "Self and Others"]

Uomo Universale SSS [Anti-Army] [Anti-Unit]



Name: Enkidu

Race: Divine Construct

Age: ***

Gender: Female

AKA: Chains of Heaven

Classes: Lancer, Berserker

Attribute: Heaven

Alignments: True Neutral

Traits: Divine, Female, Humanoid, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish, Weapon

World Rank: Supreme Hero 07%/Demon King 71%

Physical and Magic Stats:

Strength: S

Endurance: S

Agility: S

Magic: S

Mana Reserve: SSS

Luck: A+

Noble Phantasms: SSS

Soul Energy: SSS

Body Energy: SSS

Divine Energy: SSS

Divine Endurance: SSS

Active Skills: Perfect Form SSS— Eye of the Mind "True" A+— Battle Continuation SSS— Presence Detection SS— Discerning Eye S — Animal Dialogue EX —Transfiguration "Chains of Heaven"

Perfect Form SSS: As long as the user has mana flowing through their body, they shall not Die, be sickened or be affected by anything ill wise,

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance S — Magic Nullification C+—Madness Enhancement EX "-"—Divinity SSS — Chains of Heaven EX

Chains of Heaven EX:

Any entity with a Divinity Rank above S will never be able to Break from the chains of heaven

Any entity with a Divinity Rank above B and lower than S will never be able to Break from the chains of heaven as long as his or her strength is Lower than S+

Any Entity with a Divinity Rank above E and lower than B will never be able to break from the chains of heaven as long as his or her strength is lower than B+

Noble Phantasm:

Age of Babylon E-SS+++ [Anti-Unit] [Anti-Army]

Enuma Elish SSS [Anti-Crown] [Anti-Beast]

Enkidu the Chains of heaven SSS [Anti-Divine]


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