Asabanor snapped back from his thoughts, and he was incredibly curious when he heard Xiao Lin's voice because within the corridor of time and space, other than time and space, nothing else could be transmitted, including sound. When he saw the energy around himself and Xiao Lin, he was no longer surprised.
Even though Xiao Lin could not change the sands of time and space like a god, he could still do something as simple as summoning up energy bundles to allow for sound to be transmitted. That was an ability only restricted to close distance, and even Xiao Lin could do nothing about it if the distance was too far. Of course, this power that he could manage was already very impressive.
"It's good that you understand how to do it. Then, I won't have to waste too much spit. Looking at you, you won't be able to maintain this state for much longer. You should hurry up!" Asabanor looked at Xiao Lin as he urged him on.
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